{fighting Music}
Double Dare OFFICIAL Classic Full Episode | Double Dare | Nick - Duration: 22:04.On your mark, get set, go!
These two teams are in the dark trying to catch ping pong balls
by clashing their cymbals.
Whoever catches the ball first will "cymbal-ize" silliness
with twenty bucks and control of the show that never clashes with good taste…
Yes, it's "Double Dare".
Oh, just inches away. We are still trying.
They are getting eggs all over the place,
but not quite there.
Oh, just a split second too late. Keep going.
Still nothing. Open those cymbals…
Oh, still nothing. Keep tossing those eggs.
Trying to go for $20 and control of Round 1.
We have made a mess. Oh, no, not quite there.
They are just a fraction of a second off
and that is what is causing the problem.
So far, we're still in good shape with eggs, but…
Oh, I can't believe it. Keep going, keep going.
Both teams still tossing eggs. Yes, they did it!
Congratulations! Let's go over and play.
And now here's your "Double Dare" host,
Marc Summers.
Welcome to "Double Dare".
This is the show where we run through a crazy obstacle course
and, in the process, win eight fabulous prizes.
Believe it or not, we still have time for the show after that.
Say hello to a team that calls themselves "The Rif Raffs", Sarah and Bret.
- Sarah, it says you want to be a teacher. - Yeah.
- What grade would you like to teach? - Um, eighth.
Alright. Bret has a record collection. What kind of records?
- Uh, old, recent…whatever. - Whatever.
He has several, I understand. You have $20 dollars, as well.
Let's say hello to the opposing side. It's opposing to them, not to me.
They call themselves, "The Gruesome Twosome",
Tim and Cathy.
Tim says he likes to act. Now, tell me about
this "Hollywood Squares" thing you did.
Well, last summer, when I was in summer camp,
my group got together and did "Hollywood Squares"
and I was the host, John Davidson.
John Davison! That's who he was. Okay.
Cathy wants to be an eye doctor.
Now, an ophthalmologist or an optometrist?
Either one, it doesn't matter.
They all make a lot of money, don't they?
Okay, let's try and make a lot of money here today, on "Double Dare".
The way we do that: I'm going to ask you a question,
and if you don't know the answer,
or think the other team hasn't got a clue,
you can dare them to answer it for double the dollars.
But be careful, because they can always double dare you back
for four times the amount and then you either have
to answer that question or take the physical challenge.
Good luck to The Gruesome Twosome,
as well to The Rif Raffs.
Ten dollar question: I need to know,
what is the official language of Germany?
It's worth ten.
- German. - Boy, isn't that amazing? Yes, it is.
[speaking German]
What were the three building materials used by the three little pigs?
Worth $10 or you can dare them.
Quickly before the time runs out.
- Brick, hay and wood. - Ah, brick, hay and wood.
Are we going to accept that?
They are certainly forms of the words.
So, are we going to accept that, judges?
Yes. It is stick, straw and brick. Straw for hay. Wood for stick.
We're gonna give it to them. That is correct. $40.
We have very intelligent judges who tell me if it is right or wrong.
What comic actor starred
in the most successful money-making film of 1987?
Would bring you to $50, or you can dare them.
- Dare. - Now worth twenty.
What comic actor starred
in the most successful money-making film of 1987?
Would put you on the board for the first time,
or you could double dare them back.
- Double Dare. - Now worth $40.
What comic actor starred
in the most successful money-making film of 1987?
Or you could take a physical challenge.
Physical challenge.
"Beverly Hills Cop II". Eddie Murphy was the man.
And let's do a physical challenge for Sarah and Bret right over here.
Right over here, Sarah. Bret.
Time to make some egg drop soup. Who would like to make the soup?
You wanna make it? You step right up over there.
Bret, you come over here. Have a seat right on the floor,
Indian style, facing your friends over there.
Robin has a cup, which she will put on your head.
Up here we have soup with a ladle.
We have egg, of course, to make egg drop soup.
Some noodles and, over here, we have some fortune cookies.
I'll say, "go". You have 15 seconds to get any portion of the soup,
one egg yolk or a portion thereof, some noodles
and a fortune cookie in this hat.
You can use your hands, absolutely. That's what we would like you to do.
Do you have another part of the body…?
Are you gonna use your teeth to get that in, perhaps?
Yeah, you can use your hands. Absolutely!
