Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 9, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Sep 29 2018

How To Make A Electric Car At Home Out Of Plastic Bottle|Make RC Bottle Car|Powered Car|Diy Projects

For more infomation >> How To Make A Electric Car At Home Out Of Plastic Bottle|Make RC Bottle Car|Powered Car|Diy Projects - Duration: 5:55.


YouTube Growth Tips - Building a Team ( w/ Sean Cannell ) - Duration: 14:43.

For more infomation >> YouTube Growth Tips - Building a Team ( w/ Sean Cannell ) - Duration: 14:43.


How to Build a Great CV #3 - The Personal Profile - Duration: 2:45.

Hi everyone how are you doing hope you've had a really great week so it's

been a couple of weeks since I posted my last video in the series of how to

build a great CV today we're gonna build on the last two videos and we're gonna

talk through should you write a profile on the top of your CV you probably get

loads of conflicting advice around this the answer is absolutely you should

providing you understand its purpose and you write it in the right way so what

are the reasons to write a profile and what is its purpose so its purpose one

it's an executive summary of your brand two it is a list of product specifications

your product specifications and three it's a elevator pitch for you when

you're sat in front of a future hiring manager so let's have a look at an

example and we'll talk through the importance and hopefully we'll illustrate

the importance of a great profile so I'm gonna read off a couple of things here

I've prepared an illustration for you so there's a CEO in the market the

CEO is looking to hire an IT director the business is 250 million pound turnover and

it's vc-backed it's operating in the manufacturing sector they require an IT

director to build and transform the team develop an IT strategy consolidate

multiple ERP systems improve the efficiency of the Service Desk operation

implement an efficient project management governance framework and

lead CRM replacement projects across the organization so I've made up a

fictitious candidate there are two profiles of the same candidate but

profiles written in two very different ways so profile number one proven IT

leadership forward-looking and results focused can demonstrate a capability of

implementing technology that has tangible business benefit manage large

IT budgets with strong communication skills profile two an IT

director with experience of working on boards reporting in to the CEO and across

various forms of ownership including PE and VC backed organizations led IT

functions across 100 to 400 million turnover organizations across

manufacturing distribution and logistics sectors particular experience in

restructuring and organizing effective technology functions developing IT

strategy implementing complex ERP and CRM systems across multiple locations

improving operational efficiencies through outsourcing implementing project

management frameworks profile two exactly the same candidate so you can see in the

second profile we've really focused on getting out there the specifications the

product specifications of that candidate and that talks directly to what the

future buyer is looking for so hopefully that demonstrates to you

the importance of a profile and a good way and a bad way of writing it I

hope that helps you in your job search get in touch if you need any more help

have a great week

For more infomation >> How to Build a Great CV #3 - The Personal Profile - Duration: 2:45.


Pragmatic Talk episode 1 - Things to consider when building a Voice app - Duration: 4:30.

Hey everyone and welcome back to another episode of Pragmatic Talk

I'm Scot and I'm Susan

and today we're going to be talking about what it makes sense to actually use voice

Voice has become a really hot topic these days and it seems like everyone is rolling out either an Alexa skill

or has some hot new voice app that they want their users to check out

Where does voice originate from?

So voice actually is not nearly as shiny and new

as people want to think it is it actually has a very humble beginning.

And what is that?

That is the it's interactive voice response.

If you think of the automated phone tellers that you deal with

That's actually what they came from and their origins were to make it easier for people to do things

without needing a live person

So it's very interesting to know that this brand-new fancy object that's sitting in my house

actually is a glorified phone tree

So with that being said, when does it make sense to consider creating a voice skill or a voice app?

When it makes sense

is when you go back to what it's for.

Does it make something easier?

Does it make it faster?

There are actually some tests that have shown that in order to order a pizza off of a voice app

It actually takes more inputs and efforts than it does if you were texting or if you just called.

That's when you have to rethink whether or not voice makes sense. Sure it's exciting.

Sure It's something that oh does everyone have one.

But if it's not going to ultimately benefit the user it's not gonna have the staying power

Because maybe the novelty will be there but the users won't still use it.

In fact you can you actually see that with Alexa skills

When you look at the retention numbers and which ones are being used. It's the most useful ones.

It's the ones that have been put together the most thoughtfully it's not every single one being used

It might get used once or twice but then

Usage just drops off significantly

Because if it's not valuable to a user

they're not going to keep using it

I just saw a stat yesterday that something like

70% of apps on a phone

Are only used for about a week and then after that people stop using them

So really we're talking about the same exact thing here

you want to go through and make sure that what you create actually has some longevity

so you actually get an ROI and so that you're providing your audience with value

beyond just being able to interact with your brand

Absolutely, and so

Just like as it came to having everything needed a mobile app. It didn't always make sense

The same is going to apply to voice. And where does that put us?

That puts us right back to a user first approach.

What are the important tasks and can I make them easier to reduce friction?

It isn't about making it easier for my customer service representative

It isn't about making it so that I can data mine.

It's about making lives easier. Making tasks easier to accomplish.

Well and ultimately I think if you make it easier for your audience to engage

if you make their tasks easier to complete,

it is gonna benefit you and the organization.


So, you know you can get some of that data

But you can't put that as the primary reason why you're doing something

You want to make sure that your primary reason is to provide value to your audience

and then learn from what they're using.

Learn how they're interacting with it.

Get that customer service information that you're looking for

Potentially use it to save money on customer service.

Provide better service

But again, it has to be in the context of

providing value to your audience.

Absolutely. If voice is something that is going to be a natural extension

of the tasks that they want to do and they could be made easier say

ordering something or getting some retrieving some information or

If conversational language is going to enhance their experience,

absolutely, it makes sense.

But, if you're not going to be providing any of those additional things

and you're actually going to make things more difficult

because of a gimmick then it's best to just pause

and wait for there to be a different technology that makes sense.

Thanks for joining us a Pragmatic Talk and

be sure if you want to hear any additional information,

you can check out our podcast

Our podcast is available at or on your favorite listening platforms.

You can also get our daily flash briefing off of your Amazon devices by simply saying

Hey Alexa, Open Pragmatic Talk

And coming soon to Google Home as well.

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