Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 12, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Dec 3 2018

The U.S. and China agreed at the G20 not to add more tariffs on each other for the time


Analysts at the Korea Internationa Trade Association say... the reason might be that both countries

are facing an economic slowdown.

Our Ko Roon-hee explains.

Korea International Trade Association announced on Sunday... their analysis on why the world's

two biggest economies have agreed on a temporary ceasefire in their trade war.

The association says the 90-day truce was necessary because of the two countries' economic


For one,...

China's GDP growth slowed to 6-point-5 percent on year in the third quarter,... down 0-point-2

percentage points from the second quarter... and marking the weakest on-year quarterly

increase since 2009, during the global financial crisis.

KITA added that consumption and investment in China is also slowing down.

This comes after the U.S. imposed 25-percent tariffs on 50-billion U.S. dollars worth of

Chinese technology goods... including machinery, semiconductors, and autos... in July and August.

The economic situation is similarly grim for the United States.

Major news outlets reported that plunging sales in automobiles and houses were signaling

an economic slowdown.

For instance, the Washington Post reported last month that General Motors' layoffs and

plant shutdowns suggest that the U.S. economy may be starting to slow down.

KITA says the overall situation might have forced President Trump's hands to negotiate

with Xi.

A manager at KITA points out another important issue in Saturday's agreement.

An existing timeline.

"The most important part of Saturday's agreement is the 90-day timeline on the bilateral negotiations.

This means that the United States won't wait forever until the two sides reach an agreement."

Meanwhile, although Korean companies earned more time to prepare for the trade war, KITA

says the government and companies should prepare for additional tariffs possible next year.

Ko Roon-hee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S.-China trade truce prompted by economic slowdown concerns: KITA - Duration: 2:01.


Breaking: News on the situation of migrant Caravan on the U.S. - Mexico border - Duration: 19:43.

For more infomation >> Breaking: News on the situation of migrant Caravan on the U.S. - Mexico border - Duration: 19:43.


Antifa Thug Learns the Hard Way Not To Mess with the United States Marines - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Antifa Thug Learns the Hard Way Not To Mess with the United States Marines - Duration: 4:02.


A Hanukkah Message from the President of the United States - Duration: 4:28.

My fellow Americans and the people of the world this is Donald J Trump and I think

we all know what the J stands for...Jews. I want to wish everybody a Happy Hanukkah.

It is my great honor to be speaking to you on the unbelievable Jewish channel

J-TV - a great channel, amazing channel - probably one of the greatest channels in

the history of channels that I can tell you. Let us together recount the story of

this special holiday... by the way Jared taught me this ....During the time of the

Second Temple the land of Israel was conquered and ruled by the Greeks who

everyone knew were horrible people... very bad. They robbed the Jews of their

property and set up idols in their temples.. very sad... they shouldn't have done it

... and nobody could stand up against them until one special guy and his sons rose

up and drove them from their land and that guy's name was Matisyahu -

very talented and very tough, that I can tell you - and a great guy. The Chanukah

lights serve as a reminder to the world the miraculous victory of a small band

of courageous Jews defeating the massive Greek army - an unbelievable

victory... kind of like the one I had in 2016 - and I won and won very big... and

like the Jews nobody gave them a chance. The Greeks were philosophers but also

flunkies because they accepted the Torah as a book of wisdom but not as something

holy that connects us to God. They made learning the Torah illegal and outlawed

Jewish laws like Shabbat, the Sabbath, and circumcision - what a bunch of total

losers, total idiots. The Maccabees risked their lives to keep the Torah alive and

they did an unbelievable job - beautiful job.

Greater than the miracle of defeating the Greek army was the miracle of oil

- something that we should have gotten in Afghanistan and Iraq. The horrible Greeks

made all the oil in the Temple impure and amazingly the Maccabees found one

jar one that had been overlooked - but there was only enough oil for one

day - a real problem. But their love for God was so great that they lit it anyway

and God gave them another unbelievable miracle - the oil burned for eight days

can you believe that? Eight days. Everybody could see the Divine Presence

dwelt within the Jews. With tremendous joy the Jews cleansed the temple and

began to serve God once again. Nowadays we have to remember our great history and

draw on that joy. That's why we make Hanukkah parties with dreidels and

latkes because joy has the power to overcome anything negative and break any

evil decree - and we all know there's lots of evil people in the world - just look at

crooked Hillary - horrible person, total train wreck. The light of the Hanukkah

candles is holy, like the light of the menorah in the temple and like the

lights on my Trump Tower - which by the way are beautiful. We are careful not to

use it for any other purpose because our mitzvah is just to look at the

candles and listen to the story that they tell - and Jared told me the whole

thing so I know about it. The miracle of Hanukkah occurred in a very, very dark

time - like now with the fake news - when there were wicked decrees against the

Jews. But the Maccabees, like me, had the courage and never lost hope - their

self-sacrifice turned their darkness into light. Today too our self-sacrifice

will light up the world. I am President Donald Trump and you are watching J-TV

Happy Hanukkah.

