Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 11, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Nov 25 2017

Russia's Foreign Minister has accused the United States of militarizing the Asia-Pacific

region,... pumping missile defense systems into South Korea and Japan in what Moscow

thinks is a disproportionate response to the threats posed by North Korea.

Speaking to reporters after hosting his Japanese counterpart Kono Taro on Friday,... Sergei

Lavrov voiced concern that South Korea and Japan are now both territories hosting U.S.

anti-missile systems.

Lavrov said the systems are being deployed in the region under the guise of responding

to North Korean nuclear threats... but in reality, they are miraculously surrounding

Russia and China.

He disagreed with Kono,... who said the anti-missile deployments will not damage Russia-Japan ties.

For more infomation >> U.S. pumping weapon systems into Asia-Pacific using N. Korea as excuse: Lavrov - Duration: 0:48.


Commitment 2017: US Senate candidates talk Russia probe - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Commitment 2017: US Senate candidates talk Russia probe - Duration: 2:01.


Qatari Leader Admits U.S., Israel And Saudi Arabia Armed ISIS - Duration: 1:49.

A former senior Qatari leader has confessed that the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia

helped arm ISIS terrorists in Syria.

Former Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani told Qatari TV that the U.S.-led

"anti-terror" alliance began shipping weapons to ISIS militants from the very moment

events started in 2011. reports: Al-Thani likened the covert operation to hunting for sport, and

said the alliance treated President Assad and his supporters like "prey."

Al-Thani added that Qatar was placed in charge of the execution for this proxy war by Saudi

Arabia's now-deceased King and the U.S., and that his nation has "full documents"

and records proving that the Syrian war was planned to effect regime change.

As Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Al-Thani oversaw the operations in Syria on behalf

of Qatar until 2013.

A 2014 email published by WikiLeaks shows that Hillary Clinton, the U.S. Secretary of

State during Al-Thani's rule, knew Qatar was a state-sponsor of ISIS during that time


In June of this year, Al-Thani told PBS' Charlie Rose that from the beginning the Syrian

war was controlled from "two operation rooms" located in Jordan and Israel, and that "in

Syria, everybody did mistakes, including your country."

This is in line with information contained in a leaked top secret NSA document which

shows that a 2013 terrorist attack on civilian populated areas of Damascus used advanced

surface-to-surface rockets which were directly supplied and commanded by Saudi Arabia with

full prior awareness of U.S. intelligence.

For more infomation >> Qatari Leader Admits U.S., Israel And Saudi Arabia Armed ISIS - Duration: 1:49.


State Department Employees Accuse Rex Tillerson Of Breaking Laws Regarding Child Soldiers - Duration: 3:48.

According to an official memo sent out by at least a dozen employees of the United States

State Department, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has broken the law that was passed to protect

child soldiers throughout the world, specifically the fact that the United States would not

offer any military aid to any country that was using soldiers under the age of 18.

How did Rex Tillerson do this?

Well, according to the employees who have spoken out against him allegedly breaking

this law, Tillerson decided to not mark the countries Iraq, Myanmar, and Afghanistan as

countries that use child soldiers, and therefore they are able to get US military aid.

However, the State Department itself, through its own reports and its own studies, has admitted

that Iraq, Myanmar, and Afghanistan all use child soldiers, so Rex Tillerson's decision,

according to these employees, breaks the law saying the United States will not offer military

aid to any country that supports, or recruits, or uses child soldiers.

Here's why this is important.

Apparently at the US State Department, the use of child soldiers doesn't matter.

We don't care what another country does.

We don't care what kind of war crimes they commit, as long as we're able to go in, feed

our need for endless war, boost the profits of military contractors.

We're going to do whatever we have to do to sweep the truth under the rug so that other

people get richer and we can send soldiers to go over there and fight wars that have

no purpose whatsoever.

That's what's happening here.

Looking the other way on the child soldier issue doesn't make it go away.

It doesn't mean that the problem's not there.

It just means that we're making it worse by going over there, sending our military, killing

more people, forcing those places to then go out and recruit, and kidnap, and force

into the military other children.

We're making the problem worse, just like the United States military has done in recent

years in so many other countries, especially in the Middle East.

