Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 1, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jan 29 2018

Yo', making pancakes, how many do you want?

They don't know it yet.

They think I'm staying because I'm broken.

But I'm staying, because I need them.

You spread misery, because you can't feel anything else.

You manipulate people, because you can't handle any kind of real relationship.

I know you're in some sort of a--

No, no, no, no. Don't, don't--

You keep saying I'm in a dark place, but I'm not, Dean.

Everything I'm saying is the truth.

It's our lives.

It ends bad.

We're not friends anymore, House.

I'm not sure we ever were.

For more infomation >> Sad Multifandom || I'm In A Dark Place - Duration: 1:01.


Dark Angel | Powerpoint with Dr. Jack Graham - Duration: 28:59.


The most important thing we can do to begin winning

life's battles... you are in a spiritual battle. If you are a

believer you understand the Christian life is, you know, not

just putting a flower in your hair and speaking of peace and

love. We are called to a battle. The Christian ground...

Christian life is not just a... it is not a playground; it is a

battleground. And we are in the battle! If you are a follower of

Jesus, you wear a target and you are targeted by the enemy. Thank

God, in Christ we can defend ourselves. We can be protected,

but we need to be warned, because to be forewarned is to

be forearmed! This is why the first step we need to take in

winning life's battles is to acknowledge our adversary. So I

want to take some time this morning to expose the enemy of

our soul... Satan, who is very, very real. Not a... not a

Saturday Night Live skit, not a caricature, you know, a devil

and pitchfork with long horns, tail on a side of a can of

potted ham; not a cartoon character, but a very sinister,

seductive and powerful created being who leads a revolt against

Almighty God and whose desire is to cast your soul into hell!

Jesus taught us to pray deliver us from the evil one; literally,

deliver us from the evil one. He is called in the Scripture Satan

which means the adversary, the opponent, the one who comes

against us. He is called the devil, which means the accuser.

He's described in the Revelation as the accuser of the brothers

and sisters. Three times in the Bible the devil speaks... I

mean, literally speaks. His presence is seen... the shadow

of the enemy is in the Scriptures, but three times...

he... he verbally speaks and his words are recorded. One, in the

Garden of Eden when he slandered God to man. He slithered...

slithered into the Garden... the serpent, Satan himself, and he

said, "God is holding out on you, Eve. Has God said...? God

knows that if you eat of this fruit that He has forbidden you,

that you will become as He is; you will become as God." He

slandered the character and the nature of God to man. The second

time that Satan speaks is in the book of Job. Remember this? When

Job was living a righteous life for the Lord and Satan was given

permission to appear before the throne of God and at that point

he slandered man to God. He said, "Job serves You for

nothing. If You take away everything that he has... Sure

he lives for You! He's got a great family, he's got a great

life, he's making lots of money, he's living for You and ... he's

living for You only because You give him all these things. Take

away all of this and he'll be gone." And God gave Satan

permission to try Job... buffet him, and he did indeed. But when

he spoke he was lying and accusing and slandering the man

to God. First, God to man and then man to God. The third time

that... that the devil speaks... the accuser of the brethren is

when Jesus is tempted in the wilderness, and Satan spoke

to... to Jesus Himself and said, "If You worship me and bow down

before me, I'll give You the kingdoms of this earth." This

time Satan is slandering the God-Man... the Lord Jesus

Christ. He's the accuser of the brethren. He... he... he is on

the attack. He is Lucifer as we'll see in a passage in just a

moment, which means the son of the morning... the angelic being

who became the angel of the night. He's called in 1 John

5:19, "the evil one"; 1 Thessalonians 3:5, "the

tempter"; in John 12:31, "the prince of this world"; 2

Corinthians 4:4, "the god of this world"; 1 Peter 5:8, "a

roaring lion". He's known as the serpent. Jesus said in John 8,

"he was a liar, the father of lies and a murderer from the

beginning." Satan! His M.O.- his method of operation has not

changed through the centuries. And that is why Paul says, "I

don't want you to be unaware... I don't want you to be ignorant;

you can't be blindsided by the devil. You need to know his

schemes, his tactics." So we're going to take some time to

expose him; some of his schemes, some of his methods, his

operations to destroy, to divert, to deny, to twist, to

mislead, to ultimately Jesus said, to kill and to destroy! He

specializes in subversion and perversion and diversion and

destruction! Bottom line: he wants to destroy your soul! And

with you, your family, your friends, your church, your

children! And he is prepared to use every tactic he has. Every

tool, every weapon in his arsenal he prepares to use. And

again, all of us are in involved in this invisible war. We cannot

go AWOL. We cannot sit because to sit is to be a sitting duck.

