Man from banned Middle Eastern nation tried to enter the US when Trump took
immediate action CNN won't report this president Donald Trump's critics were
shocked when they saw what happened as a band Muslim was granted a visa to enter
the United State the man is an Iranian who was granted a US visa to visit
America in hopes to donate bone marrow to his brother who is suffering from
blood cancer this is a very rare waiver that people get but there was a much
deeper issue at hand and president Trump saw it and took care of it there might
be restrictions on travel from multiple countries that bar people entering the
United States but something much bigger than a travel restriction was at stake
here the Iranian man is kami are Hashimi and he was determined to be a 100% match
for a bone-marrow transplant that could save his brother's life who has blood
cancer when someone's life is at stake and there's a chance to save them then
it's good to know that the Americans responsible for making a decision have
allowed the travel so the bone marrow transfer can be conducted and hopefully
save the man's brother the hill reported more about the temporary travel visas
submitted to the traveling Muslim men an Iranian man has been granted a US visa
allowing him to travel to the country in hopes to donating bone marrow to his
brother reuters reported Friday that came er Hashimi an Iranian citizen had
been granted a rare waiver to president Trump's travel ban which bars people
from Iran and seven other countries from coming to the US Hashimi had applied for
the visa at the US consulate in Yerevan Armenia in February after discovering
that he was a 100% match for a bone marrow transplant that could save the
life of his brother a US citizen who has blood cancer
initially the State Department's website showed that Hashim ease visa application
had been refused but the man's lawyer Massa Ken Bobby told Reuters that she
received a call on Thursday that Hashimi had been granted a waiver to the travel
ban and that he should make arrangements to pick up the visa in Armenia it's
unfortunate that so much effort had to go into getting just one clearly urgent
visa approved Ken Bob I told Reuters there are thousands of people stuck also
with urgent cases with no idea what is happening
travel ban which bars most people from Chad Iran Libya Somalia Syria Yemen
North Korea and Venezuela from coming to the u.s. was allowed to go into effect
in December after months of legal challenges according to Reuters the
State Department has approved 375 waivers to the ban though it is not
clear how many people applied in total president Trump has many leftist critics
who claim he is racist homophobic and many other words ending in OBE andest
President Trump just made a huge point that hammers home the nail in the head
of the Democrats as he proves that he will go against his own travel
restrictions if there's a very good reason Trump lost a brother and he knows
what it's like to lose someone that might be close to him Trump probably
admires that this man is willing to donate his bone marrow to help save his
brother and there's not much reason to deny a visa that could potentially save
a life
For more infomation >> Man From Banned Middle Eastern Nation Tried To Enter The US When Trump Took IMMEDIATE Action - Duration: 3:27. -------------------------------------------
US Rosary Coast to Coast - Duration: 3:07.
We are at war, ladies and gentlemen The bloodless battle effects us all
Whether you choose to fight... or you capitulate...
no man is exempt, no woman excused.
Few recognize the stakes, let alone are trained for combat,
but make no mistake the cost of being a casualty devastating.
The fight has now come full force.
What was once done in darkness is now celebrated in the light.
Even in Holy Mother Church, confusion, anger, division, and error have taken root--ravaging
the Spotless Bride of Christ!
Where before we were blinded, God's Unfathomable Mercy is opening hearts; opening minds; opening
the eyes of people of Faith.
Throughout the world men and women have been moved by only what can be discerned as a "clarion
call of the Holy Spirit"--to engage in SPIRITUAL WARFARE through prayer, fasting and sacrifice!
Ordinary men and women have joined forces along with their priests and bishops, physically
surrounding their nations in active prayer.
Our Lady's "clarion call"--a call once trumpeted at Quito, La Salette, Fatima, Tre Fontane
and Akita--is upon us!
We, the United States, share the conviction now seen and acted upon in the International
Community: First, as a "spark" from Poland, then in Ireland and the British Isles, to
enter fully into the spiritual warfare we are now facing--and to pray for our respective
nations at this watershed moment in history!
We are being called upon to help turn our country back towards God!
We must acknowledge, as a people, that we have turned away from God; we've allowed the
kingdom of Satan to enter in and assault us!
We must confess our errors, turn away from the darkness and repair what we as a Church
and as a Nation, have wrought!
We will accomplish this through prayer that can change hearts, change families, change
our communities, change our Country and change the world.
St. Padre Pio and St Maximilian Kolbe both agree--there is no stronger weapon in this
spiritual battle, than the Rosary.
We hear the "clarion call" of the Holy Spirit, through the Immaculata, and each of us sound
the reply in the face of the battle around us:
For more infomation >> US Rosary Coast to Coast - Duration: 3:07. -------------------------------------------
US Drone Strike in Libya Kills Top al-Qaida Recruiter - Duration: 0:55.
For more infomation >> US Drone Strike in Libya Kills Top al-Qaida Recruiter - Duration: 0:55. -------------------------------------------
CNN 10 - March 31, 2018 | Legal Developments Concerning a U.S. Immigration Order | CNN Student News - Duration: 10:01.
For more infomation >> CNN 10 - March 31, 2018 | Legal Developments Concerning a U.S. Immigration Order | CNN Student News - Duration: 10:01. -------------------------------------------
380 Sheriffs in 40 States Just Issued Orders to Congress on Behalf of Pres. Trump - Duration: 3:10.
380 Sheriffs in 40 States Just Issued Orders to Congress on Behalf of Pres. Trump
Is Donald Trump alone in his push to "build the wall?"
