Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 12, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Dec 3 2018

This is my favorite sake kubota Manju

super high-tech Japanese toilet

I found Kotatsu

Hey guys, welcome to Rion's TV. I'm Rion

Alright so today I come to BicCamera

Well, this bicCamera is really popular in Japan and the pretty much you can find it in anywhere in Japan

for sure It's in Tokyo and Osaka. I think it's in everywhere

Well sounds like a camera store right? but then actually it's not

then what is BicCamera?

There sell so many kinds of stuff. Well, I don't think that's Cam store

so it is like a shopping mall, but then it's not

Well, actually, I don't know how to explain. So just let me show you inside

Alright, so let's go in

As you see, I'm at the first floor Entrance and they sell the bicycle

I guess the camera store doesn't sell the bicycle, okay?

So let's go check inside, there are nine floors, but then BicCamera owns 7 floors

Anyway, let's go to check inside

At the first floor, there is a liquor store you can buy many kinds of a sake here

Well, this one is my favorite sake which is Kubota Manju

Well, the Kamata is really expensive sake you know, when I was the US when I try to drink the Kubota

Which was over 100 US dollars, but if you buy in here

It's only 5,000 Japanese yen

Which is less than 50 US dollars if you love Japanese sake this Kubota is so good

A bit expensive but then this is really good souvenir from Japan.

Let's go to check second floor

At the second floor, they sell the glasses and also the Cam as well

and also in the other half

That's the watch section

you can find very expensive watch to very cheap watch as well.

Ok, so let's go to check third floor

They sell a huge TV and other DVD players and Blue-ray player as well. Ok, so

Let's see other half

So this half, they sell earphone and headphones and also other audio devices

Ok, so let's go to check 4th floor

So at the 4th floor, they sell PCs and also there is Apple store as well

and they sell PCs, and printers, and other kind of stuff

that's pretty much in 4th floor, so let's go to check 5th floor

I am at the 5th floor, still in the BicCam, but then it does look like a drugstore, right?

Well, they sell the chocolate snacks and also the medicine as well

Ok, so how about the other half?

In the 5th floor, you can buy many Japanese souvenirs as well.

Well, look at this one

This one is popular in Hokkaido, and the next one, this souvenir is popular in Kyoto

And also look at this one this one is souvenir from Mt Fuji

And of course you can find Osaka souvenir as well. So I think this is a good place to buy souvenirs

Other half, electric appliances for the home use and also they sell the rice cookers as well

Well, they sell overseas models which you can use outside of the Japan

you can just buy the stuff in here and you can just bring it back to your country

it's a great place to buy a electric appliances.

Okay. So let's go to check 5th floor

They sell AC and also heaters

look at this

You know what this is?

This is super high-tech Japanese toilet.

Well as you see

You can just install to the restroom like this

Then your toilet gonna be a super high-tech, you know

if you come to Japan you are gonna surprised in the restroom because

Japanese restroom has the many functions. You can just come over here and then you can buy this top which is

30,000 Japanese yen, which is three hundred US dollars

Well, I guess it's a bit expensive but then it worth it. It's really good

I believe you can just buy this here and bring it back to your country and install it

Then your restroom gonna be like a hi-tech Japanese restroom. Wow, it does sound good, right? Yep

Okay, so let's go to the next place

Look I found Kotatsu, have you guys heard about the kotatsu?

Kotatsu is a really popular in Japan. This is the desk with electric heater on top

Well, and usually covered with the blanket like this?

So the inside will be really warm. This small one is about 9,000 Japanese yen, which is less than 100 US dollars

Ha,,, that's good, you know actually when I was in the State

I was looking for the kotatsu because this one is really good, but then I couldn't find it

So if you want to buy a Kotatsu in Japan, then this is the place you can okay?

so let's go to check next for

In the 7th floor They sell TV games

You can buy Nintendo switch and also you can buy many other TV games at here and how about other half?

So the other half, it looks like a toy store. It's like a Toys R Us. You can buy many Japanese Toy in here

But a bit special thing is

We can buy a treadmill as well, Well actually I want to have a treadmill in my house.

