Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 11, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Nov 28 2017

Nope, not this time, maybe next project.

It's a major award.

5 drill bits later.

I don't like it.

It's a major award.

Fra-gee-lay, it must be Italian.

It's indescribably beautiful.

Well, it it it's a leg, you know, like a statue.


Uh I have just the place for it, right in the

middle of our front room window.

Hey guys, thank you for watching.

A big thanks to Carolina shoe for sponsoring the build of this... this major award.

Carolina Boots version.

I'll leave a link to their website below, go check them out.

They make high quality work boots that I wear in the shop every day.

You should grab some during the holidays for someone special, they make for a major award.

Subscribe is you're new here, and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Building "A Christmas Story" Leg Lamp (the MANLY version) - Duration: 12:08.


Holiday tips to build a business - Duration: 44:06.

Hey guys, how are you?

Hey only gonna stop lighting is so much better. Let me see what happened goodness. It's Tuesday

Let's wait and see who comes and grabs a seat


Listen while we were waiting for you guys to get in your seat say hello, and you guys get in

Hope you've had a great great day, we've been travelling we're here in Maryland at my daughter's home

Hey, Sandra. How are you?

Kayla hey, how are you good morning a good afternoon, so you sit on coffee with Kathy?

Good evening. I should say not afternoon good evening. How are you guys?

Hope you've had a great Tuesday

Some of you would probably offer tomorrow aren't you I know everybody should be off for Friday

Ronda Julie good evening good evening to you guys

While we're ready, I want to ask you guys a question so most of you will probably be making


For your Thanksgiving how many of you call it?

Stuffing and how many of you call it dressing because it's I think it's a a

Regional thing I think it's the regional thing

We always call it my daughter's here what we used to call it Valerie

Stop stuffing. Yeah, so but some people call it dressing yeah

Okay, man - closet dressing oh

Thanks Sandra yeah oh

Good Julie's. She works in retail. Oh my gosh Julie you get Friday off. Oh, I can't even imagine

Okay, Julie calls it stuffing

Amanda and Jennifer call it dressing

That's interesting and we all make it the same way right we all make it with the bread and the celery and all

That all that good stuff

Some people use cornbread. Oh, no could make a difference or not

Sandra says dressing


Isn't that interesting? I was just thinking about that today actually as I was doing some some shopping some grocery shopping

Wondering what the differences were and I don't think its recipe wise I think it's just what we say hey, April. How are you?


cam cam cam

Nice to have you join us. I haven't seen you forever. Tell your mama. Say hello. Tell your girlfriend. I said hello

Hey Jocelyn, and Heather Becky

Becky says stuffing Jocelyn says stuffing if you guys don't know we're talking about we were just asking

What you call what you put in the bird?

Whether you call it dressing or stuffing because I really think it has to do with where we live

I don't think it's the ingredients whatsoever hey Robin. How are you nice to have you join Lisa? Hey girl?

Joy got a lot of chat with joy a lot of time to get to know her yeah, okay?

So a man who said she's from seafood country boy stur dressing

I know Oster dress scene I've seen people with sausage

There's just a lot of different ingredients, but it all starts with the bread right it all starts with the bread hey

Hey, Lou Anna. How are you?

Okay, I'm gonna get started, and I'm gonna ask you guys a question

Another question how many of you have ever heard the commercial for oh?

My gosh. Are you gonna draw a blank?

It's a hair color, Madison Reed

how many of you have ever heard the commercial on the radio for Madison Reed hair color and

If you haven't the next time you get a chance

To if you happen to hear it on the radio now yes, this is part of the training

But if you have to hear it on the radio what I want you guys to do is listen

to how she

Talks and the adjective she uses

Because she uses words that I think

When we're going out to advertise a special or a product that we love

That we want to focus on. I think it's important that we don't simply say you'll love it

This is the price you're gonna absolutely. You know want to grab a couple of them

I think it's important that we add value by actually

Telling a story in fact. I think really

We're really paint storytellers. I mean that's what we are

We're paid storytellers, so what you guys to really get into the habit of

Looking at the way

Commercials are done. Whether it's Facebook or infomercials, but when I heard medicine read she talks about multi-dimensional

She talked about saving money. She talked about saving time

Maybe she said cost-effective. She just the adjective she

Used made me want to go and I don't even I don't I have somebody professional do my hair

But it wanted me to go and look up her hair color to see what was so

Different because of all the things that she described about her hair color

So I want again what I want you guys to do is go back over some of your posts that you've done for Black Friday

And maybe even month before that and take a look at how you're describing

the product is it going to

Be a skin brightener is it going to have them help them?

You know see a diminish in their fine lines or their age spots

I mean Heidi does a great job in the catalogue doing some descriptions like that however?

