Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Feb 25 2018

hi welcome back to our Channel please like this video and subscribe to our

channel thank you everyone we are so so excited that so many people entered into

our $200 cash giveaway video sometimes it was so much fun

we're just excited we appreciate everyone who entered everyone who

participated and definitely everyone who took the time to also watch our help us

reach 4,000 hours playlist and you know a lot of you watched it meant so much to

us unfortunately we did get fired from YouTube it's kind of really hard time as

a glass know so we got fired me it's not funny it's not fired from YouTube uh you

okay it's people singing will be easier than I am I don't think that's funny

just because it sucks yeah and you've had this channel and he was monetized

for five years and it's like you know no issues no copyright knows nothing no

strikes no nothing so I was super super bummed about it as chipper upset how do

you say that really hurt my feelings in Spanish me middle Neil you could say

maybe a little mentally ill mucho yeah that and that just means I get hurt a

lot it hurt a lot I'm not gonna try to say that cuz you use fear we use big

words and I don't know I'm not gonna try but it really hurt my soul hurt her

feelings but it's okay I understand it's a

business I get it it just I wish I would have had more time than a 30 day notice

and I probably would have planned out the friendly because I had consistently

the Minuteman Stephen started putting videos up together we start consistently

posting and then I said you know what it's Christmas times over the holidays

it was really important to me for Stephen and I to spend the holidays with

his family just because we are newlyweds and he is in the army I wanted to kind

of take that time to revamp our channel you know you know study get research

done for good content and I would I would have found some more

time to post if I wouldn't know that was coming because we would have

consistently posted that wouldn't have been an issue the four thousand hours

and twelve months yeah but I get it again

still thinks a little unfair sorry I am troubling a little bit it looks okay

what's super lame is all the big youtubers who made videos basically

making fun of it or others being lame and you can all that Club eight and it's

just like okay you're many people like three grand by giving their videos four

million views basically making fun of small youtubers it's so stupid

yeah any boo but we're over here in our little corner of love

yeah it is a Steven and Frances Channel and Fort Campbell Kentucky yeah I'm

living Our Lives so that is enough of that

positivity always always the whole plan I'm saying that as I appreciate all you

guys that try to help us yeah well is I'm insane you didn't have to do that

and did a lot I appreciate is it when I what did you guys know what you can

expect in the future yeah for me you can expect one we're

getting a new intro it kind of even have an intro right now no we're gonna have a

new intro I'm just getting worked on for our channel on we are actually working

with a really dope artists out of Britain England specifically who is

gonna be redoing all of our thumbnails so I'm really excited about and you can

expect just more videos more content for me basically on my experience as a

military spouse and on finance videos I really really really really really want

to help as many people as I can be stay and remain deck 322 still live a good

filling life with money and access income regardless of your salary or

which you have right now that's not what you'd expect for me and I'm gonna be

doing more videos on the army things I wish I'd known things that I recent

learn stuff that I think could help when you're preparing to go to the army or

things you're preparing to do in the army or all sorts of stuff a basin arm

stuff yeah army stuff I'm also gonna be working on providing more content in

Spanish that means the closed captioning making sure that it's all translated

correctly and even making sure that my videos I do personally I also have

Spanish in them right it's like there's one video you have that's an army gear

video an army gear video that is in English rather than once he's finished

with it it immediately picks up in Spanish and it gives the same content in

the same information in both languages I am not fluent in Spanish Wow I do

understand a lot of it and I can read it I can't speak it and I don't want and it

would be counterproductive but again Stevens gonna try to work on putting

closed captions in Spanish and in English on our videos right so more

people can get information out of it yeah yeah so we're really excited about

that's my prize from the future we're gonna get down a posting schedule we

don't have one yet but once we get kind of more of a

routine down which is a little bit tough to do with begin the military lifestyle

and then also us both working we'll figure it out but for now you can

definitely expect more giveaways you just definitely spend more videos and

you can definitely expect to see more visually appealing this from our channel

yeah we're super excited oh yeah so I'm it is

before they went up every Wednesday I would like to say this person won I'm so

excited for them however eight other people actually won before them they

just didn't follow the rules so please follow the rules regardless of what it

is it'll never be anything crazy I mean we're talking about subscribes liking

commenting follows not anything too difficult

so I'm excited for this person but I also just want to like remind you please

make sure you follow the rules for a giveaway and because I would really be

terrible if he won and then you didn't get it just because you didn't fall over

so this person won fair and square I'm very excited mom I appreciate

everyone's patience and I'm just really excited I'm really excited so the one up

is I soaked my papers I want to say right

Kristin's chaotic life yeah okay we need to see it together you need more um from

you okay okay on three one two three Christian's get

out of live congratulations um she's actually a youtuber I'm based

out of Oregon she is a mother she does cleaning videos lifestyle videos cooking

videos I will have a link to her channel Instagram and Twitter in the description

below she's very awesome she seems like a very

nice person I don't know her personally but I have in the last you know 10 to 12

hours that I've no choose the winner I've been looking at her video she's

very good content out there and I mean she's like an amazing mother for once I

mean her family is adorable so definitely check out her channel and

again I'm very sorry for everyone who didn't win I feel very bad about that

that was probably the only low point of this whole

experience was that I everyone didn't win right but the more we grow the more

exposure the more resources the more income our channel generates the more

giveaways we'll have right now that's a little bit on stance so because we just

lost on monetization so again I'll link help us reach our 4,000 hours in the

description click on that let it play like engage and so we can keep doing

this we're very excited we're very blessed and happy going on we just want

you all to know that we do this because it's fun and it continent for me kind of

eases the my loneliness that comes with living away from your family and not

really having very many friends yeah both of us have I mean I mean I think we

can each counter friends on one hand and we both kind of grew up in the same area

