okay good morning welcome to this quick review video on earn easy Commission's
so you may have heard about it you may have heard about a new free system where
everything is done for you excuse me and that would be about this it's titled earn easy commissions review
earn easy commissions review 2018
it's called earn easy Commission's and yes you can't earn money as a free
member however I do suggest that at some point that you upgrade but you can earn
as a free member up to $100 Commission's on the back end as you sign up others to
become a VIP partner so let's get right into basically earn easy Commission's is
a super simple very you know low-tech system that allows you to pretty much
focus on driving traffic the one thing I love about this system is it also pays
you to build your email list and there are several other things that are build your list with earn easy commissions
offered inside I won't reveal all of those in this particular video the the
basics are you can get paid one dollar per lead as people opt into your lead
capture page and that is actually built for you by the creators of this Chuck
the win is the guy that is running this program and it's just like I say it's
easy you know a lot of a lot of places claim that you can earn money as a free
member and you actually can't so with this system you actually can I'm
actually a paid member so I've got that unlock the doors to a lot more
opportunity to make a lot more money and one of those being that I'm getting I
get paid to build my email list which I thought was super cool because we've all
have heard you know the money is in the list and to get paid to build my own
list I thought was really really cool so I opted them to do that I will be
becoming a VIP member later on at the end of this week that will give me up to
$500 commissions as people sign up for VIP partners so you know you can't start
this for free if you're running low on money I would suggest that you do that
you know you can you make hundred dollar
Commission's on people to sign up is VIP partners and then you know as you start
generating sales you'll be able to join up become a VIP partner I will let you
know there's almost like six six or seven maybe even eight other income
streams inside the VIP partnership so definitely you want to you want to make
sure that you're you're maximizing as much opportunity for profit with the
system as you can because everything's done for you you know they're sending
out emails for you they're doing all the selling and telling rate right here
inside the system and so let's just do a quick walkthrough of the different
things you know you you get this how to get started video there is a Facebook
group and you will you join a Facebook group and Chuck is very active inside of
there there's another video on it's like forty two minutes so it's becoming a VIP
partners definitely you know worth your at worth your money and like I say I'm
gonna do another video on becoming a VIP partner I'm not going to discuss that in
this basic review video and then Chuck is going to walk us through how to scale
your business up to making 10k per month and here's some of the training that you
get the last video that's not up yet is actually going to be him taking I think
like twelve hundred dollars I think is what he said twelve hundred dollars for
paid traffic and he is going to start his system completely from scratch with
no leads and no sales no Commission's no anything and he's going to show us using
the various different income streams and traffic resources that are built inside
the system he's going to show us how to scale this up to making 10k per month so
you know you you get in here you've got the training to get you started you got
even some mindset and development you know and basically it's really as simple
as just making sure you're getting traffic to this link and doesn't get any
easier than that guy you know it just really really doesn't
I've been marketing online for about four years now and a lot of systems
claim to do what this one actually does you know I've been disappointed with
quite a few of the different programs and once I once I opted in you know you
actually literally had to had to purchase this or purchase that and it
was wasn't really free where you could actually earn money and like I said with
this one you actually can as people sign up of course they need to be upgrading
to the VIP partnership and you know you're getting the front end you're
getting $1.00 per lead if you do decide to join get response and click magic so
you get paid to build your list but as a free member you know you you can do
videos and you can share your link on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and
get people to sign up for this VIP partnership and boom you're making
hundred dollar Commission's and you haven't spent a dime so I mean it's a
no-brainer guys so I'm going to keep this video short what you get when you
join my team is I have my own free training group I have a free and I have
a paid of course in the paid group you're going to get a lot more in depth
I specialize in YouTube ranking videos and Facebook engagement inside my free
group I have a lot of things that will really truly help you really truly help you earn easy commissions review
you you know learn how to get your engagement on Facebook like you can see
right now I just made this post and I've already got this much engagement going
on a post that I haven't even begun to start responding to so as you can see
this is something that you're going to learn when you join my team also like I
