Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 12, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Dec 3 2018

so, the great thing about our opportunity is

it's not just about distributing products

and posting on social media

you can also go straight on

to start building a team straightaway

what I personally love about our opportunity

is that there's no boundaries

there's no certain levels you need to get to

straightaway you can start building a team

and earning from that team

so what I recommend you do

is first of all get in touch with your sponsor

to let them know your goals

and they can start helping you

to go through the right process

to building a team

now the great thing is

that One Team Global

we have already mapped out

all the systems for you

and everything that you need

to start building a team straightaway

so I highly recommend that you check out

the One Team Global website

which is going to give you all the information

on our System 7 workflow

and our Fast Start Booklet

our Fast Start Booklet

or like we like to call it

our "silver booklet"

is available to buy

from the One Team Global store

you can buy five of those

and in that book it's basically

your step by step Bible

on how to build

your Nu Skin business

using the One Team Global System

and the System 7 Fundamentals


if you've been in Network Marketing before

or you're new to Network Marketing

following a system

is absolutely essential

especially when you build a team

what you need to think about

when you're building a team

is "is what you're doing duplicable?"

so, you need to make sure

that what you're doing

everybody else in your team can do

and the great thing is with One Team Global

it's already been set up for you

so visit the One Team Global website

where there's information

there's tools

and there's actually downloadable presentations

and information that you can download

straight to your computer

so you can have it available at your fingertips

but I definitely recommend

you purchase yourself a Fast Start Booklet

or a "silver booklet"

where you can start filling that in

setting your goals

and learning how to write your contact list

as well as that

we also have a OTG meetings finder

and this is where you

can find out about all your local meetings

so it's really important

especially if you're gonna start building a team

that you connect

with some of the local leaders in your area

and you find out

where your local meeting is

so when you do start

approaching people about our opportunity

you can give them the option to come to a meeting

and have a leader present for you

our amazing business presentation

so if you look on OTG meetings finder

you can have a look at the map

and see all over Europe

where we have our meetings

and they usually happen every two weeks

or every month in the same area

so if you're thinking about

starting to build a team straight away

we welcome you with open arms

we're so excited to see you do that

but please make sure you do the above steps

like I just said

and remember

this isn't just an opportunity to distribute products

you can start building a team straightaway

start earning from that team

and start changing people's lives

the more people you help in this business

the more successful you're going to be

so, I look forward

to seeing your journey with us

thank you!

For more infomation >> Social Selling: 05 - Build a Team - Duration: 2:46.


How To Build A Branded Link - 3 Key Elements - Duration: 3:27.

- So you've got a URL.

A long, ugly URL that you want to share online.

First thing we gotta do is turn it into a branded link.

"But what's the best way to do that?" I hear you ask.

Well, it all depends.

You've got a variety of options

when it comes to domains and keywords.

So let's take a look at how to craft

the perfect branded link for your needs.

(upbeat music)

Unlike generic, shortened URLs, brands these days

prefer to share a link that incorporates their name.

You see, it's not about being short anymore.

That's just not as needed.

What's more important is the brand.

Oh, sorry.

It's true.

Now, a branded link is made up of three elements.

The domain, the TLD, and the slug.

Generic URL shorteners, you have no control

over any of these elements.

They usually decide it for you,

and have no trace of your brand, whatsoever.

But when setting up your branded link,

you choose the domain and TLD from scratch,

and any link you share after that can have

whatever slug you like.

Sound good?

You know, I think so, too.

Right, let's get into it.

First up, the domain.

When setting up your branded link,

you choose the domain, or domains,

that will become the base for any link that you share.

You'll always want to feature your name

or your company's name here, so you can boost

brand awareness and visibility.

Don't be afraid to experiment with

different spellings or abbreviations.

As long as you're confident that your choice

retains your brand's identity

and makes people think of it straight away.

Now that the first half of your domain is sorted,

next up: the TLD.

Now there are far more options than just .com or .org.

There are hundreds and hundreds, in fact.

Now whether you want to build a personal brand

or a business brand, consider using TLDs that are

specific to your niche.

Create a clear connection between your name

and the industry you're in.

You know, an artist could use .studio,

a restaurant could use .pizza,

a financial consulting company could use .finance.

This means anyone who sees your links

will come to associate your name

with what you do, which is perfect.

Your brand will be the first thing that comes to mind

when they think of your service.

Another reason to get creative with the TLD,

customize your branded links

so they indicate where they'll lead.

For example, at Rebrandly, we use .blog

for our latest blog posts,

.video to share YouTube videos,

and .support to help customers contact our help desk.

By telling people where they're going

when they click the link, there's that extra level of trust

in the content that you share.

The URL slug, or keyword after the slash,

can be whatever you like it to be

for each link that you share.

When choosing a key word, you can use this opportunity

to share information about the page the link leads to.

So, as well as using a .blog TLD, you could include

the title of the article after the slash.