For more infomation >> A Hanukkah Message from the President of the United States - Duration: 4:28.


United States presidential election, 1840 | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 16:30.

For more infomation >> United States presidential election, 1840 | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 16:30.


United States presidential nominating convention | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 33:22.

For more infomation >> United States presidential nominating convention | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 33:22.


United States presidential election, 1816 | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 9:32.

For more infomation >> United States presidential election, 1816 | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 9:32.


Constitutional Convention (United States) | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 54:19.

For more infomation >> Constitutional Convention (United States) | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 54:19.


Biographical Directory of the United States Congress | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 8:01.

For more infomation >> Biographical Directory of the United States Congress | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 8:01.


China agrees to make fentanyl a controlled substance after talks with US at G20 summit - Duration: 2:15.

China agrees to make fentanyl a controlled substance after talks with US at G20 summit

China has agreed to reclassify fentanyl as a "controlled substance," in what the White House is calling a "wonderful humanitarian gesture" after the much-anticipated talks Saturday between US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

In a statement, Chinas Foreign Ministry said China has "decided to schedule the entire category of fentanyl-type substances as controlled substances, and start the process of revising relevant laws and regulations."

China and the United States have "agreed to take active measures to strengthen cooperation on law enforcement and narcotics control," including the control of fentanyl-type substances, it said.

The new designation for the synthetic opioid drug means people in China who sell fentanyl to the US "will be subject to Chinas maximum penalty under the law," according to a statement from the White House.

Trump and Xi met Saturday for dinner on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires.

Fentanyls new designation is one result from their meeting. The US also agreed to maintain the 10% tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods, instead of raising them to 25%, the White House said.

Fentanyl, an extremely powerful drug, is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine and 30 to 50 times more potent than heroin.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 5,500 people died of synthetic opioid overdoses in 2014, most of them related to fentanyl. Thats an 80% increase over the number of deaths reported in 2013. Last year, the Drug Enforcement Administration issued a national alert stating that "drug incidents and overdoses related to fentanyl are occurring at an alarming rate." In 2013, the Drug Enforcement Administration made 942 fentanyl seizures; in 2014, it made 3,344.

In August, Trump claimed on Twitter Chinese suppliers are fueling Americas opioid crisis.

"It is outrageous that Poisonous Synthetic Heroin Fentanyl comes pouring into the U.S. Postal System from China. We can, and must, END THIS NOW! The Senate should pass the STOP ACT -- and firmly STOP this poison from killing our children and destroying our country. No more delay!" the tweet said.

Yu Haibin, a senior official with Chinas National Narcotics Control Commission, said in a press briefing at the time that Trumps comments were "unacceptable" and "irresponsible."

"The United States has no proof that most fentanyl in the country comes from China," he said. "Its highly irresponsible to draw such a conclusion based on some individual cases."

Officials in Washington believe China is the primary source of fentanyl found within US borders, following a 2017 US Congressional report citing law enforcement and drug investigators.

Trump last year declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency in the United States and brought up the issue with Xi when the two leaders met in Beijing in November 2017.

For more infomation >> China agrees to make fentanyl a controlled substance after talks with US at G20 summit - Duration: 2:15.


United States presidential election, 1856 | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 25:15.

For more infomation >> United States presidential election, 1856 | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 25:15.


United States Postmaster General | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> United States Postmaster General | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 4:37.


U.S. Supreme Court | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 1:29:39.

For more infomation >> U.S. Supreme Court | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 1:29:39.


U.S. Capitol Visitor Center - 10th Anniversary - Duration: 6:32.


>> There is no place quite like the United States Capitol and the Capitol Visitor Center.

It really is a culmination of the work of Congress and so many people

to create an environment that is secure and welcoming and accommodating for all of our visitors.

It's about serving the public in a beautiful setting where history happens every single day.

It's pretty phenomenal to walk in in the morning and see that magnificent white dome.

It is awe inspiring.


I'm really proud to work with the people that I work with.

Their talents and energy and enthusiasm inspire me every day.

I'm always impressed by the poise and the knowledge that all of our staff

demonstrate as we strive to fulfill our mission.

I'm also grateful for the support from our partners within the Congressional community,

our colleagues on Capitol Hill,

and all those who have collaborated with us from other institutions

to inform, involve, and inspire our visitors.


>> Hi, I'm Diana.

>> Wayne Kehoe.

>> Jake Galen.

>> Adriane Norman.

>> Hi, I'm Danielle.

>> Beverly Ward.

>> Craig Schneider.

>> Renee Lyons.

>> MaryBeth Wagner.

>> My name is Jacob Field.

>> Jamilah Williams.

>> Jennifer Birdshead.

>> Lauren Windham Roszak, Educational Programs Manager.

