Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 12, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Dec 4 2018

We navigate with OSMAND - Open Street Maps.

We saw, that we went past a salt lake, we didn't know what to expect so we

So we decided to go there and have a look at the salt lake.

That night we camped up on a small hill.

In the morning, Luke looked out of the window and barked.

Someone is setting up their balloon right here.

Luke doesn't like this.

Luke, did you turn on your vibration alarm?

I didn't think that there are so many -

Can I have a look as well?

- tourists for so many balloons.

That's a huge -

We should take a video from outside.

No! Stop it. Now.

Go inside.

We didn't want to muss the huge underground city in Cappadocia - Derinkuyu.

The city has 8 levels, each level is dug further into the ground.

Down to 85 meters.

People believe, that the cave was build 4000 - 2000 years ago.

People believe that the caves were build and used by small religious groups to hide.

Today it is not allowed to visit all 8 levels.

But it was still a great experience to see this unique city with our won eyes.

You are too weak.

And you think we are allowed to go inside here? -Yes.

Every Overlander loves to talk about visas!

We wanted to keep our trip as flexible as possible.

That's why we just jumped into the van and started driving.

We wanted to get our visas along the way.

Crossing land boarders is always a bit more difficult than by airplane.

Getting a visa on arrival is often not possible at all.

So we tried to get our Visa for Azerbaijan and Iran at the embassies in Ankara.

Unfortunately it didn't work out. Visas are always a problem:

We have heard of people with visa problems who had organized all their visas before they left.

And then - when they ended up in India their Visa for India was already expired.

So, however you organize or not-organize the visa situation.

There are usually always problems involved, that you need to solve.

We solved the probem and we can answer all your questions in the comments.

Luke's was froze over night.

Is the mouse inside?


Unfortunately, the mouse that we caught in the last episode didn't run into our live trap until now.

The mouse was somewhere at the roof of the car, so we had to think of something...

We ended up buying mouse glue, the mouse was supposed to get stuck on the glue.

In the end we were happy, because the mouse decided to use our live trap, not the glue.

When we set the mouse free, we were so excited that we forgot to take a video.

There is almost nothing better than having a mouse free van after over one week.

For more infomation >> Was für ein Ort zum Aufwachen | #08 Türkei - Duration: 10:08.


What Is the Qualified Business Income Deduction? - Duration: 2:54.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.

We got a new deduction for business owners, and it can save you a lot of taxes, but you

need to understand how it works.

It's called QBI, qualified business income.

It allows you to take a deduction of up to 20% of your profit.

So let me give you an example.

So if you have $150,000 of gross income - that's what you bill your clients.

And then you have $50,000 of expenses.

So your net is $100,000.

Gross 150, expenses 50, you net $100,000, that's your net income.

You take 20% of that net income, that would be $20,000 is a tax deduction if you're in

the 22% tax bracket you will save $4,400 tax because of this new deduction.

Its brand new, it's to help small businesses.

It's partly because larger corporations got a lower tax rate and smaller businesses; it

was felt that they should get some break as well.

There's a few imitations you need to understand.

One is your taxable income needs to be equal to or greater than your net income.

So in my example of $100,000 business profit, if your taxable income is less than that,

let's say it's $80,000, then the deduction is 20% of $80,000, not $100,000.

So that's one thing you need to be aware of.

Another thing is if your income - taxable income - is high.

And that's defined as a single person taxable income above $157,500, or married couple,

taxable income above $315,000.

That is where these deductions can start phasing out.

And it depends upon whether you're a service business or a non-service business when you're

in those higher income levels.

There's a whole lot of confusion on what's a service business and what is

not a service business.

So if you are in these higher income levels, get some help on that, because it's not that

simple, and in fact, every time we pass a new tax law it becomes more complicated.

This one was no different.

But it's important to know this QBI deduction is going to save you money that allows you

to have more net in your pocket, more to spend on your business, more to spend personally,

or whatever you would like to use that money for.

If you would like more information, go to

For more infomation >> What Is the Qualified Business Income Deduction? - Duration: 2:54.


