Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 9, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Sep 30 2018

- All right, in this video I want to talk to you

about what it really takes to make a living

doing what you love.

And, I'm going to tell you the truth because I've built

three six figure businesses now: one in digital marketing,

one in recruitment, and now one in...I guess you might

want to call it online courses or I don't know

coaching, changing people's lives.

The online education coaching space which is

completely different to anything I've done before.

And, in truth, it's taken me three years to figure out

what I'm about to tell you, so hang tight.

(upbeat music)

Okay, in order to make a living doing what you love

let's start with something really flipping obvious

that people completely disregard.

In order to make a living doing what you love

you need a product or service.

Now, don't click off this video and say,

"Lisa, that's rubbish advice. I knew that."

I want to ask you do you have a product or service

you can sell?

Let's say I find you on Facebook or Instagram

or a see a quote you've shared or I meet you

at an event or a night out and I said, "Wow, I love

"what you're doing, that's exactly what I need.

"What can I buy from you?

"How do I become a customer?

"How do I become a client?"

Do you have a finished product or service that you can sell?

This is the simplest, most important piece of advice

that I even give to 10,000 pound coaching clients.

Sometimes I work with people and they say,

"I'm just not making the sales.

"I'm just not making the money I want to make."

And, I'm like great, "Show me your program."

And, they're like, "Oh, okay well I've kind of got

"this thing going on over here.

"And, I'm refilming this at the minute.

"And, my website is being rebuilt.

"And, I think I've got a Paypal button there."

And I say, "Stop, there's no way you can make a living

"doing what you love before you've finished

"your product or service."

And, this is the second thing I want to tell you

about making a living doing what you love.

It does not need to be perfect.

So many people I meet at events, out and about,

through the online course they want to make a living

doing what they love, but they're waiting.

They're waiting for the better camera equipment.

They're waiting until they've lost weight,

some people tell me that.

They're waiting till they've got more money.

Life and conditions will never be perfect for you

to get what you want.

The key to making a living doing what you love,

second point here, write this one down,

is to put out your first version.

Now, excuse my language there, but you're going to

remember that you've got to put out your first version

because your first version is going to be 10,000 times better

than any version up in people's heads.

Honestly, it doesn't matter what

that first version looks like.

It's not about making thousands the first time.

It's not about quitting your job the first time

you launch a product or service.

It's about becoming the person who can build something

that other people want to buy, or want access to,

or want to join.

So what if you put out your first online course

and you only make five sales.

So what if you put on an event and three people turn up

so you have to invite your mom, your sister,

and her boyfriend to fill out the numbers.

So what, all of the people online who you see

who are making a living doing what they love

once they've been on their journey and they've made it

they will start telling you the truth of how they got there.

Hopefully, what's different about me is I'm tell you

the truth of how I got there whilst I'm on the journey

because I want to share the truth about what it takes.

So, you need a product or service.

It needs to be the first possible version you can put out.

I'm not saying do a job that be okay

and take people's money.

It's not about that.

It's about getting something finished because

you can't make it better until you build something.

So, we're going to talk a bit about that in this video.

How do you get your first product or service together?

How do you get it online?

And, how do you win your first customer so that

you can ultimately scale up and make a living

doing what you love?

(upbeat music)

So, where do you begin?

Well, go back to purpose.

Do you remember in the beginning you were asking,

"What is my purpose? What am I here to do?

"What do I want to change in the world?"

The next question to ask is, "What can I do to make

"a living doing what I love?"

And again, as obvious as that question sounds

have you ever asked yourself the question,

"What can I do to make a living doing what I love?"

And, the answer might come in the form of run an event

and charge 25 pounds for a ticket, build an online course

and upload videos to YouTube and charge 100 pounds

for people to access the videos.

Be creative and the best way to do it is to come

to somewhere like this, this is Ziferblat in Media City,

which I love.

Such cool creative space.

There's so many places to sit and work and get inspired.

Get a big piece of paper on the table and ask,

"What are all the things I can teach people that I enjoy?

"What are all the things I've learned linked to my purpose

"that I can share with people that will help them

"change their lives and whatever it is you're here

"to do in the world?"

So, if I go back to the very beginning for me,

three years ago, I first started asking,

"What can I do to make a living doing what I love?"

And, that is such a different question to

how can I make money.

I could make money in recruitment.

I could make money doing graphic design, building websites.

I could make money in lots of ways.

But, that's never going to make me happy.

What will make you really happy in life and help

bring you into alignment is if you can find a way

to make a living doing what you love.

But, the answer doesn't always come straight away.

You've got to put in the work.

So, what I do is I got a big piece of paper

and thought about, "Well, what have I learned

"on this journey?