>> As the Administrative Support Assistant for POE, I serve as the point of contact for all of our staff.

>> I take care of all of the artifacts and documents that are on display in Exhibition Hall.

>> I'm a resource for Congressional Offices.

>> I am a Capitol connector.

>> People-mover.

>> I lead a team of great people in providing world-class service to our visitors.

>> I am a civic storyteller.

>> I'm a Visitor Operations Manager.

>> I get people to work for free.

>> I am a visitor experience commemorator.

>> My job is to be passionate about the power of learning at the U.S. Capitol.

>> We are teachers, we are educators, we are storytellers.

>> We make things happen.


>> The people serving the CVC are this wide variety of staff.

You have the guides, you have all of the exhibits experts, the educators,

but you also have all of the staff in the Capitol Building Jurisdiction,

the trade shops who are all supporting the building.

A lot of maintenance goes on to keep this building going and keep it in the fine shape that it's in,

so that when the visitors come in, they don't notice what's been done,

what they notice is how beautiful it looks because that's part of the experience for them.


>> Photographing in the CVC really means photographing the visitor experience,

and so I get to see firsthand the genuine enthusiasm that people have

for stepping into the Capitol Visitor Center for the first time.

That sense of awe and that sense of wonder and that sense of place,

and so, photographing the visitors in the Capitol Visitor Center in a particular place

the place is very important because that holds everything together.

It's the Capitol Visitor Center.


>> As I reflect back on the 10 years of the Capitol Visitor Center, it really goes back

to the beginning for me and the goals and objectives that the Congress

laid out for us. And then I ask myself, have we achieved those goals?

Were we successful in that endeavor?

And the resounding answer is, absolutely we did plus some.

And the Visitor Center just flat-out works.

It welcomes people and accommodates their every need at every turn and it's a great experience.

We often talk about the ripple effect, when we serve, preserve, and inspire

really, really well all of those visitors are going to go home and they're going to tell

someone else about that positive experience, so not only have we served 22 million visitors.

It's 44 or maybe even 88 million people that we've influenced by our work here.


>> Most times when people find out that I work here they say how cool that is,

"Oh my God, that must be the best, the coolest job," and I tell them it is and I say,

but this is not where I work, this is where I get to work.

I don't take this for granted at all. I look upon this as an honor to be able to represent my country

to people from all over the world.


The Capitol Visitor Center is a place where

anyone can come and learn about Congress and the legislative process and their

role in our democracy. The Capitol is not only an icon for our representative

government, but more importantly it's where it happens.

Our visitors let us know every day what an inspiring and meaningful experience

they have here. That's what defines us.

That's the Capitol Visitor Center.


For more infomation >> U.S. Capitol Visitor Center - 10th Anniversary - Duration: 6:32.


United States Department of the Interior | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 13:39.

For more infomation >> United States Department of the Interior | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 13:39.


Clean Air Act (United States) | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 45:23.

For more infomation >> Clean Air Act (United States) | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 45:23.


List of unsuccessful major party candidates for President of the United States | Wikipedia audio ... - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> List of unsuccessful major party candidates for President of the United States | Wikipedia audio ... - Duration: 5:55.


U.S.-China trade truce prompted by economic slowdown concerns: KITA - Duration: 2:03.

Washington and Beijing agreed at the G20 summit in Argentina, not to slap more duties on each

other... for now.

According to the Korea International Trade Association... the decision may have been

made because both countries are facing an economic slowdown.

Ko Roon-hee explains further.

Korea International Trade Association announced on Sunday... their analysis on why the world's

two biggest economies have agreed on a temporary ceasefire in their trade war.

The association says the 90-day truce was necessary because of the two countries' economic


For one,...

China's GDP growth slowed to 6-point-5 percent on year in the third quarter,... down 0-point-2

percentage points from the second quarter... and marking the weakest on-year quarterly

increase since 2009, during the global financial crisis.

KITA added that consumption and investment in China is also slowing down.

This comes after the U.S. imposed 25-percent tariffs on 50-billion U.S. dollars worth of

Chinese technology goods... including machinery, semiconductors, and autos... in July and August.

The economic situation is similarly grim for the United States.

Major news outlets reported that plunging sales in automobiles and houses were signaling

an economic slowdown.

For instance, the Washington Post reported last month that General Motors' layoffs and

plant shutdowns suggest that the U.S. economy may be starting to slow down.

KITA says the overall situation might have forced President Trump's hands to negotiate

with Xi.

A manager at KITA points out another important issue in Saturday's agreement.

An existing timeline.

"The most important part of Saturday's agreement is the 90-day timeline on the bilateral negotiations.

This means that the United States won't wait forever until the two sides reach an agreement."

Meanwhile, although Korean companies earned more time to prepare for the trade war, KITA

says the government and companies should prepare for additional tariffs possible next year.

Ko Roon-hee, Arirang News.

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