say I specialize and I guarantee you will find this easy to earn easy income
review video somewhere within one of these first three spots but I'm going to
go through and show you stuff commissions and learn how to earn easy commissions in this review of it
let me see there let me get to the right one I wasn't prepared for this part of
the video but here you're gonna see here you see me in the first spot this spot
right here is my play list and then you see me here again you see me here so
this is what I'm going to teach you one of the things that I'm going to teach
you when you join my team is how to dominate the first page of something I
have spent the last year you know doing learning how to do this and it's just
something that I specialize in I've you know invested quite a bit of time and
here you'll see my videos just all up and down this page and like I say that's
that's something that I specialize in and it's super easy to get free traffic
using YouTube for your um let's see your ranking your YouTube videos and 2018
you're gonna see me on this one too so
here you'll see my first video you'll see my second video you'll see my third
video so like I say my fourth video you see me along with these times and I
don't have a lot of subscribers on my channel these people that six hundred
and eleven thousand I got a measly two hundred and eighty one and that means my
channel Authority it's pretty good and I'm going to teach you all of this
especially if you're someone that loves videos I also have a guy that's working
with me my co-founder and our paid training group and he specializes in
email and costs CPA and Cpl marketing so you know you're going to get access to a
lot of training the paid group is fifteen dollars per month right now
starting on June 1st that will be going up to either forty or fifty dollars per
month so that's what you're going to get when you join me
you're getting access to a wonderful system some great coaching and a great
team you know I'm definitely there for my team and all the stuff that you see
going on during this video is stuff you're gonna learn you know so go ahead
and click that link below put your information in the forum once you join
me get everything set up add me on Facebook be sure to subscribe to my
channel and send me a message letting me know just put a ICI or earn easy
commissions or anything let me know that you've joined me so I can get you at it
if you do not reach out to me I cannot help you so it would be a shame for you
to join and then you know you if specially if you're new to marketing I
really help a lot of new newbie marketers
I have several free traffic methods that I'm gonna share with you if you do not
send me a message I cannot help you so I hope you enjoyed this review I am
looking forward to working with you get on up underneath here now click that
button get your system setup and then message me on Facebook send me a friend
request alright guys you have a wonderful day
buh bye
For more infomation >> Earn Easy Commissions Review 2018| What Is It - Duration: 9:49.-------------------------------------------
Trello Home | A Tale Of What's Possible With Trello's Activity Feed - Duration: 1:32.
Bumble's Big Day: The Winds Of Change (A Trello Tale)
It was another busy morning over in Building B
at the hot new startup, Bumble's Widget Factory.
But wherever you looked something was amiss!
There were so many parts, but none of them fit.
"Fidget spinner or a dish?" the workers didn't know.
It felt like they worked in such lonely silos.
As time whittled by, work slowed to a crawl,
surely this wasn't the best way to do it all.
The frustration grew and patience wore thin,
but then some papers from R&D blew in.
Lo and behold all of the puzzle pieces fit,
those siloed work structures had made a muck out of it.
Now working with perspective productivity grew,
from an open workplace bloomed a more efficient crew.
And all of the world was filled with delight
when Bumble's Widget Factory became Bumble's Awesome Bikes.
So what was their secret sauce of success? Trello's new home, that's what cleared up the mess.
The End. Learn more about Trello's new look at bit.ly/divinghome
OBAMA BUSTED – Look What Was Just Found on His Property - Duration: 11:00.
OBAMA BUSTED – Look What Was Just Found on His Property
BREAKING: Barack Obama was just caught committing a major crime that could land him in serious
Breitbart News editor Peter Schweizer went on Lou Dobbs' Fox Business show this week
to completely blow the lid off of Obama's crime syndicate.
Schweizer, who is the author of the new book "Secret Empires: How the American Political
Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends," explained that the Obama administration
spent eight years using regulations to help the president's friends acquire more and
more wealth.
Daily Vine reported that Schweizer gave a road map of what Obama did to help his friends
get more money.
During his presidency, Obama's best friend, Marty Nesbitt set up an equity fund and then
invested in highly regulated industries.
"Barack Obama's best friend, a guy named Marty Nesbitt…sets up a private equity fund
while his friend is the regulator-in-chief, and what he does is he invests in what he
calls 'highly-regulated industries,'" Schweizer said.
"… And so, to give you one brief example, the University of Phoenix, the for-profit
school, Barack Obama's administration says, 'We think this school is bad.
We're going to suspend the Pentagon from using GI Bill money for soldiers to go to
school there.'
