World War 3: New Trump Secretary of State promises USA SOLUTION to Russian AGGRESSION
DONALD Trump's new Secretary of State Mike Pompeo immediately launched himself into his
role by promising the US and Nato will find solutions to counter Russian aggression.
Mike Pompeo, a former Army officer who was a Republican congressman, referred to his
time as a soldier in the Cold War when talking about modern threats that Russia pose the
west amid rising fears of World War 3.
Recalling the Cold War he said: "We talked a lot about that, the changing nature of the
threat from Russia.
"When I was a young soldier it was T-60 tanks and T-72 tanks rolling across the then
East German plane.
"Today is different and we together, including Nato, must come up with solutions to counter
"There were a lot of ideas, an enormous consensus of the risk Russia poses to the West.
"There is a real commitment to work together to mitigate those risks and deter them."
In a day of closed-door meetings with NATO foreign ministers, Pompeo appeared to charm
European allies with tough talk on Russia and a more sure-footed approach than his predecessor
Rex Tillerson, but he still carried Trump's familiar demand for higher defence spending.
He also made no promises about whether his boss would stick to a 2015 accord to stop
Iran developing a nuclear bomb, warning instead that Trump was still likely to pull out without
major changes to a deal that Europeans insist cannot be reopened.
Pompey continued: "There's been no decision, so the team is working and I am sure we will
have lots of conversations to deliver what the president has made clear.
"Absent a substantial fix, absent overcoming the flaws of the deal, he is unlikely to stay
in that deal."
The new US Secretary of State is regarded as a loyal supporter of Trump with hawkish
However, on Russia those views are largely shared by European allies because of Moscow's
seizure of Crimea.
Nato allies believe the alliance needs to respond to what the West says is the Kremlin's
mix of not just the conventional military threat but covert and cyber warfare.
Pompeo was asked if Germany was doing enough to reach a Nato target for member countries
to spend two per cent of economic output on defence annually.
He said: "No...Germany should meet the goals that they agreed to...that's the expectation,
not only for Germany but for everyone.
We're hopeful that at the Nato summit that every Nato partner will deliver a credible
plan to achieve that goal."
Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, said: "Pompeo's long and valid experience including
serving as a soldier in Germany during the Cold War provides him with the perfect background
for being the top diplomat of the US."
For more infomation >> World War 3: New Trump Secretary of State promises USA SOLUTION to Russian AGGRESSION - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 3:27.
CNN 10 - April 28, 2018 | The U.S. president gives some details about his upcoming budget proposal - Duration: 10:01.
Officials: State Dept. Keeping Shock Obama Era Palestinian Report Secret - Duration: 4:33.
Murphy battles Senators over best pizza in the U.S. - Duration: 2:00.
Legalized Marijuana in Canada Means Trouble at the U.S. Border - Duration: 2:27.
Today, I'm standing outside the Federal Public Safety Department in Ottawa.
I wanted to give you the information
that Minister Ralph Goodale and the Trudeau Government haven't given Canadians.
Earlier this month, I went to Washington, D.C.,
with two Conservative Senate colleagues.
We held meetings with American government officials
to get some straight answers not forthcoming from the Trudeau government
about how marijuana legalization
will impact the Canada-U.S. border and relationship.
The Trudeau government has tried to diminish this impact
in order to get its marijuana legislation passed.
The fact remains, marijuana is illegal in the United States.
Even though a few states have legalized it,
the federal U.S. law prohibiting it still prevails at the nation's border.
The United States will not change its laws or its policies
in response to the Canadian legalization of marijuana.
American drug-sniffing dogs will continue to not only detect
actual product moving across the border,
but also the marijuana residue
that lingers in cars and on clothes for days afterwards.
American officials will continue to have the right to ask Canadians
if they have ever used marijuana,
and to bar them from entry to the U.S. accordingly.
Furthermore, U.S. authorities do not intend
to add more guards at the Canadian border.
This means that increased inspections
will likely result in more delays for everyone crossing the border,
not just those who have to go through secondary inspections.
For those with a "Trusted Traveller" pass like Nexus or Fast/Express for truckers,
an infraction will result in the pass being cancelled.
For many Canadians, this could mean a loss of employment.
Furthermore, Canadians may be surprised to learn
that American officials do not exempt medical marijuana.