Fifteen seconds. You stay absolutely still.
That will help. $40 dollars at stake.
On your mark, get set, go!
Oh, there's the ladle and… You got some in there. That's fine.
Go onto the egg, and... Yes, you're in. Perfect!
You need some noodles in there, now.
Yes! You have a noodle. And you need a fortune cookie.
Yes! With four seconds left. Congratulations!
We have done it. And I'll tell you what…
I'll take that, you can give that to Robin.
We'll give them a towel and we'll come back
with more "Double Dare"
after this very important commercial message.
[music playing]
Welcome back.
We're still in Round 1 of "Double Dare".
Bret got full of soup in the process.
Picked up 40 additional dollars. They are still in control.
Rif Raffs, per ounce, which has the most calories:
Good & Plenty, plain M&M's or 3 Musketeers?
It's worth $10.
Would bring you to 90 or you could dare them.
- Dare. - Now worth $20.
Per ounce, Tim, Cathy, which has the most calories:
is it Good & Plenty, plain M&M's or 3 Musketeers?
Or you could double dare them back.
- Double dare. - Now worth $40.
Looking, per ounce, for the candy that has the most calories.
Is it Good & Plenty, plain M&M's, 3 Musketeers,
- or the physical challenge? - Physical challenge.
Good & Plenty, that has the most.
And we have our next physical challenge of the afternoon.
[music playing]
Huh. Huh.
[music playing]
This physical challenge is dedicated to the one and only
King of Rock 'n' Roll… Elvis.
One of you gets to supply the ping pong balls
and your partner gets to be… Elvis.
The object is to bounce the balls and to catch them inside
the guitar of… Elvis.
One, two, three, four.
♪ Viva, viva Las Vegas ♪
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Thank you. Where's the coronel?
Ah, this is what we're going to do:
one of you needs to take this guitar.
Who would like to take this guitar?
You would? You take it and go over there, next to Robin.
And that means you get to be Elvis, so I will give you the Elvis cape,
and you'll get the Elvis wig, minus the sideburns.
Put that on her. You get over there
where the feet are. Would you do that for me?
Over here we have some ping pong balls.
All you have to do is bounce a ping pong ball
and you must get it inside Elvis' guitar, right over here.
- Yes, you have a question? - Just one?
Well, actually you have to get three in 30 seconds.
Okay? So you can hold it any way you like.
He has to bounce it and it must get inside there.
You must have three in there in 30 seconds.
I'm sorry, Robin? Yes, you can use your body.
You can stand, you can get on your knees,
but you have to stay around where those feet prints are, okay?
You have it? You bounce them.
Thirty seconds, $40 dollars at stake. Here we go.
On your mark, get set, go!
Bounce them over there.
We're looking for three in 30 seconds. Oh, almost there!
You've got the right idea. $40… Oh, there's one!
We are down to 22 seconds.
Still not there, but they've got the right idea.
Oh! This is a good one. Not quite there.
We still only have one. There are two.
Let's see if we can get another one. We are down to just 11 seconds.
One more and they'll have $40. Oh! I thought they had that one.
Yes! We did it. Congratulations!
Let's move over here.
Elvis has left the building, ladies and gentlemen.
Elvis has left the building.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Why else would I wear the pink jacket? Let's face it.
Okay, we have a $10 question.
In your body, the cerebellum is part of which organ?
- It's worth $10. - Brain.
Brain is right. You have 130 over there.
No money yet for The Gruesome Twosome.
Plenty of time. We're in Round 1. Round 2 coming up shortly.
Rubies are red. Emeralds are green.
What color are sapphires?
Would bring you to 140, or you could dare them.
- Dare. - Now worth $20.
Put yourselves on the board. Rubies are red.
Emeralds are green. What color are sapphires?
- Blue. - Very good.
Twenty dollars on that side of the board.
Gruesome Twosome making their move.
[buzzer sound]
Okay, that sound means it is the end of Round 1.
With $130, The Rif Raffs have the lead.
We are going to come back with a $40 toss-up.
Anything can happen, because the money
doubles in Round Two.
You stick right where you are
and we'll be back with lots more "Double Dare" after this.
Huh, hey, baby.
[music playing]
We'll be back with more "Double Dare" right after this.
Welcome back to Round 2 of "Double Dare".
That means all the dollar values will be doubled
and when you hear this sound…
[buzzer sound]
…it means the game is over. Okay.
