Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 2, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Feb 28 2018

It's Official!

California Dem Party REFUSES To Endorse Her For Re-Election After What She Did!

California Democrats have once again proven that they are about 8 shades of insane.

When left to choose between CRAZY and CRAZIER it seems California chooses CRAZIER every

single time!

This time is no different as the state of California Democratic Party has refused to

endorse incumbent and current Senator Dianne Feinstein and her bid for re-election this


Instead, the party's annual convention has chosen to give the majority of their votes

to her top primary challenger – the progressive State Sen. Kevin de Leon.

Feinstein at 84-years-old is considered the oldest member of the Senate and is currently

seeking her sixth term.

Currently, De Leon has 54% of the vote, as compared to just 37% for the more moderate


Luckily, neither candidate will receive the state party endorsement due to the failure

of both candidates to reach the 60% threshold.

However, according to recent RealClearPolitics polls averages, Feinstein leads de Leon by

29% points in the primary race.

De Leon stated while speaking to Politico – "The outcome of today's endorsement

vote is an astounding rejection of politics as usual, and it boosts our campaign's momentum

as we all stand shoulder-to-shoulder against a complacent status quo.

California Democrats are hungry for new leadership that will fight for California values from

the front lines, not equivocate on the sidelines."

Many Conservatives and Republicans will remember De Leon from when he was mocked relentlessly

a few years ago after making a significant number of inaccurate statements while promoting

a bill that would require individuals who manufacturer homemade firearms to undergo

background checks.

De Leon's ridiculously uninformed and uneducated expose on the so-called "ghost gun" was

caught on video for all to see.

De Leon begins, holding an unloaded rifle in his hands and then claims – "This is

a ghost gun.

This right here has the ability with a .30-caliber clip to disperse with 30 bullets within half

a second.

Thirty magazine clip in half a second."

Except even the left-leaning Associated Press states – "…the rifle on display in the

video is indeed a homemade fully automatic rifle.

Still, a rate of fire of 60 rounds per second — or 3,600 rounds per minute — is unlikely

with a "homemade" rifle.

Fully automatic weapons are also essentially banned already, even if they are homemade.

The average rate of fire for a semi-automatic rifle is roughly 120 rounds per minute, depending

on the shooter and reload time."

De Leon may also be remembered for proclaiming on the California Senate floor that "half

his family" was in the country illegally, using false documents, and eligible for deportation

under President Trump's new executive order against "sanctuary" jurisdiction while

introducing a bill known as SB54, which was the bill to make California a "Sanctuary


He said – "… I can tell you half of my family would be eligible for deportation

under [President Donald Trump's] executive order, because if they got a false Social

Security card, if they got a false identification, if they got a false driver's license prior

to us passing AB60, if they got a false green card, and anyone who has family members, you

know, who are undocumented knows that almost entirely everybody has secured some sort of

false identification.

That's what you need to survive, to work.

They are eligible for massive deportation."

In the meantime, the more moderate Feinstein has been taking heat for actually being rational.

She took heat last fall after she was heard by many of her leftist counterparts actually

voicing optimism about President Donald Trump becoming what she termed "a good president".

Feinstein also voiced criticism of former President Barack Obama's Deferred Action

for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, stating it was on shaky legal ground.

In California that is tantamount to blasphemy to voice any opposition to illegal immigration

or DACA on any level.

For those that do not know, President Trump has ended DACA and the current debate rages

on as to exactly what to do with them.

DACA provided a level of amnesty to certain illegal immigrants — many of whom came to

the United States as children.

Many believe that Feinstein will be incredibly difficult to beat however due to her establishment

support, as well as her standing among independents and women.

Both of which are considered two key voting blocs in the state.

A San Fransisco-based pollster, Ben Tulchin admitted – "It will be tough to outflank

her in that capacity."

Many other Californians took to social media to voice their displeasure at the decision

to support De Leon over Feinstein.

Feinstein is not without her faults as she is currently calling for what she termed a

"full out assault weapons ban" in the wake of the recent Parkland school shooting.

She states in response –

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) last week issued the following statement calling for

a hearing on her bill to ban assault weapons:

"Over this past week, we've heard passionate pleas from students who survived a massacre

and lost their friends and teachers.

There have been 239 shootings at schools since 20 first graders were slaughtered at Sandy

Hook—the last time we said 'never again.'

These shootings resulted in 438 people being wounded, 138 fatally.

There's no other country where school shootings are a monthly occurrence, no other country

where children are afraid they are going to be killed at school, and we've got to stop


"Through their pain, these students have been demanding lawmakers take action to make

sure an AR-15 isn't used to perpetrate another mass shooting.

At a rally this week, one of the Parkland students said, 'We can't protect our guns

before we protect our children.'