You... you will be a target of the enemy! It is a covert

operations much like a terrorist operation. It is a cosmic

collision. Behind the scene... behind the scenes is this cosmic

battle that is going on between good and evil, light and

darkness, Christ and antichrist, heaven and hell, God and Satan.

How did this all begin? What is the source of evil? What... why

is there such evil in the world? What is the explanation for evil

in the world? We take you back to eternity-past in Isaiah 14.

Take your Bibles, turn to Isaiah 14. We're going to put this on

the screen for you, but it would be so much better if you opened

your Bible and looked at... with me to Isaiah 14, and mark these

verses and note them, because we get a glimpse of how it all

began. I mean, little children... little first graders

ask the question, "Mommy, Daddy, how did the devil become the

devil?" "Why did God make the devil?" We have a glimpse...

just a glimpse of what happened before time began in the eons...

in eternity, in the infinity of the past. Here's what happened,

verse 14... chapter 14, rather, verses 12 to 14: 12) How you are

fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn!(Lucifer... meaning

Day Star, son of Dawn) How you are cut down to the ground, you

who laid the nations low! 13) You said in your heart, 'I will

ascend to heaven; above the stars of God. I will set my

throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far

reaches of the north; 14) I will ascend above the heights of the

clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.' Lucifer, the son

of the morning, was a created being; he was swollen with

pride. He said, "I will be like the Most High." Before there was

ever rebellion on earth, there was revolt in heaven! Please

remember this: Satan is not equal to God; he is a created

being by God, an angelic being that was created by God... The

son of the morning, the Dawn Star... the Day Star. But God,

this is a mystery... The Bible speaks of the mystery of

iniquity. But one thing is for sure; God gave angelic beings a

choice. And Satan and his minions chose to rebel against

God. Notice the temptation in heaven was the temptation first

on earth. "I will be like the Most High!" Satan ended up

saying to Eve, "If you eat of this fruit, you will be like

God!" His desire is to rule... always has been, always will be!

This is why Jesus called him the god of this age, the ruler of

this world! But there is a clearer picture, perhaps, in

Ezekiel chapter 28. This is another passage in the Old

Testament that takes us beyond time, into the invisible,

eternal world of the past! The first eleve... ten verse of

Ezekiel 28 have to do with an earthly king by the name of the

king of Tyre, or the prince of Tyre. He was a literal, physical

king that existed in the ancient world. But something turns in

verse 11 and obviously the writer beings speaking of

something beyond an earthly presence, and earthly king.

"Moreover, the word of the Lord came to me..." and he speaks of

this power beyond the throne of the prince of Tyre. He speaks in

terms that could only describe an eternal powerful being. Verse

12 of Ezekiel 28: 12) "Son of man, raise a lamentation (That

means cry out...) over the king of Tyre, and say to him, Thus

says the Lord: "You were the signet of perfection..." (This

angelic being was a perfect being as created) full of wisdom

and perfect in beauty. 13) You were in Eden... (Now we're

moving from eternity into Eden) in the garden of God; and every

precious stone was your covering..." (He mentions...)

"sardius and topaz and diamond and beryl, and onyx and jasper,

and sapphire, and emerald, and carbuncle; and created in gold

with your settings and your engravings. On the day that you

were (watch this) created... (Again...) created as an angelic

being they were prepared. 14) You were an anointed guardian

cherub. I placed you in the holy mountain of God; in the midst of

the stones you walked. Ezekiel 28 described the powerful

timbrel ... the voice of Satan. There is indication that Satan

himself may have been the leader of the angelic hosts of praise,

and this is why he is so allergic to praise and the

worship of Jesus today! He runs when he hears the name of Jesus

in worship. That's another message. He was a powerful

angelic being and force! Paul describes him in the book of

Corinthians, even now as an angel of light. He disguised

himself as an angel of light. Now listen to me... If Satan

manifested himself in this room right now, right here, right now

you wouldn't go running out of the auditorium like an old

horror movie! You know, remember those screaming [ha!] horror

movies? People went running out the doors! You wouldn't go

running out the doors, terrorized by his presence! If

you saw Satan as he is right now, an angel of light, you

would be tempted as even Jesus was to bow down and worship him.