Rex Tillerson broke the law here, and that's what these 12 employees are trying to tell


If it turns out that, yes, he did break the law, we can prove that, it would hold up in

a court, then it is past time for Rex Tillerson to go, and I do not believe that Donald Trump,

given the friction that has happened between him and Rex Tillerson, I don't believe that

Donald Trump would let this man serve in this capacity any longer.

With any hope, Rex Tillerson will be out of office by Christmas this year.

This was a man who absolutely came into this job with no qualifications whatsoever.

He was the CEO of an oil company, given one of the most powerful positions in the United

States for absolutely no reason other than the fact that he had a lot of money and Donald

Trump likes people with money.

This is the kind of policy that results from that.

You get a guy that doesn't know what the hell he's doing, decides he wants to look the other

way when countries use child soldiers, and now he finds himself on the wrong side of

the law.

Again, hopefully this guy is out of office by Christmas, and maybe with a

little luck, by Valentine's Day, he might even be in prison.

For more infomation >> State Department Employees Accuse Rex Tillerson Of Breaking Laws Regarding Child Soldiers - Duration: 3:48.


Will Europe Break with the United States Over Isolating Russia? - Duration: 6:08.

PAUL JAY: Welcome to The Real News Network.

I'm Paul Jay, and we are live on Facebook and YouTube and and now joining

us is Larry Wilkerson.

Larry was the former chief of staff for U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell.

He's currently an adjunct professor of government at the College of William and Mary and a regular

contributor to The Real News.

Thanks for joining us again, Larry.

LARRY WILKERSON: Good to be here, Paul.

PAUL JAY: Some questions from viewers here.

Mr. Wilkerson, do you think Europe is going to break with the United States over the attempt

to isolate Russia?

LARRY WILKERSON: I think Putin is doing a real fine job here in terms of Russian interests.

He's getting Erdogan to the point where I think Erdogan's going to probably break out

of NATO.

I'm not totally sure that's going to happen, but it's looking ominous.

That would be the largest, most capable land force in NATO outside the U.S., leaving.

That would be, in my mind, the beginning of the unraveling of NATO.

He's also making significant progress in a little place called Mitrovica, the northern

province of Kosovo, where UN and U.S. forces in small numbers are.

He's infiltrating the northern part of that province, Mitrovica, which is the northern

part of Kosovo.

We've all forgotten about Kosovo since Bill Clinton bombed it for 180 or so days and Milosevic

went to the International Criminal Court, and died in the process, but it's still there,

and the Serbs still very much want it back.

As Putin is wont to do, and he's crafty at this, he's moving his pawns, and he's moving

his knights, and he's moving his bishops on multiple chessboards.

One of the things he's doing in Kosovo is threatening to take it back over for the Serbs

and the Albanians.

We're talking about all manner of things going on right now.

I wonder if they're even on the agenda of the National Security Council.

PAUL JAY: What does Putin and Russia get out of this?

I would have thought that Putin's primary objective should actually be to try to ease

the tensions with the U.S. in order to get the embargo lifted and get these big energy

plays going on that Tillerson, Exxon, and others want to do.

Why poke the American eye here?

LARRY WILKERSON: Two reasons, I think.

One, he discovered this early on and he's maximized it, it is what Russians want.

Not every one of them, but a majority of them, and so he's staying very high in the polls,

and he's staying very politically successful with the Russian electorate because of what

he's doing.

That's probably his primary reason.

His secondary reason is he's having fun.

I mean that.

I think he's actually having fun poking his fingers in the eyes of the superpower, and

doing it where he can do it and when he can do it, and not risking anything really on

his own behalf.

He can pull back almost anywhere where he is if he has to.

The only place where he's really exerted himself in a way that sort of exposed some flanks

was Syria, and yet even there, he had Damascus on his side, he had Tehran on his side, and

I think ultimately he had Turkey on his side.

He's about to strip Turkey away from NATO.

He's already seen the United Kingdom stripped away from the Union.

I'd be chalking up my blackboard.

I'd be going, "That's another one.

That's another one.

That's another one."

You say, "Why is he doing this?"

None of this threatens a global conflagration.

