Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 12, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Dec 3 2018


For more infomation >> [FREE] Best Dark Hip Hop Beat Rap Instrumental 2018 #212 | Free Beats By MR. HODEN ► - Duration: 3:20.


Rachel Reinert - Dark Star (Lyrics) - Duration: 4:04.

I am a dark star

I am a dark star

'Cause I am a dark star

You can't see me from where you are

Hiding out here in the moonlight shadows

You can't see me where I am

'Cause I am a dark star

You can't see me from where you are

Hiding out here in the moonlight shadows

You can't see me where I am

You just gotta feel it

I want you to feel it

It ain't burned out, it just hasn't reached you yet

All the light that I have left

'Cause I am a dark star

You can't see me from where you are

Hiding out here in the moonlight shadows

You can't see me where I am

For all the almost-was and what-it-could-have-beens

Not for the fire, but the embers

I get afraid I'll be remembered

I was trying to live someone else's dream

Nothing's ever what it seems

Already had my chance and lost it for good

But I get afraid I'll be forgotten

Floating out here in the night sky on my own

I'm not scared of the unknown

For more infomation >> Rachel Reinert - Dark Star (Lyrics) - Duration: 4:04.


ENG SUB |《夜天子 The Dark Lord》EP24——徐海喬、宋祖兒、王紫潼、肥龍、郝帥 - Duration: 45:01.

Subtitles brought to you by Xu Haiqiao Subteam - 徐海乔字幕组 & KUKAN

Episode 24




Long time no see.

How's everything at home?


What happened to you?

Don't mention it.

Had some bad luck.

Met a petty man.

But it's OK.

Don't worry about it.

How can I not?

You got put into prison.


[Si Hai Inn]

How is it?

Sit. Sit.

You're back.

Let me tell you.

It's been a long day.

Tell us already.

Tell you what?

I don't know anyone in this capital.

I'll ask again tomorrow.

So what do we do now?

Prison break.

With swords!

With poison!

Sit down.


They are immature. You are immature, too.


We'll visit him tomorrow

and ask him if he's got a plan.



You stay here.

I don't want you to start a fight.

No one will be able to stop you.

You have a point.

With a medium important case like mine,

I only need someone from the six ministries

who holds some power

put in a good word for me.

And I'm out of here.

Do you still have some connections

in the six ministries?

Er, Xiaotian,

you see,

I have been in prison for 8 years now.

The people have changed.


I don't think I have any friends left in the Six Ministries.

And you?


I got in here one year earlier than Lord Cheng.

Besides, the Hanlin Academy I worked for

was a simple office.

How would I know anyone in the Six Ministries with power?


even if I had, so what?

Can you get out?

You can't get out.

How do you build up connections?


You are useless.

Little brother, the food here is terrible.

I brought you something else to eat. Vegetables and beef.

Xiao'an, you are leaving?

Gotta take care of something.

Just got back?


I'm Ye Xiaotian

not Ye Xiao'an.


Weren't you put in prison?

How- how did you get out?

It's not safe here. Let's go some place else.

You look great in these clothes.

In other words, there is another man in prison right now

who looks exactly like you?


That's why we have to hurry.

I can't let my brother take my place

for too long.

I need to find a way to fix this quickly.

There is a man in prison

who looks exactly like dage.

My dage has a dage

who looks exactly like him?

That means, I have two dages that look the same.


How did we meet? Speak!


Shh. Shh. Shh.

It's my dage.

Are you an idiot?

If I was fake

why would I tell you the truth?

Dage. Dage.

We've been asking around.

Guess who arrested you.

The Senior Grand Secretary,

second only to the emperor.

Figured out a solution yet?


It's here.

This is my social connection.


The Jinyiwei?

When Xia Xun was still alive,

the Jinyiwei was ruling the world.

That power and prestige.

But now,

the civil officials are in power. We Jinyiwei have to bow down to them.

We have lost our authority.


So you don't even inquire about me when I'm in jail?

Didn't inquire about you?

The warden of the Xuanzi prison is your big brother, isn't it?

Lord Cheng and lord Feng are your cellmates,

are they not?


You have spies in the prison?

We have our spies there

but sadly they must remain hidden.

I know that you

live a comfortable life in prison.

That's why I was in no hurry to contact you.

But I'm happy to see you made it out

on your own.

Lord Yu.

It was you who offered me a position and other favors

so I would join the Jinyiwei.

But I'm in trouble now.

The Jinyiwei can't just stand by doing nothing now can they?

Your case

went through the Senior Grand Secretary's hands.

You know very well that once a major figure has his hand in it,

trivial matters become serious, simple issues become complicated.

What's more, you are our spy.

You have an important mission.

If I help you publicly,

your identity will be exposed.

All right.

Then I cut all ties with the Jinyiwei.


What's the hurry?

I said that I can't help you publicly.

not that I can't help you in other ways.

My Lord.


tell Mr. Qiao to come see me.

My Lord.

Which Mr. Qiao?

Qiao Busi.

Yes, sir.

Who is this Mr. Qiao?

Why doesn't the guard know him?

Mr. Qiao's real name is Qiao Busi.

Due to his merit he was awarded a Jinyiwei position,

an official who exists in name only.

He receives salary but is never in office.

Of course, these rich sons of officials don't like to serve office hours, either.

So he rarely

comes to our military commission office.

Few people know him.

He seems more at leisure than magistrate Hua.

Why did you ask

for such a lazy guy?

If you make the most of him,

even a lazy man will be of great use.

This Qiao Busi

is the second child of the minister of war.

You mean...

If he is willing to help,

someone from above will put in a good word for you.


You can go back now.

Your identity still needs to be kept secret.

You'd better leave here soon.

Give me an address.

When Qiao Busi comes to meet me, I'll tell him to go find you.


Tell him to meet me at the Si Hai Inn.

If he can't find me,

let him look for a guy named Luo Daheng.

He is my brother.

Luo Daheng?

The man who is waiting for you outside?

You must not reveal your Jinyiwei identity to him.

Don't worry, my Lord.

I'll just tell him

that someone here owes me 300 Liang.

I came to look for him

but he wasn't here.

So we agreed on a meeting at the inn.

Very good.

So the person who owes you money

is Mr. Qiao.

You are clever, my Lord.

Xiaotian ge.


How did it go?

Were you successful?

I found my chance.


Oh right,

go back to the Si Hai Inn and wait for me there.

If a Mr. Qiao comes and asks for me, let him wait for me there.

Where are you going, dage?

I finally got my chance to be my big brother.

I'll go home and visit my father.

I'm off.

If dage visits his dad as his big brother. Will his dad recognize him?

I don't know either.

Little brother.

Could you please do me a favor?

Please let me go meet my big brother.

Please don't make things difficult for me.

This place

has its rules,


You can't just go in as you want.

Is it ok now to go inside?

All right.

Thank you.

How did it go?


That gege told me he'll take us to Ye Xiaotian.


Where did little brother go?

I hope he doesn't get into trouble.

If someone finds out that we

took each other's place,

we'll be in big trouble.

Ye Xiaotian.

Someone's here for you.

Xiaotian ge.

You have 10 minutes.

Make it quick.

Xiaotian ge.

Don't just stand there.

Come here.

What a good show.

A fantastic show.

Fantastic show indeed.

Fantastic show.

Come here.

You're here.

Ning'er jiejie managed

to get me out of Hongfenghu.

Are you all right?

I'm fine.

I missed you so much.

Did you miss me?

I... did.

Did you forget who I am

because your little lover is here?

I know you.


Did someone beat you silly?


Someone hurt you?

Who hurt you? Where were you hurt?

Are you hurt?

I'm ok. I'm ok.

I'm fine.

Enough, enough.

Let's talk business.

Where are Luo Daheng and Duo Ni?

Didn't they come here with you?

Ye Xiaotian.

What on earth happened to you here?

Did you forget who Luo Daheng and Duo Ni are?

I know them.

Daheng and Duo Ni.

Stop asking him questions.

Look how scared he is!

Are you a ghost?

Are you two stupid or did someone hit your head?

Don't you recognize me anymore?

I forgot to introduce you.

He is my big brother, my twin.

Ye Xiao'an.

Which one is Xiaotian ge?

