Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 9, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Sep 27 2018

hi I'm faster eft practitioner Kim brown glad you could join me today have you

ever had the TV or the music or some other incessant noise that was so loud

you couldn't hear yourself think clearly that can produce confusion anxiety anger

and any other form of stress and it can even occur when that noise is all in

your head the accusations the doubt the fear can be so loud you can't hear

anything else what do you do when you don't know what to do because you can't

think clearly I turned down the volume and the volume control is at my

fingertips I tap when my husband died I had people offer advice give me loads

of verbal information and even though I knew they all meant well for me it was

just like listening to the adults in a Charlie Brown cartoon wank wank wank

wank too much too soon so I'm mentally tapped I am safe I am

safe I am safe I've had many decisions to

make over the past eight months but one in particular has been very troublesome

I couldn't think clearly I didn't know what to do when I asked for information

I did not understand what was being told to me and this particular decision had

some very powerful negative programs attached to it and they were loud they

were relentless they were vicious so I tapped but I did not receive my answer

instantly what I did experience instantly was peace the peace that I

have become so familiar with these past six years of tapping and that peace gave

me the confident assurance that I would receive the answer and it helped me to

remember that though I wasn't sure what it was yet changes were occurring and

four weeks ago I woke up one morning clearly hearing the first part of the

answer to my decision and as I experienced the peace and the joy that

that gave me the second part of that answer came to me as I used tapping to

quiet and calm the noise I could hear that still small voice speaking wisdom

and love to me and giving me the strength to now confidently carry out

that decision so I encourage you when the noise in your head gets so deafening

you don't know what to do because you can't think clearly tap and you can do

as I did in the beginning simply tap I am safe I am safe I am safe

I am safe or you can say that noise and all the memories beliefs and emotions it

triggers I let it go I let it all go it's safe to let it go

squeeze your wrist take a deep breath let it out and say peace and go to your

happy place be in it and experience it notice how it feels and remember from

our last video here you can tap as if you already have it so again you can tap

I am safe I am safe I am safe I am safe or you can say the answers always come

to me easily and effortlessly I always choose what's best for me and it's safe

for me to do so squeeze your wrist take a deep breath

let it out and say peace the most amazing experience you will ever have is

the experience of changing your mind consider giving yourself permission to

do so you really are worth it thanks for watching this video and remember no

matter what you've experienced in the past today is a new day see you next



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