Is This 4.0-Liter Four Cylinder Car The Worlds Fastest Porsche? | RP968 Onboard [TECH TOUR] - Duration: 10:58.

- The RP968 Porsche is one of the stand out competitors in the pro class

here at World Time Attack Challenge.

Now it's just gone out and run a 1:19.8 lap time.

This makes it the first World Time Attack car to ever go under one minute 20.

It's also the second fastest car outright around Sydney Motorsport Park.

We're here with Matt from PR Tech to find out a little bit more about what

makes this car so fast.

Now the car has been developed now for a few years, there's a lot of time,

a lot of technology and certainly a lot of money that has gone into it.

There's a lot of things that I wanna dig into here but can we start of course

with that amazing work of art, the Elmer Racing billet engine.

How instrumental has that billet engine been in the performance that

you're getting out of the 968 right now?

- It's definitely played a big part because the engine's a lot more flexible

in its power delivery.

Compared to the old engine, it's a lot stronger in the top end than the old

cast engine definitely.

- Now in terms of the power that you're producing at the moment,

could you have produced the power levels that the billet engine is making

on the original factory engine?

- Yes we definitely could have but boost would have come on a lot later

and it wouldn't have been anywhere near as driveable.

- Is this due to primarily the additional capacity?

- Yeah mostly due to that factor.

- What is the capacity on the Elmer Thor engine?

-It's four litres, the old one was 3.1

- Well that's a big change in capacity.

What sort of power levels are you running here at the moment?

- We're making about 850 horsepower at the wheels on about 1.8 bar boost.

- So realistically that's not crazy power levels, so particularly with a billet engine,

you should be able to expect relatively good reliability as well?

- Yeah definitely, they're fairly mild boost levels for a full billet engine for sure.

- And if you had the need to turn the power up further, is there more

potential in the engine and turbo package right now?

- Yeah there is definitely some head room there.

Not a huge amount though 'cause the turbo is sized for maximum flexibility

instead of outright power.

- So what is the turbo that it's running on the car?

- It's a GTX 42.

- And with that GTX 42 on a four litre engine, what sort of RPM are you seeing

full boost, or in other words, what sort of useable rev range has the car got?

- We've got full boost about 4200 RPM and a peak power of about 7500 RPM.

- And how far can you rev it through, where's the rev limiter set?

- About 8300.

- OK so particularly with that sequential transaxle in the back of the Porsche,

that's gonna give the driver a lot of flexibility in the power band?

- Oh absolutely that's the whole point of that big capacity engine is that you

can pull out of a corner in a tall gear and then run that along.

- Now the car despite the fact it clearly looks like it's got a hell of a lot of

aero downforce on it, it is still rear wheel drive, so there is some challenges

there with getting the power to the ground.

Now you're running a traction control strategy through the Emtron KV8,

but of course you also want to develop the power delivery so that you're not

really relying on the traction control, I guess kind of keeping that traction

control more as a safety backstop.

So can you talk to us about the strategies you're using in terms of boost per gear

or boost by throttle position?

- Yeah absolutely the boost is definitely mapped heavily off throttle position,

and also gear dependent.

And that's basically adjusted every session due to track conditions.

- So the gear dependent boost I mean that makes a lot of sense to most people.

Obviously you're not gonna be able to put full power to the ground at low

speed and maybe second or third gear where you don't have the benefit of that

aero downforce, so as the downforce increases, the ability to put more power

to the track increases.

But can you talk to us a little bit more about how mapping the boost relative

to the driver's foot pedal position allows the driver to modulate the torque better

and get better control of the car?

- Yeah for sure, well basically as he's winding on, say half throttle, through a

gentle sweeping corner, you may only want say 70% of the power that he

could modulate easily whereas typically with a turbo car, you can make full power

at nearly 80% throttle.

- So in general if you're not using that strategy, the power or torque delivery

versus throttle position is very non linear, that's basically what you're saying?

- Absolutely also the problem is that once they're on full boost,

as you roll out of the throttle, they tend to just keep driving forward.

So by pulling that boost aim back as you roll off 100%,

you can reduce the power easily.

