Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 12, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Dec 2 2018

They say a choice

In the darkest hour

Is the way we find out

What we are made of

But if I chose

As a blind man would

Only hearing voices

Inside my head

Can I say (It was right, to snuff out) Every foe (I could find, what about) me?

Dark Sun

Whenever you rise Day turns to night

Dark Sun

Your rays paralyze The beating wing in flight Dreamers in midstride

Dark Sun

Whenever you shine Eyes turn to stone

Dark Sun

The fate of the blind And now I'm all alone in my starless mind

And now the wind

Blows against my stride

And I'm losing ground to

En'mies on all sides

Am I the prey

That was hunter once

Could it be my last day

(Could) they strike me down?

Can I say (You were wrong, I was right) Had to slay (Every stray thug in my) Sight!

Dark Sun

Whatever you touch Blisters And cracks

Dark Sun

You're hope turned to dust

The longing for the crash Longing to be ash

Dark Sun

Whenever you shine Eyes turn to stone

Dark Sun

The fate of the blind And now I'm all alone in my starless mind

Do you know me?

Would you judge me?

I'm lost but I can't admit

Defeat ain't an option

Please someone help

Dark Sun

You shone like a threat Waiting To strike

Dark Sun

But somehow you fed

My hunger for a life not ruled by your night

Dark Sun

Whatever you shine Eyes turn Away

Dark Sun

What choices have I

But live another day Live another day

Live one more day

For more infomation >> Persona 5 The Animation Opening 2 FULL -「Lyn - Dark Sun」+ Lyrics - Duration: 4:07.


Slow Dancing In The Dark(Spanish Version) - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Slow Dancing In The Dark(Spanish Version) - Duration: 3:28.


Tech N9ne - Dark Places - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Tech N9ne - Dark Places - Duration: 1:41.


Dark Souls 2 True Pacifist Run [19] - Throne Defender & Throne Watcher - Duration: 11:34.

My friends, fellow brave undead, my name is Sol, also known as SolTheCleric and welcome

to episode 19 of my True Pacifist Run of Dark Souls 2.

There's only three bossfights left now and, in this episode, we're gonna face Throne Defender

and Throne Watcher.

In order to best this game's dynamic duo though, we're gonna need the superhuman strength of

our champion: Benhart of Jugo and also a little bit of luck.

So the next couple of bosses can actually heal and fully revive each other indefinitely

and, if my summon decides not to evenly spread the damage between the two and quickly deal

the final blow before one revives the other, well, this fight could take a really really

long time.

And since Benhart's aggro is mostly random, this could take literally forever.

And, if we happen to run out of healing items or Amber Herbs and the like, the fight against

the Giant Lord is gonna be much much more difficult than what I previously expected.

So, in order to prevent this, what I'm gonna do here is try to trigger a certain glitch

that I do not have complete control over.

It's gonna be risky, yes, but, if I'm lucky enough it could give me and Benhart an extreme

advantage right at the start of the fight.

But in order for it to work I'm gonna have to enter the fog much earlier than Benhart

using binoboost, fish for a Throne Defender's attack and hopefully aggro Throne Watcher

right at the beginning of the fight.

Ok, let's do this.

This could take multiple tries.

Hello Benhart now please follow me for a bit.

And make sure not to fall down to your death please (cause, yeah, take can actually happen).

Ok, wish me luck.

Uhm nope, that didn't work...

Uhm wait a minute...

Come on...

Yep, that's the move.

I'm sorry Watcher.

But that's what happens when you defy the God of Gravity like that.

Trust me: I know this better than anyone...

Poor Defender.

He didn't stand a chance.

Well... that was another first try...

I'm starting to get a little too lucky here.

I failed the setup but it worked out anyway somehow.

Well, I just hope I didn't waste all my luck on these two now because I'm still gonna need

it for the next fight...

Well, it's way too early to end this episode here now so uhm... let's improvise I guess...

Let me see...

Let's pay a visit to Captain Drummond, shall we?

But first let me level up Intelligence a little bit more here...

Ok, let's get into the Memory of Vammar.

So Drummond here could, in theory, be summoned in the Giant Lord bossfight now but, since

he's much *much* weaker than Benhart, and since he cannot be summoned at the same time

as Benhart, he's gonna be completely useless in this run.

Still, here in the Memory of Vammar, there's a few items that I'd really like to get...

The first one is the Blossom Kite Shield as it gives a nice stamina regenation bonus...

And here it is.


That hurt.

And up here, there's also a Bonfire Ascetic if my memory serves me right...

There you go...

Wait did you all fall down here?


So, I think there's a Rouge Water here...

and another Soul of a Great Hero up these stairs...

OK, let's get out of here.

Very good guys.

This is it for this episode and in the next one we're gonna face the real final boss of

this run:

the colossal Giant Lord.

This is SolTheCleric

and peace out.

For more infomation >> Dark Souls 2 True Pacifist Run [19] - Throne Defender & Throne Watcher - Duration: 11:34.


[Cốt Truyện] Dark Souls 3 DLC - Di sản của Ariandel - Duration: 24:21.

For more infomation >> [Cốt Truyện] Dark Souls 3 DLC - Di sản của Ariandel - Duration: 24:21.


[18+] dark!mallory + michael || tainted love - Duration: 2:03.

I don't have any dark places.

You will.

You're exactly the kind of soul I'm looking for

When I look at you now,

all I feel is terror.

Does the idea of that excite you?

It's time for the apocalypse.

For more infomation >> [18+] dark!mallory + michael || tainted love - Duration: 2:03.


ENG SUB | [The Dark Lord] EP21-- Starring: Lareina Song, Joe Xu, Liu Guan Lin - Duration: 45:01.

Subtitles brought to you by Xu Haiqiao Subteam - 徐海乔字幕组 & KUKAN

Episode 21

- And over there. - Over there.

It should be in that direction.



In that direction.

Yes. Should be there.

Let's check over there.

Dage. We finally found it.


Sheriff Ye.

Why do you look so tired?

Don't tell me you went to dig a water channel?

Digging a channel through these mountains

isn't even as effective

as me praying for rain.


You know, even if I can't get the water here, I won't die from starvation.

But if there's no rain tomorrow,

some people

may not even be alive by then.

Speaking of which, you do seem rather healthy

and energetic to me.

I reckon you can stay up here in the sun

for quite a few more days.

Are you done?

Listen to me,

if I die of starvation and the imperial court finds out about it,

you think they'll believe I died because I prayed for rain?

You won't get away with this.

When you are willing to die,

what's it to me if I get punished a bit?

In a bit, when magistrate Hua brings you food,

I guess you will hide in the bathroom again

and gulp down the food.


Don't celebrate just yet.

I'm telling you,

if this drought doesn't get solved,

don't you see,

the people of the Gao and Li villages

will direct their anger towards you.