Possession of medical marijuana at the border
could be grounds for inadmissibility to the U.S.
Those who work in the marijuana industry
could also face problems at the border.
Canadians can apply for a waiver –
which costs almost $600 U.S.,
and is only granted on a discretionary and annual basis.
Meanwhile, a determination of inadmissibility to the U.S.
is perpetual and indefinite.
U.S. Homeland Security has been encouraging the Government of Canada
to undertake a "more robust" and broad-based messaging campaign,
so that Canadians are prepared for these border implications.
That still hasn't happened.
The Trudeau government is more concerned with ramming this legislation through
than it is with properly informing and preparing Canadians
for the negative consequences that will accompany legalizing marijuana.
This is yet another failure from this Trudeau government.
US Senators Introduce Bill to Block F-35 Delivery to Turkey - Duration: 1:00.
Oregon Rev. Pat Conroy ousted as US House chaplain - Duration: 1:57.
Lathan Watts - Jefferon's Separation of Church and State - Duration: 5:02.
You've probably heard it many times: Someone wagging a finger and going on about the "separation
of church and state."
But if Thomas Jefferson were listening in on that conversation, he would definitely
have something to say about how his words were being used – and abused.
Hi, I'm Lathan Watts, Director of Community Relations for First Liberty Institute.
There can be no better way to celebrate one of America's greatest statesmen than by
reclaiming his legacy for religious liberty and living as boldly as he did in freedom's
It is sadly ironic that a few select words of Jefferson — the "wall of separation
between church and state"— have been abused and distorted today by those seeking to dismantle
the foundations of our republic.
Those words appeared in Jefferson's now infamous letter to the Danbury Baptists, a
religious group in Connecticut concerned with its state government's weak religious liberty
Shortly following his election to the presidency in 1802, Jefferson wrote:
Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God,
that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative
powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign
reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature would
'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise
thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between church and state.
Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights
of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend
to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition
to his social duties.
"Thus building a wall of separation between church and state" is arguably the most abused
phrase in American history.
A parade of anti-faith groups have used this phrase as a call to arms in a never-ending
courtroom assault.
Consider these cases, just a few of the hundreds of legal matters First Liberty Institute engages
in each year.
Two county commissioners — one in Jackson County, Michigan, the other in Rowan County,
North Carolina — regularly open their sessions with an invocation led by one of the commissioners.
In 2013, an individual activist and the ACLU, respectively, sued the commissioners for supposedly
violating the separation of church and state.
But as president, Jefferson not only signed bills which appropriated financial support
for chaplains in Congress and the military, but he himself attended church services held
on the floor of the House of United States Representatives at the U.S. Capitol.
Toni Richardson is an educational technician who works with students with special needs
at a public high school in Augusta, Maine.
In a conversation at school, she told a co-worker and fellow church member, "I'll pray for
Her employer, citing the "separation of church and state," threatened her with disciplinary
action up to termination if she continued using such "unprofessional language."
What would Jefferson think?
As president, Jefferson also served as the chairman of the school board for the District
of Columbia.
There he authored the first plan of education adopted by the city.
His plan used the Bible and Isaac Watts' hymnal as the key books for teaching reading
in their schools
Oscar Rodriguez is a decorated Air Force veteran.
While giving a patriotic flag-folding speech at a retirement ceremony for fellow airman
Chuck Roberson, uniformed airmen assaulted and physically removed Rodriguez from the
room because he dared to mention the word "God" in his speech.
What was Jefferson's approach to the role of religion in the military?
In addition to the bills he signed appropriating funds for chaplains in the military, he also
signed the Articles of War on April 10, 1806, in which he "earnestly recommended to all
officers and soldiers, diligently to attend divine services."
In perhaps his most famous written work, the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson exemplified
his deep commitment to the divine origin of the rights of each individual in the famous
line, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they
are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life,
Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."
In essence, America's "birth certificate," as penned by Jefferson, declares that God
exists, and his existence forms the basis for all personal, political, and economic
Those who seek to hijack the phrase "separation of church and state" to impose secular humanism
on our political life can only do so by willfully turning a blind eye to the volumes of Jefferson's
other writings, as well as his own actions as president.
Those actions speak louder than any words.
Jefferson's victories for religious freedom are our cherished heritage, and his fight
for liberty is now our fight.