I think we can take it one step further when we start to personalize it and talk about

The way it is applied to our life, or a friend or family or close friend or family

So I want you guys to start thinking like that because I really do believe that's what's gonna get individuals

Not only interested in trying something

But allowing you to bring that product to their home either offer them a one on one or a one on three

You know how I feel about one-on-ones. I absolutely think we should offer them. However. I think we should also give permission for that one

to be able to

include a couple of our friends if she wants to

remember if you if you don't ask it's always a no and there have been so many times when I've

Listen I have a couple more samples you want to grab a couple more friends

You're like oh can I so that tells me that she?

Would have never done it if I hadn't encouraged her to so again when you go to make descriptions

And you start to think about your very intentional about what you're describing with your products that you're using or a product

Maybe that Heidi has introduced as a special product like the gingerbread that little gingerbread I mean

Describe how that gingerbread will?

You know take them back to the days of when they made gingerbread cookies with your parents

You know how many of you remember those kind of memories and now fast forward

And we have those that that's you know that scent tucked in a jar for you to use as stocking stuffers

And it is a gift with purchase because you guys can purchase them for three dollars so again

These are kind of things and I'm not saying you have to give it away, but I'm just kind of describing

What are some of the adjectives and some of the hooks if you will that get you to have people?

Interested in being your follower, but also

Being wanting to ask questions because the more questions they ask

The more opportunity you have to open that relationship up and say

gosh should I be

I'd love to come over and bring some of my products you want to pick a date and grab a few of your friends now

That's a booking, but it didn't sound like a booking didn't did it and that's because again

You've attracted interest because of your word choices because of your storytelling so I want to make sure you guys really have that that um

You know that skill set?

Every time you're ready to post something on Facebook or you get ready to

Reply to a message. I want you to step back and think about some of the word choices

You could use that would be a little more contagious

for someone to be able to want to

Try something that you have I mean again

You'll know exactly what I'm talking about when you hear that Madison Reed commercial because she's she was amazing

I mean that that lady is amazing and then what she did

For those of you that have kids she brought her daughter in and I don't know how old her daughter is I'm like maybe

14 or something

But she brought her daughter in and her daughter is saying you know about you know hair color

Etc so I can I just there's so many things that this lady does

That we could duplicate with our their business as far as listening

To the cues and the different types of word choices that that she uses okay, hey everybody alright, so

The other thing I want to do is just encourage you guys at this time of year

You might be really busy. You might say to yourself

I have nothing no other spot on my plate for anything else and that's true for a lot of people

But it's not true for everybody so I want to make sure you guys are very

consistent that when you are starting a

conversation and the

Conversation you know gets to where somebody is saying you know that I need to stop or you know

I'm not really able to buy anymore. You know this is this is my limit. Etc you say gosh

Have you ever thought about doing direct sales?

You know I'd love to chat with you a little bit about joining the lemongrass spa you could try for 30 days

You can make some money you could earn them your the kit you could share the product with your friends. You know

That's what direct sales is all about and I want you guys to get comfortable with that kind of conversation

But I want you to hear what I said

Could you you're look?

You're here

And you're listening for cues that somebody needs money sure you are actually giving them the opportunity

the job description if you will

That they might be able to they may be interested in earning a paycheck in China for 30 days

Which means in order to give them that gift?

In order to for your word to be your bond in order for you to follow through with that commitment

You need to make sure that you are

Sitting down with them with your leader with me and saying this is what the 30 days really consists of

Because guys I have seen new consultants come into this business since I've been here

And I've seen them do for parties to samplings to girlfriends. They float over

They do a Facebook party or to do a couple catalog parties

They end up with six or seven hundred dollars now does every single one of them stay I have no idea, but the most of

My word was my bond. I didn't didn't simply scoop up customer and say oh my gosh. I love you as a customer

Why don't you go ahead no wonder the kitten get the 25 percent discount. That's not the gift. I was giving them

I was giving them the gift of a paycheck so I really would encourage you guys as you are being intentional about being thankful about

Giving things at this time of the season

that that's a gift that you can give but you gotta be very intentional about it by listening put your listening ears on and they'll

Just be watching you know habits that you see you know different things that you see around you

That's you step out of your comfort zone, and you give that opportunity. It's an imitation. They can say no no doesn't define us

No means that we have stepped out of our comfort zone, and we've gone through

We've got for the know right because you never know who you'll get that yes from and that is it's a life changing

It's a life changing opportunity, and we all know that because we're here right

All right

Yeah, and I know and I no need I don't even beat this dead horse, but January everybody changes their life

I mean, it's just what happens healthy healthy ways to to do some life changes

and that's where our you know our events are gonna be so popular, and if you notice in this group in the in the

Event that I set up for tonight

I posted a couple things there and I was very intentional what I posted because I want you guys to

Notice that Mike the trend there the conversation I was having

Was to get them to think about having

That something after the first the year so the interest was about the theme, or it was about the product

It was about the opportunity but was actually bridging. I was building a bridge between what the conversation I was having

by posting that information

To where I was wanting to take them which is in the new year

get them on my calendar and let them experience a healthy choice of product choices a

lifestyle of

You know earning more money and eliminating holiday debt

You know I was thinking today as I was driving down the road and you know we were on a side road

And you know a little a little two-lane road, and I was kind of looking at the houses

And you know when you pass through neighborhoods

You can almost determine or dictate to certain extent the type of?