65,000 Japanese yen. Is it cheap or not?

But for me, it is expensive. Actually. This is the last floor. Well So let's go out Well,

so that was interesting, right? So if you travel to Japan and if you want to find something interesting

Then I recommend BicCamera. That's pretty much it

Thanks for watching my video and please subscribe to my channel.

If you like the video, please thumbs up

And also, please check my other videos as well. Thank you very much!

For more infomation >> Japanese Department store? Shopping mall? What is BicCamera? #059 - Duration: 7:02.


What If The Sarkic Cult Was Real? - Duration: 6:49.

What's going on

guys - as always I'll be your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch - as we forget all

about the Illuminati - because listen up guys - they're small fry compared to what lurks

its bulbous head beneath the shadowy sects of civilization.

Hold onto your hats - because we're doing it, as we ask the question - What If The Sarkic

Cult Was Real?

Now - it's important to note that - the word cult was used more for dramatic effect,

shall we say.

A better phrasing would be the Sarkic Religion - or Sarkicism, but that's by the by - and

I'm not in the business of offending anyone.

Particularly not any anomalous occultist organisations, that's for sure.

Let's not get bogged down with semantics because there are some absolutely mammoth

themes that we're going to have to traverse over the next 7 or so minutes - the majority

of which serve as a lynchpin to the SCP Foundation and its mythos that makes up its entire established


Well - er - multiverse.

Before we indoctrinate ourselves with that though folks - you all know the drill by now.

If you're a fan of this video, the SCP Foundation - Sarkicism - the mystical properties of flesh

- or just Life's Biggest Questions in general, then demonstrate your arcane propensity and

hit that thumbs up button - as well as that subscribe bell so you can stay inundated with

our SCP based uploads.

If you'd like to get in touch with myself or the creative team here at LBQ - then go

ahead and take a peek at the info box down below.

The beacons are lit.

The War of the Flesh has arrived.

On with the show.

Where do we even begin with Sarkicism - a religious/philosophical system that encompasses

a variety of traditions, beliefs and spiritual practices - largely based on the teachings

of Grand Karcist Ion - the Foundation's version of Jesus Christ, Moses and the Prophet

Muhammed all rolled into one.

It's perhaps the broadest theme in the entirety of the SCP Foundation - established by eaons

of history, cryptic origins and practiced anomalous religion.

It's also important to note that followers of his teachings are split into two opposing

branches - proto-Sarkicism - and Neo-Sarkicism.

Yeah, don't get the two mixed up either, because they'll be pretty pissed.

Either way though - both of these camps are agreed on several things when it comes to

their religion.

They both practice ritual cannibalism, human sacrifice, corporeal augmentation, thaumaturgy,

dimensional manipulation and have no problem forming blood pacts with otherworldly entities.

The best way to explain this flesh based philosophical lexicon, then - would to be at the start.

It's creation story.

Sarkic cosmology is pretty bleak - and as far as it's concerned - existence is on

the lowest pecking order of importance.

Life is a brute form - corruptible, discordant and devoid of any higher purpose.

The principle power in the universe is Yaldabaoth - the God Eater - The Womb of Chaos.

Remember I spoke about those two opposing branches?

Yeah, well Neo-Sarkites revere this entity, worshipping it's base desire to consume

and destroy.

On the other hand - Proto-Sarkites often describe it as the true enemy of all people, viewing

it with fear and disgust - and regarding it as both the creator and destroyer of all life.

Now, enter Grand Karcist Ion - the saviour of Sarkicism - who somehow usurped control

of this cosmic entity, wearing the flesh of the Old God as an armor and ushered in a new

age in the ancient times of our planet.

Again, proto-Sarkites hold Ion as their ultimate saviour - they worship him with reverence

and take his teachings to remain steadfast in an ever changing world.

On the other hand, Neo-Sarkites take Ion's life as an example of their own apotheosis.

If he can rise to the power of killing an Old God - then so can they.

Now, if I'm being honest - the proto-Sarkites are pretty chill dudes.

Yeah, they might sacrifice a few human beings now and then, and cultivate flesh like a Bonsai

tree - but they're harmless enough.

