Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 12, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Dec 1 2018

More than seven million retirees live in poverty and tens of millions more are just scraping

by because of mistakes in 401K investing.

By the end of this video, you'll know the five worst 401K mistakes and how to avoid


In fact, I'm going to show you how avoiding just one of these mistakes can lead to big

savings in your nest egg.

We're talking 401K investing today on Let's Talk Money!

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Let's talk money.

Joseph Hogue with the Let's Talk Money channel here on YouTube I want to send a special shout

out to everyone in our community, thank you for taking a part of your day to be with us.

If you're not part of the community yet, just click that little red subscribe button.

It's free and you'll never miss an episode.

Fidelity has released its annual survey of retirement account balances and it's not

a pretty picture.

The average person just before retirement has about $167,000 in their 401K account.

That's about five-times the annual salary of around $35,000.

And not nearly enough to retire on.

If you go by the rule of thumb that you can take out about 4% of your investments to pay

for expenses in retirement, that $167K means retiring on just $6,700 a year and that's

before taxes.

It's easy to see why two-in-three retirees depend on social security for most of their

expenses but even added the average $1,360 monthly SSI check means you're living on

just over $1,900 a month or about $23,000 a year.

Now I don't know what state you live in but you compare that with your expenses and

I don't know anyone that can live on $23,000 a year.

Even for married couples with two SSI checks, it comes out under $3,000 a month.

These were supposed to be the golden years, the years you worked your whole life to enjoy.

You're enjoying them alright, if you enjoy ramen noodles and bus passes.

It doesn't have to be like this!

We all think that people don't save or invest enough but a big part of the problem is the

mistakes they make when they do invest.

Investing just $250 a month starting at age 35 can grow to over $350,000 by the time you

retire if you keep your fees and costs low.

Invest that same amount but lose 4% of it to fees and all the hidden costs that come

with 401K plans and you're stuck right back in that studio apartment eating ramen.

Of course, the beauty of that 401K plan is your employer match.

If your company matches just half that $3,000 a year and you avoid those high fees and other

costs, that nest egg can grow to over half a million by age 67.

That's enough for an income of $3,100 with SSI for a single person or almost $4,500 for

a married couple.

It might not be filet mignon but it's a nice little start.

The key here is to avoid those huge fees, mistakes and pitfalls in those 401K plans

and that's exactly what we're going to talk about in today's video.

Not only will I reveal the five worst mistakes people make with their 401K investing, I'll

share three tips to avoid these pitfalls and a way to get a free 401K analysis to save

you from those hidden fees.

It's all part of a three-part video series in partnership with Blooom.

Now Blooom is an independent 401K manager that works with your existing retirement account.

You can connect your 401K account and Blooom's software will show you the investment fees

you're paying, and how to get back on track.

I'll tell you more about Blooom later and share a special offer to get your free 401K

health analysis but first let's get to those five 401K mistakes.

First here is being too aggressive or too conservative with your 401K investments.

With retirement balances what they are, it's easy to chase those returns in stocks even

all the way to retirement.

The problem is, and you can ask anyone that was planning to retire in 2008, that as you

get closer to retirement, you need to start thinking about protecting your money as much

as growing it.

Having too much in stocks is just setting you up for a stock market crash to wipe out

half your nest egg.

Being too conservative is also a big problem though, especially for millennials still gun-shy

after the 2008 crash.

If we look back on that investment of $250 a month but only earn a 6% annual return from

too much in bonds then even the best case scenario yields just $237,000 by retirement.

The second mistake a lot of people make with their 401K investments is putting everything

in a Target Date fund.

Now these are popular because supposedly, they invest according to your age and rebalance

with stocks and bonds as you get older.

The problem here is these things are so darn expensive.

For example, the Principal LifeTime 2040 fund charges 1.14% annually.

That's almost five-times the average index fund.

Another problem with these target date funds is they tend to be wildly over-conservative.

Some funds I looked at have more than 20% of the investments in bonds for investors

with 20+ years to retirement and that's going to seriously limit returns.

Our third major 401K mistake is just forgetting to rebalance the investments in your account.

This is important because you might start with a great mix of stocks and bonds in your

30s but if you're not rebalancing and shifting how much you want in each, you could be way

off by the time you reach retirement.