Going for $40 and control of Round Two.
Potatoes over there. Potatoes over there.
Pick them up with your spoons. Put one in the bowl.
If you get three in the bowl,
you'll get $40 and control of Round 2.
On your mark, get set, go!
Get those potatoes in there.
Work together, probably the best way to do it.
We have one over there. Let's see if they can get two.
They are having a tough time on both sides.
Look at that. The next one does it. Let's see who's gonna do it.
This is really close. I can't believe… Yes!
You did it. Nice job! Let's add $40 over there.
The Gruesome Twosome now have $60.
They also have a $20 question.
Tim, Cathy, if you multiply
the number of Gilligan's Island castaways
by the number of Brady Bunch children,
how many TV characters would you have?
- 42. - You are right.
Add $20. They have 80 and they are just $50 down, now.
/What is the most common presidential first name?
Is it John? Is it James? Or is it Harvey?
It's worth 20. It would bring you to $100,
or you could dare them.
- James. - James is right.
You now have $100. Five of them:
Monroe, Madison, Polk, Buchanan and Garfield.
Making their move. Tim, Cathy, sour, bitter, sweet:
they are three of the four taste areas of the tongue.
What is the fourth?
- Salty. - You are right. Add $20.
We're having a come-from-behind move over here.
Just $10, now, and they could take the lead on this question.
"As Long As We Got Each Other" is the theme song
from what TV situation-comedy?
- It's worth $20. - "Growing Pains."
You are right. You've taken the lead.
140 to 130, not giving up control. Sarah and Bret waiting patiently.
Name three of the four states beginning with the letter "W".
Or you can dare them. It's now worth $20.
Wisconsin, Wyoming and West Virginia.
And Washington is the other. $160 now. You have a $30 lead.
Gruesome Twosome,
in Mythology, what was the Hydra?
Was it a many-headed monster? Was it a one-eyed giant?
Or was it a big, cream-filled cookie?
It's worth 20 or you can dare them.
- A many-headed monster. - You are right one more time.
180 to 130. $50 now separating our two teams,
but the Gruesome Twosome have the lead.
Confucius say, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush".
Confucius was a native of what country?
- China. - Yes. $200.
Still going in Round 2 with a $20 question.
At what famous Texas landmark
did Davey Crockett and Jim Bowie meet their maker?
It's worth $20 or you can dare them.
- Dare. - Now worth $40.
Would bring you to $170. At what famous Texas landmark
did Davey Crockett and Jim Bowie meet their maker?
- Alamo. - You are right. $170.
They are just $30 behind.
Monophobia is the fear of what? Playing Monopoly?
Being alone? Or losing money?
- Being alone. - You are right. You have $190.
They are now just $10 behind and here is a $20 question.
Arabians, Morgans and Palominos are what kind of animals?
- Horses. - Horses is the answer.
And a lead by $10, now. The Rif Raffs.
According to the Guinness Book of World Records,
what is the most frequently sung song in English?
It's worth 20 or you could dare them.
- Dare. - Now worth $40. According…
[buzzer sound]
Oh, that sound means the end of the game.
By $10, the Rif Raffs have won today's game of "Double Dare".
The answer was "Happy Birthday."
Triple the "Double Dare" obstacle course. $105 a piece.
Gruesome Twosome, you played spectacular.
It was about the best game
I've seen on this show in a long time.
$100 a piece. Harvey, what else do they get?
Marc, today, for our second place team,
they'll get T.H.I.N.G.S!
Try Dr. Wack-o, Go-Rilla and Astro-Nots.
Seven different games of skill, it's T.H.I.N.G.S.
Plus, today we'll also give them Franklin's amazing Word Wiz.
Don't look it up, punch it up. With the Word Wiz,
instantly correct spelling of 80,000 words
by Merriam-Webster, and plays exciting words games, too.
Also, they'll get Tyco's 4WD Super Turbo Hopper.
Big 1:12 scale provides 4WD, full wheel suspension
and twin turbo motors and it's from Tyco.
We're getting ready to race through today's messy obstacle course.
Don't you double dare go anywhere.
Welcome to the "Double Dare" obstacle course.
Exciting game today.
In case you didn't hear the last question:
According to the Guinness Book of World Records,
what is the most frequently sung song in English?
It was "Happy Birthday."