His opponents say yes, and portray him as racist and bigoted for pushing this issue.
An announcement from a major group, however, makes it clear that the president isn't
the only one who believes the southern wall is important — and the people who are urging
Congress to secure the border know a few things about law enforcement.
Earlier this month, a stunning 380 sheriffs from 40 different states signed a joint letter
calling on lawmakers to fund the U.S.-Mexico wall and finally secure America's borders.
"Without border security and immigration reform, more Americans will continue to be
victims of crime.
Now is the time to act," declared the letter, which was drafted by the National Sheriffs'
That group is one of the largest law enforcement associations in the country, and is made up
of over 20,000 members, 3,000 of whom serve as sheriffs.
"As elected Sheriffs, we have taken an oath to do everything in our power to keep our
citizens and legal residents, our communities, and our nation safe," the letter stated.
"Year after year, we have been warning the Federal government about detrimental increases
in transnational drug trafficking, gang violence, sex trafficking, murder, and other escalating
incidents of crime by illegal aliens entering our country," continued the law enforcement
Those officers called out Washington lawmakers for failing to act, and putting the American
people at risk.
"Because Congress has failed to enact the necessary reforms, our citizens and legal
residents face even greater dangers, our national security is more vulnerable, and our enforcement
efforts have been seriously compromised," the 380 sheriffs jointly stated.
Senators and representatives weren't the only ones scolded by the sheriffs.
Liberal "sanctuary city" policies, such as the ones becoming widespread on the west
coast, were also pointed to as a source of problems for American citizens.
"These sanctuary policies, including the laws California enacted, directly undermine
and limit cooperation and collaboration between local, state and federal law enforcement,
making it harder for America's sheriffs to protect our citizens and legal residents,"
the law enforcement officials explained.
"In addition, the problem of MS-13 and other gangs that operate back and forth across our
borders has become worse because of our failure to secure the border and the continued court-ordered
catch and release policies."
We've reported on the results of those policies many times: Left-leaning cities and counties
routinely work against federal ICE agents, essentially aiding criminals who often return
to commit more crimes.
When hundreds of veteran law enforcement officers from across America come together to warn
citizens about the consequences of an unsecured border, it may be time to listen.
Illegal immigration is not just an Arizona or California issue; it has widespread effects
throughout America, and the consequences of inaction are all too often deadly.
For more infomation >> 380 Sheriffs in 40 States Just Issued Orders to Congress on Behalf of Pres. Trump - Duration: 3:10. -------------------------------------------
F/A-18 Landed on Carrier With Joystick, U.S. Navy's ATARI System - Duration: 4:10.
For more infomation >> F/A-18 Landed on Carrier With Joystick, U.S. Navy's ATARI System - Duration: 4:10. -------------------------------------------
380 Sheriffs In 40 States Just Issued Orders To Congress On Behalf Of President Trump(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 5:40.
380 Sheriffs In 40 States Just Issued Orders To Congress On Behalf Of President Trump
president Donald Trump in Ohio today promising to quote get that sucker built
but he needs more funding from Congress this plea is nothing new here's what is
three hundred and eighty sheriff's forty states all demanding in a letter today
that Congress act now Bristol County Massachusetts Sheriff Thomas Hodgson is
leading this whole push he is here and he's only here it's good to see you
Sheriff great to see you Trish so you get a lot
of people on board right now a lot of people backing you liking what they're
hearing tell me about the process and where it's going well the sheriff's are
at a point now in this country where they've watched the inaction of Congress
for twenty years on this issue of particularly the security aspects of
immigration reform to a point now where it's impacting our ability to be able to
keep the people of our community safe we have elected officials who are basically
telling the illegals that they need to come out of the shadows while at the
same time you have people like attorney Becerra US Attorney General bus heiress
in California saying we want you citizens and legal residents to go into
the shadows and if you attempt to cooperate with law enforcement to keep
your community safe we're going to prosecute you we can't have that in
America sure if it's kind of mind-boggling to me because as I've said
you know I'm a big supporter of state rights I appreciate the autonomy that
states should have that said when you're talking about immigration you're talking
about borders you're talking about a country to me this is one where federal
law should trump no pun intended any kind of state law here I don't know how
you go out and do your job when you've got this kind of conflict what kind of
challenges does that present to you into other sheriff's all across the country
well the there's several first of all when you when you have this kind of a
situation going on Munir discouraging our partnerships that we've been
developing since 9/11 if we learned anything after 9/11 it was that we
needed to share more intelligence with our state local and federal partners we
needed to share resources to become more efficient and save taxpayers
in our efforts to keep the community safe in our region's and and now we have
a situation where these sanctuaries are basically disrupting our abilities to
keep these partnerships and in inhibiting our ability to pass along
information in a timely way to keep people from being released going back
into the community and committing serious crimes against innocent people
sheriff do you find that happening in other words you you you around some some
folks up that have done something rather dangerous and then all of a sudden you
find yourself rounding the exact same folks up more than once well there's no
question about it and the other piece of this is we're seeing people that get
deported who've been coming back in or five and six times we saw in Kathryn
Steinle case we've seen in other cases where people have been murdered and and
that reinforces what our presidents do and President Trump is exactly right to
get this wall built get the security aspects of immigration reform done so