You're going to be more exposed to a stock market crash and the amount you have in stocks

versus bonds will be way off from what you need.

In fact, a survey of 5,500 Blooom clients found that 59% didn't regularly rebalance

their investments and 21% didn't even know about rebalancing before they started using


The fourth 401K mistake, and this is probably the worst, is not watching those fees.

Inc magazine found that 92% of Americans don't know what fees they're paying in their 401K


That same survey by Blooom found that just one-in-five investors were active in minimizing

their fees.

We know what a huge difference just a small change in fees can mean to your retirement


Forbes found in one study that a difference of just 0.93%, less than 1%, in fees can cost

a single investor up to $215,000.

Considering the average Blooom client in a target date fund sees their fees reduced by

42%, that can mean a big change in your retirement.

Our fifth 401K mistake before we get to those three tips is one of the biggest 401K misconceptions

of all, that someone is managing your account.

Just because you invest through your company's plan and with an investment company, doesn't

mean anyone is managing your 401K investments.

The investment company is busy selling to new clients, they may not be doing anything

with your account.

You set your 401K investments when you sign up to the plan and they don't change unless

you change them.

That's going to set you up for all the pitfalls we talked about in this video.

As bad as these 401K mistakes are, there are a few things you can do to avoid them and

make sure your money is there when you need it.

First, understand how your investments should change as you age.

There are rules of thumb like 100 minus your age for the amount you want in stocks but

these leave a lot of risk to your personal goals.

As you get older, your needs shift to protecting your money rather than chasing those high

returns so you need to be proactive in shifting your investments.

You also need to rebalance your investments regularly.

This isn't about timing the stock market but about staying on track according to your


If you're constantly investing the same amount in stocks and bonds, the stock-portion

of your portfolio is going to grow much faster during a bull market.

That means it's going to get out of whack with that perfect mix you need according to

your goals.

Finally here is just to watch those fees.

Make sure your 401K plan isn't charging you load fees to buy or sell and compare the

annual fees on your funds.

Some of the easiest solutions like those target date funds charge the highest fees.

This last tip is where Blooom really shines and it's shown people how to save over $608

million in investment fees on their 401K accounts.

They also take care of all the rebalancing and management as well.

The best way to make sure you're not making these 401K mistakes is to get that free analysis

with Blooom.

It takes less than two minutes to connect with your 401K plan and Blooom will do a complete

health checkup on your retirement account.

It's going to show you where your investments are, where they should be and all the fees

you're paying.

There's no obligation to the analysis.

If you don't know exactly what's going on inside your 401K account, click through

that link and find out exactly which of these mistakes you're making in your 401K.

I'll leave a link in the video description below.

Don't forget to also be watching for the next video in our 401K investing series.

Next week, I'll be answering your questions about 401K and retirement investing so make

sure you ask those in the comments below.

We'll also take a closer look at the average 401K balance by age and how to get yours back

on track.

We're here Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays with the best videos on beating debt, making

more money and making your money work for you.

If you've got a question about money, just scroll down and ask it in the comments and

we'll answer it in a video.

For more infomation >> How Much to Put in 401K [and Other Crucial Retirement Questions] - Duration: 8:58.


Combien de fois faire l'amour/how many times should a couple have sex (Sujet tabou) - Duration: 29:39.

You are gonna make him go home and use "Brighten mi". The who?The what?

you are not doing the "coupe" (dance move)?i dont even know what you guys are talking about

Then you are gonna say that we have to...

make love everyday when you guys are argueing like that...In fact that is the reason why...

Good evening, good evening, good evening to you all and welcome for another episode of "let's talk taboo" on our channel "Secrets and Beyond"

Tonight we have two guests plus the audience that needs to clap...Please clap

Today it is a full house, we have Patrick Devilliers whom you have seen before and Danaud who we have announced in the video with Patrick. Good evening Danaud, good evening

We are glad to have you guys in the studio today

hmmm Danaud since you are the special guest today because Patrick already went

you are gonna tell us what is your topic tonight.

Today we are going to talk about a perspective about...


How many times....

How many time should a couple have intercourse

How many times should a couple make love

huuuhhh are we using words like that?

