Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 12, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Dec 2 2018

this video I'm gonna be sharing with you more on what is called the vibrational

courage I'm gonna show you how to deal with it moving forward so that you raise

your vibration to totally new heights

welcome back to another video my name's Erin and I help people expand their

consciousness now in this video I'm gonna be sharing with you more on what

is called the vibrational purge this is a name for something of that is

happening on the planet right now and I'm going to share with you how you can

move through this so that ultimately you let go of the things that no longer

serve and then you raise your vibration so this is something that I just kind of

coined it's not necessarily like the purge like the movie the purge where

there's going to be people that come find you or I don't even know what that

was about two times with you but it's not like that basically what the

vibrational purge is is it's a collective shift in consciousness that

has been happening and will continue to happen as time goes on and you may feel

it feel it felt it you may have felt it you may be feeling it right now that

there is things that are no longer resonating with you that as time goes on

there's some people that resonate less with you there's some activities that

resonate less with you and there's new opportunities new things being brought

into your life well one of the main reasons that's happening right now is

because on the planet there is a shift in consciousness that is happening now

some people call this ascension there's different names for this but in essence

what is happening is people are waking up to more of who they are many people

are going through what is called a spiritual awakening and what is

happening is as people become more aware of who they are as each individual

person changes and starts to shed the old part of them it increases their

frequency as they increase their frequency it adds to the collective

frequency of many people experiencing this back in 2012 when I went through my

spiritual awakening it was there was a lot less people going through it there

was more of a taboo thing and even before that there are people that have

been around since a lot we know since since the 80s I mean it also a lot

before that but just people that I've spoken to you like yeah they've been

going through this for 15 thirty forty years and it's this level

of the purge that's happening now what's happening right now is we're at a

pinnacle right now where the vibrations continue to speed up and as the

vibrations continue to speed up the the more and more people are becoming aware

and things that used to serve just aren't serving any longer I know for me

there's things activities I used to do and I can't even do them if I wanted to

now because the vibration has sped up to a point to where if I did it would just

like throw a wrench in everything for example last night I went and took my

family out for food because it's was Thanksgiving and if I cook him so I

brought them out to a restaurant and ate some food and the food was much heavier

and I haven't eaten like that in a very long time and I could definitely feel

the pool on my body from that and it's because there is this higher frequency

that we start to exist in and we all have the potential to do it I'm not

special because I've youtube channel or anything I'm just saying that when you

start to do this you'll see that your body almost starts to operate at a

higher level and in the same way that your body will operate at a higher level

your emotions will operate at a higher level your awareness will operate a

higher level and old things will really throw a wrench in it so that's what

happened last night as I eat some food it wasn't it wasn't

the best food and now I'm kind of like today I'm kind of like I'm starting to

get back there but yeah that is something that we must be more calm more

aware of now what is this collective shifting consciousness that I'm talking

about well if you want more information on this there is a source her name is

Dolores Cannon she actually passed away within the last like five years and she

has 17 books out these 17 books will show you transcripts from thousands of

people that have been under what is called qhht quantum healing hypnosis

technique now this technique puts them in the deepest levels of brainwave

activity and when we're in that when they're in that activity Delores would

ask them or a practitioner would ask them questions and answers would come

out and the answers would come from the person's subconscious mind or from their

higher self so some of those questions might be why did I incarnate at this

time what is the relationship with my father

and what was the purpose of this why did this happen what are the sole contracts

that I had what am I doing when I'm asleep at night

Who am I in a higher dimensional point of view and what do I do these are all

questions that people may ask a qhht practitioner and in these books there is

transcript after transcript of people saying that one of the reasons the main

reason they're on earth right now is to go through this collective shift in

consciousness that is happening right now and it wasn't just one person that

said this it was many many many many people and all these different

transcripts that said that and what that points to and people from all over the

world that didn't talk to them didn't talk to each other like hey let's get

this qhht thing and let's kind of say this cool story thing it was many

different people some people had no idea it's not like they were even aware of

the collective shift in consciousness but it came through them and that is

something that happened over and over and over again and in general the reason

there's so many people here on the planet right now is because there is

this shift in consciousness happening and everyone wants to be here because

never before has this happened where a whole entire collective the size that we