- So essentially in a way you're kind of trying to make a turbocharged

engine respond to the throttle a little bit more like a naturally aspirated engine?

- Yeah that's definitely the goal.

- Now despite the fact 850 horsepower, we're not talking massive numbers there,

the car is still expected to run for a full lap or maybe even several laps,

so that's a lot of stress on the engine over a one minute 20 lap.

Are there any special strategies you're using in the Emtron KV8 in order

to provide engine protection if something goes wrong,

maybe the engine coolant temperature or intake air temperature become too high?

- The main safety that's running in that the exhaust gas temperature,

once that reaches a ceiling, I start pouring the fuel in to cool it off.

- So that's just protection around that temperature, making sure that the

engine is cooled down by that additional fuel if it's required?

- Yeah that's the point of it yes.

- OK so when the car comes back in from a session out on the track,

you're going to be looking at the data, download that data,

and inspecting it.

So can you tell us about your priorities in that data logging,

what are you looking for first and foremost?

- The first thing we're gonna check is that the boost is running as per the target.

Second of all I'm gonna watch the coolant pressure, make sure we're not having

any internal leakage around the head gasket.

And knock, I'm closely watching for knock traces as well and probably mixture

with EGTs are high as well.

Minorly is probably oil pressure, definitely check that first.

- So I think that's one thing that a lot of people kind of tend to overlook

is that it doesn't really matter how much power you're producing or how fast

the car is, in order to get those lap times, the first priority is making

sure the engine health is OK, and the engine is going to be able

to continue running.

So in terms of the knock system, are you actually running knock control

on the engine or are you just logging the data from the knock sensors?

- On this one I'm only logging the data, I haven't got active control turned on on it.

- And on E85 are you expecting that knock is an issue or is it fairly immune

to knock?

- No you can definitely still create knock on E85 for sure.

- Also in terms of the coolant pressure, so this is something we see a lot of

high boost drag engines using, at little bit less common on a circuit


So can you just give us a little bit more detail around how that works,

you mentioned around the head gasket sealing, so what will that coolant pressure

sensor trace show you in your data logging?

- It will typically show if you're starting to lift the cylinder head and also if

you see it combined with knock, you can also see a trace,

that will sort of confirm that you are starting to lift that cylinder head,

you'll see little rises in that coolant pressure with the knock trace

at the same time.

- So essentially there, particularly with lifting the head you're allowing

combustion pressure to enter the cooling system, hence the pressure

trace will increase?

- That's correct, yeah.

- So finally once you've gone through and you know that the engine is healthy,

you've got a range of other sensors on the car, what are you looking for

in order to help improve the driver's lap times and also maybe improve

the chassis performance?

- The main thing I'm looking for is how closely my slip levels are following

my aim slip in the traction control.

If the traction control is working too heavily in the lower gears

I'm better off pulling some power back and then trying to apply a different

parts of the track if I can.

- So that was sort of coming back to what we were talking about earlier

where you're trying to rely on that traction control more as a safety

backstop rather than heavily using the traction control every part

of the track?

- Yeah absolutely.

- Look Matt, it's been great to get some insight into the RP968.

You've still got one more session to go although the weather is looking

a little bit marginal.

Best of luck to improve that lap time, it's already a scorching lap time

so congratulations on that and thanks for chatting.

- OK no worries, thanks.

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And if you like free stuff, we've got a great deal for you.

Click the link in the description to claim your free spot to our next live lesson.

For more infomation >> Is This 4.0-Liter Four Cylinder Car The Worlds Fastest Porsche? | RP968 Onboard [TECH TOUR] - Duration: 10:58.


What If The Sarkic Cult Was Real? - Duration: 6:49.

What's going on

guys - as always I'll be your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch - as we forget all

about the Illuminati - because listen up guys - they're small fry compared to what lurks

its bulbous head beneath the shadowy sects of civilization.

Hold onto your hats - because we're doing it, as we ask the question - What If The Sarkic

Cult Was Real?

Now - it's important to note that - the word cult was used more for dramatic effect,

shall we say.