like he grew up in Phoenix I grew up in the DC area and you go flow there pretty

much all of our childhood yeah and so now that we live in Kentucky we have no

base and it's been really fun and really just fun experience I'm posting on

YouTube if you're thinking about making a

YouTube channel do it but I will say you will get more support when your channel

has zero subscribers then when you are creeping out those to the hundreds and

you will get your first dislike when you're creepin up for whatever reason it

is so easy to get people to watch your video when you have no one watching and

once you start to get something all the naysayers start to come out so oh no no

no I'm so sick and tired of seeing all these videos they're like don't start a

YouTube channel on 2018 you know what everyone started singing to us our new

YouTube channel do it right baby yeah do it go for it but you have nothing to

lose yeah don't listen to the naysayers and

say like don't start now because it's harder do it or it's too late it's not

too late no just go for it there isn't fair zoom off there is a

moth we live in Kentucky in the the mobile forest I feel like they found

a farz I decided to put Fort Campbell in the middle of it because yeah

anyway if you're thinking about starting a YouTube channel do it um if you know

someone that has a YouTube channel watch your channel if you if you can if their

content doesn't offend you is it feels so good to know someone out there is

watching me or they're getting something out of it yeah but for me it just really

helps to just curb that kind of loneliness from being away from family

and friends I have no base here in Kentucky and a

lot of the things that people gather and the military community it are very

limited to your experience is with your children and we don't have children you

know so that these kind of isolates I felt a little bit isolated and YouTube

has really helped me find another community within this community I don't

get me wrong there's so many people out there that are amazing

but even if you watch army wife youtubers most of them have children you

know they just do and I do so just to work full time plus not have

babies you miss a lot of that bonding experience you miss a lot of those

activities that they did they do host so this has been a very good for me this

has been very good for us and when Steven is away it's so fun watching some

of our adventures and just us together here his voice is many so that's why we

doing it we love it come back soon subscribe so I'm yeah breath came and

talking about I need some of my team subscribe you Jim

like the video subscribe and we'll be back very very shortly with another one

and you don't take care in it congratulations again can you see if

they have a son Steven yes - Kristen's chaotic life congratulations yes we'll

be in touch um DM me on Instagram or Twitter or you can send me an email so I

can get your information and get you your winnings yeah we good

night everyone or good morning order everyone or good





CNN 10 - February 25, 2018 | why the U.S. recently indicted 13 Russian citizens | CNN Student News - Duration: 10:01.

I`m Carl Azuz for CNN 10, explaining global news to a global audience.

We start today with a look at an international story concerning the U.S. and Russia. Late

last week, an American federal grand jury formally

charged 13 Russian citizens and three Russian companies with allegedly interfering with

the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The Russians are

accused of conspiracy to defraud the United States. Other charges for some of the dependents

included conspiracy to commit bank fraud and identity


Here`s how this alleged happen. The U.S. Justice Department says as early as 2014, a Russian

organization named the Internet Research Agency started

trying to interfere with the U.S. political system and 2016 elections. The Russians are

accused of posing as Americans, creating false American

identities, operating social media pages to attract American audiences and posting critical

information about American presidential candidates. The

U.S. government says employees for the Internet Research Agency were told to, quote, use any

opportunity to criticize Democratic presidential nominee

Hillary Clinton and the rest except for Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

The U.S. government says that no Americans knowingly participated in the illegal activity.

And President Donald Trump says the Russian campaign

started before he announced his presidential candidacy and that the results of the election

were not impacted. Other American politicians, including

some Republicans and Democrats in Congress said it`s clear Russia interfered with the

election and that future U.S. elections would have to

be better protected.

Russia`s foreign ministry described the charges as, quote, absurd. It`s also said that not

a single fact has come out of the U.S. investigation

into alleged Russian interference. But that investigation continues.

These 37 pages alleged Russians went a very long way in their attempt to interfere U.S.


According to the federal indictments, Russian operating out of this St. Petersburg troll

farm launched a misinformation campaign to wreak havoc on

America`s political system.

The Russians conspirators want to promote discord in the United States and undermine

public confidence in

democracy. We must not allow them to succeed.

SANDOVAL: Examples of the alleged misinformation campaign include allegations of voter fraud

by the Democratic Party and the purchased of

advertisements to further promote the allegations on Facebook. The pages were even designed

to look like they were run by real Americans and focus

on issues in American life, race relations, immigration, and of course, then candidate

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Facebook estimates close to 126 million Americans may have been exposed to this and other propaganda.

Federal investigators say the group behind it

is the Internet Research Agency linked to the Kremlin. Russia has denied any involvement

in the U.S. elections. In a security conference, Saturday,

Russia`s foreign minister again dismissed those claims.

I have no response. Until we see the facts, everything else is just


Then there are the rallies. The very month of the election both pro and anti-Trump demonstrations

were held in New York. U.S. prosecutors

say both events were organized by the same trail group half a world away in St. Petersburg.

Russians traveled to the U.S. on a fact-finding mission in 2014, say prosecutors. It would

be the foundation of a massive operation brought to

light in recent months and described in detail in these 37 pages.

Polo Sandoval, CNN, New York.

Ten-second trivia.

From 1789 to 1914, most of the U.S. government`s revenue came from what?

Foreign investment, tariffs, income tax or corporate tax?

During this time period, taxes on imported goods or tariffs were how the government got

most of its revenue.

There`s a challenging decision ahead of the Trump administration when it comes to steel

and aluminum. Both of these metals are important to

the U.S. economy. They`re in everything from cars to dishwashers, pipelines to soda cans.

America uses 100 million tons of steel every year and five and a half million tons of aluminum.

