Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 12, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Dec 30 2018

what is it that i want?

you want a love that consumes you

you want passion


and even a little danger

I love a woman I can never have

i know you love Stefan

and it's always gonna be Stefan

but i love you

because being around you drives me nuts

and no being around you drives me nuts


thank God!

i'm no sorry that i met you

i'm no sorry that knowing you has made me question everything

and that in death, you are the one that made me feel most alive

of all the choices that i've made, this will prove to be the worst one

but i'm no sorry that i'm in love with you

the possibility of a perfect life with you

is infinitely better than immortality without you

do you see a future with me?

because that's all I see

Elena I saw it from the first moment I laid eyes on you

are you mad with me because I involved Stefan?

i mad with you because i love you

i love you Elena

and it is precisely because I love you that

i can't be selfish with you

i love you Damon

i love you

It is the most real thing I've ever felt in my entire life

Do you know what is real?

what you felt for me

once you said it was the most real thing you had ever felt in your whole life

please, come back to me

Damon... I.

i know...

i know

i can't live without Damon

he is always close to me when I need him

there was a moment, a precise moment

in which everyone disappeared and there were only me and you


if I have to feel guilty, I want to feel guilty about this

I feel like I want to kiss you

promise me this is forever

i promise

why did you kiss me?

I was convinced that I wouldn't see you again

there wouldn't have been more atrocious death

i need you

you bring out the best part of me

but then I met a girl and she made me better

that's why i need Elena in my life

when i'm with him

I want him to die for

i've been a vampire for a long time Elena

it has been incredible

but I would give up everything to be your husband

your partner

the father of your children

no one can tell me who to love

certainly not the universe

because you're my life

i promise you

i'll never leave you again

i will always choose you

nobody will make you suffer

i love you

I will love you until I exhale my last breath

For more infomation >> Elena e Damon- All i Need (ITA) - Duration: 4:29.


助けてください。 I Need Your Help! - Duration: 3:15.

My gun is at a 180° angle

Hey, kids it's me PDRsan

What the hell was that

As todays video is a bit of a clickbait title

I thought I'd pay homage to the princess of clickbait

Let's do a collab




Tasukete kudasai (Help me!)

Dude, that reference is old!

Yes, I need your help!

At the beginning of the year I said this in a video


If I don't hit a million subscribers by the end of 2018


I will meet up with the Charisma Brothers and apologize for making this video

it was a while ago, so I thought peole had forgotten about it

but they hadn't

Of course they remember!

I need like 70000 subs

please subscribe if you haven't

I cut and dyed my hair for you guys

Please subscribe


No, but they don't know that

If you're already subscribed

Thank you so much m(_ _)m

but I still need your help

I need you to tell

your dad


younger brother

younger sister

older sister

older brother






great grandpa

great granma

The mail man

The amazon person

your neighbors

random people on the street

The clerk at your local convenience store

Please tell them all to subscribe!

Man, you're desperate

I don't want to breathe the same air as the Charisma Brothers

Dude, you already do!

There's not much time left in 2018

but if by some miracle I do hit a million subs

I'll do some big giveaway like a PS4 or iPad or something like that

so please pleasee subscribe!

and share the fuck out of this video!


Oh, on a different note


Ferumi Laborotory!

They replied to my video

That PDR guy! XD


I got lots of comments saying that 1400bucks is too much to spend on clothes

That includes the shoes

I don't want you to misunderstand that

Church's boots cost like 1000bucks

so what I wanted to say was you should spend lots on your shoes

and then

also I wasn't making fun of hoodies

I was making fun of lintballs

and then


"You should wear whatever you want"

that's just common sense

You should have whatever hairstyle, sleep schedule, clothes or shoes that you want

you can just say every person is different

but that's boring

I want to lay the groundwork for people to debate about things

I could probably make a whole video about these tweets

but I had fun taking the piss on twittter

and they claim

to not be angry about the video

so I'll just leave it at that

Please give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video(^o^)b

Please please please subscribe!

I don't want to meet the Chrisma Brothers (T_T)

so there's not much time left in 2018

I'll probably put one last video out

so I'll see you tomorrow!!!(^-^)

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