They're just waiting for their saviour to return and usher them into a new paradise.

The real bulk of this question resides with the Neo-Sarkites - and the possibility that

they could actually, hypothetically speaking, be active - right now - in our own society

- and we'd never even know it until it was too late.

If we could offer a real world parallel - then Neo-Sarkites would be the Illuminati on crack

times a million.

Whereas proto-Sarkites renounce any form of technology, opting to live a simpler life

based on the teachings of the flesh - Neo-Sarkites are much more cosmopolitan.

They embrace technology and modernity - often found in heavily populated cities - living

the same life as the people that they pass on the street.

They're wall-street bankers, high flying socialites, governors and politicians.

The reason that they can operate though, is that they exist in a vacuum - each cult revolving

around an ancient family, unified by incest and familial bonds.

In theory then, could the Neo-Sarkite's exist in today's society?

Well - yes.

Now don't get me wrong - let's eschew the thought of a New World Order and not get

bogged down in that whole kerfuffle - but it is safe to say that there are some very

influential families on this planet that we know next to nothing about.

The Rothschild's, the Rockefeller's, the Du Pont's - The Morgan Family - collective

groups that enjoy the wealth of secrecy.

As the SCP Foundation record states - they have knowledge of a Sarkic organisation known

as Adytum's Wake - thought to be the oldest neo-Sarkite organisation in North America

- with evidence of their existence dating as far back as 1650.

Up until 1952 - the group was led by Cornelius P. Bodfel the Third - a millionaire industrialist

with an acute interest in the occult.

This group was often dismissed by the Foundation as being a decadent upper-class social club

- much like how the likes of Bohemian Grove, The Skull and Bones Society and Hell Fire

Club are viewed in our society - and in reality, there lies the rub.

The veil of secrecy exists right up until it's broken.

If such a groups intentions were nefarious - we'd never have knowledge of said intentions

until it was too late.

In that case then - let's hope they'd just want to seize control of the planet under

one unified government - rather than consume us all into a writhing mass of flesh.

Actually, now I've said it - I'm not sure which ones worse.

Well - unfortunately folks, that's all we've got time for in today's video - cheers for

sticking around all the way to the end.

If you were a fan of this video - go ahead and give us a thumbs up - and speak your mind

in the comment section down below.

If you'd like to carry on with your questioning binge - please, feel free to hit that playlist

floating shortly above.

As per usual, I've been your host Jack Finch - you've been watching Life's Biggest

Questions - and until next time, you take it easy.

For more infomation >> What If The Sarkic Cult Was Real? - Duration: 6:49.


JAY-Z Slams Kanye West For Supporting Trump In New Song 'What's Free' With Meek Mill & Rick Ross - N - Duration: 4:25.

It looks like JAY-Z and Kanye West's feud is back ON after Jay took shots at his on/off pal in a verse on his new song with Meek Mill, 'What's Free

' Check out the lyrics here!  UPDATE: After speculation that Jay was slamming Kanye on his new verse, he took to Twitter to clear up any confusion

"The line clearly meant don't pit me against my brothers no matter what our differences are (red hat)" he wrote

Really, the line was meant to mean that even though he and Kanye don't agree regarding their feelings about Trump, doesn't mean they should be pitted to be in a 'feud,' like Michael Jackson's and Prince's

 ORIGINAL STORY: Kanye West's support of Donald Trump has pissed off many people in the hip-hop community, including his longtime friend and collaborator, JAY-Z

In fact, Jay is so pissed about the whole thing, that he took shots at 'Ye during his verse on "What's Free," a collaboration with Meek Mill and Rick Ross

 "No red hat, don't Michael and Prince me and Ye, They separate you when you got Michael and Prince's DNA, I ain't one of those house n***as you bought, My house like a resort, my house bigger than yours," Jay raps on the track

The "red hat" reference is about Kanye's 'Make America Great Again' cap, which he's sported in public a number of times

   Jay and Kanye's on and off feud dates back to 2014, when Jay and his wife, Beyonce, skipped out on Kanye and Kim Kardashian's wedding