We owe it to these students to listen.

"Our country is in the midst of a significant conversation on gun reform, and our bill to

ban assault weapons, which is before the Judiciary Committee, deserves a hearing.

"From Aurora to Sandy Hook, San Bernardino to Las Vegas, Sutherland Springs to Parkland,

one common thread that runs through mass shootings is the use of AR-15 military-style assault


These weapons are designed to kill the greatest number of people in the shortest amount of

time and we need to get these weapons of war off our streets.

"Republicans falsely claim that the federal ban in 1994 didn't work.

When the assault weapons ban was in place, the number of gun massacres fell by 37 percent

and the number of people dying from gun massacres fell by 43 percent.

After the ban expired, the number of gun massacres increased by 183 percent and the number of

people dying from gun massacres increased by 239 percent.

"The ban was effective, but Republicans still blocked its extension at the behest

of the NRA.

Today, however, the tide is turning and the public overwhelmingly favors stronger gun


We deserve a hearing."

For more infomation >> It's Official! California Dem Party REFUSES To Endorse Her For Re Election After What She Did! - Duration: 21:56.


California to allow testing of self driving cars without a driver present - Duration: 2:10.

California's Department of Motor Vehicles established new rules announced Monday that

will allow tech companies and others working on driverless vehicle systems to begin trialling

their cars without a safety driver at the wheel.

The new rules go into effect starting April 2.

Until now, the DMV has allowed companies approved for autonomous vehicle testing to run their

cars on the roads, with autonomous driving systems engaged, provided that there's a

trained safety driver behind the wheel ready and able to take over manual control.

Now, the regulators are updating their rules to allow for a fully driverless test, which

is a key step along the route towards actually deploying self-driving vehicles in a commercial


This doesn't mean test vehicles will be out there on the roads without any kind of

human intervention backup – the DMV will require that those testing autonomous cars

without a driver present have a dedicated communications channel that ties the car to

a remote operator, who can take over if needed.

The cars will also need to be hardened against cyber attacks and be able to provide their

owner and operator info to any other parties in the event of an accident.

Any companies wishing to test this way will need to secure a permit to do so from the

DMV, just as with driver-present testing, and the new rules only apply to consumer passenger

vehicles (not semi trucks, for instance).

Alphabet-owned Waymo and GM's Cruise will likely welcome this news, since the former

is already testing totally driver-free versions of its Chrysler Pacifica test car in Arizona,

and Cruise recently showed off its fully driverless autonomous vehicle, a modified version of

the Bolt EV with no steering wheel and no pedals for brake and acceleration.

GM hopes to field those cars by 2019, and this will help them do that in San Francisco,

the site of its current largest test pilot.

For more infomation >> California to allow testing of self driving cars without a driver present - Duration: 2:10.


California Dems Reject Sen. Feinstein, Open Path for Progressive Candidate - Duration: 13:15.

It's The Real News Network.

I'm Sharmini Peries coming to you from Baltimore.

The California Democratic Party failed to endorse Senator Dianne Feinstein for a fifth

Senate term on Sunday.

She got only 37% of the 2,775 delegates that voted.

Her challenger, State Senator President pro Tem Kevin de León got 54 % of the vote.

Neither ended up with the party's endorsement because candidates need at least 60% of the

delegates to vote for an endorsement.

This is a major blow to Senator Feinstein, one of the most senior senators in the US


Californians will hold their primaries on June 5th, and joining me now to discuss the

decision and what this means for California and for the Democratic Party as a whole, is

Don Nielsen.

Don Nielsen is Director of Government Relations for the California Nurses Association.

I thank you for joining us, Don.

Thank you.

So Don, let's begin with what this means for California, for such a senior senator as Dianne

Feinstein who has been in the Senate for 26 years, to be rejected in this way.

Well, it's an indication of the direction of the party in California and of the grassroots.

Everybody, there was, common wisdom was that she was going to get the endorsement easily

because she's out-polling Kevin de León or has been up until recently.

But the party delegates, the people who come to these things are overwhelmingly more progressive

and more left leaning than the party leadership.

We've seen that for a long time, but we've never seen anything quite like this, where

they voted so overwhelmingly not to endorse her and to endorse, to come very close to

endorsing Kevin de León.

He only fell about 147 votes short of actually getting the 60% threshold.


Now, let's talk about Kevin de León in a minute, but let's back up a little bit here

to Dianne Feinstein.

Why was she rejected politically?

What was her positions in the past that the Democrats as a whole in California just didn't

endorse any longer?

Well, I think there's a lot of different reasons.

From positions on war, positions on fiscal matters, making statements like giving Donald

Trump a chance and so forth.

But I think the biggest reason is her rejection of the overwhelming momentum out there in

the land for guaranteed healthcare for all, Medicare for All at the federal level.