A third of that steel is imported from other

countries. Ninety percent of aluminum is. That`s not good for American middle manufacturers

who`ve had to close some plants because of cheaper


But will President Trump impose new tariffs, taxes on steel and aluminum that`s imported?

He has until April to decide on recommendations from the

U.S. Commerce Department. But while American manufacturers could benefit from tariffs on

imported metal, they could cause prices to rise on American

metal and everything it`s used for.

One country that tariffs could target is China.

So, if tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from China to the U.S. are in fact enacted,

how will China respond?

That`s the big question many here in China are asking, after the latest news out of the

White House.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross made his suggestions in three basic options. Number

one, impose across-the-board tariffs on steel and aluminum

from all countries. Two, select targeted countries with even higher tariffs. Or three, limit

the total steel and aluminum coming into the

United States overall.

All three of those would have major effects on Chinese imports and perhaps signal that

the Trump administration is, in fact, more willing to actually

carry out tougher trade measures in policy, more like the kind of rhetoric we heard from

then candidate Trump on the 2016 campaign trail where he

regularly accused China of stealing U.S. jobs while not playing by international rules.

Now, the president has largely shied away from challenging Beijing economically since

taking office. So far, not much of a response from

China because we are smack dab in the middle of the Chinese New Year holidays, so government

offices have been closed and will remain so for a

few days now.

We did see a brief article from state media outlet Xinhua, though. They quoted a senior

official named Wang Hejun at the commerce ministry here,

saying, quote: If the United States` final decision affects China`s interests, we will

take necessary measures to defend our what, rights.

Nothing more specific than that though.

It is worth noting that there is wide agreement among economists that China has sold steel

at unfairly low prices in the U.S. for years because of

cheap production costs here domestically and hundreds and hundreds have helped reduce steel

imports already. China is now longer among the top

steel importers to the United States.

Now, the president has until mid-April to decide what kind of action to take in regards

to potential tariffs, if any action at all. But if he does

decide to act, you can absolutely expect China to respond.

Analysts and industry representatives that we`ve spoken to here in China over the last

several months or so say there is broad concern that Beijing

will target major U.S. industries and companies that rally on access to Chinese markets. Think

Boeing and their airplanes or the soybean industry

that exports billions of dollars of product to China each year. Restricting access to

Chinese customers could seriously hurt U.S. companies

in the short and long term.

Scientists in Antarctica have attached a camera to a minke whale, in what they say is a world


We`re trying to understand the behavior of baleen whales, of minke whales and humpback


So, for the first time ever, we could see from a minke whale`s perspective what is life

is like in the Antarctic, how it feeds, how it maneuvers in

the sea ice and just the things that it does in a daily life of a minke whale is something

we`d never seen before.

Minkes grow to about eight to nine meters and are the second smallest baleen whale.

Using specialized feeding plates, they filter krill or small fish out of the water.

What`s amazing to me is how fast the animal is and how quickly it can feed and then how

quickly again it can feed the second time.

Our goal is to try to understand these whales, figure out what they need to survive and figure

out what we can men do to kind of protect those whales

and keep them from pristine (ph).

Not every cafe charges you $10 an hour just to sit down. In addition to any drinks you

buy. But not every cafe has this. At Cafe Meow

in Minnesota, you stay for and pay for the cats. The goal is to get these fine felines

adopted. It`s currently showing older cats who`ve been

overlooked by families wanting a kitten. This gives customers the chance to get to know

the felines while they get catfinated.

It`s sure truly a unique experience. If you`re looking to Siamese into your morning, if you`re

having a rough day or if you feel like a ragdoll or

a ragamuffin after work and want a Caligo somewhere exotic but closer than Siberian,

Cafe Meow offers free es-fur-sso with every order.

I`m Carl Azuz with news and meows for CNN 10.

For more infomation >> CNN 10 - February 25, 2018 | why the U.S. recently indicted 13 Russian citizens | CNN Student News - Duration: 10:01.


10 Foods You Can No Longer Buy In The United States - Duration: 10:43.

Remember in school, when you learned that Louis Pasteur figured out how to pasteurize

milk, saving millions of lives and making milk safe for everyone to drink?

It seems some folks missed school that day because there are people who enjoy drinking

raw, unpasteurized milk.

Raw milk isn't necessarily dangerous to consume, but when it is mass-produced on the

level the dairy industry puts out milk in the United States, the odds of passing on

harmful bacteria increase exponentially if pasteurization is skipped.Unpasteurized milk

can carry dangerous bacteria like Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria.

These and other harmful organisms killed in the pasteurization process can be dangerous

to the young, people with weakened immune systems, the elderly, and pregnant women.

Pasteurization prevents harmful diseases such as listeriosis, typhoid fever, tuberculosis,

diphtheria, and brucellosis, so it makes sense to keep raw milk under control.

In the US, 20 states and the District of Columbia prohibit the sale of raw milk, while its sale

is heavily regulated in all but 13 of the remaining 30 states.

When having trouble sleeping, some people may take melatonin.

In small doses, it's a harmless supplement that can help regulate sleep, but it is not

generally considered a food ingredient.

That's a problem for the makers of Lazy Larry brownies (formerly called Lazy Cakes),

as their principal marketed ingredient is melatonin.

The Food and Drug Administration found out about this additive and sent a letter to the

company responsible, informing them that their cakes weren't particularly good for people

to . . . well, eat.These cakes are particularly dangerous for children, who might see a delicious

brownie and eat it.

If a child were to take melatonin, they shouldn't exceed 0.3 milligrams, but these brownies

are packed with 8 milligrams of melatonin.

While the nation as a whole hasn't jumped on the bandwagon and outright banned Lazy

Larry brownies just yet, you won't be able to find them anywhere in Arkansas.

The state banned them in 2011

Sometimes, the most dangerous treats are also the most delicious.