Didn't get to the answer, I didn't think,
so I wanted to make sure you heard it.
We are over here with Bret and Sarah.
They want to run the course. So, who will begin today?
You will. In the one-ton, human hamster wheel.
Walk around that very fast.
As you do that, these lights will light up.
Hits the number 6, the boxing glove comes down.
You grab that flag, you move onto obstacle number 2.
But what will they win, Harvey?
Tyco's 4WD Super Turbo Hopper.
Big 1:12 scale provides 4WD, full wheel suspension
and twin turbo motors from Tyco.
Okay, we are moving on over here to…
Uh, Harvey, what are you doing now?
Thank you.
I'm impersonating an Elvis impersonator.
Okay, thank you, Harvey.
We're gonna move over here to…
Let's call these all Elvis sort of obstacles.
This is called "Blue Hawaii".
Sometimes we call it "The Tank", today it's called "Blue Hawaii".
You will jump over here onto the step,
and then jump over here. That's where the flag is.
Put it in your right hand, then over to your left hand,
pass it to your partner and win this…
The new MAD Magazine skateboard.
It's a pro-style deck, complete with protective accessories.
Equipped with full precision bearings, knee and elbow are included.
Number 3 is "Spin Out", that's what we'll call it.
An old Elvis movie.
You were going to do this one… I'm assuming.
Yes. You must sit right over there on that little tricycle
and peddle your way or use your feet to come all the way across.
Follow me, if you will, please.
Very slippery substance.
When you get to the end of the old run,
pull off that flag, pass it over there to your partner and win this…
The Ricoh YF-20. It's a lightweight 35mm camera,
but it's heavy on features. They include auto-focusing,
film advance and rewinding for point and chute simplicity.
♪ I'm in love, I'm all stuffed up Uh-huh ♪
Okay, this is "Pick It". Get down on your hands
and knees and reach up the nostrils.
That's where the flag is. If you pull it out quickly,
you can pass it quickly and win this quickly.
Franklin's Language Master. It's a complete dictionary,
a complete thesaurus and completely revolutionary.
The world's first electronic dictionary
to find 80,000 words by Merriam-Webster.
♪ Don't be cruel ♪
Over here is the tunnel and you must crawl through there
and inside you will see a rope.
Now, you must pull on that rope.
When you're inside, a surprise will come down,
as well as a flag.
Once you get that flag in hand, there's a little ladder.
Go up the ladder,
go down the chute into this good-looking gak.
Once you get over here, it says, "I feel flushed."
Stand up, pass that flag to your partner.
What can they win now, Harvey? Or Elvis?
How about this terrific telescope? Uh-huh.
Unitron telescope with coded lenses and hard-wood floor tripod
will allow the young explorer to conquer heaven and earth
with a turn of the eye piece.
- Any questions? - No.
- How about you? - Uh, no.
This is "Jailhouse Rock".
Come right up here to the Jailhouse Rock.
It is starting to overflow already.
There's the flag up there. Get up there quickly.
Grab that flag, pass it over to your partner,
and what can they win now, Harvey?
A $600 gift certificate to Kay Bee Toys,
where you go to find great toys. Kay Bee Toy Stores.
And where do you go to find Kay Bee Toy Stores?
Your nearest shopping mall. Kay Bee, America's toy store.
♪ Number 7 is Love me tender, love me true ♪
♪ Lift this up right away ♪
♪ Slide down that gak ♪
♪ And you'll stand up And win right away ♪
Right, Harvey? What is it?
A CD player.
A Magnavox portable compact disc player,
which goes where you go.
Has AM/FM stereo radio and cassette player recorder,
and it's from Magnavox.
♪ Viva, Viva Las Pancakes That's what we have over here ♪
Either under the butter or under one of these pancakes is a flag.
If you can do all these obstacles in 60 seconds or less,
we have a fabulous prize, right, Harvey?
Marc, an unbelievable Palm Springs vacation.
You'll stay at the Oasis Water Resort Villa Hotel
in Palm Springs, just seconds from Palm Canyon shopping.
Plus, ongoing admission to the Oasis Water Resort,
featuring California's largest wave action pool.
We've had a spectacular time today.
And we are going to run eight obstacles in 60 seconds.
I have a good feeling. On your mark, get set, go.
Run up there. Keep walking, keep walking.
Don't stop yet. Don't stop yet. You can stop now.
Here it comes. Number 2 is The Tank.