You know gain or the financial situation somebody is in based on the type of house?

They live in same with your car saying with the clothes things like that however

That are part of

Families that have income as well as that don't have income

They are not

They're not able to understand the difference so think about you know when when we see commercials on TV

for teenagers and for small children for Christmas they're always thinking oh

That's what I want. MA. That's what I want and of course the

Commercials that the people they're making the commercials on TV. They don't say

This is an area of the country or maybe even of a city that they don't have a lot of money

It's a little more lower-income, so we're only gonna

Do these commercials here?

That really matches the income you know they're not they're not going to do that you know for a variety of reasons

So everybody gets the same commercial for the same

presents gifts and things like that so that's why this is the most stressful time of the year for a lot of families because the

Parents the parents want to give their kids the same thing every other child gets right, or has the opportunity to and again

I'm just going back to saying she guys we had the opportunity to get that stress off their plate and help them

Have a different lifestyle we do have that we've given in every single day

Direct sales has given it four years

As long as they've been around and that's really what's the most attractive about?

Direct skills they can do as little as they

Wear as much as they want that they control the paycheck they control that in their time with their family away from their family

There's no other way to do that except with direct sales

So I really would encourage you guys offer the Paycheck offer the 30 days offer the four parties again

They don't have to do it, but if they do it when they do it

You have an incredible opportunity to know that you've changed their life

And that's why I'm really so so much of a advocate for direct sales have been in it for what 24 years now

And I just think we're really you're really in a place in today

You know probably forever, but especially in today's world

Where there's just so many things that are you know pulling us in so many directions?

financially it would be really great to have a little bit of a

Relief you know and to be able to that relief to other people so

Anyway, alright now down to the other part of the training. You know when you guys are thinking about gift-giving yourself personally

I want to make sure you you are very purposely and intentionally

Giving lemongrass spa gifts. It's a tax write-off for you guys um with every gift

You want to make sure that every gift is labeled with your

Information you want to make sure you tuck in that gift the host enjoin brochure because there's nothing

probably better for someone to get is a

Product like our product line where they get to have this little mini catalog

And they start to look through all the different products that we offer not necessarily they need

But now they're opening up you're opening them up to the world of lemongrass spa and then

Low and behold. Here's a $5 gifts to get off your next order. I mean think about it. That's that is such an

Easy and no cost way for you guys to get yourself from you know the person that's getting the gift

To be able to circle back

I mean I'd love to be able to say gosh every time you get a gift certificate out

You know every somebody says this is a gift for my mom wouldn't it be nice to saying can I follow up with her but?

There's a lot of people out there that are not gonna let you get to her mom however if her mom in that gift

were to get your information and

We're to have that gift certificate and we're to give you a call because she's running low

I mean again if we could call because and ask if they're running low or how they love the product

Then of course we're gonna do it. That's first and foremost, but they're gonna be a lot of instances

We can't do that so what you want to do is you want to make sure you have a way

to give them an active choice a

Reason and a vehicle if you will away to circle back to you

So it has to be that every product has your information every product

And then that little host and join brush or the mini catalog and a $5 gift coupon

Now you could do the gift certificates off the back office or even just simply make yourself gifts to get off your one

Write a little love note on it and just you know say or a little tuck a card in

Where the card says you know thank you, I know you're gonna you're gonna. Love this. You know. Thank you for

You know for the opportunity to meet you know again leaves through the card, but that's okay

And then you just say you know here's five dollars off your next order

Here's my in four I'd love to hear from you

See how much she loved that

sample or that gift or whatever so again be very intentional about what you do especially when you know that it's a gift and it's

Going to someone else if you send a thank-you note. I always put a five dollar gift certificate in that

Thank-you note write a love note and just thank them and say you know I know you're gonna love everything

I hope to hear from you soon. Here's five dollars off your next order you know

I you know type of things so you guys know

We've said a lot of things about those gift certificates, but I think it's really important

Gift tags when you send a gift to someone

Talk one of our little samples for the Gorgons a bag put them as a gift tag on the gift tags

