Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 11, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Nov 26 2017

Australia's marriage bill is running into roadblocks -- can it get passed before the

end of the year?

Turkey has banned all LGBT events and hate crimes in Russia have doubled, with a very

a strange response from the US State Department.

We'll have all that plus actions you can take on Weekly Debrief.

Now that Australia has finished its insulting national survey on whether same-sex couples

are entitled to marriage, politicians can finally get to work crafting a marriage equality


But not so fast -- debate and political maneuvering have bogged down the process, and legislators

are currently distracted by a citizenship scandal that threatens to derail just about

all legislation.

Meanwhile, Canada's moving ahead with plans to apologize to LGBT people who were fired

during a government purge many decades ago.

Justin Trudeau plans to issue the apology on November 28.

Canada removed homosexuality as cause to fire government employees back in 1992, so it's

only taken 25 years to apologize for the law.

Things are looking bad in Turkey, where the government just banned all LGBT events.

Officials claim that it's for everyone's safety, but organizers see this as a precursor a further

crackdown on LGBT freedoms.

And in Russia, a new study shows that hate crimes against queer people doubled after

the passage of a "gay propaganda" law that prevented the discussion of LGBT issues.

Like Turkey, Russia has also imposed policies blocking LGBT events.

The US State Department has responded to these laws and violent acts in the weirdest possible


This week officials released a statement recognizing Transgender Day of Remembrance, criticizing

government officials who facilitate discrimination against trans citizens.

Which is exactly what the US is doing with its trans military ban, with the Justice Department's

dismantling of nondiscrimination laws, and with briefs filed before the Supreme Court

in opposition to equality.

It's nice that the State Department would point out the violence against queer people

around the world but gee whiz they sure are participating in violence right here in the


For this week's action item, there's never been a better time to support the Transgender

Legal Defense and Education Fund.

Head over to and sign up for alerts and to find out how you can

prevent the US from descending into the same violence as Turkey and Russia.

And as always, let me know about stories that need covering in the YouTube comments and


Share these videos to get the word out.

And I'll debrief you next week.

For more infomation >> Weird US Statement After a Ban on all LGBT Events - Duration: 2:21.


U.S. TV market now bigger than China's for the first time in 6 years - Duration: 0:48.

The market for televisions is now bigger in the U.S. than in China... for the first time

in 6 years.

IHS Markit said Sunday that the U.S. accounted for 26 percent of the global market for TVs

in the third quarter,... a 3-point-8-percentage-point rise from the previous quarter.

China's share shrank by 3 percentage-points to 24 percent,... handing over the lead to

the U.S. for the first time since the end of 2011.

There has been a wide gap between the two,... with the U.S. even falling 14 percentage points

behind China earlier this year.

In the third quarter, though, China's purchases of TVs decreased by over 19 percent compared

to a year earlier.

This shift in demand is prompting Chinese TV makers to expand their marketing in North


For more infomation >> U.S. TV market now bigger than China's for the first time in 6 years - Duration: 0:48.


The Bone Wars: A Feud That Rocked U.S. Paleontology - Duration: 5:03.


The world is full of great rivalries, like Marvel and DC, or Ali and Frazier.

Science has its fair share too—just look at Tesla and Edison.

And in the late 19th Century, two paleontologists named Othniel Charles Marsh and Edward Drinker

Cope entered a feud that would eventually be known as the Bone Wars.

While trying to one-up each other, they found and named some of today's most famous dinosaurs,

but they also made some pretty big mistakes.

At this point in history, paleontology was still taking its first clumsy steps.

In 1824, a British geologist named William Buckland published a paper about some bones

that he thought were from a huge extinct lizard.

He called it a Megalosaurus.

And even though "dinosaur" wouldn't become a word until nearly 20 years later,

Megalosaurus was the first one to be scientifically described.

That's when a researcher formally writes about what makes an animal, or a type of animal,

unique, and where it fits into the tree of life.

A few decades later, in 1858, the first nearly complete dinosaur skeleton was found in America.

The Hadrosaurus was described and named by Joseph Leidy, an academic who switched from

medicine to natural history, and would play a huge part in early paleontology.

So Marsh and Cope basically grew up alongside the field.

Marsh was born in 1831 in New York, went to Yale thanks to his wealthy uncle, and ended

up studying paleontology in Germany.

Meanwhile, Cope was born in 1840 to a wealthy Quaker family.

He didn't have as much formal scientific training as Marsh, but thanks to jobs in museums,

he learned about natural history and published a lot of papers.

After the American Civil War started, Cope's father sent him off to Europe, and he met

Marsh in Berlin in 1863.

They started out friendly.

When they went back to America, they visited different dig sites.

And because they were rich, they could hire excavation teams to ship fossils back to them.

Sometimes with help from other experts, Marsh and Cope thoughtfully analyzed and published

descriptions of new specimens without stepping on each other's toes.

But soon, their friendship would come crashing down.

The feud really began when Cope was describing the marine reptile Elasmosaurus in 1868.

Instead of taking his time to reconstruct the skeleton, he raced to get some information

out in just a few weeks.

That eventually led him to misunderstand how the bones of its spine lined up.

He figured, like more modern lizards, Elasmosaurus would have a long tail instead of a long neck.

So in a figure he published in 1869, he drew its head at the wrong end of the spine.

He was publicly corrected in 1870 by Joseph Leidy, who studied the bones and noticed some

key details that Cope overlooked.