A better phrasing would be the Sarkic Religion - or Sarkicism, but that's by the by - and

I'm not in the business of offending anyone.

Particularly not any anomalous occultist organisations, that's for sure.

Let's not get bogged down with semantics because there are some absolutely mammoth

themes that we're going to have to traverse over the next 7 or so minutes - the majority

of which serve as a lynchpin to the SCP Foundation and its mythos that makes up its entire established


Well - er - multiverse.

Before we indoctrinate ourselves with that though folks - you all know the drill by now.

If you're a fan of this video, the SCP Foundation - Sarkicism - the mystical properties of flesh

- or just Life's Biggest Questions in general, then demonstrate your arcane propensity and

hit that thumbs up button - as well as that subscribe bell so you can stay inundated with

our SCP based uploads.

If you'd like to get in touch with myself or the creative team here at LBQ - then go

ahead and take a peek at the info box down below.

The beacons are lit.

The War of the Flesh has arrived.

On with the show.

Where do we even begin with Sarkicism - a religious/philosophical system that encompasses

a variety of traditions, beliefs and spiritual practices - largely based on the teachings

of Grand Karcist Ion - the Foundation's version of Jesus Christ, Moses and the Prophet

Muhammed all rolled into one.

It's perhaps the broadest theme in the entirety of the SCP Foundation - established by eaons

of history, cryptic origins and practiced anomalous religion.

It's also important to note that followers of his teachings are split into two opposing

branches - proto-Sarkicism - and Neo-Sarkicism.

Yeah, don't get the two mixed up either, because they'll be pretty pissed.

Either way though - both of these camps are agreed on several things when it comes to

their religion.

They both practice ritual cannibalism, human sacrifice, corporeal augmentation, thaumaturgy,

dimensional manipulation and have no problem forming blood pacts with otherworldly entities.

The best way to explain this flesh based philosophical lexicon, then - would to be at the start.

It's creation story.

Sarkic cosmology is pretty bleak - and as far as it's concerned - existence is on

the lowest pecking order of importance.

Life is a brute form - corruptible, discordant and devoid of any higher purpose.

The principle power in the universe is Yaldabaoth - the God Eater - The Womb of Chaos.

Remember I spoke about those two opposing branches?

Yeah, well Neo-Sarkites revere this entity, worshipping it's base desire to consume

and destroy.

On the other hand - Proto-Sarkites often describe it as the true enemy of all people, viewing

it with fear and disgust - and regarding it as both the creator and destroyer of all life.

Now, enter Grand Karcist Ion - the saviour of Sarkicism - who somehow usurped control

of this cosmic entity, wearing the flesh of the Old God as an armor and ushered in a new

age in the ancient times of our planet.

Again, proto-Sarkites hold Ion as their ultimate saviour - they worship him with reverence

and take his teachings to remain steadfast in an ever changing world.

On the other hand, Neo-Sarkites take Ion's life as an example of their own apotheosis.

If he can rise to the power of killing an Old God - then so can they.

Now, if I'm being honest - the proto-Sarkites are pretty chill dudes.

Yeah, they might sacrifice a few human beings now and then, and cultivate flesh like a Bonsai

tree - but they're harmless enough.

They're just waiting for their saviour to return and usher them into a new paradise.

The real bulk of this question resides with the Neo-Sarkites - and the possibility that

they could actually, hypothetically speaking, be active - right now - in our own society

- and we'd never even know it until it was too late.

If we could offer a real world parallel - then Neo-Sarkites would be the Illuminati on crack

times a million.

Whereas proto-Sarkites renounce any form of technology, opting to live a simpler life

based on the teachings of the flesh - Neo-Sarkites are much more cosmopolitan.

They embrace technology and modernity - often found in heavily populated cities - living

the same life as the people that they pass on the street.

They're wall-street bankers, high flying socialites, governors and politicians.

The reason that they can operate though, is that they exist in a vacuum - each cult revolving

around an ancient family, unified by incest and familial bonds.

In theory then, could the Neo-Sarkite's exist in today's society?

Well - yes.

Now don't get me wrong - let's eschew the thought of a New World Order and not get

bogged down in that whole kerfuffle - but it is safe to say that there are some very

influential families on this planet that we know next to nothing about.