have has shifted into a totally new realm of consciousness which is going

from the 3d duality sense 3d good bad light dark up-down we're we're in a way

feeling this game of separation to going into a more of a unified state to where

we see the connection between all people this is something that we're bringing

our physical body for with you know some people assume all essentially means

we're gonna like ascend into some to some higher form where we don't know how

to use our body our bodies coming with us if something's happening it's not

something that will happen it is something that is happening and we are

going through this shift in consciousness right now if you were to

take how you feel right now even how you look right now and you

would have like teleported yourself back to like 2005 you would be glowing

because the vibrational frequency of your body has risen even if you're still

like oh I still feel like I'm feeling out in another positive emotion in

general we have been shifting up into these higher states of vibration now if

you were to go back in time you would be glowing because of the amount of light

that we've been bringing into our bodies and it is something that will continue

to happen so knowing this it's about really seeing what can you do to

facilitate this shift in consciousness because it's happening regardless

there's some people that will kind of like popcorn some people will pop sooner

than others but it's not a game it's not a race necessarily but it's about being

aware that everyone's going through it in an individual way but also a

collective way because we're all connected to this collective

consciousness and as more and more people wake up it increases the

probability in almost the pathways for more and more people to do it it's like

paving the road and making the road more and more of a high stream desirable road

to go down and more people are looking around and they're like hey I want to go

through that it's like thank you I know something you said they bless you

yourself appreciate you and when it comes to this let's see it more in the

form of vibration and efficiency so instead of asking things like is this

good for me or is this bad for me ask is this sufficient for me because when you

ask that question you can see is this serving mirrors it's not serving me and

then what you could begin to do is you can begin to take what I call

vibrational inventory take inventory of the things in your life that make you

feel a certain way take inventory of the kind of people year-round if they're

bringing you down if they're all constantly negative be aware of that if

there are different activities you're doing that are draining your energy let

go of those activities find new things that you could be doing be honest with

what you're doing for a living are you passionate about the job that you have

by paying attention to all these things you take inventory of your vibration and

then if there's things that don't longer serve you you could start to let them go

and just trust that by letting them go you're gonna allow new things to come

into place and I will say that right now on the planet it is a time of going

after your passion now the reason I say this is because your passion you're a

feeling of passion inside of your body is your connection to your higher self

that is telling you go in this direction your passion feeling is a guiding

mechanism through life that is showing you where you can go and how you can go

and navigate and when you follow that it gets you to where you need to be and

the key is to follow that and right now you'll notice that if you're in tension

sometimes I see people like well I'm gonna go do this because it's gonna make

money but many times they do in that thing because they're not even

passionate about it at all it was like no level of passion in it they'll go do

it but they won't get great results well why is that well right now on the planet

it is about doing what you're passionate about yes you could still be aware that

there's certain things that maybe resonate with other people you might be

a little really passionate about basket weaving but it's not a lot of people

that that want that but that's also a limiting belief because there's the

internet and there's ways you could make that entertaining fun and informative

for people that are into basket weaving weaving or underwater basket weaving

which maybe is a thing but you see what I mean when you start to go for your

passion you're then connected to your heart this time on the planet right now

of this vibrational perch is about us moving from a 3d level of consciousness

which is separation which is duality into more of love consciousness which is

connected to our heart when we're connected to our heart that's when

magical things begin to happen and that's when our reality begins to change

so the vibrational purge that is happening right now is going to be a

letting go of the old and it's happening right now if you look around and you

look into society you'll see that certain government structures are

falling apart you're seeing you're able to see the game of all these different

political structures and it just kind of looks ridiculous you're able to see that

things in life just aren't working the way that they used to work 10-15 years

ago and part of the vibrational purge is us letting go of the old systems and it

will continue to happen and as it happens the key is remaining in your

power now you cannot perceive that which you are not the vibration of meaning if

you are watching this video then it means that is something that you are

ready to hear part of your purpose in life may be at some level to help people

go through this vibrational purge which is also an increase of vibration I

vibrational purge has kind of like a negative connotation but think about an

increase in vibration now part of the purging is going to be the letting go

the letting go of things that don't serve the letting go of old patterns

waves of doing things and as you do that you will start to feel in a higher state

