Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 11, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Nov 25 2017

Fantasy 5 8783 winning numbers Nov 23

For more infomation >> Fantasy 5 winning numbers Nov 23 2017 - Duration: 1:45.


The Best Catch - Southeast California | INCinema 2017 (w/ English captions) - Duration: 14:59.

Are we there yet?

Almost there, sweetie.

I know you're so annoying!

You're so annoying!

Stop it you always do that!

Stop it you always do that

Well, at least I don't cry infront of everyone when I get hungry or something

Mom, she's being mean again.

Girls, please be nice to each other.

Remember the lesson from Children's Worship Service?

Yeah Emma, you have to be nice to me

But you're the one being mean to me, I didn't do anything.

You started it.

No, I didn't!

Yeah, you did!

I'm gonna hug grandma first since I obviously love her more than you.

No, you're not. I'm gonna hug her first.

I won!

No, you didn't.

I did!

Now, now girls, I know you both love me very much.

Hi Grandma!

I'm so happy to see you girls.

Hi Ester! Michael, how was the drive up?

You know, the usual.

Ester, you know I wanna say this if I'm meant badly by it.

but are you sure you have to go on these business trips all the time?

These are jobs, Mom.

We have to go.

Well, have you thought of taking them with you?

It might be a good learning experience for them.

We really can't, Mom.

No one would be able to look after them.

Don't worry, we'll make it up to them with a real vacation.

Oh! You spoil them too much.

This is the first time we've taken them all the way out here.

Do you think they're gonna be okay?

I spent the morning planning out things for us to do while they're here.

They're going to have a blast. Isn't that right, girls?

They'll be fine.

Okay, I guess we'll go now.

Melody? Emma?

Come here and give us a kiss.

[Sound of footsteps running in the grass]

Now remember, don't forget to pray at night.

And be nice to your grandma, help her around the house, okay?

We'll call you soon.

[Music playing]

Grandma! Who is that in the photo with the fish?

Which one? There are photos of fish all over this house.

The one with the, uhm girls holding the enormous fish.

Yea-yeah! On that really pretty lake, right?

Yeah, that one.

yeah, I was by that too. There was one girl,

one of the girls in the photo next to it.

Aaah! Great! That was almost forty years ago now. That's me and my sister, your great aunt Cecilia.

Wow! Really?

You may not believe it but I used to be young too just like you girls.

Did you catch that fish grandma?

I helped, yes.

But it was your great aunt Cecilia who hooked it.

Our father and I had to help her pull it in.

We almost tripped ourselves over, you wouldn't believe how much that little rowboat was wide.


That was the biggest fish we ever caught.

We always promised we find it again, one day.

Grandma, is it lonely living out here on your own?

Emma, don't be so rude.

It's okay, dear.

It's not so bad.

Don't you get scared at night when it gets all dark?

[Owl hooting] No, dear. It's not that scary at night here.


Yes, really. There's nothing to be scared of.

You're such a scaredey cat Emma.

I stopped being scared of the dark when I was 8.

You should be braver like me.

I'm not scared of the dark.

Well, what about that time when I heard you crying because you can't sleep and I had to get Mom and Dad?

That was like years ago.

That was yesterday you baby.

Why do you always embarrass me?

It's not my fault, you make it so easy.

Girls, please. We're not here to fight.

She started it.

Can you please pass the soup, grandma.

I got it, grandma.

Are you sure it's very heavy.

uh, yeah I got it.

[Soup spilling]

Oww! What is your problem, Emma?

Oh my! Melody, are you alright?

Emma dear, you really need to be careful.

You did that on purpose.

No, it was an accident, really.

Yeah, right! You know I was right, so you want to get back at me.

Right about what?

That you're a scaredey cat, and that you're always embarrassing everyone

because you're crying all the time.

Why are you always pickin' on me?


Is it just for fun?

Now girls.

I want you to stop.

So what! You bother everyone whenever you cry and it makes you look bad, it's for your own good.

Just stop!

Making me feel worse doesn't help. I just wish you'd disappear.

Oh dear!

She always says everything so seriously.

Cecilia and I used to fight like that too.

Really? Well, it look like you two are best friends.

We were.

It just took us a while to get there.

It may not seem like it now but I'm sure you and Emma will get there too.

Yeah, right.

First, you have to be more considerate of your sister's feelings.

I'm going to talk to Emma.

Just keep the ice on for another twenty minutes, and you'll be fine.


[Sound of opening door]

[Sound of footsteps]


How are you doing, dear?

When we were your age, Cecilia and I used to argue all the time

Trust me, Melody doesn't say those things just because she doesn't love you.


It sure seems like it.

She's always bringing those things up in front of other people.

And she makes me feel dumb, what am I supposed to do?

Christ tells us to love thy neighbor as you love thyself.

That includes sisters.

You may not see it yet, and she may not show it very well.

But love is always the reason behind what she says and does.

Try to make it up soon, okay.

She's the one started it.

'Cause that really matter, Emma,

when you both end up getting hurt.

Well, you two need to be getting along for what I have planned tomorrow.

Keep well, dear.


[Door shuts]

Rise and shine girls.

We have a busy day today.