Now is a time for all Americans—religious or not—to stand for our first freedom as
the bedrock upon which all liberty stands.
No better inspiration can be found than Jefferson's own personal seal, which read, "Rebellion
to tyrants is obedience to God."
Those who stand courageously against oppression can do so secure in the knowledge that the
author of the Declaration of Independence — and more importantly, the Author of our
liberty itself — are not neutral in the contest.
Springfield area teachers graduate from U.S Marine Corps workshop - Duration: 2:36.
Canada, Mexico are very consequential to US economy: Stephen Schwarzman - Duration: 3:40.
U.S. Drops to 45 on World Press Freedom Index Report & White House Response - Duration: 3:50.
The first amendment is one of our most important protections founded the US Constitution when a story comes out about it being weakened
We should probably pay attention Wednesday the media watchdog group reporters without borders
Release their annual World Press Freedom Index report in it. They said the u.s.
Dropped two spots in world ranking to 45th place
From last year the group said the downgrade is due to Trump's anti press rhetoric and his attempts to limit media access
The report also talks about a decline in global press freedom
That there is a climate of hatred for the press and it is openly encouraged by political leaders
Authoritarian countries are now using Trump's campaign language with words such as fake news being used as a weapon to suppress
Unfavorable news and free speech the report calls this the Trump effect
Trump's violent anti press rhetoric and attempts to block access to information has influenced local officials there has been a number of journalists that
arrests just for covering protests or for asking questions of public officials
reporters even face violent attacks by public figures then candidate for Congress
Greggy afford a attacked and body slammed at Guardian reporter named Ben Jacobs last May gia Forte
Still managed to win the election shown just how bad people's apathy and tribalism has become they have no issue
Disregarding such a despicable act when it comes to elections
later Wednesday White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked about the report at the White House press briefing
Here's a clip of the exchange
It walls, and they're the ones that have to be part of this process and fix this problem. See yes, sir
I'd like to ask you about the drop
in the ranking for the United States and the world Press Freedom Index the United States now down to
45 and according to reporters without borders
much of the blame for that goes
To the president for his attacks on what the reaction of the White House and doesn't
Accept that the president's comments has
denigrating freedom of the press in the United States
certainly would not
Would reject the idea that the president or this administration?
Halted freedom of the press I think we're one of the most accessible
Administration's that we've seen in decades. I think five my mere presence of standing up here and taking your questions
Unvetted is a pretty good example of freedom of the press and I think it's ridiculous to suggest otherwise John
Thank you, Sarah - quick question. Are you trying to say that this administration is a champion of a Free Press?
As I stated a moment ago we
Support a Free Press, but we also support a fair press, and I think that those things
Should go hand in hand and there's a certain responsibility by their prep to report accurate information. I think a number of people
the president
I think a number of people in this room do that every single day they do their very best to provide
fair attack here at information
Certainly support that that's one of the reasons I'm standing here taking your questions
And a lot of times taking your questions in a tone that's completely unnecessary
I'm needed and frankly doesn't help further the conversation or help the American people get any more information in a better way
Which is your job? And my job, and that's what I'm trying to do
Towards the press obviously is not helpful at times
and I think that that's
Plain to see a link to this reporter can be found in the video description if you want to check it out for yourself let
Me know what you think about Press Freedom report in the White House's response. Thank you for watching
Millions Flee Top 3 Democrat States After Donald Drops The SALT Hammer - Duration: 3:01.
Millions Flee Top 3 Democrat States After Donald Drops The SALT Hammer
Yep, democrats are really feeling salty, these days.
Thanks to Donald Trump's dedication, America is winning every day.
There's little the left can do about it.
Oh sure, they whine and moan on CNN.
They invent controversy in the hopes of tripping him up.
But America is seeing how Trump's policies are helping everybody.
Well, maybe not everybody.
There's another kind of SALT that's hurting the dem's.
This SALT has everything to do with Trump's landmark tax bill.
While so many Americans are enjoying the benefits of lower taxes, a few aren't.
Guess where those few live?
You guessed it—liberal-run states.
Now the smart citizens are picking up their stakes and moving to greener pastures.
From Fox News: Over the past decade, about 3.5 million Americans
have relocated from high-tax blue states like California and those in the Northeast, to
low-tax red states like Texas and Arizona — and the change is likely to accelerate…
They say that the Republican Party tax bill's cap on the deduction for state and local taxes
(SALT) could ramp up the pace by which Americans relocate in their own economic interest.