and a higher emotion and other people will and this will happen at the

collective level just like at the individual level

individually that might look like you letting go of things that don't serve

you as far as activities are doing maybe old habits you have maybe old TV shows

that you used to watch maybe old people that you're around that bring you down

maybe that's it at an individual level at a collective level because remember

we're all connected just like we have an electromagnetic energy around our body

that our thoughts feelings and emotions and our actions have patterns within

this energy field we go out into the world and perceive reality in reality

reflect back to us whatever is in our energy field and our beliefs the same

way there's an energy field around the planet and within the planet there is

the collective thought stream of every individual that is combined into this

momentum of this energy field and as more and more people wake up we are

letting go of the negative it is being transmuted and we are raising our

vibration and what that will manifest like in life with the collective

consciousness is the government structures falling apart the old ways of

doing things just no longer serve it anymore and because of that we can then

observe it and let it go and when you're grounded because you kind of understand

what's happening you're like oh there's this vibrational purge that's happening

there is this vibrational raisin shift in consciousness happening I'm going to

choose to be grounded and trust the process that this is about letting go of

the old to build the new if you had a sandcastle that wasn't sufficient you

don't try to build on top of that sandcastle you clear the grounds and

then start to build the foundation right now in the planet we are clearing the

ground of the old outdated ways of doing things and what we're then beginning to

do is we are moving into a state of how do we prefer to be and collectively we

will do this we will decide not necessarily the old political way of

doing things where we elect someone to do all this stuff it will be more of a

level as time goes on of us unifying what we want instead of the lobbyists

and all that other stuff but I'm not really gonna get mad I'm just kind of

sharing with you that the old is gonna fall away the new will come into place

and this is the vibrational purge that is happening right now on the planet and

it is also happening individually for people so the way you navigate through a

vibrational purge is awareness simple as that awareness once you become

aware of something you cannot keep doing that thing the same way

for example this is analogy I use to not count my macros you may even hear me say

and say one of those calorie counter dick guys you know it's like seems so

ridiculous however the thing I liked about learning my macros which if you

don't know macro stands for macronutrients it's like counting your

calories so that you know how many calories you eat I wanted to become

aware of that because I wanted to lean out I wanted to lose weight maybe notice

that this now I look now is much different than I looked at my videos

like six to eight months ago what I did is my buddy Victor taught me how to

count my macros there's I mean it's pretty simple actually go online there's

this website and stuff and I hit put in my food and I track all my food and I

start tracking my portions and stuff which wasn't the funnest but I became

very aware of how much I was eating every day in correlation with how many

calories I was burning now once I became aware that there is 200 calories and two

tablespoons of peanut butter and that I'm only gonna be eating like 2,200

2,400 calories a day for me to lose for me to lose to lean out I then was

relating to peanut butter in a new way I couldn't eat I used to eat like so much

peanut butter I could eat like scoops and scoops probably like a thousand

calories and peanut butter in a over the course in a day but once I was aware of

it I could not keep doing it because that awareness was there you see so it's

kind of the same thing doesn't mean I'm labeling it as good and bad it just

means I'm aware of what is efficient and not efficient if you become aware that

someone is trying to bring you down and you keep hanging out with them then you

keep choosing to do so but the key is in the awareness you could say you know

what do I feel like I want to be brought down today maybe I will either have a

talk with this person and try to get into equal ground so that we don't have

to go through this orbital what I'll do is I'll just go somewhere else to do

something else you see awareness is where the power is

the other thing I ask you to become aware of is what are you consuming as

far as television are you watching that of reality TV news things that spikes

lower vibrational energy because if you are then that is causing more and more

resonance of those kind of states of emotion you may find that things just

kind of fall apart and it keeps this fear emotion inside of you well the

more you watched the news the more you are resonating with those kind of

activities resonating with a belief system that this is the way the reality

works and you will keep experiencing that in your life so it's about being

aware of that the other thing I'll make a separate video on this one belief

inventory what do you believe to be true if you'd like me to make that video

comment below I'll make one called belief inventory or the belief inventory

process how to take inventory of all your beliefs to let the go the ones that

don't serve to then be how you prefer to be because the truth is is our beliefs

create our reality so let me know if you let me to make that video for now though