By then,

you'll wish you're dead.

We'll see which one of us can endure the longest.

You think so?

But I already came up with a plan

to transport water here.

Sheriff Ye.

My Lord.

Where were you these past few days?

I was strolling through the mountains.

What were you doing strolling through the mountains?

I was looking for water.

Looking for water?

My Lord, listen,

I found a large river between two mountains just outside

the Qingshan Valley.

This river is a rich water resource.

We only need to divert the river

through the Gao and Li mountain villages,

and their irrigation issue should be solved.

What great news!

I'm glad to hear your stroll through the mountains brought you such good news.

The people of the Gao and Li villages

guard over such a large river without knowing to make use of it.

My Lord.

If it were so simple to transport the water,

would they still be fighting over this water resource like that?

How far away is the river from the two villages?

It's not very far away.

But a mountain stands between them.

You are playing games with me, aren't you?

With a mountain between them,

how do we transport the water?

If we can do that

we might as well transport the water from

the great river of Tongren!

Hear me out, my Lord.

Even though there is a mountain in between,

but we can cut through the mountain.

Cut through the mountain?

That's easier said than done.

Yu the Great could do it,

why can't we?

I also found a place

where the mountain peak is at its lowest.

As long as we can gather enough men,

I'm sure we can cut a road through the mountain

to channel the water.

Is that possible?

My Lord,

at the place that I found,

it's only 170 to 180 feet from the valley to the mountain peak.

But though it's not very high, there's a considerable amount of rocks.

If we were to cut through the mountain manually,

it'll probably take a long time.

But you know just as well

that we don't have that time.

A lot of the crops will die.


in order to save time,

I suggest using gunpowder.


My Lord, do you still remember

the gunpowder we found in Assistant Magistrate Meng's cellar?

If I remember correctly,

the gunpowder is still kept in the storehouse.

It's just that they are looted goods.

So, in order to use them,

we need your permission.

The gunpowder isn't a problem.

Is your plan to transport water


It is the only plan I can think of right now.

Besides, it will give them a little hope

and will stop the villages' fights.

Or maybe,

do you have a better idea perhaps?

All right.

The gunpowder is yours.

Tomorrow, I'll gather the village squires

to discuss this matter.


Sheriff Ai.

Look at the palpable enmity between Gao and Li,

why did we have to ask them here, too?

Think about it, my Lord,

if we can get the young adults of the villages

to participate in this project,

will they still fight each other?


this matter concerns the two villages,

I'm sure they won't make things difficult for each other,

wouldn't you say so?

I hope that is true.

My Lord.


Greetings, Lord Magistrate.

Greetings, Sheriff Ye.

If this river diversion project becomes a success,

you are the people who would derive the most benefit from this.


I believe that the magistrate's endeavors

must have become obvious to you.

The magistrate's words...

We are deeply grateful.

Enough, enough.

This undertaking requires a tremendous amount of work.

We need everyone to work together hand in hand.

That's why,

after we enter the mountain,

I hope that the two village chiefs

will keep their men in check

and prohibit them from picking quarrels.

Everyone shall follow my lead.

Are you with me?


We are.

My Lord.

Everything is settled.

We're only waiting for your order.

Set out!


My dad brought the gents with him to help you out.

Thank you, uncle

and all of you people.

I am humbled.

Lord Ye, such modesty isn't needed.

This project concerns the well-being of all of Huxian's people.

We merchants must not lag behind.

This is the money we raised.

It is to show our gratitude.

We wish you

a smooth run and the best of success.

Thank you for your support.

I will do everything in my power

to solve this pressing issue of the Huxian people as soon as possible.

Let's go.


This part has a relatively long distance.

But its terrain slopes quite gently.

I give you 10 days.

Complete all the channel work

in the given time at all cost.

Yes, sir.

Head Runner Zhou.

This part needs gunpowder.

You are responsible for the usage and storage

of the gunpowder.

Yes, sir.

This part

will be chief Li's responsibility.

This part

is chief Gao's.

Shouldn't be a problem, right?

No problem.

The channel should be dug over here.

We need some able-bodied men over here.

As for this part,

we need to use ropes

to create blast-holes.

So we need people who are good climbers.


your villages' masons,

stone cutters,


oh right,

and carpenters

need to be dispatched together,

divide up the work.

Don't let them work on their own, make the best possible use of everyone.

Now, let's talk about the intermixing of the workforce.


Why do they need to be intermixed?

Yes, why?

Just assign the areas

and the two villages can work on their own.

Sirs, it's a tremendous undertaking.

If we want to be done in this short amount of a time, we have to intermix the workers.

We all gave our vows and promises.

You wouldn't go back on your words now, would you?

Are you blind?

You are blind.

Watch your mouth!

Hit him! Hit him!

Don't you Li villagers have eyes? Are you trying to get us killed?

It's you own fault!

What are you doing?

You did it on purpose!

I didn't!

I know you did it on purpose!


Separate them.

Yes, sir.

My Lord.

Chief Gao and Chief Li are here.


Lord Ye.

We are under great time pressure.

What do you need to speak to us about?

What about?

So you still know that time is short?

As I see it, you two don't know it well enough yet.


Hand me the things

I prepared for the chiefs.

- My Lord. - Lord Ye.

What's the meaning of this?

The meaning?

3 days.

We started working only 3 days ago.

Already, your people

have had 17 fistfights

over trivial matters.

Tell me, sirs,

is that how you keep your men in check?

My Lord.

If you didn't insist on

intermixing our workforce,

this wouldn't have happened.

That's right, my Lord.

I told you, we should each work by ourselves.

Now you see.

The people from the Gao village

do nothing but hold us back.

Li Jianwu.

I dare you to say that again.

Who holds who back?

It's clearly your Li village people who are lazy.

I said what I said.

What are you going to do about it?

You old thing.

You are asking for a beating.

Want a good smack, huh?


I wanted you to intermix

because I wanted you to work and get through it together.


Huxian's great drought

is affecting both of your villages.

As an outsider,

I'm working all day long.

What right do you have

to fight in front of me?


You both say

that the other is holding you back.

So from now on,

the Li village chief oversees the men of the Gao village.

And the Gao village chief oversees the men of the Li village.

If someone is lazy,

give him a good beating.

One day of drought

means a certain reduction of your crops.

I said what I said.

You should know

what to do.


Be careful.

What a great plan of yours this was.

A stroke of genius, if I may say.


Old Zhou, don't sing me praises.

I'm actually not sure how this will work out.

I've been forcing myself to work hard.


judging by our progress, it shouldn't take more than a few days

until we can channel the water.


What's wrong?

My Lord.

My leg is hurting.

Did you exhaust yourself too much?

An old trouble of yours?

You should go home and rest for a few days.

That's not it, my Lord.