You don't even recognize your husband anymore?

No wonder he seemed a bit daft just now.

Turns out he isn't Ye Xiaotian.


Do you want the whole prison

to know?

I let my big brother take my place for a little bit.

That way I can pose as him

and go take care of things.


If I didn't see you both here at the same time, I wouldn't have believed it.


What do I do?

I kept touching him this whole time.

Never do it again.

Xiaotian ge.

I missed you so much.

Did you miss me?


I missed you too.

Mr. Feng.

I've observed these two brothers.

Though they look the same,

personality wise they are totally different.

The little one is much more glib-tonged that the older one.

That's why

he was able to trick so many girls.

That's quite enough.

Are we all dead to you?

Why are you with Ning'er?

It's all thanks to Ning'er jiejie

that I managed to escape.

Hey brat,


Our Yingying is a real troublemaker,

you must have been very busy looking after her during your trip here.

No need to thank me.

She is my friend.

You are my pal.

That's what I'm here for.

You're great.

Time's up.

Leave. Leave.

Warden Ye.

You are back.



What's going on here?

Who let them in?


hurry up,

get them out of here.

Yes, sir.

Come. This way, please.

This way.


Are you alright?

I'm fine.

They are...

I'll tell you when we have more time.

Oh right,

I need you to stay here for me a little longer.

I promise I'll be back this evening.


Go ahead.

Oh right,

I went to visit dad as you.

You must keep it secret.

I understand.

Be careful.


The minister is discussing things with his Ministry of Rites colleagues.

He has no time to see you.

What are my dad and his colleagues talking about?

According to the minister, floods have increased greatly.

Refugees will soon arrive in the capital.

But the senior grand secretary, the emperor's right hand man, is sick.

The emperor is very anxious about this matter.

He called on his people to make donations

to help the victims.

This is my chance.

The young emperor must favor young officials.

If I can make a good impression in this matter

so the emperor will remember me,

then once I become a juren one day...


this is indeed your chance.

Let's go do some charity right away.

What bullshit charity?

Don't you need money for charity?


Where do I get the money?

Even though my dad is the Minister of Rites,

but he doesn't pay much attention

to my career.

He always says I am incompetent.

I have to do something remarkable this time and show him

that I, Guan Xiaokun, ain't useless.

Guojiuye*, thank you for taking care of this for me. * the emperor's maternal uncle

It's a simple matter,

not worth mentioning.

If my big sister, the empress, offers to help,

this matter will be no problem.


If the empress personally appears,

which official would dare not to give face to her?

Then we'll surely

raise enough relief money.

We'll make a good impression in front of the emperor.

Guojiuye, let me toast you.


Give me something to eat.

Eat a little.

I can't eat.

Eat a little.

Come. Here you are. Take it.

Take it.

- Thank you. - Go, go.

There's food.

We really don't have anything.

We really don't.

Brother Qiao.

Brother Zhang.

Where are you going?

How about you and I have a drink?

I just came back from the Jinyiwei. I've got an errand to run.

I need to go meet someone at the Si Hai Inn.

Where are you going?

I was looking for you

to discuss something.

What is it?

Brother Qiao,

the floods are frequent.

Refugees are everywhere.

The emperor is concerned.

On top of that, the senior grand secretary is sick and can't take care of political affairs,

I heard the emperor is about to take over the reins of government.

When that time comes, he will surely favor the young officials of the inner ministerial circle.

You and I are both from officials' families.

If we get into the good graces of the emperor...

Why do you think am I so troubled?

It is for this very matter.

This is an opportunity,

but it's a difficult one.

If we want our disaster relief work to stand out, we'll need money.

Where do we get the money?

Plus, because this matter is so important,

court officials are watching each other closely.

Even though my father is the minister of war,

but he can't very well help me personally.

I have to do everything myself.

I couldn't come up with anything either,

that's why I wanted to discuss this with you.

My dad is the assistant minister of works,

but he doesn't want to go to the trouble for me, either.

My future is uncertain, too.

Enough, enough.

This issue vexes me.

I'm going to the Si Hai Inn.

We'll discuss this when I'm back.


If this isn't the Guojiuye.

Please excuse my manners.

Excuse my manners.

You both come from an officials' family,

yet you walk on the streets arm in arm,

how inappropriate.

Guojiuye, you are a member of the imperial house.

We are just some nobodies,

the lazy kind.

There's no need for all that etiquette.

Get out of our way. A good dog doesn't stand in the way.

Guan Xiaokun.

Who the hell do you think you are?

You petty bootlicker.

For all your flattery, you are still just a dog hanging around the guojiuye.

No need to bother with him.

We've got refugees all over the city,

no food, no clothes.

This is really worrisome.

We had better raise money

to offer relief.

You are right.

It'd be embarrassing if I bothered with these useless kind.

Guojiuye, please, you first.

They are also raising money.

Brother Qiao.

Look at that.

He only made friends with the empress' brother,

yet he acts up like that.

If some day he appears in front of the emperor,

it will be the end of us.

Go home for now.

I will meet with you after I'm done. We'll discuss this properly.



After you escaped like that

won't your brothers look for you in Huxian?

It won't take long

until they reach the capital.

Why? Are you afraid?

I'm afraid?

I'm afraid they'll take you away from me again.

But what can I do?

I just missed you.

But I don't want my great-grandma

and my dad and the others to get angry.

I didn't think.

I just wanted to see you.

So I ran away.


Once I've dealt with Xu Boyi, I will

go to the mountains.

Then we

can be together forever.

Kiss me.


I'm busy!

Dage! There's someone here!

I'm busy!


Your savior is here!

That Daheng.

One day I'm going to have his head.

Wait for me.


Where is he?

I'm Ye Xiaotian.

You are...

I'm the one who owes you 300 Liang.


You don't even recognize your debtor?

Are the debtors in the capital

always this lousy?

Lousy poor.

Lousy poor,

that's how people like him are.

See, I'm not like that.

It's you.

Long time no see.

Seems like you lost weight.

I almost didn't recognize you.

I've got no money,

I'll pay you later.

Is there anything else?

There is.

I got myself into trouble.

Do you have a way to pass on a message to the senior grand secretary?

What did you do that even the grand secretary got involved?

It's actually not a big case.

I just broke some regulations.

It's nothing terribly serious.

But the thing is, this case was

handled by the grand secretary.

His subordinate officials

of course made a big fuss about it then.

If the senior grand secretary is involved,

this becomes quite an issue.

Is there something

even you can't accomplish?

My dad is the minister of war.

Of course I can pass the senior grand secretary a message.


if you want me to plea with the secretary,

you'd be asking me of a huge favor.


the 300 liang you owe my dage,

they're yours.

Not enough?

How much money do you want?

Are you very rich?

What do you think?

I don't need your money.

I want you to set up

porridge stalls at all nine gates of the city in my name.

Distribute food to the refugees.

Do some charity.

You don't need to do it for long,

just 10 days.

10 days are enough.

One porridge stall at each of the 9 gates.

For each stall 100 bowls per day.

Each bowl is 50 liang.

But with all the refugees here, food prices have gone up.

Each bowl would cost 80 liang.

I don't have the money.

And I do?


Who'd bring that much money on a trip?


I owe you for now.

I'll go home and fetch it.

I'll pay you back within 2 months.

No, that won't do. We've got nothing to discuss then.

If I can get it done,

will you

help me?

Forget it.

Even I can't get it done.

What can you do?

Don't be so sure about it.


You had better find a solution soon.

A solution.

A solution.

Where is the solution?

I am sure

that Xiaotian ge will find a way.

If only you had some magical skills.

I'd magic you into money, first.

You think your Xiaotian ge is some deity?


Or, I could just steal the money.


Don't cause more trouble.

You're ridiculous.

If you go steal it and get killed or something,

who will dage and I order about in the future?


I think

if I open a Daheng Grocery Store here,

start earning money,

it'd be too late now.

If you know it's too late,

why even mention it?

When push comes to shove,

I'll just talk to Mr. Qiao again.

They have many connections.

If there's connection,

then I can find a way to earn money.

It's really late, we should go to bed.


Damn it.

It's late,

I have to go back to jail.

Go to bed.

Why did he leave in such a hurry?

Where did he go?