That is certainly the case for the ackee fruit, which can be found in West Africa and Jamaica

but certainly not in the United States.

The FDA has completely banned the importation of ackee fruit into the country, and it may

have been for a good reason: Ingesting unripe ackee will result in something called Jamaican

vomiting sickness (JVS), which is pretty much exactly what you think it is.

About two to 12 hours after eating unripe ackee, someone with JVS will begin vomiting

uncontrollably, may lose consciousness, and is susceptible to seizures.

If this happens while you're out camping, this little fruit is going to kill you.The

reason ackee causes JVS has to do with the presence of hypoglycin, a nonproteinogenic

amino acid.

It functions by lowering a person's blood sugar, which leads to an increased use of

glucose and ultimately hypoglycemia.

There are thousands of people who eat ackee fruit and its products every day without harm

thanks to their patience in waiting for the fruit to ripen, but seeing as dozens of people

die from eating it every year, the FDA may be on the right track with this ban.

Sassafras oil is probably the one product many people have heard of but have never used.

That's certainly true for Americans, seeing as the use of it in commercially mass-produced

foods was banned back in 1960.

Sassafras is a bit different than other items on this list; you might just have it growing

in your backyard.

The plant hasn't been banned, but you aren't going to find it in your root beer anymore.

The reason the oil has been banned in the States stems from the presence of safrole,

a constituent in sassafras oil, which has been shown to be carcinogenic, causing cancer

in lab animals.There is another problem with safrole in that it is one of the principal

ingredients of MDMA, otherwise known as Molly or ecstasy.

Because the tree produces a component of the popular party drug, it is becoming threatened

and may disappear one day.

Despite the dangers posed from ingesting safrole, it is still used in a wide array of products

across the planet.

Some uses are not banned in the United States, but it is no longer included in foods.

If you have never been to Scotland or eaten their food, odds are you have heard of haggis

and want nothing to do with it.

Take it from the writer of this article, you are doing yourself a disservice!

Haggis is delicious!

Unfortunately, you cannot import it into the United States, thanks to a ban placed on the

dish in 1971 by the FDA.

They made the ban due to the presence of sheep lung, which constitutes less than 15 percent

of the total dish.

The FDA created the ban, which encompasses all lung meat, due to the potential presence

of stomach acid and phlegm.

The ban only exists on haggis imported from the United Kingdom, so there is nothing stopping

an intrepid eater from getting some homemade haggis in the States.

If you aren't ready to take the haggis challenge just yet, you may want to learn what it is:

Haggis is described as a pudding in the way only folks from the UK can call a meat dish

a pudding.

It consists of a sheep's heart, liver, and lung meat, which is then minced with various

spices, onions, and oats before it is stuffed into a sheep stomach.

It sounds disgusting but is arguably delicious, and many people in and out of Scotland enjoy


Most Americans reading this may be scratching their heads wondering what casu marzu is,

and there's a reason for it which you've probably already guessed: It's banned in

the United States.

The traditional dish from Sardinia is made from sheep milk that contains an ingredient

the people at the FDA may have gagged at learning: live insect larvae, more commonly known as


Yes, you read that correctly—when prepared in the traditional way, this dish contains

a cheeseload of maggots.Casu Marzu is made by placing a wheel of pecorino cheese outside

with a small portion of the rind removed.

This allows a fly, Piophila casei, to lay its eggs in the cheese.

Seeing as these little buggers can lay up to 500 eggs at a time, there are going to

be quite a few maggots inside.

As they mature and eat the cheese, the acid in their stomachs breaks down the cheese fat,

making the cheese incredibly soft.

The chef knows the dish is ready to be served when several thousand maggots are present.

It's up to the person eating the dish whether or not they want to eat the maggots whole

or by mashing them into a paste.

Many do this, while others flick them aside.

While casu marzu is certainly banned in the United States, it is also banned in the EU,

making it difficult to find . . . should you want to.

For most of the foods on this list, the United States government banned them for health reasons

or environmental concerns.

For the mirabelle plum, their reason is quite different, thanks to rules making the fruit

protected from importation due to its designation as a "protected origin" food.This designation

is the result of an agreement between the French and American governments aimed at helping

the French market.

As a regional delicacy in France, the country prefers to keep it in-house as a means of

attracting tourism.

This isn't unusual for France, which protects a number of regional delicacies, including

certain peppers and wines.Because of this agreement, it is nearly impossible to get

a mirabelle plum into the United States.

If you want one (and you do, they are delicious), you need to travel to the Lorraine region

of France.

You can even attend a two-week festival in honor of the fruit and its economic importance

to the region in the city of Metz.

They hold a mirabelle festival every August, when the fruit becomes ripe.

They do grow in other countries outside France but should be enjoyed when cultivated from

their native soil.

This food is so dangerous, it nearly killed Homer Simpson!

Fugu is the sushi cut from a pufferfish—you know, those cute fish that blow up at the

sense of danger.

These fish possess within their bodies an incredibly toxic chemical called tetrodotoxin,

a type of neurotoxin and one of the deadliest substances in the world.

Because of the danger from eating it, the United States slammed the ban hammer down

on serving it, but there are a few places you can get it.

In order to serve fugu, a special license is required, and in Japan, three years of

training are required before a chef can serve the dish.If you ever end up eating fugu but

then start to feel a little sick, you might have ingested some of the toxin.

Here's what you have to look forward to: some light dizziness followed by outright

exhaustion, headache, and nausea.

If you ingested a lethal dose, you will begin to have difficulty breathing and then enter

a state of total paralysis in which you are unable to do much but contemplate your poor

life choices.

When the body is completely paralyzed, your lungs cease to work, and asphyxiation occurs.