I mean

There's so many ways that we can decorate and get our name attached to something

Now with the holidays and even with birthdays and the anniversary and stuff like that, but especially at this tummy

You're getting into the habit of it because I think once you start doing it you will always do it


Again, I think you know somebody said you know

making sure that you help them think about the people they're purchasing and that again is where

When you set a Black Friday post you want to make sure you say this might be ideal for

And then you give a range of people they're going to be buying for that that gift would be perfect for

And I don't mean general like men and women and things like that go deeper go into intentional baby sitter

You know I call my nail magicians

Your hairdressers you know again you you know housekeepers um you know bus drivers

I mean there are so many people out there that when you start helping that customer

Think about by posting or by doing a facebook. Live you know that it's gonna. It's gonna jog their memory cycle. Oh my gosh

I need that you know I'm buying for that person now again every time somebody buys from you

That's an open door for you to say

You know what I circle back and see you know check with you to see how she loved it know again

It doesn't mean that she's gonna be able to give you a report

but as you're talking to her or you make contact with her because you said I will

Then you could opportunity to say we have a new catalogue coming out we have a new special this month. Oh my gosh

I've got a new favorite

You know would you like me to send it to you see if it's one of your favorites too because again these are either existing

Have you been?

Spending time with you already were there new customers that you want them to be spending time with you

And this is how you make yourself

And you set yourself apart from every other direct sales companies

Consultants is you make those little baby steps that just surprise people. I mean you know somebody said

It's you know customer service. You know do you give good customer service? No I want to give excellent customer service

I know what the word good customer service would be there

I want it to be excellent customer service because that means you have to do something above and beyond what everybody else is doing

Ok so just gonna run through some of the things that you guys want to be thinking about when you're in front of a customer

Or you're over the phone

And by the way one of the things I love about the Good Friday

Good Friday listen the Black Friday is you have if you're doing pre tours. You'd they have to call you hello

I love that because I love fact that you have to talk to them and you have to say by the way before I place

your order

I'll follow back up with you to see if there's anything else you might need to add your shipping will stay the same

I don't care if you offer free shipping

I mean not free flat shipping or whatever

don't bump that shipping up if you call them back because that's the way that they know that they can add some more things and

They probably will if they know that it's not going to increase their shipping so even if you you know you've got a cap at

695 the company's shipping leave it there. Even if you add a couple more orders

Go ahead and pick up the difference because that gives you an opportunity to get them thinking

While the shipping is gonna be the same. I'm not gonna be charging additional shipping

I will think about some other things if you don't say that

Most people know it's an escalating shipping scales

So they know they're gonna pay a little bit more unless a pen you caught you've placed you've done flat flat rate shipping

The other thing is I had some I when I was at my regional training in Denver

I wouldn't did a full service check and I said what you guys to watch what I do

So what I want you guys to do is I showed him that has to kind of do this live is when something to place

An order instead of saying okay anything else because that's a yes or no question in fact. It's a no answer

They're gonna say no. I think I'm done you can say okay. What's next? I always say. Okay? What's next?

Because you're going to hear them pause and this is where you're gonna get a bookie

You're gonna hear them pause. They're gonna say you know what I?

Think I better stop and saying well. You know what why don't we do this. I've got some days left in January

I'm having a white sale now again

I know I have an introduced white sale to you

But I'm just saying just make it some fun

Orange 130-minute summer facials or we're doing hand spas to get everybody you know to be a little more comfortable out of the gloves

Whatever you want to call it be ready for that commercial

Because you want to say why don't we do this leave and rest your onions behind?

we'll go ahead and we'll do a

Hand spa whatever with your friends

Just grab a few friends and get the rest of those things with with your discount as a host. Oh my gosh

You'll get cash you get half-price items

Why don't we do that your friends gave you so excited about meeting with you after the holidays when they're finished

Having to do with their family so be ready for that because as you say okay

What's next you're gonna hear the pause now the other thing is be ready because somebody might say oh my gosh

We're husband. Just lost his job, or he's trying to find a new job, and then you say listen

I know this conversation didn't start out like this

But I just I'm gonna ask you because I've been in direct sales for a while now

And it's working wonderfully beautifully for me my family

I do it very part-time and I make about two to three hundred dollars or whatever you make if you don't make $400 a month

build it up and say you know a lot of my my friends make about four to five hundred dollars a month I

Would love to take a close half you take a closer look

Would you would you have a few minutes of chat and then stop talking?

