Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 2, 2019

Auto news on Youtube Feb 21 2019

So, would there be any other policies you would support in the future to diminish

the number of civilians who are killed by police? Like would you ever support a

change to the reasonable standard for use of force? I think we should always be

prepared to look at what works, the best practices. See where others are going

that have shown fruit. And that's why this civil review of the Sacramento

Police Department, I think it will be very important because as I tried to do

last year in promoting some legislation, the more we understand about what

happened, the more we can understand about what we can, how things will happen.

And I think we have to be able to make assessments based on what we know versus

what we think or some anecdotal story. So best policing practices, using the most

effective techniques that have shown fruit in other places. Such as? Washington, DC has

moved forward with a lot of reforms. A number of cities, Chicago and others are

now having to go through the same process because of their issues. We are,

right now, overseeing the reforms at the San Francisco Police Department because

the U.S. Department of Justice abandoned the effort to help the San Francisco

Police Department deal with its its its need for reform. And so we stepped in, and

so now we're doing that independent oversight of the 272 reforms at the San

Francisco Police Department agreed to do. And so those those kinds of initiatives

that I think helped us move the ball forward.

Has police use-of-force legislation struct the right balance?

I think we have to respect the

fact that it doesn't happen every day, but any one of these men and women in

uniform, you know, could lose their life. having said that, in terms of the

legislative ideas, the different measures that are being proposed, I've said this

to a number of folks in and out of the legislature in and out of law

enforcement in and out of the criminal justice reform movement. We have to, we

have to ingest what we're doing so we know where to go because both ends,

there's a there, there is a need to have justice. That's why in the Sacramento

case of Stephan Clark, when I was, when I worked out an arrangement with the

Sacramento authorities to go in and do an independent oversight of the criminal

investigation, I also said, I also want you to give me the independent authority

to conduct a civil review of your policing practices. And that's what I'm

doing as well. And I will say, on behalf of law enforcement, you got to give them

a chance to implement what's passed.

For more infomation >> Does California's Xavier Becerra think there's a balance in the state's use-of-force laws? - Duration: 3:28.


Lluvia de febrero en California Noticias 21 11 pm - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Lluvia de febrero en California Noticias 21 11 pm - Duration: 1:51.


Tony winner and California native on the importance of her heritage while working in entertainment - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Tony winner and California native on the importance of her heritage while working in entertainment - Duration: 2:05.


Colorado Springs Man Arrested In 45-Year-Old California Cold Case - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Colorado Springs Man Arrested In 45-Year-Old California Cold Case - Duration: 0:51.


🔞 Policía esquiva una bala y mata a tiros a un sospechoso en EE.UU. - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> 🔞 Policía esquiva una bala y mata a tiros a un sospechoso en EE.UU. - Duration: 1:02.


Snow Could Close 2 Southern California Mountain Passes - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Snow Could Close 2 Southern California Mountain Passes - Duration: 3:57.


"ARk", la megatormenta que dejaría zonas de California bajo agua | Soy502 - Duration: 3:04.

 Los pronósticos hechos por expertos del Servicio Geológico no son nada alentadores para esta parte de Estados Unidos

Las consecuencias de un río atmosférico de grandes dimensiones serían devastadoras para el estado de California

Los expertos estiman que las pérdidas económicas llegarían a $725 mil millones y los daños serían tres veces mayores a los causados por un eventual mega-terremoto en la falla de San Andrés

 El escenario es catalogado apocalíptico. Se trata de una tormenta tan inmensa que causaría una devastación en California tres veces más grande que las proyecciones de daños hechas para el megaterremoto conocido como "The Big One", que aún está por golpear al estado dorado

 TAMBIÉN PUEDES LEER: El otro grande Los científicos lo llaman la "Tormenta ARk", acrónimo de Atmospheric River 1000

También se le conoce como "The Other Big One", que significa "el otro grande", en referencia al hipotético megasismo de una magnitud superior a 8

0 en la escala Ritcher que se espera sacuda a todas las ciudades a lo largo y ancho de la falla de San Andrés

 Tras cinco años de intensa sequía y recurrentes órdenes obligatorias para ahorrar agua, parece difícil de creer que California pueda recibir lluvias de proporciones bíblicas

Sin embargo, el panorama dibujado por los más de cien científicos, ingenieros, expertos en políticas públicas y agentes de seguros que participaron en este pronóstico no es nada alentador

 Las consecuencias de esta megatormenta invernal se podrían dar en todos los frentes

Las inundaciones y los deslaves serían los principales factores que tendrían impacto en la infraestructura, la economía, el medio ambiente y la vida social de los casi 40 millones de residentes de California

  *Con información de Univisión y Tribuna

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