Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 12, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Dec 3 2018

REPORTER: The US and ROK Army soldiers from the 1st

Signal Brigade team up on the field to share information and procedures for the upcoming

tactical communication exercise.

SB BG Hoe-Soo Kim: Until now, each of the South Korea and US

military has developed and operated one's own tactical communication equipment.

Today's training is to establish the framework for compatibility between both of the networks

in the event of a technical problem.

REPORTER: The objective of the training is to develop

readiness for any possible geography and interoperability challenges.

SB PFC Elizabeth Butler: My role for this exercise is to make sure

my internet and cables stay in contact, make sure my stacks are up, make sure everything

is still blinking and I have the right IP addresses, just making sure that my stuff

is up and ready for the ROK soldiers, ROK generals and ROK majors to come in and look

what we are doing.

REPORTER: Reporting from U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys,

South Korea, I am Army ____ ______.

For more infomation >> AFN Humphreys - US-ROK COMEX - Duration: 1:02.


Mattis Defies Critics, Keeps U.S. Border Troops Right Where They Are! - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Mattis Defies Critics, Keeps U.S. Border Troops Right Where They Are! - Duration: 2:40.


U.S.-China trade truce prompted by economic slowdown concerns: KITA - Duration: 2:01.

The U.S. and China agreed at the G20 not to add more tariffs on each other for the time


Analysts at the Korea Internationa Trade Association say... the reason might be that both countries

are facing an economic slowdown.

Our Ko Roon-hee explains.

Korea International Trade Association announced on Sunday... their analysis on why the world's

two biggest economies have agreed on a temporary ceasefire in their trade war.

The association says the 90-day truce was necessary because of the two countries' economic


For one,...

China's GDP growth slowed to 6-point-5 percent on year in the third quarter,... down 0-point-2

percentage points from the second quarter... and marking the weakest on-year quarterly

increase since 2009, during the global financial crisis.

KITA added that consumption and investment in China is also slowing down.

This comes after the U.S. imposed 25-percent tariffs on 50-billion U.S. dollars worth of

Chinese technology goods... including machinery, semiconductors, and autos... in July and August.

The economic situation is similarly grim for the United States.

Major news outlets reported that plunging sales in automobiles and houses were signaling

an economic slowdown.

For instance, the Washington Post reported last month that General Motors' layoffs and

plant shutdowns suggest that the U.S. economy may be starting to slow down.

KITA says the overall situation might have forced President Trump's hands to negotiate

with Xi.

A manager at KITA points out another important issue in Saturday's agreement.

An existing timeline.

"The most important part of Saturday's agreement is the 90-day timeline on the bilateral negotiations.

This means that the United States won't wait forever until the two sides reach an agreement."

Meanwhile, although Korean companies earned more time to prepare for the trade war, KITA

says the government and companies should prepare for additional tariffs possible next year.

Ko Roon-hee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S.-China trade truce prompted by economic slowdown concerns: KITA - Duration: 2:01.


Breaking: News on the situation of migrant Caravan on the U.S. - Mexico border - Duration: 19:43.

For more infomation >> Breaking: News on the situation of migrant Caravan on the U.S. - Mexico border - Duration: 19:43.


Trump says China had agreed to reduce tariffs on U.S. cars - Duration: 2:08.

U.S. President Donald Trump says China agreed to "reduce and remove" tariffs on American

cars... as a result of a trade war ceasefire.

The tone of engagement over confrontation is a welcome change for the global economy

overall... but some remain cautious, that the truce may only exist to help buy time.

Kim Ji-yeon zooms in on the issue.

Following the trade war ceasefire between Washington and Beijing announced over the

weekend, U.S. President Donald Trump hails the truce once again through his favorite

means of communication, social media.

President Trump tweeted on Sunday that China had agreed to "reduce and remove" tariffs

on U.S. cars below the current 40-percent level.

The tweet carried the same promising tone he used onboard Air Force One when he told

reporters on his way back home that it's an "incredible deal that would have a positive

impact on farming,"... referring to the trade truce he reached with his Chinese counterpart

President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Argentina.

Washington agreed to delay a tariff increase on more than 200-billion U.S. dollars' worth

of Chinese imports to 25-percent from 10-percent originally planned to go into effect on January

1st,... while China agreed to resume purchases of U.S. farm and energy commodities.

The two leaders also agreed to negotiate over "structural changes" to China's policies on

technology transfers, intellectual property and cyber theft.