Because again if somebody says something about their finances we come to the rescue. We don't say oh, that's a shame. That's too bad

No now again. If you're offering that paycheck

You cannot say oh my gosh

You knew we have to do 25 dollars stay acting listen in the back of your mind. They just heard a

That's in case. I can't do it

Let's not think I can do it you stay true to the paycheck you stay through it true to the for parties you

Link arms with her and you help her love direct sales because she will she'll love the products

We know she'll love direct sales, so give her that opportunity. It's a thought it's something

She'll think about right so again be thinking about that when you go to place an order

The other thing is is when you're taking the order ask her is there anyone else that you think might enjoy this product

If you don't ask she's not gonna think about it

so think multiples people by the human illness might and I say

Listeners there anyone else that might you think might want this healing Ellen's we have two different sizes

So if it's at one dollar one, I know they're probably not gonna buy $21 in for a schoolteacher they may

But so I just say you know how schoolteacher you know her hands

Are you know always in you know?

Washing your hair dressed or such a so always it when you know there's a product that she's purchasing always jump her over to

Getting that cross see that somebody off her list again

It's always know unless you asked

And the other thing is is I always I always crossed our upsell and the rent

I do that is when somebody buys the BB cream. Oh my gosh. I would never sell a BB cream without a brush

I'm sorry. I know you guys a lot of you use your fingers

I don't I don't like my fingers touching my face like that

I just think the brush does a greater a more beautiful job with an airbrush look

I think it does a better job blending


Becomes more buildable yeah, I can layer better. I mean no did you see all the adjectives I used by describing the brush

And that's why I sell a brush with every BB cream now

They didn't come in with a BB cream, and I don't ask the are with a need and a brush

And I don't ask them if they have a brush. I just say okay now

Let's go over and make sure we get you the right brush we go BB cream

that's the way that you are solution based selling guys and

I'm not even gonna talk about you. Feel more like you're pushy. It's what we do. It would be meat like me buying a

Set of a necklace and somebody say no do you have earrings to match oh my gosh? I?

Don't I love when people do that to me. I love it

So that's what you want to make sure you do to your customers for your customers not to your customers for your customers

They I think listen were consultants because they consult with us, and we consult back and forth with them

So it's that ping-pong ball, then you ask a question

They answer you take that question you ask another question on top of that question etc. That's the relationship

You're building while you're talking to them

That's why if somebody messes shoe or emailed you and says you know running low on this just say oh my gosh

Joe a minute something exciting is happening

I'll take your order, but I also want to tell you something else what's exciting. I got in January

I'm doing and you offer a special for Jen that you're doing something special in January

Have your theme your excitement of what you're offering in January have it ready be ready for that January calendar

Now the other thing is you have favorites

I know you have favorites your favorites are not my favorites

But the reason they're not my favorite successor you haven't convinced me that I should try them

So make sure when you're talking to a customer you say sin. I have a favorite and it's along the same line

I think you might like it. Would you like to try it this time? You're always giving a you're buying this

I think you might like this. It's like do you sell the body scrub without an icy?

Tell me no Cathy

I would never sell a body scrub without an icy

Because then you have to come back later and say what moisturizer you are using or what icing are you using?

You know type of thing I would never sell the microdermabrasion cream without the serum. I would never write

it's like I would never start up beep so again the key is you have favourites tell them what your favorites are and

And um oh no, I'm sorry we passed the favorite thing. I'm so sorry so when you have a product. It's like Amazon

You you're you're looking at this or you're ordering this other people thought you might like this

Be those other people thought you might like this go to that to that next to say I'm selling a lot of this

I'm seeing to have a lot of people there that are purchasing this

Would you like to add it to your order today and again?

Especially if it's a special

But even if it isn't a special it is something that you definitely want to to give you know to ought to suggest to her

And you know and you guys know what I feel about Facebook life

I think you should go Facebook live every time you can

Listen you have something that you've tried you have something somebody else has tried you hear something in the community group that then

Somebody just goes nuts over. Go live and say oh my gosh

We have a community or a parent

Lemongrass spa and this product that I'm going about to show you and demonstrate to you has just been hot and then tell them why

Give those adjectives and tell them why people buy from people

They join people they booked from people

You're the person that wants to come and tell a story and tell them

Why they would want to try something everybody else was going gaga over right?

Okay go so we talked about cross selling cross selling is suggesting products that are associated with something the order BB cream is the brush?

Um Adaline I don't is something that oh my gosh

somebody buys

The $21 healing ailments I would always say now let's go ahead and take a look at the one that gets tucked in your purse

Or let's take a look at the one that goes on your nightstand

Because that big jar of healing almonds it travels around the house. I know because I always say to my husband

Where is it? And he has it in his office so what I do is

I just buy the Lu jars the travel-size jars, and I put them around the house where when I'm there

You know in the kitchen in the bathroom and my nightstand

Those are the kinds that you want to do add-ons when somebody's find something think about something else a out on the lipstick

Oh my gosh

I think the lipstick has to you sell the brush set I know that's a big leap

But if you tell them all the things those brushes do and then you explain why they they buy the lip brush?