Back to jail.

He must be back before midnight every day.

Otherwise the jail will be locked up.

If he isn't back by midnight,

dage's dage

won't be able to be with dage's sister-in-law.

If we had known this,

we shouldn't have left the mountain.

We were so carefree in the mountains.

Brother Qiao.

Brother Qiao.

Brother Qiao.

My dear brother Qiao.

Guan Xiaokun's stalls have all been set up already.

How can you still be so calm?


How can that be?

Where did he get the money?

If his father gave it to him,

the other officials wouldn't have let it slip.

His money doesn't have to be his money.

It's the alms that Mr. Li, the guojiuye, helped him collect.



Li Xuancheng is the empress' brother.

Wherever he goes,

who would dare not to donate money?

That's forced donation.

Let's go sue him.

Do you want to be scolded by the refugees?

You think the people who donated

will dare to admit they were forced to donate money?

Those two are brigands and thieves.

Brother Qiao.

We can do the same.

We are not as famous as the guojiuye.

But we have to do something.

All right.

If they do this,

then we'll do this, too.

Let's go.

[Bozhou - King's Court]

Ye Xiaotian was arrested and sent to the capital.

What do you wish to do about it, my King?

If he is killed by the imperial court,

the Church of Gu will find a new jiaozhu.

If they find a conservative old guy,

I won't be able to use him.



the few spies I have left in the Church of Gu

must not be exposed yet.

But Ye Xiaotian is difficult to control.

He is young and hot-blooded.

A lad.

It'll be easier for us to

offer him what he wants

and make him work for us.

My king, you wish to save Ye Xiaotian?

Him being sentenced by the imperial court is not a bad thing.

We can take this opportunity

to invite him to join us.

I see.

Go to the capital.

If the imperial court really wants to kill him,

save him.

When that time comes,

his only option will be

to return to the mountains.


I'll make a trip to the capital.

Since my son and Ye Xiaotian are both there,

I can say I'm there both on business

and privately.

Why aren't you playing?

My king is an expert chess player.

I acknowledge defeat.

Do I look like a beggar to them?

At most they gave me 5 liang.

That's for the ones with a conscience.

The others only gave me useless garbage.

Is my reputation really that worthless?

2nd Young Master.

There's a guest in the hall who's been waiting for you a long time.


Mr. Qiao.

You went to raise money?

Why did you only collect some worn-out clothes

and belts?

This is what the

so called noble gentlemen gave me.

They sent me away with some worn out clothes.

And they call that relief?

"Everybody is responsible, whatever you give is out of love"?

That saying is bullshit.

Brother Zhang.

What are you doing?

You look serious, my brother.

Is this painting an antique perhaps?

Perhaps the last painting of the famous Wu Daozi?

Open your damn eyes and look closely.

There's an inscription.

Seriously, Wu Daozi?


The ink isn't even dry yet.

Grand Master for Thorough Counsel.

Household Administrator and Grand Secretariat in-waiting of the Hanlin Academy?

Huang Haoran.

Who is that?

Look closely.

I went to the Hanlin academy and the Censorate office today

to raise money among the old folks.

Turns out hat

those old academicians who sit in office concerned over our country,

think giving me this garbage is enough.

All they give me is calligraphy or paintings.

What are refugees supposed to do with these?

And that Lord Huang,

he had no works at hand

and he wasn't willing to donate money.

Guess what he did.

He painted a picture right in front of me.



Brother, wait.

You like it? Keep it.

I didn't get any money.

I was humiliated on top of that.

If Lord Li and Guan Xiaokun find out about this

they'll laugh at us.

Brother Qiao,

there are bad ideas

but no bad things.

If we use them the right way,

even a block of stone

can be sold as gold.

You have a plan?

Who is he?

If I can help you raise money,

does your offer from before still stand?

It does.

If you can win me back my reputation,

I'll sort out your matter.


It's a deal.

Thank you so much for your help.

That useless Qiao Busi and Zhang Hongxuan

went to raise money like we did.

In the end

they got themselves a bunch of ragged clothes, calligraphy

and paintings.

Nothing but trash.

I told you so, didn't I?

They are a bunch of lazy dudes.

They can't compete with us.

They can't compete with us.

[Ministry of War]

Come! Have a look!

Let me see.

Qiao Busi, the son of the minister of war

will be holding a charity bazaar

to raise money and food for the flood victims.

Hold this.

Don't miss out on this

great opportunity to do charity.

Please spread the word.

My Lord.

That boy...

what is he up to, showing off like this?

He knows nothing of disaster relief. A charity bazaar even?


This Yellow River flood.

Tens of thousands of people are suffering.

Your son is helping the imperial court by raising money

among the people.

It's a good thing.

Your son wants to serve our country.

You've taught him well.

This child only knows to fool around.

What will he be able to accomplish?

My only hope for him is

to not make this into a farce and become a laughing stock to all.

That would be enough.

Why are you sneaking around?

Miss Zhan Ning'er,

you are a beauty of a chieftain family.

Why are you looking at me like that?

There's something I want to tell you.

It may be...

I've thought long and hard but you're the only one.

Yingying is still here.

She is.

She just fell asleep.

So... What are you trying to say?

You know

a lot of ladies from the noble families of this capital, don't you?

And daughters of rich families?

Did you not

socialize with them here?

Why should I contact them?

They are so frilly and fake.

Those people annoy me the most.

You are wrong.

Think again.

Every place

has its own customs and habits.

They want to make friends with you

because the customs here are different.

What are you trying to say?

I need you to do me a favor.

And only you can help me do this.

I was thinking about

letting these rich and noble daughters...

Have you heard?

The 2nd son of the minister of war

is hosting a charity bazaar.

That's something new.


Judging by the current situation, our donations...

...What is a charity bazaar?

Selling things...

I've heard about selling things, but a charity bazaar? That's a first.


What did you just say?

Qiao Busi is doing a charity bazaar?

Charity bazaar?

They really got down to it.

What are they going to sell?

They think they can make the people

pay up just in the name of charity?

We don't have anything to do right now anyway, so why not...

go see how they sell their stuff?


Since you are interested,

let's go take a look.

Let's go.

Do you know where they are holding the bazaar?

We do, we do.

Then take us there.



You first.

This is a nice-looking place, isn't it?

Pretty good.

It's quite perfect.

The rent for the day was high.

I get it.

Brother Ye,

are you confident it'll be a success?

I've posted news of it everywhere, even at the ministry of war.

Just relax.

I have it under control.

So many people?

What is this smell?

Do you smell it?

It's the smell of that wastewater.

Weird, why is someone transporting wastewater at this hour?

Because of the many refugees.

To prevent accidents,

the capital no longer allows the influx of refugees.

So the city gate opens at fixed hours.

The limited time isn't enough to move so much wastewater.

At times they work well into the afternoon.

OK. It's time.


Let's begin.


The charity bazaar is now open!

Please come in.

Lord Qian?

Lord Yan?


Keep it low.

Keep it low.

Hey, Xiaotian,

will this idea of yours work?

If we flunk this,

we'll lose our face for good.

Don't worry.

I used to

work in the ministry of war prison.

The guys I oversaw?

Officials of the 4th rank and higher.

I know them

through and through.

But you let Luo Daheng take charge of the charity bazaar.

Can he handle it?

I have a lawsuit against me, I can't show myself.

But Daheng,

he is a businessman.

If you give him a comb,

he could sell it to a monk.

Don't you think that he

is the perfect man for this?

Thank you.

Hongxuan and my future career

rely on this charity bazaar.

You can put your mind at ease.

I promise you,

with me here

I guarantee you a great future.

Gongzi, this is the place.

Bai Shan Restaurant.

Doesn't that belong to your family?

How can they allow them to use this place?

I don't know, either.

I'm not in charge of this restaurant.

I'll drive them away.


I'm sure

if they couldn't raise money through alms, they won't through a charity bazaar, either.

I understand, guojiuye.

You want to watch how they fail.

I'll arrange a first-class table for you.


Let's just sit in the hall.

Yes, yes, yes.

Let's watch them make a fool out of themselves.

