Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 2, 2019

Auto news on Youtube Feb 22 2019

Wzup sneakerholics its ya boy Slim Beezy bringing you another sneaker video.

In the description of this video I will we be listing any Resale Predictions along with

the links to where you can buy the new Nike Zoom Rookie Galaxy.

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As you know nike will be releasing the Nike Zoom Rookie Galaxy.

I have included, in the description, a list of purchase and raffle links and also any

resale Predictions.

Remember to check back occasionally because i will be adding more raffle and purchase

links daily.

Also hit that subscribe button and notification bell and hit that thumbs up if you like this

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I'm SneakerholicBeez and I'm out.



[Kpop Unboxing] BTS 1st Album "Dark and Wild" UNBOXING + GIVEAWAY (eng sub) - Duration: 2:41.

Hello!, It's Kpop Unboxer!!

I've read lots of comments from BTS fans. Many of you wants BTS Unboxing and Giveaway.

So, I've planned BTS Unboxing & Giveaway series

that starts from the past BTS album in order. The first one is "Dark&Wild"

It is the first BTS video from the series, and I will keep doing it

So you can count on it. Let's get start!

Let's Get It


There is a red logo on the cover

방탄소년단 is written in Chinese

I've never seen this, It opens from below.

It's been over four years since it was released.

Members look so young.

Let's take a look what's inside. There is a Cd and...

There are 2 photo cards, one CD and photobook

Let's take look

I can't get it out. I'll just leave it.

Photo cards are one for all members and one for Jin

From here, the lyrics are members' handwriting.

Today unboxing was BTS "Dark & ​​Wild", released almost five years ago.

I will keep doing this BTS unboxing and giveawya in order.

Please subscribe and share this channel

If you leave a comment, I will pick one!

Thank you for watching. Bye ~

For more infomation >> [Kpop Unboxing] BTS 1st Album "Dark and Wild" UNBOXING + GIVEAWAY (eng sub) - Duration: 2:41.


¿La ENERGÍA OSCURA se está haciendo MÁS FUERTE? - Duration: 9:29.

Hello JJ am curious and inquisitive, welcome to Science Science, that little place,

where we see that the known finite and infinite is unknown.

In the early 1990s, one thing was pretty sure, about, expansion

of the universe.

You may have enough energy density to stop its expansion and collapse again,

could have so little energy density that would never stop expanding, but the

gravity surely slow the expansion, as time went on.

Of course, the slowdown had not been observed, but in theory, the universe,

He had to decelerate.

The universe is full of matter, and the attractive force of gravity, unites all

The matter.

But then he came 1998, and observations, the Hubble Space Telescope, supernovas,

muy distantes mostraron que, hace mucho tiempo, el universo, en realidad, se estaba expandiendo,

más lentamente que en la actualidad.

Por lo tanto, la expansión del universo, no se ha ralentizado, debido a la gravedad,

que era, los que todos pensaban…

Al contrario, la expansión del universo se ha acelerado.

Y claro, nadie esperaba esto, nadie sabía cómo explicarlo.

Con el tiempo, los teóricos, propusieron, tres tipos de explicaciones.

Tal vez, fue el resultado, de una versión, largamente descartada, de la teoría, de la

gravedad de Einstein, una que contenía, lo que se llamó, una "constante cosmológica".

O tal vez, había, algún tipo extraño, de energía-fluido, que llenaba el espacio.

O tal vez, haya algo malo, con la teoría, de la gravedad de Einstein, y una nueva teoría,

podría incluir, algún tipo de campo, que cree, esta aceleración cósmica.

Los teóricos, aún no saben, cuál es la explicación correcta, pero le han dado, un

nombre a la solución.

Se llama energía oscura.

¿Queréis saber más?

Pues vamos a curiosear.


La energía oscura es, aparentemente, a día de hoy, incluso, más misteriosa, de lo que

pensaban los astrónomos.

Los científicos, primero propusieron, la existencia, de esta fuerza invisible hace

dos décadas, y lo hicieron, para explicar, el sorprendente descubrimiento, de que la

expansión del universo se está acelerando.

Y es que, este hallazgo, logró, que tres investigadores, obtuvieran, el Premio Nobel

de física en 2011.

Los ganadores fueron Saul Perlmutter, Brian P.

Schmidt, y Adam G.

Riess, por el descubrimiento, de la expansión acelerada, del universo, a través, de la

observación, de supernovas distantes"

Y el modelo astrofísico, más utilizado, de la estructura, y evolución, del universo,

considera, la energía oscura como una constante.

De hecho, muchos astrónomos, creen, que es, la constante cosmológica, que Einstein postuló,

en 1917, como parte, de su teoría de la relatividad general.

Que por cierto, os la explicaré aquí, el domingo que viene.

Así que estad atentos al canal.

Y es que, un nuevo estudio, de enormes agujeros negros, super brillantes, conocidos, como

quásares, sugiere lo siguiente, que la energía oscura, podría ser considerada, como la constante

cosmológica, o cualquier tipo de constante.