Here in California, SB 562 guaranteed healthcare for all.

Bernie Sanders has this bill, S-1804 and people are jumping on board to coauthor it, yet Senator

Feinstein specifically refused, notwithstanding the fact that others have endorsed it and

cosponsored it, coauthored it.

So, I'd say that's probably the single largest thing that has caused people to want to reject

her here at the party convention.

All right.

Now, who is Kevin de León?

And why was he able to mount such a serious challenge to Feinstein?

Well, he is the Senate pro Tem, meaning he's the head of the California Senate, the President,

the leader of the California Senate.

He played a very instrumental role in getting our bill, SB 562 through the Senate and over

to the assembly.

Party activists, the grassroots, everyone recognizes that.

We in particular, California Nurses Association, the main sponsor of that bill, have always

been appreciative of the work that he and other members of the Senate have done in supporting

that bill and overwhelmingly passing it through the Senate.

We endorsed him just a few weeks ago, and up to that point, there hadn't been any major

labor unions jumping on board to endorse him.

After we did that, within a day or two after that, others also endorsed him.

So, in effect broke the logjam in that.

And I think you're going to see more and more support for his candidacy.

The main reason we endorsed him, the main reason that our nurse leadership overwhelmingly

endorsed him was because of his integral role in getting our SB 562 bill through the Senate.

All right, Don.

So, what does this mean now, for both candidates, Feinstein and de León?

What happens leading up to the primaries if you're not endorsed by the party?

Well, the lack of a party endorsement means that you can't put that on your literature,

you can't cite yourself as being endorsed by the party.

It has an effect on, it can have an effect on support, on fundraising.

But the real, the bigger litmus test, the bigger, the more important item I would argue

for candidates going forward is whether they support guaranteed healthcare for all, Medicare

for All.

In California, that means SB 562.

For Senator Feinstein to have specifically refused to endorse these concepts while Senator

de León has embraced them, I think you're going to see that become the major factor

that will play such a huge role in the primary.

And so, I think it's going to be the case for all Democratic candidates going forward.

The grassroots, the overwhelming majority of registered Democrats and the overwhelming

majority of the population at large want to see real, meaningful reform in healthcare.

What's going on at the national level is a terrible thing.

Here in California, the Democrats control all branches of government, right?

So, at the national level, it's the opposite but here in California they control all branches

of government.

So, they in effect own the fix.

They have no excuse for not implementing real, meaningful reform in the area of healthcare

and that, right now, there's only one single-payer bill out there in California and that's our

bill SB 562.

Again, Senator de León embraced it, and others have not.

In particular Senator Feinstein has not embraced the concept of Medicare for All, and I think

that is the issue.

That's the item that has separated the two at the convention that we just saw this last


Now, some of this Democratic Party establishment challengers are lingering from the last convention

and the last presidential election and the struggle over Bernie Sanders' candidacy and

so forth.

How is the party establishment reacting to these challenges?

Well, it's interesting to watch them because much of the establishment is trying very hard

to resist that type of message, a Bernie Sanders type message in the area of healthcare and

in many other areas as well.

But we're also starting to see a division among that leadership beginning to take place,

where the smarter ones are seeing that if they want to continue to lead the party, if

they want to continue to enjoy the support of the grassroots and win elections, they're

going to have to get on board with this issue.

Guaranteed healthcare for all is the issue right now that, at least the party faithful

care about and I think the population at large cares about as well because it's a broken


Our healthcare system is a broken system that is in need of drastic repair and there's really

only one solution.

That is guaranteed healthcare for all.

All right.

Don, in what ways are the party establishment blocking the Healthcare for All bill?

Well, back in June of last year, June 23 of last year, the Speaker of the Assembly, Anthony

Rendon, out of nowhere said he was going to hold up the bill in the rules committee and

not assign it to a policy committee for further consideration.

You remember, a few minutes ago, I mentioned how Senator de León, the head of the Senate

played such an integral role in getting that bill through the Senate and passing it over

to the Assembly for them to vote on it.

And instead of embracing it, and working with us and others who support this concept, Speaker

Rendon, without any heads up, without any communication with us or anyone else that

cares about this bill, decided to hold it up, to freeze it in effect.

Now, the bill is not dead.

The bill can still be assigned to a committee.

We still have this entire legislative year to the end of August for that bill to go forward.

And we're hopeful that he'll allow it to go forward.

He was called on by various speakers and activists at the convention to do just that, but right

now he's standing in the way of that.

It's not a winning solution for him and for others who are supporting him because the

grassroots, the majority of the population, the vast majority of registered Democrats

want to see this bill allowed to go through the normal hearing procedure and voted on,


I mean, that's why we elect these people, is to vote and to take and to be accountable.