♪ yòu shì yī chǎng yǔ ♪ ♪ It is raining again ♪

♪ jiù shì jiàn jiàn méi rén shuō qǐ ♪ ♪ Old stories are slowly fading into oblivion ♪

♪ shuí yuàn yì fù yī pán wú jiě de jú ♪ ♪ Who would want to replay an insoluble game of chess ♪

♪ gè zhí qí bù bù wéi yíng ♪ ♪ Move the pieces carefully every step on the way ♪

♪ wǒ bú zài dòu liú ♪ ♪ I won't be staying ♪

♪ chén nián de huí gān zhǐ shèng jiǔ ♪ ♪ The aged mellow has become wine ♪

♪ yǎng zhe tóu ràng huí yì hé lèi dào liú ♪ ♪ Head held high, let memories and tears flow backwards ♪

♪ gěng zhù hóu fēng dǔ xīn de chū kǒu ♪ ♪ Clogging the throat, sealing the heart ♪

♪ rèn huā luò xià ♪ ♪ Let the flowers fall ♪

♪ wèi gāo què piān duò rù xuán yá ♪ ♪ Fear the height, but tumbling down the edge of the cliff ♪

♪ duàn le zhī yā ♪ ♪ Broken branches ♪

♪ shí jiān cuī huà jié jiā ♪ ♪ With time the wounds start to heal ♪

♪ huā luò xià ♪ ♪ Flowers falling ♪

♪ cǎi tà guǒ rù ní shā ♪ ♪ Trod underfoot, wrapped in mud ♪

♪ bú zhēng zhá suí jì yì fǔ huà ♪ ♪ Struggle no more, wilt away with the memories ♪

♪ rèn huā luò xià ♪ ♪ Let the flowers fall ♪

♪ wèi gāo què piān duò rù xuán yá ♪ ♪ Fear the height, but tumbling down the edge of the cliff ♪

♪ duàn le zhī yā ♪ ♪ Broken branches ♪

♪ shí jiān cuī huà jié jiā ♪ ♪ With time the wounds start to heal ♪

♪ huā luò xià ♪ ♪ Flowers falling ♪

♪ cǎi tà guǒ rù ní shā ♪ ♪ Trod underfoot, wrapped in mud ♪

♪ bú zhēng zhá suí jì yì fǔ huà ♪ ♪ Struggle no more, wilt away with the memories ♪

♪ nà huāng yuán céng kāi guò shèng xià ♪ ♪ In this wilderness, there once grew summer ♪

For more infomation >> ENG SUB |《夜天子 The Dark Lord》EP24——徐海喬、宋祖兒、王紫潼、肥龍、郝帥 - Duration: 45:01.


Warhammer Fantasy Cinematic Battles: The Battle of Finuval Plain - High Elves vs Dark Elves - Duration: 14:43.

No sunlight warms the Finuval Plain.

A shadow seems to have passed over the place where the High Elves fought against the Witch

King and his dark host.

The slaughter of that day, when the Battle of Finuval Plain was fought, still resonates

across the bleak moor.

After the catastrophic events of The Sundering, the Elves were forever divided.

The Dark Elves were cast out of the island of Ulthuan as the High Elves began rebuilding

their kingdom after the ending of the bloody civil war.

At the expense of the countless lives of captured slaves, Malekith and his Dark Elves built

a home in Naggaroth and once firmly stablished, the Witch King declared it was time for the

armies of the Dark Elves to vent their full fury upon Ulthuan once more – the Age of

Vengeance had begun…

Scarcely had the Witch King declared a new assault on Ulthuan when a vast horde of northlanders

attacked out of the Chaos Wastes.

Many amongst Malekith's court counseled that he abandoned the invasion on the island

and focus instead on defending their homeland from the Chaos coming from the north…

But the Witch King had other plans.

He sent Morathi northward as emissary.

To the invading chieftains the Sorceress brought gold, slaves and pleasures too numerous to


Englamoured by Morathi's beauty, and snared by the gifts she bestowed, the warlords of

the north cast aside their ambitions to ransack Naggaroth and allied with the Witch King.

When the Dark Elves took ship to Ulthuan, they did so alongside a Chaos host nearly

as great as their own.

Black Arks beached across northern Ulthuan and black-bannered hosts swiftly besieged

and overwhelmed the defences of the Phoenix Gate and the Griffon Gate…

The Witch King drove his armies all the harder.

His generals, eager to outdo one another and so gain their lord's favour, loosed a tide

of bloodletting and destruction not seen for thousands of years.

Soon, all of Ulthuan was ablaze.

More than anything else, Malekith sought the death of the Everqueen, for he knew it would

spread unquenchable dismay among the High Elves.

Wrathful at the failure of his assassins, the Witch King loosed the Greater Daemon N'kari

to hunt the Everqueen, while he continued his campaign burning through Ulthuan.

After weeks of fighting, voices upon the Winds of Magic brought news that N´kari had been


The Witch King took it as an omen that his invasion was in jeopardy.

He was enraged… but he also was wiser and more calculating than when he last brought

war to Ulthuan.

So he dispatched a portion of his army back to Naggaroth.

So it was that, when the High Elves marshalled their remaining strength to make a last stand

at the Battle of Finuval Plain, they faced a dark host less than half the size of that

which had first invaded Ulthuan.

Still, the Dark Elves force was huge, bolstered by their fell allies.

To make matters worse, Malekith led the Dark Elves army, his pride would not allow otherwise.

At the head of the Dark Elf assault rode Urian Poisonblade – the Witch King´s champion

and deadliest warrior of Naggarond.

The two armies clashed like a tide of black engulfing a white rock.

Poisonblade cut down a score of Elven heroes as he sought out prince Tyrion, who in turn

claimed dozens of Dark Elves lives with his runeblade, Sunfang.

At the same time, Malekith channelled ungodly energies to bring down fire and ruin upon

his foes whilst wrestling with Teclis' counterspells.

For the first time, Malekith had found a foe that was his match.

On the field, Dark Elf and High Elf blood matted the grass and transformed the ground

into a crimson quagmire.

Thousands died, but neither side gave any ground.

So great was the carnage that warriors fought over the bodies of the dead.

Eventually, Tyrion and Poisonblade met on the battlefield and the two mighty warriors

began to fight.

At the end, Tyrion was victorious.

But even then, it soon became clear that even the deeds of heroes could not overcome that

dark host.

Tyrion could not be everywhere at once, and Teclis could not halt every spell.

Slowly, the weight of numbers turned against the High Elves.

Teclis saw that the battle had turned, that the High Elves would be massacred if something

desperate was not attempted.

Gathering his strength, Teclis invoked the power of Lileath, his staff glowing with brilliant

light as the goddess fed him energy.

He then unleashed a terrible curse upon the Witch King.

Realising his peril, Malekith turned all his power to deflecting the spell, but was too

slow to divert it entirely.

The bolt struck the Witch King and engulfed him with its energies.

No ordinary curse, this magical blast awakened the vengeance of Asuryan that still lingered

within Malekith's soul and had burnt within his breast for nearly five thousand years.

The hideous burning of old raged anew through Malekith's body, tearing his flesh and mind.

Tormented by the god's judgement, the Witch King hurled himself into the Realm of Chaos

where Asuryan's vengeance could not follow…

With their lord seemingly destroyed, the Dark Elves retreated, leaving their northern allies

to fare however they could against the vengeful High Elves.

The defenders of Ulthuan pursued mercilessly.

By sending his best generals back to Naggaroth, Malekith had preserved his finest warriors

from destruction, but now he was lost to the mortal world.

Having wandered long enough through the Realm of Chaos, Malekith finally clawed his way

back to the world of mortals.

A patrol of Dark Riders discovered the Witch king's broken body in the shadow of northern

watchtowers, his armour rent and torn.

Morathi nursed his son for a year.

In the ranting of waking nightmares, the Witch King spoke of bone castles and forests of


When he awoke, his raging anger was gone, replaced by a cold resolve.

Malekith's eyes burned with a new light.

For more infomation >> Warhammer Fantasy Cinematic Battles: The Battle of Finuval Plain - High Elves vs Dark Elves - Duration: 14:43.


ENG SUB |《夜天子 The Dark Lord》EP23——徐海喬、宋祖兒、王紫潼、肥龍、郝帥 - Duration: 45:01.

