Newt Gingrich: California Has 'Great Potential' For Republican Leadership
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says there is a fairly good possibility that a Republican
could be the next governor in "the infamously liberal state" of California.
"[GOP candidate John] Cox (who I greatly respect and have worked with for years) has
been gaining support since January and is now the second-place pick for governor among
likely California primary voters," Gingrich wrote in an op-ed for Fox News, citing the
Public Policy Institute of California's findings.
"This puts him right behind the leading Democrat and represents a great potential
for Cox to win the governorship seven months from now."
Not all polling is accurate — as made evident during the 2016 election season.
However, Gingrich says the survey results are "important" because California has
an "unusual" election system.
All candidates for governor in California, for example, appear on a single ballot, rather
than individual party primaries, the only state to have it set up this way along with
He continued:
In the Public Policy Institute of California survey, Cox earned 14 percent support against
the five other primary candidates, as well as options for "someone else" and "don't
This was up from 7 percent support in January.
The top Democrat still has a significant lead on Cox, but nearly a quarter of likely voters
in California remain undecided.
Gingrich added that Cox's victory would be no easy feat, describing it as "difficult
There are several competitive state elections that could also shift the political balance,
according to Gingrich.
The significance of California lies in how stark of a victory it would be in a state
deeply entrenched in liberal politics.
"If we can win there, it will show the nation that we can win everywhere," Gingrich concluded.
H/T dailycaller
For more infomation >> Newt Gingrich California Has 'Great Potential' For Republican Leadership - Duration: 14:32.-------------------------------------------
Ex-Fiancé Of Murdered North Andover Mother Arrested In California - Duration: 0:32.
Prom Night Completely Destroyed For California Kids Who Were Caught Praying Before The Dance. - Duration: 4:08.
Prom Night Completely Destroyed For California Kids Who Were Caught Praying Before The Dance.
We are in an age that no matter what you do, someone is there to shame you on social media.
Last week, high school kids across America were attending their school prom dances.
One group of teens in Oakland, California went to their pre-dance dinner at Longhorn
Someone took a picture of the group, and put it on social media, what happened next is
a saddening reality of what our society has become.
Fox News writes, A debate is raging in the comments of a Facebook post that shows several
teenagers saying grace at a local Longhorn Steakhouse before their prom.
Frank Somerville, a journalist at KTVU in Oakland, Calif., had been sent the photo by
one of the teens mothers, according to his Facebook post.
He shared the photo with his followers Tuesday, along with a note from the young woman's
"I want to share a picture of my daughter and her friends from prom night," a woman
Somerville identified as "Noelle Smith" was quoted as saying.
"Now with the stories today about teenagers and tide pods and condoms gathering headlines
this picture speaks for itself."
The woman also added that she was "so impressed" with the group.
"They all said Grace before eating and were all well behaved."
The picture, however, soon sparked a debate among commenters, who began to argue over
whether the photo depicted a group of "nice kids" solely because they were pictured
"Saying grace over your food says nothing of your moral compass, integrity or character
Behaving well at a restaurant while in your late teens, and being considerate to people,
should not be Facebook praise worthy," said one commenter who took issue with the pic.
"I see well behaved people doing terrible things, misbehaved people who just take care
of someone in need.
Being a Christian doesn't mean they are well behaved," argued another.
"My guess is their opinions on gay marriage, interracial families, equal rights, and other
things we hold dear might not thrill you," wrote another poster.
Many other commenters defended the photo and the children, with one writing that "not
once did say that these kids are any better than non-Christian kids."
Still, some felt that praising the teens for praying which Somerville called "REALLY
nice to see" was unfair to people who don't share the Christian faith.
"So now we are supposed to praise kids for praying to an invisible man in the sky for
animals, that were slaughtered so they could eat?" one commenter wrote.
"Maybe they should be thanking that animal for giving up it's life, so they could eat
So tired of Christians pushing their beliefs onto everyone else."
"I'm so tired of the arrogance many religious people display and their disdain for non-believers,"
wrote another.
"If you are confidant [sic] in your beliefs then you don't feel the need to save everyone
Somerville himself soon responded to the debate, saying he was "honestly surprised" by
the reaction, and that he never meant to imply that a religious person is automatically a
"good person."
A woman claiming to be the grandmother of one of the girls also chimed in to vouch for
each child and their behavior.