This will build trust, encourage click-throughs,

and reduce your site's bounce rate,

because prospects will know exactly what to expect

when they arrive in your site.

And that's it.

Branded links.

They can be short and sweet,

but there's a lot of potential packed in there.

So, to recap, branded links consist of three, key elements:

the domain, include your name

to put your brand in your links;

the TLD, tell people where they're going when they click

and associate your brand with what you do;

And the slug, customize your links for any

and all of your needs.

With these, you can create your own, custom, branded-links

and start sharing with the world.

Let us know in the comments below what you think.

Hi everyone, thanks very much for watching.

We hope you enjoyed this video.

If you liked, please give us a like, share, and a subscribe.

And do comment below, as well, if you can.

You can see more videos about Rebrandly here, on screen,

in the description, or in the sidebar.

And until next time, take care.

For more infomation >> How To Build A Branded Link - 3 Key Elements - Duration: 3:27.


Buy or build a home - Duration: 5:25.

To build or to buy a house. That's what we are talking about today and we are starting

right now! Hey everyone welcome to my channel my name is Cori. I"m a full time realtor right

here in Monmouth County, NJ with RE/MAX Central and Monmouth County Dream Homes. If this is

your first time here, WELCOME. I post new videos every monday andI talk about everything

and anything that has to do with real estate and Monmouth County. So do me a favor, go

ahead and click that subscribe button below. To build or to buy, that's the question. If

you decide to build a house here are some of the PROS. You get to live in a brand new

house that nobody else has ever lived in. before. Everything is going to be brand new,

and your'e not going to have do do a thing. Another pro, you not going to have to update

anything because everything done. It's going to be new, it's going to be modern. Another

big pro when you do buy new construction, usually you can get the builder to throw in

some incentives. You get to make choices. You get to basically pick what you want, how

you want it and where you want it. Right down to the floor plan that you want. So now let's

talk about a couple of the CONS if you're looking to buy a new house. Well one of them

is, price. They are usually much more expensive. You can probably get the same type of a house

with the same square footage for a lot less money. Another con to buying a new house is

the length of time from start to finish. Sometimes people don't want to have to wait 6 months

to a year and even then depending on where you live, like here in New Jersey, if you

are dealing with the winter months they can lose a lot of time due to weather. So you

may not know exactly when you are getting into that new home. Another big con to buying

new construction, not only can the construction get delayed a lot of times it causes people

to over spend. For example, you walk into a model home, you love the model, you love

everything about it, that's the house you want. So let's say you think you're getting

that house for $700,000. What you might not realize to get the house exactly the way house

looks like that you're standing in , that model home, it's not $700,000. By the time

you're done you're closer to $800,000. The granite, the longer cabinets, the upgraded

floors, these are all things people sometimes get "trapped" in when they are buying new

construction. Another thing to keep in mind when you are buying new construction are taxes.

The taxes are extremely high. So now let's look at the other side. Let's talk about the

pros of buying a house that's a resale. The biggest pro, in my opinion. It's just easier.

You see the house, you pretty . much know what you are getting in terms of layout, location.

There are NOT a lot of decisions to be made. You might talk about paint color and all that

stuff, but you don't have to spend so much time, making decisions, making choices and

worrying about whether or not you are going to close, because the house is already built.

Another pro is, honestly, is usually less expensive. The house is a little bit older,

and a lot of things are already there. The appliances are there, the window treatments

are there, the landscaping is there. Let's go over a few of the cons to buying an existing

house. Number 1, basically you are stuck with the layout of the house. Ugh, paint and wall

paper. Sometimes you walk into houses and you are like, "ughh what are they thinking".

Turquoise walls or wallpaper that looks like an old dress print that's gone out 50 years

ago. But you know what, those are basic things. You can change simple things like that. It

comes down to do you have the time, the energy and there is going to be a cost involved.

You might find a home you love the layout but the kitchen is so out dated. You're going

to have to update that kitchen. That can be a big expense. Is that something you are willing

to take on? The heating, the air conditioning, the major appliances in the house, they may

be older, the may need updating, another thing you have to consider do you have the patience

and the time to do all this and there is money that is involved. Those are all things you

have to figure out and weight out those options make sense for you. So that's really it. It's

pretty quick and easy. It's basically your personal choice, what your finances look like.

Is there a specific location you want. What do you have your heart set on? Do you love

this existing home that you think with a little time and money you can make it your own. Or

do you absolutely want a new build and you're willing to pay more money for it, deal with

lengthy time to get in it and possibly take on much higher taxes. So now that we talked

about the simple differences of buying or building, if you had to go out and buy a house

today, what would you do? Would you try to find an existing home, or would you go after

that new build? Comment below and let me know your reasons why you would pick either one

of those. Thank you so much for watching this week. Again, my name is Cori. I"m a realtor

here in Monmouth County, NJ with RE/MAX Central and Monmouth County Dream Homes. Thanks so

much for watching. I'll catch ya on the next one!

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