Subtitles brought to you by Xu Haiqiao Subteam - 徐海乔字幕组 & KUKAN

Episode 23


You went through so much trouble

to bring One Dragon under control.

But now this power and influence is just gone...

Cheap meat is still cheap meat.

You won't put it on a feast.

A bandit won't have much influence anyway,

if he's gone, he's gone.

The king is now allied with

Tongren's An family.

Huxian's assistant magistrate Xu Boyi

has become the Tian family's hanger-on.

Once he makes Hua Qingfeng a mere figurehead,

he will have control over Huxian.

Him having control over Huxian,

means that the king has control over Huxian.

What we need to do

is to help him in secret.


Ning'er jiejie.

Ning'er jiejie!

I'm here!

You are awesome.

You finally came to see me.

I'm bored to death.

Alright now.

You are being treated so well here.

It's just that you can't leave


When Xiao Lu told me what happened,

I thought that you are being bullied.

This is bullying.

They imprisoned me.

I thought you were on my side.

You heartless monster.

I made the long trip here the second I got the news.

What more do you want me to do?


I know, you are the best.

Let's go.

So what's the matter? Why did you ask me to come?


I just miss you.

You miss me?


I'll play with you for a few days then.

Actually, there is something

I need your help with.

You're laughing at me.



Don't laugh.


Show me around.

Let's go.

Have a look. It's fresh.

Duo Ni.

You have to help me this time.

What is it this time?

I just don't understand why dage had to

save that councillor Lin.

He should have just let One Dragon kill him.

Watch what you say.

Don't speak like that.

I mean,

if you don't want to go on that blind date,

you can just not go.

It is a matter of mutual consent after all,

isn't it?

If my father was that reasonable,

this wouldn't even be an issue.

Duo Ni.

You can use gu poison.


Do you have a poison

that can make people fart nonstop?

Luo Daheng.

Is your brain full of poop?


Can't you keep it clean?


You're so rude!

What are you doing?

I'll beat the hell out of you!

Stop it.


Look at this.

What is it?

You'll know when you open it.

There is nothing inside!

Don't run!

Ning'er jiejie.

Thank you for delivering the letter.

I'll wait for you to come back.


My dear.

I will do my best to play the matchmaker.

By the way,

if a hussy tries to seduce Xiaotian ge,

beat them up for me!


Xiaotian ge.

Come, sit.

My Lord.

Your house is very nice.

Yes. In one word,

it's classy.

Yes, yes.


No, I meant that his words are tasteless.

It's all thanks to my brother Daheng.

And Duo Ni.

They helped me build it.

How much must it have cost you?

It is hard for a poor man like you to understand it.

Why ask?


Alright. Let's eat. Let's eat.

Oh right, my Lord.

You asked us here to Liao Guo Di.

What does Liao Guo Di mean?

It is

our custom in the North.

It's just an excuse to celebrate.

When someone moves into a new house, they get everyone together,

create a lively atmosphere,

and eat and drink.

So today, my brothers, you must eat and drink to your heart's content.

We will. We will, dage.

Let me toast to you.

OK. Here.

No one leaves this place sober.

Let me say a few words.

You have defeated Qi Mu in the past.

You all know that.

This time, you returned to our Huxian

and solved the dispute between the Gao and Li families.

You led the water out of the mountain,

destroyed the bandits

and avenged the injustice done to people.

All of these deeds,

all of these actions,

has changed our Huxian's

social climate completely.

You are right.


That's right.

So my Lord,

I must drink a toast to you.

Old Li.

Since when are you such a sweet-talker?

He is always like this.

That's right.

When our dage was in Huaxi,

a man called Ge Long wanted to duel him.

It's a pity he fainted from just one punch of our dage.



I didn't realize that

you are a true master in disguise.

Thinking back to the time

when my Lord and I

got beaten up,

I protected him with all my might.

My Lord.

You have deceived me.

My leg got broken even.

Hey, my Lord, you are

a man of hidden talents.


It was just a little trick,

you can't call it true Kungfu.

Speaking of true Kungfu,

I have met a master.

It's a woman even.

Who is it?

A pity we don't live in the Qin dynasty,

if we did,

what do you think would historian Sima Qian have written about her?

What would he write? You try write something.

This lady of the Yelang-region,

nine-foot high she stood.

Courageous was her heart.

The Emperor heard of her bravery,

and appointed her as general.

A cauldron full of meat,

and two cows she ate

yet, she was but only half full.

A lady can eat that much? And she didn't even get full?


Who is this person you're talking about?

Dage, why do you pretend you don't know?

This lady's name is Zhan Ning'er.

I can eat that much?

A cauldron full of meat,

and two cows,

yet, I'm only half full?

I'm sorry.

This is Zhan Ning'er?

Hey, you brat,

what are you doing here?

I'm only half full.

I came here to get free food.

But we don't have any cows here.

Come, get her a pair of chopsticks.

The food is not enough, is it?

Come, Ning'er jiejie. Here.

You have a nice garden.

It's got flowers and grass.

This was an old house actually.

Daheng helped me rebuild it.

Some people are still trapped on an island,

pining over someone.

You saw Yingying?

Did she tell you to bring me a message?

You seem quite happy and carefree here.

You don't need to know.

I... Hey, Zhan jiejie.

Zhan jiejie.

Lady Zhan. Your Highness, Zhan, ok?

Tell me what Yingying said.

Ye Xiaotian!

You can't blame me.

Luo Daheng designed this.


it's my fault.

When we were repairing the house

a spring was found.

I suggested to keep it there.

I swear,

this spring has never splashed water at anyone.

Who could have known that you'd... Look.

You can't blame us.

I didn't say anything.

Why explain?

The Xia family

wants to choose another husband for Yingying.


W-what did Yingying say?

Don't you know her?

No one can force her to do something she doesn't want.

This matter

has reached even the oldest Xia-family generation.

I have met her grandfather before.

He likes me.

Not him.

The one you met

isn't the one I'm talking about.

I'm talking about her great-grandmother.

Oh my god.

Her old great-grandmother is still alive?

My god.

So what's the situation right now?

This great-grandma knows about your identity.

What identity?

That you are the jiaozhu of the Church of Gu.

That Yingying can only be with you for twenty years.

She knows all of that.

I mean,

if you could convince them

to let you travel the world for 20 years, marry and have children,

why couldn't you ask for more time?


You know very well

how those old folks are.

I put in so much effort for

every little change of rules.


I couldn't push this matter too hard.

Pushing too hard may have the opposite result.

I've come up with a plan already.

But I have to do this one step at a time.

One step at a time?

How long will it take?

Five years?

Ten years?

30 or 50 years?

Do you even know realize

how painful this is for a girl who loves you so much?

Don't be so selfish.

A girl's youth won't last forever.


am a crude man.

I have seen nothing of life.

But if a girl

doesn't stop loving me in spite of all the difficulties,

then I won't fail her, either.


You are right.

Ning'er jiejie.

Xiaotian ge's house is very big.

Won't you stay for another few days?

I don't have time.

I need to go back and deliver a letter to Yingying.

Ning'er jiejie.

Do you like Xiaotian ge, too?

What are you talking about?

He is my brother.

Ning'er jiejie, don't lie to me.

Ever since you and Xiaotian ge escaped

from the Forbidden Ground of the Thunder God,

the way you look at him has changed.


Ning'er jiejie.

Just tell me,

what did you

and Ye Xiaotian do

in that place?

What do you think?

We ran for our lives.

Good jiejie.

Bad jiejie.

Just tell me.

Sun meimei,

if you don't stop this nonsense,

I'll get angry.

I can't ask Xiaotian ge about this either.

He is our jiaozhu.

- Miss Zhan?

You don't have to know so much.

We are just brothers.

Please tell me.

Miss Ning'er.

You came to Huxian?

Go away.

Miss Ning'er.


I am the county assistant magistrate.

I told you

that I like you,

not your family background.

I became an official

without relying on your family's power.

Am I

worthy of you now?

What's wrong with you?


I really like you.


Why would you rather love

a glib-tongued jerk

than love me?

How is he better than me?


Sheriff Ye is here.

Show me your best quality products.

Look at this.

These are all the newest and best designs.

Are they?


What are you doing?

Lend me your hand.