It comes in the brush set with her lipstick their lipstick lasts so much longer

And it's just a nicer

Application as a beautiful stained look that just is I mean it just looks so much fuller on their lips, but anyway

I digress Oh Jan I have a cold and I thought it was getting over it, but I just in talking too much

I don't think it's really a cold anymore

I think it's just I'm talking too much, but that's okay alright, so but thank you for noticing

So cross-selling add-on selling up selling up selling again is if somebody said I want that $10 healing element stick and I'm like

Mm. Okay, so before I place that on your order form

I just have to tell you that 10 there are four of those $10. Healing elements stick in that in that


that family size, that's 21, so you could pay me now or pay me later by the $10 now and and

Have it come back later by another $10 or get the $21 now

And it lasts you for a year and the other thing you might want to think about doing is going ahead and giving them some

of their own little sample jars and

Send him a couple spatulas and let make them make a little sample charge for their purse of their human

elements listen, would you do that act of service when somebody has a

Clear blue sky. They open that gift up

The sample jars and spatula, and you write a little note and say

Here's how you're gonna be able to I know I talked you out of that $10 jar

Or stick. Here's how you're gonna be able to make samples and keep all around the house and your purse etcetera. Oh my gosh

It's gonna be a lasting memory. It's gonna be a memory that lasts forever shear her going to girl now

You're her. Go-to girl so again make sure that you are explaining the benefits of going to the next the next level up

And again the the multiple selling it's really just at this time of year

Who else on your list you think might enjoy this also?

Or you know what large hulking can I give you a suggestion on somebody else it's on your list

Tell me do you still have leftover um?

Yeah, enjoy dust sample. Yep. Mmhmm. Yeah. Joy. Just sample charge for a vendor then said healing veil good for you joy

Yeah, however and that's great

I would I would do a one extra step and do a little surprise packet for someone that wants to do it um

Alright, so so so so oh

And bundles oh my gosh, I know you guys love bundles. I know I see them all over the place

Make sure you're in the creative Facebook black wrap

Creative Black Friday Facebook group event because Sarah, I'm just Sarah Anderson

Just put oh my gosh the most beautiful

bundles that you spend this much and you get this free and she talked about what you purchase people like to

Have set solutions, and I'm gonna go back to the catalog your set solutions already in the catalog however

You know you've got your face system. You've got your minerals collection kit. You got your essential oil gifts ideas in the back

However at this time of year bundles are so important for people to say oh my gosh

That would be perfect for this person and do certain price points of them like like Sarah did their

Product with a purchase I am a huge product with a purchase huge product with a purchase

That really should be all over all year long all year long you just offer you know

Because people like to think that they're getting something that you have recommended or you are recommending as the gift with purchase

I just think it's it's fabulous

And again if you do the bundles think it is important at times that you do give a cost-savings

just like ID did because then you can say by the way, that's

20 that like when I do the ultimate when I do a facial or the skincare class I always say

Listen let's go to page if I think it's on page 5 or 6 and catalog

And I'm going to show you how you're going to get an entire

Solution for your face, and you're also gonna save some money

And I'll take the two ways to save and then I actually take them into the savings if they pay full price for it how?

Much, it is per price. I don't say you're gonna say $15

I do say that, but then I say and that means ladies you're paying this much per price per order or per product

It's important because a lot of times women have a lot of things going on in their brain

And they're not going to do the math so do the math for them as much as possible

Yes, you say $15 that means it brings it down to $7 a product. Oh my gosh

When was the last time you found?

But a gluten-free

You know well you know play-based um

skincare line for $7 a product for $7 a product

I mean you'd be crazy not to get this as a bundle now

I'm going to tell you know whether it's your going to be able to save and then you talk about hosting and in a

50% and then you go back and say and that's three dollars and fifty cents a product you choose

But either way this should go home with you. It should end up on your on your vanity so again

You'd be crazy not to give them the price breakdown so again

The sense when height does the sets like that she gives you such a great cost savings

It's like that mineral collection. You could that gorgeous gorgeous

Bag I mean you've seen it

It's beautiful

And it's something that people will keep their entire collection of mineral foundations in even in their drawer

Because I know it's spread all over the place without that little that little

Dropper bag trapper Bank. I mean I always nickname everything so anyway. That's something

I'm gonna really encourage you guys to do is make sure you are looking at the value add of some of these products

All right, let me see

When somebody talks about you know

Not having a Christmas shopping done yet or their holiday shopping done. Just you know again

Tell them that you're a creative gift gift solution. You know gift specialty creating gifts. Specialty is write down your line

You know advertise yourself as somebody that can help them

It's a stress free time for a lot of people both financially and just trying to think

Beyond their brain so make sure you guys are being there you know offering that type of a service