the people of our communities are safe and the laws are upheld have you heard
from anyone has the president reached out to you at all I mean what is the the
overall sense from the White House of what you're doing well I've been to two
meetings at the White House one on ms-13 and one with the President on the angel
moms and dads who lost loved ones prior to that and look we are all on the same
page law enforcement is so proud and so happy that President Trump has taken a
stand from day one that he will make sure that the rule of law is enforced
and that it's done equitably and that elected officials who attempt to try to
pick and choose what laws they want to follow at the expense of the American
people in an effort to protect criminal illegal aliens well they're going to pay
a consequence too and we feel very good about that
any lawmakers from Congress earth well as far as our they have they expressed
support for this I mean you're calling on Congress to do something what what is
what usual reaction thus far well sure look we know that the Goodlatte bill has
a lot of good things in it probably it is the most complete bill that's been
filed that's going to address eliminating the lottery it's going to
give us the security aspects on the interior that we need and
at the border so there are an awful lot of members of Congress who want this to
move through but we need those 60 votes in the Senate and I hope people will
will step up the community and work with the sheriffs to get this done once and
for all are you certainly trying to get their attention
yeah well Tricia if you look if you think about this if any sheriff was
given a task to put something together plan it and get it going
and was given 20 years to do it and couldn't do it in 20 years imagine that
in the private sector after the second year they would have fired you for not
doing anything it's been 20 years that this Congress has used this as a
political football and enough is enough and the sheriff's are speaking up and
joining together with our our constituents in our communities and
saying you need to now act Congress and let's stop with this whole blueprint of
inaction well sir if your voice is being heard all of their voices are being
heard thank you so much good to have you here today sir
thanks for having me Trisha have a great day thank you god bless you and God
bless america
For more infomation >> 380 Sheriffs In 40 States Just Issued Orders To Congress On Behalf Of President Trump(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 5:40. -------------------------------------------
Beloved Yeshua Jesus Gives Wonderful Advice on
Good Friday to Support Good Relationships
All Kinds
by Therese Zumi Sumner
Caveat: As this is channelled information reader discretion is advised:
I was actually looking to see if I could find some information from Jesus/Yeshua where He
speaks about the time of His life and crucifiction (do not trust any information that makes claim
that the crucifiction of Jesus did not take place) but while looking
I just discovered this really good advice about relationships that Yeshua provided in
2014 on An Hour with An Angel.
To get directly to that message and skip the introduction to the show where Suzanne and
Linda chat (well worth a read
listen too) you need to watch out for this
picture / depiction
For more infomation >> DEEP STATE – SHADOW GOVERNMENT REVEALED SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICE - Duration: 16:20. -------------------------------------------
The United States has conducted its sixth successful test of a new Long-Range Anti Ship
Missile or LRASM On March 19, Lockheed Martin released a press
statement saying that the U.S. Air Force had successfully tested Lockheed's Long-Range
Anti-Ship Missile off the coast of California.
"During the test, a B-1B from the 337th Test Squadron at Dyess Air Force Base, Texas,
launched a LRASM over the Sea Range at Point Mugu, Calif., successfully impacting the maritime
target and meeting test objectives," the press release said.
David Helsel, the LRASM program director at Lockheed, was quoted in the press release
as saying; "LRASM has now proven itself in 6 consecutive flight missions.
The reliability and outstanding capability of LRASM will provide an unmatched weapon
to our warfighter in their quest for sea control in contested environment."
In this video, Defense Updates analyzes WHY THE US'S LRASM WILL BE POTENT THREAT TO
The ant ship firepower is badly needed, as the U.S. Navy has allowed its capabilities
in this area to deteriorate in recent decades.
For a long time, America's naval ships relied on the increasingly archaic Harpoon missile
to fight against adversaries' surface fleets.
That missile, which was first deployed in the 1970s, only has a range of 70 to 150 miles,
depending on the variant.
This put the U.S. Navy at a disadvantage compared to countries like Russia and China.
Russia has deployed Brahmos.
The Brahmos cruise missile is produced by India-based Brahmas Aerospace, set up in 1998,
and is a joint venture between India's Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO)
and Russia's NPO Mashinostroyenia.
Brahmos is one of the fastest cruise missile in operation, and travels at speeds of Mach
2.8 to 3.0.
India and Russia has recently decided to extend the range of Brahmas missile to 800 km from
the current 300 km.
Russia has also successfully tested a hypersonic cruise missile.
The Kinzhal or Dagger was one of the weapons the Russian president unveiled in his state
of the nation address.
Kinzhal reportedly has a range of approximately 1,250 miles or 2000 km and a top speed of
more than 10 times the speed of sound.
According to the Russian president, units in the country's Southern Military District,
which borders Ukraine and the Black Sea, have deployed the missiles operationally.
China deploys the YJ-18.
The YJ-18 is a Chinese family of anti-ship and land attack cruise missiles.
Western analysts believe the YJ-18 is a copy of the Russian Kalibr 3M-54E, with a cruising
range of 180 km or 110 mi at Mach 0.8 and a sprint range of 40 km or 25 mi at
Mach 2.5 to 3.0.
Chinese media has recently published never-before-seen footage of its DF-10 nuclear cruise missiles
capable of reaching US military bases in Japan and South Korea.
Carrying nuclear warheads weighing up to 500 kilos, the DF-10 "Long Sword" missiles,
with a range of 930 miles, can be mounted on missile trucks, submarines or warships.
Some variations also feature stealth technology and supersonic speeds.
LRASM is a DARPA and U.S. Navy-funded program meant to provide the U.S. Navy and Air Force
with an offensive antisurface weapon (OASuW) to counter the growing threats from antiaccess/area-denial
(A2/AD) doctrines.