You slow down. He's gonna go up The Tank.
That is a great move. Over here is where the flag is.
And we are going over here to the Icy Trike.
That is obstacle number 3.
We're down to 44 seconds. They have a good shot at doing it.
Okay, grab that flag and we are over to Pick It.
Go over there and grab it.
That's gonna cost them a few precious seconds.
You're getting ready to go over here to number 5,
which is, hold on, the Sewer Chute.
We are in the number 5. 31 seconds.
They can do it. They have plenty of time.
Let's hope that they can pull that down.
There's the flag. Grab it. That was really smart.
Now, if she can go up that tube and all the way down
through the gooky stuff, they can pull it off.
Okay, you get over here. Grab the flag. Pass it over there.
Okay, you grab up here at number 6.
This is the volcano and it is very, very slippery.
Oh, boy! That was a great grab, but he didn't get it.
Let's see… That's it!
Let's see if she can get on there and get another flag.
Four, three, two, one…
Oh…Yes, yes! They got it!
Harvey, what have they won?
Marc, they've got the car, the skateboard, the camera,
the language master, the telescope,
the gift certificate, the CD player…
They're going to Palm Springs. They got it all.
A prize package worth over $6,200 each.
I cannot believe it. You grabbed that with just about no time left.
How are you feeling? You're going to California.
- I feel great! - How about you?
- Awesome! - Awesome.
We want to say thank you for being with us on "Double Dare."
We had a super time, as always.
I hope you enjoyed it half as much as we did.
Join us often. Thanks for being with us, again.
Promotional consideration provided by Reebok.
Every contestant on "Double Dare"
receives a free pair of Reebok sneakers.
Reebok, the official shoe of "Double Dare".
And also by Tengen.
Yes, Pac-Man is back,
this time on the Nintendo Entertainment System.
Play Pac-Man today. It's the greatest hit of the decade
and it's from Tengen.
And also by LEGO.
Take a victory lap around the track with Zack,
the LEGO maniac.
Go to town, get these sets. LEGOLAND's the coolest yet.
This is your announcer, Harvey.
Join us back here next time, where we're getting all messed up.
Uh-huh. See ya.
[music playing]
Zurich Classic 2018: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com || CACAO TV - Duration: 12:26.Zurich Classic 2018: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
The Zurich Classic has a diverse field that includes both Jordan Spieth and John Daly.
The Zurich Classic 2018 won't get the fanfare of the upcoming Players Championship or US Open.
But the tournament, which starts Thursday, April 26, at the TPC New Orleans, has plenty of ingredients to make for an enticing weekend.
The Zurich Classic field features 10 of the 15 top-ranked players in the world, including the most recent winner of all four major tournaments: Brooks Koepka (2017 US Open), Jordan Spieth (2017 British Open), Justin Thomas (2017 PGA Championship) and Patrick Reed (2018 Masters).
Reed will be making his first appearance since his Green-jacket winning showing at Augusta earlier this month.
It's the first tournament since the 2017 Tour Championship featuring the winners of the last four majors.
It's also the PGA's only event featuring two-player teams, providing an intriguing formatting twist.
Here's a look at some key information about the tournament, in a question-and-answer format:.
Who's in the Zurich Classic 2018 Field?.
The Zurich Classic field is loaded with stars past and present.
It contains 22 players who have won at least one major championship and six players who have won at least two.
In addition to dominant players like Thomas and Spieth — ranked second and third in the world, respectively — the field includes a handful of older players who were dominant in decades past.
Two-time major champion John Daly is in the field, as are former world No.
1 David Duval and former world No.
2 Jim Furyk, who are paired together.
The field has more star power than it did a year ago, and that's probably a prerequisite for this year's tournament to have any chance to equal the drama of last year's rendition.
In the 2017 tournament, Kevin Kisner drained a 95-foot chip for eagle on the 18th hole, forcing a playoff that pitted Kisner and partner Scott Brown against the team of Jonas Blixt and Cameron Smith.
The Zurich Classic playoff format is sudden-death, but Blixt and Smith needed four holes to put away Kisner and Brown — something they were able to do when they birdied the fourth playoff hole.
Here are some highlights on the tournament's pairings, courtesy of the PGA:.
— The team of Patrick Reed and Patrick Cantlay is the only one to feature two players in the top 15 of the FedEx Cup standings, and the only to feature two players who have won tournaments this season.