However, concerns are still hovering over the notion on how the two biggest economies

will iron out their differences... including ways to narrow their trade imbalance, as they

are already presenting different renderings of their agreement.

The White House said 90 days of truce was agreed upon by Washington and Beijing to settle

such differences, adding that if no deal is reached, tariff rates will be raised to 25

percent as previously planned.

Chinese officials as well as multiple state-run media outlets have made no mention of those

specific concerns or the 90-day deadline,... raising speculation that both nations could

end up locking horns again three months from now.

Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Trump says China had agreed to reduce tariffs on U.S. cars - Duration: 2:08.


Why Does America Spend So Much on Israel? - Duration: 5:13.

Why do we spend so much money on Israel?

Over my decades of military service, as the Deputy Commander of United States European

Command and now as a security advisor, I've often heard people make this complaint.

The truth is we don't spend enough.

We should spend more.

And for purely selfish reasons.

Every dollar we spend on Israel is a dollar spent, in effect, in our own defense.

As a value proposition, it's all in America's favor.

Let me explain, but before I do let me say this:

I can easily defend why America supports Israel on moral grounds alone.

I've been there on numerous occasions.

It's a good and decent country.

Given the neighborhood it lives in, I find that both remarkable and admirable.

But I will make this argument solely on the basis of America's security.

Our partnership with Israel is unique.

Unlike most of our current treaty alliances -- say with South Korea -- our ties with Jerusalem

are not premised on American troops serving as tripwires on Israel's frontlines.

This is because Israel takes care of itself.

America, for good reason, remains wary of any further military engagement in the Middle East.

And this only strengthens the case for giving Israel the tools it needs to defend its borders.

Here are three things we can do – again, all in our own self-interest.

First, the United States should front load its financial commitment to Israel.

We have agreed to provide Israel $38 billion in defense assistance over ten years.

That's a big number, but it's also a great deal – for America.

In addition to giving Israel the financial wherewithal to purchase the weapons it needs,

it also benefits the American economy.

Under the agreement, Israel must spend these funds on U.S. products.

And it's happy to do so.

Without adding a cent to the total, the United States should "front-load" this assistance

to reflect the changing strategic situation in the Middle East, specifically the rising

danger presented by Iran and its proxies Hezbollah and Hamas.

An accelerated timetable would allow Israel to acquire critical capabilities like more

F-35 air attack squadrons, more air refueling tankers and more precision munitions.

It will need this hardware to defend itself and American interests against these persistent,

and growing, threats.

Second, the United States should enhance our alliance with Israel.

It may surprise you to know that the United States does not have a defense treaty with

this essential ally – lots of agreements, but no treaty.

We should.

Why is this important?

Because it will send a loud strategic signal to Israel's enemies that if you mess with

Israel, you mess with us.

Israel is not going to ask us for troops.

But we should be giving them anything else they need -- intelligence, weapons technology

and other vital information.

And we know this is a two-way street.

Israel gives a lot in return.

Which leads me to the third point.

The United States and Israel should build on their already close collaboration in research

and development.

Israel is one of the most high-tech economies in the world.

American investors understand this.

More venture capital is spent per capita in Israel than in any other country.

Nine out of the ten largest companies have R&D facilities there.

This is in a country of just 8 million people.

When we sell them military gear, they adapt it to their own special needs.

The American military, in turn, benefits from these innovations, especially in the area

of desert warfare.

Indeed, President Obama's Defense Secretary Ashton Carter made this point.

"There's no question that American lives have been saved by Israeli technology."

There are many cutting-edge projects we can work on together, such as directed-energy weapons.

This new form of cannon emits highly-focused energy to neutralize targets.

Such weapons will be needed to counter the spread of cheap, deadly and plentiful mortars

and drones from Iran and other bad actors.

All this explains why I find it so infuriating to see Americans, especially young Americans,

support anti-Israel groups like BDS –Boycott, Divest, Sanction – that want to weaken

and destroy Israel.

Putting aside the perverse logic of these groups -- that we should punish a free and

open democracy -- it's self-destructive.

Israel is on the front line of terror.

They, not us, are within missile range of Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas.

To the extent these enemies of freedom are held in check, they are held in check by Israel.

And, they ask from us not one US soldier -- only for military aid, which they spend on American

defense products to help defend American interests.

We should give them that aid without reservation.

Sure, it costs us treasure.

But it saves us blood.

Our blood.

It's also the right thing to do.

