Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 12, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Dec 1 2018

Usually it's framed as should I build a product or should I build a so so the

three levels actually are should I build a feet am i building a feature I am

building a product or am i building a business right and the way to think

about it is nobody will pay you for a feature people will and this is where it

get the feedback from customers gets confusing they may say I want I let

let's just take an example that everybody might know let's take what's

up again right and what's up didn't have phone calls for in the longest time so a

lot of people when what's up didn't have phone voice calls would have said hey I

want boys cause I wanted to I want a app that will let me make voice

calls for free but if you actually built it what you realized this that's a

feature that's not enough for somebody to adopt it and pay for and a lot of

people got stuck on that loop the moment all whatsapp had to do was I had one

phone icon on the chat and suddenly for them when they added that feature they

just killed all the other people who were trying to build a product the

second level is the product level right so even if you build a product if you

don't solve the right problem which is the problem value part that I was

talking about or it doesn't have market scale then you cannot build a business

so to build a business you have to build a product that people will buy where

you're getting paid enough that you can make a profit where you can reinvest

that profit and grow the business to a substantial scale so that's the

difference so feature nobody is going to pay you for it a product some people may

pay you some amount for it but you may never make a profit large enough and a

business finally you're looking to make a large enough profit that you become

successful so those are the three levels that I would think of

For more infomation >> 71|| Tips on should I build a product first or a business first || Statup 101 - Duration: 2:23.


Android Developer Story: Chinese developer CamScanner builds a business platform with Android - Duration: 2:39.

Since its establishment

CC Intelligence Technology has been committed

to shaping an efficient, interconnected

and trusted commercial world, using technology

Hi, I'm Lei Xiaopei

head of the CamScanner development team

CC is a unicorn enterprise specialized in AI and big data

focusing on text recognition and interpretation

for robotic vision and commercial big data

Camscanner is one of our flagship products

With nearly 400 million users worldwide

it is one of the most downloaded text

and image management apps in the world

Camscanner turns smartphones and tablets into portable scanners

fax machines, and file libraries

Leveraging the tools and platforms provided by Google

CamScanner has achieved great success

I am Wu Zhongze

a development engineer at CamScanner

We started adapting to Android 9 very early

We removed the network library

used by some 3rd party SDKs to reference Apache

tested and adapted the latest power management capability

and the limits for non-SDK interfaces

as well as adapted the common limits of the app

for back-end services and the authorization request

for front-end services

We have fully adopted functions

that create a better customer experience

such as notification enhancement and notch-in screen form factors.

Android Jetpack provides developers like us

with rich development components

and improves our development efficiency

The "permissions" component of Jetpack adapts

well to the authorization configuration for various smartphone brands

thus we avoid having to make specific adaptations

I'm Bu Lingzhuang

a development engineer at CamScanner

Our intention is to develop a versatile

easy-to-use, and efficient app

so versatility is a constant focus for us

Google supports soft-decoding of HEIF static images

in Android O MR1 and in the latest Android Pie

This capability is upgraded to support soft-encoding

and decoding of HEIF

HEIF as a new format is in many ways superior to older formats

advantages include smaller storage space requirement

dynamic image support, and transparency support

We have updated the app

to support importing HEIF format images

and the user experience so far has been positive

We also plan to add export capability into version 9.0

in future scheduled app updates

to fully leverage the new features in the latest operating system

and create more appealing systems

and software experience environments

We envision a future in which we can be the smartest

and most credible commercial platform in the world

Driven by new technologies from Google

we expect to provide more efficient and intelligent user experiences

while creating value for our customers

and driving exponential business growth

with our unrelenting commitment

For more infomation >> Android Developer Story: Chinese developer CamScanner builds a business platform with Android - Duration: 2:39.


How to Build a Cool & Cheap 3D Printed Mini Drone - Duration: 7:10.

Radio-controlled drones are extremely popular and you can them in all shapes and sizes.

And today, we'll show you that 3D printers and drones are a perfect match.