By some accounts, Marsh insisted he caught the mistake, or at the very least rubbed it


Cope tried to save his bacon by retracting all copies of his paper and republishing…which

didn't exactly work.

And things got more petty from there.

The meat of the Bone Wars started around 1877, when they fought over fossils at the same

dig sites, like Como Bluffs in Wyoming, which was a treasure trove of specimens.

And they started playing dirty—spying, bribing people to switch employers, chucking rocks

to start fights, or even straight-up destroying fossils to keep them out of each other's


Between them, Cope and Marsh claimed to have described over 130 kinds of dinosaurs, among

other ancient animals.

But they rushed to publish and made a lot of mistakes, like giving new names to already-discovered

dinosaurs, or counting inconclusive fragments as a whole new animal.

For instance, when Marsh was sent the headless skeleton of a long-necked dinosaur in 1877,

he called it Apatosaurus.

But when he tried to scientifically describe the creature, he reconstructed it with a totally

wrong skull.

Then, a couple years later, he was sent another Apatosaurus skeleton with a skull, and called

it Brontosaurus.

And this naming confusion has lasted to this day.

Really, Cope and Marsh had a lot more success when they took their time with fossils, and

worked with other scientists instead of just feuding.

When Marsh described Triceratops, for example, he was only sent bits of the horns at first,

so he thought it was some kind of bison.

But when the geologist who had found the skull fossils said that it wouldn't make sense

for a lone bison to be mixed in with all these dinosaur fossils, Marsh reconsidered.

With more input from peers, Marsh thought these fossils might've come from another

dinosaur with spikes like a Stegosaurus.

And he eventually landed on the idea of a dinosaur with horns, which hadn't really

been dreamt up before.

Now, eventually, Cope and Marsh were left penniless by the Bone Wars.

And their papers had so much sniping and so little science that journals refused to publish


While they did a lot for paleontology, they also were reckless and gave the field a bad


Their constant sabotaging even made Joseph Leidy quit paleontology altogether in the

mid 1870s.

So it's an interesting story, and one we've hopefully learned from.

Today we have a better understanding that science depends on things like collaboration

and sharing information—and less, y'know, throwing rocks at each other.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

And thanks especially to our President of Space, you all know him by now…

SR Foxley!

Thank you so much SR for your continued support of SciShow.

You rock!

If you want to hear more stories about paleontology, and what the Earth was like when these creatures

we were talking about in this video were still alive, you can check out our sister channel

Eons at!


For more infomation >> The Bone Wars: A Feud That Rocked U.S. Paleontology - Duration: 5:03.


Goodbye American Dream The Average U S Household Is $137,063 In Debt, And 38 4% Of Millennials Live - Duration: 6:20.

Goodbye American Dream: The Average U.S. Household Is $137,063 In Debt, And 38.4% Of Millennials

Live With Their Parents.

by Edward Morgan.

Once upon a time the United States had the largest and most vibrant middle class in the

history of the world, but now the middle class is steadily being eroded.

The middle class became a minority of the population for the first time ever in 2015,

and just recently I wrote about a new survey that showed that 78 percent of all full-time

workers in the United States live paycheck to paycheck at least part of the time.

But most people still want to live the American Dream, and so they are going into tremendous

amounts of debt in a desperate attempt to live that kind of a lifestyle.

According to the Federal Reserve, the average U.S. household is now $137,063 in debt, and

that figure is more than double the median household income�

The average American household carries $137,063 in debt, according to the Federal Reserve�s

latest numbers.

Yet the U.S. Census Bureau reports that the median household income was just $59,039 last

year, suggesting that many Americans are living beyond their means.

As a nation, we are completely and utterly drowning in debt.

U.S. consumers are now nearly 13 trillion dollars in debt overall, and many will literally

spend the rest of their lives making debt payments.

Over the past couple of decades, the cost of living has grown much faster than paychecks

have, and this has put a tremendous amount of financial stress on hard working families.

We are told that we are in a �low inflation environment�, but that is simply not true

at all�

Medical expenses have grown 57% since 2003, while food and housing costs climbed 36% and

32%, respectively.

Those surging basic expenses could widen the inequality gap in America, as a quarter of

Americans make less than $10 per hour.

Getting our healthcare costs under control is one of the biggest things that we need

to do.

As I talked about the other day, some families have seen their health insurance premiums

more than triple since Obamacare became law.

As the cost of living continues to rise, an increasing number of young people are discovering

that the only way that they can make ends meet is to live with their parents.

As a result, the percentage of adults age 26 to age 34 that live at home continued to

rise even after the last recession ended�

The share of older Millennials living with relatives is still rising, underscoring the

lingering obstacles faced by Americans who entered the workforce during and after the

Great Recession.

About 20% of adults age 26 to 34 are living with parents or other family members, a figure

that has climbed steadily the past decade and is up from 17% in 2012, according to an

analysis of Census Bureau data by Trulia, a real estate research firm.

A staggering 59.8 percent of younger Millennials (18 to 25) are now living with relatives,

and overall an all-time record 38.4 percent of all Millennials are currently living with


If so many of our young people are unable to live the American Dream, what is the future

of this nation going to look like?

Consumers are not the only ones that have been struggling to make ends meet.

Corporate debt has doubled since the last financial crisis, and it now stands at a record

high of 8.7 trillion dollars�

Fueled by low interest rates and strong investor appetite, debt of nonfinancial companies has

increased at a rapid clip, to $8.7 trillion, and is equal to more than 45 percent of GDP,

according to David Ader, chief macro strategist at Informa Financial Intelligence.