I'm General Chuck Wald, United States Air Force, for Prager University.

For more infomation >> Why Does America Spend So Much on Israel? - Duration: 5:13.


Arrival of President George H.W. Bush casket at U.S. Capitol - Duration: 2:09:38.

For more infomation >> Arrival of President George H.W. Bush casket at U.S. Capitol - Duration: 2:09:38.


US Authorities Arrest Notorious Honduran Murderer In Migrant Caravan - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> US Authorities Arrest Notorious Honduran Murderer In Migrant Caravan - Duration: 3:04.


Human Smuggling Attempt Ends in Fatal Crash at US-Mexico Border - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Human Smuggling Attempt Ends in Fatal Crash at US-Mexico Border - Duration: 1:16.


Nearly 200 Illegal Migrants Arrested Trying to Cross U.S. Border - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Nearly 200 Illegal Migrants Arrested Trying to Cross U.S. Border - Duration: 2:53.


United States presidential election, 1792 | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 10:20.

For more infomation >> United States presidential election, 1792 | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 10:20.


ABD Türkiye'ye vergi ödüyor - Turkey pays a tax in the US - Duration: 4:06.

Date 1796

In US history, the first and last agreement in foreign languages ​​was signed in Turkish

The 22-item agreement was signed by US President Joseph Donaldson and Algerian Beylerbeyi Hasan Pasha from Algeria.

This document is a single document in the United States that has not been English for two hundred years and has accepted to pay taxes to another country.


In 1783, the United States wanted to gain power in the seas, but Algerian seafarers seized US ships.

When the number of seized ships increased, a congress was held in America.

The USA wanted to produce ships against the Ottoman navy by spending 700 thousand gold, but could not produce and the ships continued to be caught.

Finally the parties decided to sit at the table.

The US agreed to pay 642,000 gold coins and 12,000 Ottoman gold coins per year ($ 21,600) in order to save their captives and not seize their ships.

America, who agreed to pay taxes to another country, continued to pay taxes until 1818.

For more infomation >> ABD Türkiye'ye vergi ödüyor - Turkey pays a tax in the US - Duration: 4:06.


List of United States Democratic Party presidential tickets | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> List of United States Democratic Party presidential tickets | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 7:03.


United States Senator | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 49:32.

For more infomation >> United States Senator | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 49:32.


U.S. Supreme Court | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 1:29:39.

For more infomation >> U.S. Supreme Court | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 1:29:39.


Republican Party (United States) organizations | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Republican Party (United States) organizations | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 2:59.


United States Department of the Interior | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 13:39.

For more infomation >> United States Department of the Interior | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 13:39.


Clean Air Act (United States) | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 45:23.

For more infomation >> Clean Air Act (United States) | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 45:23.


U.S.-China trade truce prompted by economic slowdown concerns: KITA - Duration: 2:03.

Washington and Beijing agreed at the G20 summit in Argentina, not to slap more duties on each

other... for now.

According to the Korea International Trade Association... the decision may have been

made because both countries are facing an economic slowdown.

Ko Roon-hee explains further.

Korea International Trade Association announced on Sunday... their analysis on why the world's

two biggest economies have agreed on a temporary ceasefire in their trade war.

The association says the 90-day truce was necessary because of the two countries' economic


For one,...

China's GDP growth slowed to 6-point-5 percent on year in the third quarter,... down 0-point-2

percentage points from the second quarter... and marking the weakest on-year quarterly

increase since 2009, during the global financial crisis.

KITA added that consumption and investment in China is also slowing down.

This comes after the U.S. imposed 25-percent tariffs on 50-billion U.S. dollars worth of

Chinese technology goods... including machinery, semiconductors, and autos... in July and August.

The economic situation is similarly grim for the United States.

Major news outlets reported that plunging sales in automobiles and houses were signaling

an economic slowdown.

For instance, the Washington Post reported last month that General Motors' layoffs and

plant shutdowns suggest that the U.S. economy may be starting to slow down.

KITA says the overall situation might have forced President Trump's hands to negotiate

with Xi.

A manager at KITA points out another important issue in Saturday's agreement.

An existing timeline.

"The most important part of Saturday's agreement is the 90-day timeline on the bilateral negotiations.

This means that the United States won't wait forever until the two sides reach an agreement."

Meanwhile, although Korean companies earned more time to prepare for the trade war, KITA

says the government and companies should prepare for additional tariffs possible next year.

Ko Roon-hee, Arirang News.

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