Well, of course, the stock price goes from $100 a share to about $3 a share.
Guess who steps in to buy it?
Barack Obama's best friend Marty Nesbitt and his company Vistria investors.
They come in.
They buy it for pennies on the dollar.
And then lo and behold, the Obama administration says 'You know what, we think we're going
to let GI money flow again back to the University of Phoenix.'
And that pattern is repeated over and over again in other sectors of the economy.
It was rampant."
And Obama has the nerve to say that his White House was "scandal free!"
SHARE this story so we can expose Obama's criminal corruption!
What Was The Beguiling Spell Of Jung's 'Collective Unconscious' - Duration: 7:37.
What Was The Beguiling Spell Of Jung�s �Collective Unconscious�
by Antonio Melechi
The first decades of the 20th century saw a raft of psychological terms fall into popular
Freudian notions of �denial� and �displacement�, �projection� and �transference�, were
the first to become part of everyday language; thanks to Alfred Adler, feelings of �inferiority�
and �superiority� (and the forms of compensation that accompanied the former) were soon common
parlance; and courtesy of Carl Jung�s Psychological Types(1921), more than a few educated men
and women in public began to identify themselves as �extraverts� or �introverts�, while
examining the �complexes� that inhibited them.
Another aspect of Jungian theory, barely touched upon in Psychological Types, was destined
to cast a longer and more beguiling spell on popular psychology.
�The collective unconscious,� wrote Jung in his essay �The Structure of the Psyche�
(1927), �appears to consist of mythological motifs or primordial images � In fact, the
whole of mythology could be taken as a sort of projection of the collective unconscious.�
The archetypes that Jung initially had in mind were essentially sub-personalities of
the ego � the persona (a people-pleasing mask) was juxtaposed against the shadow (the
negative qualities hidden by the persona); the anima was the male sexual essence, versus
animus, for females.
Over the course of four decades, this therapeutic symbolism would expand to include mandalas
(expressions of the �the specific centre of the personality�) and UFOs (a fantasy
that swapped heaven for interstellar space).
To ignore these powerful archetypal symbols was, in Jung�s mind, �to rob the individual
of his roots and guiding instincts�, to let her become a mere �particle in the mass�.
According to Jung, his �discovery� of a collective unconscious began in 1910, shortly
after he had left his post at the Burgh�lzli Hospital in Z�rich and set up private practice
in K�snacht, on the edge of Lake Z�rich.
The catalyst was a passage from Albrecht Dieterich�s 1910 translation of the Mithras Liturgy, which
described the wind as emanating from a pipe or tube hanging from the Sun.
The image was uncannily familiar to Jung.
A few years earlier, a patient at the Burgh�lzli Hospital had, Jung recalled, taken him to
one side, pointing out how the Sun had a phallus that was responsible for the movements of
the wind.
Since Dieterich�s account of the solar myth had only just been published, there was, to
Jung�s mind, no ready explanation of the corresponding symbolism.
The patient�s hallucination had sprung from �the impersonal layer in our psyche�,
a collective unconscious that, �independently of tradition, guarantee[d] in every single
individual a similarity and even sameness of experience�.
This was a shaggy-dog story that Jung recycled throughout his life, defending it as late
as 1959, for the benefit of the BBC cameras that assembled in the study of his K�snacht
In truth, Jung had actually never met the patient in question.
To study the �impersonal layer in our psyche� he had, towards the end of 1909, commissioned
three psychiatric assistants to read Friedrich Creuzer�s seminal study of the mythology
of the mystery cults, Symbolik und Mythologie der alten Volk�r (1810-1812), asking them
to collect material from Burgh�lzli patients that seemed in any way consonant with its
ancient rites.
The solar hallucination that so excited Jung was reported to him only a few months afterwards,
which is to say that it was doctored proof of the collective unconscious.
Alongside the story of the legend of the so-called Solar Phallus Man, there was a second version
of Jung�s �first inkling� of a realm beyond the �egotistical bundle of personal
wishes, fears, hopes, and ambitions� associated with the Freudian unconscious.
In Memories, Dreams, Reflections (1961), Jung described a troubling dream in which he entered
the cellar of a house and discovered scattered bones, broken pottery and two human skulls.