"What do I know that I can teach people?"

And, my purpose at the time as I understood it

in the beginning was to empower people.

It was to give them space to be themselves.

And, you can probably see how that's evolved

in Dare to Grow if you've been following this

wider program, this wider movement for a long time.

It's empowering people to explore themselves,

to follow their purpose, follow their passion,

and do what lights them up in the world.

So, I thought, "I can teach people how to uncover

"their purpose 'cause I've done that.

"I could teach people how to change their lives

"because I'm on that journey, I'm getting over depression,

"I'm paying off debt."

I was doing the work I could teach that to people.

And, I knew about the power of vision.

I was learning about the law of attraction.

And, of course, I knew about business

and I knew about marketing.

But, I have to tell you what I've learned about

business and marketing in the last two and a half years

(vocalizes explosion) blows my mind.

It's a world apart from what I was teaching

in the beginning, but that's why the course

has gone up in price, that's why the value's

increased so much.

And, that's why I am where I am because every time

I learn something new I film it, I put it in the course

and I give it to people who've already joined.

So, one of my USPs is when you join the course

you get access to all of the online programs I make.

So, I recently filmed a program on how to vlog,

chucked it in the online course.

Even the people who joined right in the beginning

now get access to that program because that was commitment,

that's my promise.

Join, and when I film something new you're going to get

access to that course.

So, things get better and better over time.

But, I want to tell you this, in the beginning

when I first filmed the online course what it was

was six videos filmed on my iPhone 6.

I had this iPhone 6 and I had this HandyCam

that my mom and dad had got me for Christmas

which I loved.

Nothing like the cameras I've got now.

I think this was about 100 and odd quid,

but wow it had a tripod.

There was a camera. It felt a bit legit.

So, I filmed on that and my iPhone 6 and mapped out

with a piece of paper all these different titles,

all these things I could teach people.

And, I started getting Post-it Notes

and writing ideas down.

And then, I'd move that post it not, group those

themes together, take that one off and put it in the bin.

And, over a few days, over a weekend I realized

I'd mapped out this course.

And the headings were things like, How to Uncover

Your Purpose, How to Change Your Life, The Effect of Vision,

or the Importance of Selling a Compelling Vision

in Your Life, the Compounding Effect.

So, I taught people very specific things.

And, what I did is I said to Alice, "I'm filming today."

We cleared a space in the flat in Manchester,

which is literally 15 minutes from where I'm sat now.

And then, we set a scene so I got a nice chair,

cleared the background.

Sometimes I filmed in front of bookshelves and I picked

the books I wanted on the shelf that represented me,

that told the story, that helped give me credibility,

that I guess people watching would think,

"I've read those books," or "I've heard of those books"

and we'd connect on that.

So you can set the scene when you're filming

or putting on an event or taking a photograph.

Give clues to people as to what you're up to.

And, if you see my Instagram stories or my Instagram feed

at Dare to Grow Uk, if you're not following,

you'll see that I quite often take a picture

of me with a laptop and coffee and a camera

'cause I'm saying to people, "I vlog, I make videos,

"I make content."

And, loads of people who follow me have gone on

to make their own vlogs and join me in the vlogging course.

It's so cool.

So, express yourself on the journey.

So, I literally stood there, phone in a tripod,

this Handycam in a tripod and I filmed these six

videos in the space of a week.

I literally stood there night after night after night

filmed these six videos.

And, what I did is I uploaded them to YouTube.

So, they didn't have any fancy systems.

I couldn't afford any online course platform software.

I was so broke I couldn't afford anything,

but I already had the iPhone and I already had wifi.

But, I want you to ask yourself with all of those things

that are ahead of you, everything you've got to achieve,

everything you've got your heart and mind set on

just take a moment and list down all of the reasons

why you think you might not be able to hit that goal.

And, I know I'm a very positive person and people say

to me all the time, if they something negative, they say,

"Oh, I'm not being negative Lisa."

So, I think people have an allergy to be negative

around me so I'm giving you permission in this one instant

to write down and admit and face all of the things

that you think could be holding you back and stopping you

from hitting that vision.

So, I filmed each video, edited it, uploaded it

to YouTube and instead of hitting publish so that

it was public I put it as unlisted meaning only people

with the link could see it.

And then, this was the fun bit, doing what I'd learned

about Facebook marketing I promoted the course on Facebook

and I spent about 100 pounds on Facebook ads.

And, six people joined the course at 39 pounds.

That's how much it was in the beginning.

I was so happy I couldn't believe it.

I was so excited but I was also terrified that

I'd made this promise to people that I could help you

change your life and now I had to deliver on it.