She further added that her own daughter raised her granddaughter as a single parent.
"My granddaughter is a senior in high school, has worked after school for 2 years, is an
honor roll student, had taken AP classes for 2 years, plays softball and soccer and after
graduation will be going into the [Air Force]," she wrote.
"These kids were raised to respect their elders and to be the best that they could
It is a sad day when kids who were raised to be respectful to others a pray before their
meals can face a social media backlash.
The parents of these kids should be proud of their children, and thankful they don't
have kids that are out snorting Tide Pods or robbing people.
It would be nice to return to a day that praying before your meal was an American norm and
not something that was publicly shamed.
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
USA facts today.
Study Likens California Wildfire Smoke To Volcanic Eruption - Duration: 2:30.
My Cafe American Retro California Style - Duration: 6:00.
hey everyone I'm Ola and today we are going to play My Cafe: Recipes &
stories. in this video I'm going to show you California substyle in American
retro so let's go
ok so right now I'm going to show you how I transfer from
Normandy style to California style. well actually one of the most profitable
styles, so right now let's switch to the American retro and let's start from the
California flooring. it's all in tiles. it actually reminds me of 1950s -60s I guess
this was the time for such interior design and I also want to pay attention
to the windows because they are so asymmetric in different rectangles
besides we have the menu and as you see right here it has the same tiles as the
windows and it works like a puzzle I think.
also let's go and see what we have
among the stands, because this is the most widely used item, and right
now I'm going to switch them all and come back to you a little later
now I have replaced every stand and it actually looks like a radio wave,
a huge one which is honestly so funny to me
we have the bar counters left and I also want to
take a look at them. I really love it how they use legs for the furniture in
American retro, as you see right here and here as well. and now let's look at the chairs.
chairs are ok actually they match the bar counters, nothing special about
them, and we also have a service table , and it actually better matches the bar
counter now it is a little bit far away from all the hustle, so I will just
place it just where it used to be. do you think it looks fine? ok I have to remove
the ice-cream from here because everyone is still sitting, they are not in the way
ok tables for two and tables for four: let's take a look at them. they also have those
skinny legs, I would say they're skinny it is actually from the 60ies
and the main colors are brown, blue, beige, yellow, greenish, so actually it's a very
good job of our interior designer I would say. why do you think? all in all,
these tables look really nice. by the way, write it in the comments
whether you would like to visit a cafe in such interior style, or you would opt
for something more modern, what atmosphere would be there in the cafe?
oh yeah, as for the atmosphere I have almost forgotten! we are going to
the simple items, and I definitely want to place the retro style jukebox, looks so
wonderful! also we have some very strange items, actually the centerpieces,
lava lamps look very strange. I don't think they should actually be placed on
the tables, however we need more tips and, okay. and we also have that lava lamp
which can stand on the floor actually. yeah, it's in the beginning of American
retro, here it is. you can place up to 10 of such lava lamps here, so I will
probably place it just in the middle. let's make an accent on it. okay, let's go
down and we have that California couch, so beautiful! I would just lie there
forever. we also have that clock - just one piece of that, we don't have any options
to place more of them. and we also have those vases of flowers, we also have
those legs, and they have red pots, and I think I have forgotten something.. I still
have those topping shelves left, so I'll probably just finish placing the vases
of flowers. I don't think we need a lot of them though we definitely need those
palm trees in California. one of the trickiest things is to place the topping
shelves, always, in any style. because sub styles are so much different from the
original styles so I would say that the topping shelves actually look okay here,
together with those pots they look alright. I would also place those vases
of flowers near the windows, so this is what we have here. and we have those
floor lamps actually they remind me of some space
explorations, maybe it's the starship or it's a rocket, and we also have those
California sconces, which actually are absolutely different from the lamps. it's
not often that we see it in different styles, guys, but actually I love it.
I don't know what do you think about this? write it in the comments! and
finally we have our cafe ready in California style now let's ask Fernando about the
tips: and American style gives me 1714.52% tips which is quite a lot guys
this is a very profitable style definitely and I also have a lot of tips
from the French style but this is mostly the stylish items and next time I go
into the bank, which is in 17 hours, it will be updated, and I will see daily
special offers. in American Retro style.
well thank you so much for playing
with me I hope you have enjoyed this video if you did then please put your
thumbs up and subscribe to my channel and let's play together I have also
chosen five best comments under my previous video, and the list of the
winners is right here: thank you so much guys, the pink gift will be waiting for
you in the game. if you also want a pink gift please leave your comment below this
video on YouTube and ask some really good questions about the styles and I
will choose five best questions by next Friday so don't forget to leave your
Player ID, this is a combination of numbers in the bottom left corner of your
game settings, and the five winners are going to get their pink gift till then
have fun in game and see you next time bye bye
Arrestan a presunto acosador de niña en California | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:28.