The program begun under DARPA in 2009 and leverages existing technology from the Joint
Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile Extended Range (JASSM-ER) program.
Its development was fast tracked under the Pentagon Better Buying Power 3.0 program,
with the expectation that it would serve as a stopgap solution to compensate for the Navy's
aging Harpoon antiship missiles.
In 2016, the Pentagon began modifying the SM-6 Standard Missile, which is usually used
for antimissile and air-defense missions, to serve as an immediate stopgap capability.
In its antiship variant, the SM-6 has a range of over 200 miles but an extremely small warhead
relative to the Harpoon.
LRASM will combine the best of both worlds: a missile with a long range and massive warhead,
on top of its ability to operate in electronic-warfare environments.
LRASM has a reported range of 500 nautical miles, and carries a 1000 pound penetrator
and blast-fragmentation warhead.
LRASM is primarily designed to provide the U.S. Navy and Air Force with a precision-guided
long-range standoff capability that can survive in aggressive electronic-warfare environments.
To achieve this, it uses onboard sensors and a semiautonomous guidance system to reduce
its dependence on intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) platforms, network
links and GPS navigation.
It also employs "innovative terminal survivability approaches and precision lethality" to avoid
advanced enemy countermeasures while still reaching its intended target.
The LRASM tackles two problems the US Navy has.
It has a longer range and it is more survivable due to its electronics and stealth.
The one thing it still lacks compared to Russian, Indian and Chinese counterparts is speed.
The LRASM is subsonic, meaning that the CIWS i.e Close in Weapon Systems of enemy ships
have quite a long time to shoot at it.
It basically trades speed for range and will rely on stealth to defeat medium range defense systems.
While it will someday be on ships, LRASM will initially be operated by the U.S. Air Force
from its B1-B bombers and the U.S. Navy from the F/A-18E/F, which operates from
aircraft carriers.
The initial LRASMs are expected to be operational in 2018.
The US Navy will hold a competition for the Offensive Anti-Surface Warfare (OASuW) Increment
2 anti-ship missile as a follow-on to LRASM to enter service in 2024.
The OASuW Increment 2 competition will be completely open.
It is expected the LRASM will compete against the joint Kongsberg/Raytheon offering of the
Joint Strike Missile (JSM) for air-launch needs and an upgraded Raytheon Tomahawk cruise
missile for surface-launch needs.
Sweden has publicly expressed interest in the LRASM in response to concerns of Russian
actions in Eastern Europe.
The United Kingdom, and Canada have also expressed interest in the missile.
For more infomation >> WHY THE US's LRASM WILL BE POTENT THREAT TO RUSSIA & CHINA? - Duration: 7:42. -------------------------------------------
President Donald Trump Just Blew the Lid Off BIGGEST SCANDAL in US History - Duration: 12:33.
President Donald Trump Just Blew the Lid Off BIGGEST SCANDAL in US History
The Trump's organization has revealed an alarming, and lethal, actuality: the Department
of Veterans Affairs has been giving its healing facilities a chance to procure specialists
and attendants with renounced therapeutic licenses!
Clearly this has been occurring for as long as 15 years.
Obviously, and in light of current circumstances, it damages government laws.
In guide logical inconsistency to a 1999 law that bans any VA from procuring a social insurance
specialist whose licenses had been repudiated in any state, in 2002 the VA disseminated
rules that enabled its healing facilities to employ specialists and medical attendants
that had a permit in one of the 50 states, regardless of whether they had, already, being
liable to a permit denial.
A report by USA Today begins, "Veteran patients in up and coming threat at VA clinic in D.C.,
examination finds."
Among the findings:
• In February 2016, a tray used in repairing jaw fractures was removed from the hospital
because of an outstanding invoice to a vendor.
• In April 2016, four prostate biopsies had to be canceled because there were no tools
to extract the tissue sample.
• In June 2016, the hospital found one of its surgeons had used expired equipment during
a procedure
• In March 2017, the facility found chemical strips used to verify equipment sterilization
had expired a month earlier, so tests performed on nearly 400 items were not reliable
Missal said that the practices have placed patients at "unnecessary risk," though
so far, the Office of Inspector General has not determined if patients
were harmed.
For more infomation >> President Donald Trump Just Blew the Lid Off BIGGEST SCANDAL in US History - Duration: 12:33. -------------------------------------------
NEW Investigation Opened by U S Federal Judge, Hillary is SWEATING! - Duration: 14:51.
NEW Investigation Opened by U.S Federal Judge, Hillary is SWEATING!
While examination of Hillary Clinton's illegal private email server is happening, numerous
people scattered in different approaches to manage affirm that would have been used as
a piece of the examination.
Moreover, by "fare thee well," I mean "to cover, kill, delete, stowaway, or wipe"
from nearness.
Three of the lawful advocates who were found up with sifting through countless on the private
server database that would fill in as a noteworthy part of the affirmation were doing their level
best to ensure that no one.
By means of The Daily Wire:
A Circuit Court judge in Maryland has requested the state bar to open examinations concerning
three legal advisors who professedly erased a huge number of Hillary Clinton's messages.
Overruling legal counselors speaking to the state, Anne Arundel County Circuit Court Judge
Paul F. Harris Jr. said the objections held up against top Clinton legal counselors David
E. Kendall, Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson couldn't be expelled as unimportant.
Legal counselor Ty Clevenger, who has resolutely sought after assents against Clinton and her
legitimate group, brought the argument against the Clinton legal counselors.