It's a little too red, I think.

Too old fashioned.

They are all here?

Yes, yes, yes. All here.

What do you think about this one?

Little leaf*. * Ye = leaf

Little leaf.

You think it looks good?

Sheriff Ye.

This bracelet is a pair.

I'll take both.

How much is it?

Since it's sheriff Ye,


3 Liang.

3 Liang.

Thank you.


Make sure you take good care of it.

You have to give it

to Yingying personally.

Little leaf.

Isn't this a pair?


This one...

I'll help Yingying

put this on personally one day.

One day?

When is one day?

It doesn't matter.

By the way, sir,

the thing I asked you to fetch last time...

- Do you have it now? - Yes. Yes.


This is it.

Thank you.

It's the same whether you carry one or two things.

Thank you for

bringing these to Yingying.

I know what you're thinking.

I won't let you do this for nothing.


is yours.

See it as your delivery fee.

What is it?

You think it's not enough?


This is the best rouge from the capital.

It's custom-made.

It looks good.

Look at this beautiful color.

It's too bright.

How am I gonna wear it?

Give it back then.

You already gave it to me. You can't take it back.

Didn't you say the color is too bright and you can't use it?

I- I couldn't use it before. It doesn't mean I can't wear it in the future, does it?

OK. I'm off.

I need to go take these to Yingying.

Thank You.

Goodbye, sheriff Ye.

It's a long trip.

Take care of yourself.

You care about me?

Don't flatter yourself, little brat.

I only care about the things in that bag of yours.

I won't lose the gifts!

Take care of the gifts!



I got the present ready for you.

You are quick.

Come with me, I'll write a letter to my family,

then send it to my parents in the capital with your trade caravan.

Let's go.

Back to the capital?

Here comes my chance.


Convoy Li is here.

This way, Convoy Li.

Master Xu.

Convoy Li.


Yes, sir.

Convoy Li.

I need you to do me a favor.

I'm at your service.

You need only ask me

and I will do my best.


The uniform of an imperial mandate?

This may only be worn by the mother or wife of a high official.

If normal people wear this,

it will be an act of arrogation of powers.

It's good you know.

Do as I say.

What do you think?


Convoy Li.

Here are 200 Liang.

Once it is done,

I will give you another 200.

Master Xu. Rest assured.

I will

get it done.

For the emperor and his servants, the father and theirs sons,

the importance of their code of ethics is heavier than anything else.

An arrogation of powers committed on local territory

may be ignored by the imperial court.

But if it is committed in the city of the emperor...


My Lord.

What's inside this box?


This is Master Ye's present

for his family.

A petty little official dares to call himself master?

Come here.

Open it.

Yes, sir.

What is this?

Is this something a lowly official should possess?


These are just a few ordinary dresses.

It's not that serious, is it?

Not that serious?

This is a breach of regulation. Understand?

Only the mother or wife of a level 5 official may wear this.

Take this box to the Ministry of Rites!

Yes, sir.

What are you...?

Shut it!

Listen closely.

Your master is in trouble.

In deep trouble!

A breach of regulation committed by the county sheriff

from the prefecture Tongren, Guizhou province, Ye Xiaotian,

I have been working for 5 years but have never encountered

a case of arrogation of powers-

I don't know how to go about it.

Hand it to the cabinet,

let the grand secretary judge it.

Brother Zhao, who would care enough to handle a case

of arrogation of powers?

Wouldn't handing it over to the cabinet be making a fuss over nothing?

The emperor has just succeeded to the throne.

It is time for a new political climate.

This case concerns the code of ethics.

We should deal with everything we can get.

This may set a disciplinary example for the people and renovate the system.

Lord Magistrate.

Please stand.

- An urgent official letter from the capital. - Ok. Go rest.


Call assistant magistrate Xu!

Sheriff Ye.

What can I do for you?

Sheriff Ye.

You have been caught.


You should know very well

what this is about.

I'm sorry.

By the order of the ministry of penalty,

detain Ye Xiaotian at once.

Arrest him.

Yes, sir.


Xu Boyi.

What are you trying to do?


Are you going to put up resistance?

Shackle him.

Take him away.

Those two act immature. But now, you too?

- I want to save the jiaozhu. We must save him! - That's right.

Save the jiaozhu?

Do you even know what happened to dage?

If you rush there headlong,

even if dage isn't guilty of anything right now, he will be because of you.

Then what do we do now?

Whatever the case, we have to rescue dage.

Let's hide in the mountain.

No one in this worlds will be able to find us.

He has relative in the capital. How can you even think about hiding him in the mountains?

I'll go ask around for news.


You can't.

I'll go.

I'll go, too.

Common people don't get executed before autumn, even if they committed a crime,

let alone an official like dage.

They won't rush the sentence.

Even if we want to break into prison,

if anything, it'll be our plan C.

After we find out what happened,

we can fully prepare ourselves.

Sheriff Ye.

Over this past year or so,

you have been the shiniest person of Huxian.

But a person's luck

will run out sooner or later.

Just lIke yours has run out now.

Your luck has come to an end now.

Xu Boyi.

Tell me the truth.

Does my imprisonment

have anything to do with you?

Look at yourself.

It must have been you who framed me.

Now don't make baseless assumptions.

By the way,

before I assumed my office,

someone told me this:

There are only two kinds of people

in officialdom.

The ones being stepped upon

and the ones who

have to step on others because they don't want to be stepped upon.

Do you think,

after you made me pray for rain on the altar

and made me lose my face,

that I would willingly let you step on me?

That I would just give in?

Ye Xiaotian.

You are dead.

Thank you.

I will remember

what you said to me today.

So what if you remember?

Do you think you'll still get a chance?

Say no more.

I know this already.

Then why don't you rescue him?

Does the Jinyiwei fear the ministry of penalty?

Who told you it was the ministry of penalty?

The one who gave the order to arrest Ye Xiaotian

is the senior grand secretary.

The senior grand secretary?

The senior grand secretary took up this case personally.

Even our Jinyiwei's first commander Yu

doesn't dare intervene.


the civil officials have always looked down on us Jinyiwei.

Ye Xiaotian's case

relates to the arrogation of powers.

If we can't find evidence

that proves he was wrongly accused,

we can't even save him

if we made his identity as a spy


Are we just going to watch him die?

Of course not.

Only us Jinyiwei

can frame others.

Nobody can frame us.

The senior grand secretary is too powerful.

We think twice before offending him.


we can do some tampering.


Once he arrives in the capital,

he will be in our Jinyiwei's territory.

I refuse to believe that

rescuing a person in our territory

will be such a difficult feat.

What? They're taking dage to the capital this afternoon?


Xu Boyi concealed his actions throughly.

Runner Zhou had to dig really deep

to get some information on him.

We can't wait any longer.

I'm going back to the mountain to gather our troops.

You are the oldest and the most immature.

Forget your troops.

With your condition,

a round trip will take you a dozen days.

It'll only cause delay.

Besides, how many are you going to bring?

The bigger the troop,

the worse it'll be for dage.

What do you suggest we do then?

How about this?

We spilt in two.

One, Duo Ni and I will seek information publicly.


Yunfei, you and the old man protect dage in secret.

Once we arrive in the capital,

we'll decide what to do.


We'll do it your way.


I'll go get ready.

I was asking you to get me some water.


Open the box.


I finally escaped.

My little girl.

You finally escaped from Hongfenghu.

If you wait any longer,

your family will catch up.

You're right.

Take the carriage back to Zhan Fort.

Yes, ma'am.

Come on! Let's go find Xiaotian ge.

Xiaotian ge, I'm coming.

What a big house Xiaotian ge has.

Here used to be only wild mountains,

nothing else.

Your Xiaotian gege

turned them into this.


it has everything.

It only lacks a mistress.

Stop it.

Miss, who are you looking for?

Xiaotian ge.

Xiaotian ge?

Ye Xiaotian.

Tell him to come out quickly.

Tell him

his darling is here to see him.

Stop it.

Our master was arrested.

Two days ago.

Our master was arrested by that bastard Xu Boyi.

He was taken to the capital.


Everything was fine when I last came here.

What is he accused of?

Bribery or murder?

Oppression and tyranny?

Is he usually like that?