the vibrational purge it's happening right now be aware of it this does it

this isn't a negative thing purging is a good thing you're letting go of what

doesn't serve allow yourself to shift allow yourself to embrace this shift in

consciousness which is happening right now on the planet and will continue to

happen for our lifetime this is the best time to be out live on the planet ever

because of this collective shift that is happening on the planet you chose to be

here whether you remember it or not and just ask yourself does this resonate

with you at a deep level because it's something that you can feel the ego

might not understand it right now but understand that you are an immortal

spiritual being live in a temporary human experience that higher states of

consciousness you exist and part of life is this dream this dream of remembering

who we are one of the purposes of life is for us to remember who we really are

and knowing that we are not just this physical structure of the sense

perception the five senses that we interpret our reality through

understanding we are more than the ego we go beyond that and when we understand

that we start to wake up from the dream of aleut this illusion of separation we

wake up from the dream of things are happening to me and then we wake up into

a level of awareness to where we can direct things in the energy in the

direction that we want because of our vibration and remember our vibration is

a combination of what we think how we feel and what we do if there are actions

that don't serve you purge them out if there are feelings that don't serve you

complete them and purge them out if there are thoughts that you have observe

them and don't let them have power over you also if you want a way to use and

completely transcend the emotions of the past the most powerful meditation i've

ever created is I'm feeling worthy and the completion of

the old emotions it's in the top of the scription box below listen to it for 21

days and it will change your life read the comments in that on that

YouTube video just to see what I'm talking about but 21 days listen to that

meditation you will complete the pass you will process it and let it go so

that you don't have to keep repeating it and then you will be watched over with

unconditional love and worthiness and it will help you to be in the hi live state

that you want and to purge out everything that doesn't serve you

anymore so another thing I'll be doing is more live Q&A s on Instagram so if

you'd like to interact with me there I do have that of the twice a day videos

that I post plus I do Q&A savvy Q&A last night I did a Q&A the night before so if

you want to ask me questions boom Instagram right there other than that I

hope you enjoyed this video feel free to like this video if you like to subscribe

if you haven't read e it's a little notification gear next to the subscribe

button so you can see the daily vids that I do the way you to does it now is

you have to hit that button to see the daily vids I got a lot more stuff coming

so they should hit that UC Davis and then that as always peace much love and

I will say

For more infomation >> The Vibrational Purge: What it is and How to Deal with it - Duration: 19:01.


What If Baal Was Real? - Duration: 6:34.

Hello Internet - and welcome back to the most inquisitive channel on YouTube - Life's

Biggest Questions - the place where we conjure up a bizarre world of demonic hellfire and

simulate an end of the world scenario - so you don't have to.

What's going on guys - as per usual, I'll be your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch

- as we peer into the fiery depths below, make a few pacts with all the right lesser

demons, before we finally get an audience with the big guy's secretary - and stubbornly

ask the question - What If Baal Was Real?

Roll the clip.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn't exist

- or, well, Baal in this case.

In the Semitic languages of the Levant - Phoenician, Hebrew, Aramaic and many others - the word

Baal was a title - an honorific nominor meaning owner or Lord - and by extension, master or


Baal - as a figure - has seen numerous interpretations throughout the ancient world, often being

misconstrued and borrowed in parts through varying cultures and ancient religions.

But - the version that we're concerned about, is the name uttered throughout the Ars Goetia,

the Lesser Key of Solomon - and many grimoires throughout the ancient and the occult.

Ba'al - the King of Hell.

Well - let's see what he's up to, shall we?

Before we do that though folks - you know the drill by now.

If you're a fan of demonic hordes, lords of hell - or just Life's Biggest Questions

in general - then please, be a dear and hit that thumbs up button - as well as that subscribe

bell so you can stay up to date with our latest and greatest uploads.

If you've got a burning idea for an LBQ based question that you just can't keep

to yourself - let us know in the comment section down below.

On with the show.

Now - we have to preface this question with the acceptance that if Ba'al is real - then

all of the demonic hordes crammed into the Judeo-Christian hell are also real - which

is where things start to get spicy.

So, that's that then - I guess - on my signal unleash hell.



Now as I said previously, Baal has seen many iterations throughout the ancient world - though

his first distinguished guise was as the Akkadian and Sumerian storm and fertility god Hadad,

which also appears in scripture as Ba'al Haddu.

Through hundreds of years of proto-Religious beliefs and various interpretations, Baal's

figure was morphed - cascading him from a revered harvest and fertility god that brought

rain, wind and life - to a being that eventually resided over Lucifer's kingdom of hell.

That's quite the fall from grace, right?

Almost parallels a similar story that we know, eh?

In actual fact, Baal is pretty frail as far as demons go.

In ancient religions of the Levant, he was depicted as a great, horned man - even a bull.

In demonology though, Baal is portrayed as a frail man - often appearing in the forms

of a cat - a toad - or combinations thereof.

According to some texts - he possesses the power to make people wise beyond comprehension

- he speaks hoarsely and slowly - and carries ashes in his pocket - a symbol of his demonic

dominion that he offers freely to those that would follow him.

And - well - that's where we get to the real action.

In Christian demonology - Baal is ranked as the first principal king of Hell - and he

who presides over the East.

The East of what, you may ask - well, Hell if I know.