He is trying to have Clinton and her lawyers suspended or disbarred.
Clevenger fights that the legal counselors helped Clinton obliterate messages from a
mystery server the 2016 Democratic presidential chosen one kept in her New York home.
While Hillary turned more than a great many messages, she additionally devastated somewhere
in the range of 33,000, saying they were private and not identified with her work as Barack
Obama's Secretary of State.
"My postulation is: If you are a politically unmistakable lawyer, you are held to an alternate
standard," Clevenger said after the hearing, as indicated by The Baltimore Sun.
"I've seen this in Texas, California … I picked this case since I knew individuals
would focus."
As the months go by and more information wound up noticeable about conspiracy between the
Clinton attorneys, the Department of Justice and the FBI, it was discovered that AFTER
Clinton got a subpoena of each one of her messages on her server, she had picked to
delete the server so effectively so that even God himself couldn't read them.
Directly, a judge needs replies from this three legal advisors, David Kendall, Cheryl
Mills and Heather Samuelson and, man, is Hillary sweating projectiles!
Despite whether these people are disbarred, it won't keep them from continuing with
their unlawful exercises.
Bill Clinton was moreover disbarred for his giving prevarication in the midst of the Monica
Lewinsky embarrassment.
What's more, remember that Hillary was not, her allow was suspended in 2002 for not achieving
bar rules in instruction.
What this will do, regardless, is send a sensible message to various legal counselors who are
also working in underhanded courses with the Clintons and Democrats when all is said in
done: You may get paid a LOT of money, yet it will finally cost you your allow to give
lawful advice.
For more infomation >> NEW Investigation Opened by U S Federal Judge, Hillary is SWEATING! - Duration: 14:51. -------------------------------------------
US could create 5% nominal GDP this year: Rick Rieder - Duration: 5:23.
For more infomation >> US could create 5% nominal GDP this year: Rick Rieder - Duration: 5:23. -------------------------------------------
US plans to add social media screening to visa applications - Duration: 2:14.
For more infomation >> US plans to add social media screening to visa applications - Duration: 2:14. -------------------------------------------
News Wrap: Syrian roadside bomb kills U.S., UK soldiers - Duration: 6:48.
JUDY WOODRUFF: An American soldier has been killed in Northern Syria in the military campaign
against Islamic State fighters.
A British soldier died in the same roadside bomb attack.
A local Syrian official says it happened overnight in Manbij, where American troops are aiding
anti-ISIS forces.
President Trump said yesterday that the 2,000 U.S. troops in Syria will be leaving very
But the Pentagon's U.S. Central Command said that it has no information on that.
Palestinian protesters confronted Israeli troops along the Gaza border today in the
bloodiest day there since 2014.
The Palestinians said at least 15 people were killed by Israeli fire.
Reuters correspondent Nidal al-Mughrabi witnessed the violence.
He spoke with us via Skype a short while ago from Gaza City.
NIDAL AL-MUGHRABI, Reuters: We have seen lots of people, thousands, and several thousands
have started to come early to the location east of Gaza along the border with Israel.
According to the organizers, people should have stayed 700 meters away from the border,
but many, many, many of the protesters have ignored the calls of organizes to stay that
People throw stones.
The Israeli responded by tear gas, live fire and rubber bullets, as well as casualties
started to fall.
JUDY WOODRUFF: Why is this happening right now?
We know that this has been a special day for the Palestinians.
What was the immediate impetus?
NIDAL AL-MUGHRABI: Every year, it's been some celebrations and some demonstrations to commemorate
the day in 1976, you know, like a loss of land.
But, this day, it was different.
Palestinian factions, including the Islamist group Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip,
have supported an idea to mass thousands, and, if they could, tens of thousands of people
along the border with Israel to demand the right of return.
JUDY WOODRUFF: The Israelis are accusing the Palestinians, accusing Hamas, of deliberately
sending women and children to the border, putting them at risk, in other words.
Did you see that?
NIDAL AL-MUGHRABI: The Israelis, since the morning, they have said that Hamas was exploiting
the crowds for its own purposes, in order to send civilians to be face to face with
Israeli soldiers along the border.
What happened today, you know, we have seen all -- you know, like, people from all factions,
but we have seen lots of people who are frustrated of everything.
They are frustrated of the lack of peace.
They are frustrated for the lack of any horizon.
It has made no difference to them whether they live or die because the situation in
Gaza was so terrible.
JUDY WOODRUFF: It is late at night there.
Have things calmed down?
NIDAL AL-MUGHRABI: Many -- or I can say most of the protesters have returned home.
The Palestinian president has asked for the United Nations to meet over what happened
today in Gaza.
He condemned it, and he asked the U.N. Security Council to afford the Palestinians with international
protection because of what happened.
Tomorrow, there will be a national mourning day and also strike.
So that is also another reason why we could expect more clashes.
JUDY WOODRUFF: Nidal Al-Mughrabi with Reuters, thank you very much.
NIDAL AL-MUGHRABI: You're welcome.
JUDY WOODRUFF: Christians marked Good Friday across much of the world today from Jerusalem
to the Vatican and elsewhere.
Pope Francis began services at St. Peter's Basilica by lying prostrate before the altar.
Security was heavy for the occasion.
And in the Northern Philippines, crowds gathered to witness and record as seven Roman Catholics
were nailed to crosses.
The church has tried to discourage the ritual.