3D printed drones are light, agile, fast, customizable and above all: easy to fix

The props and electronic components are well covered, so when you crash, you will usually

need only some extra 3D printed parts.

And you can easily print plenty of them!

Also, drones in stores seem to be cheap, but important equipment is often missing - like

the RC transmitter, so the price is usually much higher than what you see at first.

So let's print and build a small 90mm drone that fits in your palm, but it's powered by

a 2-cell lipo battery, so it has a nice kick and can be unbelievably fast.

Equipped with FPV camera and Racerstar 1103 motors, this little beast is suitable for

both indoor and outdoor flying.

Plus, with all important accessories included, we'll squeeze the costs just under 160 USD.

We've selected a reasonably priced setup, however there are tons of different brands

and parts, so feel free to pick a different configuration, but keep in mind the weight

and dimensions.

FPV is optional and you can buy it later, if you want.

Let's start with the frame.

It's our own design and we printed it on the Original Prusa i3 MK3 with PLA Prusament.

It takes less than three hours to print everything and the assembly is super quick.

Take four short pieces of filament and insert them into four holes in the lower body

The ESC board has three soldering pads for each of the motors.

You can solder the wires in any order you want, because we can invert the motor rotation

with a software tool.

Then solder the JST connector for the battery.

Place the ESC onto the printed frame, the arrow points towards the front of the drone

Wrap the motor wires around each of the arms and secure the motor with four screws

Before you connect the flight controller to the ESCs, add four small spacers.

Keep in mind that the header has to meet the pins.

Also, double-check the directional arrow.

It's time to add the camera.

Our camera has four wires - 5V input, ground, video in and video out.

Check the instructions for your camera to learn which cable is which and solder them

onto the flight board

Now let's move onto the RC receiver.

Take a 3-wire cable and solder it to the receiver pins according to the manual.

Locate the RC input pads on the Flight board and solder red, black and yellow wires from

the RC receiver

Use a zip tie to fix the receiver in place

To bind the drone, press and hold the binding button on the receiver and connect the battery

Then enter the binding mode on your RC transmitter

When the light turns solid, it means the binding was successful

Now we can finish the frame.

First, attach the camera holder to the top body with a zip tie

Carefully push the camera through the central hole and insert it into the camera holder

Take two zip ties and push them through the lower and upper body, but don't tighten them

completely yet.

First, add the battery holder, make sure everything sits in the right place and then tighten the

zip ties.

If you want, you can secure the battery with a sticky velcro or you can use a different

method of your choice

The last part is about configuring the software.

Connect the drone to your PC with a microUSB cable, then download Betaflight tool from

Github and run it.

First, place the drone on a leveled surface and calibrate the accelerometer

Then, go to configuration and change the ESC protocol - in our case, it's DSHOT600

Next, set the Receiver mode to serial and the provider to SBUS or IBUS

We need to enable the receiver port, it's usually UART1

After saving the values, the transmitter should now communicate

We will use the 3-position AUX1 switch to set up arming and flight mode switching.

However, you can set arming to one switch and flight mode switching to another one,

the choice is yours.

We have to make sure the motors rotate in the right direction.

Two clockwise and two counter-clockwise

If any of the motors spin the wrong way, download BLHeli config app.

Open the app, connect the drone and change the direction of the selected motor

Don't forget to save the values. Then run the motor config again.

Finally, attach the props.

There are two different kinds - clockwise and counter-clockwise propellers.

Install them in the correct order and you're all set up!

Happy flying!

For more infomation >> How to Build a Cool & Cheap 3D Printed Mini Drone - Duration: 7:10.


Hannity: Why didn't Mueller build a bi-partisan team - Duration: 12:57.

For more infomation >> Hannity: Why didn't Mueller build a bi-partisan team - Duration: 12:57.


Toy PEPPA PIG Toys Build a Christmas Gingerbread House - Duration: 14:27.

Hi girls look Peppa Pig found a gingerbread house

Huh a giant spider. Oh

Hey Dino, pals. This is toy Rex here. Let's see what toy surprise we have today. Hello Peppa Pig

Are you ready for the special surprise today?