According to the Federal Reserve, nonfinancial corporate debt outstanding has grown by $1

trillion in two years.

�Everything is fine until it isn�t,� Ader said.

�We don�t need to worry about that until we�re in a slowdown and profit declines.�

And let us not forget government debt.

State and local governments all over the nation have piled up record amounts of debt, and

the debt of the federal government has approximately doubled over the past decade.

But the fact that we are now 20 trillion dollars in debt as a nation does not tell the full


According to Boston University professor Larry Kotlikoff, the federal government is facing

a fiscal gap of 210 trillion dollars over the next 75 years�

We have all these unofficial debts that are massive compared to the official debt.

We�re focused just on the official debt, so we�re trying to balance the wrong books�

If you add up all the promises that have been made for spending obligations, including defense

expenditures, and you subtract all the taxes that we expect to collect, the difference

is $210 trillion.

That�s the fiscal gap.

That�s our true indebtedness.

We were the wealthiest and most prosperous nation in the history of the planet, but that

was never good for us.

We always had to have more, and so we have been on the greatest debt binge in human history.

Now a day of reckoning is fast approaching, and those that believe that we can escape

the consequences of our actions are being extremely delusional.

For more infomation >> Goodbye American Dream The Average U S Household Is $137,063 In Debt, And 38 4% Of Millennials Live - Duration: 6:20.


Mugabe, China and the US - What is Next for Zimbabwe? - Duration: 3:19.

PAUL JAY: Welcome to The Real News Network.

I'm Paul Jay, now joining us is Larry Wilkerson.

Thanks for joining us again, Larry.

LARRY WILKERSON: Good to be here, Paul.

PAUL JAY: Here's a question from Joseph Ballin on Facebook: What is the U.S. and Chinese

interest in Zimbabwe, and can China continue to keep the U.S. out of Zimbabwe since Mugabe

was outed by his own ruling party?

How much of this coup, or essentially a coup in Zimbabwe, is just internal politics, or

does it reflect any U.S.-China contention there?

LARRY WILKERSON: I think it reflects mostly the had to go nature of Mugabe.

I think he had to go, and the forces that were gathering were going to get rid of him.

What happened, I think, and we may get as bad a replacement because of this, is that

we had some people consult the Chinese, and the Chinese probably said, "America plays

this game all the time.

Russia is back in this game.

We don't play this game much.

Let's give it a shot, and let's give it a shot in the region of the world where we're

trying to spread our capital, and to interest countries in being more not subservient, but

more in the line of Chinese succession than that of America, or Europe, or anyone else."

Most of this is for economic reasons.

I was talking to a Chinese scholar the other day, and I said, "They're playing their hand

there, seeing what it's like to be like the United States, seeing what it's like to court

another government, to maybe assist a coup, and maybe bring a more favorable government

in their own interest into being."

I don't know if it's going to pan out that way, but I can see President Xi, and I can

particularly see some of his security advisors, being more likely to do some of these things

in the future.

After all, these people have more money than you can shake a stick at.

They have their land route going across central Asia, their sea route coming out of the South

China Sea going all the way to Iran.

The other day, I'm reading a National Geographic, Paul, and the guy is walking across central


He's a photographer.

He's a travelog guy.

He's walking.

He says, "One of the things I encountered the most, and everywhere I went, was the BRI,

the Belt Road Initiative."

Signs of it are everywhere, from just small traders, to oil and gas pumping lines, to

trucks, to you name it.

The language similarities with Xinjiang province and Turkic languages in general, he said,

"This is incredible."

He said, "This is what's happening."

The Chinese have so much money.

Most of it they got from us buying their products, of course, them and others in the world.

They're investing it everywhere.

We can't possibly compete with the Chinese.

When we do, Paul, we have to go to the mint, we have to get the paper and the ink, and

we have to print the money.

For more infomation >> Mugabe, China and the US - What is Next for Zimbabwe? - Duration: 3:19.


'It's Not CNN's Job To Represent The U.S. To The World. That's Yours,' Network Says In Response To T - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> 'It's Not CNN's Job To Represent The U.S. To The World. That's Yours,' Network Says In Response To T - Duration: 0:38.


Will Eastern European Countries Be Drawn Into Russia-U.S. Conflict? - Duration: 2:44.

PAUL JAY: Welcome to The Real News Network.

I'm Paul Jay, and we are live on Facebook and YouTube and and now joining

us is Larry Wilkerson.

Larry was the former chief of staff for U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell.

He's currently an adjunct professor of government at the College of William and Mary and a regular

contributor to The Real News.

Thanks for joining us again, Larry.

LARRY WILKERSON: Good to be here, Paul.

PAUL JAY: All right.

I've got a lot of questions here from people watching live, so let me try to get another


Here's Laudon1780 on YouTube: Colonel Wilkerson, do you see any moves to further drawn eastern

European countries into the Russia-U.S. conflict, such as Moldova, and do you expect sudden

changes of governments there?

LARRY WILKERSON: In a certainly way I do, but I think it's probably going to happen,

what we're calling in the academic community, in a democratic way, but that democracy's

going to be illiberal, not liberal.

That is to say, they're going to use elections, more or less, to bring in more or less right-wing


We've already seen that in some of the countries.

We've seen Germany's AfD, for example, increase its membership in the German legislature.

I think that's the shrewd way it's going to happen.