Please don't say that, Miss.

Our master is a great man.

He killed the bandits and built a water channel.

Everyone in Huxian is grateful for him.

It seems that a big figure in the capital gave the order to arrest him.

A big figure?

Ning'er jiejie. I want to go to the capital to rescue Xiaotian ge.

Are you coming with me?

Do you even have to ask?

If I don't go with you,

with your zero sense of direction

you'll probably end up in Chang'an.

Let's go.

Our master has offended an important man.

Not even the magistrate can rescue him.

How are these two ladies

going to rescue our master?


Miss Duo Ni. A right turn at the next crossroad and we're at the ministry of penalty.

Should we ask Lord Ye to change the carriage now?

Don't we need to turn right first?

What's the rush?

It's ok.

They were given orders

from above.

Don't be too hard on them.

I'm sorry Lord Ye.

I can't do anything about it, either.


Be careful, all of you.

If you hurt my dage,

I will hold you responsible.

I'll make you wish for death.

Got it?

It's ok.

Don't scare them.

Give them the antidote.

Here, this is the antidote.

One piece each.

Lord Ye. Please board the carriage.

I'm off.

Don't worry.


Let's go.

I told you to be careful!

Thank you. If it weren't for you,

dage would have suffered a lot during this trip.

Those damn lackeys.

Who do they think they are?

I only needed to use a little trick of mine...

It's little gu.

Little gu.

I only used a little gu poison on them,

and they all followed my order.


I'm back.

Lord Wang.

Lord Zhang.

You are still here?

Councillor Liu.

Do you sleep well lately?

Just so-so.

Ye Xiaotian?

How did you get arrested?

Hey, Ye Xiaotian,

this is a prison for important officials.

You are just a little out-of-date warden.

Why do you get to be in prison

with us?

Let me tell the two of you.

I have been out there for some time.

I'm now a high-ranking official, too.

I share the same treatment

as you.

I'll take this room.

We know each other.

It'll be easy for us to talk.

Open the door.


What is it?

You think you can defy me now?

It was me who taught you everything

back then, wasn't I?

Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Boss, let me remove your shackles.

But, but, how can he just come in like his?



W-W-What should we do?

I don't know. Don't ask me.


What are you waiting for?

Pour me some tea.

OK. OK. OK. The tea.

Quick, quick, quick. Quick.

What now?

It's fine.

Dage just told me.

He knows this prison well.


let's find a place to lodge first.

Then we'll think about

how to rescue him..

2nd brother.

Yunfei. Where is the old man?

- I'm here, I'm here. - Dong shu.

Did dage get into prison safely?

Listen to yourself.

Can't you speak nicely?

2nd brother. Now is not the time to be funny.

Alright. Alright.

He just loves to fool around.

So, lets find a place to lodge first.

Then we come up with a plan.

Let's go.

How about it, you guys?

Am I awesome?

Am I great?

Me, an ordinary man,

became a sheriff.

It's just a sheriff.

If you are truly that awesome,

why did you end up here by someone's

little trickery?

Just a small case,

just a small official.

I'm telling you, if you weren't working for the ministry of penalty before,

you'd never be imprisoned

in the same place as us.

Listen, you two, I have travelled the length and breadth of the country.

I learnt all my tricks

and all my skills

from you guys.

I ended up here

because your skills suck.

What? Our skills suck?

Let me tell you,

that tiny stupid case of yours?

If it were us,

we wouldn't even need to be in jail.

Frankly speaking,

you breached the regulations because of a dress.

It's not the emperor's dragon robe.

It is a small case.

Scholar Feng.

If it's us, we'd find some higher-ranking official to put in a good word for us,

and that's that.

That's all bullshit.

Even if there's someone like that,

how will you pass him this message?

These high-ranking officials

are normal people, too.

If you don't know them directly,

you can find their relatives.

My friend,

go over a few corners

and you'll have your connection with them.

That brat wasted his time living here for so many years.

Old Feng.

You do have good ideas

when push comes to shove.

I need to think about this.




I haven't seen you for so long.

Is it everything OK at home?


What happened to you?

It's not spraying fully yet?

Good girl.

Xiaotian ge, I'm coming!

♪ shàn è gè zhí cí liǎng bú xiāng qiàn ♪ ♪ Good and evil are different for everybody, call it even ♪

♪ zhēn nán yán jiǎ nán biàn lì lù gōng míng yǒu hé liàn ♪ ♪ It's hard to tell truth from lie, what's to mourn about fortune and fame ♪

♪ bú zuò hǎo hàn xiāo yáo zì dé xián ♪ ♪ Not a hero, walk unfettered you'll feel content ♪

♪ luàn shì fēn fēn rǎo rǎo zhú làng cháo ♪ ♪ In these turbulent times, chaos chasing tide after tide ♪

♪ wǒ xīn zì yǒu qí bú dǎo ♪ ♪ There's a flag in my heart that won't go down ♪

♪ wàn bān ēn ēn yuàn yuàn guò yǎn jiǎo ♪ ♪ A million gratitude and resentment pass by my eyes ♪

♪ xiào dào zuì hòu jiàn fèn xiǎo ♪ ♪ Laugh till the end when the verdict is declared ♪

♪ wú chù kě táo pǎo shí jiān zǎo yǐ jīng xiě hǎo ♪ ♪ There's no way to run, fate has long been written down ♪

♪ zài zhēng zhá zài nù hào jiě kāi zhè mìng yùn de bǎng piào ♪ ♪ Struggle on, howl and roar, undo the chains of fate ♪

♪ chóng shēng zài zào ♪ ♪ Start anew ♪

♪ luàn shì fēn fēn rǎo rǎo zhú làng cháo ♪ ♪ In these turbulent times, chaos chasing tide after tide ♪

♪ wǒ xīn zì yǒu qí bú dǎo ♪ ♪ There's a flag in my heart that won't go down ♪

♪ wàn bān ēn ēn yuàn yuàn guò yǎn jiǎo ♪ ♪ A million gratitude and resentment pass by my eyes ♪

♪ xiào dào zuì hòu jiàn fèn xiǎo ♪ ♪ Laugh till the end when the verdict is declared ♪

♪ wú chù kě táo pǎo shí jiān zǎo yǐ jīng xiě hǎo ♪ ♪ There's no way to run, time has long been written down ♪

♪ zài zhēng zhá zài nù hào jiě kāi zhè mìng yùn de bǎng piào ♪ ♪ Struggle on, howl and roar, undo the chains of fate ♪

♪ chóng shēng zài zào ♪ ♪ Start anew ♪

For more infomation >> ENG SUB |《夜天子 The Dark Lord》EP23——徐海喬、宋祖兒、王紫潼、肥龍、郝帥 - Duration: 45:01.


MIS RELACIONES - DARK NET 4 - INTERNET,DOCUMENTAL,DOCUMENTALES 2019,LA RED,inteligencia artificial - Duration: 25:35.

For more infomation >> MIS RELACIONES - DARK NET 4 - INTERNET,DOCUMENTAL,DOCUMENTALES 2019,LA RED,inteligencia artificial - Duration: 25:35.


🐻*FREE* Dark Trap Type Beat X Lezter Type Beat X Travis Scott Type "Sicko" Prod Grizzly Beatz - Duration: 4:46.

Dark Trap Type Beat X Lezter Type Beat X Travis Scott Type "Sicko" Prod Grizzly Beatz

For more infomation >> 🐻*FREE* Dark Trap Type Beat X Lezter Type Beat X Travis Scott Type "Sicko" Prod Grizzly Beatz - Duration: 4:46.





Major dark web drug dealers have begun voluntarily banning fentanyl from sales - Duration: 10:38.