What it does is threaten the hegemony of the United States, and particularly where it makes

Russia vulnerable.

He's doing it the same place the Soviets did it, on the plains of Europe.

That's where I'd be doing it if I were he.

I wouldn't be in Vladivostok.

I wouldn't be looking for the Japanese or the northern territories or whatever.

Maybe I would eventually, but those things are probably unmanageable, undoable.

Besides, the Chinese are taking over the far east of Russia, if you've looked lately.

He's got European Russia.

He's got NATO as his enemy.

All the exercises the Russian military has conducted since 2012, 2013, 2014, the scenario

they conduct those exercises is an invasion by NATO.

That's what Putin uses to mobilize, raise the morale of, conduct the training of, and

write the doctrine of his armed forces, a NATO invasion.

We say, "NATO's not going to invade Russia."

That's not what Putin and his generals think, and if you were in their shoes, you probably

would guard against it, too.

That's what their doctrine, their exercises, and everything reflects.

You've got to put yourself in the other person's shoes, and I think too, as I've said, you've

got to understand how shrewd Putin is.


It's not so different than the American shoes.

He's got his own military-industrial complex.


PAUL JAY: They make enormous amounts of money, not just producing weapons for Russia but

selling them abroad.

There's enormous competition with the West.

LARRY WILKERSON: Oil and arms.

That's Russia's economy.

PAUL JAY: Let's not forget the wealth that has flowed up to a tiny handful of Russian


It's pretty good to have an external enemy you can focus on and not have focus on how

much wealth your friends have made.

Very much like the United States.


If Putin has a problem that I imagine is on his agenda almost weekly if daily, it's the

flight of capital out of Russia into better investments because a lot of those oligarchs

don't necessarily trust the situation to endure.

For more infomation >> Will Europe Break with the United States Over Isolating Russia? - Duration: 6:08.


NORTH KOREA LATEST: 12000 US troops to rattle Kim with major drill with HUNDREDS of jets - DAILYNEWS - Duration: 2:35.

NORTH KOREA LATEST: 12,000 US troops to rattle Kim with major drill with HUNDREDS of jets

US TROOPS will join with South Korean forces to rattle North Korea with a military drill

involving hundreds of fighter jets.

The US will deploy six F-22 Raptor stealth fighters in the exercise, called Vigilant

Ace, which will run from December 4 to 8.

A US Air Force official said the F-22 stealth fighters will be joined by F-35 aircraft.

The joint show of force comes as the world teeters on the brink of World War 3 amid an

escalating war of words between US President Donald Trump and crackpot despot Kim Jong-un.

Around 12,000 US personnel will participate with South Korean troops, while 230 aircraft

will be flown at eight US and South Korean military installations, the US Seventh Air

Force confirmed.

US Marine Corps and Navy troops will also participate.

A statement the military said: "This realistic combat exercise is designed to enhance interoperability

between US and Republic of Korea forces and increase the combat effectiveness of both


Pyongyang strongly protests against joint drills of this nature, which it views as aggression

against the isolated state

Mr Trump slapped the North with more sanctions in a bid to crush Kim and disband his nuclear

weapons programme

The new sanctions are aimed at hurting trade between China and North Korea a bid to pressure

Pyongyang to back away from its ambition to develop a nuclear-tipped missile capable of

hitting the US mainland.

It comes after Mr Trump turned the heat on despot dictator Kim by declaring the secretive

state as a " state sponsor of terror".

Meanwhile, North Korea has switched out all border guards at the demilitarised zone (DMZ)

with South Korea as a furious Kim Jong-un comes to terms with this month's humiliating defection.

For more infomation >> NORTH KOREA LATEST: 12000 US troops to rattle Kim with major drill with HUNDREDS of jets - DAILYNEWS - Duration: 2:35.


Exclusive: Inside The U.S. Strategy To Fight The Taliban | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Exclusive: Inside The U.S. Strategy To Fight The Taliban | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 1:40.


U.S.: Violence in Burma amounts to 'ethnic cleansing' of Rohingya Muslims - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> U.S.: Violence in Burma amounts to 'ethnic cleansing' of Rohingya Muslims - Duration: 1:31.