I think we're going to see ... Because of this social media, and because of other means

of communications now, this is something that probably has never happened before, not in

the modern world anyway.

We actually have Nazis in Europe communicating with Nazis in America.

We have alt right in Europe communicating and planning in some cases with alt right

in the United States.

This is a global movement of fascist-like, Nazi-like tendencies, and Putin is going to

play that.

I'm not saying he's that kind of person.

He could be, I think, but there are plenty like that.

Ukraine is full of them.

Ukraine has got people who would love to go back and put the swastika back up.

PAUL JAY: Just had an essentially pro-fascist protest or rally there of about 60,000 people

a few weeks ago.


Of course, sometime ago, our CIA was supporting some of those groups because they opposed

the Russians.

This is a new phenomenon, I think, to have this kind of global communication and global

propaganda amongst people from Charlottesville, Virginia, and people from Kiev, Ukraine.

For more infomation >> Will Eastern European Countries Be Drawn Into Russia-U.S. Conflict? - Duration: 2:44.


Korean won to continue gains against U.S. dollar next year - Duration: 1:54.

The Korean currency is getting stronger against the U.S. dollar,... amid bolstered exports

and growing expectations of the country's economy recovery.

And experts forecasts the trend to continue through next year.

Our Lee Ji-won has the details.

Last Wednesday, the Korean won dipped below 1-thousand-90 to the U.S. dollar for the first

time in 2 and a half years.

On Friday it closed at 1-thousand 85-point-4.

The Korean currency has been gaining on the dollar since this January... when it stood

at 12-oh-eight.

The won has benefited from a recovery in the local economy thanks to bolstered exports,...

and the easing of tensions with China.

Expectations that the Bank of Korea will raise interest rates soon has also strengthened

the won.

Investors' growing preference for riskier assets centered around emerging markets,..

including Korea's main stock index, the KOSPI, has eroded some demand for safer assets like

the dollar.

(Korean) "The gains are seen as being led by a continued

inflow of foreign investment, together with strong exports and rising momentum for growth."

And experts predict the upward trend to continue through next year,... now that it's becoming

more clear the U.S. Federal Reserve won't be raising rates as much as previously thought.

They say another contributing factor would be a further recovery in the global economy.

(Korean) "If the global economy continues to recover

next year,.. the Korean economy is likely to improve as well.

I project the annual average for the Korean won to come out to 1,110."

While a strong currency could be a sign of an improvement in the economy, it causes concern

among exporters at the same time,... because a stronger Korean won undermines the country's

export competitiveness.

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Korean won to continue gains against U.S. dollar next year - Duration: 1:54.


U.S. TV market now bigger than China's for the first time in 6 years - Duration: 0:50.

The market for televisions is now bigger in the U.S. than in China... for the first time

in 6 years.

IHS Markit also reported Sunday that the U.S. accounted for 26 percent of the global market

for TVs in the third quarter,... a 3-point-8-percentage-point rise from the previous quarter.

China's share shrank by 3 percentage-points to 24 percent,... handing over the lead to

the U.S. for the first time since the end of 2011.

There have been wide gaps between the two, with the U.S. even falling 14 percent points

behind China earlier this year.

In the third quarter, though, China's purchases of TVs decreased by over 19 percent compared

to a year earlier.

This shift in demand is prompting Chinese TV makers to expand their marketing in North


For more infomation >> U.S. TV market now bigger than China's for the first time in 6 years - Duration: 0:50.


11/25/17 4:47 PM (150-198 US-11, Pittston, PA 18640, USA) - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> 11/25/17 4:47 PM (150-198 US-11, Pittston, PA 18640, USA) - Duration: 0:58.


Trump Discovered Hoards Of Muslims Flowing Into US City – Sucking Welfare System Dry - Duration: 5:02.

Now we are starting to get reports that the "poor victimized" Somali Refugees in Ohio

are being stopped from carrying out their "trojan horse" in what used to be a state

mostly containing whites of European descent until globalist politicians decided it should

be more "diverse."

Multiple overseas relatives of Somalis refugees who came here under the lax immigration policies

of the Bush 43 and Obama administrations aren't being allowed to enter the United States because

of their nationality, even including some who have never lived in Somalia.


An Open border pro-Muslim advocate group spokesman said that over 50 active cases of people whose

relatives are affected by President Donald Trump's Oct. 24 executive order which banned

the entrance to people from certain parts of the world that are known to be terrorist

hotspots for 120 days.

This order also is great enough that is suspended the follow-to-join program for refugees, which

had allowed them to apply for their spouses, children, parents, uncles, and cousins twice

removed to join them once they arrive in the United States.

Breitbart Reports:

A small town in the southwest corner in rural Missouri is forever changing due to chain

migration policies and an influx in refugees who have entered the U.S. over the last decade.

In Noel, Missouri, some 500 to 600 Somali and Sudanese immigrants and refugees now live

in the region of just more than 1,800 residents, as noted by USA Today in a piece highlighting

the changing face of the area.

A particular Somali migrant quoted in the USA Today piece spoke about her father now

trying to apply as a refugee in U.S. in order to move to Noel.

On Thursday morning, inside a two-bedroom apartment a block from Main Street, 3-year-old

Bedel Kayd and his 1-year-old brother Saadiq sat quietly while finishing a bag of cheese


With Abdullahi acting as translator, their mother, Mun Omer — a Somalian who arrived

in the United States in October — said she initially thought President Trump's executive

order banning immigrants or visa holders from seven countries — Somalia, Sudan, Iraq,

Iran, Libya, Syria and Yemen — for 90 days and refugees for 120 days meant refugees like

her would have to return to their home countries.