The Rothschild's, the Rockefeller's, the Du Pont's - The Morgan Family - collective

groups that enjoy the wealth of secrecy.

As the SCP Foundation record states - they have knowledge of a Sarkic organisation known

as Adytum's Wake - thought to be the oldest neo-Sarkite organisation in North America

- with evidence of their existence dating as far back as 1650.

Up until 1952 - the group was led by Cornelius P. Bodfel the Third - a millionaire industrialist

with an acute interest in the occult.

This group was often dismissed by the Foundation as being a decadent upper-class social club

- much like how the likes of Bohemian Grove, The Skull and Bones Society and Hell Fire

Club are viewed in our society - and in reality, there lies the rub.

The veil of secrecy exists right up until it's broken.

If such a groups intentions were nefarious - we'd never have knowledge of said intentions

until it was too late.

In that case then - let's hope they'd just want to seize control of the planet under

one unified government - rather than consume us all into a writhing mass of flesh.

Actually, now I've said it - I'm not sure which ones worse.

Well - unfortunately folks, that's all we've got time for in today's video - cheers for

sticking around all the way to the end.

If you were a fan of this video - go ahead and give us a thumbs up - and speak your mind

in the comment section down below.

If you'd like to carry on with your questioning binge - please, feel free to hit that playlist

floating shortly above.

As per usual, I've been your host Jack Finch - you've been watching Life's Biggest

Questions - and until next time, you take it easy.

For more infomation >> What If The Sarkic Cult Was Real? - Duration: 6:49.



It's time to take out the menorah and heat up the latke pan because Hanukkah has once again arrived

Celebrated each year in accordance with the Jewish calendar, Hanukkah begins on the 25th day of the third month, known as Kislev, and lasts for eight days

Because the Jewish calendar follows a lunar cycle and the Gregorian calendar follows a solar cycle, the date on commonly used calendars changes each year

In 2018, Hanukkah will begin on the evening of Sunday, December 2, and end on the evening of Monday, December 10

Hanukkah is aptly referred to as the "festival of lights," a nickname intended to remind people of the miracle that occurred

Around 200 B.C.,Judea, known today as Israel, was under the rule of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who outlawed the Jewish religion and ordered Jews to worship Greek gods

In 168 B.C.,according to the History channel, his soldiers went into Jerusalem and destroyed the Second Temple

Judah Maccabee led a revolt and drove the Syrians out of Jerusalem.He then called for the temple to be rebuilt and the menorah to be lit

However, there was a wrench in his plan to light the menorah—after the revolt, there was only enough untainted oil to keep the menorah lit for one day

They lit the menorah anyway but instead of burning out, the oil kept the menorah flickering for eight days, in what the Jewish people saw as a miracle

Each year, observers of the Jewish faith light their menorahs for eight nights, traditionally in a space where people can see it burning, such as a window, to remind themselves and others of God's miracle

Candles are placed in the menorah right to left but are lit from left to right, the same direction as Hebrew is read

The candle in the middle is called a shamash and is lit first, then used to light every other candle

On the first night, only one candle aside from the shamash is lit and an additional candle is lit on each subsequent night, ultimately reaching a total of nine

Each night, a blessing is said either before or as the candles are lit, which said, "Blessed are You, Lord our Go d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us to kindle the Chanukah light

" On the first night, a second blessing is recited, which translated to, "Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has granted us life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this occasion

" While family traditions vary, most people observing Hanukkah feast on potato pancakes called latkes

Frying the latkes in oil is reminiscent of the oil that miraculously burned for eight days

Some like to dip their latkes in either sour cream or applesauce.For festivities involving children, it's customary for family and friends to gather around and play a game of dreidel

Each player is given equal game pieces, which are often pieces of chocolate gelt or coins but can be any small item

At the beginning of each round, players put one piece into the "pot."Then, players take turns spinning the dreidel and following the instructions of each of the four sides: Many families also exchange gifts during Hanukkah

Some families exchange gifts on one night while others opt to give gifts every night

For more infomation >> HANUKKAH 2018: WHAT IS HANUKKAH? WHEN DOES IT START AND END? - News Live - Duration: 3:53.