Bush Fired U S Attorneys To Cover Up D C Pedophile Ring - Duration: 12:12.

Bush Fired U.S. Attorneys To Cover Up D.C. Pedophile Ring

Bush fired several U.S. Attorneys to help cover up a pedophile ring being run out of

the D.C. hotels involving Congressmen, Senators and reporters.

This was the Franklin Scandal.

The Bush administration fired the agents investigating the crimes to cover it up.

U.S. senators and congressmen were covering up the Dusty Foggo government lobbyist and

military prostitution and pedophilia ring in Washington involving legislators, news

reporters, military officers and high government officials.

(Must-read on the subject: George Bush Pedophile Sex Ring and Blackmail of Congress).

Alberto Gonzales and President Bush fired San Diego U.S. Attorney Carol Lam because

she was probing the Dusty Foggo / Jack Abramoff D.C. sex ring.

According to a long-time senior intelligence agent the Washington, DC Hilton, Ritz Carlton

and Sheraton Hotels were used for compromising House and Senate members, National Media hosts

who had sex with children in a legislative and media Blackmail ring.

�The whole Republican and Democratic Parties were for sale, the House, Senate and the White

House.� �Poppy Bush and Abramoff were up to their

eyeballs in this kid sh*t,� said the Federal Agent.

Supposedly convicted Lobbyist Jack Abramoff provided male and female heterosexual, homosexual,

lesbian, bisexual and child prostitutes sexual services to numerous US Congressmen, US senators,

national media hosts and other federal officials who were compromised and made susceptible

to blackmail at three Washington hotels.

The Washington Hilton was specifically used for sex with children because it has what

the agent termed a �super secure section for VIPs that is out of public view and which

reportedly employs no camera surveillance, an area able to hold around 6-10 vehicles

so that no one could observe abducted, abused or drugged children flown in from other states

who were coming to or leaving the hotel.�

Hilton employees began to become suspicious of Abramoff�s operation, so children were

moved to the Washington Ritz-Carlton according to other intelligence officials.

From Wikileaks:

On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files,

over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered �global intelligence� company Stratfor.

The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011.

They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher,

but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal�s

Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies,

including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence


The emails show Stratfor�s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques

and psychological methods.


Released on 2012-10-15 17:00 GMT

Email-ID 475107 Date 2007-03-27 07:27:50

From To undisclosed-recipients:



to forged Iraq dossier, Israeli espionage, convicted lobbyist Abramoff

According to U.S. intelligence sources, President Bush obstructed justice last December when

he had senior advisor Karl Rove and White House Counsel Harriet Miers instruct Attorney

General Alberto Gonzalez to fire eight U.S. attorneys who were among several others conducting

ongoing public corruption and secret national security grand jury investigations connected

to an espionagea**linked prostitution / pedophile sex ring operating at the Washington Ritz-Carlton

and other DC hotels, whose clients included U.S. senators and congressmen, elite Washington

news reporters and high government officialsa**some

of whom were named by an intelligence insider.

Central to the scandal is fired U.S. attorney Carole Lam of California who was reportedly

conducting testimony before grand juries linking indicted former Bush CIA Executive Director

Kyle a**Dustya** Foggo and convicted Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff to the sex ring, Israeli

espionage, GOP Under Secretary of Defense for policy Douglas J. Feith, a forged British

intelligence dossier used by Mr. Bush to deceive Americans into supporting war against Iraq

and an attempt to plant weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq before the war via an intelligence

pipeline through Dubai and Turkey.


Original story:

U.S. intelligence: Sen. Leader William Frist and reporter Robert Novak alleged as regular


Washington � May 5, 2006 � � A long-time top-level government agency

official joined a national security expert in confirming grand jury testimony last month,

revealing that male and female heterosexual, homosexual, lesbian, bisexual and child prostitutes

provided sexual services to numerous congressmen, senators, national media hosts and other federal

officials who were compromised and made susceptible to blackmail at three Washington hotels.