The other thing is at this time of year a lot a lot of them a lot of

Companies businesses do a little bit more of a relaxed schedule

They're a little bit less busy intentionally that might be a perfect way guys if for you to invite yourself in

To give them a hand spa experience on their lunch hour offer that as a service. It is a service. It is something again

It's not that you're expecting them to buy

You're now giving yourself the opportunity to meet some new people

And then to hear about lemongrass spa and know about the products you can give a little samples everybody as you leave

but honestly there's what I used to work for a

Doctor the drug companies at this time of year used to bring in lunches. They used to bring in you know

Catering and things like that because they knew that that was way that would offset the time

You know that sometimes

We're a little more relaxed at this time of year you make yourself be that person that insert yourself into

That company or that that


That company where you're off able to do that listen schoolteachers

They have off during the holidays

But the staff there that you're at the schools done

Church is the same way Church they run they run their offices get yourself into those environments

by offering to you know put your and put your little your little elf hat on that all of you gonna are gonna earn and

Get some cute little socks

And and go and you know and tell them that that this is what you do at this time you but you offer hand spa

experiences no charge no purchase

Necessary of course and you'd love to be able to come and treat them start to get the word out start to tell your friends

Is what I'm offering. This is what I offered this is what I'm offering who do you know real estate offices listen?

Think would just they would love it. They would love it. It's always no less unless you ask it's always a no unless you ask

all right, so I think that's what I wanted to talk to you guys about and

I'm just want to make sure you guys are all set there will be another I have the first at the first

Tuesday in December as a call and so again

We'll talk about January parties

Because you're still in these in that first Tuesday in December you're gonna be building a January calendar because you can say next month

I'm offering and I've got some great ideas for January

You could do a white sale you go to a five for five or five with five. It's called I mean

There's just so many great things. You could do a ditch and switch where everybody brings a product and

And they do it intentionally to leave it with you and get a 10% discount on the product

They're replacing with lemon breast spa I mean after the holidays

People want to get back to a normal life where they're not coming to have the obligation being with their family

January was were some of my strongest months because people had cabin fever and they just wanted to to be back with their girlfriends like

I've had enough of my family about enough obligations now

I just need to go and back and catch up with my girlfriends and see how their holiday went

So it's gonna be a really strong month from you guys

I can I can promise you then of course February is there in an out month

So we're gonna have a strong month for that then anyway, so I will I will be back of course the first

Tuesday in December getting you ready for January in the meantime

I will see you of course and coffee with Kathy, and I hope this has been helpful guys. Let me see if there's any questions



Timmy says what doesn't home office two bundles home office does bundles yes?

Tammy if you look in the catalog you've got your face system, that's a bundle you've got sure

You've got with there's an even the Holiday Gift Guide there's tons of bundles

There's like three different bundles in the Holiday Gift Guide in the catalog the bundles that are there. Do have some cost savings

You know with the mineral collection you got the adorable bag. That is I mean honestly. It's like a twenty dollar bag

I mean it's really in my bag that comes with a gift collection so that's like a free gift with purchase

With the skincare you've got the reduced price

And then of course with the essential oils you got such an amazing deal with the essential oils

And then in the back are the gift sets and they are also some savings there too so again

Do your bundles personally if you want? I think you guys do a fabulous job?

However for those of you that are new or if you're not creative like me just use the home office

catalog or use a out kaya log and all the graphics that home office Bethenny has done for us the photography Brian is done and

The words that tie is done, so you know use that as your I sure as your your talking points. Yeah

Jill said she'll be closing your biggest event ever tomorrow morning. Oh my gosh Jill

So Jill what you want to do is you want to make sure that you give your word say listen?

Once you have your products my commitment to all of my customers is to follow up with you and make my out-of-the-box calls

So I promise you you will be no exception Jane's friends will be no exception what you guys to make sure you practice that

Language then it comes out every time

Somebody purchases from you

You have my commitment and you follow through with it because can that's what keeps us different

Than other direct sales companies is you make that commitment number one you verbalize it?