There is no antidote to tetrodotoxin, but your life can be saved with a stomach pump

and the ingestion of more charcoal than anyone would want to eat.

Shark fin soup is a traditional dish found mostly in China and Vietnam, but it has made

its way around the world since it originated sometime in the Song dynasty roughly 1,000

years ago.

The dish is considered a luxury item and is traditionally served only during special occasions.

It is also considerably expensive, costing anywhere between $50 and $100 per serving.

You may be picturing a bowl of broth with a shark fin sticking out of the liquid, but

it is made using the meat from the fin, which is dried and shredded after the skin is removed.

One of the reasons the dish has been so prominent in Chinese culture is due to the belief that

it helps prevent cancer, among many other purported benefits.Its use in Chinese medicine

has caused the demand for shark fins to skyrocket, which has caused a decline in a number of

shark species.

The biggest problem occurs when fishermen pull in sharks, slice off the fin, and throw

the bleeding fish back in the water to die.

In order to help conservation efforts, many nations have written laws and bans protecting

various species targeted for the dish.

While shark fin soup is banned in only a handful of states, the US has established a law requiring

that sharks caught in American waters be documented before a fin can go on sale.

By the end of 2017, efforts to completely ban the dish in the United States were underway.

Saving the best for last, Kinder Eggs are probably the most ridiculous ban the United

States has placed on an imported item.

For most of Europe, these candies are ubiquitous and a nostalgic part of most people's childhood.

Kinder Eggs, also called Kinder Surprise, are hollow, egg-shaped chocolates containing

a toy.

The toy comes in a yellow plastic shell, and it can be just about anything.

Whether they are promoting a film or are releasing their own line of toys, these can range from

small cars to intricate playsets, unique characters, or just about anything imaginable.

Sadly, it's the toy inside that the US government has set its sights on.[10]Thanks to the Federal

Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, food items cannot be sold if they contain a nonnutritive object.

Since there is very little nutrition in plastic toys, Kinder Eggs fell victim to the ban hammer.

In 1997, the Consumer Product Safety Commission reexamined the ban based on some eggs brought

illegally into the United States.

They determined the presence of small parts in the toys presented a health and safety

risk to small children under the age of three.

The fine for bringing a Kinder Egg into the United States is a whopping $2,500 per egg.

Ferrero, the company that makes Kinder Eggs, was able to create a modified version to market

in the US.

The new product started showing up in stores at the end of 2017, but they differ considerably

from their European counterpart and just aren't the same.

For more infomation >> 10 Foods You Can No Longer Buy In The United States - Duration: 10:43.


President Trump Sets Off Plan To Cost Sanctuary State Billions And A Seat In Congress - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> President Trump Sets Off Plan To Cost Sanctuary State Billions And A Seat In Congress - Duration: 2:54.


CNN 10 - February 25, 2018 | How proposed U.S. tariffs could impact both US | Chinese metal industry - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> CNN 10 - February 25, 2018 | How proposed U.S. tariffs could impact both US | Chinese metal industry - Duration: 10:01.


CRAZY U.S. VETERAN GONE PEDO | GTA V ONLINE [#003] (Funny Moments) - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> CRAZY U.S. VETERAN GONE PEDO | GTA V ONLINE [#003] (Funny Moments) - Duration: 4:26.


Weather News Today with J7409 SUN FEB 25 2018 US Has A Mix Bag Of Weather - Duration: 14:16.

Time now for weather news today with j7 4:09 the name, you know the news you can use

Good day everyone

Looking like we still got some rain going on of course what it is

We have a high pressure over in this area

We got a high pressure over in this area the low pressure is trapped in between coming down from Canada

But the high pressure over here

Let me see if I can show you right quick this high pressure will be pushing all of this off. Okay?

And the rain it is

Looking like it's going to continue over the southeast

Tennessee Valley, and it should move eastward to the southern mid-atlantic and

southeast coast by

tomorrow evening

So this rain that everybody else has been getting is going to be for me tomorrow. This is set on the GFS

It's the model that seems to be the most precise this morning at around 9:00 a.m.

This is what it should be looking like now showers and thunderstorms will be confined to the western


central Gulf Coast okay

that's where most of the thunderstorms are going to be that will end over the western Gulf Coast coming up tomorrow morning and

Then moving to parts of the southeast and eastern Gulf Coast by Monday evening

As I was saying so we're going to move this a little bit or up to 6 p.m.

This afternoon you can see how these showers

Associated with thunderstorms of some develop will be as this is moving off the coast more and more

Getting closer to the Medical antek States now snow will develop over parts of northern, New England

Today show as we move up. We can see here we go

We have snow and Maine and Vermont and New Hampshire

that patchy ice you're going to see patchy ice develop up in this area as

This moves through and develops right up in here

Well, so look out for that if you're traveling around ok

It's going all of this snow Pachi ice with a mixture of rain coming then with it also

It's going to

Be there, and it should continue right through tomorrow morning

Plus those areas of rain and freezing rain will develop over parts of the northern New England area today

Into this evening just like I was telling you so remember you're gonna might run into some spotty ice okay

now snow develops over parts of the Upper Great Lakes

Upper mississippi valley and it should lift northward over

Canada by tonight, so this is 6:00 p.m.. This afternoon

We will go up to like 2:00 a.m.. In the morning

We can see how the snow is lifting on off

This is around 9 a.m.. In the morning you can see how the range coming in down here

All people down in Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia

Louisiana is going to soon be rid of the rain

But this system is moving on off. We'll go to around 3:00 p.m.. Tomorrow afternoon

10:00 p.m.. Tomorrow night, it's looking like things should clear up now like I said

This is on the GFS model if we change that to the European model

It's going to look different to some degree

There's more severe weather in it now there could be severe weather

European model might out ride the GFS, but it's looking like probably the GFS is

Probably the the best one for today not always most of the time. It's a European model

We'll go back to around 9 a.m.. This morning

We want to look out west everything's looking good

But we do have some systems coming in a little snow line here in Oregon all the way up to Washington State

followed by rain and

of course northern Idaho and parts of Montana still got some snow going

But it's looking like for the most part down south in these states

Everything's cleared up some so we'll move up to around 3 p.m.