Surprise for Peppa, what's the surprise? I don't know what the surprises your Papa pig is gonna come and tell you the surprise

Whoa sounds like fun George stop sitting on the ground

Okay, Peppa

Peppa Peppa, I have a special surprise for you and George

What's the surprise poppy Pig the Peppa Pig family is getting ready for Christmas

Christmas do we get Christmas presents?

Yep, there's going to be lots of Christmas present toys. This surprise is even better. What's the surprise?

Peppa you get to work with the boys and girls and together we get to build Peppa Pig gingerbread house

Well so fun boys and girls, let's go

Is the gingerbread house boys and girls it looks so cool

it's made of gingerbread and lots of colorful candy on the roof our

Candy canes and the doors and windows are made of candies, too. There's even marshmallow. That's so awesome

Let's build the Ginger bread house together boys and girls first we have to open the box

1 2 3 open

Awesome the gingerbread house is made of gingerbread cookies. There's a roof and walls


Lots of candy and we got lots of colors too. That's so awesome

Let's put the candy cane on the roof

Here we go. Snippy Snip time. Snip Snip Snip Snip Snip

The candy tree is red green and white. Let's put the candy cane on the top of the house and red on the roof

This is yummy. Yummy sugar. We can use it like glue

This is number one and

Number two a

Awesome now, there's candy cane on the top of the house. Now lets put candy canes here, too

And we have two more kids canes

Awesome now, let's put this one on this side

here we go

Good job boys and girls now let's decorate the roof with lots of candies

The sugar is gonna look like there's lots of snow on the top of the house

Let's put these candies on the roof there's lots of colors red orange yellow

And blue

Colors of Christmas, that's so awesome. And then we have green purple yellow

Green and blue

Awesome now, let's the Candies's on the roof. First color is yellow

Second color is orange

Next is purple


Looks awesome boys and girls that looks so cool and yummy yummy with candy now the gingerbread house needs a door.

Let's put on the candies

Let's put on the big candies on here

Red green yellow red

Orange and


Super fun

Now, let's put candies on this side, too

Well Peppa you and the boys and girls finished building the Christmas gingerbread house

Good job, peppa pig, boys and girls. You did very good.

Yep, you guys are the best boys and girls but wait, where did George go? Oh, you're right Peppa

Where is George boys and girls? We need your help to look for George?

George is hiding in the surprise toys

So Fun that means Peppa Pig you get peppa pig toys surprise

Well, the Peppa Pig family got a lot of Peppa Pig toys surprise

There's one two three four five, but wait, there's Peppa for Where's George?

Okay, let's open up these surprise toys and find George

number one


Awesome there's Wreck it Ralph and Vanellope

That's so cool

and you get a lot of super awesome surprise toys -

There's builder Bob and you can get two Ralph and two Vanellope

Let's open the bag snip snip snip one. Wow we got Vanellope

She looks super cute Penelope is a princess. She's also

Racecar driver, she can drive a really really fast candy car and she's holding a little mouse. That's so cute

Penelope wears a green shirt with the dress and she's got a ponytail with lots and lots of candy inside

There's yellow candy orange green candy and she's best friends with Ralph. That's so fun

Okay, next up we have

Peppa Pig. Let's see what surprise toy pop. You got wow. He got minions. So cool

Wow, look at there's so many different minions and they all look super super cool minions are yellow

Awesome we got a little minion

he's got one really big eye and he's wearing blue jeans and he's yellow and he has lots of little hair and

Just like Papa pig. They both wear glasses

That's so cool.Hello little minion. Have you seen George? No. No, Georgie. No, Georgie

Ha ha ha ha which surprise toy she open up first. Let's open up grandma pig

Okay, this is grandma pig she wears a pink dress and her surprise toy is

Wow Disney Princess is super cool. Look at all the princesses you can get

friends like Olaf and a little snowman a too. That's so cool. Let's see. What toy a game

Super fun we got Cinderella a

Little snowman and Cinderella is a Disney Princess. She wears a long blue dress just like a Olaf's friend Elsa