But if we know one thing about demons in modern fiction, they're pretty keen on invading

and maintaining dominion over humanity - though it doesn't ever really factor in what direction

they're coming from.

So that's useful to know, I guess.

In the Lesser Key of Solomon - Baal is a grand Duke of Hell - who affords 66 legions of demons

under his command.

Just as a note - on the Roman military measure of equating one legion to 5000 troops - that's

330 thousand demonic warriors.

I think we're all agreed that's pretty terrifying.

If Baal is real - then he's already got the firing power to back him up.

Compared to the world's largest military - which currently is China with nearly 2.2

million active troops.

Now - 330 thousand might seem like pretty small-fry compared to the pure man-power of

China, but let's compare what 1 demonic warrior would be worth - compared to that

of 1 human soldier.

Without getting bogged down in religious texts, scriptures, and pieces of fiction - demons

are actually pretty well covered when it comes to their relative power level.

For the sake of argument, let's agree that the average demon in Baal's army has enhanced

speed and strength - telekinesis - nigh-immortality and of course, because we can't forget this

one - the power to possess a human soul.

It kind of goes without saying, but the power of taking over your enemies entire body is

pretty overpowered on the battlefield.

I wonder what the Geneva convention would have to say about that.

Ballpark figure - I'd say 1 demonic warrior would be worth 10 human soldiers on average.

That's an army with the effective power of 6.6 million human troops.

Now things are starting to look pretty level pegging when we factor in the state of Baal's

demonic legion - because as we're told time and time again, quality over quantity - right?

But - I'm not entirely sure whether it's entirely as straightforward as we're led

to believe.

You see, if Baal Was Real - his modus operandi wouldn't be to wage an all out war against

humanity just for the sake of it.

No, you see - he's smarter than that.

Because - if we accept the fact that Baal and the demonic legions of hell are real - then

we also have to accept the fact that the Judeo-Christian kingdom of heaven is real, and all the choirs

of angels that come with it.

And that's where things really get interesting - because in all likelihood, Baal wouldn't

be concerned with waging a demonic war against our planet.

Instead, he'd be looking to rear his head skyward.

And if that's the case - then we've got nothing to worry about, really.

Let them scrap it out for as long as it takes - even if it's countless aeons.

You see, Baal has been around for quite some time - Ba'al Haddu, Ba'al Zebub, Ba'al

Hammon, Belus - Belenus.

He's had many names, and he's seen many things - and if he's got a few scores to

settle, then I say it's none of our business.

Was that neutral enough?

Yeah, alright - that'll do.

Unfortunately folks, that's all we've got time for in today's video - cheers for

sticking around all the way to the end.

If you were a fan of this video, or just LBQ in general - hit that thumbs up button, ding

that subscribe bell and show us some love in the comment section down below.

Make sure to tune in tomorrow for your latest questioning spree.

As always, I've been your host Jack Finch - you've been watching Life's Biggest

Questions - and until next time, you take it easy.

For more infomation >> What If Baal Was Real? - Duration: 6:34.


What is a Wrongful Death Lawsuit? Personal Injury Attorney Illinois, fighting for what's right! - Duration: 6:44.

Very since you mentioned it

What is a wrongful death claim or case?

Well a wrongful death claim or case isn't really a specific type of case I on its own

Really what it is

It's a type of damage that results from an underlying accident or incident so you can have a wrongful death case

it results from a car accident or as we're talking about a wrongful death case that

results from poor care and a nursing home setting, you know in either one of these situations you have a an underlying

event or underlying negligence it that causes the death and there are actually two different parts to

Any type of a wrongful death claim so two parts. What are those?

Okay, so the two parts are are called the wrongful death action and the survival action

The survival action is all of the damage that were heard up until the moment

Somebody passes away so that would include things like medical expenses lost wages pain

And suffering disability disfigurement. These are the basic elements of damages and any type of personal injury case

And those are the things that happen up until the moment that somebody passed away

Because those are things that happen immediately prior to the person passing those are considered assets of their estate

How is that different from the wrongful death claim? All right, there's an actual statute that's called the wrongful death act and it allows the

Surviving Nexus kin to recover for what's called under the statute pecuniary injuries


and if this includes things that like loss of economic support the loss of the family

Relationship or marital relationship. I in their own grief

so essentially what it does is it recognizes of the people who are the sort of surviving next of kin have their own set of

Damages and these are all the damages that happened as a result of and after the person passed away

So because this recognizes the damages that resulted from the person's passing

And came after the person's passing

It's no longer considered to be part of their program estate

Okay, so you seem to be drawing this distinction between what is or is not part of the estate? Why well

when somebody dies a and

There's a will

The will will provide for the disposition of the very various assets that are part of the estate

Now if somebody dies and leaves behind four children, and some of the children are allocated different shares of the estate

This can be a source of tension if there are

significant gifts or residual gifts that are being given to people outside the family this can cause a

good deal of tension this

Distinction between what's part of the estate? What and what's not?