— Three teams feature pairs of players who have both won majors, though there's wide variance in when those major championships took place.
Justin Rose and Henrik Stenson both won their majors fairly recently.
That's not so for the teams of Jim Furyk and David Duval or Louis Oosthuizen and Charl Schwartzel.
— The team of Steve Stricker (No.
1) and Jerry Kelly (No.
2) features the top two players in the PGA Champions Tour rankings.
What's the Zurich Classic Format?.
The Zurich Classic is the only tournament on the Tour featuring team competition.
When the tournament switched to team competition in 2017, it became the first tournament on the Tour to feature team play since the Walt Disney World National Team Championship in 1981.
The tournament features a hybrid of foursome (best ball) and four-ball (alternate shot), with best ball being used in the first and third rounds and alternate shot being used in the second and fourth.
The order of format is a reversal from last year, when the tournament used alternate shot in the first and third rounds and best ball in the second and fourth.
The field will consist of 80 two-player teams, with a total of 160 players.
If there's a tie after 72 holes, the tournament will once again feature a sudden-death playoff format.
The first playoff hole will be played with the best ball format.
The second hole, if necessary, will switch to alternate shot.
Any subsequent holes will alternate between the two formats, with the odd-numbered holes featuring best ball and even-numbered holes featuring alternate shot.
Teams placed in the top 35, including ties, after the second round, will make the cut and advance to play over the weekend.
What Are the Zurich Classic Vegas Odds?.
The team favored to win the tournament is one that missed the cut last year: The team of Justin Rose and Henrik Stenson.
The Westgate Las Vegas Superbook's Jeff Sherman, who posts Vegas odds on his website, has Rose and Stenson listed as 7/1 favorites to win.
Cantlay and Reed are next at 10/1, followed by a trio of teams at 12/1: Ryan Palmer and Jordan Spieth; Bud Cauley and Justin Thomas; and Matt Kuchar and Bubba Watson.
The two teams that battled in last year's playoff are relative longshots.
Golfodds.com lists defending champions Blixt and Smith at 30/1 and defending runners up Brown and Kisner at 40/1.
Among the intriguing longshots: The team featuring Brooks Koepka, who will be making his first start in more than three months after being sidelined with a wrist injury.
Koepka and partner Marc Turnesa are listed as 80/1 longshots, despite Koepka having finished tied for fifth in the tournament last year, when he played with his younger brother, Chase.
Golfodds.com has a full list of odds, including a handful of head-to-head matchups.
Daily fantasy sites DraftKings and FanDuel, which typically offer weekly PGA contests, are not offering contests tied to the Zurich Classic.
Where Is the Zurich Classic Taking Place?.
The Zurich Classic will take place at the TPC Louisiana in Avondale.
The course, which opened in 2004, is one of 32 TPC courses across the country.
TPC Louisiana, a 7,400-yard par 72, was designed by legendary architect Pete Dye, with consultation from PGA players Steve Elkington and Kelly Gibson.
It has more than 100 bunkers and five ponds.
The shortest hole, No.
9, is a 207-yard par 3, while the longest, No.
18, is a 585-yard par 5.
The course is open to the public when there isn't a PGA event going on.
You can book a tee time on the course's website, with fees starting at $47.20 for a twosome for Louisiana residents and $116 for a twosome for out-of-staters.
The course also offers vacation packages and hosts weddings and other events.
TPC Louisiana first hosted the Zurich Classic in 2005.
It has hosted it every year consecutively since 2007.
(The English Turn Golf and Country Club in New Orleans hosted the tournament in 2006.).
The TPC Louisiana course record in a solo round is a 62 shot by Ben Martin in the opening round of the 2014 Zurich Classic.
Martin followed the 10-under 62 with a 5-under 67 on Day 2 of that year's tournament, giving him the best two-day score in the tournament's history and putting him three strokes in front of Andrew Svoboda for the 36-hole lead.
He shot 4-over the rest of the way, however, and finished tied for 15th.
Seung-Yul Noh shot a 19=under 269 to win the tournament.
Avondale, home to the TPC Louisiana, is part of Jefferson Parish, just south of New Orleans.
How Much Money Will the Zurich Classic Winners Make?.
The Zurich Classic purse is $7.2 million.
The first-place finishers will earn $1,036,800 apiece, with the runners up earning $417,600 apiece.
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