Lord Xu.

Drink this.

After you're done

I'll pour you more.

All right?

By the way,

I've got some good news for you.

My dage

is going to get the Gao and Li villages their water very soon.

You didn't have it easy, Lord Xu.

You were fasting for so many days

to pray for rain.

But heaven didn't give you a single drop of rain.

Well, we all appreciate your sentiment.

There's a lot of slanderous gossip out there.

Just ignore them.

Sit here and be at ease.

All right?

What slanderous gossip?

It's just that the folks say

that you are insincere in your prayers.

Even heaven won't give you face.

I mean, you've been fasting for so many days,

but neither fainted nor died from hunger.

Someone must be bringing you food.

Some people also say that you look ugly.

Anyway, things like that.

I'll pretend I never said that.

You should pretend you never heard it.

That's that.

Lord Xu, really,

just hold on for a few more days.

Once my dage has gotten the water out of the mountain,

your days of hardship will come to an end.



I'll go bring you more water.

Oh, I envy you.

This is so high up, it's great.

Luo Daheng.

You despicable buffoon.

The water isn't even here yet,

and you already can't wait to shame me.

- My Lord. - Please stay.

I'm here suffering hardship and torture,

not a single drop of rain is falling.

By the time Ye Xiaotian has channeled the water from the mountain,

I'll become even more of a laughing stock for them.


I need to come up with a plan.

Lord Xu.

In a few days

I'll be able to bring the water of the great river here

and end the drought of the Gao and Li villages.

Sheriff Ye, your great merit

is to be congratulated.

You flatter me.

In order to end the drought, you've been fasting

on this high podium.

Even though it was quite useless,

but I'm sure

the people may perhaps remember your kindness.

You haven't had a meal for days.

You must be very weak.

Come sit down quickly.

Assistant Magistrate Xu fainted!

Help him quickly!

Lord Xu fainted.

Excuse me, excuse me.

Don't forget to tell the kitchen

to prepare him some soup.

He's fasted many days, he can't eat any solid food.

Xu Boyi is really stupid.

I mean, he fainted from hunger,

not from an arrow wound.

Got dizzy, straightened his back,

what is he doing?

So stupid.


- Assistant Magistrate Xu was still praying for rain for us. - Yeah.

Assistant Magistrate Xu.


Assistant Magistrate Xu.

It's been hard on you.

Thank you for your concern, my Lord.

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

I just feel a bit dizzy.

My fellow countrymen.

In order to end the drought in Huxian, Assistant Magistrate Xu

prayed for rain by fasting.


he fainted from his hunger.

It pained me

to see him like that.


I decided

to fast and pray for rain in his stead.

As long as heaven doesn't let it rain,

I will not take in any food.

My fellow countrymen,

please bear witness to this for me.

Lord Ye.

Assistant Magistrate Xu's prayers weren't heard

because he was't sincere enough.

This has nothing to do with you.

That's right, my Lord.

You went through countless hardships to bring water.

We can't bear to see you

suffer for someone else.

The water channel through the mountain is almost complete.

Even if you don't pray for rain,

the drought will ease.

That's right, Lord Ye.

You can't fast to pray for rain.

That's right, you mustn't, my Lord.

My fellow citizens.

I know that you worry about me.

But heaven must not be deceived.

How can the prayers for rain stop halfway?

The water channel is almost complete.

It won't make a difference

if I'm there or not.

That's why

from now on,

I will be the one to fast and pray for rain.

I hope that heaven

will sense my sincerity and bath us

with its nectar,

and relieve our Huxian of the drought.


I'm willing to sacrifice this life of mine,

I beg you to grant the people of Huxian heavy rain.

As long as rain doesn't fall in Huxian,

I will not take in any food!

What a good official.

Lord Ye is a good official who loves his people like his son.

My Lord!

This is a blessing for us people of Huxian.

My Lord!

Sheriff Ye announced that he will continue to fast in Assistant Magistrate Xu's stead until rain falls.


He's slyer than a fox.

He'd never dig his own grave.

What is he up to?



what if it doesn't rain tomorrow?

What do we do then?

It should rain, I think.

Head Runner Zhou told me

it's going to rain tomorrow for sure.

What's wrong?

My Lord.

My leg is hurting.

Did you exhaust yourself too much?

An old trouble of yours?

You should go home and rest for a few days.

That's not it, my Lord.

I think

there's going to be heavy rainfall tomorrow.


Did you forget, my Lord?

Xu Lin broke my leg once.

Since then,

I had this lingering problem.

Whenever there's a cloudy day and rain, my leg starts to hurt.

The heavier the rain

the worse my leg hurts.

By the look of it,

tomorrow's rain won't be little.

It sounds unreliable to me.

I think

I'll visit the temple tomorrow

and burn some incense for you.


Don't cause more trouble.

I don't think the temple's incense

is more effective than head runner Zhou's leg wound.


I don't want to see you like this.

I mean, what if...

What if...

What if it doesn't rain tomorrow, right?

It's fine.

The water channel is almost completed.

Already tomorrow we'll be able to get the water here.

After that, maybe it won't matter that much

whether it rains or not, right?

All right.

♪ yòu shì yī chǎng yǔ ♪ ♪ It is raining again ♪

♪ chén nián de huí gān zhǐ shèng jiǔ ♪ ♪ The aged mellow has become wine ♪

♪ yǎng zhe tóu ràng huí yì hé lèi dào liú ♪ ♪ Head held high, let memories and tears flow backwards ♪

♪ gěng zhù hóu fēng dǔ xīn de chū kǒu ♪ ♪ Clogging the throat, sealing the heart ♪

♪ rèn huā luò xià ♪ ♪ Let the flowers fall ♪

♪ wèi gāo què piān duò rù xuán yá ♪ ♪ Fear the height, but tumbling down the edge of the cliff ♪

♪ duàn le zhī yā ♪ ♪ Broken branches ♪

♪ shí jiān cuī huà jié jiā ♪ ♪ With time the wounds start to heal ♪

♪ huā luò xià ♪ ♪ Flowers falling ♪

♪ cǎi tà guǒ rù ní shā ♪ ♪ Trod underfoot, wrapped in mud ♪

♪ bú zhēng zhá suí jì yì fǔ huà ♪ ♪ Struggle no more, wilt away with the memories ♪

♪ nà huāng yuán céng kāi guò shèng xià ♪ ♪ In this wilderness, there once grew summer ♪


It's getting windy. Look.

It's about to rain, isn't it?



It's raining!

It's raining!

It's raining!

It's raining!

It's raining!

It's raining!

It's raining!

It's raining!

It's raining!

Sheriff Ye prayed for rain for only one day,

while Assistant Magistrate Xu prayed for so many days to no avail!

Heaven can not be deceived!

Heaven knows everything!