Meryl Streep related to Lady Gaga's insecurities in 'A Star is Born' - News Live - Duration: 1:26.

 Meryl Streep says "A Star Is Born" made her think of her own career.  During a wide-ranging talk with Stephen Colbert to benefit Montclair Film, the acting icon said, "Every woman in this room thinks about her weight, if only it were 10 pounds less

We are so judged by how we look … We inevitably allow ourselves to be the object of 'What should I wear tonight?' 'Is my hair clean?' You think about these things

Men do not think about these things."  Streep says when she was younger she thought, "There was no way I was gonna be a film actor never … that wasn't even an option … Because my nose was too big … I've just seen 'A Star Is Born,' and I so related to that

"  In the movie, Lady Gaga's character says she won't make it as a musician because of her nose

Bradley Cooper's character then tells her is beautiful.  Streep says even today, "I'll come upon a movie, and I'm in it, and I'm really young and very beautiful, and I'll think, I was so unhappy, I thought my nose was too big, I thought I was fat … And I'll think, 'What was I thinking?'" Share this:

For more infomation >> Meryl Streep related to Lady Gaga's insecurities in 'A Star is Born' - News Live - Duration: 1:26.


What is a certificate of origin? - Duration: 2:02.

In this video, we'll explain explain what a Certificate of Origin is and what it's used for.

A Certificate of Origin is a document used to identify the origin of goods being exported.

It's usually required by a country's customs authority as part of the clearance process

when importing.

It's also used to assess the rates of duty or tax.

You need to state which country your goods are obtained, produced, manufactured or processed in.

You also need to include this information on the commercial invoice.

To find out if you need a Certificate of Origin,

check on your country's chamber of commerce's website.

If you do, you can usually apply online but make sure you're registered with the chamber

of commerce beforehand.

Certain countries may also require a stamp from an embassy.

So it's important to check if you need this in advance as it could take some time.

There are two types of Certificate of Origin.

One is called the Non-preferential Certificate of Origin

and the other is called the Preferential Certificate of Origin.

The Non-preferential Certificate of Origin means the goods don't qualify for any special

treatment in the country they're from.

It's only used to state the origin of your goods.

The Preferential Certificate of Origin means the goods are subject to potentially reduced

tariffs, taxes or exemptions when exported to certain countries.

You can buy and complete the Certificate of Origin online or purchase it from your country's

chamber of commerce.

Make sure the information is clear and accurate.

Once you've received the certificate, put it with your other documents for safe keeping.

Thanks for watching!

Explore The Shipping Channel for more videos.

For more infomation >> What is a certificate of origin? - Duration: 2:02.


What Neymar was doing when he discovered shocking Ballon d'Or position - News Live - Duration: 2:01.

 Neymar has finished a lowly 12th in the race for the 2018 Ballon d'Or - but it doesn't seem the Brazil international is too fussed

 The 26-year-old forward left Barcelona last season for a world record-breaking £198million in a bid to get out of Lionel Messi's shadow in Spain

 He signed for Paris Saint-Germain, where he was hoping to make a name for himself and build upon his third-place Ballon d'Or finish last season

 But he has instead regressed by a staggering NINE places, finishing outside the top ten in 12th - behind the likes of Harry Kane, N'Golo Kante, and Kevin De Bruyne

 The name above him that will likely hurt the most is that of Paris Saint-Germain forward Kylian Mbappe

 The Frenchman was signed for PSG after Neymar agreed terms, but has upstaged the Brazilian since his arrival

 This summer Mbappe won the World Cup while Neymar's Brazil were knocked out against Belgium at the quarter final stage

 Neymar didn't appear to be too bothered about the Ballon d'Or ceremony this Monday night however, despite it taking place in Paris

 The Brazilian posted a video to his Instagram Story of him playing computer games with friends just seconds after his 12th-place finish was announced by France Football

 It's not clear whether he will be arriving at the event later on Monday night. Read More Mirror Football's Top Stories

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