This afternoon more snow moves down into Idaho down around Boise shouldn't be a big snow out

I know you guys have had some snow snow snow as Washington State and Oregon and

Montana but

You still got a chance Suchong ok, but it shouldn't be a big big snow event

We move up to around 9 p.m.. This evening and we'll go to around 10 a.m.

Tomorrow morning as a snow moves south southeast word across the US

While we're taking a look at the GFS map itself you can see the systems a little better here

this is courtesy of tropical tidbits and

You know the question has come to my mind. Well March is going to be coming in on Thursday

Just a few days from now is that going to?

go out like a lion and come in like a lamb or

The very opposite this is what it's looking like today. You can see that where the pink is and the purple. That's the

mix freezing rain snow and sleet line I was talking about as

We move across you can see these are the storms

We're talking about and the new systems coming in out west so what we'll do

We'll move it up a little bit right quick if it will let us

here we go you can see things moving across and over out in this area right in here down in the

Southern part of Idaho around himmat you guys probably will be getting

1 to 3 inches of snow today a little heavier as we go up north of course

And of course you guys over here in the Northeast you've got some snow, too. We'll move it up one more block

To tomorrow morning you can see how everything is moving right along like it should these storms are down here in

the Gulf Coast

States as they start to move across one more click then they're over in the mid-atlantic

Where they're pushing it off down here?

Florida down in Miami and the very

Very southern part you may pick up a little bit of shower activity

And it may move northward with some spotty showers in the midsection off and on no big deal

No amount of rain probably to be measured

Taking a quick look at the watches and warnings mess

Up north everywhere it's brown that you see

You are under a high wind advisory the wind should die down in most places up north

By early afternoon or mid morning ok for example as we come to

Northeastern Ohio I go to the town of hasta boola

We find in this town that the system. I'm talking about that's moving well

This wind advisory is in effect for you until noon today

Ok and it's going to blow the winds will be shifting to the west for the most part with gusts of around

50 miles per hour

Possible don't mean you're going to get 50 mile-per-hour

Gusts, but you have that chance

And it's all of this is because this cold fronts moving across the region from around sunrise through mid-morning now

sustained winds

Anyway are going to be 31 to 39 miles per hour?

So that's a pretty good sustained wind if you have a high profile vehicle or you're out traveling early this morning

Please take this into consideration

the winds are going to be blowing pretty good look for you and

That goes right on up into

Western New York and the Buffalo area it's going to be windy also very windy up in the northern Michigan area as we come over

These are all


storm watches and warnings okay in the eastern, New York and Western New England areas where you see the blue and

As we come on down of course

western pennsylvania and east central ohio and extreme east

Western maryland and the extreme western maryland area we have the flood

Warnings and everywhere else you see the green

Flood watch is going on all the way down to missouri

some parts of Middle, Tennessee

also western Tennessee in eastern, Arkansas in northern, Mississippi and Memphis

We go down to central, Mississippi area we have some of those also

Once again as we come over to this area for southwestern, Kansas

Texas and Oklahoma and northern and central, New Mexico

along with southeastern, Colorado

What's going on here? Well as you can see?

Right here this red in the Texas

Oklahoma area that one little red that is in the panhandle of Texas and all the other states that I just named

That's a red flag warning, and you guys have a fire watch all the way

from Kansas all the way down to New Mexico and

parts of Colorado and Texas

It's all the conditions are right and the humidity is right the winds going to pick up some

You have a great chance of a fire starting that any little spark that gets out, so keep that in mind, okay?

This is a freeze warning over in

South Central, California

We need to look out for of course

We still have the blizzard warning and conditions that

Are up in central Montana in the Great Falls area also for our friends, Onalaska around?

Fairbanks you guys all up in this area where you see that orange you have a blizzard warning

Also other than that it's winter storm warnings and watches

For the most part and when we come over to Western

Wyoming what is that that is a very high wind watch for you guys

You guys do have that high wind watch and effect from this afternoon through tomorrow morning

Okay an increasing that will increase today and possibly become

Kind of strong for you tonight before it decreases tomorrow morning now

Southwest winds 30 to 40 miles per hour with gusts of 60 miles per hour now

travelers along Interstate 25 may experience strong crosswinds and travelers along Highway

7 8 9 - 8 7 - 2 0 from south pass to Casper

Should prepare for strong winds along with possibly blowing and drifting snow?

And ramping it on up we're gonna check out the temperatures

For the next day or so of course you know a very very hot down south here where it's orange and yellow

that's anywhere from the 70s to the 80s where it's green you should be in the 50s and

Well you know you might hit some 40s

We can't rule that out, but where it's blue you guys are going to be in the 30s for the most part

I do not see any purple. We're up now to

Monday night around 10 p.m.

Most of the coldest air we have a little bit of purple later on in the week around Tuesday

it's going to get very cold out in Idaho and Montana and

also up around the Great Lake region of

Wisconsin and Michigan other than that it looks like warming up for the most part

And this one's running now through Tuesday through


And we are now up to

Wednesday around

12 noon looking like the warmth is spreading more and more across the US so that's what things are shaping up to look like

today Sunday the 25th of February

2018 for the weather across the US if

anyone had any

Damaging flooding if you have any damaging flooding going on

You had some high winds or any kind of

extreme weather in your area if you have pictures

Please send them to me

I would love to share with everybody and let everyone

See just exactly what Mother Nature can do and I will push my email address

On the at the bottom of this video in this show more section

So please click it you can send send your pictures there to me anytime

Spring summer winter involve anytime send your pictures there. I would love to share them with everybody

Hope everybody has a great Sunday a great Monday first start of the work week for most

Pleased be safe in areas that are dangerous and

Remember always be kind to each other. Okay? We got to keep that in mind. I love you guys so much

Thank you for subscribing thumbs up and the comments much peace love and kindness to each of you

For more infomation >> Weather News Today with J7409 SUN FEB 25 2018 US Has A Mix Bag Of Weather - Duration: 14:16.