Kanye made it clear that he wasn't happy about his pal ditching the nuptials, and even brought it up onstage at a concert in 2016

During the rant, he channeled most of his anger at Beyonce, which pissed Jay off

"What really hurt me was…you can't bring my wife and kids into it," Jay admitted later on

However, he also added that Kanye is like a "little brother" to him, and explained that that relationship is why they have so many ups and downs

 "I love Kanye, I do," Jay admitted to New York Times Style Magazine in 2017. "It's a complicated relationship with us

You know, Kanye came into this business on my label. So I've always been like his big brother, and we're both entertainers

It's always been like a little underlying competition with your big brother. Everyone wants to be the greatest in the world

You know what I'm saying? And then there's a lot of other factors that play in it

But it's gonna — we gonna always be good."  Meanwhile, Meek has previously commented on Kanye's support of Trump, too, after the rapper paid the president a visit in the White House

"I don't think he addressed anything that had to do with what was tough on justice reform," Meek said

"He wasn't prepared for it, and he shouldn't have done it. I had phone calls with Kanye for hours

He was trying to get me to do things like that."

For more infomation >> JAY-Z Slams Kanye West For Supporting Trump In New Song 'What's Free' With Meek Mill & Rick Ross - N - Duration: 4:25.


Meryl Streep related to Lady Gaga's insecurities in 'A Star is Born' - News Live - Duration: 1:26.

 Meryl Streep says "A Star Is Born" made her think of her own career.  During a wide-ranging talk with Stephen Colbert to benefit Montclair Film, the acting icon said, "Every woman in this room thinks about her weight, if only it were 10 pounds less

We are so judged by how we look … We inevitably allow ourselves to be the object of 'What should I wear tonight?' 'Is my hair clean?' You think about these things

Men do not think about these things."  Streep says when she was younger she thought, "There was no way I was gonna be a film actor never … that wasn't even an option … Because my nose was too big … I've just seen 'A Star Is Born,' and I so related to that

"  In the movie, Lady Gaga's character says she won't make it as a musician because of her nose

Bradley Cooper's character then tells her is beautiful.  Streep says even today, "I'll come upon a movie, and I'm in it, and I'm really young and very beautiful, and I'll think, I was so unhappy, I thought my nose was too big, I thought I was fat … And I'll think, 'What was I thinking?'" Share this:

For more infomation >> Meryl Streep related to Lady Gaga's insecurities in 'A Star is Born' - News Live - Duration: 1:26.


Tyson Fury offers insight into what he was thinking after 12th-round knockdown vs Wilder - Duration: 5:02.

Football News24/7  Tyson Fury was unable to explain how he got back to his feet after the heavy 12th-round knockdown by Deontay Wilder that appeared to have left him unconscious

 The WBC heavyweight title challenger could not have been closer to defeat when Wilder landed a heavy left-right combination at the Staples Center in Los Angeles

 Fury somehow found the strength to return to his feet and even ended the fight on top as he and Wilder fought to a thrilling and controversial draw, one which essentially makes an immediate rematch inevitable

 Fury's success in out-boxing his American opponent and resisting his remarkable power would make him the favourite in those circumstances, and the 30-year-old said: "I don't know how I got up

 "I had a holy hand upon me, that brought me back, and I've got a fighting spirit and I never say die, I get back up

 "Even in the 12th round when I got knocked down heavy, I got back up and probably won the round, fought back and wobbled him a bit

 "I was brought back. I rose to my feet from the brink of defeat. I can't tell you (how I did it) because I don't know

I don't know what happened. That round should probably have been a draw. It was a great fight

 "I thought I won. But two men tried their guts out. I'm not going to scream 'robbery'

 "I'm not going to take anything from Wilder. (He's a) great fighter, a hell of a champion

He kept coming all night.  "A year ago I was 400lbs and in terrible shape. I was so, so terrible

 "Two-and-a-half years out of the ring, living like a rock star, and a very low time

I fought back from suicide, (bad) mental health, anxiety, and I wanted more than anything to show the world that it can be done

Anything's possible with the right mindset.  "I'm the lineal champion of the world, I ain't just going to stay down because I got punched in the face and knocked back down

