Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 3, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Mar 26 2018

DoI need to have played any other Mana game to enjoy Secret of Mana?

Secret of Mana is stand-alone, both story-wise and series-wise,

so there's nothing you need to do as a prerequisite to have fun playing it.

I am sure think people who've never played before can enjoy it as well.

However, for those who want to experience and appreciate the changes

there's a smartphone version - in 2D pixel art - of the original game.

If you play through that before playing the remake, it might make experiencing the changes we've made more fun.

Available now

For more infomation >> Secret of Mana Q&A #7 - Do I need to play any other Mana game? - Duration: 0:52.


My English Name; Do I need it? | Random Talk - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> My English Name; Do I need it? | Random Talk - Duration: 4:23.


A Guy And a Girl - "Oh How I Need You" - Duration: 3:22.

Lord I find You in the seeking Lord I find You in the doubt

And to know You is to love You And to know so little else

I need You Oh how I need You (x3)

Lord I find You in the morning Lord I seek You everyday

Let my life be for Your glory Woven in your threads of grace

I need You Oh how I need You (x3)

Light glorious light I will go where You shine

Break the dawn , crack the skies Make the wave right before me

In Your light I will find All I need, all I need is You

Light glorious light I will go where You shine

Break the dawn , crack the skies Make the wave right before me

In Your light I will find All I need, all I need is You

Oh how I need You (x8)

For more infomation >> A Guy And a Girl - "Oh How I Need You" - Duration: 3:22.


I need to stop screaming - Duration: 0:51.

Alright ready






Me laughing





That was funny

For more infomation >> I need to stop screaming - Duration: 0:51.


Special Ed 2: What kind of credential do I need? - Duration: 0:43.

What kind of credential do I need to teach special education?

To teach special education in California, you must have an education specialist instruction

credential. It allows you to teach in the area of specializations listed on the

credential in special day classes, special schools, home and hospital

settings, correctional facilities, non-public schools and agencies, and

resource rooms. To obtain a preliminary education specialist credential you must

have a bachelor's degree or higher, complete an accredited education

specialist credential program, (including student teaching), demonstrate subject

matter competency, meet the basic skills requirement and pass the Rica test.

For more infomation >> Special Ed 2: What kind of credential do I need? - Duration: 0:43.


Survey - Do I Need One When Buying? - Duration: 2:17.

Hello folks, Frank Schaefer III

with Coldwell Banker here to

answer your real estate questions

from the mail bag.

This week's question comes from

David in the great City of Baltimore.

When I look at my estimate of

settlement costs

it shows that I am paying for a survey.

I understand that a survey is used

to verify property boundaries.

Do you really think it is necessary

to pay for a survey if I am buying

a townhouse with practically no yard?

I think it should be pretty obvious

to everyone where the

property's boundaries are.

Okay, good question.

You are correct about the

survey's purpose which is

to verify property location.

And what a surveyor does,

is they take the legal description of the property

which they can acquire

though the public land records

and they create a survey,

which includes a location drawing

of where the property boundaries are,

and where any structures or improvements

may be, like the house, the driveway,

a fence, a shed-

and it will show where those things

are in relation to the boundaries.

It illustrates certain details like,

whose property is that fence actually on,

or is it right on the line?

Are there any setbacks or easements

on the property that would that would

limit your own use of it?

A utility easement is something that

commonly shows up on a survey.

So, is it possible to purchase a home

without having a survey done?

Well sure it is, but it is

probably not wise.

And if you are using a home loan

to purchase, which is usually the case,

your lender or mortgage company will

require a survey to be done before

they will fork over the money.

So even if it's not important to you,

which by the way it should be,

it will be very important to your lender

because the collateral for the loan is,

of course, the house.

So yeah, you pretty much need one.

By the way, a lender is probably just as

concerned with the value of the

collateral as they are with

the creditworthiness of

the or buyer, or borrower.

So they like to verify all

sorts of things about

the specific property that

they're lending on.

Hey, we are just scratching the surface here.

There is a lot to this stuff.

If you have any real estate questions,

you should feel free to reach out to a

knowledgable real estate agent

that you trust.

And if that'd be me,

I would consider it an honor and a privilege.

For more infomation >> Survey - Do I Need One When Buying? - Duration: 2:17.