Thank you, Lord!

It's raining!

Folks, it's raining!

Heaven is wise! Heaven is wise!

Heaven is wise!

Thank you, Lord!

It's raining!

Thank you, Lord!

Someone ate six buns,

but he was not yet full.

After he ate the seventh bun,

he was full.

He said to himself,

if I had known from the start,

I would have just eaten the seventh bun.

He did not know

that he needed the first six to feel full.

You idiots.

I'm the first six.

I'm the frigging first six!

Lord Ye.

Who would have thought?

Even Heaven shows you such respect.

I'm speechless.

That's right, Lord Ye.

Now, I'd believe it

if people say you are the 3rd Dragon Prince's reincarnation.

It's nothing dubious like that.

This was

really just a coincidence.

A coincidence?

How can there be such a coincidence?

If you ask me,

it's just due to Xu Boyi's lack of sincerity.

By the way, sirs,

though the heavy rainfall eased up the situation of the drought,

but it is far from enough.

Our work

must not be delayed.

We must bring out the water quickly.


Did the rain have any impact on our progress?

We tried the waterwheel.

The increase of the water level

shouldn't effect its operation.

We can channel the water tomorrow.

What about old Zhou?

The cisterns collapsed a bit

at some crucial places,

but someone I sent has sorted it out already.

I also deployed some more men to guard the place.

It should all be fine.



let's work hard

and inspect the parts each of us is responsible for.

Let's try for a smooth execution of tomorrow's water channeling.

Yes, sir!

My fellow citizens.

Ever since the start of summer, a great drought has befallen Huxian.

The people have suffered.

Business has withered.

My heart was torn with anxiety.

At night I could not sleep.

But Heaven had mercy on us.

First, we were bathed in its heavenly nectar,

and now, a water channel was dug to transport water.

From now on, the Huxian's people may lay aside all anxiety and rest content.

Great! Great! Great!

Great! Great!


Once the water channel is open,

it will work day and night,

its power will surpass men.

Save it.

Just channel the water, will you?

Why did you glare at me?

It's no use to glare at me,

I didn't want to come here, you forced me.

I'd much rather be with my dage

over at the Gao and Li villages.

You don't know anything.

It's such a huge project.

One careless mistake

and you're done for in less than a month.

If something happens,

the two villages will tear you apart.

One day older, one day slyer.

That saying is so true.

Not only are you old,

you have no sense of justice, too.

Are you talking about me?

Magistrate Hua.


I shall now announce,

channel the water!

There's water!

Great! Great! Great!

Congratulations to a successful water channeling, Magistrate Hua!

Your kindness knows no bounds!

You brought prosperity to the people!

Thank you.

Thank you.

Great! Great!



This is the first time ever that you praised me.

Actually, aside from your looks and your stature,

which you got from your mother,

everything else is just fine.


I found you a bride.

She's the daughter of a ministry councillor of Tongren.

She looks

quite virtuous.

She's pretty.

I like her.

I'll let you meet her in a few days.



♪ zhú lín huāng cǎo ♪ ♪ Bamboo groves, meadows bare ♪

♪ qīng shān guò yún xiāo ♪ ♪ Verdant hills rose above the skies ♪

♪ wēi jī sì rǎo ♪ ♪ dangers lurking near and far ♪

♪ lǚ bó bīng lèi chā dāo ♪ ♪ Tread on thin ice, code of brotherhood ♪

♪ qī fēng kuáng xiào ♪ ♪ The dreary wind roaring wild ♪

♪ wàn wù xiāng chì yòu xiāng jiāo ♪ ♪ All life disperses yet intertwines anew ♪

♪ yǔ cāng tiān bǐ mìng gāo ♪ ♪ A battle against heaven ♪

♪ shēng sǐ xiàn tà liǎng biān jiǎo xià wū ní shuí kàn jiàn ♪ ♪ Tread between life and death, the mud beneath unseen ♪

♪ shàn è gè zhí cí liǎng bú xiāng qiàn ♪ ♪ Good and evil are different for everybody, call it even ♪

♪ zhēn nán yán jiǎ nán biàn lì lù gōng míng yǒu hé liàn ♪ ♪ It's hard to tell truth from lie, what's to mourn about fortune and fame ♪

There's water! ♪ zhēn nán yán jiǎ nán biàn lì lù gōng míng yǒu hé liàn ♪ ♪ It's hard to tell truth from lie, what's to mourn about fortune and fame ♪

♪ zhēn nán yán jiǎ nán biàn lì lù gōng míng yǒu hé liàn ♪ ♪ It's hard to tell truth from lie, what's to mourn about fortune and fame ♪

Yes! ♪ zhēn nán yán jiǎ nán biàn lì lù gōng míng yǒu hé liàn ♪ ♪ It's hard to tell truth from lie, what's to mourn about fortune and fame ♪

The water is here! ♪ zhēn nán yán jiǎ nán biàn lì lù gōng míng yǒu hé liàn ♪ ♪ It's hard to tell truth from lie, what's to mourn about fortune and fame ♪

The water is here!

♪ bú zuò hǎo hàn xiāo yáo zì dé xián ♪ ♪ Not a hero, walk unfettered you'll feel content ♪

♪ luàn shì fēn fēn rǎo rǎo zhú làng cháo ♪ ♪ In these turbulent times, chaos chasing tide after tide ♪

♪ wǒ xīn zì yǒu qí bú dǎo ♪ ♪ There's a flag in my heart that won't go down ♪

♪ wàn bān ēn ēn yuàn yuàn guò yǎn jiǎo ♪ ♪ A million gratitude and resentment pass by my eyes ♪

♪ xiào dào zuì hòu jiàn fèn xiǎo ♪ ♪ Laugh till the end when the verdict is declared ♪

♪ wú chù kě táo pǎo shí jiān zǎo yǐ jīng xiě hǎo ♪ ♪ There's no way to run, fate has long been written down ♪

♪ zài zhēng zhá zài nù hào jiě kāi zhè mìng yùn de bǎng piào ♪ ♪ Struggle on, howl and roar, undo the chains of fate ♪

♪ chóng shēng zài zào ♪ ♪ Start anew ♪

Lord Ye.

Now that we have the water channel,

my Li village will never

suffer from a great drought again.

We owe you far too much, Lord Ye.

I will forever remember it.

This wine,

you must drink it, Lord Ye.

Lord Ye.

My Gao village

is deeply grateful for all that you did.

Please drink this cup of wine, too, Lord Ye.

You don't need to be so polite, sirs.

Even though the idea was mine,

but the ones who really exerted themselves are the people of your villages.

If it weren't for you, the water channel couldn't have been completed in such a short time.

However, in order to channel the water as quickly as possible,

we rushed things too much when building the channel.

For the needed thorough inspection and overhaul, your villages need to work together in the future.