A powerful, beautiful, angelic being! But something happened.

He chose rebellion against God, to be like the Most High, to

ascend above the throne of God! And as a result of his

rebellion, God casted him out and all who followed him.

Apparently one third of the heavenly hosts in this cosmic

construction of history left with Satan, were dismissed from

the presence of God in heaven. Verse 15 says: 15) You were

blameless in your ways from the day you were created, till

unrighteousness was found in you. (Verse 17) 17) Your heart

was proud because of your beauty; you corrupted your

wisdom for the sake of your splendor. I cast you to the

ground; I exposed you before kings, to feast their eyes on

you. That's the title of this message... "Dark Angel". He is a

dark and devil... devilish spiritual being. This means that

not everything that is spiritual is good! Not everything that is

supernatural is of God! We must know the enemy; we must prepare!

Satan is called the ruler of this world, the prince of this

world, the ruler of the world system. Second Corinthians 4:4

says this: "In their case the god of this world has blinded

the minds of the unbelievers..." You wonder why your friends do

not believe, do not receive the Gospel? Their eyes are blinded

by this enemy to keep them from seeing the light of the Gospel

of the glory of Christ who is the image of God.

His power is

dark and deadly. He is filled with hate and rage and revenge

and envy. He wants to capture souls. He presides over

strongholds and structures even of governments, of

principalities. He looks for footholds to develop strongholds

on our lives; thus we have addictions such as drugs and

alcohol and pornography and... and fear and anger; behaviors

that are controlled by the devil! Jesus went about doing

good according to the book of Acts and healing those who were

oppressed... in bondage to the devil. He is a very real,

decided foe and decided fact of an enemy. You're primary

problem, therefore, is not with people, not with your

circumstances; you're primary issue, if you're having a

struggle in life, is not with your spouse, not with your kids,

not with your addiction, not with pornography, not with

abortion. The problem is this satanic powerful force, these

sinister beings behind. This happened with Jesus and Simon

Peter. When Jesus spoke of going to the cross on the... on the

heals of Simon's great confession... [Matthew 16:16]

"You're the Christ; the Son of the Living God!" When Jesus

spoke of the cross and dying on the cross, Simon began to say,

"No! No, Lord, don't do that!" And Jesus immediately said,

[Matthew 16:23] "Get behind me, Satan!" He wasn't talking to

Peter! Peter was just a puppet! He was talking to Satan himself.

And all the lies, the schemes, the sinful behaviors...

everything that embattles us in life... this comes from the evil

one. Satan is not

co-equal with God! God is Almighty; Satan is not almighty.

The devil cannot be everywhere as God is omnipresent and

everywhere. Satan is... is not all-knowing as God is

all-knowing; he is not God! He is... he is created, and even

now, controlled by God. And our focus should not be primarily in

life on the poise of Satan, but on the power of God! Our

authority in Jesus! While he is ro... roaring, roaming lion, he

is a lion on a leash! We are given power over the works of

the enemy because of the cross! When Jesus died on the cross, He

cried out, [John 19:30] "It is finished!" The... the imps...

the demons of hell were shrieking and screaming, "He is

finished!" But He was not finished; His mission was

finished! He gave Himself to die on the cross for our sins! This

is our victory! When He was buried all hell celebrated;

that's the end of that! But on the third day Jesus rolled away

the stone and came out holding in His strong mighty hand the

keys to life and death and heaven and hell [applause]

because He is Lord! And this is our victory! A mighty fortress

is our God; the great I AM is our victor and our victory, and

therefore, we have authority! If you watch a football game there

are powerful athletes on the field, running up and down. But

there are some weaker men on the field... some smaller men

typically who have a whistle and a yellow flag. Now they don't

have as much power as these mighty athletes, but all they

need to do to stop the action... control the action, to make

adjustments in the game is to throw a yellow flag. And those

men, therefore, have authority over that game. That's the

difference that we have in Christ; the difference that

Jesus makes! We are not as strong as Satan. We in and of

ourselves would be destroyed by the power of the enemy. But we

have authority and that authority is in Jesus! This is

why we say we don't fight for victory; we fight from

victory... from our victory in Christ! I've illustrated for

years with a... with a silly illustration, but it's a little

vivid so you may want to hold your first-grader's ears,

alright. When I was a little boy, I wanted some Easter

chickens. And down at the Montgomery Wards in our little

town they were selling these little Easter chickens. They

were red and yellow and blue and pink. They were beautiful. And I

asked my grandfather to buy these chickens. And a

grandfather can't say no to a six year old grandson so he

bought me these chickens. [I] Loved the little chickens, made

pets of those little chickens, had Easter with the little

chickens. It was fun. But you know it wasn't long till all the

color had grown off those chickens and they were just big

white chickens running around our yard. And we didn't have a

farm; we just had a yard! And so one day my grandfather, Grandpa

Sims, decided that we were going to have chicken and dumplings.