Porque, resulta, que su fuerza, puede haber variado, desde el nacimiento del universo,

hace 13.8 mil millones de años, o eso, es lo que dijeron, los miembros, del equipo de


Estos, los investigadores, observaron y analizaron quásares, hasta mil millones de años después

del Big Bang, y encontraron, que la tasa de expansión, del universo, hasta el día de

hoy, fue más rápida de lo que esperaban.

Y esto, podría significar, que la energía oscura, se está haciendo más fuerte, a medida

que el cosmos envejece.

¿Interesante verdad?

Y es que, los quásares, son agujeros negros, supermasivos, de rápido crecimiento en los

corazones de las galaxias.

En esta imagen, podéis ver, una Ilustración artística de los quásares, junto, con las

observaciones, de dos de estos objetos, súper brillantes, por parte, del Observatorio, de

rayos X Chandra de la NASA.

Pues bien, la increíble luminosidad de los quásares, que curiosamente, son los objetos,

más brillantes del universo, se origina, en los discos de material que giran, alrededor

de los agujeros negros.

Estos discos, de giro rápido, generan, enormes cantidades de luz ultravioleta (UV), algunas

de las cuales, se estrellan, contra los electrones, en nubes cercanas de gas caliente.

Dichas interacciones, pueden aumentar, la radiación ultravioleta, a los niveles de

rayos X, produciendo, un poderoso resplandor, en múltiples longitudes, de onda de luz de

alta energía.

La correlación, entre estos dos, tipos de luz, puede revelar, la distancia a un quásar.

Pues bien, en este nuevo estudio, realizado por Guido Risaliti, de la Universidad de Florencia,

y Elisabetta Lusso, de la Universidad de Durham en Inglaterra, se examinó, esta relación,

analizando casi 1,600 quásares.

Para su estudio, usaron, el observatorio, de rayos X Chandra de la NASA, y también,

la nave espacial, XMM-Newton, de la Agencia Espacial Europea.

Risaliti y Lusso, encontraron, que muchos de los quásares, son increíblemente distantes.

El más lejano, por ejemplo, arrojó, enormes cantidades de luz, al cosmos, sólo, 1.100

millones de años, después del Big Bang.

Y es que, el método tradicional hasta ahora para calcular la tasa de expansión del universo,

incluidos, los estudios históricos, de finales, de la década de 1990, que introdujeron, el

concepto de energía oscura, generalmente, se han basado, en observaciones, de explosiones

de supernovas estándar.

Y partir de su brillo, se hacían las mediciones.

Pero… las supernovas, aunque dramáticas y poderosas, son mucho menos luminosas que

los cuásares y, por lo tanto, no pueden observarse desde tan lejos.

Por esta razón, el nuevo estudio, ofrece a los investigadores, otra vela estándar

para analizar, y que puede usarse, para evaluar, la expansión del universo, en un lapso de

tiempo, mucho más amplio.

Algo, que como podéis imaginar, es súper interesante.

Incluso, para respaldar más el estudio, Risaliti y Lusso, también realizaron, algunas mediciones

con supernovas.

Ya que, dado que esta, es una nueva técnica, tomaron medidas, adicionales, para demostrar,

que este nuevo método, nos brinda resultados confiables.

Y con ello, demostraron, que los resultados, de la nueva técnica, coinciden, con los de

las mediciones, de supernovas, en los últimos, 9 mil millones de años.

Lo que les da confianza, de que los nuevos resultados, son confiables, incluso en épocas


En esta imagen, podéis ver, como el observatorio, de rayos X Chandra, en el espacio, capturó,

esta imagen, de rayos X, de un objeto, para determinar, la velocidad de giro, de un agujero

negro, en la búsqueda, para comprender la energía oscura.

Por lo tanto, los nuevos resultados, son consistentes, con algunas observaciones anteriores, de supernovas

relativamente cercanas.

Donde se encontró, una tasa de expansión, aparentemente acelerada, en comparación,

con la del universo temprano.

Como se deriva, de las mediciones, del fondo cósmico de microondas.

Es decir, la antigua luz, que quedó del Big Bang.

Así, algunos científicos sugieren, que podría ser necesaria, una nueva física, para explicar

esta discrepancia, incluida, la posibilidad, de que la energía oscura, esté creciendo

en fuerza.

Y es que, los nuevos resultados, de Risaliti y Lusso, están de acuerdo con esta sugerencia.

Este nuevo estudio, fue publicado, hace pocos días, en la revista Nature Astronomy.

Y os dejaré, más información, en la descripción de este vídeo.

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Muchísimas gracias.

For more infomation >> ¿La ENERGÍA OSCURA se está haciendo MÁS FUERTE? - Duration: 9:29.


Joji: "Slow Dancing in the Dark" - Last Call with Carson Daly (Musical Performance) - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Joji: "Slow Dancing in the Dark" - Last Call with Carson Daly (Musical Performance) - Duration: 5:26.