My Lord, you can count on us.

My Lord, you are right.

You came up with such a great plan for us,

you solved our villages' greatest issue.

We must improve our ways in the future.

That's right, my Lord.

This river is our source of life.

We will treasure it like the apple of our eye.

Everything will be fine.


Actually, there are some things

I'd like to say to you.

My Lord,

by all means, say it.


Please say it.



your villages working together this time

not only solved the drought situation,

but more importantly,

it improved the relationship between the two villages.

In the past, the embankment of the Gao village was destroyed by the Li village.

Your people were fighting each other every day.

But if this grudge is passed down generation after generation,

would you really wish to see that happen?

In the face of a disaster,

we need to help each other.

I hope that aside from natural disasters,

we are spared from man-made disasters.

You are right, my Lord.

We'll listen to you.

My Lord.

Please rest assured.


♪ yòu shì yī chǎng yǔ ♪ ♪ It is raining again ♪

♪ jiù shì jiàn jiàn méi rén shuō qǐ ♪ ♪ Old stories are slowly fading into oblivion ♪

♪ shuí yuàn yì fù yī pán wú jiě de jú ♪ ♪ Who would want to replay an insoluble game of chess ♪

♪ gè zhí qí bù bù wéi yíng ♪ ♪ Move the pieces carefully every step on the way ♪

♪ wǒ bú zài dòu liú ♪ ♪ I won't be staying ♪

♪ chén nián de huí gān zhǐ shèng jiǔ ♪ ♪ The aged mellow has become wine ♪

♪ yǎng zhe tóu ràng huí yì hé lèi dào liú ♪ ♪ Head held high, let memories and tears flow backwards ♪

♪ gěng zhù hóu fēng dǔ xīn de chū kǒu ♪ ♪ Clogging the throat, sealing the heart ♪

♪ rèn huā luò xià ♪ ♪ Let the flowers fall ♪

♪ wèi gāo què piān duò rù xuán yá ♪ ♪ Fear the height, but tumbling down the edge of the cliff ♪

♪ duàn le zhī yā ♪ ♪ Broken branches ♪

♪ shí jiān cuī huà jié jiā ♪ ♪ With time the wounds start to heal ♪

♪ huā luò xià ♪ ♪ Flowers falling ♪

♪ cǎi tà guǒ rù ní shā ♪ ♪ Trod underfoot, wrapped in mud ♪

♪ bú zhēng zhá suí jì yì fǔ huà ♪ ♪ Struggle no more, wilt away with the memories ♪

♪ rèn huā luò xià ♪ ♪ Let the flowers fall ♪

♪ wèi gāo què piān duò rù xuán yá ♪ ♪ Fear the height, but tumbling down the edge of the cliff ♪

♪ duàn le zhī yā ♪ ♪ Broken branches ♪

♪ shí jiān cuī huà jié jiā ♪ ♪ With time the wounds start to heal ♪

♪ huā luò xià ♪ ♪ Flowers falling ♪

♪ cǎi tà guǒ rù ní shā ♪ ♪ Trod underfoot, wrapped in mud ♪

♪ bú zhēng zhá suí jì yì fǔ huà ♪ ♪ Struggle no more, wilt away with the memories ♪

♪ nà huāng yuán céng kāi guò shèng xià ♪ ♪ In this wilderness, there once grew summer ♪

For more infomation >> ENG SUB | [The Dark Lord] EP21-- Starring: Lareina Song, Joe Xu, Liu Guan Lin - Duration: 45:01.


ENG SUB | [The Dark Lord] EP22-- Starring: Lareina Song, Joe Xu, Liu Guan Lin - Duration: 45:01.

Subtitles brought to you by Xu Haiqiao Subteam - 徐海乔字幕组 & KUKAN

Episode 22

Huxian's Sheriff ,Ye Xiaotian.

Gao village's chief, Gao Yang.

Li village's chief, Li Jianwu.

Here we make a vow to heaven.

Here we erect a Water Level memorial.

From now on, no one shall build an embankment and cut off the river stream,

and cut off the people's livelihood.

When the age of drought is upon us, and the stream is cut off,

when the water level decreases until the characters "Water Level" are visible,

the two villages shall not fight

but shall work together

to overcome the crisis.

All descendants

of our villages

shall comply with this.

The breaker of this vow

shall face Heaven's punishment and the elimination of his village.

We shall help each other

and overcome the crisis.

We shall help each other

and overcome the crisis.

We shall help each other

and overcome the crisis.

We shall help each other

and overcome the crisis.

We shall help each other

and overcome the crisis.

We shall help each other

and overcome the crisis.


Little sister,

you have to listen to us.

You are young and naive.

- Don't be fooled by his sweet words. - That's right.

Yingying, we only want what's best for you.

Little sister, I mean, what's so great about him?


Your great-grandmother's birthday is in two days.

You have to be there.

I really don't want to listen to you.

Your breath stinks and you keep spitting at me.



Hello, grandmother.



Go play over there.


Be good.


you don't want to come

to your great-grandma's birthday?

Are you angry with your great-grandma?

Of course not.

I only said I'm not going.

But when it's time, of course I'll be there.

I knew it.

You have a sharp tongue but a soft heart.

When you get married someday,

with that personality of yours,

that man will

bully you so much.

Who could ever bully me?

I'm not going to marry anyone.

You won't marry Ye Xiaotian, either?


Come sit with great-grandma over there.


Grandma loves you the most.


will great-grandma ever harm you?

It's just that the Church of Gu,

great-grandma has heard about them,

they have a few

strange and outlandish rules.

A destiny of 20 years.

Do you realize what this means?


Let me tell you something,

me and your great-grandfather,

we have been so in love.

We stayed together our whole life.

Ever since he...


Since he left,

there's an emptiness

in my heart.

I've been lonely.

Great-grandma is almost 100 years old.


If you live to be this age,


will spend the most part of your life

all by yourself.

Do you realize that?

But great-grandma,

I don't care about that.

I just want to be with him.

You may not care

but great-grandma does.

But great-grandma,

do you remember telling me before

that when you were young, you left the snowy mountains

for great-grandpa...?


It's true.


you are my descendant,

you are my own flesh and blood.

How can we not worry about you?

We all love you dearly.

Your grandfather and grandmother,

your father and mother,

they all think the same as us.

I'd rather you hate me now

than see you in the future

filled with regret.


Do you understand?

Great-grandma, I won't regret it.

I've thought it through.

Plus, Xiaotian ge is so smart,

he'll find a way to solve this.

Find a way?

But then,

let's wait until he's come up with a plan first.


Now, don't make a fuss.

Go home and get everything ready.

Prepare for great-grandma's birthday.

Choose a birthday gift for great-grandma

that great-grandma will love.

Do you understand?


You mustn't act up.