�The whole Republican Party was for sale�the House, Senate and the White House,� said

a well-respected federal agency official with impeccable credentials who declined to be

named but who is familiar with testimony and sources close to the grand jury probing Jack


Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald�s grand jury heard several agents testify in

April that the �Watergate, Ritz-Carlton and Sheraton Hotels in Washington, DC were

used to compromise legislators and news-people with prostitution services, the financing

of which is directly linked to the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC),

former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Marc Rich and Abramoff,� said national security

expert Thomas Heneghan.

There are no corporate media reports as to which White House officials participated in

the hotel sex ring activities with House and Senate members; however, Heneghan said U.S.

Senate Leader and 2008 presidential candidate William Frist was alleged to be a frequent

visitor to the hotels according to U.S. intelligence agents.

Frist is reportedly a close friend of alleged Bush 43 male consort and former Knoxville,

Tennessee mayor Victor Ashe according to federal agents.

Heneghan also alleged additional prostitute customers as British Prime Minister Tony Blair

and former CNN host-reporter Robert Novak, both of whom were introduced into the sex-ring

by GOP reporter and male prostitute Jeff Gannon, who visited the Bush White House living quarters

200 times without the assignations being recorded in visitor logs.

The genesis of the Valerie Plame CIA leak allegedly took place during one of Novak�s

visits with an Abramoff hooker at one of the hotels according to the sources.

The corruption and crimes surrounding the indicted Republican lobbyist were widespread

and far-reaching enough to cause Fitzgerald to impanel a separate grand jury, often referred

to by intelligence officials as the �Franklin grand jury,� which is hearing testimony

and examining Abramoff linked evidence tied to the Iraq War, September 11 and related


Pentagon analyst Larry Franklin was arrested for leaking classified U.S. government information

to AIPAC officials Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman who reportedly leaked information to Israel

concerning a controversial proposal by Department of Defense hardliners to destabilize Iran.

The federal source wishing to remain anonymous said that additional government officials

are currently testifying this month before the Franklin grand jury about Abramoff, the

GOP-linked prostitution ring and its ties to AIPAC.

�Photographs of politicians in compromising positions have reportedly already been used

as blackmail to silence politicians who would speak the truth about the 2000 election fraud

in Florida, 9-11, Iraq/ yellowcake/ WMD and how Jack Abramoff and Netanyahu were the pimps

for the operation,� said Heneghan.

President Bush has emphatically denied that he personally knows Abramoff, despite CIA

records indicating the indicted lobbyist visited the White House 200 times during the first

ten months of the Bush presidency � often enough for a personal visit on every business

day of each month, according to wide news reports.

Despite the daily White House visits, Bush said �I�ve never sat down with him and

had a discussion with the guy,� adding, �I�m also mindful that we live in a world

in which those pictures will be used for pure political purposes,� attempting to justify

his unwillingness at first to release photos of him chatting amicably with Abramoff.

Fitzgerald is reportedly convinced that the Bush administration wanted Valerie Plame-Wilson�s

identity as a CIA official leaked because her intelligence team had identified Israeli

Mossad operatives inside Iran who were to receive weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

to be delivered through Turkey and planted in Iraq to further the president�s case

for war, said the intelligence expert.

�The financing for these whorehouses is linked directly to AIPAC, Benjamin Netanyahu,

Marc Rich and Jack Abramoff; and the money trail ties back to American International

Group (AIG), Hank Greenberg and Doug Alexander � former British Minister of E-Commerce,�

said Heneghan.

In an ominous prediction, Heneghan said, �It won�t be long before the un-compromised

U.S. military may have to declare a State of Emergency and re-implementation of the

Constitution under a special provision of the Naval Code, which would lead to the arrest

and removal of the criminal government residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.� (Bush and

his thugs)

According to Heneghan, the Abramoff congressional sex ring is tied to the SunCruz Casino scandal,

secret accounts at Riggs Bank and Crozier Bank, the 9-11 �hijacker� Venice, Florida

flight schools, and former U.S. ambassador to Italy Mel Sembler and Doug Alexander � both

of whom have been linked to the reported Florida 2000 election fraud � all of which is tied

to a financial trail that connects narcotics trafficking to Al Qaeda and the congressional

sex ring.

