Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 3, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Mar 26 2018


Well one of the things that I really like about Buffalo State in our Fashion

Department is the fact that we've been immersed in technology for over 15 years

and we've really grown the department based on the future of the fashion

industry and where we can go from here. The students get to learn hands-on

working with special equipment that's industry specific you just kind

of dive into many different avenues of fashion from merchandising from

designing from CAD illustration from styling being able to see actual

garments and physically handle garments see how they were made it's like super

satisfying when you create a pattern and then everything lines up when you sew it

I really like seeing how my visions come to life. Students have the opportunity to

be involved in the department from the time they're freshman on. We encourage

everyone to make garments for our annual runway fashion show. It's the culmination

of your entire time. It's a real-world learning experience. It sets them up for

the level of professionalism that we want to have them leave Buffalo State

with. We had a special opportunity last year where we visited Vietnam. We got to

immerse ourselves in the culture , network on a global level, and our students

really got a good taste of what it's going to be like working for the fashion

industry and really making their mark. You know I feel like when you're a

student you're not jaded by the world right your creativity is not is not

jaded so what we see is just this absolute, like you know, awesome

creativity and almost like this journey. We have state of the art labs with

state-of-the-art equipment so they're prepared when they go out into the

industry. They're all working together towards this common goal. There's no limits.

I love that part.

Having someone be the woman or being the person that they wish to be just by

putting on a simple garment. It's pretty rad!


For more infomation >> Fashion and Textile Technology at Buffalo State - Duration: 2:22.


Cajuns win in walk-off fashion over Troy 4-3 - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Cajuns win in walk-off fashion over Troy 4-3 - Duration: 2:18.


Dog Carrier Fashion Pets Handbag - Duration: 3:10.

Pet Products

For more infomation >> Dog Carrier Fashion Pets Handbag - Duration: 3:10.


Blowing the Cover Off of Fashion and TV: French Journalist Lauren Bastide - Duration: 13:59.

- She's a smiley blonde,

she doesn't look too dangerous.

Well, I'm really radical, guys.


Be careful!


I worked for 10 years at ELLE,

and I was really, really into fashion

in a little immature way.

I would go to Zara every day.

It took me some time to realize the system was not okay.

The fast fashion system, to begin with.

When the factory collapsed in Dhaka, in Bangladesh,

I think it was more than one thousand workers,

mainly women, were killed in this.

I think we all kind of knew how it worked,

we were all aware that those clothes were made

by people in the south hemisphere and that they

were really badly paid, but this event, I think,

made it all very concrete and very real.

Since then I've never bought any fast fashion.

But in general also, I...

I got a bit angry

with the fashion industry.

Even the luxury, the whole thing,

and the way it works with the press.

And I realized how little freedom

we had towards the advertisers.

You know, when I started working at ELLE,

I remember sometimes my chief would send me

an email on behalf of the advertisers,

then a few years later, the advertising section

would directly send an email to me,

like, my chief was not even in the process anymore.

And at the end, I received the email directly

from the advertisers, which is like, not okay.

One day I got a phone call from Louis Vuitton

telling me: "But, darling, what did you do?

Our picture is more than the Chanel picture!

And I remind you, in this magazine we

have five pages of advertising,

and Chanel has only three, so I'm gonna

call your boss and tell your boss

I'm really unhappy with you.

And I was like " know what?

I'm a journalist, I don't care,

that's not my job.

I'm not here to do advertising for Louis Vuitton,

I'm here to cover the news.

The thing that made me go "okay, you know what?

I'm leaving from here."

I had to cover this trial about a young

boy who had been killed by the police

and at nine at night, the minute we were

supposed to send the pages, suddenly my boss

arrives with a furry key chain from Fendi

and she was like

"Oh look, there is this key chain from Fendi,

we really have to put it somewhere in your pages!"

And she was like: "Oh, you know what? We're gonna

put it there on the full page."

So I had to say fuck to my young journalist,

to the trial, to everything that was meaningful to me

in this story, to put a stupid Fendi furry keychain.

And the ultimate humiliation was I had to write

three lines being like "oh Karl Lagerfeld is so cool", like,


At some point you have to listen to your guts, I guess.