Did you think great-grandma wouldn't know

about your little hunger strike trick?

You'd get up in the middle of the night to fill your belly,

am I right?

I know already.

The more people eat, the fatter they become.

Be careful, if you become fat no one will marry you.


There's only one thing you need to do for me.

Marry. Have babies.

Give me a little one.

I'll teach him from the very cradle.


I'll just give up on you,

you prodigal son!

Oh forget it.

That in-law of yours?


That in-law was kidnapped by that bandit....

what's his name?

"One Dragon"!

He got kidnapped by them!

He may even be dead by now.

Got it?

And here you are, babbling about marriage?

Gee, forget it!

Who are you talking about?

Councillor Lin.

He got kidnapped?

He got kidnapped.


This morning.

Think, with councillor Lin being kidnapped,

this trade route is cut off.

With that cut off, my shop has lost business.

That's a totally normal thing!

Why didn't you tell me sooner?

Haven't I been telling you this whole time?

Who doesn't know that One Dragon?

He's extremely cruel and merciless.

Eventually, One Dragon will kill him,

then his daughter will mourn him.

The mourning takes three years.

It's gonna hold up your babies' plan.

So I thought about it for a bit.

OK, I'll just suffer a bit.


I'll marry another girl

and fulfill your wish.

Where did you learn all of that?

All that rubbish

rolling off your tongue!



I know a girl.

She's called Duo Ni.

She's pretty and clever, beautiful and pleasant,

good at housework,

You'll love her.

Let's do this,

I'll bring her home one of these days. I'll let you meet her.

Get lost!


Luo Daheng.

I've been waiting for you to say this for quite a while now.

You think I didn't know

about that girl you're hiding in your shop?

You want to marry her?

No way!

I'm telling you,

a woman like that

will never set foot into our home.

You want to marry her?

Then marry a legal wife, first.

Then marry her as your concubine.

Otherwise, no door*! * lit. trans. of "no way"

No door? Then I'll take the window!

Look at that big pile,

through the window? Seriously?

Look into the mirror. Look at your pile!

I take after you!

I'm gonna beat you silly!

Listen! If you don't agree, I'll run away from home!

Run away from home?

Oh boy,

you think you're all grown up now?

If you step foot outside this door today, don't ever come back again!

I'm gonna beat you silly!

- Master, Master! - Little bastard!

Calm down.

Young Master.

Don't anger your father.

- I'm gonna beat you silly! - You are my witness.

If he goes back on his words,

then you are that thing!

- Master. - Promise me, Luo Baichuan!

C-Calm down.

Calm down.

That little bastard.

Councillor Lin was kidnapped by One Dragon.

Did you know about it?

That's friendly fire.

This won't do.

I need to go tell him

to release him.

Come back.

Put some effort into it.

Make it look like councillor Lin

escaped on his own.


After you assume your post in Huxian,

use the means of the officialdom to solve problems if possible.

If you encounter issues that truly can not be solved that way,

go to the Dragon Gate Inn to the East of the city.

Find the owner Mr. Qu and give a message to him.

Someone will then contact you.

You may borrow and use his power.

One Dragon atop of Mount Jiugong.

I'm Xu Boyi.

Greetings, Master Long.

Our Master has no time to see you.

You can just tell me.


This is a wanted poster by Guiyang's judicial commissioner of the justice department from 3 years ago.

This person is Master Long.

He looks just like you.


you're his twin brother?

Master Long.

Please rest assured,

I came to discuss something important with you.

This matter

was mediated by the Dragon Gate Inn's

owner, Mr. Qu.

Surely you can be at ease now?

I wonder what this official

needs me for?


want you to deal with someone.

Of course,

you will benefit from it greatly.

Who is it?

The county's sheriff, Ye Xiaotian.

You want me to kill him?

No, no, no.

Kill him?

How will killing him

show off my capability?

I'm the assistant magistrate.

The goods that are transported through this county,

be it goods in an official capacity or nongovernmental goods,

I know them like the back of my hand.

I will inform you of the detailed information on the goods,

the number of guards,

as well as the time of its

departure and arrival.

After you plunder the money and valuables,

as the sheriff, if Ye Xiaotian

can't solve the case within the set time,

I will have the means to have him punished.

When that time comes,

the money and valuables you plundered

will all be yours.

I will not interfere.

How about it?


When you have news,

bring them to the Dragon Gate Inn again.

I will receive your message.

Sheriff Ye! You're responsible for public security.

There's local commotion,

violent crime is rampant.

What do you have to say to that?

I have nothing to say.

What kind of attitude is that?

You were right, my Lord.

So of course I have nothing to say.

Let me tell you,

I give you half a month to wipe out banditry.

Or you will be punished with due severity!


Then I'll go take care of it.

Huxian must be under my control.

No one can block my way of a successful and grand career.

My Lord.

by the looks of things,

this was One Dragon's doing.

One Dragon?

These people live on trade route robberies.

They are very cruel. Justice and morality mean nothing to them.

The local authorities once tried to combat them

but these people walk through mountains and forests as if it were the plain.

The matter ended up left unsettled.

Xu Boyi must be using this banditry to make a big issue out of it.

He must be trying to defeat me with this matter.

So let's find his old nest

and tear it apart.

This area is extremely dangerous.

You must put safety first.


What are you doing here?


What's wrong?

Dage, I'm

all alone and kinless now.

If even you don't take me in,

then there's no place

left for me in this whole wide world.

Your dad...

did something happen to him?

No, dage.

I had a fight with my dad.

After that I ran away from home.

Over what?

My dad wants me to marry

some daughter of some councillor.

I don't want to.

That's it?


You'll take me in, won't you?

What are you saying?

It was you who helped me

with my house.

I'm your dage.

My house is your house.

I knew you wouldn't leave me behind.

You are my real dage.

I'm your real dage.

But isn't your dad even more your real dad?

Don't you know?

Little jerk.

Your dad loves you so much.

He raised you by himself.

Took care of your clothes and food.

He knows you love Osmanthus cake.

He personally found Tao Tao

to make you Osmanthus cake.

Tell me, how much does your dad love you?

Your dad wants you to get married and have a family.

Because he wants what's best for you.


I know all that.

But I just don't like

that councillor's daughter.

If you don't like her, then discuss it with your dad.


just stay with me for the time being.

But, let's be clear on something.

Once things settle down you'll go home,

apologize to your dad.

Let's go.

I'll go make you Osmanthus cake.

Dage, I love you.

Get away from me.

[Huxian county yamen]


I'm late.

Please excuse me.

Please sit, sheriff Ye.

The banditry and crime is becoming rampant. The merchants don't feel safe.

As local officials, you and I

must not ignore this.

My Lord, please rest assured.

I have ascertained the culprits.

The crime was committed by the bandits under One Dragon

who have been active around the nearby counties.