[laughter] Now to this day I'm not certain why he wanted to

teach me this vivid lesson except maybe to tell this story

and to illustrate this point, (thanks, Grandpa- and this is

the part you close the eyes of your kids, alright?) You know I

thought about this early, I said, maybe I shouldn't tell

this chicken story. But I've got to because it's such a perfect

thing of what I'm trying to tell you about the devil. You know

I've been telling you the devil is real, the devil is powerful

and he is, and we're in a battle and we are. And yet, you know,

now I'm saying, we have victory in Jesus! The war is over but we

still have battles to fight! Okay? But we are fighting

against a dead chicken! My grandfather took one chicken in

one hand and another chicken in the other hand there in the back

yard (my eyes are getting wide as saucers!) and he begins to do

this: [sound effect] Faster than this! (Am I making my point

without being too vivid?) Alright. And those chickens are

now sans their head, flopping all over the yard, to my

amazement! They don't have a head, but they're bouncing all

over the yard! Blood squirting everywhere! It's... it was

amazing! [laughter] Those chickens were dead and didn't

even know it! [laughter] So when I think about the devil and what

Christ has done, I think about those chickens...flopping

around, a lot of noise, a lot of excitement, a lot of gore, but

Satan is a defeated foe; defeated in the power of Jesus!

And we claim that authority when we claim the power of His name,

His victory! Revelation 12:11, "They have conquered him by the

blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony. They loved not

their lives unto death." How do we win life's battles? We claim

our victory in Christ. He (Colossians 2:15) "Disarmed the

rulers and authorities and put them to open shame by triumphing

over them!" Like a Roman general with a stripped down, defeated

opponent, chained to his chariot, the applause... the...

the... the... the excitement of... of a great victory! Back

in the Roman legions, coming back home. Those enemies, those

generals, those prisoners chained to the chariot! Satan is

stripped of his power and his authority over us because our

King [strike] Jesus [strike] has won [strike] the victory!

Accept, acknowledge, appropriate your victory in Jesus! Hebrews

2:14 "Since therefore, the children

share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise partook of the

same things, that through death He might destroy the one who has

the power of death, that is the devil!" Therefore, stand...

stand in the face of the enemy... of the enemy! And in

Jesus name claim your victory in Him! You don't have to be the

devil's plaything! You can be strong. Now you know I don't

believe in swagger here, you know. Don't get your swagger on,

you'll get your head knocked off! But be strong and steady;

dependent upon God! And as you prepare yourself and stand in

Christ and His righteousness, your victory will be assured,

and the enemy has no right or authority to claim you, to

control you, to corrupt you because you have victory in



It was an angel who announced Christ's birth to the shepherds.

Angels ministered to Jesus when he was tempted and angels were

there when he rose victoriously from the grave. And the very

same angelic presence that was with Jesus on earth is closer to

you today than you might imagine. In my book, "Angels", I

show you how to see past the thin veil that separates our

reality from the angelic world and to discern the divine

activity that is deciding our life's journey today. Angels

exist and I believe that angels are all around us today. They

are worshippers of God and they are servants, ministers to God's

children. Angels are working behind the scenes in the drama

of life as God's messengers. They are warriors and servants

of God to execute His will and it's important that you

understand the purpose of angels in your life so that you won't

be confused by some of the myths and movies and television shows

and book that are more fictional than fact. It's important to

know what the Bible says about angels so that you can really

give an answer to your family and to your friends as to the

work and the witness and the worship of angels. My book on

angels is our gift to thank you for your financial support to

keep PowerPoint broadcasting on this station. So click or call

and give and request your copy of "Angels" today. And thank you

for giving so generously to help proclaim the gospel of Jesus

Christ, the word of God around the world.