And my guts told me to get out of there.

- Can you talk about what assumptions you think

people make about you when they first see you?

- I remember when I was a teenager, everybody was like:

"Are you a model? Do you want to be a model?"

'Cause I'm this tall, blonde, supposedly pretty girl.

And it was flattering, but then, well, no,

I want to be president!


A writer, a lawyer, I don't want to be a model!

But being told "you could be a model"

was the ultimate thing and the ultimate power position

for a woman in society was becoming a model.

- So how did that affect your personal relationships?

- I really had quite an active sexual life.

I was the kind of girl you could hook up with

in the club and be like: "oh my God,

there is sadness in your eyes."

And basically everybody has sadness in their eyes,

so, but I would fall for it and say: "Oh my God,

he can say that I'm just not a dumb blonde."

I had this offer to be on a TV Show.

I'm not really proud of this feeling,

but I felt it was really cool to do something that visible,

that well paid, that prestigious,

but it was a nightmare!


This whole advertising capitalist thing we were describing

earlier when I was talking about Elle

in Television is even worse.

Misogyny on Television? Is like,


it's unbearable.

As soon as I arrived there, I said "Okay, I know

how to dress ethical labels, emerging designers,

I'm gonna wear only jackets, shirts, and T-Shirts.

I will never wear a dress. I'm not wearing

too much makeup, and I don't want my hair done ever.

I had a comment from one of the producers saying:

"You know, on TV it always looks better

to have a..."

How do you say?

- Cleavage

- Yeah, "a cleavage"

- Mhm

- "Cleavages look so good on television, you should try it."

And I was like: "Nope! Bye!"


Women just don't speak on television.

If I talk for one minute, it was like:

"Wow! Oh my God! I said so much!"

When I had something to say, I was like:

"I'm gonna say it tonight"

and they were like:

"No, sorry hun, we don't have time."

I was a very, very bad, actually, television journalist.

I was bad.

I mean, I was supposed to do something

to switch to another personality and I cannot,

I just cannot do this. I cannot wear something

that doesn't look like me, I cannot talk

in a way that's not me, I cannot say something

I don't mean, I really cannot do this.

And television is this.

- Do you think that you were chosen in the first place

because you looked the part?

- Of course! Of course!

They didn't listen to me.

That happens to me all the time.

- They didn't get what they thought they were gonna get.

- Exactly.

- Do you have fears or anxieties around

not having that stable corporation behind you?

How has that been? That transition?

- Hmmm...

I'm really not scared at all about this.

I'm lucky because I have a family that can back me up,

I have been really well paid for many years

so I've got some money, I have diplomas,

I am a healthy white girl from Paris. I mean,

I will never be unemployed, I will always find something.

I'm not scared, I'm not insecure about this

material aspect which is such a privilege.

I am totally aware of this.

- Can you talk about any areas in your life

where you feel shame?

- I think there is also something about

the woman condition that is always shameful.

Everything that's around our sexuality,

our periods, our giving birth, our making love,

is shameful.

Giving birth is such a nightmare

and it's not possible to say it.

It was horrible.


- Tell the story about what happened.

- I mean, I'm not really comfortable with

telling the whole thing, but...


- It helps other people, though.

- Yeah, that's true.

- Because by your being uncomfortable,

you're being ashamed.

- Yes, you're right.

- (laughter)

- I was huge.

I was a whale.


I took, like, 28 Kilos

- Where you fine with that?

- Yeah.


No, not really.


It was summer, it was so hot.

No at the end it was...

it was not nice.

No, I hated being pregnant, actually.

I hated not being able to smoke,

not being able to drink. Oh my God, I was so horny.

So horny.

And this is something you're supposed to be ashamed of, too.

- Mhm.

- Okay that's...that's the shame part


Watching video on YouPorn, which I had never done before.

I was like: "What's wrong with me?"


but anyways, I was pregnant, so...

So yeah.

But I really was also wanting to get

my body back as soon as I could.

I wanted the baby to come out really quick

and not breastfeed, I was really wanting to

share the responsibility of the kid with my husband.