I'm not the champion for nothing.  "Every time the lineal champion has come back from years out he's been destroyed, so I set a precedent

It was a great experience in my journey in life."  Fury had been supported in LA by thousands of members of the travelling community, and amid criticism of scorecards, he said: "I was telling my brothers and family to keep quiet

 "There were about 10,000 travellers and Brits from around the world; they probably would have smashed this arena up if I'd instigated it, I mean to the floor

 "I'm going to go home, enjoy Christmas with my family, sit down with Frank (Warren, his promoter) in January and see what we'll do next


For more infomation >> Tyson Fury offers insight into what he was thinking after 12th-round knockdown vs Wilder - Duration: 5:02.


What Dier said to Ramsey amid melee during North London Derby - Duration: 1:59.

 Eric Dier sparked a melee during the North London Derby moments after scoring.  The Tottenham midfielder put his finger to his lips in front of the home fans as he celebrated equalising for his side at the Emirates Stadium

  on the touchline as players from both benches got involved.  Dier was among the chaos along with Wales international Aaron Ramsey, who jumped to his feet from the Gunners dugout to enter the spat

 The referee quickly restored calm and the game resumed, with Tottenham going into the break 2-1 ahead of their north London rivals

 Arsenal would eventually turn the match around in the second half, winning the fixture 4-2, but tempers would continue to flare

 Jan Vertonghen was even sent off for the away side after fouling Alexandre Lacazette in what was a terrible day for Spurs

 Footage emerged on social media of the first half spat that followed Dier's goal, and captured a moment between him and Ramsey

 It's not clear what the pair were arguing about but the England international is seen yelling at Ramsey to "sit back down", furious that he encroached on the pitch

 Ramsey came on for Arsenal in the second half, replacing Henrikh Mkhitaryan.  The midfielder, who is set to leave the Emirates at the end of the season when his contract expires, even assisted Pierre Emerick-Aubameyang to score Arsenal's third

For more infomation >> What Dier said to Ramsey amid melee during North London Derby - Duration: 1:59.


Prince Charles reveals what he won't do as King in interview - Duration: 4:14.

 The Prince of Wales has said he will stop speaking out on issues when he becomes king, saying he is "not that stupid" to continue what some have termed as "meddling"

 Charles has been criticised in the past for his views on topics such as the environment and architecture, but said he recognises being heir to the throne and head of state are two different roles

You can watch Charles' interview here  Interviewed for a BBC documentary about his 70th birthday, the prince acknowledged he would not be "able to do the same things I've done as heir" and as monarch would have to operate within "constitutional parameters"

 Speaking in detail about his future role as head of state, he said: "You know, I've tried to make sure whatever I've done has been non-party political, and I think it's vital to remember there's only room for one sovereign at a time, not two

 "So, you can't be the same as the sovereign if you're the Prince of Wales or the heir

 "But the idea somehow that I'm going to go on in exactly the same way, if I have to succeed, is complete nonsense because the two – the two situations – are completely different

" Getty  Asked whether his public campaigning will go on, he added: "No, it won't

I'm not that stupid. I do realise that it is a separate exercise being sovereign

So of course I understand entirely how that should operate."  Asked about what some have termed his "meddling", Charles defended his actions, which include establishing the Prince's Trust in 1976 to help disadvantaged young people

 He said: "But I always wonder what meddling is. I mean, I always thought it was motivating, but I've always been intrigued, if it's meddling to worry about the inner cities, as I did 40 years ago, and what was happening or not happening there

 "The conditions in which people were living. If that's meddling I'm very proud of it

" Getty  The documentary captured the future king in private and public, from feeding vegetable scraps to his chickens and collecting their eggs at his Highgrove home in Gloucestershire, to visiting Australia's Great Barrier Reef to highlight climate change, and Caribbean islands devastated by a hurricane

 In the film he says of his role as Prince of Wales: "You have to make of it what you feel is right

 "So, there's nothing laid down, that's what makes it so interesting, challenging and of course complicated

"  The Duchess of Cornwall describes in the documentary how Charles was driven by the need to help others, adding: "He would like to save the world


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