The last several weeks we've been talking about

God's holy angels, but did you know that long before Satan was

cast out of heaven he was a worship leader, he was an angel

created by God. And yet his worship of God was compromised

by his pride and ego and arrogance. Lucifer, the son of

the morning became Satan the dark angel. He decided he wanted

something more. He began to worship himself and decided he

was too great, too big, too glorious for God and Lucifer

pushed back against the plan of God in his life and demanded to

go his own way, this is how the devil became the devil. Think

about this, when pride takes over your life any and every sin

is possible and ultimately that's when sin takes over in

our lives. We need the drink and then we begin to crave the high.

We think we deserve a vice or two, a sin or two in our lives.

We look at what we think we're gaining from our sin with

prideful arrogance and refuse to repent. We mistakenly believe

that these sins offer life and pleasure and of course the

opposite is true. There is pleasure in sin for a season but

ultimately sin leads to destruction and death and that's

why over and over again God says in his word, God is saying to

you in his spirit today, in your spirit, turn from your sin and

trust in me, that's repentance and faith. Turn from your sin

and trust in Jesus and Jesus alone as your savior. You know

Satan wants to sidetrack your and get you off the path in your

relationship with Jesus, but if you will trust in Christ, if you

will respond and repent of your sin you can experience victory

in your life and you can overcome every sin and

temptation. God wants us to live in freedom and fulfillment, not

bound down by the chains of our past or the shame of our sin. We

can live an abundant life filled with hope and promise and this

life is available when we begin laying down our sinful pride and

saying, "Lord I can't but you can." I ask you today to put

down your pride, turn from yourself and your sins and begin

to fully follow the Lord. Live in the holiness of Christ

through the power of the Holy Spirit and watch God use you as

a witness 'til the whole world hears.

For more infomation >> Dark Angel | Powerpoint with Dr. Jack Graham - Duration: 28:59.


Sims Sally and Dark blood the Demon Cat Episode 1 part 1 - Duration: 0:36.

Sally:Your a good Demon cat Dark blood.

Dark Blood:Purrrrr.

Linda:Sally uhh Sally??

Linda:Where are oh there you.

Sally:Whats up vice manager Linda?

Linda:I need to you and its....bad news and to you it may be very bad news.

For more infomation >> Sims Sally and Dark blood the Demon Cat Episode 1 part 1 - Duration: 0:36.


Katie Price FINALLY admits dark truth behind botched surgery - Duration: 3:34.

Katie Price FINALLY admits dark truth behind botched surgery

Katie Prices new face shocked fans this week after the mum-of-five was spotted looking incredibly different outside the ITV studios.

Now, the Loose Women panelist has admitted her recent surgery went wrong, addressing the issue at the Cambridge Union.

The Sun report the 39-year-old saying: People have surgery to look like me even though my surgery went wrong and Im getting it sorted on Wednesday. Katie had a face lift last year, and shared an eye-watering video of the procedure online for her fans.

The aim was to lift sagging cheeks, as well as the former glamour models jawline.

In November, the brunette beauty travelled to a cosmetic surgery clinic in Turkey for dental work.

However, she shocked fans when she appeared on a red carpet after suffering an allergic reaction to penicillin, with a swollen face.

Speaking about the botched dental work in Turkey during an episode of Loose Women, Katie said she had fallen ill after being given antibiotics.

Peter Andres ex-wife said: I realised it was because I hadnt read the box – Im allergic to penicillin and thats what I was taking.

"I realised it was because I hadnt read the box - Im allergic to penicillin and thats what I was taking" Katie Price I was ill for days.

I was crying and saying I couldnt go on air.

Anyone who has any surgery - you dont just have the surgery and look great, its always the in-between. Earlier this week Katie arrived at the London studios completely make-up free, appearing tired after driving the long commute from her home in Sussex.

Katie has always been open about her surgical procedure, and has undergone eight boob jobs, a nose job, Botox, liposuction, lip fillers and has had veneers.

The Celebrity Big Brother winner has had a turbulent year, after splitting from husband Kieran Hayler upon discovering he had been cheating.

There have since been rumours that the marriage troubles could be resolved, after they were seen at a number of events.

However, Katie seemingly confirmed it was over when she said she had been swiping through men on a dating app.

For more infomation >> Katie Price FINALLY admits dark truth behind botched surgery - Duration: 3:34.