Number two you follow through with it, and it's so easy to do in fact

It's fun to do because they're waiting for your call for sure yep


How would I just grab the healing balm to a customer Jill joy in

Mock Facebook group if you if you look under I think if you look under healing balms. I've actually described it

I'm actually giving you a commercial for it, and I use the commercial at all my parties

I use it all the spa escapes I ask them to go into their medicine cabinet opened up their medicine cabinet

Count the different products that you use for a variety of what ails them birds, and and you know

Insect bites and sutures and acne, and you know bruises, and I said in everything you know making your earrings

You know we have cheap earrings making them not you know you know make your ears ooze and stuff like that

I said in everything you can just take all those and put it in one jar, and that's our healing elements so again

I just try to have them motorized what they're looking at in that Menace II can they're on the Shelf in the store

And they're spending money on and they can't pronounce most of the ingredients in there

Which should make them run the other way, and I said, that's okay, you know let's bomb, so yeah, oh

The scent I think some vanilla, I'm sorry joy, I got railroaded off there. I got real trouble sidetracked railroaded

I think it's a vanilla. I love that's it's like a vanilla. It's like a creamy vanilla scent

It's not like vanilla that you're cooking with it's a creamy vanilla scent yes. Yep. It's almost like a marshmallow

It's like a marshmallow even Ella come to that marshmallow marshmallow a vanilla yes

I love it love the sin, okay. Um all right. Let's see if there's anybody else that needs questions

All right guys listen, thank you so much for joining me. I'm gonna be around tomorrow, but a little bit more sporadic

That's why I've been posting quite a bit today get you guys up to speed your Black Friday. It starts tomorrow

don't forget at 11 o'clock Eastern Time and

um and if you need me just tag me or tag me or message me and

Um you don't have a great Wednesday

Have a wonderful Wednesday, and I'll be I'll be back in touch with you alrighty

Oh, thanks Amanda, so sweet listen

I love you guys and have a great a great Wednesday, and we'll be Chinese soon. All right. Bye. Bye

For more infomation >> Holiday tips to build a business - Duration: 44:06.


You don't need to build a rocket to prove the Earth isn't flat – here's the simple science - Duration: 6:26.

You don't need to build a rocket to prove the Earth isn't flat – here's the simple science

Could 2,000 years of belief be wrong? Are we in fact living on a disc rather than a globe? One believer from the Flat Earth Society is determined to find out.

Mad Mike Hughes is all set to build his own rocket to see for himself that the Earth is flat.

For the last 50 years, weve been able to view pictures of the Earth from space, which might seem like all the proof you need to see that our planet is in fact round.

But the awareness of how easily images can be doctored and the growth of internet conspiracy theories appears to have fuelled a resurgence of belief in a flat Earth.

At the same time, theres a lack of understanding of the science that has long been used to demonstrate that we live on a globe, without the need to leave it.

I wish Hughes well with his endeavour, as he has at least been willing to try and prove his theory.

Perhaps if more people really could see for themselves the evidence, we might be able to reverse this worrying trend.

A good place to start would be by making sure children have the chance to try out simple experiments in school.

One of the best documented methods for determining the Earths roundness was first performed (to our knowledge) by the ancient Greeks.

This was achieved by comparing the shadows of sticks in different locations.

When the sun was directly overhead in one place, the stick there cast no shadow.

At the same time in a city around 500 miles north, the stick there did cast a shadow.

If the Earth were flat then both sticks should show the same shadow (or lack of) because they would be positioned at the same angle towards the sun.

The ancient Greeks found the shadows were different because the Earth was curved and so the sticks were at different angles.

They then used the difference in these angles to calculate the circumference of the Earth.

They managed to get it to within 10% of the true value – not bad for around 250 BC.

Another piece of evidence for a globe is the difference between the night skies in the northern and southern hemispheres.

The view is completely different because the Earth beneath you is pointing in a different direction.

If the Earth were flat, the view should be the same.

This can be made even easier by simply comparing when it is night and day in each country.

You can observe the planets as well.

They all rotate, and watching over the course of a few days gives a clear picture they are spherical rather than flat.

The chance that most of the planets are spherical but the Earth is flat seems very unlikely.

But when science experiments are performed incorrectly they can appear to give the opposite result.

If they are shared through social media, these false ideas can be spread quickly with no one to point out their flaws.

One common example is the Bedford Level experiment, a form of which was first carried out in 1838 and used to prove the Earth was flat for over 30 years before an explanation was found.

This experiment involved placing a marker at a set height at either end of a canal about six miles long.

If the Earth is round, then one marker should appear lower than the other when viewed at the same time through a telescope because the furthest marker would have fallen away with the curvature of the Earth.

But it was reported that the markers are the same height, suggesting the Earth is actually flat.

Modern day Flat Earth theorists still quote this experiment.

The problem is this doesnt take into account the optical effect of the air over the intervening water, which bends or refracts the light as it travels from the marker to the telescope and makes it look like they are the same height.

The solution is to use multiple markers along the length of the canal which, when observed, all appear to be at different heights.

Perhaps the most impressive experiment that even schools can do today is to send a camera up in a high-altitude balloon.

The footage will show that from a high-enough vantage point you can see the curvature of the Earth.

This is what Mike Hughes will find if he ever makes his rocket work.

Ultimately, arguing on the internet is not the best way forward for any scientific endeavour.

We need to provide the means for people to test these theories themselves and to understand the results they get.

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