Trump's executive order bans refugees from Syria indefinitely.

Omer said she was relieved, to a degree, to learn that her initial fear wasn't true.

But the reality still doesn't bode well for her father, who is trying to come to America.

Immigration expert Ira Mehlman with the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) said

that while extended family chain migration is a "general bad policy," he said the

booming Somali and Sudanese populations in Noel were most likely due to Tyson Foods'

chicken-processing plant in the town.

The Tyson factory provides about 1,600 jobs to Noel residents.

The influx in refugees to the region has, however, cramped the local labor market.

"These meat-packing companies undermine the union jobs," Mehlman told Breitbart


"They've brought in illegal aliens and refugees, but essentially, they've used

this to replace their unionized workforce.

It's a labor subsidy for the employers."

"There's a myth that illegal aliens are a source of cheap labor," Mehlman continued.

"It's cheap only to the direct employer.

The rest of us have to pay for healthcare, education, and other social services."

Mehlman told Breitbart Texas that in areas similar to Noel, where corporate plants employ

the majority of small town population, it is the companies that incentivize chain migration

policies; which already allow for spouses and unmarried children to come to the U.S.

"In other places, it has been the employers that has created this phenomenon," Mehlman


"They prefer these foreign workers over unionized employees."

Immigration groups like FAIR and NumbersUSA have been pushing President Trump's administration

to reform chain migration policy, citing that it only leads to more illegal immigration.

That executive order also bars the entry of all refugees from 10 other heavily Islamic

countries for at least 90 days and as long as 120 days.

Why is this even an issue?

When did the world become our problem to deal with?

Don't we have enough problems inside our own borders to have to also worry about what

goes on outside of them and take in people who are less than desirable and who don't

have anything whatsoever positive to apport to our nation?

It's about damn time the world started taking care of its self.

We just don't have any room anymore, nor do we have enough jobs to go around.

Start letting more people in once we as a nation have 0% unemployment and everyone has

a warm bed to come home to every night.

Until then, we don't need to take care of the world's rejects.

For more infomation >> Trump Discovered Hoards Of Muslims Flowing Into US City – Sucking Welfare System Dry - Duration: 5:02.


5 Most Dangerous Weapon's you can legally own in the US - Duration: 2:34.

Hey Welcome Get Every Day Latest Interesting Videos Subscribe

Whether it's for self protection or you just want a piece of history that looks cool

on your wall, here are the 10 most dangerous weapons you can legally own in the US

Grenade Launcher

You can own your very own grenade launcher in the United States, but finding actual grenades

to launch will prove difficult as they are illegal. Technically, a grenade launcher is

classified as a "destructive device" and requires a more extensive background check

and license to own, but if you want to put in the time and money, then you can legally

own one.

The M134 General Electric Minigun

The M134 General Electric Minigun was made before 1986, meaning under the National Firearms

Act it's legal for a civilian possessing a Class 2 permit to own. It can fire up to

166 rounds per second, and while it looks badass, this weapon is expensive and hard

to find. Not to mention paying for all the ammo to really fire this thing off will set

you back a few thousand dollars per minute. Odds are, the closest you'll get to firing

one of these is in a video game

Punt Gun

The punt gun is basically a huge shotgun that was widely used in the 19th and early 20th centuries

to hunt large numbers of waterfowl for commercial harvesting operations. While these weapons

were often custom-made and thus vary widely in their size, their bore diameters often

exceeded 2 inches (51 mm) and they fired over a pound of shot at a time. The strange offspring

of a cannon and a shotgun, punt guns were often mounted to a boat as the recoil would

probably kill someone who tried to fire it unmounted. A single shot from a punt gun could

kill over 50 birds.

While a punt gun is rare to find, they are more or less legal depending on how old they

are. Check out this video of a punt gun in action!


Pistols are the most widely available gun and are responsible for the most amount of

gun-related deaths each year. They are easily concealed and widely available in every state.

While the firepower these things pack may not be as big as the previous weapons, pistols

are most dangerous in the hands of those who haven't received proper training.

Semi/Automatic Rifles

This is the type of gun that created the worst mass shooting in US History. You've no doubt

heard of the Las Vegas shooting by now, which involved a semi-automatic weapon that was

modified with a bump stock to become essentially an automatic weapon. The ability to shoot

massive amounts of bullets in a short time, as well as the availability of these weapons,

makes this the most dangerous legal weapon on our list

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For more infomation >> 5 Most Dangerous Weapon's you can legally own in the US - Duration: 2:34.


US sailors missing in the Philippine Sea identified - Duration: 4:16.

US sailors missing in the Philippine Sea identified

(CNN)The US Navy on Saturday identified three sailors who went missing after their plane crashed into the Philippine Sea as Lt.

Steven Combs, Aviation Boatswains Mate Airman Matthew Chialastri and Aviation Ordnanceman Airman Apprentice Bryan Grosso.

The Navy ended the search and rescue mission for the sailors on Thursday.

They were aboard a C2-A Greyhound transport plane that crashed into the ocean southeast of Okinawa a day earlier.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of these Sailors, Vice Adm.

Phil Sawyer, commander of U.S.

Seventh Fleet, said in a statement.

Their service and sacrifice will be lasting in Seventh Fleet and we will continue to stand the watch for them, as they did bravely for all of us..