MSNBC host and former congressman Joe Scarborough, subject of a recent story, �is

now cooperating with federal investigators in the Abramoff matter which has led the probe

to the doorsteps of the AIPAC whorehouses now operating in Washington, DC,� said Heneghan.

The intelligence expert told us �Scarborough told federal investigators that he now believes

his female staff member was murdered in his congressional office to silence her regarding

knowledge of Alexander, Sembler, Katherine Harris, Jeb Bush and the Florida election

2000 coup d� etat.� READ MORE

For more infomation >> Bush Fired U S Attorneys To Cover Up D C Pedophile Ring - Duration: 12:12.


US reverses, says Palestinians can keep DC office open - Duration: 2:25.

US reverses, says Palestinians can keep DC office open

For more infomation >> US reverses, says Palestinians can keep DC office open - Duration: 2:25.


US Navy calls off search for 3 missing sailors 2 days after crash - Duration: 2:37.

US Navy calls off search for 3 missing sailors 2 days after crash

Navy has called off search and rescue efforts for three missing sailors who were on board a C-2A "Greyhound" transport aircraft two days after it crashed into the Philippine Sea.

During the two-day search for the missing crew members, eight U.S. Navy and JMSDF ships, three helicopter squadrons, and maritime patrol aircraft were deployed to search over 1,000 square nautical miles.

Initially, eight crew members were rescued about 40 minutes after the aircraft crashed. The Navy tweeted that the victims were recovered and "transferred to #USSRonaldReagan for medical evaluation and are in good condition.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with our lost shipmates and their families," Rear Adm. Marc Dalton, Commander, Task Force 70, said in a statement Wednesday, with news of the search being called off.

As difficult as this is, we are thankful for the rapid and effective response that led to the rescue of eight of our shipmates, and I appreciate the professionalism and dedication shown by all who participated in the search efforts.".

President Donald Trump also tweeted Wednesday, "We are monitoring the situation. Prayers for all involved.". The Navy has withheld the missing sailors' names until their next of kin have been notified.

The C-2A twin-propeller airplane was transporting passengers and cargo from Japan to the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier as a part of a joint exercise between the U.S.

The Japan-based 7th Fleet has experienced two other fatal incidents in the last six months. In June, the USS Fitzgerald collided with a Philippine container ship killing 7 sailors.

Two months later in August, the USS McCain collided with a merchant ship killing 10 crew members.

For more infomation >> US Navy calls off search for 3 missing sailors 2 days after crash - Duration: 2:37.


Top US commander in Afghanistan: 'Still in a stalemate,' but gaining momentum - Duration: 1:31.

Top US commander in Afghanistan: 'Still in a stalemate,' but gaining momentum

For more infomation >> Top US commander in Afghanistan: 'Still in a stalemate,' but gaining momentum - Duration: 1:31.


Jumbo U S Military Transport Plane • C 17 Globemaster III - Duration: 2:51.

C 17 Globemmaster III


For more infomation >> Jumbo U S Military Transport Plane • C 17 Globemaster III - Duration: 2:51.


U.S. crude tops two-year high as Keystone outage continues to hit supply - Duration: 11:45.

LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. oil prices hit their highest levels in more than two years on Friday as the shutdown at North America's Keystone pipeline continued to cut deliveries to storage facilities. U.S.

light crude CLc1 hit $58.92 a barrel, a more than two-year high, before easing to trade up 68 cents on the day at $58.70 by 1424 GMT.

Trading activity was expected to be low on Friday due to the U.S.

Thanksgiving holiday.

Benchmark Brent crude LCOc1 was trading flat at $63.

55 a barrel. The spill on Nov.

16 at the Keystone system linking Alberta's oil sands with U.S.

refineries has reduced the usual 590,000 barrel-per-day flow to U.S.

refineries, driving down inventories at the storage hub of Cushing, Oklahoma, traders said.

PVM Oil Associates strategist Tamas Varga said the spill was helping U.S.

crude, flipping prices into backwardation, when front-month prices rise above those for future months, indicating an undersupplied market.

"January is now 4 cents more expensive than February, and I think we have not seen that for three years," he said.

Markets have also tightened globally due to output cuts since January by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, Russia and several other producers.