The Dark Truth Behind Rosie The Abandoned Great White Shark - Duration: 4:28.

Meet rosie, the two tonne, 5 meter great white shark that was stumbled across by a youtuber

when he explored an abandoned wildlife park.

She's taxedermied and her home was a huge leaky tank filled with formaldehyde.

Rosie has captured the hearts of people across the world.

Who knew so many people would fall in love with a big stuffed shark.

But they did, and I'm going to tell you her story, right now on IO.

What is good this is inform overload the channel that brings you the biggest and most interesting

viral news stories on the internet.

I'm charlotte dobre, hit that like and subscribe if you like my shark shirt and follow the

IO team on instagram Rosie the shark doo do do do do do.

Rosie the shark back in 1998 after she was caught in a tuna fishing net in south Australia.

Initially She was on display at the Victorian Ecocenter.

She moved around for a while and then was placed at the Wildlife wonderland park in

Bass, which is south of Melbourne Australia.

Kept in a tank filled with a preservative known as formaldehyde, she called Wildlife

wonderland park her home for 20 years.

Luke Mcpherson uploaded a video of rosie the great white shark to youtube in November of


Luke had been a visitor of the wildlife park when he was young, Luke visited the park again

in late 2018 but he never thought that he would come across a huge taxidermy shark in

a tank.

Rosie was completely preserved.

One has to wonder why the shark was left there.

The green formaldehyde that was leaking out of rosies tank is extremely toxic.

Apparently the fumes from rosie's leaky tank were so strong that luke could only be

in the room for a minute.

The video he uploaded to youtube has 11 million views at the time of this recording.

And for good reason, how crazy was that thumbnail.

She looks like a ghost shark, the photo looks like a scene from apocalypse.

Something about rosie in this tank makes me feel like our oceans are going to look like

that sometime in the next few hundred years if we don't do something about it.

But anyway, I'm not going to bore you with my environmental concerns, lets get back on


Social media absolutely exploded when images of rosie started to go viral.

Some People were demanding that something be done because she shouldn't have been

abandoned the way she was.

A facebook page was started called Save Rosie The Shark that quickly garnered over 4000


Its amazing that so many people rallied for a shark, but hey, that's the power of the


But the main reason why rosie caught the publics interest was because there were a lot of people

who were trying to break into the abandoned wildlife park.

And these people weren't just for a lovely stroll.

Unfortunately, some even took it upon themselves to vandalize and destroy rosies tank.

Vandals took the top off the tank, releasing the formaldehyde even further.

Which is super dangerous.

They threw trash in her tank as well as a broken television.

This is why we can't have nice things!

It got to the point where Local police were sending out

warnings to people to stay away from the park.

According to Ripleys Believe it or not, if no one preserved the shark, more liquid will

evaporate, her condition will worsten ands he will most likely be destroyed.

Because of the evaporating liquid that escaped out of the top of the tank, rosie was no longer

fully submerged in the formaldehyde.

Thankfully, enough people were concerned about the shark's well being that rosie has found

a new home.

Crystal world and prehistoric journeys in Meadows promsed to restore rosies tank, and

do their best to restore rosie.

She will be on display at the devon meadows site at crystal world, so everyone can go

and see her.

Anyways friends, that is all I have for you on that, I'm gonna wrap up this video by

responding to some comments from our video Elon Musk Is Hosting Meme Review.

The Mew Guy – Roses are red, violets are blue, elon musk hosting meme review.

Wow beautiful poem you're the next Robert Frost

BJ Mac – Your relaxed attitude when you're reading the comments is fantastic and infectious.

That's your ticket.

Get them to let you be yourself more during the scripted bits like Jessica Chobot.

I will definitely take that into consideration!

Sometimes when I keep it chill people ask me in the comments whats wrong.

Nothings wrong, I'm just not a presenty person in real life.

By the way if you want to see more of what I'm like in real life, I have a personal


Scootergrover Video – omg I loooove your hair.

Its being really poofy lately, more than usual.

Gaming with Raay – amazing news.


Pro Game Videos – IO is probably my favourite way of getting news.


You're welcome.

For more infomation >> The Dark Truth Behind Rosie The Abandoned Great White Shark - Duration: 4:28.


Steve Clarke launches furious rant at 'Dark Ages' Rangers fans after Ibrox abuse - Duration: 2:51.