From the minute I had a baby in my stomach

like, this is gonna be a 50/50 job,

I'm not gonna be the kind of mom who's like,

has a baby wrapped around her body for two years.

So many people told me: "Why? Poor baby!

It's horrible, oh my God! Bad mom!"

And I remember feeling shame also on my own.

I have an image of my baby being really really young

and smoking a cigarette like this in my pajamas

and seeing the baby crying on the little thing,

behind the window, and be like:

"You're such a bad mom."

- Yeah.

- "I need a cigarette! I don't care!"

And I really feel like ashamed of me.

And recently my kid, who is now five and a half,

he told me: "Mom, you are the best mom in the world."

And I was like: "Oh my God, that's so cute

to tell me this, why are you telling me this?"

"Because your job is so cool!"

- Aw

- And I was like: "Oh, thanks!"


And he's proud of me for what I do.


- What do you love and what do you dislike

the most about French culture?

- We are the country who cut the King's head

and I'm so proud of this!


Liberté, égalité, fraternité...

Awesome, don't change a word!

I also love French lifestyle, I think we got it right.

The fact of sitting around a table and eat

and drink wine, I mean every single life

should revolve around this concept of sitting

together and sharing a meal.

Bad, bad, bad...

There is this universalism in France

that makes it really hard to question some issues.

On the American identity ID, you have the ethnicity, right?

- Mhm

- It says if you're Caucasian,

Asian American, African American.

Well, in France that would be like, ugh.

- So you don't ever fill that out?

- No, it's forbidden by the law.

- Because?

- Because we're all equal.

There is no men and women, we are all equal.

There is no black and white, we are all equal.

And, well, no we're not.

I mean, women are getting less paid and

black men are being killed by the policemen,

so, no, we are not equal.

There is no statistics because that would never,

we never count people,

- You never check it off.

- You never check it off so we don't know,

so there is absolutely no way to prove

that they are being discriminated against.

But it's impossible to say this in France.

It's impossible to say the word "race" in France.

When you say "race" in an anti-racist meaning,

they call you racist.

- So when do you feel the most vulnerable?

- Thinking about my childhood and my teenage years

is not okay yet.

I was not a very happy little girl.


But I don't know why, I mean, I haven't explored it yet.

I don't know what was wrong, I just knew that...

I had the feeling I was from another planet.

And I'm not ready to explore this at all.

That's why every time I start to see a shrink,


after three meetings I'm like "uh uh uh,

I'm not going through this."

I don't know, it's weird.

Look at me, I'm crying.

- What do you think you're afraid of?

- (sighs)

I don't know.

I didn't want to go into this what I'm gonna say right now,

but it just..


I had a sister and she died.


And, um...

I'm not comfortable with the years she was alive.

I don't want to go there.

It's too hard.


Yeah. It's OK?

- Perfect. You can just put it on the ground.

Can you talk about why being in your body,

in your skin, in your journey,

why it's a good place to be?

- I really like being me, and I really like

that I found a way to share what I feel

and what I know, and what I know is that

every single life, every single experience

has to be listened to, has to be emphasized,

has to be celebrated.

And we should stop considering humanity

as a mob, that's what I know and that's

what I share and I'm so, so happy to be able to do this.

- That was so beautiful.

For more infomation >> Blowing the Cover Off of Fashion and TV: French Journalist Lauren Bastide - Duration: 13:59.


15 Women's Fashion Trends That Guys Don't Get - Duration: 18:43.

15 Women's Fashion Trends That Guys Don't Get

Women love staying on top of fashion trends. We like to be sure we're keeping up with the times and want to look like our favorite celebrities and models.

But while ladies are constantly updating their wardrobes to match the fashion magazines, many men are not so on board with this idea. Guys are simple creatures.

They like women to look their best in classic, well-fitting clothes. That is why a lot of men have no clue what is going on in the women's fashion world.

They just don't care! As long as you look nice, they don't care if you are wearing a trend from now or last season.

So if you are a girl who wears these 15 things, that could be why you are single! Whether they find the trends ugly, impractical, or too over the top, most men wouldn't be flat out rude and say they hate your outfit.