Yes I wanna say make love

or raw words??How many times should a couple....

make love, make love

It starts with a B and ends with "aiser" (Fuck)

It is better than what I was gonna say

I haven't said anything...How many time should a couple have sex?

What is it?per week?per month?per year?

Per week, per day...We are going to deeply analyze.They are going to deeply analize

They are going to lead today because..

Yes, we are going to deeply analyze because

we are going to put the dots on the I

Danaud and Patrick are going to put the dots on the I tonight where they are going to tell you how many times a couple should make love..

Practice sex...

ehhh practice the 100% young

So Danaud...

first of all I think giving my personal opinion and im sure that the audience agree

A couple should have sex whenever they want

meaning if they wanna do it everyday they can do it, they can do it even 10 times a day if they can

If they can..With what energy?

Exactly if they can and the women can get wet all those 10 times...heyyy

The question is...anyway...

Go ahead Which guy...anyway they are guys that are capable

Yep they are freaks. They are men that are capable. So if your penis can get erected 20 times a day

Go see a doctor, if it erects 20 times a day go see a doctor

so you think it is not possible for a couple many times do you think a couple should have sex?

First of all we have to agree on one point

that the the male's sexual machine or penis, is a muscle

So if it has to get erected all the time, it strains the know what I mean?

Yes it tires the muscle

No the word is not tiring it's....How do we say strain in french?

Not contracted?

It weakens?

No it doesn't weaken There is a lot of pressure

It can...I am going to put the definition right here

It strains the muscle...

and I have also read somewhere...

that when we have a lot of sex actually...

so when we practice sex in Patrick's word

when we make love a lot

When you have lots of sex

They are certain antibodies that are not developing anymore

Oh yea?? Yes That I didn't know

Me I actually read that it produces antibodies instead Nope

The Oxytocin for example The what???The oxytocin

Mannnnn we have chemists here No the ocytocin...

yea I think it is oxytocin I think it is the name Oxytocin is not what you....

wait, there is an hormone that you release... I have my proof here

Oxytocin is that thing that makes a woman get attached to a man when they are just there to male love

A woman get attached to a man when they are just there to make love?

If you are sex friends for example and then you keep on having sex with the person, it is because of the oxytocin that you fall in love

See, this is another reason to not make love everyday

No you said a couple, you said couple

When you just wanna have sex, the lady just stays because of the oxytocin. There is a lot of stuff hat I am learning here

It is oxytocin? I am looking. Saw it earlier

I dont know, I know there is an hormone though We are going to get back at that later...

The university of pensylvannia said here that fucking...excuse my language, twice a week

create antibodies 30% more

But when you do it 3 to 4 times every week what does it do?

It eliminates

the creation of those antibodies. So it could be harmful for the health

So here…im telling you something...first guys, the sex is...

Here it is... (reads in english)

That is what I said

Yes that is what I am saying but ocytocin is a hormone it is not...

Ocytocin is what causes the woman to get attached to a person when you are making love.

Lets say okay the person is a sex friend.

. And you keep on having sex, sex, sex, that hormone is released and that is how she gets attached to you

It is because of that has nothing to do with antibodies

Im correcting myself, the ocytoxin that i was talking about has nothing to do with antibodies.

However, to get back to what you said

even though the penis' muscles strain

they are also advantages for example: ejaculation everyday is good for the body.

Huh?Yes Yes for a man

It doesnt make you tired? Yes it does but it lowers the risk of prostate cancer.

I was reading earlier a study of men from 49 to 55 years old,

their doctors were telling them to frequently masturbate

They say that masturbation is good frequently

it reduces prostate cancer

Im not disagreeing with you

we never said here that making love is not good but we are asking how many times.

We also agree that when you are not having too much sex or when we don't have sex

they are certain hormones that are not released?!right?

For example, it is said for boxers have got to stop fucking for a period before they fight have that build up in you.

In a couple. it is not today nor tomorrow it is preferably until the end of days...

it depends...I said preferably

So if we create that habits of having sex everyday, we are not gonna make it.

It should be a conversation in the relationship.If you do that in the beginning everyday

and that mannnn you are not attracted to your wife like before or whatever, so...

I believe it should be a conversation, a mutual agreement

Like I was telling you

, when you are not living together

you always wanna be with the person...when you are in love of course

every minute, every hour blah blah blah

But there is also the man's sexual apogee compare to the woman

The male sexual apogee is at...??