Breast Cancer Radiation: Will I Need Radiation? - Duration: 10:08.

Want to know if you'll need radiation after your breast cancer surgery? We will

teach you all about it.

Breast cancer radiation plays a very important role in breast cancer

treatment. Unfortunately, when you're diagnosed

you're already dealing with so many other things such as getting a breast

MRI, preparing for surgery or maybe even preparing for chemotherapy. What can

be lost in this fast-paced, very stressful time are discussions about the

indications for breast radiation because your surgical choices and even if you

choose chemotherapy up front before surgery can sometimes affect whether or

not you will need breast radiation. In this lesson I'm going to teach you when

breast radiation is needed after a lumpectomy you will also learn when

radiation is needed after a mastectomy called post mastectomy radiation

therapy (PMRT). it's sometimes important to see a radiation oncologist before surgery

and I'm going to teach you when you need to do them because most of the time you

see them after surgery and I'm also going to share with you a few situations

where you might be able to avoid breast radiation so let's get started. So will I

meet radiation after my breast lumpectomy? Well in the vast majority of

cases the answer is yes when you and your breast surgeon are talking early on

about maybe pursuing a lumpectomy well it's important to note that a lumpectomy

followed by radiation is just as effective as a mastectomy with no

radiation for early-stage breast cancer so sometimes the term breast radiation has not

really brought up in the discussion or discussed at length. The way to think

about it is that when you take out a cancer

out of the breast and you keep the breast there could be a couple of cancer

cells left behind that we don't know about it even though we tell you we got

a well around the cancer and radiation reduces the chance that one of those

cells will grow and the cancer goes back in the breast radiation after lumpectomy

It is invariably needed for younger women it is needed just as equally for

invasive breast cancer and a precancerous condition called DCIS so

when you're planning a lumpectomy you're sort of committing to breast radiation

therapy so it's important to talk to your surgeon so you understand what

radiation is ahead for you. So when is radiation needed after a mastectomy.Well

the short answer is not that often. Post mastectomy radiation therapy (PMRT) is when

radiation is needed after a mastectomy surgery and you could have had

reconstruction or no reconstruction and it's generally performed to lessen the

chance of something growing back on the chest wall and in the reconstruction

when you're at a higher risk for having a recurrence. So most of the time it's

applied to women that have a more advanced cancer when their tumor is very

large or you have inflammatory breast cancer which it's invariably needed. Also

if you're found to have a lot of lymph nodes involved with cancer certainly an

indication but post mastectomy radiation therapy is also helpful in women with

early-stage breast cancer in a few situations. Let's say your surgeon removes

the breast tissue, you do a reconstruction or not but they find under the microscope

after surgery that the cancer is at the edge of the tissue that they removed

well sometimes you need radiation after

surgery to make sure nothing grows back. The take-home point is

that these are very complicated decisions that you must make with your

surgeon and radiation oncologist and sometimes a medical oncologist is involved.

Next I'll tell you how to best make these decisions and I'll also reassure

you that most of the time you will not need post mastectomy radiation therapy.

So when should you consult with a radiation oncologist before surgery

rather than after? Well there's a simple principle that applies to almost

anything. The more someone knows about you the more they can help you. So there

are a few situations where it's a good idea to visit with a radiation

oncologist before surgery, meaning the tumor is taken out, or chemotherapy if

they're gonna have it before surgery, because the tumor shrinks away. A couple

of situations: Inflammatory breast cancer, it is essential for your radiation

oncologist to see the extent of the tumor in your breast, the involvement of

the skin, the size of the lump and evidence of cancer in your lymph nodes. The same

applies for a large tumor in your breast. A big one that you can feel that you're

probably going to have a surgery and there's some concerns that it might

spread to other areas in the area of the chest wall if you have a lot of lymph

nodes involved. That might be a good situation to visit with the radiation

oncologist. So think about it, your radiation oncologist will examine you

look at the size of the tumor look at the skin, look at your imaging,

examine and find out whether you have lymph nodes and also and even more

importantly educate you about radiation and assess your health status to see if

it's something that you can tolerate. If you're unsure that you're interested in

undergoing them a lumpectomy for an early stage breast cancer because you're

worried about radiation and you're trying to decide whether you're gonna

have a mastectomy and avoid radiation or have a lumpectomy followed by radiation

and you're struggling with that decision, make sure to ask your breast surgeon to