It was this dream from early 1909 that sowed the seeds of his eventual apostasy from the
psychoanalytic movement, nudging Jung towards the study of archaeology and mythology.
The catalogue of myths and archetypes that Jung went on to identify as the core of the
collective unconscious were drawn from other dreams, from �active� reveries and a host
of feverish interpolations of gnostic and alchemical texts � all of which he, somewhat
oddly, described as �empirical� in nature.
The idea of the collective unconscious itself, however, was not Jung�s own: it belonged
to the intellectual ether of late 19th-century Germany, and would have been familiar to many
from the work of Adolf Bastian, a widely travelled anthropologist who had, as early as 1868,
recognised the universality of certain myths and customs, invoking them as evidence of
the �psychic unity of mankind�.
The Jungian notion of myths and archetypes as projections of a collective unconscious
rebounded through 20th-century psychiatry and literature, philosophy and theology.
Underpinning Joseph Campbell�s immensely popular study of comparative mythology, The
Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949), Jung�s mythopoetics of the unconscious soon became
a staple in the New Age curriculum of mind-expansion, with Aldous Huxley pronouncing the �The
Far West of the collective unconscious, with its flora of symbols, its tribes of aboriginal
archetypes� as the world-soul that mescaline and LSD had ushered him into.
Others concurred.
Through meditation, hypnosis, flicker machines and shamanic rites, it was, apparently, possible
to become more intimate with one�s anima or animus, to connect with the whirligig of
healing symbols or, following the poet Robert Bly�s Iron John (1990), recover a lost masculine
The limitations of the collective unconscious were not lost on American folklorists, many
of whom had been quick to call out Jung�s plundering of world mythology, religion and
alchemy for its �racial mysticism� and �arrogant ethnocentrism�.
Yet, inevitably enough, Jungian symbolism would, like psychoanalysis and scientology,
also come to minister to Hollywood�s very own storytellers, offering creative tools
and exercises for stymied actors, blocked writers and studio executives on their search
for the green light and red carpet.
Perhaps not what Jung had in mind when promoting communion with the collective unconscious
to bring the spiritually beleaguered into �indissoluble communion with the world at
large�, but everything one might expect from the Tinseltown remake.
What is Labour immigration policy? Piers Morgan frustrated as Diane Abbott fails to answer - Duration: 3:49.
What is Labour immigration policy? Piers Morgan frustrated as Diane Abbott fails to answer
Piers Morgan interviewed the politician on Good Morning Britain following the news that Home Secretary Amber Rudd resigned amid the Windrush scandal.
Appearing via video link, Diane faced a series of questions from Morgan joined by Susanna Reid on immigration and illegal immigrants.
Piers probed Diane on Labour's policy as she failed to give him a direct answer.
He exclaimed: "Well we spent the first half of the interview talking about that and I don't think it's unreasonable given the recent scandal to ask the shadow home secretary what your immigration policy is.
"You don't want to answer for reasons that are your right of course, but I think viewers might be interested in knowing what your opinion is.
However, Diane then became defensive as she said: "No, no, no Piers.
Piers retorted: "I'm not trying to trap you.
I'm just trying to ask you a simple question.
What do we do about illegal immigrants in this country? Do we let them stay?.
"Boris Johnson suggested amnesty but you said no to amnesty so the only logical fallout for no amnesty is that we get them all out of the country isn't it?.
Diane continued: "The logical fall out is in, it's to try and work towards an immigration and nationality department which is more fair and efficient.
Piers then replied: "You keep saying that but Diane I am honestly trying to work out what Labour's view of illegal immigrants is.
"I don't know why you're finding it hard to answer that question.
Susanna Reid chimed in on the debate as she questioned: "You've already said that there should be targets?".
Diane stated: "Yeah, of course there has to be targets but for specific areas of Home Affairs for instance deporting foreign national prisoners.
However, Piers was evidently baffled by the encounter as he turned to his co-host once the interview had finished and declared: "Well, I'm none the wiser.
Piers later took the debate to Twitter where he addressed the politician.
He wrote: "I wasn't trying to trick you @HackneyAbbott.
It was a simple question: would Labour let illegal immigrants stay in Britain or deport them? You criticised Rudd for her failure to 'get basic facts right' yet couldn't give me a straight factual answer to this fundamental question.".