 But there's one substance even online drug users are getting too concerned to dabble with — fentanyl

 Major dark web drug suppliers have begun voluntarily banning the synthetic opioid substance, saying it is too dangerous to trade, The Guardian reports

 According to the National Crime Agency in the UK, dealers on the dark web are "delisting" the drug, classifying it among items that are too high-risk to trade

 Vince O'Brien, one of the agency's leads on drugs, said it appears to have been fuelled by fears that selling a drug linked to fatalities would more likely garner police attention

 "If they've got people selling very high-risk commodities then it's going to increase the risk to them," he told the newspaper

"There are marketplaces that will not accept listings for weapons and explosives — those are the ones that will not accept listings for fentanyl

Clearly, law enforcement would prioritise the supply of weapons, explosives and fentanyl over, for example, class C drugs — and that might well be why they do this

 "There are also drug users on the dark web who say on forums that they don't think it's right that people are selling fentanyl because it is dangerous and kills a lot of people

" WHY FENTANYL IS SO DANGEROUS Fentanyl is a synthetic drug that was developed by a Belgian chemist in the 1950s

 The drug is commonly prescribed to people with cancer and chronic pain, and it's legally sold in Australia in slow-release patches that cost a few dollars each

 The drug began production as a cheap painkiller, because its synthetic nature means it's not reliant on opium poppy crops and can be mass produced

 But the main trouble with the drug is its extreme potency. It's said to be 30 to 50 times stronger than heroin, and up to 100 times more potent than morphine, and is commonly referred to as a "zombie drug"

 "(Fentanyl) has commonly been used in anaesthesia and for more than 30 years. But the dose we administer is tiny, compared to when it is used as an illicit drug," Professor David A Scott, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) president, told news last year. "Fentanyl has commonly been used in anaesthesia and for more than 30 years

But the dose we administer is tiny, compared to when it is used as an illicit drug," he said

 "Anaesthetists like it because it comes on quickly and wears off after a relatively short period of time

 "The patches can be quite high levels of the drug, but the intention when they are used in palliative care is to dispense a low, slow dose so it provides a constant background level of fentanyl

 "Certainly, the opioids that are out there now are causing more harm than any good

In some cases they're causing death — and that's completely unacceptable. "People take it for the same reason they take other opioids like heroin — it is a potent narcotic and so you have a euphoric high from using a large dose

" Prof Scott says those in the greatest danger are illicit drug takers taking fentanyl either unknowingly — when it is mixed with the less potent heroin — or in ignorance of how much more powerful it is

 "The high would not be dissimilar to heroin or morphine — they get a euphoric feeling," he said

 "You must remember some people aren't actively choosing to take it — they are buying heroin for the heroin euphoric feeling, and then are overdosing because someone at some point has cut in fentanyl as well

 "And if you get a big dose, especially one mixed illicitly where there's no quality control — it's even more deadly

 "It slows breathing. They fall unconscious. And then it stops the breathing. "We should be very afraid of fentanyl in its illicit form

Used illegally, it's very potent," he said. "The gap between getting the high they are after and having their breathing stop is just too, too narrow

The risk of death is just too high." In Australia, the black market has been thriving over the last few years

 There were just under 2000 drug-related deaths in 2016, but experts fear the epidemic is spreading

 Last April, the Australian Border Force (ABF) deployed officers to cyberspace to combat increased trade in synthetic drugs like fentanyl on the dark web, where a single patch can be resold for up to $100

 The move followed a dire warning from their American counterparts that Australia could be heading for an overdose epidemic

 "Fentanyl has caused a large number of deaths across North America over a number of years and we fear it could result in a similar toll here as a result of its potency," former Australian Border Force boss Roman Quaedvlieg told News Corp at the time

 Fentanyl has sparked a crisis across the United States and Canada in recent years

 More than 72,000 Americans died from overdoses in 2017, up from 20,000 in 2001, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The number of deaths related to synthetic opioids including fentanyl doubled in 2016 and is now 30,000

 MORE: Deadly drug epidemic sweeping US As in Australia, heroin in the US is now often mixed with fentanyl — often imported from China

It has sent the number of deaths skyrocketing. To better understand how great a problem fentanyl has become, just look at the recent deal struck by US President Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart at the G20 summit

 Earlier this year, Mr Trump accused Chinese suppliers of fuelling America's opioid crisis:  Over the weekend, China's leader Xi Jinping agreed to reclassify fentanyl as a "controlled substance" to curb the growing problem in the US

 The White House described it as a "wonderful humanitarian gesture". The new designation means people in China who sell the drug to the US "will be subject to China's maximum penalty under the law," according to a statement from the White House

How Fentanyl Affects the Brain1:37 The abuse of Fentanyl has become a major contributor to the national opiod-addiction epidemic

Here's how the synthetic drug affects the brain. Video/Image: Arielle Ray/The Wall Street JournalNovember 2nd 20162 years ago/display/newscorpaustralia

com/Web/NewsNetwork/Network News/World/

For more infomation >> Major dark web drug dealers have begun voluntarily banning fentanyl from sales - Duration: 10:38.


Hundreds still in dark days after powerful snowstorm hits region - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Hundreds still in dark days after powerful snowstorm hits region - Duration: 1:49.


FAREWELL - A Dark Experimental Horror Short Film - Duration: 5:24.


- [Man] When a woman looks deep into your eyes,

all her warmth and affection focused on you

and you alone,

you feel like the luckiest man alive.

(suspense music)

(heaving breathing)

(water running)

(water splashing)

(suspenseful music)

(door opening)

(water running)


(suspense music)

(music crescendo)

(woman screaming)

(water running)

(melancholy music)

When a woman looks deep into your eyes

with all her warmth and her affection focused on you

and you alone,

sometimes it's too hard to say farewell.

For more infomation >> FAREWELL - A Dark Experimental Horror Short Film - Duration: 5:24.


Dark Night of the Soul | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 8:20.

For more infomation >> Dark Night of the Soul | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 8:20.


Dark day for freedom Soros affiliated university quits Hungary World news - Duration: 3:02.

Dark day for freedom Soros affiliated university quits Hungary World news

Central European University is first major university to be pushed out of an EU country

Central European University is first major university to be pushed out of an EU country

Central European University has announced it will leave Budapest for Vienna next year after a protracted legal and rhetorical battle with the Hungarian government, in what is the first case of a major university being pushed out of an EU country.

The university, which teaches in English and is regarded as one of the best in the region, has been in the crosshairs of the government of Hungary's far-right prime minister, Viktor Orbán, for the past two years, in part because of its affiliation with George Soros, who founded it and is still on the board.

"This is a dark day for freedom in Hungary, and it's a dark day for academic freedom," said CEU's rector, Michael Ignatieff, a Canadian former politician, at a press conference in Budapest on Monday.

CEU had given the Hungarian government until 1 December to sign an agreement that would give it a legal basis to operate in Hungary. Despite international pressure and the intervention of the US ambassador, the government made it clear it would not sign.

Orbán's government, which won a third consecutive term in office in April elections, has presided over a crackdown on independent media and has been accused of a series of rule of law and corruption violations. Many of Orbán's foreign backers in the European People's party (EPP) had referred to CEU's closure as a red line but with European elections approaching they are unlikely to speak out.

Chasing CEU out of Hungary marked the start of a new era for Orbán, said Liviu Matei, CEU's provost. "A line has been crossed. People are being forced out of the country. This is not restriction any more, this is repression. In Hungary, the reign of repression has been started."

The Hungarian government has painted the campaign against the university as purely legalistic, saying it is unfair that CEU issues US degrees but has no US campus. In response, CEU set up a campus at Bard College in New York.

"We complied, but the government of Hungary refuses to accept the word of the state of New York, it negotiated with the state of New York for three months and then walked away," said Ignatieff.

Orbán's government has campaigned on an aggressive anti-immigration platform, building a fence along its southern border, putting a 25% tax on organisations who help refugees, and repeatedly claiming that "Christian Europe" is under threat from migration. Orbán has made Soros, a Hungarian-born American financier, one of his main political targets, accusing him of pushing for open borders. The Hungarian parliament has enacted legislation known as the Stop Soros laws.

Zoltán Kovács, Orbán's secretary of state for international communications, tweeted on Monday: "The Soros university is leaving but staying. It's common knowledge that a significant number of its courses will still be held in Budapest. This is nothing more than a Soros-style political bluff, which does not merit the attention of the government."

Ignatieff said some Hungarian-accredited courses would still be taught in Budapest, but these account for less than one-fifth of CEU's degrees. New students beginning classes at CEU in 2019 will start in Vienna. Ignatieff said CEU would not become a "university in exile" and would devote itself to full integration in Austrian academic life, describing Austria as "a country where the rule of law and respect for free institutions still means something".

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