A total of 11 crew and passengers were headed to an aircraft carrier when the plane crashed into the Philippine Wednesday afternoon, the Navy said.

Eight people were rescued and were in good condition aboard the carrier, the USS Ronald Reagan, the Navy said.

Combs, a native of Florida, was assigned to the Providers of Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (VRC) 30, the Navy said.

Chialastri, a Louisiana native, was assigned to Ronald Reagan, as was Grosso, a Florida native.

The aircraft was carrying passengers and cargo from Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni in Japan to the carrier when the plane crashed about 500 nautical miles southeast of Okinawa, Japan.

A C-2A Greyhound plane launches from the USS Ronald Reagan during a 2017 exercise.

A C-2A Greyhound plane launches from the USS Ronald Reagan during a 2017 exercise.

Seven US Navy and Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force ships, three helicopter squadrons and maritime patrol aircraft covered nearly 1,000 square nautical miles in the search.

The cause of the crash is under investigation.

I have been informed from the US military that engine trouble may have caused (the crash), Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera told reporters Wednesday.

The C2-A that crashed belongs to a Japan-based squadron that generally flies cargo and passengers between shore bases and the USS Ronald Reagan.

Its been a difficult year for the Navy in the western North Pacific after a spate of incidents -- most involving ships assigned to the East Asia-based US 7th fleet -- that included the deaths of 17 sailors.

For more infomation >> US sailors missing in the Philippine Sea identified - Duration: 4:16.


BREAKING: Putin Makes Shock Move Against US Media, People Are Stunned - Duration: 3:14.

In modern America, the government does not need to engage in surveillance or oppression

(although it does anyway), for private companies are happy to carry the load.

After Google CEO Eric Schmidt said that his company would "engineer" searches so that

Russia Today and Sputnik would not appear, Russia responded by asking American journalists

to register as "foreign agents."

This is a tit-for-tat move after reporters for Russia Today were asked to do the same


President Vladimir Putin signed this law into action on Saturday as a move to halt what

his government considers the undue influence of US interests in Russia.

President Donald Trump, a longtime media critic himself, attacked CNN International, one of

the largest American news corporations abroad.

In a tweet that claimed that Fox News was much more "important" than CNN, President

Trump wrote, "CNN International is still a major source of (Fake) news, and they represent

our Nation to the WORLD very poorly.

The outside world does not see the truth from them!"

This, of course, did not sit well with CNN, who tweeted, "It's not CNN's job to

represent the U.S to the world.

That's yours.

Our job is to report the news.


While true, CNN's retort misses the point that its biased reporting offers foreigners

a jaundiced view of America and its citizens, whether that is their intention or not.

Just like Hollywood, which is now making most of its money in the foreign market, CNN International

is responsible for poisoning the world's well against the United States.

As for President Trump's "job," his job is to represent the American people and

their desires — not act as a PR agent for America.

President Trump and President Putin both have a correct understanding of the power of the


As social critic Ryan Landry has pointed out, the media has never been about telling the

truth or reporting on facts.

Rather, the media in an age of neoliberal globalization is about spreading the opinions

of the "expert," a "tool of the elite" who functions as the pseudo-intellectual face

of corporate and political manipulation.

CNN, Russia Today, and Sputnik all have the same goal and function–to spread propaganda

for their respective masters.

This is why it is so important to the Left that it controls the university system, for

hand-picked "experts" all must pass through America's elite universities (see: indoctrination

factories) in order to even reach the first microphone of power.

President Putin understands this.

He recognizes that American media is nothing less than an extension of American neoliberalism.

President Trump recognizes this too, which is one of the reasons why he is so quick to

denounce CNN, the New York Times, and other left-wing outlets.

Fox News at least provides a platform for dissident views in America.

The America media is already targeting Putin for his "autocratic" move.

The problem with this complaint is that, unless there are limits placed on the media, the

media will control culture, the flow of information, and the direction of politics.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Putin Makes Shock Move Against US Media, People Are Stunned - Duration: 3:14.


11/25/17 11:25 AM (4679 US-11, Moosic, PA 18507, USA) - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> 11/25/17 11:25 AM (4679 US-11, Moosic, PA 18507, USA) - Duration: 1:00.


Bush Fired U S Attorneys To Cover Up D C Pedophile Ring - Duration: 12:12.

Bush Fired U.S. Attorneys To Cover Up D.C. Pedophile Ring

Bush fired several U.S. Attorneys to help cover up a pedophile ring being run out of

the D.C. hotels involving Congressmen, Senators and reporters.

This was the Franklin Scandal.

The Bush administration fired the agents investigating the crimes to cover it up.

U.S. senators and congressmen were covering up the Dusty Foggo government lobbyist and

military prostitution and pedophilia ring in Washington involving legislators, news

reporters, military officers and high government officials.

(Must-read on the subject: George Bush Pedophile Sex Ring and Blackmail of Congress).

Alberto Gonzales and President Bush fired San Diego U.S. Attorney Carol Lam because

she was probing the Dusty Foggo / Jack Abramoff D.C. sex ring.

According to a long-time senior intelligence agent the Washington, DC Hilton, Ritz Carlton

and Sheraton Hotels were used for compromising House and Senate members, National Media hosts

who had sex with children in a legislative and media Blackmail ring.

�The whole Republican and Democratic Parties were for sale, the House, Senate and the White

House.� �Poppy Bush and Abramoff were up to their

eyeballs in this kid sh*t,� said the Federal Agent.