BREAKING NEWS Out Of California - Caravan Migrants Arrives at US-Mexico Border - Duration: 4:12.
DNA from Genealogy Site Caught Serial Killer - Duration: 2:01.
Ferrari California - Duration: 1:08.
VW T6 California - Duration: 1:13.
VW T6 California - Duration: 1:13.
California researchers develop new generation of robots that can walk - Duration: 1:46.
Tomi Lahren slammed California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) and Democratic lawmakers - Duration: 6:36.
president Trump doubling down on his push for a border wall after getting a
briefing on anti drug trafficking efforts yesterday the president also
taking aim at Democrats for blocking funding for the wall watch drugs are
flowing into our country we need border protection we need the wall we have to
have the wall the Democrats don't want to approve a wall because they think
it's good politically it's not the White House is also pushing back against
California Governor Jerry Jerry Brown for insisting his state's troops will go
to the border only to help fight quote Tran transnational crime not to enforce
federal immigration law now the president threatening to cut off funding
for the state's National Guard deployment mr. Trump tweeting Governor
Jerry Brown announced he will deploy up to 400 National Guard troops to do
nothing the crime rate in California is high enough and the federal government
will not be paying for governor Browns charade
we need border security and action not words meantime a new Quinnipiac poll
finds that 53 percent of Texas voters oppose building a wall but a larger
majority sixty percent support the use of National Guard troops patrolling the
border Wow is this is this fight heating up re
yeah the immigration fight never will cool down but you know I'll at the point
now I want to switch Donald Trump would go back to San Diego and say Governor
Brown tear down this wall if they are so opposed to walls why do we have that
wall up in San Diego California because exactly and the only reason the
Democrats don't want what works is because Donald Trump is for it this is
the ultimate compromise the president should give daca they should give
president the wall and we could finally make progress as a nation when you and
and I got married about six miles from the border in Nogales when you don't
have some sort of a wall a wall system it makes it very hard for our people on
that border to protect us it was just porous it can't be along the entire
border we know that geographically that's not possible but if you start
taking out walls you make the point why do they exist because they work you know
Tommy Governor Brown really threw us off here I mean
I'm sending the National Guard down every said oh my gosh we never thought
you would do that but then he basically wants to send them down there and have
them do nothing when the Governor of California says I'm not going to have
the National Guard enforce federal immigration law let that sink in that is
the Democratic Party that is the Governor of California saying I don't
really have a desire to enforce federal immigration law every Californian every
American should be infuriated by that because he is effectively saying I don't
really care about your safety and oh by the way the legal immigrants that spent
so much time and money to come over here the right way by the way I don't really
care about your sacrifice either it's a slap in the face
I think Californians are waking up I've said this time and time again because I
live there and I see it every day they're tired of this the partisanship
is going out the window and safety is coming first they're saying a seam that
was sort of this revolution as the president put it with the sanctuary city
laws in California Murray your thoughts though in response to her well I would
actually go back to something Ari said I have said the same thing look I hate the
idea of the wall and I hate the fact the taxpayers have to pay for something the
president said Mexico would pay for but Donald Trump won and he said he would do
it so if there's a way to do daca for some sort of wall combined with
surveillance with drones and increased border officials that's a compromise I
think most Americans could get behind as much as I hate the concept in how he
talks about the wall and particularly the pact the fact that we would be
paying for it why is that a compromise Congress can't get to I just I truly
since frustrated at Congress on both sides Republican side where are you
talking like that it reminds me of how unreasonable Democrats have been versus
what you're saying because they had the nation in Congress's and the president's
attention on this with that first shutdown and it feels like they backed
away from the cheese tray I mean the kind of compromise that you are
outlining actually benefits us too it's not just about bringing the sides
together and I mentioned safety and so did you with the border that's not an
insensitivity to the people who are coming over there's crime at the border
there's drug smuggling at the border there's human trafficking of little ones
at the border there's a whole bunch of stuff going on that are national
security issues and marine what you're talking about is great
call some people and I hope they listen to you well you need I mean again I
