Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 4, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Apr 30 2018

If you haven't watched BBC's dramatic series Poldark, I urge you to set everything

down and run as fast as you can to the nearest television.

You will thank me for it in more ways than I can really count.

The series is packed with romance, action and adventure and it appeals to men and women


I am not a big fan of many dramatic series, but for more Poldark I might be willing to

sell my soul to the devil.

I have fallen in love with this show for the following reasons.

1 Aidan Turner.

He is dark, handsome, strong and smart.

There couldn't have been a more perfect person cast for this role.

You find yourself falling in love with his gritty and raw talent.

I want him to move next door.

2 Aidan Turner's abs.

No other comment necessary.

3 Aidan Turner holding a scythe.

Before Poldark, I didn't even know what a scythe was.

Now I find myself begging my husband to take scything lessons.

I think that should become a thing.

(see the video below)

4 Poldark teaches us that good exists, but even with the good, men are flawed.

Poldark's character has a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong, and he is

willing to stand up for the things he believes in.

That being said, he is no saint.

The worst example of this was when he gave into his long-standing passions for his ex-girlfriend

and slept with her in one intense night.

This broke our hearts for his beautiful wife Demelza, and broke our hearts for him to see

the torment that ensued.

5 Poldark shows us that beauty is something that grows.

We were first introduced to the character Demelza as a poor, feisty little kitchen wench

who knew how to sass more than to cook.

We watched as she grew from an awkward, skinny girl into a beautiful, challenging, intriguing

woman that won over Poldark with her wit.

Now when I see Demelza, I see someone with grace, class, and fire and I wish so much

to be just like her.

6 Poldark teaches us that shows can be sexy without all of the sex.

I am no prude.

I enjoy drooling over a nice set of abs as much as the next girl.

But I also do not like to watch shows that turn everything into something sexual and

use nudity to cover up story-lines that aren't really there.

Poldark gives us just enough.

It is not dirty.

It is not crude.

It can be steamy, but the camera always knows just when to cut out and leave the rest to

our imaginations.

7 Poldark teaches us that when we want something, we need to work hard to get it.

Poldark returned from the war to find his life in shambles.

We watch as he works with his own two hands to gain back everything he so rightly deserved.

He teaches us that nothing should be handed to us.

Other characters appear as petty, spoiled babies while Ross and Demelza show that true

character can come through hard work.

I think the world needs more of this lesson.

8 Poldark teaches us that love is important.

The character of Ross shows many forms of his love to others.

His love and affection for his friends.

His passion for the things he can't have, and the things that he does.

It shows the true blessing of forgiveness as his wife learns to overcome his faults

and shortcomings and lets love overcome it all.

I especially enjoy watching the love he learns to have as a father.

Be still my heart.

Really, words cannot do this series justice.

Run, as fast as you can without trampling somebody, and watch Poldark.

You will be useless for days.

You're welcome.

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