 Clarke accused the Rangers support of living in the Dark Ages after being targetted with abuse during his side's Scottish Cup fifth-round replay pummelling last night

 Chants of "sad Fenian b*****d" echoed round Ibrox as the home side booked a quarter-final clash with Aberdeen with a 5-0 win

 Gers ace Alfredo Morelos struck four times on his return from suspension but Kilmarnock's hopes were over as soon as keeper Daniel Bachmann was dismissed for an off-the-ball clash with Glen Kamara

 Clarke could barely contain his disgust with referee Alan Muir over the decision as he branded the sending-off a joke

 But he saved his fiercest condemnation for the home faithful as he hit back in a withering blast

 "It's lovely being back in the west of Scotland, really nice," said the former Chelsea defender

 "When I was approached by Rangers about taking over the job here I was assured that 'we don't have that in the west of Scotland any more

It's gone'. "They can call me a b*****d or a w****r. No problem, thanks, guys. But to call me a Fenian b*****d, come on

Where are we living in? The Dark Ages?  "They are not allowed to call my assistant (Alex Dyer) as black b but they can call me a Fenian b*****d

What are we doing in Scotland? "I wake up every morning and thank Chelsea for coming and taking me away from the west of Scotland because my children don't understand this

 "Thankfully when I go down there my children, my grandchildren don't have to worry about this

So, fantastic to be back in Scotland." Clarke savaged referee Muir over his decision to send-off Bachmann after the keeper was accused of elbowing Kamara at a corner 25 minutes in

 He said: "If the penalty had been given in the first two minutes it would have been different

The red card is a joke. "If that's the standards we might as well go home. Why speak? It's every week

 "You'll probably write about Morelos' four goals but the officials decided the game

It's embarrassing. "The goalie just lifted his arms. Every goalie does it every week

It's embarrassing. How can I talk about football tonight?"

For more infomation >> Steve Clarke launches furious rant at 'Dark Ages' Rangers fans after Ibrox abuse - Duration: 2:51.


Steve Clarke launches furious rant at 'Dark Ages' Rangers fans after Ibrox abuse - Duration: 2:28.

Clarke accused the Rangers support of living in the Dark Ages after being targetted with abuse during his side's Scottish Cup fifth-round replay pummelling last night.

Chants of "sad Fenian b*****d" echoed round Ibrox as the home side booked a quarter-final clash with Aberdeen with a 5-0 win.

Gers ace Alfredo Morelos struck four times on his return from suspension but Kilmarnock's hopes were over as soon as keeper Daniel Bachmann was dismissed for an off-the-ball clash with Glen Kamara.

Clarke could barely contain his disgust with referee Alan Muir over the decision as he branded the sending-off a joke.


But he saved his fiercest condemnation for the home faithful as he hit back in a withering blast.

"It's lovely being back in the west of Scotland, really nice," said the former Chelsea defender.

"When I was approached by Rangers about taking over the job here I was assured that 'we don't have that in the west of Scotland any more. It's gone'.

"They can call me a b*****d or a w****r. No problem, thanks, guys. But to call me a Fenian b*****d, come on. Where are we living in? The Dark Ages?


"They are not allowed to call my assistant (Alex Dyer) as black b but they can call me a Fenian b*****d. What are we doing in Scotland?

"I wake up every morning and thank Chelsea for coming and taking me away from the west of Scotland because my children don't understand this.

"Thankfully when I go down there my children, my grandchildren don't have to worry about this. So, fantastic to be back in Scotland."

Clarke savaged referee Muir over his decision to send-off Bachmann after the keeper was accused of elbowing Kamara at a corner 25 minutes in.

He said: "If the penalty had been given in the first two minutes it would have been different. The red card is a joke.

"If that's the standards we might as well go home. Why speak? It's every week.

"You'll probably write about Morelos' four goals but the officials decided the game. It's embarrassing.

"The goalie just lifted his arms. Every goalie does it every week. It's embarrassing. How can I talk about football tonight?"

For more infomation >> Steve Clarke launches furious rant at 'Dark Ages' Rangers fans after Ibrox abuse - Duration: 2:28.


Queen Royal - Bohemian Rhapsody Oscars 2019: Queen star reveals 'depression and dark times' - Duration: 3:20.

 Bohemian Rhapsody was made for the fans and they have embraced it in the face of disappointing sniping from the critics

It has taken a staggering $845million worldwide to date and the home entertainment packages are set to boost that past $1billion

All the attention has been focussed on Rami Malek's incredible performance as Freddie Mercury and he looks almost certain to take home the Best Actor statue

Queen legends Roger Taylor and Brian May will take to the stage on the night, but Malek will not perform alongside them as Freddie

That honour will go to Adam Lambert. The American pop star appears briefly in Bohemian Rhapsody as the truckstop passer-by who flirts with Freddie, but he has been the front man for Queen since 2011 on numerous tours and performances

 In a new post this week he revealed his battle with personal demons and how much his work with Queen and the fans has helped him

 He said: "I'm coming out of a dark period of self-guessing my own artistry and having my mental health suffer because of it

I started asking myself, 'Is all this hustle really worth it?' "I put all my focus on work and started to feel detached in my personal life

My self-worth was suffering. I was lonely and becoming depressed…" "With a bit of professional help and the support of colleagues, friends and family, I pulled myself out of the darkness

 "I have been touring with Queen which recharges me with tons of positive energy. The fans we perform for are so full of love, and Brian May and Roger Taylor are a joy to play music with and always remind me of my value

 "Together we have collaborated creatively on our tours and this helped name reaffirm in my artistry

Working with Queen helped me keep my head above water and I am so grateful to the spirit of Freddie Mercury, who has always inspired me to push ahead creatively

"  The singer just announced a new album and released the first single, Feel Something, this week

 Queen has promised the Oscars audience something special this Sunday, with Lambert out front: "Queen and Adam Lambert will ROCK YOU


For more infomation >> Queen Royal - Bohemian Rhapsody Oscars 2019: Queen star reveals 'depression and dark times' - Duration: 3:20.