Back in this country, a jury in Florida has acquitted the widow of the gunman who massacred
49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando.
Noor Salman was found not guilty of lying to the FBI and hiding her husband's extremist
Omar Mateen was killed by police in the 2016 Pulse nightclub attack.
Independent autopsy results raised new questions today about the police killing of Stephon
Clark in Sacramento, California.
On March 18, two officers fired 20 times at Clark, shouting that he had a gun.
It turned out to be a cell phone.
Today, Dr. Bennet Omalu, who is a pathologist hired by the family, said that eight shots
hit Clark, and seven of those were from behind.
Police had said that he was coming toward them.
BENNET OMALU, Clark Family Forensic Pathologist: The proposition that has been presented, that
he was assailing the officers, meaning he was facing the officers, is inconsistent with
the prevailing forensic evidence.
JUDY WOODRUFF: Dr. Omalu is known for his groundbreaking study of brain injuries in
pro football players.
That prompted the NFL to adopt new safety rules.
More than two dozen school districts in Kentucky closed today, when hundreds of teachers called
in sick.
They are protesting a pension overhaul adopted late last night.
It says new teachers will be not be guaranteed a set benefit amount.
This follows a teachers strike in West Virginia and threats of job actions in several other
And a Russian hacker accused of attacking Silicon Valley companies is back in the United
States to face trial.
The Czech Republic extradited Yevgeniy Nikulin last night.
He's charged with hacking systems at LinkedIn, Dropbox, and other American firms.
Still to come on the "NewsHour": Russia strikes back, expelling 60 American diplomats from
the country; Atlanta the target of a large-scale cyber-attack; plus, inside the government
command center tasked with fending off hackers; and much more.
For more infomation >> News Wrap: Syrian roadside bomb kills U.S., UK soldiers - Duration: 6:48. -------------------------------------------
Man From Banned Middle Eastern Nation Tried To Enter The US When Trump Took IMMEDIATE Action - Duration: 4:47.
Man From Banned Middle Eastern Nation Tried To Enter The US When Trump Took IMMEDIATE
Action- CNN Won't Report This!
President Donald Trump's critics were shocked when they saw what happened as a banned Muslim
was granted a visa to enter the United State.
The man is an Iranian who was granted a U.S. visa to visit America in hopes to donate bone
marrow to his brother who is suffering from blood cancer.
This is a very rare waiver that people get, but there was a much deeper issue at hand
and President Trump saw it and took care of it.
There might be restrictions on travel from multiple countries that bar people entering
the United States, but something much bigger than a travel restriction was at stake here.
The Iranian man is Kamiar Hashemi and he was determined to be a 100% match for a bone marrow
transplant that could save his brother's life who has blood cancer.
When someone's life is at stake and there's a chance to save them, then it's good to
know that the Americans responsible for making a decision have allowed the travel so the
bone marrow transfer can be conducted and hopefully save the man's brother.
The Hill reported more about the temporary travel Visa submitted to the traveling Muslim
"An Iranian man has been granted a U.S. visa, allowing him to travel to the country
in hopes to donating bone marrow to his brother.
Reuters reported Friday that Kamiar Hashemi, an Iranian citizen, had been granted a rare
waiver to President Trump's travel ban, which bars people from Iran and seven other
countries from coming to the U.S.
Hashemi had applied for the visa at the U.S. consulate in Yerevan, Armenia, in February,
after discovering that he was a 100 percent match for a bone marrow transplant that could
save the life of his brother, a U.S. citizen who has blood cancer.
Initially, the State Department's website showed that Hashemi's visa application had
been refused.
But the man's lawyer, Mahsa Khanbabai, told Reuters that she received a call on Thursday
that Hashemi had been granted a waiver to the travel ban and that he should make arrangements
to pick up the visa in Armenia.
"It's unfortunate that so much effort had to go into getting just one, clearly urgent,
visa approved," Khanbabai told Reuters.
"There are thousands of people stuck, also with urgent cases, with no idea what is happening."
Trump's travel ban, which bars most people from Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen,
North Korea and Venezuela from coming to the U.S. was allowed to go into effect in December,
after months of legal challenges.
According to Reuters, the State Department has approved 375 waivers to the ban, though
it is not clear how many people applied in total."
President Trump has many leftist critics who claim he is racist, homophobic, and many other
words ending in -obe and -ist.
President Trump just made a huge point that hammers home the nail in the head of the Democrats
as he proves that he will go against his own travel restrictions if there's a very good
Trump lost a brother and he knows what it's like to lose someone that might be close to
Trump probably admires that this man is willing to donate his bone marrow to help save his
brother and there's not much reason to deny a visa that could potentially save a life.
This goes against everything that the Democrats have said about Trump in their protests, marches,
and the resistance movement that is a conglomerate of people who lose at life and spend more
time complaining, crying, and letting their feelings dictate their unproductive life into
a massive state of misery.
Learning about the man being granted a travel visa to help save his brother's life is
inspiring and it shows that the President has much better intentions than every Democrat
has ever expected.
Trump and the Americans responsible for approving the travel visa for the man who was previously
banned from travel show the true agenda behind the American President which is everything
that is opposite of what his critics claim.
Trump could be responsible for helping to save the life of a Muslim man by allowing
the travel visa, but the Democrats won't ever accept that.
Or will they?
Will they finally accept him for being a decent human being?
Will Democrats look beyond and above all the nonsense swirling between the partisan pundits
and finally give Trump credit for doing something right?