So, those fears everybody has them in the beginning.

You're doing something you've never done before.

You're making something up.

Like, this course that I've built is made up.

It's all my experiences, my learning,

my teaching, my stories.

There's no mentor I can go to.

There's no teacher, no manager who's going to edit

my work and give me feedback.

The customers will give you the feedback.

The sales will be the feedback.

So, be prepared to go on that journey.

So, when people joined up I literally emailed them

with the link on YouTube and said "this is your 20 minutes

"prep video, watch the video."

And then, I added them all to a Facebook group

only like six people in the beginning, plus me and Alice

to bulk it up, that was eight.

And probably my mom was in there, I don't know.

So, I got these people in a Facebook group.

I said, "Watch the prep video, answer the questions

"in the worksheet."

Which, I literally made on PowerPoint attached it

as a PDF to the email and sent it to everybody individually.

And then, on Sunday eight o'clock, I was so nervous,

I went live on Facebook.

In fact, thinking about it is an emotional memory for me

because that was the first time I really stepped out

other than doing the live events, that was the first time

I was stepping out and building what is now Dare to Grow.

Dare to Grow, the online course.

And, the people I've met on this journey because

I dared two years ago to sit down with a iPhone 6

and a Handycam and film those first six videos.

So, I got everyone to join the live.

I did the live, I was so nervous but it went really well.

At the end of the course once it was finished

I got feedback.

"What can I do better? What did you love about it?

"What didn't you love about it? What can I change?"

And, I launched it again.

And, in the beginning I launched it rapidly every six weeks.

As soon as it had finished I gave myself a couple

of weeks to recover, make some improvements,

launched it again, again a few weeks to recover,

make improvements, and launch it again.

So, over the course of a year the online course

went from version one to version five.

And, the improvement was dramatic and profound.

So, guess what, as I added more value, as I got more

confident, as I got more customers, as my budget

increased for spend, as I added more videos,

more content, more ideas I started to put the price up.

From 39 pounds to 100 pounds, 100 pounds to 200 pounds.

Then, I did a massive jump from 200 pounds to 500 pounds.

And, I jumped again up to 1000 and the course

is now 1,290 pounds to join because it is epic.

It includes a 100 page workbook.

There's 50 training videos.

I'm adding new courses all the time.

Anyone who joins gets lifetime access.

And, each time I do it I'm refilming content.

I just added a course on how to vlog.

That goes in there as well.

There's a two day live event which is going to be here

in Ziferblat in Manchester in Media City.

So, all of that value means I can put the price up.

Plus, I found that as I increased the price the people

who came through the course were so committed,

they were so focused on what they wanted,

they were so engaged in the community.

And, anybody who's in Dare to Grow the online course now

might comment below in these videos, the energy in

the group in this last cohort was off the charts

because people were investing over 1,000 pounds

of their own money, energy, time to uncover their purpose,

change their life, and make a living doing what they love.

So, in this part of the video I just wanted to stress

that you've got to just put out your first version.

It doesn't matter how good or bad it is,

it's about becoming the person who can create something

start to finish and do the best you can

with what you've got.

Don't wait for better equipment.

Don't wait for better weather.

Don't wait till you've lost the weight or whatever it is.

Just do it.

Do the first version and focus, be relentless about

pushing it out, making it better,

pushing it out, making it better.

And, over time one year, two years, three years

you'll look back and you'll be so grateful to the person

who started right here, right now.

(upbeat music)

Can I tell you one more thing before we move onto marketing?

And, I want to share with you a really important model

that I learned for actually marketing a business,

marketing in this new world of social media

what I share with you is going to blow your mind.

But first, I just want to tell you this.

This is one of the biggest things that stops people.

People don't ask people who've done it for advice

and guidance and support.

People go to family and friends who are in jobs

who have never left, never done anything new,

who've been in the same job for five years, 10 years,

who are unhappy with their lives.

They ask them, "What do you think?

"Should I quit my job? Should I launch this program?

"Should I do this video online?"

And, they'll say to you, "No, no, no don't do it.

"It's too risky. You're crazy. You're mad."

What they're doing though is they're not revealing

what they think is possible for you.

They're revealing what they think is possible for them.

So, do not go to people who are not living their dream life,

who've never tried it.

And, ask for advice, it's like going to the couch potato

and asking for advice on how to get fit and healthy.

You wouldn't do it.

So, don't do it in business.

Get around like minded people like the Dare to Grow

community, even the free, open Dare to Grow Facebook page

and the vlogs and the comments and the people

who follow on Instagram.

Get around like minded people who are trying.

Get around people who've done it.

Read and consume and learn and take in as much as you can

from people who've done it.

