Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 11, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Nov 25 2017

Cool RC Action!



Using Visuals and Technology to Build an Artist's Career | Full Sail University - Duration: 5:03.

(upbeat music)

I would love to find out a little bit about

the visual side of your business.

I know that you have worked on all kinds of soundtracks

and music that's been used in a plethora of films

and obviously the visual is one of the most impactful

mediums that we have today to not only help brand

the artist but also in many ways captivate an audience.

I'd love to learn a little bit from your perspective

how you've used the visual to enhance an artist's career

or maybe build awareness for a particular movement or song.

I think we are actually now coming to the point

where we are going to engage the visual medium.

You know, so far we have been working on developing

the music and getting the music right

and because eventually, people are going to listen

to the music and that's where the fan base is made.

The visual medium is the most powerful medium

of communication, so as somewhere.

I read in an audio book that the sound is

the step-child of film, or something like that.

Like, this is an audio book.

But, that's what it is.

So, to understand human behavior is very important.

So, we're just at the point where

so sync is different, songs are placed always

is different, but when you've got a great content

around your artist now, that itself is another

is another agenda.

So, it's definitely it's got to be likable.

It's got to synchronize with the vision

for what the artist and how do they want to be portrayed.

There's a lot of experimentation that need to be done.

One of our young artists, she's starting at Howard,

you know, she's 19 year old Indian girl

and so we said how are we going to come out

with the first visual and we have a friend in New York

and he said why don't we do like a 3-D video?

You know, and we had a limited budget, but tons

of creativity and he offered to go out of the way

to develop this concept which is gonna be just shot

in one room.

So, that's about ready now and it's, it'll be a novelty

when it comes out.

It'll have its own little charm.

It'll help us get launched.

So, we're experimenting.

I think one of the, one of the senses that we have

learned to develop is common sense, so everything

is just so sophisticated these days, we actually forget

that there's something called common sense.

Yeah, I like that.

So Ross, when you were talkin' about your company

one of the facets or tenants that you mentioned

was technology, so I would love to learn a little

bit about how you've used technology to propel

an artist, to propel maybe a song or a movement

that you've been involved in.

Great question.

Technology has been a integral part

into the production process for recording

and sound design and producing music

and I believe that every artist, composer,

writer, producer, should strive for their own sound,

their own signature and in our case with Archipelago,

it's taking sounds from our planet, recording them

with something as simple as an iPhone or you know,

a fancy high quality recorder and using technology

that we all have on our Macs or our Windows machines

and transform those sounds into music.

Taking the sound of running water,

granulizing that and then putting it into melodine

and create chords out of it.

Banging a bridge, maybe the Golden Gate one day,

for a kick drum, something like that.

Immersing yourself into this beautiful amazing planet

that we live on and using this as our studio,

our planet as our studio,

kind of bailing traditional recording, you know,

studios and techniques.

With that said and that philosophy not only just for myself,

but for the artists that we have developed and worked with,

in all different areas of the country in different markets

and even the well seasoned artists that are still

developing and nurturing their sound and developing

and augmenting to their path and their career,

being able to provide something a little bit different

has been invaluable and the technology is there

and we have just so many tools at our fingertips,

but it's also up here.

You know, it's all up here and how you can take a sound

and rework it and so, technology, that would be my gut

response is just technology has allowed my team

and myself and peers all around the music industry

to, if you can think it, you can make it nowadays.

So, it's been great to implement that with the music.


For more infomation >> Using Visuals and Technology to Build an Artist's Career | Full Sail University - Duration: 5:03.


Build A Boat For Treasure #3 Im the last survivor! - Duration: 5:19.

Lets play Build A Boat For Treasure for the 3rd time!

Off we go...

There is a lot of just basic levels


Marble is strong :3

Jeez, there is a lot of rocks here .-.

The the red leather design on the boat?

I built it


Im so stupid...

See, I told you I was stupid

That flip though, lol

You alright there, MoMo?

Lightning? How was I supposed to know there was lightning?



Sorry iron, Im stealing your seat

Even though hes all the way dead...

I didn't put another backup seat in for MoMo

Im such a bad pers- I MEAN RACCOON

MoMo? Is she alive?

No shes not ;c

Firstly, I told iron that he should come up the second story, but I didn't check if there were any holes

Then, I didnt put a backup seat for MoMo, so she fell out the boat...

Im going to Raccoon hell ;c


My seat!!!! ;c

Ded x_x

But, I got +50 gold :D

Guess this is where the boat story ends...

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