Oh, hey, someone's finally making a TV series about the dark side of The Wizard Of Oz [Videos] - Duration: 1:52.

 Having failed to somehow learn the lessons of NBC's landmark primetime drama Emerald City—the show that dared to ask  "What if The Wizard Of Oz was nasty?"—Legendary TV announced tonight its own intent to bring L

Frank Baum's world of whimsical wonders to the small screen. Per Variety, the new series is being written and produced by Ed Ricourt, screenwriter of Now You See Me, whose other credits include Wayward Pines, Jessica Jones, and Jordan Peele's Twilight Zone

 (Hey, while we've got you here, can we talk about Emerald City for a minute? It was kind of like the also-nasty book version of Wicked, except everything was extra-hardcore: The Cowardly Lion was a war criminal, the Wicked Witch was hooked on opium, and Dorothy ended up crucifying the Scarecrow

It was amazing, like a Nine Inch Nails cover of "The Wheels On The Bus.".) Legendary's show presumably won't be quite so aggressively vicious—we'd be surprised if they crucified anybody at all, really—but it does take place at a time when "the return of a long-exiled Witch brings fear, division, and war to Oz," and promises to "examine stories and characters in Oz that haven't been previously explored

" (Bring on the weird porcelain people who live in the south of the country, we say: Those little bastards are probably up to some shit


For more infomation >> Oh, hey, someone's finally making a TV series about the dark side of The Wizard Of Oz [Videos] - Duration: 1:52.


Clear Skies & Dark Skies Monitoring - Duration: 9:00.

[Narrator] Grand Canyon-Parashant National

Monument is a vast and rugged


Mountains and plateaus stretch far

into the distance.

These viewscapes are an essential

feature of the remoteness that defines


The monument preserves a vestige of the

west prior to American settlement,

free from intensive development.

However, these views may be under


Urban centers in the desert southwest

are rapidly expanding.

In fact, one of Parashant's nearest

neighbors, St. George Utah

is currently the fastest growing city

in America.

Will this increased activity create

more air pollution and haze?

Are the bright lights of the

Las Vegas strip far enough away to

preserve dark nights?

Meet physical scientist

Eathan McIntyre.

Eathan is installing a system of

monitoring stations of his own design

to collect data on air quality and

light pollution.

He wants to know how these changes

could affect both visitors and


[Eathan McIntyre] I developed this system of timelapse

imaging cameras that actually look

across the landscape, and we're trying

to create metrics.

One of the aspects of air quality is

transparency, which is how clear is the

air, and what does that mean to the


How far can they see?

These aren't just roadside stations.

A lot of these sites have to be remote

locations as far as getting the view

shots that we want to get.

A typical station involves a tripod,

solar panel, and of course the camera


These cameras are timelapse cameras

taking an image about once every


What's really cool about this project

is that not only am I just getting

timelapse, but I can develop meaningful

metrics –as in how many miles can you

see across the horizon?

Our setup here is about 110 Watts.

It's about enough to charge a cell

phone, laptop, but we have plenty of

power up here to run our station,

get our cameras up and running.

Just checking over some of these

scripts here, make sure they're all

where I need them to be, as far as

waking up and shutting down.

We'll be leaving the station here for

about 6 months,

coming back in the spring.

We set up two cameras at two different

locations, looking at the same target.

And what we're able to do is generate

pixel values, basically we're looking

at the mountains here along with the

sky above us.

Are they brighter, darker over time?

And what we're able to do from there is

create basically a ratio.

We're seeing the camera and pixel

values, and so we actually put those

values into our equation and from there

we actually generate how visible the

actual air is.

So we get some great numbers off this.

So you can see right here we go ahead

and put the numbers into our equation.

For example here on a really good day

we see 35 miles of clear air.

That's one of our best days.

On one of our poor days, we're seeing

fire events, here we see maybe only

3 to 5 miles of visibility.

That's when we just see all sorts of

smoke from wildfires come into the

-into our west half of the monument-

and it really obscures our view.

We also pick up artificial sources

from road surfaces,

people out there in long convoys

kicking up dust.

So this is really meaningful.

We're not just generating just great

timelapse images,

we're seeing some really meaningful

metrics as far as how clear the air is

and what does that mean to the visitor


One of the trends we're thinking about

is what is going on with

-as urban centers expand around the

monument- how much smoke is just coming

from just common urban center use such

as fire places and just automobiles?

So what we're actually looking for is

seeing if there's any kind of long term

trend as far as are we seeing

escalating levels of smoke and dust.

So these cameras are able to pick up

those trends.

[Narrator] Development and city lights threaten

dark night skies as well.