don't think my party's been perfect on this Republicans there wasn't like some
perfect plan they put on the table don't just walks away from I think both sides
in Congress right now do not want to compromise on this ahead of the midterms
and I think that is both abscess Elysee and frustrating no I I really want to
interject in this because this is my state and I think this is really
important I agree with you that Congress needs to move on this but here's you
have the two sides that are they're not moving
you have the Republicans that are saying we won a wall we want to protect
Americans and you have Democrats that are saying yeah but what we really want
to do is protect you legal immigrants those are the competing agendas let the
American people decide which one's more important that you don't this is we
should protect Americans first to be honest yeah failure to get this done has
led to a miss Reid of American politics people in this country will feel so much
better about both parties both parties will gain if they do this this is not
about placating to the extremes this is about showing that our government can
work together everyone's know what's up after tax because they got something
done same thing will happen if they can get to a compromise here well and it's
like where we said it is the compromise but it's also showing that we're putting
ourselves first which is ironic because people want to put us down for wanting
to put ourselves first but when we do compromise that's what we do yeah and
doing it with and I know people sometimes don't like that word but there
are many many Republicans including in times donald trump who have said i don't
want to kick these daca kids out he says it although he says it all the time
maybe there's an opening you want to find a word there Tommy I agree with you
this president has been more than accommodating
I think the biting later that I believe he has I believe he said it was
competitive in every indication that he will move on daca but you have to give
us the wall that's what he was elected to do this president cares about
American first and guess what Americans have a right to put ourselves first in
our own country radical position I know
California Attorney Uses Visuals to Fight Negligent Hotel Establishment - Duration: 1:42.
Attorney Brian Gonzalez
of the Law Offices of Brian Gonzalez,
called DK Global's team to aid a family
whose vacation turned into a nightmare
when their six-year-old son fell out of a
three-story window onto concrete.
The 17-foot fall left the child with major brain damage,
including but not limited to excess irritability,
difficulty managing emotions,
difficulty identifying colors,
and trouble recalling memories.
our team put together a presentation of photographs,
3D animation of the coup contrecoup,
and deficits highlighting the negligence of the resort
and the life-changing injuries that occurred as a result.
We are DK Global,
let us help you win your case.
VW T6 California - Duration: 1:11.
VW T6 California - Duration: 0:54.
VW T6 California - Duration: 0:53.
VW T6 California - Duration: 0:53.
You Won't Believe Who Liberal California Is Suing For $54 Billion - Duration: 16:27.
You Won't Believe Who Liberal California Is Suing For $54 Billion
Time and again we are shocked at the stupidity of California lawmakers.
But they keep getting stupider.
It's a surprise that any America-loving citizen still lives in that state.
Their leaders continue to show how much they hate our country and the principles of free
market capitalism.
From Daily Caller:
Three California counties sued 37 of the world's largest oil and coal companies Monday for
damages related to global warming-induced sea level rise.
Marin County, San Mateo County and Imperial Beach filed separate, but virtually identical,
lawsuits claiming that oil companies bear responsibility for the sea level rise harming
in coastal counties.
County lawyers claim flooding is more frequent and beaches are eroding more rapidly.
The counties want reimbursement for current and future financial losses from sea level
rise, in addition to punitive damages.
The plaintiffs don't set a specific number for damages, but estimate they'll need at
least $54 billion dollars over the coming decades…
In order to prove their case, the counties will have to find a specific connection between
harm from global warming and the actions of each energy company.
Additionally, they'll have to show that the issue cannot be handled by government
Which they'll never be able to prove.
Climate alarmists continue to claim the earth is getting warmer.
But despite so-called charts and graphs suggesting this, they cannot prove it is the result of
man-made industries.
How can you prove that oil and coal companies are contributing to climate change?
How can you even prove the ocean levels are rising?
Climate alarmists—and CA lawmakers—are citing flawed information from movies and
debunked studies to push their claims.
It's impossible to prove effectively that these industries are causing global warming
or rising sea levels.
These lawsuits are a sham.
A waste of tax payer money and the courts' time.
But that's never stopped the brain-dead liberals of CA before!
They will push this issue, even at the expense of American jobs, lives, and well-being.
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