make an appointment to visit with their breast radiation oncologist because you

can sit down have a discussion with them to learn more about radiation

and what it means. It may reassure you that radiation is something you want or

it may guide you away from radiation because you will conclude that it's

something that you do not want. So how can I avoid radiation therapy for my

breast cancer? Well your surgical choice most of all affects whether or not you

get radiation therapy. So if you have early stage breast cancer and most

patients do, and you undergo a lumpectomy that's generally followed by radiation

therapy but you can also choose to have a mastectomy it doesn't particularly

make you live longer, or cure cancer more but if you have a mastectomy

in this situation you generally do not need radiation after a mastectomy. So

your surgical choice really brings radiation into your discussions.If you are older, have an advanced age or have a lot of health

issues a lot of times we feel radiation is not needed or does not benefit you

and we can avoid radiation after it if you have a very small favorable

breast cancer or pre-cancer called DCIS then there's some situations where we

can remove the cancer with good margins and avoid radiation, but it is somewhat

controversial and it's worth asking your surgeon if there's a way to avoid

radiation after a lumpectomy. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy, where you get

chemotherapy up front to shrink your tumor and maybe the cancer in the lymph

nodes underneath your arm before surgery sometimes that can take someone that if

they had surgery initially they would need radiation after a mastectomy but if

all the cancer is gone after chemo has killed all the same cells and it's

shrunk away then a patient that would have needed radiation after their

mastectomies after their mastectomy. it's a small subset of people but it's

important to note and it's one of the benefits of neoadjuvant chemotherapy.

Lastly, genomic assays are an involving technology and science that's now being

applied to some patients to help decide if they can avoid radiation, so let me

explain. These genomic tests look a little deeper into your cancer and they

tell us if your cancer is more likely to recur or less likely to recur than what

we know I'll already. And these tests can sometimes identify a patient that is at

a low risk of the cancer growing back in the breast after surgery without

radiation and in these low-risk patients it's reassuring that they might avoid

radiation because the chance of something growing back is already low

and it's hard to make a low number even lower. It's approved in a few situations

and it's an evolving science. It's not applied to many but it's important to

know that this is coming for breast cancer patients in the future.

It is super important for you to learn early on in your breast cancer treatment

journey what role radiation therapy will play for you and along the way learn as

much as you can about radiation so you make the very best breast cancer

treatment decisions for yourself. To learn more about if you will need

breast radiation visit the breast cancer school for patients where we actually

teach you everything you need to know. We're here to help you get the best

possible breast cancer care in your community. Register on our website to get

our list of questions to prepare you for your next doctor visit.

For more infomation >> Breast Cancer Radiation: Will I Need Radiation? - Duration: 10:08.


We Need Each Other - Duration: 3:50.

[♪Woah, Woah♪]

[♪Woah, Woah♪]

I think I caught a glimpse of

A life without friends

Bitter, empty, hollow, dark and lonely

We never meant to hurt each other

So can't we trust again

And take it as a chance

To keep on growing

I don't know why

It doesn't come easy

But I know that

We can be happy

If we'd only learn to Love

Oh, oh we need each other

So what's the fighting for?

Oh, oh we need each other

Please don't close the door!

Oh, oh we need each other

Through all the highs and lows

Oh, oh we need each other

'Cause no one wants to live alone

[Instrumental Break]

*Fixes Glasses*

[Instrumental Break]

Life revolves around the need

Of having someone

Causing every complicated feeling

Oh and I don't want to lose you

And there is nothing wrong with

Telling me what you need

To keep our love strong

It's just a part of being a family

Taking the good with the bad and the ugly

If we could only learn to Love

Oh, oh we need each other

So what's the fighting for?

Oh, oh we need each other

Please don't close the door!

Oh, oh we need each other

Through all the highs and lows

Oh, oh we need each other

And I don't want to be alone!

Oh, oh we need each other

Fathers and Mothers

Oh, oh we need each other

Brothers and sisters

Oh, oh we need each other

Friends and lovers

Oh, oh we need each other

I Need You, You Need Me

We Need [???]

It's Meant To Be

I Need You

We Need Each Other!

Well, I Need You

And You Need Me

And That's The Way It's Meant To Be

I Need You

And I Don't Want To Be Alone

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