2018 Dyed Hairstyles for Black Women - Hair Color Ideas for Dark Skin Girls - Duration: 6:17.

When it comes to hairstyles or hair colors for black women I do my best to provide you

with the most fashionable and beautiful options.

Since it's not so easy to find the best hair color for your dark skin you should look

for as many hair color ideas as possible to find your shade.

Here I have collected the best 2018 Dyed Hairstyles for Black Women..

If you want to change your current shade then keep on watching!

Before We begin..

Don't forget to Subscribe and hit the Notification button.

So you won't miss the next great videos from us!

For both light and dark skin, there are corresponding hair color shades that work better than others.

Whether you are black, African American, Latin American, East Indian or just have a darker

skin tone, we are here to help you decide.

In this article, we'll highlight the best hair color ideas for dark skin to help you

choose the best hair color for your dark skin tone.

So, what is the best hair color for dark skin?

Over the years, the hair color trend for dark-skinned women has rapidly changed.

Black, blonde, brown, white, red, yellow, green—the rest of the colors in the rainbow

and more.

Women have been trying all sorts of hues on their hair to make themselves stand out.

Of course, each type of shade has its advantages and disadvantages, so we'll tackle them

all here.

For more infomation >> 2018 Dyed Hairstyles for Black Women - Hair Color Ideas for Dark Skin Girls - Duration: 6:17.


Dark Dead Pool Movie-[Ep] 1 - Duration: 9:30.

Its time for Dark DeadPool.

For more infomation >> Dark Dead Pool Movie-[Ep] 1 - Duration: 9:30.


Sims Sally and Dark blood the Demon cat intro - Duration: 1:18.

Dark Blood:Do you have to go to work today Mortal human Sally?

Sally:No today is my day off there is nothing for me to do but stay home and be with you.

For more infomation >> Sims Sally and Dark blood the Demon cat intro - Duration: 1:18.


The Secret Life of Pets 2 - Episode 1 - The Dark, Annoying Plan - Duration: 11:07.

Man I'm so bored!

We can't go outside because of the cold weather.

But, look!

I mean the sun is out.

It's still safe to go outside whether you want to or not,

guys. But, um, Max is saying it's cold outside because you can feel that breeze.

But anyways,

um, yeah,

I'll just have to watch TV.

Nah, that would be boring because I don't want-- I don't want to do boring stuff.

Because if I did, I would be real bored, and I'd be real sick and tired of it.

So I have to go up to Max and I'll say something to him about his girlfriend,

probably she needs to break up with Max! I have a plan.

I really don't.

Please don't judge me.


Hey, Max.

Yeah, Chloe?


I've been experiencing some technical difficulties about your


Why would you want to say that?

She doesn't even, um,

experience technical difficulties. She doesn't do that,

I mean,

Why are you saying that, I mean, like, why are you saying that to me?

Well, um, I was

just wondering that you might probably have to break up with your girlfriend.

Why? Why would I do that? She's my-- she's my dream lover!

Uh, she's your girlfriend?


All right, now all I want you to s-- What I s--

What I simply want is to-- is-- Never mind.

What do you want?

You simply have to break up with your girlfriend.

But by simply, you mean hard?

No, simple

means easy.

It's just simple, you just have to tell her you have to break up

with her.

I'm not telling her I need to break up

with her!


That idea you just gave me was so STUPID that, um, I didn't even listen to it!

I'm not even

gonna follow that order.

So without further ado, let me go back to sleep.

No, Max!

Please don't go back to sleep!

Please don't act like it's-- it's a play.

It's not.

Uh, I actually know that!

All right, um, if you don't want to break up with your

girlfriend then I'll have to tell her what you didn't do.

Like, t-- Like, um,

Y--you gon' be framed

I'm not finna be framed!

If you frame me and tell her

what I just did, then she gon' have to break up with me!

Well, um,

If you do it, I'ma call the police and then our friendship is over.

Okay, I won't.

But I will.

Wait, what did you say?

Oh, it was nothing, Max.

I 'bout to say!


I forgot that I have to take this off! Wait I can't take this off.

Crap. Oh wait, can't you find Gidget?

CHLOE: Probably not.

Well okay.

Man, it's just an

awesome day!

No wonder why nobody wants to go outside.

It's like an awesome day out there.

What happened?

Uh, Max you're gon' have to, um,

take that back, I already found her.

MAX: Okay I'm going back to sleep now.

Alright, okay, wait a


Ernie-- I mean-- Max, I'm telling.