After breakfast, I'm gonna teach you girls one of my favorite pasttimes.

It's something that's very dear to my heart and very useful too.

Your early morning nap?

Even better than that.


Grandma, I know you're good at fishing.

But why would do I have to learn how to fish?

It's so boring.

The only people who say that are those who have never tried it.

C'mon! The water is waiting.

Do I have to go with her?

Hey, it's not like I want to go with you either.

You'll probably mess up everything as usual.

This is the lake where my sister and I caught that huge fish.

We used to come out here all the time.


That's right.

Our father taught us when we were around your age.

We loved it so much, we made it our own tradition.

Many times, when we had our disagreements, we could always go out here and talk it over.

Even if we couldn't settle everything, we always felt better after spending sometime on the water.

Remember, if you feel a tug, pull it with all you've got.

How often do fish bite?

That's up to the fish.


Sometimes, they don't bite at all.


What so good about fishing?

Oh! Something's pulling.

Go Melody!

Remember, reel and release. Reel and release.

Catching a fish is all about give and take.

[Sound of reeling]

Aah! Fishing is hard!

That happens a lot more than I'd like to admit.


I have something too!

Oh dear! Do you want help pulling it in?

No, I got it!

Be careful dear. This boat isn't too stable.

So you should sit down if it gets too difficult.

I can..... do it!




She can't swim very well yet.

Oh goodness Emma, why on earth didn't you say anything?


I didn't think I would fall in.

Let's get you back to shore and dry you up.

Thanks for saving me, huh.

Yeah, I knew you wouldn't have lasted long out there.


Emma dear, I'm so very sorry.

I shouldn't have let you girls go out without vests.

What was I thinking?

It's okay grandma, I still had fun.

I'm glad to hear that. Although I'm sure it didn't end the way you thought it would.

Actually, can we go back out?

I'm sorry?

I think that thing I held is still out there.

Okay, once you girls are dried off and changed, I'll get the life vest and there's no going back.

Ahhm, I have to wear one too?

It's that fair if only one of us wears it, right?

That means you're wearing one too. Right grandma?

Of course.

[Music playing]

Hey grandma!

Did you end up keeping that huge fish that you caught with Aunt Cecilia?

No, we let it go shortly after taking that picture.


Just the fact that we accomplished something like that together was enough for the both of us.

It's still in the lake right, Grandma?

I'd like to believe so.

Maybe we can catch it too.

Don't worry, Emm, we will.

For more infomation >> The Best Catch - Southeast California | INCinema 2017 (w/ English captions) - Duration: 14:59.


Amazing Beautiful Dorm Room by California Tiny House - Duration: 1:52.

Amazing Beautiful Dorm Room by California Tiny House

For more infomation >> Amazing Beautiful Dorm Room by California Tiny House - Duration: 1:52.


Lauren from California - Duration: 0:44.

Hi my name is Lauren Young, I live in California

and I own a beer import business and I've had the great pleasure of working

with Claus and selling his delicious beers here in the United States and I am

hoping that this video helps support his crowdfunding efforts for the

Coolship Brewing project.

I am so grateful to work with Claus and I know he is an amazing brewer

and just a master scientists and I'm confident, very confident that these

beers will be delicious. So I can't wait to taste them and I can't wait to sell them

and best wishes as you source crowdfunding for this venture


For more infomation >> Lauren from California - Duration: 0:44.


BREAKING: Military On HIGH ALERT After Warship Spotted Off California Coast, Here's Who's In It - Duration: 2:20.

Ever since President Trump launched 59 Tomahawk missiles at Syria, tensions have been on the

rise between the United States, North Korea, and Russia.

Now one of these countries appears to be planning an attack on our soil, after a national security

alert was sparked on Tuesday morning.

The Daily Mail reports that military personnel are now on high alert after multiple anti-submarine

military crafts were spotted idling off the coast of California.

Top officials are extremely concerned that these foreign submarines belong to the Russians

or North Koreans.

Three low-lying military aircraft were seen using flight-tracking software, even though

they are not in an area that is normally under surveillance, Truth Monitor reported.

"What America waged in an aggression on Syria is a crossing of red lines," Russia

said in a joint statement with Iran.

"From now on we will respond with force to any aggressor or any breach of red lines

from whoever it is and America knows our ability to respond well."

This comes at a time when North Korea is bowing up against the United States, condemning President

Trump for deploying warships to waters off the Korean Peninsula.

Infowars reported multiple aircraft were seen surveying the area:

Among aircraft seen were the Navy EP-3E Aries II, which is used for electronic surveillance,

a Navy P-3C Orion, used for submarine spotting, and a Boeing P-8 Poseidon used for anti-submarine

warfare, InfoWars reported.

The military vessels were allegedly seen spanning the coastal waters from Los Angeles to the

San Diego/Tijuana border near Mexico.

The website stated that a Royal Canadian CP-140 Orion, which is also known for its capability

to spot submarines, entered the area at one point.

"This goes to prove that the U.S. reckless moves for invading the DPRK have reached a

serious phase," said a spokesman for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)

foreign ministry.

"The DPRK is ready to react to any mode of war desired by the U.S."

This is extremely chilling.

Is truly America ready for World War III?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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