Or will the Democrats continue finding things to complain about, even when they partially
get their way?
For more infomation >> Man From Banned Middle Eastern Nation Tried To Enter The US When Trump Took IMMEDIATE Action - Duration: 4:47. -------------------------------------------
Sessions Names Utah US Attorney Investigating Corruption At Obama FBI, DOJ - Duration: 3:52.
Sessions Names Utah US Attorney Investigating Corruption At Obama FBI, DOJ
AG Sessions has finally named the US Attorney looking into criminal corruption at the Obama
DOJ and FBI under Loretta Lynch and James Comey.
FISA abuse , the COUP and leaks…
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has announced that there will not be a second special counsel
appointed at this time to investigate FISA abuse and other criminal wrongdoing within
the Obama DOJ and FBI, some of which continues through present day.
Sessions put a name with an anonymous individual he previously alluded to, stating he has already
had US Attorney John Huber, a Utah Republican who was appointed by Hussein Obama and is
endorsed by Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), tapped to conduct the criminal investigation
Whether this is a good thing or more obstruction by the AG and his staff of Obama holdovers
and subversives remains to be seen.
Sessions is not viewed as trustworthy by a large portion of the American people, particularly
the informed Trump base.
Both he and Huber can expect to be watched like a hawk by the American people.
The good news is that, at least taken at face value, being from Utah puts him beyond the
influence of the DC swamp creatures.
The bad news is that if he is corrupt he has a perfect cover of improbability behind which
There's also the problem of who does he report the misconduct of his bosses, Rosenstein
and Sessions to?
On the positive side Ed Henry noted that Sessions directed Huber to use "his broad prosecutorial
powers with a broad mandate to investigate misconduct that could extend beyond FISA abuse."
That could be part of an elaborate whitewash just as easily as a legitimate investigation.
Henry notes, "So former FBI officials James Comey, Andrew McCabe could be facing scrutiny
for not just failing to tell the FISA Judge that the anti-Trump dossier was paid for by
the DNC and the Clinton campaign, this prosecutor could be looking at McCabe's leaking, his
lying to investigators, plus those FBI text messages."
Sessions wrote, "I am confident that Mr. Huber's review will include a full, complete,
and objective evaluation of these matters in a manner that is consistent with the law
and the facts."
He continued, "I receive regular updates from Mr. Huber and upon the conclusion of
his review, will receive his recommendations as to whether any matters not currently under
investigation should be opened, whether any matters currently under investigation require
further resources, or whether any matters merit the appointment of a special counsel."
Sessions is belatedly doing what he should have initiated over a year ago, investigating
the mounting evidence that Comey, Mueller, McCabe and Rosenstein are dirty cops who have,
along with their deep state enablers, completely weaponized the Justice Department and FBI.
He hasn't ruled out a second special counsel, the determination, again at face value, will
be made based upon the corruption uncovered.
These actions would have been seen as entirely appropriate if Sessions hadn't already squandered
every ounce of public trust that he brought into the office with him.A fair, thorough,
and productive investigation will go a long ways toward repairing Mr. Sessions' damaged
credibility and reputation.
As for now, the American people, House Intelligence Committee members and House and Senate Judiciary
Committee members will be waiting and watching, intently.
Rod Rosenstein has dodged another bullet, for now; rats have nine lives too.
For more infomation >> Sessions Names Utah US Attorney Investigating Corruption At Obama FBI, DOJ - Duration: 3:52. -------------------------------------------
An exclusive look behind the scenes of the U.S. military's cyber defense - Duration: 8:05.
JUDY WOODRUFF: But, returning to the murky world of cyber-attacks, and defense, the newest
U.S. military command is responsible not for a piece of land or air, but cyberspace.
Special correspondent Mike Cerre has this exclusive inside view of the men and women
protecting the military's digital networks at United States Cyber Command.
MIKE CERRE: It looks and sounds like every other stateside military base, far from the
front lines around the globe.
But Fort Meade, Maryland, home base to the National Security Agency and U.S. Cyber Command,
the military's newest combatant command, is fighting a war every day.
Admiral Mike Rogers commands both the NSA and U.S. Cyber Command.
MIKE ROGERS, National Security Agency Director: Today, we face threats that have increased
in sophistication, magnitude, intensity, volume and velocity.
MIKE CERRE: The Internet was largely created by the Defense Department in the late '60s,
primarily for its research and development operations.
Now, like every other wired institution, it depends on it for everything it does.
As a result, the Defense Department's information network is now targeted by nearly 40 million
malicious e-mails everyday.
Colonel Paul Craft's cyber-protection teams defend the network from this top secret operations
center called the JSOC.
PAUL CRAFT, Defense Information Systems Agency: We do not want the enemy to get a foothold
into the Department of Defense's networks, to gain or maintain any terrain, just like
they would in land.
MIKE CERRE: The "NewsHour" was granted exclusive access, under conditions we not identify team
members or the cyber-defense technologies used.
Vice Admiral Nancy Norton is the commander of the Joint Force Headquarters DoDIN, which
is responsible for protecting the military's network.
NANCY NORTON, Commander, Joint Force Headquarters DoDIN: The national defense strategy has made
pretty clear that we have near peer competitors in cyberspace from Russia and China.
North Korea and Iran are also routinely working to gain a competitive advantage by getting
into our networks.
MIKE CERRE: In addition to these adversaries, U.S. military cyber-warriors fight thousands
of non-state actors, terrorist groups, and professional hackers, all committed to cracking
the firewalls of cyber's first and presumably largest distributed network, now used for
everything from combat operations and to military health care.