It's not important to know who did it.

What's important is to arrest them.

With such a big case happening in our county,

I am very anxious as well.

However, I have been feeling rather weak as of late.

I get out of breath after taking just a few steps.

I... I...

I feel sick from head to toe.

So sheriff Ye, we'll have to trouble you with this case.

As the sheriff,

I am of course duty-bound to arrest the criminal.

However, One Dragon

isn't an ordinary bandit.

He's a great bandit who has treaded the mountains and forest for many years.

With only the runners of the county,

my ability falls short of my wishes.

Sheriff Ye.

You can't say that.

You and I both receive our wage from the imperial court.

It's our duty to ensure the people's safety.

We mustn't shrink back in the face of difficulties

and shirk our responsibility, right?

Lord Xu, you spoke

with such passion

and energy.

You have my respect.

I'm a lowly official. my words carry little weight.

It'd be better if this case was handled by you, my Lord.

What do you think?

Sheriff Ye.

I'm too weak,

my ability falls short of my wishes.

This case isn't a trivial one.

If I'm in need of the inspection office's military force,

and the county's able men...

I will let them cooperate with you fully.


In that case,

I'm willing to be in charge of this case.

No matter the outcome, I'll shoulder the responsibility.


I'll be taking my leave.


Grilled chicken.

Grilled chicken.

It's burning.

Stop staring at me!


this is very delicious.

Yes, yes, yes.

Duo Ni.


I wanted to ask you something.

You've been living in the mountain for so long,

there are a lot of men,

was there anyone who liked you?

Of course.

I'm a beauty in the village.

Then... do you have a sweetheart?


Most of all, it's because I have high standards.

None of them are good enough for me.

That's good then.

That's good.


I already brought my message to the Dragon Gate Inn.

One Dragon will receive it soon.

I'm sure he will find a way to release him.

Rest assured.

That little jerk really didn't come home?

The door is open.

A thief?

Anyone there?

Young Master.

You're finally home.

Why didn't you lock the door?

Master instructed me to leave it open for you.


He said you're fat,

it'll be too hard to climb the wall.

He's right.

Go, go, go.

Isn't this my fiery juvenile?

Didn't you run away from home?

Came home to fetch some stuff?

Nothing like that.


I need to talk to you.

About what?

About the wife.

Whose wife?

My wife.

Why does your wife need to talk to me?


One should comply to a match made by parents' order. I understand all that.

But you want your son to marry so he can be happy, right?

I know.

I know you love me, dad.


but good intention doesn't necessarily equal good deed.

I never even met Miss Lin.

How can you be sure that she'll be a good wife?

As I know you, you must have sent someone out to ask about her.

Miss Lin is truly a good wife,


But how do you guarantee that she'll like me and that I'll like her?

I know what you'll say about Duo Ni.

You'll say she comes from a humble and poor family.

You're right. She comes from a humble family.

But didn't the founding empress also come from a humble and poor family?

Isn't she still the motherly model of the nation, the mistress of all concubines?

I know what you'll say to that. You'll say that she is a wild child.


I know Duo Ni is a wild child.

But she isn't wild at all.

Dad, I wanted to say to you,

I really don't get why you want me to marry Miss Lin.

For money?

The Lin family is rich.

But dad,

we aren't bad off either.

If it's for the money,

then I'm even more against it.

If you love Miss Lin that much,

marry her yourself.

Don't make me do it.

I just don't get it.

Why do I have to let you

decide who I sleep with?

I know negotiating with you now is of no use.

You'll just tell me to get lost. No problem.


If you have it in you, go try and make another son as outstanding as me.

You want me to get lost?

I'll get lost.

It's dark outside. I need a light.


Who is it?

It's the middle of the night.

Can't we people sleep in peace?

Dong shu. The door is over there.

OK, OK, I'll go open the door.

It's the middle of the night.

Who are you trying to scare?


I've truly become homeless.

If you don't take me in,

there will really be no more place left for me in this whole wide world.

Come in.

Don't just stand there.

Thank you, dage.


You're back.

How did it go?

Sit down first.


One Dragon's stronghold was ingeniously built and designed.

To the front of the stronghold is a dense forest.

it is heavily laden with traps.

On this side,

this side, and this side, it's marshland.

If we attack by force, it'll be extremely dangerous.

There is only one entrance to the entire stronghold.

There is a watchtower.

Embrasured watchtower.

The underbrush next to the embrasured watchtower hides rope traps, and pitfalls.

Their people know the surrounding terrain extremely well.

If we execute a

sneak attack at night.

One little noise and they'll notice us.

We'll be the ones at a disadvantage.

But if we attack by force during daytime,

if they see that we are undermanned,

they will strike back swift and fierce.

If they see that we are too many,

they'll just hide in the marshland and leave us with no means to find them.

Do you have a way

to ascertain the range of the marshland?

It's very difficult.

I would need at least 3 to 5 days

to ascertain its range.

If there are ways out of the marshland,

we may not even get to the bottom of it after 10 years of undercover investigation.

Are the traps in the dense forest to the front

difficult to overcome?


Did you forget that I'm a hunter?

As long as I'm careful,

it won't be much of a problem.

Since we can't outwit them, we'll have to take them down by force.

But I'm worried those county-men and runners

won't be a match for the bandits.

Duo Ni.

Duo Ni. Let me kiss you, Duo Ni.

Let me kiss you, Duo Ni.

Let me kiss you!

Oh right, dage.

I think that Commander Jia

could maybe help us out in this matter.

You're right.

Why didn't I think of that?

We can't work for the Jinyiwei for free.

When it's time for a scapegoat,

it's the Jinyiwei's showtime.

My Lord.

Stop hesitating.

Make a quick decision.

I think

we need to report this matter to Tongren's magistrate Zhang.

Ask Tongren to send some soldiers.

If you think that is still not enough,

you can report it to the judicial commissioner and the administrative commissioner.

Ask Guizhou's chief military commissioner

to send some soldiers.

My Lord.

Not to mention that doing this

will waste a lot of time,

but by the time it is done,

One Dragon's men will have surely moved their location.

Even if they are still here,

they must have noticed

our actions.

These violent bandits are no mere thieves.

The military force of Huxian alone

won't be able to bring them to justice.

If the criminals aren't arrested,

and we suffer casualties instead,

how will I face my superiors?

My Lord.

If we deploy troops against the bandits and loose the battle, it will be a glorious defeat.

One Dragon may even get a fright and won't dare to act as ruthless in the future.

But if we miss this great opportunity,

and allow One Dragon to terrorize Huxian further,

then it won't take long until

the gents of Huxian run out of patience and report it to the prefecture magistrate.

My Lord, how will you explain yourself then?


All right.

Dispatch the troops.

I shall sign the order at once.