MAX: You better not tell!

I'm gon' do it anyway.

But, um, Gidget.


Max, um, just told you, that he

needs to break up with you.

Well, I need to break up with him too!

Because he wants

to break up with me! I mean, we just got married yesterday!

What? No, you just got married last year.


Yeah, y'all just got married last year.

So there's no way he could--


Well, um, I need to break up with him because he

wants to break up with me! So, yeah.

I think I am!

My plan worked, it finally worked.

Finally, it worked!

What plan?

Oh, it was nothing.

Actually, it was


I told s-- um, Gidget to break up with, um, Max by telling Max-- by telling Gidget

that Max doesn't love her anymore.

So, now my plan just worked and now, she

gonna have to, you know, Gidget's gon' have to find another girl-- I meant, boyfriend. Instead

of Max. So, you know what, yeah.

I finna check on my baby she-- see what she's


Probably s-- going to watch some TV.

Probably not.


Gidget, why are you crying?

You broke up with me!

Wait, what, no I didn't!

Yes you did, Chloe just told me!


Uh, oh he's calling my name,

he's getting mad! Oh man!

What-- what am I going to do? I mean, I don't want- I finna sit here.

MAX: Chloe,

come here right now!


Fine, I'm coming!

Yes, Max?

Gidget just told me that I broke up

with her. I didn't. Is this true that you just told

her that I broke up with you (Gidget.) but I didn't.

Um, no.

Then how come I heard you having a conversation about me?

Oh, um, we were talking about you and Gidget going

to be in love.

No! No, Chloe!

You just told me that Max and I should break up,

So you know what, Max, we are breaking up!

What! No!

We're not breaking up, we had a

relationship for like a year for now!

We just-- we were in love!

We just got this relationship last year, I mean, why do we have to break it up?

Because you just told me that you gon' have to break up with me.

No I didn't!

Chloe that's it!

I'm afraid that I'm gon' have to throw you.

You can't throw me!


That's what you get! Look, Gidget, I'm sorry, I didn't do it.

Chloe was just telling a story on me.

I don't know what's gotten into Chloe.

I mean she just wants to, um, make me break up with you.

No, you're too beautiful to be broken up with.

Look, Gidget, I understand that you

don't love me anymore because I told-- because Chloe told you that I have to

break up with you but I didn't.

So...... Is that a deal?

No it's not a deal!

How come it's not a deal?

Look you're too beautiful, you know, I mean, I like you.

Um, probably I have to respect that.

Hmm, would you?

Yeah probably, I don't know.

Well, you should because you are too beautiful. Too beautiful, I say, too


Thanks for saying that, I mean, I thought

my heart would be broken forever.

No. Now you just found yourself a love.

Thanks, Max, I really appreciate it.

Yeah, I don't know what's gotten into HER

But you know what, look,

I'm sorry, I didn't-- I don't want to say that stuff to you.

You are so beautiful, I would never ever have to break up with you ever again.

Since, um, Chloe's plan didn't work,

Guess Gidget believes me.

I guess.

So, now, do you believe me or forgive me?

Well, um, yeah.

Well thanks for forgiving me.

Yeah, I know.

You're-- I know you're playing, but you didn't even say this stuff to me.


No, I will never ever have to say that stuff to you ever again.

You're my wife and nothing will go--

nothing could go wrong with our relationship.

Well, yeah, cool. Yeah.

That's--that's actually cool Max, you just learned a valuable leeson.

Uh, Chloe actually did, so I'm gonna tell Chloe the valuable lesson.

Chloe, don't tell any stories.

Yeah, like, yeah.


Alright, you-- we alright now?


Okay. (SMOOCH!)

Yeah. Okay.

For more infomation >> The Secret Life of Pets 2 - Episode 1 - The Dark, Annoying Plan - Duration: 11:07.


Dark Souls III OST - Twin Princes (Lorian & Lothric) + Vocals (Remastered) - Duration: 5:36.

Oh, dear, another dogged contender.

Welcome, Unkindled One, purloiner of Cinders.

Mind you, the mantle of Lord interests me none.

The fire linking curse, the legacy of lords, let it all fade into nothing.

You've done quite enough, now have your rest.

Oh, dear Brother…

I'm on my way.

My brother, unyielding sword of Lothric's Prince.

Rise, if you would...

For that is our curse.

Mark my words, Ashen One...

You remain among the Accursed.

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