And, if somebody's giving you advice in your life

and they're not in the arena fighting with you

you have not interest or use for their advice

because they don't know.

So, you're ready, you now enough to get your

first version out there.

You can improve as you go.

You can learn new skills as you go.

The important thing is that you become the person

who has a product or service who can launch it.

Now, on that note I want to teach you a model for marketing

that is going to blow your mind.

(upbeat music)

Okay, welcome back to the studio.

Now, for this final part of the video, this final part

of the training course I'm going to show you that model

I mentioned all the way back in the video

I told you about my story.

This model changed the game for me.

So, I want to share my variation of it.

And, this is the model that took me from 50 pounds

an hour as a coach to making six figures as a coach,

consultant, whatever you want to call it.

So, let me share this model with you now.

(upbeat music)

I only have an orange pen, but it's fine,

it'll do the trick.

Okay, so it's a triangle.

So imagine this, there's four stages to it.

(upbeat music)

If you've got pen and paper in front of you,

notebooks, I would draw this out because

it's a game changer.

This is what all the pros are doing to make a living

whether it's online, selling out courses,

selling events, coaching one-to-one.

This will even work for product sales, okay.

Just think about how to adapt it for whatever

it is you're doing.

Okay, stage one of the model is introduce, okay?

And, this is about introducing yourself

to new people.

And, the best way to do this is with content.

Because, nobody wants to see a video or a promo

or an ad or a leaflet all about your services

and what you do.

They either want to be entertained, informed, or inspired.

And, if you can do that with your audience

this is what's going to happen.

You're going to connect with new people.

So, to connect with people you either need

something like a mailing list for them

to join up with, something like MailChimp,

dead easy to set up.

There's YouTube videos teaching you how to do it.

You could have a Facebook page, a YouTube channel,

Twitter, Instagram, it doesn't matter.

But, there's got to be a platform, there's got to be

a mechanism for them to say, "Oh, I like that.

"I'm not ready to sign up. I'm not ready to message.

"I'm not ready to comment, but let me like the page

"or let me subscribe or let me follow you on Instagram

"just to see what they're up to."

So, the aim of the game is to introduce yourself

to new networks with content that inspires,

informs, or entertains.

Then, you've got to connect with these people.

And, a little trick I have here, this is a little

private behind the scenes trick, okay?

If I share a vlog and my vlogs are the biggest way

I introduce myself to new people.

And, I've shared that in the second.

So, if I share a vlog and I get, I don't know,

50 likes on a vlog I'll go through the likes

and I'll invite each of those people to like the page

because sometimes people like the vlog.

And, I've had people message me a year later

saying, "Oh my God, I've been looking for you.

"I saw one of your vlogs, I liked it.

"I forgot to like the page.

"I'm so glad I found your video again.

"I'm so glad it turned up in my feed."

So, don't be afraid to say to people when you meet them

face-to-face, this is another little trick we do,

so if we meet people face-to-face I go,

"Oh let's connect on Facebook, let's follow each other

"on Instagram," because you meet somebody you hit it off

like on the beach, walking your dog, at a networking event

if you don't connect there and then you're never

going to connect with these people.

So, introduce yourself through content,

always lead with information, okay, inspiration,

or entertaining somebody with content.

Connect with these people.

Facebook, LinkedIn, mailing list, doesn't matter

as long as there's a mechanism.

Next one is a biggie, okay?

The next one is help.

Help people up front.

Honestly, give away your best content.

Like, I've shared with you now these three videos.

These videos have taken me a long time to think about,

to film, been all over the country capturing scenes.

It was like in between my day job, editing them,

sharing them, boosting them on Facebook.

Like, I wanted to get them in front of people

because I want to help people.

Now, here's the crux of it, okay.

At the end of the day Dare to Grow is a business

but that isn't what drives me.

What drives me is the movement, okay?

If I can help people change their lives,

if somebody comes up to me on the street,

which does happen now, and they say, "Oh my god,

"I watched your video at the most perfect time.

"And, thank you, you helped me get out of bed that day."

I'm like, I'll film more it's all worth it.

So, you've got to go in with a help mentality,

not like this, "I'll help you and then you must

"buy my course."

Uh-uh, doesn't work.

You've got to go with a help mentality of

let me help 1,000 people and if 5% of that audience

said, "You know what, I'd like a little bit more," good.

They're good numbers, okay?

So, go out with a mindset of how can I help people,

how can I be of service, how can I help people

have a transformation?

Because, do you remember the phrase?

People won't remember what you told them,

they'll remember how you made them feel.

If you help people and they go about their journey,

and like with me, for example six months later,

a year later you might be stuck.