'Westworld' Weapon: What Is the Valley? [Season 2 Episode 2] | SML TV - Duration: 5:04.
'Westworld' Weapon: What Is the Valley? [Season 2 Episode 2]
It seems like everyone on Westworld is heading to the same location, but that location has many different names.
Here are all the clues and theories we have so far, along with photos, about where everyone is going. This post has major spoilers for Season 2 Episode 2. .
The weapon Dolores was talking about and the valley mentioned through the episode are the same, but we aren't sure yet how they are connected.
When Ford somehow took over another character to stop William from breaking the rules of the game, he had some words for William.
"This game was meant for you, but you must play it alone," he told him harshly.
"I'll see you in the Valley Beyond William.".
It seems like everyone is heading to the same location, but this location has many names.
Some call it "The Valley Beyond.".
Dolores has been gathering her army of people, trying to get to "Glory." As Dolores described it: "An old friend was foolish enough to show me.
It's not a place; it's a weapon.
And I'm going to use it to destroy them.".
She was talking about the valley that William showed to her earlier in the episode, when William was much younger.
At that time, William told her that it was an "answer to a question that no one dreamed to ask." But now that William is older, he refers to it as a "Place of Judgment" and his greatest mistake, which he built.
When he tried to put together an army in Episode 2, Robert told him through another host that he would see William in the Valley Beyond.
So it seems that at least part of Robert's game is aimed at forcing William to go there.
And Dolores is headed there too.
What is being built here? Is this the same area that we saw at the end of the last episode, where all the hosts were found dead? That western valley and its sea was not on any survey of the park, the Delos employees noted.
"It shouldn't be there." There's no way Ford made it without anyone knowing, the Delos employees said when they found the valley last week. "So where did it come from?" The sea was filled with hundreds of dead host robots.
Here are photos of the valley from last week.
Does it look like the same one that William showed Dolores?.
If this is the same valley, then what does this mean? And how is it a weapon? What William built was his greatest mistake, and also was a question no one dreamed to ask… But Dolores now plans to make it her weapon.
It's "Glory," the "Valley Beyond," and a "Place of Judgment.".
Fans have many theories.
Perhaps it's part of a narrative, just like Wyatt was part of a narrative.
So the idea of a place of judgment is part of a narrative memory.
Or maybe this is where Delos hides data that it's storing illegally about hosts.
Or maybe it is something completely different.
What do you think this all means? Let us know in the comments below.
Arsenal news: What was written on Arsene Wenger's gift from Sir Alex Ferguson? - Duration: 2:55.
Arsenal news: What was written on Arsene Wenger's gift from Sir Alex Ferguson?
Ferguson greeted Wenger as he made his way out onto the Old Trafford pitch.
The pair shared a warm embrace as Ferguson handed the departing Arsenal manager with a piece of silverware.
The inscription on the vase read: Presented to Arsene Wenger, by Sir Alex Ferguson CBE and Jose Mourinho on behalf of Manchester United Football Club in recognition of his service to and achievements at Arsenal Football Club 1996-2018. Wenger and Ferguson were then joined by current United boss Jose Mourinho as the trio posed for photos near the dugouts at Old Trafford.
Wenger announced last week that he will be stepping down from his role after 22 years at the helm.
"Presented to Arsene Wenger, by Sir Alex Ferguson CBE and Jose Mourinho on behalf of Manchester United Football Club in recognition of his service to and achievements at Arsenal Football Club 1996-2018" Ex-United manager Ferguson spent 26 years in charge of the Red Devils and had many iconic battles with the Frenchman and his teams over the years.
The Scot retired in 2013 and has been serving as a club director.
However, it would not be a memorable day for Wenger in his final visit to Old Trafford in charge of the Gunners as United emerged 2-1 winners thanks to an injury time goal from Marouane Fellaini.
The Belgium international came off the bench to head home for United from Ashley Youngs left-wing cross.
Paul Pogba had given the home side the lead from close range early on but former United player Henrikh Mkhitaryan pulled the Gunners level with a low strike from the edge of the box after half-time.
Arsenal looked as though they were going to hold on but Fellaini's presence in the box caused problems for Arsene Wenger's side as United guaranteed a top-four finish in the Premier League.
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