Eathan's stations are equipped to

monitor the night sky over Parashant

and sky glow from neighboring

metropolitan areas.

[Eathan] This night sky camera is actually

special for astronomy.

It has a very sensitive CMOS sensor

in it. We program it so that it

basically stays open for 45 seconds and

we're able to capture all the natural

light from the Milky Way,

constellations, stars.

Parashant dark skies are actually a

remnant of what we see for the

Wild West, basically no development.

And that's what's really cool about

Parashant, is that we have very little

development as far as structures,

and lightbulbs.

However, what we see, even from about

95 miles away,

we're still picking up the sky glow

from Las Vegas and Mesquite,

St. George, Utah.

A lot of our wildlife we see out here

is nocturnal. These are arid

landscapes, desert environments,

so a lot of the wildlife activity

occurs after sunset. And these animals

rely on dark skies, and the pattern of

the moon going across the landscape.

And so what happens, what we see here,

we get this artificial sky glow.

We're seeing that it creates sort of a

second moon effect.

These animals are getting confused,

it's going to change their behavior.

[Narrator] Desert wildlife, like humans, are

synced to the cycles of day and night.

Each in their own way.

Nearly 50 species of birds on the

monument migrate at night.

They navigate by the stars and become

disoriented by bright artificial


Kangaroo rats forage less under the

full moon to avoid predators.

A nearby city mimicking the light of

the full moon, prevents the rat from

eating enough to be able to reproduce.

[Eathan] Are these landscapes getting lighter or

darker? Are the urban centers giving us

impacts? It's really meaningful to be

able to tell what our neighbors are

doing out there.

[narrator] For more information on dark skies and

light pollution, visit the

International Dark Sky Association


Grand-Canyon Parashant National

Monument is an International Dark Sky


For more infomation >> Clear Skies & Dark Skies Monitoring - Duration: 9:00.


Franklin County Humane Society spent morning in the dark - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Franklin County Humane Society spent morning in the dark - Duration: 0:49.


Clear Skies & Dark Skies Monitoring - Audio Described - Duration: 11:03.

[audio description] A desert landscape with deep canyons

in the distance.

Active Research at Grand Canyon-

Parashant National Monument

Clear Skies and Dark Skies Monitoring

with Physical Scientist Eathan McIntyre

[Narrator] Grand Canyon-Parashant National

Monument is a vast and rugged


Mountains and plateaus stretch far

into the distance.

These viewscapes are an essential

feature of the remoteness that defines


[audio description] Joshua Trees

National Park Service – An arrowhead

emblazoned with a mountain, tree, and


U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau

of Land Management – a downward

pointing triangle emblazoned with a

mountain, river, and tree

A cactus and Joshua tree.

Mountains in the distance.

Produced in Partnership with the

Great Basin Institute

–an outline of a mountain.

[narrator] The monument preserves a vestige of the

west prior to American settlement,

free from intensive development.

However, these views may be under


Urban centers in the desert southwest

are rapidly expanding.

In fact, one of Parashant's nearest

neighbors, St. George Utah

is currently the fastest growing city

in America.

[audio description] Map of Northern Arizona, Southern Utah,

and Southern Nevada.

The outline of Grand Canyon-Parashant

is highlighted. It is a large area that

stretches for over 70 miles east-west

along the north edge of the

Grand Canyon

[narrator] Will this increased activity create

more air pollution and haze?

Are the bright lights of the

Las Vegas strip far enough away to

preserve dark nights?

[audio description] Joshua trees in front of mountains.

Time speeds up, and shadows from the

trees race across the ground.

Physical scientist Eathan McIntyre

walks in the desert, and faces the


[narrator] Meet physical scientist

Eathan McIntyre.

Eathan is installing a system of

monitoring stations of his own design

to collect data on air quality and

light pollution.

[audio description] He works under a solar panel.

He holds circuitry.

[Narrator] He wants to know how these changes

could affect both visitors and


[audio description] A truck with large off highway tires

drives across the desert.

A solar panel and tools rest

on the truck bed.

Eathan walks across the desert,

with a solar panel on his back.

[Eathan McIntyre] I developed this system of timelapse

imaging cameras that actually look

across the landscape, and we're trying

to create metrics.

[audio description] He reaches the top of a hill,

and sets the panel down.

[Eathan] One of the aspects of air quality is

transparency, which is how clear is the

air, and what does that mean to the


How far can they see?

[audio description] He installs the panel.

He uses a drill.

He splices wires.

[Eathan] These aren't just roadside stations.

A lot of these sites have to be remote

locations as far as getting the view

shots that we want to get.

A typical station involves a tripod,

solar panel, and of course the camera


These cameras are timelapse cameras

taking an image about once every


What's really cool about this project

is that not only am I just getting

timelapse, but I can develop meaningful

metrics –as in how many miles can you

see across the horizon?

[audio description] Two men drive an off-highway vehicle on

a backcountry road.

[audio description] Eathan takes a solar panel from

its roof.

Deep canyons reach far into the distance.