You might think, "I want to change my life, I need help.

"Who do I know? Oh, I remember."

So, you want to be front of mind for people.

You want to be helping people.

You want to have given away so much value

that when people need your offering, when they need

what you offer in that space they literally couldn't

think of anybody else they'd want to work with because

they've loved your content.

They already know who you are.

You've done the relationship bit of the work, okay.

I'm going to go into this in more detail and show you

how I'm using it in a second.

The next stage is commit.

I can never remember if that's two Ts or one.

I'm going to take a bet on one, okay?

Spelling is not my forte even though I did do

English at Union, but we'll leave that, okay?

So, the next stage is commit.

Now, once you've helped say 100 people, 500 people,

1,000 people you can invite them to work with you.

So, think of all the time that's gone

into building that relationship.

At the end of a funnel, this is a marketing funnel,

at the end of the funnel you can say, "Hey guys,

"do you know what, I'm running an online course.

"It's 50 videos. There's a live event. There's a workbook.

"If you love this and you want to go to the next level

"why don't you join me for the online course.

"It's only X a month," or "these are all

"the benefits you get."

And, a percentage of that audience will go,

"Do you know what, I can't believe what

"I've learned of her already, I'm going in."

And, that is how you market online and in person.

It works for events as well.

So, here's a few little tricks for you okay?

So, this is what I do.

For me, I made a couple of decision for Dare to Grow

really early on.

The first decision I made was, "I do not want to be

"our selling every day.

"It's not my purpose.

"My purpose is to create an empowered environment

"for people to change their lives.

"I want to change the fricking world.

"I don't just want to make money.

"I need the money to sustain my lifestyle,

"to pay for ads, to reach more people so I can change

"more people's lives.

"That's my purpose, that's my mission."

So, that was the first decision I made.

I decided I'm not going to sell every day.

I'm not going to have an evergreen product,

which is open all the time.

I'm going to have a course and it's going to run

twice a year.

So, you've got to think, like I said at the beginning,

what is my product, what is my offering,

how do people join up, how often is it going to run.

And, if you're doing courses like next year

or events or anything or I don't know discovery course,

book 'em in your diary, like book 'em out

and say, "This is when the course opens, it closes,"

whatever just get the details.

And so, that was the first decision I made.

I don't know why I keep looking at this board,

for the answer it's not on there, it's on here.

The second decision I made was I'm going to vlog

nearly every single day.

And, I'm going to give away so much badass content,

so much good, free content up front that inspires,

informs, and entertains that when people think,

"I want to uncover my purpose. I want to change my life.

"I want to make a living doing what I love."

They literally, it's a no brainer, but to come into

the Dare to Grow community and come onto Dare to Grow,

(vocalizes) the online course.

So, they were my decisions.

So I'm putting the work in up front and the reason

this is so powerful is because with the course only running

twice a year people can look forward to it

and they can start budgeting for it.

And, I know that happens 'cause people

message me and tell me.

The other thing is because it's only open twice a year

I do a big push twice a year and then the rest

of the year I just get to add value, grow my network,

introduce myself to new people.

And, I use the money I make from the course launch

and invest it into Facebook ads, which are amazing,

to reach more people, change more people's lives.

It's amazing, like it just blows my mind.

So, I vlog nearly every single day. Now, get this.

When I upload a vlog I take screenshots of the vlog,

I turn them into graphic for Instagram, hashtag them up.

Sometimes I'll write up the vlog.

If it was a good topic I'll write it up as a blog topic.

And now, I even get subtitles added to the vlogs

because I know about 80% of people don't even

watch videos with the sound on, which is mad

'cause the music in the vlogs makes it.

So, that is a killer process for marketing your product

online, works in person as well.

Be of service, introduce yourself to new people

by adding value up front.

When the time is right ask for a commitment,

ask people to work with you.

Make the offering crystal clear, super good.

And then, because people already know who you are,

because you've already given them transformation,

because you did the work like up front, you said,

"Guys, I'm going to give you everything," so when people

come to decide for a course launch for example,

they shouldn't be going, "Who is she?

"Does she know her stuff?"

They should be asking, "Is this right for me, yes or no?

"Is this the right time for me, yes or no?

"What's the best way for me to afford it?"

That's where you want to get people to because

that is how you're going to change people's lives

and change the fricking world.

So, I hope that helped, three videos on how to

uncover your purpose, change your life, make a living

doing what you love.

If you enjoyed these hang tight because I'm going to

send you one more video telling you all about

Dare to Grow, (vocalizes) the online course.

And then, you can decide is this right for me,

and is it right for me right now.

If you've got any questions or comments I'm real,

I'm filming this in my little home studio in Time Out

in the northeast.