No…me I think it is when you are younger...

it comes before for the woman because I was toldthe woman still wanna explore her sexuality later in life

like mid 30 going to like 45 While for us at 25 it is a decline

And when do you guys pick up when again?

We dont pick up, when the midlife crisis comes we go get a young mistress

we dont pick up But when you look for a mistress is to have sex no

No no...yes of course Yes when you go get a mistress isnt it for sex?

It is not necessarily because we wanna have sex but to feel younger

it is not necessarily for that.We dont run after asses, we run after the perception that you are still capable

While you have your girl there at 45 she still wanna have sex with you everyday, you look at her like where was I at my 25s?

It is true that at a time the woman, at a certain age, she is more sexually active then it declines, and hen it picks up again

So if she is at 45 years old while she still has energy the man is like nah nah nah...

you got saget tiddies and your belly too...I dont want it

I think the frequency depends on your lifestyle. Because if you both work a lot...

It is recommended for example to have sex after work or before work because it makes your day better

Or you get ready for your day...personally per experience I have the feeling that women love to have sex in the morning

Here you are asoociating this act to working out because they are plenty of people that...

It is a workout

We agree...but the difference here is that we say how many times we should have sex,

not how many times we should work out because we can work out like going to the gym

Or we can work out in the bedroom, you having sex

It is said that it is not recommended to work out everyday, isnt it?

So when your wife or you man will say that honey that do we call it kegels?

I think that here there is not necessarily an exact answer

Like Patrick said earlier, it depends on the couple, activities during the day

but the question that we need to ask ourserlves would be what is the minimun?

because here the maximum is everyday 3-4 times per day...but at the minimum to maintain the relationship, or the importance that it has on a couple...

how many times we should do I would say maximum or minimum it should be 1 or 2 times per week.

I said minimum

Wait wait wait, you said per week?twice per week. He said per week...on average you said per week?


It means that if this week we do it 5 times next week we are not doing it

Nahhhh Danaud bullshit It is average...

So we are living together, we sleep in the same bed...are you my brother brother?

Are you my brother??2 times?

Yes per if we get to five we are not doing it next week?

Yes your monthly quota has expired So you have a quota?

Ok Patrick what is your maximum per week?

I dont think that I have a maximum, I have an average...

per average I will say I mean at least every other day which is 3-4 times per week

The audience

Wait I think...I dont know what Danaud is trying to say

We said 3-4 times per week but if I do 1 to 2 times, we will see the one that will fuck the longest

But are we making a movie?

Me when ill be 80 I will say that we havent made it to our life quota...while you have finished yours at your 35...

me 80 years old we have at least 20 times before it ends

They are ways that you can have sex without penetrate your woman,,,she can...she can

Say what you are trying to say...she can suck you?

I want to say there is oral cunnilingus We call this the muscle...

Mandibular muscle

You can help her mastubate...I wanna say they are other ways, it doesnt have to be..

But they are toys right?Yes

that is what I am saying it doesnt need to be...

I didnt say here how many times we have an orgasm, ok?

Look, you come back from work, or you guys are at home sitting watching a movie during the weekend,

and you have an know 5 minutes, 10 minutes.Yes you can have a quickie

but twice a week mannn anyway my dick gets erected more than twice a week

Man for me it is 4 times

Im asking, im asking...

I dont wanna sell my woman a dream because she shouldnt get used to it because in the beginning...

I dont wanna say that there is no passion but when you grow up together as a couple they are diferent parameters that change right?

So I dont want my woman to look at me and say..we were doing it before 5 times a week...why did we go down ...

She comes first and ill say dont get used to it...dont get used to it mom

That's what I said

That is what he said...that is what we said it depends on the lifestyle

That honey...I wanna touch you but...

You look like this...your mind wants, you penis doesnt...

when your penis does your mind doesnt.

You just stays like…what are we gonna do?That's why I said you allow 2 times a week, you focus...

As soon as the day starts you know that tonight I will give her 25 minutes

I make an effort to have it at least twice a week

But twice a week it could be maybe the whole day or...

What? A whole day? Yea you can be like boom

You can have sex maybe you start a 8am you do 35 minutes or whatever, you guys stop and then you guys do it again at 4 pm you know

Is it considered like (english...)