[Eathan] Our setup here is about 110 Watts.

It's about enough to charge a cell

phone, laptop, but we have plenty of

power up here to run our station,

get our cameras up and running.

[audio description] He adjusts a camera aimed into the


Eathan sits on a very high cliff,

a rugged desert landscape stretches

far below.

He uses a laptop.

[Eathan] Just checking over some of these

scripts here, make sure they're all

where I need them to be, as far as

waking up and shutting down.

We'll be leaving the station here for

about 6 months,

coming back in the spring.

[audio description] Eathan in his office in front of two

computer screens.

One screen shows a complex equation,

the other plays timelapse imagery

of a landscape.

[Eathan] We set up two cameras at two different

locations, looking at the same target.

And what we're able to do is generate

pixel values, basically we're looking

at the mountains here along with the

sky above us.

Are they brighter, darker over time?

And what we're able to do from there is

create basically a ratio.

We're seeing the camera and pixel

values, and so we actually put those

values into our equation and from there

we actually generate how visible

the actual air is.

So we get some great numbers off this.

[audio description] A spreadsheet with long rows of data.

[Eathan] So you can see right here we go ahead

and put the numbers into our equation.

[audio description] A line graph shows the visibility

across a landscape, measured in miles.

[Eathan] For example here on a really good day

we see 35 miles of clear air.

That's one of our best days.

On one of our poor days, we're seeing

fire events, here we see maybe only

3 to 5 miles of visibility.

That's when we just see all sorts of

smoke from wildfires come into the

-into our west half of the monument-

and it really obscures our view.

We also pick up artificial sources

from road surfaces,

people out there in long convoys

kicking up dust.

So this is really meaningful.

We're not just generating just great

timelapse images,

we're seeing some really meaningful

metrics as far as how clear the air is

and what does that mean to the visitor


[audio description] Clouds race across the sky in a

timelapse of a mountain landscape.

[Eathan] One of the trends we're thinking about

is what is going on with

-as urban centers expand around the

monument- how much smoke is just coming

from just common urban center use such

as fire places and just automobiles?

[audio description] Timelapse of rainfall in a

desert canyon.

[Eathan] So what we're actually looking for is

seeing if there's any kind of long term

trend as far as are we seeing

escalating levels of smoke and dust.

So these cameras are able to pick up

those trends.

[audio description] Timelapse of sunrise over

the Grand Canyon.

Timelapse of rainfall over mountains.

[narrator] Development and city lights threaten

dark night skies as well.

[audio description] Timelapse of sunset over St. George,

Utah. Car headlights pulse in the


[narrator] Eathan's stations are equipped to

monitor the night sky over Parashant

and sky glow from neighboring

metropolitan areas.

[Eathan] This night sky camera is actually

special for astronomy.

It has a very sensitive CMOS sensor

in it. We program it so that it

basically stays open for 45 seconds and

we're able to capture all the natural

light from the Milky Way,

constellations, stars.

[audio description] Nighttime timelapse of the Milky Way.

[Eathan] Parashant dark skies are actually a

remnant of what we see for the

Wild West, basically no development.

And that's what's really cool about

Parashant, is that we have very little

development as far as structures,

and lightbulbs.

However, what we see, even from about

95 miles away,

we're still picking up the sky glow

from Las Vegas and Mesquite,

St. George, Utah.

[audio description] A bullsnake coiled up at night.

[Eathan] A lot of our wildlife we see out here

is nocturnal. These are arid

landscapes, desert environments,

[audio description] The moon moves across the sky.

A hazy glow from Las Vegas is visible

far on the horizon over

the Grand Canyon.

[Eathan] so a lot of the wildlife activity

occurs after sunset. And these animals

rely on dark skies, and the pattern of

the moon going across the landscape.

And so what happens, what we see here,

we get this artificial sky glow.

We're seeing that it creates sort of a

second moon effect.

These animals are getting confused,

it's going to change their behavior.

[audio description] Stars move across the sky over

the Grand Canyon.

[narrator] Desert wildlife, like humans, are

synced to the cycles of day and night.

Each in their own way.

[audio description] Timelapse of the bright hotels,

traffic, and signs of the Las Vegas

strip at night.

[narrator] Nearly 50 species of birds on the

monument migrate at night.

They navigate by the stars and become

disoriented by bright artificial


Kangaroo rats forage less under the

full moon to avoid predators.

A nearby city mimicking the light of

the full moon, prevents the rat from

eating enough to be able to reproduce.

[audio description] Timelapse of a thunderstorm over

the Grand Canyon.

[Eathan] Are these landscapes getting lighter or

darker? Are the urban centers giving us

impacts? It's really meaningful to be

able to tell what our neighbors are

doing out there.

[audio description] Stars and the Milky Way in the night.

The skyglows from St. George, Utah and

Mesquite, Nevada are highlighted.

Timelapse of Clouds moving across the

night sky.