U.S. Olympic Gold Medalist Reaches Out To Red Velvet's Wendy - Duration: 2:12.

U.S. Olympic Gold Medalist Reaches Out To Red Velvet's Wendy After Finding Out They Were High School Teammates

It turns out that Red Velvets Wendy and U.S.

Olympic gold medalist Amanda Kessel have an unexpected connection!.

On February 23, Alyssa Gagliardi, a high school classmate of both Wendys and Amanda Kessels, discovered that they had all been on the same varsity golf team in high school.

Alyssa Gagliardi posted a yearbook photo of the team on Twitter and wrote, So I thought this picture was just a cool throwback because of all the NWHL [National Womens Hockey League] players (and now a gold medalist!)…

but… someone discovered we were also teammates with a Korean pop star.

Amanda Kessel won a gold medal at the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics earlier this week, as a member of the U.S. womens hockey team.

She and Wendy both went to high school at Shattuck-Saint Marys in Minnesota.

The medalist then reached out to Wendy by tweeting at Red Velvets official Twitter account, asking for confirmation that they had attended the same high school.

We hope Wendy and Amanda Kessel manage to get in touch while theyre both in Korea!.

For more infomation >> U.S. Olympic Gold Medalist Reaches Out To Red Velvet's Wendy - Duration: 2:12.


North Korea seems willing to talk to the US - Duration: 0:38.

North Korea is willing to hold talks with a U.S. delegation, according to South Korea's


In a statement, South Korean President Moon Jae-in said the North also agreed that "the

inter-Korean relationship and North Korea-US relationship should develop together."

The presidential office didn't mention anything about the North's nuclear program or whether

these talks would address it.

The issue has long been a sticking point between North Korea and the U.S.

Still, this is also one of the first signs North Korea is willing to cooperate in a long


But some people are skeptical — they think it might be about easing sanctions.

For more infomation >> North Korea seems willing to talk to the US - Duration: 0:38.


Hateful US Skier Blames Ivanka For Ruining His Olympics After Not Getting Medal... - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Hateful US Skier Blames Ivanka For Ruining His Olympics After Not Getting Medal... - Duration: 5:30.


Keller @ Large: US Congressman From Massachusetts Talks Gun Control - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> Keller @ Large: US Congressman From Massachusetts Talks Gun Control - Duration: 4:52.


BREAKING: Military Patrol Makes SHOCKING Discovery In Freight Trailer At US/Mexico Border - Duration: 2:46.

BREAKING: Military Patrol Makes SHOCKING Discovery In Freight Trailer At US/Mexico Border- Here's

What We Know More than 100 migrants from Central America

were found in a freight trailer abandoned by a roadside near the U.S.-Mexico border,

agents from Mexico's National Immigration Institute said Friday.

The trailer was discovered near Ciudad Camargo, an extremely violent region across the border

from Rio Grande City, Texas, the Mexican immigration agents said.

Passing military patrol personnel heard people pounding on the inside walls of the truck

and calling for help, FOX News reports.

The migrants, from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, were suffering from dehydration

and asphyxiation when soldiers came across the truck in Tamaulipas, where migrants often

attempt illegal border crossings, Reuters reported.

The container had apparently been abandoned by migrant traffickers.

Thousands of Central Americans each year, fleeing violence and poverty, are transported

by human traffickers in treacherous, sometimes life-threatening conditions, the report said.

The migrants use Mexico as a channel to the U.S.

The rescued migrants, who crammed together for about 12 hours, included 91 Hondurans,

seven Guatemalans and five Salvadorans.

Among them were 24 youths and 12 unaccompanied minors who were turned over to child welfare

authorities.A photo sent by the INM appeared to show some of the migrants' belongings

in the back of the truck, including a small, pink backpack, duffel bags and trash strewn

across the floor.Subsequently, President Donald Trump called on the Mexican government Friday

to block MS-13 gang members from traveling through Mexico to the U.S.Trump on Friday

urged Mexico to do more to prevent violent illegal immigrants from El Salvador from entering

the United States, again pushing his long-proposed border wall but stopping short of his previous

claims that Mexico would fund it.

In a Twitter post, Trump said U.S. law enforcement was removing Salvadoran gang members but that

they continued to return, adding: "El Salvador just takes our money, and Mexico must help

MORE with this problem.

We need The Wall!"

In July 2017, 10 people died after a truck carrying more than 100 Guatemalan and Mexican

migrants was left in the parking lot of a Walmart store in San Antonio, Texas.

This needs to end.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Military Patrol Makes SHOCKING Discovery In Freight Trailer At US/Mexico Border - Duration: 2:46.


Scud Hits US military Barracks in Saudi Arabia - 2/25/1991 - Duration: 0:51.

Today in military history, 1991.

A Scud missile fired by Iraq

hits US military barracks in Saudi Arabia,

killing 28 Army reservists.

At the height of the Persian Gulf War,

Iraq shot a number of Scud missiles at coalition troops

at Israeli targets inside Israel.

The Scud is not exactly known for its accuracy.

It's an unguided missile that you pretty much fire

and hope it doesn't get intercepted by a Patriot battery.