Supposedly convicted Lobbyist Jack Abramoff provided male and female heterosexual, homosexual,

lesbian, bisexual and child prostitutes sexual services to numerous US Congressmen, US senators,

national media hosts and other federal officials who were compromised and made susceptible

to blackmail at three Washington hotels.

The Washington Hilton was specifically used for sex with children because it has what

the agent termed a �super secure section for VIPs that is out of public view and which

reportedly employs no camera surveillance, an area able to hold around 6-10 vehicles

so that no one could observe abducted, abused or drugged children flown in from other states

who were coming to or leaving the hotel.�

Hilton employees began to become suspicious of Abramoff�s operation, so children were

moved to the Washington Ritz-Carlton according to other intelligence officials.

From Wikileaks:

On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files,

over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered �global intelligence� company Stratfor.

The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011.

They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher,

but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal�s

Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies,

including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence


The emails show Stratfor�s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques

and psychological methods.


Released on 2012-10-15 17:00 GMT

Email-ID 475107 Date 2007-03-27 07:27:50

From To undisclosed-recipients:



to forged Iraq dossier, Israeli espionage, convicted lobbyist Abramoff

According to U.S. intelligence sources, President Bush obstructed justice last December when

he had senior advisor Karl Rove and White House Counsel Harriet Miers instruct Attorney

General Alberto Gonzalez to fire eight U.S. attorneys who were among several others conducting

ongoing public corruption and secret national security grand jury investigations connected

to an espionagea**linked prostitution / pedophile sex ring operating at the Washington Ritz-Carlton

and other DC hotels, whose clients included U.S. senators and congressmen, elite Washington

news reporters and high government officialsa**some

of whom were named by an intelligence insider.

Central to the scandal is fired U.S. attorney Carole Lam of California who was reportedly

conducting testimony before grand juries linking indicted former Bush CIA Executive Director

Kyle a**Dustya** Foggo and convicted Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff to the sex ring, Israeli

espionage, GOP Under Secretary of Defense for policy Douglas J. Feith, a forged British

intelligence dossier used by Mr. Bush to deceive Americans into supporting war against Iraq

and an attempt to plant weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq before the war via an intelligence

pipeline through Dubai and Turkey.


Original story:

U.S. intelligence: Sen. Leader William Frist and reporter Robert Novak alleged as regular


Washington � May 5, 2006 � � A long-time top-level government agency

official joined a national security expert in confirming grand jury testimony last month,

revealing that male and female heterosexual, homosexual, lesbian, bisexual and child prostitutes

provided sexual services to numerous congressmen, senators, national media hosts and other federal

officials who were compromised and made susceptible to blackmail at three Washington hotels.

�The whole Republican Party was for sale�the House, Senate and the White House,� said

a well-respected federal agency official with impeccable credentials who declined to be

named but who is familiar with testimony and sources close to the grand jury probing Jack


Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald�s grand jury heard several agents testify in

April that the �Watergate, Ritz-Carlton and Sheraton Hotels in Washington, DC were

used to compromise legislators and news-people with prostitution services, the financing

of which is directly linked to the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC),

former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Marc Rich and Abramoff,� said national security

expert Thomas Heneghan.

There are no corporate media reports as to which White House officials participated in

the hotel sex ring activities with House and Senate members; however, Heneghan said U.S.

Senate Leader and 2008 presidential candidate William Frist was alleged to be a frequent

visitor to the hotels according to U.S. intelligence agents.

Frist is reportedly a close friend of alleged Bush 43 male consort and former Knoxville,

Tennessee mayor Victor Ashe according to federal agents.

Heneghan also alleged additional prostitute customers as British Prime Minister Tony Blair

and former CNN host-reporter Robert Novak, both of whom were introduced into the sex-ring

by GOP reporter and male prostitute Jeff Gannon, who visited the Bush White House living quarters

200 times without the assignations being recorded in visitor logs.

The genesis of the Valerie Plame CIA leak allegedly took place during one of Novak�s

visits with an Abramoff hooker at one of the hotels according to the sources.

The corruption and crimes surrounding the indicted Republican lobbyist were widespread

and far-reaching enough to cause Fitzgerald to impanel a separate grand jury, often referred

to by intelligence officials as the �Franklin grand jury,� which is hearing testimony

and examining Abramoff linked evidence tied to the Iraq War, September 11 and related


Pentagon analyst Larry Franklin was arrested for leaking classified U.S. government information

to AIPAC officials Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman who reportedly leaked information to Israel

concerning a controversial proposal by Department of Defense hardliners to destabilize Iran.

The federal source wishing to remain anonymous said that additional government officials

are currently testifying this month before the Franklin grand jury about Abramoff, the

GOP-linked prostitution ring and its ties to AIPAC.

�Photographs of politicians in compromising positions have reportedly already been used

as blackmail to silence politicians who would speak the truth about the 2000 election fraud

in Florida, 9-11, Iraq/ yellowcake/ WMD and how Jack Abramoff and Netanyahu were the pimps

for the operation,� said Heneghan.

President Bush has emphatically denied that he personally knows Abramoff, despite CIA

records indicating the indicted lobbyist visited the White House 200 times during the first

ten months of the Bush presidency � often enough for a personal visit on every business

day of each month, according to wide news reports.

Despite the daily White House visits, Bush said �I�ve never sat down with him and

had a discussion with the guy,� adding, �I�m also mindful that we live in a world

in which those pictures will be used for pure political purposes,� attempting to justify

his unwillingness at first to release photos of him chatting amicably with Abramoff.