Keep reading to learn about 15 of the hottest fashion trends women wear that men can't stand!.


Tops that reveal your shoulders, often called cold shoulder tops if they have cut-outs, are a major trend these days.

But lots of men (and women too!) hate this look immensely.

Lots of haters of the cold shoulder trend hate these tops for their impracticality.

When your date tries to hug you and you can't lift your arms, you look like a goof.

What kind of weather is that style even good for? Stick to either a tank top or full sleeves on your next date and you'll be fine, girls.


Many women like to wear bows in their hair for both casual and dressy occasions.

They add more visual interest than a regular old headband or clip, plus they give your outfit a soft and feminine look.

If you are addicted to hair bows, try to update your look with other, more adult hair accessories.

They still look pretty without being confusing or making anyone uncomfortable.


Crop tops are perhaps one of the most divisive fashion trends for women today.

Both men and women argue over whether they are sexy or just plain trashy.

Because guys are very practical with their clothing, they also think that paying full price for what they consider to be half a shirt makes no sense.


In recent years, contouring has taken the makeup world by storm.

Make up your mind, guys! This has become such a common opinion that there is a meme about taking a girl swimming on the first date so you can see what she really looks like.

So I guess the key is to do such good contour that the guy doesn't even know.


One of the most popular women's fashion trends these days is high-waisted bottoms.

Magazines tell you to tuck your shirt into a high-waisted skirt, shorts, or pants to define your waist.


Many guys claim they like a makeup look that enhances a girl's natural beauty, so any dark or unnatural colors are jarring to them.


Leopard print has had a good run, but it is time for it to die.

At least, that is what many men say.

For some reason, women who wear a lot of animal print do so because they think it looks sexy.

Maybe because it looks like the fur of a wild animal and that is supposed to make you think she is wild in the bedroom? Who knows.


Bold, bright, and colorful lipsticks have recently become all the rage.

Women love to play with different shades and finishes (like matte, glitter, and gloss) in ways that have never been accepted before.

Guys enjoy how makeup looks on you but the idea of having it smeared all over their face or clothes after a make out session is anything but attractive.


In a similar vein, guys can't stand menswear styles on women.

While lots of ladies like to dress in suits because it looks powerful, feels comfortable, and gives them a unique style, men are definitely not attracted to this style.

They like women because they look so different from themselves.


No matter what the reason, shoulder pads were not a good look the first time around and they still aren't today.

Keep it natural, girls!.


For women, maxi skirts and dresses are a dream come true.

They are flowy and comfortable but still look like you got dressed up.

Their light fabric and easy to wear style makes them a staple in lots of women's summer wardrobes.

Plus, they give you a break from shaving your legs without anyone knowing it!


Another recent trend to come into the fashion world is bandeau tops.

They have shown up in the form of swimsuit tops and bras and are everywhere during the summer months.

As a way to show off their cute bandeaus without revealing too much skin, many girls have started wearing tank tops or muscle tees with extra large arm holes, which allows the bandeau to peek out the sides.


Leggings have recently exploded into a major fashion trend for women.

No longer just an item for working out in, these bottoms can be seen on the streets in every color and pattern imaginable.

Their super comfy, stretchy fabric and fun styles make leggings a popular item in almost every woman's closet.


Lots of trends from the '80s and '90s are making their way back into popularity these days.

One of those is big, oversized sweaters for women.

While lots of ladies like these for their comfort, most men hate this trend with a fiery passion.

A baggy sweater can make even the slimmest girl look like she gained 20 pounds.


High heels can look amazingly sexy if worn right.

If they match your outfit and you can walk in them easily, they will make any man stare at you – in a good way.

But crazy high heels are a sure fire way to turn your man off.

First of all, they look like something a stripper would wear.

While a lot of guys like to hit up the strip club now and then, that is not a look any guy wants for his girlfriend or wife.

They also make you walk like a baby giraffe, which just looks cringey.

He doesn't want to worry about you breaking your ankle the whole night! Stick to a more sensible heel or even flats instead so you can walk confidently and look hot too.

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