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For more infomation >> How to draw dark voyager - How to draw dark voyager cartoon | #Drawing_Extra - Duration: 4:48.
Going Dark In Our Current Hyper Connected Society - Duration: 6:00.
[FREE] 21 Savage Type Trap Beat "Codeine" | Dark Piano Rap Instrumental | iamDose - Duration: 3:21.
How to make Salted Dark Chocolate and Hazelnut Bark Recipes - Duration: 2:34.
Salted dark chocolate and hazelnut bark
and convinced that people who aren't chocolate people just haven't had that one life
changing piece of good quality dark chocolate that'll change their minds
if you know anyone like this and you want to convert him or her into a chocolate lover make
this salted dark chocolate bark I pinky swear you have them telling on chocolate in no time
this part can be thrown together in no time
and the only really necessary ingredient is quality dark chocolate to melt and some salt to sprinkle on top
the rest can be improvised with whatever you have in your pantry
but if you happen to have hazelnuts coconut sesame seeds currents and cacao needs hanging around
then I can personally guarantee you're in for a crazy good trait serves 61 half see hazelnuts
8 ounces about four bars good quality dark chocolate
70% cacao or hire 2 tablespoons toasted coconut
2 tablespoons sesame seeds 2 tablespoons dried currants
2 tablespoons cacao nebs 1/2 teaspoon good quality sea salt
one heat oven to 350 superscript oh enough place hazelnuts on a baking tray and bake until nuts are browning
fragrant and begging to release their skins 10 to 15 minutes
remove from oven once nuts are cool eye enough to touch role between palm's or paper towels until the skins fully release
place the peeled hazelnuts into a food processor and pulse to several times until roughly chopped
set aside to line a baking sheet with parchment paper
using a double boiler
melt 6 ounces of the chocolate over medium heat until melted
turn off the heat add remaining 2 ounces chocolate and stir until fully melted pour melted
chocolate onto baking sheet and spread and 214 thick three
sprinkle the topping evenly across the top
transfer bark to fridge until chocolate hardens at least 30 minutes
Homemade Remedies for Dark Circles | Health Today - Duration: 14:09.
Homemade Remedies for Dark Circles
Dark circles that form around their eyes affect the appearance of a large number of men and women around the world.
Also known as bags, they are a condition in which melanin is produced in excessive quantities.
Also, the capillaries under the surface of the skin dilate.
The majority of cases are due to hereditary conditions, but it can also be produced by a lack of sleep, smoking cigarettes, or pollution, among other things.
Generally, bags under the eyes are accompanied by an inflammation in the eyelids.
However, not all cases take the same form.
The good news is that there are many cosmetic products that can minimize their appearance.
This gives you a face that appears more fresh and young.
Among the options we find are home remedies.
Thanks to the properties of some ingredients, home remedies diminish the size of bags or dark circles under the eyes.
And they do this without exposing our skin to harsh chemicals.
Are you interested in trying them?.
Green tea bags
Green tea has a high content of antioxidant substances and tannins.
This makes it a good solution to reduce the size of bags under your eyes.
It diminishes the inflammation.
Green tea also increases your circulation to get rid of imperfections.
2 bags of green tea
1 cup (250 ml) of hot water
Put the bags of tea in the hot water and let them steep for 10 minutes.
Put them in the refrigerator. When they are cool, put them over your eyes for 15 minutes.
Repeat the treatment every day to get rid of the bags under your eyes.
Rose water
Rose water is a natural tonic that deeply hydrates your skin.
It does all this while getting rid of those annoying dark circles that give you a tired look.
It contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
These compounds strengthen your cells to decrease inflammation and regenerate your tissues.
6 rose petals
½ a cup (125 ml) of water
Cut the rose petals and put them to steep in the half cup of water for 40 minutes.
Keep the water on low heat and add more water if necessary.
After 40 minutes, remove the water from the heat and let it rest.
Apply with a cotton ball.
Repeat the treatment every morning and night.
The flesh of tomatoes contains an antioxidant called lycopene.
Its action reduces bags under your eyes.
It also promotes the reduction of inflammation.
1 tomato
½ a teaspoon (2 ml) of fresh lemon juice
a pinch of turmeric
Grind a mature tomato and mix with the lemon juice and turmeric until you get a paste.
Spread the product over the area around your eyes and let it rest for 15 minutes.
Rinse and finish with using a hydrating cream.
Only use it at night to reduce sensitivity to the sun.
Mint leaves
Crushed mint leaves have the power to calm tired eyes.
They can also diminish the blackened look around your eyes.
1 handful of fresh mint
¼ lemon, juiced
Crush the handful of fresh mint and mix it with the lemon juice.
Rub the product on the affected areas and let it rest for 15 minutes.
Rinse with cold water and dry with a soft cloth.
Repeat the process every day until you get good results.
Lactic acid contained in milk is a substance that softens and hydrates skin.
This gives you a refreshed appearance.
Its application on bags under your eyes calms the inflammation.
It also diminishes the black coloration that gives your face an aged appearance.
Added to this, lactic acid brings special proteins, enzymes, and antioxidants that accelerate cellular healing.
¼ cup (62 ml) of milk
4 ice cubes
Dump the ice cubes in the milk.
Wait for it to freeze.
Take a cotton cloth and put the frozen milk over the bags under your eyes.
Press until it warms up.
Repeat two times a day.
Pineapple juice and turmeric
The bromelain in pineapple acts as a natural anti-inflammatory.
This means that it minimizes the size of bags under your eyes.
For its part, turmeric contains an active ingredient called curcumin.
This compound increases its effect as an anti-inflammatory and a protector.
1 teaspoon (5 g) turmeric
2 tablespoons (20 ml) pineapple juice
Prepare a thick paste with the turmeric and the pineapple juice.
Rub the mask all around your eyes and let it work for 15 minutes.
Rinse and repeat the application every night.
Choose any of these remedies to reduce the bags under your eyes. You'll be able to see that you don't have to spend a fortune on conventional cosmetics.
Also, remember that these products don't have immediate effects.
They require various applications to reduce dark circles.
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