What the Speaker's trying to do is to "protect" those more moderate members of the Democratic

Party from having to go on record and having to answer to their constituents as to why

they do or do not support SB 562.

Don, I understand that the California Nurses Association is supporting a candidate for

governor and you're about to go on a campaign, unveiling a bus.

Tell us more about that.


We, the nurses, democratically and overwhelming voted back in December of 2015 to endorse

Gavin Newsom for governor.

We're doing, we've got a whole bunch of things planned in supporting him for his candidacy.

We just, at the party convention in San Diego over this weekend, rolled out our Nurses for

Newsom bus.

It's quite impressive.

That bus will be traveling around the state to various activities, appearing at, from

town halls to rallies to you name it.

And also serving as sort of a mobile billboard for the governor traveling around the state.

It's very impressive and it shows the level of dedication and support we have for his

campaign because he is the frontrunner and as the frontrunner, and I believe a direct

result of being the frontrunner is the fact that he has come out in strong support of

single-payer, our bill SB 562, guaranteed healthcare for all, is committed to signing

a single-payer bill when it gets to his desk, when elected governor.

These are the things that have entered into our overall decision to support him overwhelmingly

and you're going to see a whole slew of activities designed to promote his candidacy because

he is serious about the bill, serious about the concept, and fortunately is the frontrunner,

and the favorite in the race at this point.

All right.

Don, I thank you so much for joining us here on The Real News Network and I wish you all

the best with the upcoming campaign.

All right.

Well, thank you very much.

We appreciate all your attention to this.

And thank you for joining us here on The Real News Network.

For more infomation >> California Dems Reject Sen. Feinstein, Open Path for Progressive Candidate - Duration: 13:15.


Trump vs. California: The battle over immigration - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Trump vs. California: The battle over immigration - Duration: 2:24.


The mounting divide within the Democratic Party in California - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> The mounting divide within the Democratic Party in California - Duration: 5:35.


BREAKING News Out Of California… It's HORRIBLE - Duration: 3:47.

BREAKING News Out Of California…

It's HORRIBLE California's top utility regulator has suggested

charging people that live in rural areas more money for electricity than city slickers since

they are at risk for power issues that cause wildfires.

Michael Picker, president of the California Public Utilities Commission, made the suggestion

during a Jan. 31 meeting on fire safety.

He questioned the fairness of all utility customers paying the costs of averting wildfires

in rural areas, FOX News reports.

"Should we actually start to charge deferentially for the use of the distribution system for

those sections that are in the high-fire-hazard zone and people who choose to live there?"

Picker asked, according to The San Francisco Chronicle.

"As we spend more to harden the grid and protect people in those high-risk areas, how

do we pay for it?" he asked.

"If you're in Richmond, do you want to be paying to protect vacation homes in Napa?"

Picker is obviously oblivious to how much money is spent on illegal aliens and people

on welfare- not to mention that I live in the mountains but my taxes go to pay for their

roads and all their bullshit.

Picker bitched about how much it costs to prevent fires in rural California.

Some of the measures require chopping down millions of trees, replacing wooden poles

with steel and burying the lines underground.

"Here we're facing costs for upgrading the grid that primarily benefits one group

of people," Picker said.

"I'm just trying to come up with ways to figure out how we do this fairly, but still

manage to serve people who live in these high-risk areas.

Because, no doubt, they need electricity."

Go to hell lib.

"It's a policy decision that's pretty firmly entrenched that the price should be

the same wherever you live," Mike Florio, who served on the California Public Utilities

Commission from 2011 through 2016, told the Chronicle.

Residents in rural areas also do end up paying more extra to utility companies for starting

the service, especially if the rural home is further away from existing power lines.

But the price of the electricity remains the same for all the people, even as utility companies

admit it is more expensive to provide services to someone living in rural areas.


Any serious consideration to charge rural residents more than their urban counterparts

for electricity is sure to cause a political backlash.

Their representatives would surely object to the initiative.

Florio reminded that the unpopular fire-prevention fee levied on rural homeowners in the state

was suspended last year after California Gov. Jerry Brown tried to court the votes of lawmakers

from rural California in a bid to pass the state's greenhouse cap-and-trade system.

"The rural legislators made the price of their support getting rid of that fee,"

Florio said.

"And that was a modest attempt at making the user pay."

Meanwhile California is building a bullet train that leads to nowhere.

Cost climbs by $2.8 billion for California bullet train.


– Officials increased the cost estimate for the first phase of California's high

speed rail project by 35 percent on Tuesday, to $10.6 billion.

There's your money dude- now take you a-hole ideas and stick them where the sun don't

shine you filthy liberal pile of garbage.

I really need to get the hell out of Commiefornia.

God Bless America!

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