OPEC meets on Nov.

30 and is expected to extend the pact to curb supplies beyond its expiry in March, although Russia has sent mixed signals about its support for an extension.

"With the majority of OPEC members endorsing an extension, Russian support is the key risk," Jon Rigby, head of oil research at UBS, wrote in a note.

President Vladimir Putin indicated in October that Russia backed extending the deal to the end of 2018, but comments by officials and in the Russian media have created uncertainty since then, he said.


Morgan said a decision on any extension could be delayed until next year if Brent stayed above $60.

However, rising U.S.

oil production C-OUT-T-EIA has curbed crude price gains, as it fills some of the gap left by OPEC and its allies.


output has jumped by 15 percent since mid-2016 to a record 9.66 million bpd, thanks largely to shale drilling.U.S.

light crude CLc1 hit $58.92 a barrel, a more than two-year high, before easing to trade up 68 cents on the day at $58.70 by 1424 GMT.

Trading activity was expected to be low on Friday due to the U.S.

Thanksgiving holiday.

Benchrark Brent crude LCOc1 was trading flat at $63.

55 a barrel. The spill on Nov.

16 at the Keystone system linking Alberta's oil sands with U.S.

refineries has reduced the usual 590,000 barrel-per-day flow to U.S.

refineries, driving down inventories at the storage hub of Cushing, Oklahoma, traders said.

PVM Oil Associates strategist Tamas Varga said the spill was helping U.S.

crude, flipping prices into backwardation, when front-month prices rise above those for future months, indicating an undersupplied market.

"January is now 4 cents more expensive than February, and I think we have not seen that for three years," he said.

Markets have also tightened globally due to output cuts since January by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, Russia and several other producers.

OPEC meets on Nov.

30 and is expected to extend the pact to curb supplies beyond its expiry in March, although Russia has sent mixed signals about its support for an extension.

"With the majority of OPEC members endorsing an extension, Russian support is the key risk," Jon Rigby, head of oil research at UBS, wrote in a note.

President Vladimir Putin indicated in October that Russia backed extending the deal to the end of 2018, but comments by officials and in the Russian media have created uncertainty since then, he said.


Morgan said a decision on any extension could be delayed until next year if Brent stayed above $60.

However, rising U.S.

oil production C-OUT-T-EIA has curbed crude price gains, as it fills some of the gap left by OPEC and its allies.


output has jumped by 15 percent since mid-2016 to a record 9.66 million bpd, thanks largely to shale drilling.U.S.

light crude CLc1 hit $58.92 a barrel, a more than two-year high, before easing to trade up 68 cents on the day at $58.70 by 1424 GMT.

Trading activity was expected to be low on Friday due to the U.S.

Thanksgiving holiday.

Benchmark Brent crude LCOc1 was trading flat at $63.

55 a barrel. The spill on Nov.

16 at the Keystone system linking Alberta's oil sands with U.S.

refineries has reduced the usual 590,000 barrel-per-day flow to U.S.

refineries, driving down inventories at the storage hub of Cushing, Oklahoma, traders said.

PVM Oil Associates strategist Tamas Varga said the spill was helping U.S.

crude, flipping prices into backwardation, when front-month prices rise above those for future months, indicating an undersupplied market.

"January is now 4 cents more expensive than February, and I think we have not seen that for three years," he said.

Markets have also tightened globally due to output cuts since January by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, Russia and several other producers.

OPEC meets on Nov.

30 and is expected to extend the pact to curb supplies beyond its expiry in March, although Russia has sent mixed signals about its support for an extension.

"With the majority of OPEC members endorsing an extension, Russian support is the key risk," Jon Rigby, head of oil research at UBS, wrote in a note.

President Vladimir Putin indicated in October that Russia backed extending the deal to the end of 2018, but comments by officials and in the Russian media have created uncertainty since then, he said.


Morgan said a decision on any extension could be delayed until next year if Brent stayed above $60.

However, rising U.S.

oil production C-OUT-T-EIA has curbed crude price gains, as it fills some of the gap left by OPEC and its allies.


output has jumped by 15 percent since mid-2016 to a record 9.66 million bpd, thanks largely to shale drilling.

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