Tu Tike Rahija .... Re Samaya
For more infomation >> Tu Tike Rahija...Re Samaya // New Classic Odia modern song//Ankita /Amit Tripathy /By Yogiraj Music - Duration: 0:49.-------------------------------------------
Homework And Study Music | Classic Upbeat Inspiring Music - Duration: 31:35.
Homework And Study Music | Classic Upbeat Inspiring Music
Keep It Classic | A (Kind of) New Book Club - Duration: 3:23.
Hey, what's up, hello! I'm being very quiet today because I have housemates home, and
I'm always extremely awkward when I'm filming while my housemates are home. But
I have a slightly exciting little thing to share with you guys today! If you've
watched my vlog video, which should have come out by now, you'll know that the
NovelTea Book Club is on hiatus-ish at the moment, because I'm struggling a lot
with all kinds of things as will have been discussed in that video. Which means
that the NovelTea Book Club on YouTube is also kind of not happening anymore, but I
do have an exciting replacement for you, which my gorgeous friend Vanessa from
Paper Faerie and I will still be running. Basically we are rebranding the idea of
the classics book club, because we don't think that there are enough classics
book clubs on YouTube. There's too many YA ones, and not enough other genre ones...
And I think we're calling it the Keep It Classic book club, I don't know if that's
true.. or not.. uhh... But basically we're gonna be continuing the idea of the monthly
YouTube book club with the classics, but instead of going with the books that are
in the NovelTea Book Club, we will be choosing books ourselves for you to vote
on for us to read for the month. And we'll be starting in May, because we feel
like it... So by the time this video is up, I will have posted a poll on Twitter
with the books of the month. I will leave a screenshot of it here, and you can go
onto my Twitter account and vote if you're interested in reading along with
us. I don't think there's really that much else for me to say, because you all
know how these YouTube book clubs work by now. Read along and watch a live stream
etc. If you're interested go ahead and vote, or leave a comment below if you
can't be bothered finding my Twitter (which makes me very sad) but if you can't
be bothered then that's fine, just vote in the comments down below. I'm gonna try
my absolute hardest to keep regular updates going on about the book and
things as I read through it, and I think Vanessa and I would both like to be able
to maybe have like some watch-alongs and things as well. So if there's like a
movie adaptation of the book that's chosen, or something related to it, then
we'll probably try and like host a watch-along on Twitter as well
for that. So it should hopefully be a really fun little community of people
from around the world uniting over classics, so I hope you're
interested in reading along with us! I'll try and post an announcement video once
the book has been chosen here on YouTube as well, so that you don't miss
any updates. The only final thing to say is that we are currently looking for
someone to potentially co-host this book club, so if you are interested in being a
co-host for the Keep It Classic book club, then let me know in the comments, or
on Twitter, or on Instagram, or anywhere else where I'm contactable.. or contact
Vanessa at Paper Faerie as well. Now I'm rambling, so if you're confused by all of
my ramblings, just remember these three main things: 1) Keep It Classic book club
starting in May. 2) go vote for the book on my Twitter. 3) if you want to be
a co-host let us know! And I will see you in another video very shortly I am
sure, and until then, as always, stay classic!
Coming soon! The Angels & 40 years of classic Aussie Rock with "Face to Face" - Duration: 1:02.
Well it was certainly an album that changed our entire life.
I mean we were probably that close to breaking up when we released that album.
We were so broke and we were so much in debt and we couldn't see a way out of it.
Rick and I were dumped into the production role there by Harry & George and that was
an interesting trip for us.
I remember one of the "industry experts" coming in to the studio and hearing the album and
he made this statement, as a statement of fact, that "Oh this is fantastic.
This music is wonderful but you know radio's not gonna play any of these songs."
We were just so excited by what we were doing.
If we like it, that's good enough for us.
That was the wonderful thing for us.
It just wasn't a hit single based thing.
We thought of ourselves as an album band from that album on.
Sonic Classic Heroes Parte 4 1/2: LabyRinth - Duration: 10:21.
This journey has been long...
but also tough
I have been growing mentally
and whatever happens
I want to be able to enjoy this as much as I can
Through happiness
This is going to be amazing day
The point of the registration is to sign up for the competition
They check identities
I didn't have to prove it because I have been in these quite many times before
They measure competitor's height's
And even we have only one category, they measured my height too and I was 160cm instead of 158cm which I thought I was
They give you your pass
And I also got the information about being the first one on stage with fitness routines
Then outfits
Shoes, fitness routine outfits and bikinis
The stage felt good
Movements quite light
And the whole choreography felt great
Now is time to relax
And then, on Sunday at 9am
it's showtime!
This is the day
I have been working a half year for this day
*Talking about accepting my place in the European Championships*
And so this journey continues to the European Championships in Spain
My goal is to win the competition
To be continued
Bucs wrap up Tri-Star Classic at Kermit Tipton Stadium - Duration: 0:34.
How to create Gmail account in Bangla [ FK CLASSIC FOR YOU ] - Duration: 7:03.
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