PAUL CRAFT: Everything starts with a thing called an indicator of compromise.
It could be a malicious spear-phishing e-mail.
It could be an intrusion.
It could be a packet that looks malformed for some reason, that doesn't look right,
that could do something malicious to a network.
The simplest thing is to block it.
But if they're in your house, it's about getting that person out of your house and making sure
we knew what they touched.
And the network is again restored -- hardened and restored to normal.
MIKE CERRE: Once inside, hackers can disrupt a network's operations, like they did last
year to the British Health System, forcing hospitals to down.
Or they can steal confidential information, like Equifax's credit reports on more than
145 million Americans.
So far, the most serious cyber-security breaches of U.S. defense and intelligence networks
were inside jobs.
Army PFC Bradley Manning, who now identifies as Chelsea, copied and released nearly a million
classified documents.
The leaking of the NSA's surveillance techniques and other classified material by a subcontractor,
Edward Snowden.
There are also accidental security breaches, like the careless use of a flash drive by
a military unit in the Middle East in 2008 that temporarily created an opening into the
Defense Department's network.
These cyber-teams are drawn from all the services and ranks.
Some were trained by the military.
Others were recruited for their cyber-skills.
PAUL CRAFT: It's not like fighting a war in another domain, where you deploy troops, you
fight, you go home.
Conflict in the cyber-domain is constant.
MAN: I can shut down your power grids.
I can paralyze your infrastructure.
MIKE CERRE: A line of code buried in this Army recruiting ad generated nearly 800,000
hacking attempts on a fake military Web site.
The 1 percent cracked the site were invited to join the military's cyber-warfare team.
MIKE CERRE: Training and retaining this new generation of cyber-warriors is an ongoing
WOMAN: I could walk out today and get a very easily six-figure salary.
It's not about the money.
It's about the pride in your job and what you do for the American people.
VINCENT STEWART, Deputy Commander, U.S. Cyber Command: The challenge we have isn't recruiting.
The challenge is retention.
MIKE CERRE: Lieutenant General Vincent Stewart is a deputy commander with U.S. Cyber Command.
VINCENT STEWART: The metaphor I like to use in this space, it's like playing hockey.
You're constantly on the move in both offense and defense.
And it's fast-paced, it's hectic, and one goal can change the outcome.
MIKE CERRE: General Stewart can't elaborate on Cyber Com's offensive tactics, like those
recently used to try to disrupt ISIS' online recruiting and media operation, or what, if
any involvement the U.S. had with the widely reported, but officially denied cyber-attack
on an Iranian nuclear facility, using a software virus called Stuxnet which disabled critical
PETER SINGER, New America Foundation: What was created with Stuxnet wasn't just an operation
to sabotage Iranian nuclear research.
It was a new kind of weapon.
MIKE CERRE: Peter singer, with the new America Foundation, and other defense analysts believe
the Iranian attack to be a major turning point in cyber-warfare.
PETER SINGER: They created a weapon, something that caused physical damage, but it was unlike
every other in history, in that it was computer software.
It was a bunch of zeros and ones.
MIKE CERRE: But it is a more recent cyber-attack, on the 2016 presidential election, that is
now the concern.
Detecting, let alone stopping the Russian meddling, wasn't Cyber Command's job, since
it was largely executed on Facebook and other public social media networks, the military
is prohibited from intervening with.
VINCENT STEWART: Do you want the intelligence community to work within the civilian sector?
MIKE CERRE: Do you think the civilian elements of this space have the capacity to defend
them at the level you can defend?
MIKE CERRE: You think they can?
MIKE CERRE: So, they don't need your help?
VINCENT STEWART: This is an issue of priority.
This is an issue of some resources, but it's an issue of focus.
PETER SINGER: That's actually what has clouded the debate over 2016, is you have these intelligence
agencies seeing things coming in, seeing things hit American political institutions, but,
of course, they're not supposed to be involved in American political questions.
And then, on top of it, it throws them into a partisan debate.
And that's why it's been so difficult.
MIKE CERRE: The Senate Armed Services Committee recently challenged Cyber Command's Admiral
Mike Rogers on the U.S. response to the Russian interference.
JACK REED (D), Rhode Island: Essentially, we have not taken on the Russians yet?
MIKE ROGERS: It's probably fair to say that we have not opted to engage in some of the
same behaviors that we are seeing.
VINCENT STEWART: This is not just about the Chinese.
This is about the Russians.
This is about the Iranians.
These are all our potential adversaries who understand the things that underpin Western
liberal democracies and are going after it.
That's what keeps me awake.
MIKE CERRE: In the cyber-realm, an attack can dismantle infrastructure and networks.
It can also destroy faith in institutions.
For the "PBS NewsHour," Mike Cerre, reporting from Fort Meade, Maryland.
For more infomation >> An exclusive look behind the scenes of the U.S. military's cyber defense - Duration: 8:05. -------------------------------------------
U.S. not getting fair return for its military presence in South Korea: Trump - Duration: 0:29.
President Trump claims the U.S. is not getting a fair return for its military presence in
South Korea.
Speaking in Ohio, Trump talked about his infrastructure proposal, then also compared the U.S.-Mexico
border, where he's pushing to build a wall, the DMZ between the two Koreas.
He said it's unfair that the U.S. spends billions of dollars in other countries maintaining
their borders but not its own border.