Production, Camera, & Editing,

Connor Henzel

Clear Sky & Dark Sky Cameras,

Eathan McIntyre

Additional Footage "Aerial footage

shows wildfire on Californian

foothills" by Guardian News


"Canyon Breeze" by Montana Skies

"December Mourning" by Montana Skies

"LCP Locomotion Commotion Potion

(Pre-Mastered)" by Montana Skies

"Lift –with six string electric cello"

by Montana Skies

Malaguena (live)" by Montana Skies

"Tunnels" by Montana Skies

Audio Description, Amber Franklin

International dark-sky association


[narrator] For more information on dark skies and

light pollution, visit the

International Dark Sky Association


[audio description] International Dark Sky Monument.

Illustration of a man and woman looking

up to a starry sky.

[narrator] Grand-Canyon Parashant National

Monument is an International Dark Sky


[audio description] Grand Canyon-Parashant National


National Park Service – An arrowhead

emblazoned with a mountain, tree, and


U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau

of Land Management – a downward

pointing triangle emblazoned with a

mountain, river, and tree.

Produced in Partnership with the Great

Basin Institute.

An outline of a mountain.

For more infomation >> Clear Skies & Dark Skies Monitoring - Audio Described - Duration: 11:03.


Battle of the Dark Universe - Duration: 42:05.

For more infomation >> Battle of the Dark Universe - Duration: 42:05.


Dark Money Org Puts Up Lame Billboard in Times Square, Gets Owned By AOC - Duration: 3:08.

Photo: @ingrahamangle/Twitter Today, a digital billboard appeared in Times Square directly above Ripley's Believe It or Not! The sign listed statistics on the number of jobs the city supposedly lost thanks to Amazon pulling out of their deal in Queens

Below the numbers, it read, "Thanks for nothing, AOC!" The billboard also featured the hashtag #SocialismTakesCapitalismCreates

 The billboard, located in New York's biggest tourist center, was a bizarre move that will likely impact exactly no-one's opinions on whether the Amazon deal would have been good or bad for New York

 According to the New York Times, the ad was paid for by a Texas group called the Job Creators Network

The conservative billionaire family the Mercers seem to have funded a connected group, the Job Creators Alliance

 Reporter Andrew Perez found that other conservative politicians have ties to the group

 Advertisement On Twitter, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dismissed the sign as "wack" and noted the absurdity of putting a sign supposedly targeting New Yorkers in Times Square

  Advertisement  JCN's website blamed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Amazon's decision to pull out of New York

The group wrote that the decision was made "once opposition from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, along with other anti-business politicians, ramped up

" It's true that AOC was against Amazon building their new headquarters in Long Island City, which touches her Congressional district

But as the Congresswoman noted on Twitter, the movement to keep Amazon out of Queens encompassed many community organizations and grassroots groups

 Advertisement The ad, which is supposed to be up for a week, is costing the company a lot of money

 "The billboard went up Wednesday. The contract is scheduled for one week at a cost of about $4,000," Elaine Parker, a spokeswoman for Job Creators Network, told the Times

 But they're not done yet! The JNC has now apparently bought two more billboards

Advertisement From the Times:  After Ms. Ocasio-Cortez's tweets, the company said it bought space on two more billboards, at Seventh Avenue and 42nd Street

"Hey AOC, Saw your wack tweet," read one. The other: "This billboard cost about $4,000

But you cost NY 25,000 jobs and $4,000,000,000 in annual lost wages. Ouch." These people don't know how to take a L

For more infomation >> Dark Money Org Puts Up Lame Billboard in Times Square, Gets Owned By AOC - Duration: 3:08.


Pewdiepie - 恐怖部份回來了; ; [SCARY PARTS ARE BACK ; ;] Amnesia Dark Descent #24/34 (CC中文字幕) - Duration: 13:56.

For more infomation >> Pewdiepie - 恐怖部份回來了; ; [SCARY PARTS ARE BACK ; ;] Amnesia Dark Descent #24/34 (CC中文字幕) - Duration: 13:56.


Dark Modes (and Themes!) Using CSS Variables | Filipino Snippet Tutorial - Duration: 8:00.

Using CSS Variables: Dark Modes and Color Themes

We already have a prepared HTML page for this example.

Links to the files used are linked in the description.

What we want is to toggle the page between dark and light modes

everytime we click the "Toggle Dark Mode" button.

To declare CSS variables, we need the variable names to start with two dashes.

Afterwards, we can store any value, may it be string, number, color, position, or others.

We just have to declare some more variables for other colors on the page.

To use CSS Variables, we need to call on the newly added var() function in CSS.

then we just have to pass the variable name as a parameter.

We will now use the theme colors and apply them to our links and buttons.

Remember that because of CSS Variables it is easier to create theme colors for your site.

In this technique, we will just override all colors for our dark mode

When we apply the .dark class to the <html> element, we'll override all colors and make it dark.

We can also adjust some colors for our dark mode, like the shadow color for the button.

Now for the functionality

We'll use JavaScript events for the button. Whenever the user clicks it, we'll toggle

the .dark class on the <html> element.

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