I would love to hear what you thought of these videos.

Thank you so much for tuning in.

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For more infomation >> [KICKSTART 4 OF 4] HOW TO MAKE A LIVING DOING WHAT YOU LOVE - Duration: 25:00.


What If The Grim Reaper Was Real? - Duration: 5:41.

The Grim Reaper.

The scythe wielding embodiment of death.

A ghoulish cloaked humanoid walking among the living in order to collect the dead and

take them to the afterlife.

Doesn't sound like a chap I want to party with, although I don't have to because he

simply isn't real.

What if he was, though?

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, the channel that likes to answer

a breadth of queries, from history, politics, science, pop culture and fiction…why?

Because curious minds are strong minds.

I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today I am asking What If The Grim Reaper Was Real?

So before we get into this video I want to remind you that halloween is a coming, hip

hip hurray!

You know what that means – an onslaught of spooky videos!

If you have any suggestions as what you would like to see, why don't you let me know.

Also while you are down there leaving a comment, why don't you guys hit that thumbs up button

and share this video with someone who needs a good spook today.

Alright Grim Reaper, what have you got!

So the concept of the Grim Reaper dates back over many thousands of years and appears in

many hundreds of cultures.

The Egyptians, for example, put a face to death with the jackal headed Anubis – the

God of Death.

The Grim Reaper as we know today is a skeleton wearing a cloak and holding a Scythe, a tool

used by farmers to reap the harvest, much like old Grimmy chap reaps souls.

This version of the reaper was popularized after the Black Death killed off 40-60 percent

of the population of Europe.

At this point bodies were being pilled in the streets or carried by on carts and people

started imagining death walking among them, as in some ways it really was.

Death is the ultimate difficult concept to get our head around – we only know living,

so to imagine something as abstract as death, which seems so final and unfair, is better

comprehended when someone can imagine it as a thing – a character – coming to take

us away.

So we know where he came from and why he was thought up, but none of us have actually ever

seen the Grim Reaper because, well, so far as we are aware, he isn't real.

What if he was?

Well…first thing is first, he would become a lot more visible to us as he would be one

of the busiest guys in the world.

There are around 150 thousand world wide deaths a day… while a larger proportion of these

are in problem areas like third world countries, that is still an unfathomable amount of ground

to cover and souls to reap in 24 hours…without a break!

Unless the Grim Reaper is some kind of tireless time traveller then there must be more than

one of him…which leads to the question of whether or not the Grim Reapers are the agents

of something bigger.

Perhaps people would loiter by the dying waiting to meet the grim reaper to ask him a few questions

before he trots off to wherever he is going with the souls of the dead.


That is another question…where exactly is he going and can non dead people see him?

Would we be able to track him and find the portal to the underworld….If the Grim Reaper

was real then that would mean the afterlife must be real and that is a whole separate

can of worms that I am not sure we have the time or breath for right now.

Suffice to say humans will WANT answers….but would we be prepared to deal with them if

they came.

While we are on some grand theological topics, let's talk about how the Grim Reaper is

often depicted holding a hourglass and he comes for you when, I quote, your time is


If the Grim Reaper was real, would that mean our deaths are already predetermined?

If so, what are the wider implications of that?

If the Grim Reaper is real, does that mean that fate is real?

Does it mean we were all doomed from day one?

So, here is a thought for you – if the Grim Reaper was real, a real guy or walking skeleton…however

you want him…but real…. does that mean that we could cheat him?

Could we cheat death?

I don't know if you have ever played the Sims…but I have …and it is a constant

battle to try and shut the Grim Reaper out… but he comes anyway.

Some people say in the Sims 4 they have managed to stop him….would we humans do the same…obviously

we would!

Businesses would start selling literal death traps… but would they work?

And If we could stop the Grim Reaper, what would that mean for our burgeoning population?

Or would it mean that people are still dead, but their souls stay on earth rather than

being guided to the afterlife.

ARGH…I am back with the questioning again.

Maybe we need one of these death traps to keep him still for a while so we can interrogate


How long til we ask him why the scythe and cloak, mate?

Ooh…do you think the Grim Reaper has a personality?

What do you think his voice sounds like…deep…right…but would he have an accent….does he have a

Mrs Reaper at home…maybe the Grim Reaper is controversially actually a woman anyway…or

maybe death doesn't have a gender?

But like… if it's a skeleton, it must have had a body once, right?

Why is the grim reaper a human skeleton?

Does the human skeleton reap the death of animals or is there be like a little skeletal

fish reaper for dying fish….and a spooky bones only owl reaper for birds?

LISTEN I just have too many questions…

So, what if the Grim Reaper was real?