Laffer and Moore estimate that both California and New York will lose on net about 800,000
over the next three years, roughly double from the previous three years, while Connecticut,
New Jersey and Minnesota combined with lose around 500,000 people in the same period.
Democratic holdouts, like California, hit top earners with a whopping 13 percent income
Up until recently, they've gotten away with it.
High earners could deduct that from their federal taxes so it would even out.
Essentially, liberal states were robbing the federal government of money from rich folks.
While they abused the rich with higher, local taxes.
Nice, I know.
But those deductions have been slashed by the GOP tax bill.
Now successful people living in places like New York, California, and other liberal cesspools
will see their taxes skyrocket.
The vast majority of Americans—over 90 percent—are enjoying a drop in taxes.
Only the richest will suffer.
Not because of the federal government—mind you—but because they are living in greedy,
liberal-controlled regions of America.
That's easily remedied, isn't it?
Many Americans are already fleeing California and New York for other reasons.
With state taxes rising, they have no reason to stay.
With them goes their businesses—and jobs.
Lower income folks will follow, just so they can earn a living.
Is that worth it Gov. Brown?
How about you Gov. Cuomo?
Maybe you guys should consider cutting taxes and actually attracting people to your states.
Oh, that's crazy talk!
BREAKING News Out Of Arizona-Mexico Border… U.S. Customs Report - Duration: 3:45.
France Sends Special Forces to US Base in Syria: Reports - Duration: 5:17.
US keeps China, Puts Canada on IP Priority Watch List - Duration: 3:54.
Why does the US have trade deficits? - Duration: 4:11.
US forces could REMAIN in Syria as Donald Trump fails to win backing for 'Arab ARMY' - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 3:54.
US forces could REMAIN in Syria as Donald Trump fails to win backing for 'Arab ARMY'
DONALD Trump is struggling to gain backing from Arab countries to form an Arab military
force to replace US troops in Syria fighting ISIS, derailing his plans to reduce American
military presence in the region.
Allies including Saudi Arabia are sceptical about sending troops to Syria and contributing
funds in order to stabilise towns and cities liberated from ISIS without US support, according
to senior US officials.
This is particularly the case for countries such as Saudi Arabia which is already engaged
militarily in Yemen.
A senior US official involved in discussions said: "There is no serious appetite in the
region to do that much on the ground.
"One thing is certain: No other military, particularly from the region, will enter Syria
if we are not there in some capacity."
President Trump has previously said: "We have asked our partners to take greater responsibility
for securing their home region, including contributing larger amounts of money."
A US administration official confirmed this statement, saying: "Saudi Arabia, Qatar
and the U.A.E. have all been approached with respect to financial support and more broadly
to contribute."
Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Adel Jubeir also confirmed that his government has been
in discussion with Washington "since the beginning of the Syrian crisis about sending forces
into Syria".
There are currently around 2,000 US troops in eastern Syria who are working alongside
local fighters to defeat localised pockets of ISIS militants in towns and rural strongholds
along the Euphrates River.
President Trump has signalled that he desires US troops to be removed "very soon", despite
fears of Iran's growing influence in the region.
There are concerns that the US may become trapped in Syria's multi-sided civil war
and landed with the job of controlling ISIS in the long term.
But this runs the risk of creating rifts in the Trump administration, as top US officials
are warning the White House that a hasty withdrawal from Syria could repeat the mistakes made
by President Obama when he withdrew forces from Iraq in December 2011.
Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said: "We learned that
the Iraqi forces were incapable of providing security inside the country, and that gave
the enemy an opportunity to resurge.
"That's where, really, ISIS had the space to grow."
Defence Secretary James N. Mattis reaffirmed this statement, stating that the US would
"probably regret" not leaving troops in Syria in order to train local security forces to
prevent the resurgence of ISIS.
He also said: "We have to create local forces that can keep the pressure on any attempt
by ISIS to try to regenerate."
The Pentagon is reportedly developing plans to continue airstrikes and special operations
against ISIS in Syria, while allowing US ground troops to withdraw.
US Officials said this would reassure Arab allies that the US would not leave them unprotected
in the region, and would contribute to the stabilisation of the country despite the withdrawal
of ground troops.
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