And she's got long blond hair. Olaf has three little hairs to his nose as a kid

Yummy. Yummy Olaf is from the movie frozen. His best friends are Elsa

Cinderella lost her shoe. And that's how Prince Charming finds Cinderella. That's so fun

Ok Peppa. We need to find George still but we have to surprise toys

There's mama Pig and Grandpa pig which toy should we open a first Peppa. Let's open up mama pig

Ok, here's mama pig. And here's her surprise toy. It's finding dory. There's Dory

she's a blue little fishy her best friend is Nemo and look there's a little

Jellyfish and a really funny seal. I wonder which toy we're gonna get and is George gonna be in here?

Let's find out boys and girls open

Is it George nope, we need to open up the bag one two, three, here we go

Girls we found Dory. She's super cute

Dory is a blue fish with yellow fins, but she's really happy and she's always smiling her

Best friend is Nemo she can swim really fast

But Dory has a really bad memory she always forgets things but that is okay because she's really nice

Hello, peppa pig. Hello dory. Have you seen my brother George? Oh it did see him, but I don't remember

That's okay. Let's open up your surprise toy. Ok Peppa Pig

one more surprise to go

And Grandpa pig got a super fun. Dr. Seuss. There's Cat in the Hat and he can get a lot of his friends

Look, there's even the Grinch and look at all these toys we can get that's so cool

I don't want to get the Grinch he's gonna take all the Christmas presents one two three open

We did get the Grinch the Grinch is all green with yellow eyes

The Christmas presents

I'm looking for George. I don't know where George is but I know where there's more surprise toys

Wow, there's so many more surprise

Because I'm a nice now

Peppa Pig

Okay, boys and girls, let's look for George. We have a

surprise toy

Peppa Pig toy surprise egg

Let's open up this toy

That's so cool


Sweetie Belle is a unicorn pony

She can use magic and she's funny with pink and purple hair and really pretty green eyes

She's really pretty and her big sister is rarity rarity

Is also a white pony that's a unicorn and she's a fashion designer. That's so awesome. And Sweetie Belle can stretch her ears

Haha, super fun

Okay Peppa you only have one more toilet. This is a Peppa Pig toy surprise egg

George is gonna be in here boys and girls 1 2 3 open

Yay, we did it boys and girls we found George George's at the pigs little brother

Peppa wears a red t-shirt and George wears a blue t-shirt

Super duper fun

The Peppa Pig went to the Ginger bread

House so on and then also got all these super cool surprise toys

You guys are the best for you girl have an awesome awesome day

Go Peppa Pig

Thanks for watching. Dino pals. You guys are awesome

For more awesome surprises with me click here and give me a big high-five to subscribe and join the Dino Club

For more infomation >> Toy PEPPA PIG Toys Build a Christmas Gingerbread House - Duration: 14:27.


4. Is it possible to build a truly diverse community? / Jenny Wong / ffconf 2018 - Duration: 42:39.

For more infomation >> 4. Is it possible to build a truly diverse community? / Jenny Wong / ffconf 2018 - Duration: 42:39.


How to Build an Emergency Kit - Winter Prep Week - Duration: 1:17.

Don't get stuck in your home or vehicle without a winter weather emergency kit.

You can buy a complete kit at any home improvement store or online but by

building it yourself your kit can be totally customizable you can save some

money, and it can be fun for the whole family. Here is just a brief example of

some items that could go in your kit. Chances are you have a lot of these

things around your home already but it's a good idea to have them all in one

place so you can get to them quickly in an emergency. Check your kit every year

to make sure everything is in working order and still within its use-by date.

When the power goes out, a flashlight and spare batteries are key. Each time you do

your regular grocery shopping consider getting a few extra bottles of water and

non-perishable canned goods. You can stash those away for emergency events.

Protein-rich foods like peanut butter and canned meats are best. They make you

feel fuller longer. Don't go for products that have to be cooked to be

consumed. For a complete list of emergency supplies visit

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