Well in some ways it IS – The Grim Reaper is the personification of death and of course

death is very much real, we just can't comprehend it.

So guys, what do you think would happen if the Grim Reaper was real and what would you

say to it if you had the misfortune of meeting?

What question would you ask?

Let me know in the comments section down below.

Thanks for tuning in to this episode of Life's Biggest Questions – I am your host Rebecca

Felgate, I'll catch you in the next video but until then stay curious stay alert and

never ever stop questioning!

For more infomation >> What If The Grim Reaper Was Real? - Duration: 5:41.


Woman Who Trapped Flake In Elevator And Screamed At Him Is Exposed – Here's Who She Is - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> Woman Who Trapped Flake In Elevator And Screamed At Him Is Exposed – Here's Who She Is - Duration: 6:14.


WHAT IS SHE HIDING!? Kavanaugh Accuser Has not Turned Over Lie Detector or Therapist Results – - Duration: 3:28.

As the most reliable and balanced news aggregation service in the world, RWN offers the following

information published by The Gateway Pundit Judge Brett Kavanaugh's attorney Beth Wilkinson

went on CUB News on Wednesday morning.

Wilkinson told CBS the lawyers for Dr. Ford have not turned over the results of her lie

detector test or her therapist's notes to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Christine Ford is scheduled to testify under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee

on Thursday morning.

Note the first question by liberal reporter Nora O'Donnell:

Nora O'Donnell: Is the evidence mounting against your client?

Beth Wilkinson: No, I would not say that, Nora.

As you know those are statements that were made relatively recently and sadly this is

an allegation from almost 36 years ago.

And there was at the time no report which is understandable.

But the first time these allegations came to light as far as we know from reading the

reports in the media, Dr. Ford told her therapist and told her husband.

They announced that there were notes and there was a lie detector test but as I understand

it they did not turn any of those over to the senate committee even though they were


So, the information that would have shown what she said at the very first time when

she revealed these allegations have not been turned over to the senate.

Oh my.

Via CBS This Morning and Jack Posobiec:

WATCH: Brett Kavanaugh's attorney Beth Wilkinson tells us that lawyers for Dr. Ford have not

turned over the results of her lie detector test or her therapist's notes to the Senate

Judiciary Committee.

For the record…

Nora O'Donnell was one of more than 60 liberal journalists who was privately meeting with

the Hillary Clinton campaign before the 2016 election

For more infomation >> WHAT IS SHE HIDING!? Kavanaugh Accuser Has not Turned Over Lie Detector or Therapist Results – - Duration: 3:28.


Woman Who Trapped Flake In Elevator And Screamed At Him Is Exposed – Here's Who She Is - Duration: 6:45.

Early yesterday, I got word that Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) was a 'yes' on Kavanaugh.

I celebrated too early.

I should have known on Flake… he really should be a Democrat.

After being cornered by two liberal activists in an elevator, he caved and said he would

only vote for Kavanaugh if the FBI investigated him for a week first.

That's exactly what is happening and it is a huge mistake.

The protesters held the door of the elevator open as a spineless Flake was cornered by

two smaller, albeit more aggressive, women who trapped him there and berated him over


After this went down, people started digging into exactly who these 'protesters' were

that descended on Flake.

One of them works for an organization that takes money from George Soros.


Right behind those protesters were the reporters eagerly lapping up the whole scene.

Gee, it's just as though it were all planned.

Two women stepped forward and displaying a bigger set than Flake has ever had laid into



One of those women is allegedly Ana Maria Archila.

The other is Maria Gallagher.

Both are alleged sexual assault survivors.

Archila allegedly stood in Flake's office and told him her story about being sexually


She went out of her way to remind him of that, stating "On Monday, I stood in your office.

I told you of my story of my sexual assault."

So, they know each other.

Good to note.

Archila went on: "I told it because I recognized in Dr. Ford's story that she is telling

the truth.

What are you doing is allowing someone who actually violated a woman to sit on the Supreme


This is not tolerable.

You have children in your family.

Think about them."

Then Gallagher chimed in: "I was sexually assaulted and nobody believed me.

I didn't tell anyone, and you're telling all women they don't matter."

Gallagher wasn't done ripping Flake a new one either.

When she thought he was turning away from her, she said: "Don't look away from me.

Look at me and tell me that it doesn't matter what happened to me, that you will let people

like that go into the highest court of the land and tell everyone what they can do to

their bodies."

Flake never said any such thing.

I have no love for the only Republican Senator I have ever seen travel with Democrats to

visit Cuba.

But he didn't say that.

She's putting words in the Senator's mouth.