I think it depends much time in between sessions

Like we make love in the morning and . we wait maybe 10 hours to do it again which is the same day...

it is twice...its 2 times for me...twice for the week?

So it is twice already?But if it is back to back...we do at 8 and we continue like that maybe we take a 15 minutes break

we eat a little bit of cola, drink some almond milk, we come back.

Almond milk? yea...ohh Almond milk helps for that?

Yes 15 minutes is a quickie

Yall are strooong...15 minutes is a quickie yall are strong

This is something that ive noticed... The quickie may be 15 minutes

No the quickie is maybe 2-3 minutes 3 minutes how?Im telling you

This means that you are selfish because women do not take 3 minutes to cum

yall dont understand that when guys are...wait wait...the next time you have sex,

try riding the guy to see how long you will last before getting tired.

You will see the clock and it will tell you 35 seconds and you will be like...damn only 35 seconds

That is what I was about to say, I dont know if someone actually noticed that time slows down

you are wondering...Ive only been on her for 3 minutes?You think you've been doing a marathon

That is the act of penetration and yea 5 minutes is good...5 to 10 minutes...

I agree with you

It was supposed to be for who? It should be the both of us, we should enjoy together

And you still want 25 minutes

Does that count?As a sexual act? Nah nah not my quickie it doesnt count

So with you women should just have quickies Quickies dont count

But as we have said here, Everyone's sexual appetite is different. It can happen that I will give my girl a quickie as well one day.

So the day that I am going to decide to eat...her thing...

To go down there...To do the cunninlingus

To dive know to meet the gods of the thighs

It is that day maybe that will be her quickie.

It is maybe then that I will say that for my wife, I am going to...That will be her quickie

To say baby before you go to work come and ill eat you out then she continues

Because I dont know...the truth is unfortunately that is the woman's sin because you have certain ladies who take long before they cum and there are some that don't cum

It is not because the man does not perform well, It has nothing to do with the man...She does not how know her body works

She doesnt know her body that is why women should masturbate before starting having sex

Oh yea You need to get to know your body

Wait when you say masturbating, you mean while young or before the act? While young

That is what I have said. I made a video that was saying that ladies have got to know their bodies first

before you start having sex because know what you like, you know what turns you see what I mean?

You navigate...the gps

The directions...No you go left , turn...go right.go a little up, put a pillow underneath There, there

The difference between men and women is that while they having sex, men think a lot

Oh yea? Yes

How many cinderblock on your land Buildings

That is why sometimes ut is easy for men to nut early without even you controlling it

Because you keep on thinking... You think about what while you're on top of a woman?

Like he said earlier, I wanna make sure that I am pleasing her,

Now if you dare go like this ill be like eh eh eh focus

We have another opinion from the audience. Yes...

And they can even have a low self esteem if you keep on telling them that

Wait wait wait we have to agree that it happens to most men

Sometimes its the first round

Scientifically makes sense though, 1st round it is already in your body, sperm is already there. Second round you have to build up

So are you guys asking if the man should masturbate before starting the sexual act?

Youre gonna go masturbating and ejaculating and what are you gonna do again??

You dont need to masturbate, your girl can help you out...hmm you know

Doing what?Say it...

To reduce the risk of prostate cancer

It increases immunity...he said that it decreases immunity, I think that it increases

You live live longer since you think that sex kills you

For me, I dont think it is sex that does it

You heard?

My casket is on its way at 50 for lack of sex

One of the advantage is that it increases your blood flow...

Ladies that dont wanna give it to their men, you are trying to kill him Give it to him...

It is also said that it relieves pain...since you have a headache, find a woman and go have sex

We dont have a good audience here Well me im never in pain We dont have a good audience here?

She told me to go get someone to...and I told her there is not a good audience for that

You can still go out there and find someone but if you meet... Don't go fuck anybody though please

Yes This is another topic

Ok so I think that we spoke for a long time now If I continue with this....We spoke for a while...

Mannnn this audience sucks...You guys dont clap?

This is not a good audience

We are auditioning for some new members

Me I just want 1 instagram here...for one of the audience's member or that?

Them tiddies that are...

One of the member of the audience and she has an instagram that I want...

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