Discuss this with Inspector Luo.

Call together a group of able county-men.

Success or defeat

will be decided by this feat.

Yes, sir!

Be careful.

You too.


It's right up ahead.

Thank the lord for this brother,

we couldn't have overcome those traps otherwise.

We all need to stay on our guard.

If we want to capture the bandits' leader

and rescue councilor Lin,

we have to be quick.

Once the mission starts,

we'll each do our duty, and break into their stronghold quickly.

Those who resist shall be killed on sight.

Yes, sir.

How is commander Jia's situation?

Rest assured.

He dispatched the Jinyiwei spies.

They will attack them before us and buy us time.

That's good.


with that ineffective troop of ours...

Suppress the bandits?

More like being suppressed by the bandits.

Break into their stronghold, assassinate Long Lingyun.

Spare no one!

Yes, sir!







All of our men have safely returned.

What about casualties?

No casualty.


Since they already found councillor Lin,

let the local government

deal with everything else.

Let's go.

This is Long Lingyun,

the leader of One Dragon.

That's right.

It's him.


who killed him?

It could have been another group of bandits.

People like him

must have many enemies.

So, Inspector Luo,

the credit goes to...?

Listen up, everyone.

You did not shy away from sacrificing your life to fight evil.

You attacked the bandits' nest.

You fought a hard battle.

You beheaded the bandits' leader Long Lingyun.

Thanks to the magistrate.

All of us contributed to this.

All of us will be rewarded.

Thank you, Lord Sheriff.

Thank you, Lord Inspector!


Go find councillor Lin quickly.


I found him.

You are councillor Lin, aren't you?

I am.

Don't be afraid.

I'm Huxian's sheriff, Ye Xiaotian.

On magistrate Hua's orders, we're here to suppress the bandits.


Help him up.

Councillor Lin.

I fear that there might still be

leftover bandits in this mountain.

So just stay with us.

We'll escort you back to Huxian.

Thank you, Lord Ye.

Thank you for saving me, Lord Ye.

I will never forget this.

Please, don't be so polite.

I was only doing my duty.

Let's return.

Let's go.

During this operation, both of you played a key role

in bringing the bandit Long Lingyun down.

It's all thanks to your great planning.

We'd never claim credit for ourself.

What a bootlicker.

I prepared a feast

to celebrate your victory.

My Lord.

Order a head count and the identification of the bodies.

Bandit leader Long Lingyun and his men's decapitated heads shall be put on public display.

Yes, sir.

My Lord.

You first.


The prefecture magistrate is holding a feast in the public house

to celebrate Ye Xiaotian's victory.

Long Lingyun and his men's heads

are already hanging from the city walls.

One Dragon?

More like One Bug.

Ye Xiaotian went into the mountain with only some runners and county-men.

And they managed to take down their stronghold.

Plus, they beheaded him.


You went through so much trouble

to bring One Dragon under control.

But now this power and influence

is just gone...

Cheap meat

is still cheap meat.

You won't put it on a feast.

A bandit won't have much influence anyway,

if he's gone, he's gone.

The king is now allied with

Tongren's An family.

Huxian's assistant magistrate

Xu Boyi

has become the An family's hanger-on.

Once he makes Hua Qingfeng a mere figurehead,

he will have control over Huxian.

Him having control over Huxian,

means that the king has control over Huxian.

♪ zhú lín huāng cǎo ♪ ♪ Bamboo groves, meadows bare ♪

♪ qīng shān guò yún xiāo ♪ ♪ Verdant hills rose above the skies ♪

It's burning!

Give her another one.

This is just hot, you know?

No oil, no salt, it's just hot.

Go, go, go, go.

I just said that they need to be quick, and they do it like this.

♪ shàn è gè zhí cí liǎng bú xiāng qiàn ♪ ♪ Good and evil are different for everybody, call it even ♪

♪ zhēn nán yán jiǎ nán biàn lì lù gōng míng yǒu hé liàn ♪ ♪ It's hard to tell truth from lie, what's to mourn about fortune and fame ♪

♪ bú zuò hǎo hàn xiāo yáo zì dé xián ♪ ♪ Not a hero, walk unfettered you'll feel content ♪

♪ luàn shì fēn fēn rǎo rǎo zhú làng cháo ♪ ♪ In these turbulent times, chaos chasing tide after tide ♪

♪ wǒ xīn zì yǒu qí bú dǎo ♪ ♪ There's a flag in my heart that won't go down ♪

♪ wàn bān ēn ēn yuàn yuàn guò yǎn jiǎo ♪ ♪ A million gratitude and resentment pass by my eyes ♪

♪ xiào dào zuì hòu jiàn fèn xiǎo ♪ ♪ Laugh till the end when the verdict is declared ♪

♪ wú chù kě táo pǎo shí jiān zǎo yǐ jīng xiě hǎo ♪ ♪ There's no way to run, fate has long been written down ♪

♪ zài zhēng zhá zài nù hào jiě kāi zhè mìng yùn de bǎng piào ♪ ♪ Struggle on, howl and roar, undo the chains of fate ♪

♪ chóng shēng zài zào ♪ ♪ Start anew ♪

♪ luàn shì fēn fēn rǎo rǎo zhú làng cháo ♪ ♪ In these turbulent times, chaos chasing tide after tide ♪

♪ wǒ xīn zì yǒu qí bú dǎo ♪ ♪ There's a flag in my heart that won't go down ♪

♪ wàn bān ēn ēn yuàn yuàn guò yǎn jiǎo ♪ ♪ A million gratitude and resentment pass by my eyes ♪

♪ xiào dào zuì hòu jiàn fèn xiǎo ♪ ♪ Laugh till the end when the verdict is declared ♪

♪ wú chù kě táo pǎo shí jiān zǎo yǐ jīng xiě hǎo ♪ ♪ There's no way to run, time has long been written down ♪

♪ zài zhēng zhá zài nù hào jiě kāi zhè mìng yùn de bǎng piào ♪ ♪ Struggle on, howl and roar, undo the chains of fate ♪

♪ chóng shēng zài zào ♪ ♪ Start anew ♪

For more infomation >> ENG SUB | [The Dark Lord] EP22-- Starring: Lareina Song, Joe Xu, Liu Guan Lin - Duration: 45:01.



This video is a compilation of old videos of 2017-2018

Supported by MVD Dota 2

How you mother?

Alert! This joke about mom

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What have I done!

You know

Say it

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Cùng chơi Dark Souls III - #17: Yhorm kẻ trị vì đơn độc. - Duration: 48:15.

For more infomation >> Cùng chơi Dark Souls III - #17: Yhorm kẻ trị vì đơn độc. - Duration: 48:15.





Dark Souls III! Its time to get Dark! - Duration: 40:56.

this game sacares me

so much

its bad

and it makes her sweat

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