It had the effect they wanted though…

Flake flaked and backed down at least for a week.

"According to the website for Popular Democracy, Archila is the co-executive director of the

liberal advocacy group, which is based in New York.

The group describes itself as a "high-impact national organization that builds organizing

power to transform the local and state policy landscape through deep, long-term partnerships

with leading community-based organizing groups nationwide."

Archila joined the group in September 2013.

"A profile on Archila says that she emigrated to the U.S. from Bogota, Colombia when she

was 17 years old.

An outdated LinkedIn page says that Archila was formerly the co-executive director of

a similar advocacy group, Make the Road New York in Brooklyn.

Archila lives in the Astoria neighborhood of Brooklyn."

I'm sure you won't be surprised in the least that Popular Democracy is funded by

none other than George Soros.

A document found on listed a Soros organization, Open Society Foundations,

as one of their largest donors.

Archila is listed with her name and photograph on the Center For Popular Democracy staff


Soros is mentioned on that page as well.

I should have known Soros would have his minions involved in all this.

"The groups leading a campaign targeting corporations that may benefit from Trump administration

policies have received millions from liberal billionaire George Soros.

"The Center for Popular Democracy (CPD), a New York-based nonprofit consisting of old

chapters of the controversial and now-defunct Association of Community Organizations for

Reform Now (ACORN), and Make the Road New York (MRNY), a group whose 19,000 dues-paying

members are primarily Latino immigrants, have partnered to "name and shame" companies

the groups say are working with Trump or "profiting" from his "anti-immigrant, anti-worker"

platform, Time magazine first reported."

The Free Beacon also stated that: "George Soros is one of the largest funders to the


Soros provided the CPD with $130,000 from the Foundation to Promote Open Society in

2014 and $1,164,500 in 2015.

Soros provided an additional $705,000 from the Open Society Policy Center in 2016."

All of this goes to show that the whole circus was planned out and the attack was coordinated.

But in the end, Flake did not have to fold over one elevator incident.

And it will never be forgotten or forgiven:

"Republican officials sounded off on Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) on Friday after he sided

with the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee in calling for an FBI investigation

into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"He's a pompous a** who has lost his f**king mind," a high-level GOP official told The

Daily Wire on the condition of anonymity.

"The outrage against Flake came after he changed his mind from voting to confirm Kavanaugh

to wanting an FBI investigation completed so that he would "feel better."

"He betrayed the Republican Party and went full-Democrat," the official said, adding

that Flake's decision to call for an FBI investigation was short-sighted because of

how that move puts the vacant Supreme Court seat in jeopardy.

"He did not consider how his actions will affect the America that his grandchildren

will grow up in and whether they will have the same freedoms that we have today.'"

I couldn't have said it any better.

For more infomation >> Woman Who Trapped Flake In Elevator And Screamed At Him Is Exposed – Here's Who She Is - Duration: 6:45.


What is the difference between dry and wet stocktakes - Duration: 2:39.

Today I want to talk about the difference between food stocktaking, sometimes known

as dry stocktaking and wet stocktaking. Let's start with wet stocktaking. Wet

stocktaking is as it suggests, it's all your wet stock,

it's everything that comes through the bar, so it's your spirits, your bottle beers, your

soft drinks, your draft beers, lagers, wine. But we also include in that your bar

snacks, so your chocolate, your crisps, your quavers and all those sort of things.

Where as the food stocktaking... with wet stocktaking we produce

a fully extended report, so it shows line by line what you paid, what you pay

for that at cost price, what your opening position was, what you purchased,

any credits going back, your closing stock, your selling price, your average day

stock holding, your gross profit for that line and your average sales. It then

takes that down through section by section, it summarizes by section, so you'll have a

section for draft beer, bottle beer, minerals, spirits, liqueurs, vamouth,

fortified wine, wine and then snacks. So you can see line by line, item by

item, exactly what money you're making on each item, and how much

you've sold. Whereas food stocktaking we produce a trading account, because you

might buy in 10 kilos of mince and you might use some for lasagne, some

for chile, say. Or you're buying in large jars of pepper, which you are gonna

use a little bit in this dish, a little bit in that dish, so it has to be a trading

account. So what does that mean? Means we count all your stock, we put

all your purchases on, so that we can value that accurately, we take away any

credits you've got. We've got an opening and a closing stock, so we can tell

you exactly what gross profit you've made, because you've given us your income.

It means you can measure, again what you've made, GP wise, against your target,

if there's a variance we can look at that and decide is a buying issue, is a

theft issue, is it a pricing issue. When we sit down with both the wet and

the food at the end of a stocktake and discuss it with you, so you can make

informed decisions in your business to push your business forward.

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