Fitzgerald is reportedly convinced that the Bush administration wanted Valerie Plame-Wilson�s

identity as a CIA official leaked because her intelligence team had identified Israeli

Mossad operatives inside Iran who were to receive weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

to be delivered through Turkey and planted in Iraq to further the president�s case

for war, said the intelligence expert.

�The financing for these whorehouses is linked directly to AIPAC, Benjamin Netanyahu,

Marc Rich and Jack Abramoff; and the money trail ties back to American International

Group (AIG), Hank Greenberg and Doug Alexander � former British Minister of E-Commerce,�

said Heneghan.

In an ominous prediction, Heneghan said, �It won�t be long before the un-compromised

U.S. military may have to declare a State of Emergency and re-implementation of the

Constitution under a special provision of the Naval Code, which would lead to the arrest

and removal of the criminal government residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.� (Bush and

his thugs)

According to Heneghan, the Abramoff congressional sex ring is tied to the SunCruz Casino scandal,

secret accounts at Riggs Bank and Crozier Bank, the 9-11 �hijacker� Venice, Florida

flight schools, and former U.S. ambassador to Italy Mel Sembler and Doug Alexander � both

of whom have been linked to the reported Florida 2000 election fraud � all of which is tied

to a financial trail that connects narcotics trafficking to Al Qaeda and the congressional

sex ring.

MSNBC host and former congressman Joe Scarborough, subject of a recent story, �is

now cooperating with federal investigators in the Abramoff matter which has led the probe

to the doorsteps of the AIPAC whorehouses now operating in Washington, DC,� said Heneghan.

The intelligence expert told us �Scarborough told federal investigators that he now believes

his female staff member was murdered in his congressional office to silence her regarding

knowledge of Alexander, Sembler, Katherine Harris, Jeb Bush and the Florida election

2000 coup d� etat.� READ MORE

For more infomation >> Bush Fired U S Attorneys To Cover Up D C Pedophile Ring - Duration: 12:12.


Russia pass law to brand media 'foreign agents' after US clamps down on Putin-backed RT - Duration: 3:20.

Russia pass law to brand media 'foreign agents' after US clamps down on Putin-backed RT

Putin signed the amendments in retaliation to the US Government ordering Russian TV network Russia Today (RT) to register its American under Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), according to Russian officials.

The move had earlier been described as an attack on freedom of speech by Putin. RT has claimed it is being forced out of the US media market.

Under the new law, media outlets that receive financial assistance from foreign states or organisations may be recognised as foreign agents.   Russia's Justice Ministry will make the decisions on which outlets will be classified as "foreign agents".

The law now implies that media outlets classified as foreign agents will be made to publish a notice that their materials are provided by a foreign agent, report on their activities, submit information about the composition of their management and provide expense reports.

The Russian Justice Ministry has previously said that it had told Voice of America, the Current Time broadcaster, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and others that they may be included in the foreign agents list.

A Kremlin spokesman has stated that any violations against Russian journalists "shall not remain unanswered".   Last month, Vladimir Putin threatened to hit back if the US tried to crackdown on its media outlets in the country.

The Russian President said: "In this case we will do it only in kind and quite quickly.

"As soon as we see concrete steps limiting the activities of our mass media, a tit-for-tat response will follow immediately."   News of the new law has come after claims Russia interfered in the US presidential election and repeated allegations of ties between Russia and Donald Trump's campaign team.

Russia has repeatedly denied US intelligence agencies conclusions that Moscow meddled in the election. Donald Trump has also denied any collusion between his campaign and Russian officials.

Committees in both the Senate and the House are investigating as is a special counsel, former FBI director Robert Mueller.

The probes have cast a shadow over Mr Trumps presidency, especially after Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey was fired by President Trump in May.

In an interview with NBC after the FBI Directors removal, President Trump admitted that he was thinking about "this Russia thing" when he decided to fire Director Comey.

For more infomation >> Russia pass law to brand media 'foreign agents' after US clamps down on Putin-backed RT - Duration: 3:20.


Andy Murray and Donald Trump at WAR: Scot mocks US president in public showdown - Duration: 2:39.

Andy Murray and Donald Trump at WAR: Scot mocks US president in public showdown

The US president came under-fire last night after claiming he was set to win a Man of the Year award.

  Trump wrote to his 43.3million followers: Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named "Man (Person) of the Year," like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot.

I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!   The message was retweeted 10,000 times in an hour as the public let rip at the egotistical nature of his message.

  And shortly before midnight, Murray became the unlikely high profile sportsman to stick the boot in.   He copied Trumps tweet word for word and joked he was set to win the BBCs Sports Personality of the Year award.

Murray wrote: Bbc just called to say I was PROBABLY going to be named sports personality of the year but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot.

I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!   The Scot has missed half the season through injury and he failed to win a Grand Slam in 2017.

  The message confused some at first but it quickly became clear it was a shot at Trump.

  That went down well with his followers with one writing: This tweet is perfection.   Another said I now like you even more while one tweeted This is nice. Anything anti-Trump is good.

This is very good. One witty fan added: Game, Set & Match @andy_murray.   The Sports Personality of the Year winner will be announced next month and Murray is unlikely to be on the shortlist.

  Anthony Joshua is the early favourite while four-time F1 champion Lewis Hamilton also has strong grounds to mount a challenge.   Chris Froome, Mo Farah and Jermain Defoe are also in the frame.

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