Good morning, okay, so money is the topic of the day today and
I would love your input, so
Let me know if any of this resonates with you if you have questions along the way
Comments, I want feedback from you guys
and of course hit the love button that would be awesome and
though debt
debt is one of those funny little things that a lot of people think it has to do is not having enough money and
and yet
From what I've seen with myself and with my clients. It's often not at all about the money and
What's actually happening is that there's a lot of other stuff? That's going on underneath?
That's creating the debt because I've worked with people who have
No money coming in and have debt, and that's one situation that in which case it could be about the money
but why is there no money coming in and I've also worked with people who have been making millions and
Have so much
Debt that you know that they're just drowning in it even though they've got all this money coming in
They have way more going out and so there's that that fear not scarcity around money
Even so the reality is is that it has nothing to do with money itself
Because it was just about the money than the people making billions
Wouldn't have these financial problems and issues
Wait so that's that's really the first layer to kind of understand is that?
When we have issues with money
There's a really good chance it has nothing to do with money
So I spent a lot of time you know kind of digging around and trying to learn all kinds of stuff about money
And you know understanding how it works in the actual physical reality
Trying to figure out how to you know manifest which was so funny because I actually had a talent for manifesting
But then I went and studied manifesting and it kind of like screwed up with my natural ability
hey Scott, so good to have you join me and
But learning all of these things about money didn't change my money situation in fact all they did was make it worse
They made it worse because for me I was ignoring my natural talents
I was ignoring what I was really good at and I was trying to follow all of these gurus who I saw as
You know they they seemed just to have it all together. They were talking about it and
Some of them. I have since discovered are in huge messes financial aids really interesting there
you know there have multi-million dollar companies and
They're in a big mess so
Maybe they can manifest it coming in but they're not in my estimate. They're not actually
handling money
Hey Cindy so good to have people live on commenting ah so many guys and
There when were when we're looking at
money and debt and those kinds of things
Then the underlying pieces of what I see is going on is
usually has to do with
Yes, I know you know the story tears so many people the millionaires that are actually broke, it's crazy
but what's going on is that the money almost becomes for some people a
representation of how much they are allowed to
Be in this world
How much they love themselves how much they're comfortable with themselves and so the money can be a representation of that
The money can also be a representation of how much we're allowed to receive
wait Oh flowers
love you guys and
Issue is more emotional than mathematical absolutely Scott so true
It really this is what I find so much because if because money is actually very very simple
You know it's just ones and zeros. It's just numbers on a page
It's very much cool, and so if you're having problems with money
then it's probably because there's something going on internally and
For me what I really notice that at the root of it when we really really dig down is
So much sexual trauma because I've said this before
But I'm gonna say it again to reiterate that you know what's going on at the base
What's going on at our root our you know our stability?
platform is
You know which is where we handle money, and if we have this unresolved sexual trauma
Then it's really hard to handle money
It's hard to allow ourselves to receive in all kinds of things whether it's a good relationship
I love you guys and or
Money, or you know people helping us like there's you know you meet those people who are like I can do it all myself
I'm good. I don't need you right
But that's that's a symptom of not being willing to receive and when we don't let these things in
You know what are we gonna? Do you know if we can if we bring in all this money?
But we're not allowed to receive then we have to create we have to have it going back out
So that we keep underlying peace going on
So to recognize that that's that's probably what's going happening for people with their money that it's it's what's going on at the core
Stop looking at the money part of it stop looking at trying to manifest more until you deal with the roots the base stuff
That's where it's really gonna change. We got a dig in
Deep this is not you know this is not a surface symptom
And it's not gonna be popped out with one little clearing and you know just but it's gonna take some time
It's gonna take some time to dig in
My own journey has been quite long in
Rooting out the things and finding deeper layers and deeper layers. I mean even just this last
month and a half, maybe two months um
you know I've discovered a whole nother layer of things where you know I had had something twisted around with the religion and
People I don't have flowers. I don't know I don't know flowers either Cindy. I seem to be like completely
Facebook just doesn't give me any of those cool options
Anyway side topic cyber um but you know digging into another layer with where I got stuck into religion
Untangling that and realizing it oh my god. That's just opened up another piece and the piece for me was this
Where I
Allotted the the door knocking I tied that
To picking up the phone and doing reach outs
And so I was I've never been able to do that in my business until this past month. I'm actually been reaching out
I'm asking some bigger people to be on my podcast
I'm doing some really cool things
But this is after years of digging in digging in right so to realize that it may not shift
Completely overnight and it's a process. It's a process to commit to it and to make those incremental changes
Yes, we can make pretty fast changes with the energy shifting, but it is incremental
it is you know we kind of like get a shift live with that get another shift live with that and
This cuts put on a book recommendation crazy about money
how emotions confuse our money choices and what to do about it that looks good, I'm
probably in line with with what I talk about here, so
So what I want to give you for today gonna start playing with this is this you know?
Realization of like what is deeper? What is really underneath for you to start opening up that questions
And what is it and of course we have the program coming up which I'm so excited about
He says they're almost in place. Oh my god. It's technologies always takes longer than you think
so the landing page is
almost completely done now that we've done today, and we can start getting people signed up for the
releasing the trauma out of the body
I'm so excited because this gives you you know gives so many people an opportunity to get this unlocked on the body and
moving and changing things
Dynamically so that's coming up if there's anybody that wants to get things moving faster, and you want to work one-on-one
I do have a couple of spaces opening up so you're more than welcome to reach out and
The initial consultation is totally free so we have a conversation dig in get a look at you know. What's working
What's not working?
Get some clarity on what's going on and what?
You are what you best need next whether it's me or a recommendation that I'll make previous though
If that's where you want to go, please message me or some put a message on here something
In the meantime let me know if this has been helpful
Or eye-opening or maybe just a confirmation of what you already know
I would love your feedback and keep hitting the heart button love that ah
Cindy and his coaching changed my life best investment ever
Love you darling all right having yourselves a great day. We was hot talk soon
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