On February 25th, 1991,

a Scud missile got through the Patriot defenses,

hitting a military barracks near Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.

The barracks was the makeshift home

of a group of Army Reserve Quartermasters from Pennsylvania.

When the missile hit, it was 8:40 p.m.,

and the troops were winding down, eating dinner,

and relaxing for the night.

The missile killed 28 and wounded at least 100 more.

It was the single largest loss of life

for American troops in the entire Gulf War.

(moody piano and orchestration)

For more infomation >> Scud Hits US military Barracks in Saudi Arabia - 2/25/1991 - Duration: 0:51.


Peña Nieto cancels US trip over wall dispute - Duration: 0:53.

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto reportedly called off a trip to the White House after

a not-so-friendly border wall conversation with President Donald Trump, according to

an administration official.

The Washington Post first reported that Peña Nieto halted the trip after Trump refused

to publicly state that Mexico will not fund his border wall during a phone call last week.

The Trump administration asked Congress for $18 billion to fund construction of the wall

last month.

But Trump still insists Mexico will pay for it.

Trump repeatedly promised on the campaign trail that Mexico would fund a barrier along

the U.S.-Mexico border, though he's also said that payment might come "indirectly" from

trade negotiations.

Mexico's Foreign Ministry has repeatedly said it won't fund a wall.

For more infomation >> Peña Nieto cancels US trip over wall dispute - Duration: 0:53.


Kiron Skinner on new US sanctions against North Korea - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Kiron Skinner on new US sanctions against North Korea - Duration: 3:32.


Glenn Beck: US political divide like 1920s Germany - Duration: 8:20.

For more infomation >> Glenn Beck: US political divide like 1920s Germany - Duration: 8:20.


Is This The Site of the Top Secret US Military Base Where Scores of Aliens are Hidden? - Duration: 7:39.

SCORES of alien visitors to Earth are hidden away in a top-secret US military base, according

to a staggering theory.

In one of the most extraordinary alien conspiracy theories to date, many so-called "truth

seekers" believe there is a seven-storey underground complex beneath Mount Archuleta

on the Colorado-New Mexico border near the town of Dulce.

Dulce, New Mexico, is a small town with a population of just under 3,000, and is the

tribal headquarters of the Jicarilla Apache Reservation.

The remarkable myth centres around claims that US military personnel and aliens cooperate

together in the nearby base, with the government given alien technology in return for allowing

extraterrestrial races to abduct and experiment on limited numbers of humans.

And it claims men hired to complete the base by drilling huge tunnels ended up in a violent

stand off with "grey aliens" and 57 out of the 60 humans were slaughtered, in 1979.

The theory began in the mid to late 1970s when Gabe Valdez, a former New Mexico State

Police trooper, claimed to find strange activity around mutilated cattle, including discarded

gas masks and glow sticks.

He even claimed to find an foetus inside a dead cow, which was like a "cross between

a human, a monkey and a frog" and speculated on radio the cows were being used as incubators

for alien babies.

The late Paul Bennewitz, who had a PhD in physics, was researching classified government

programs at Kirtland Air Force base in Albuquerque, New Mexico, during the seventies.

He picked up electronic signals near Dulce, and theorised they were coming from an underground

base, before he suggested the Dulce theory in 1982.

The late Philip Schneider was next to ramp up the myth.

He went whistleblower to claim he survived an extraordinary battle at Dulce in 1979 and

said he was an explosives engineer who worked for the US Government under high-level security

clearance, to finish building the base using monster drills.

Schneider claimed that during drilling he came face-to-face with a seven-feet tall "grey


In a tale from an alien horror flick, he said he shot and killed two aliens, but was blasted

with a plasma ball that blew off some fingers.

He was saved by a US Green Beret, and in a battle that followed 57 people perished and

three survived, including Mr Schneider, he claimed.

Many people have sought to debunk Mr Schneider's claims, saying he claimed to work for the

government for 17 years, but retired at 34, so would have started work at 17.

A former roommate also came forward to say Mr Schneider previously told them he lost

his fingers working in eastern Oregon as a lineman.

The only other alleged "witness" to emerge was supposedly called Thomas Castello, an

alleged security guard at the base.

He said he had seen people reported as missing locally taken to be experimented on, in the

run up to the battle.

And his account was linked to purportedly leaked images of people held inside strange

water-filled bags, and other so-called Dulce Base pictures which appeared online.

The images were later proved as hoaxes, taken from the Arnold Schwarzenegger film The 6th

Day, released in 2000.

An article on, which exposed the images as hoaxed, said: "Multiple online

sources and viral posts, have circulated this photograph as having been leaked by Costello,

then shortly after it was leaking, he and his family went missing.

"There is no evidence that I have found, that shows that Thomas Costello even exists."

From 1988 to 1990 US Ufologist John Lear claimed to received "independent confirmation"

that the Dulce base existed.

Writer Mike Rothschild investigated the myth for sceptical website

He said: "There are no real pictures of it.

There is no physical evidence of roads or vents or doors or anything of the sort.

Even though tens of thousands of people must have been involved in building, staffing and

guarding the base, nobody has ever claimed with any credibility to have worked there

or that their family member or friend was killed in a shootout or experimented upon.

"I can't conclusively prove Dulce Base doesn't exist.

"But nobody can conclusively prove it does.

Until that proof emerges from the ground, Dulce will remain a strange story created

by troubled dreamers, not a house of alien horrors."

Political scientist Michael Barkun said Cold War underground missile installations dug

out in the area gave "superficial plausibility" to the Dulce base myth.

He said claims about experiments on abductees and the battle put the Dulce legend "well

outside even the most far-fetched reports of secret underground bases."

Despite this, the area remains a hot bed of UFO activity, according to locals, which may

well keep the myth alive.

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