Potentially, it can't be a big issue in any type of a case where somebody dies as a result of an accident

You also keep using the term surviving next of kin. What does that mean?

it's actually a pretty technical term and there's a section within the probate Act which

designates who the surviving next of kin is in essence when you're married and have children your spouse in the end your

Children would be considered next of kin but your siblings and your parents might not be and only people are considered

Surviving next of kin are entitled to recover damages under the wrongful death act

I know that the surviving next of kin are the one who benefits but who is your client? So when somebody dies?

one person has to be

put in charge of the affairs of the estate if there's a will the

The will will designate somebody to be the executor of the estate and that's the person gets to make the decisions

Concerning whether a lawsuits going to be filed if the settlement offer is going to be

Accepted if there's no well

then there's a procedure that you go through in probate court where you have somebody appointed as the

Administrator of the estate and for all practical purposes those are essentially the same thing

But the administrator would be the one who gets to make the decisions about whether a lawsuit is going to be filed who?

Lawsuits going to be filed against and if one's going to be filed whether settlement offer will be accepted eventually or not

What happens once the case gets resolved what happens with the money from the settlement?


The answer is going to vary depending on whether or not the case was actually tried to a verdict or settled somewhere

Short of actually going to trial the first level I on this

you know it sort of the ideal situation is

That everybody is going to be in agreement as to how the money from the settlement will be divided up and you know

If that's the case and everyone is an adult if everybody in a you know a position where they could make their own

Decisions in terms of being legally competent to do so then it's just a matter of having the court authorize

the agreement that everyone who is reached the more complex situation is one where there you know is some degree of

Disagreement as to how the funds from the settlement will be divided up and that can get to be quite contentious

but it essentially you have to start first by allocating money between the

survival portion of the case in the wrongful death portion of the case once there's certain money that's allocated to the

survival portion of the case

There's a statute called the statute of intestate descent and distribution

Which is a fancy term for fancy term for this what happens when there's no will okay, it sort of sets worth mechanically

This is how the money gets divided up when there's no will now as to the money

That's I allocated to the wrongful death portion of the case

There are three basic

Elements to what you recover as part of a wrongful death case and that would essentially be the loss of the family

relationship loss of economic support

And your own grief. Those are the the basic ones how that money gets divided up

it eventually would be determined by a judge and essentially the judge would make a finding of what's called under the wrongful death statute of

The percentage of dependency essentially how it works. Is that if

Your percentage of dependency is let's say 20%

You would get 20% of the money that's allocated to the wrongful death portion of the statute

This can be contentious issue when people aren't in agreement as to how this money should be divided amongst them

ideally you hope that everybody you know, whose family can can reach it amicable agreements that how this

Should all be divided up. That's not always the case

It's eventually it's going to be a situation where it has to be resolved by the judge. Thanks Barry

You've been watching fighting for what's right with attorney. Barry Doyle, please visit our webpage at fighting for what's right calm

For more infomation >> What is a Wrongful Death Lawsuit? Personal Injury Attorney Illinois, fighting for what's right! - Duration: 6:44.


I'll show you what is Korean Sasimi Seafood Restaurant 회, 홍가리비, 새우튀김, 지리 맑은 탕, 산낙지 - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> I'll show you what is Korean Sasimi Seafood Restaurant 회, 홍가리비, 새우튀김, 지리 맑은 탕, 산낙지 - Duration: 0:46.


Some Liverpool fans are only just noticing what Alisson did during Mertens' Napoli miss - Duration: 5:34.

Football News24/7  Alisson Becker proved his worth for Liverpool during the defeat to Napoli on Wednesday night

 Despite the Reds delivering a disappointing performance in Italy, their new number one produced a superb display and Liverpool would have lost by a much greater margin without his saves

 The Liverpool Echo awarded him a 7/10 after the game and wrote: "Watched an Insigne shot flash past his left-hand post, and saved one-handed from Milik

Solid after the interval, no chance with the goal."  Nevertheless, his heroics were ultimately rendered insignificant when Napoli snatched themselves a winner in the dying seconds as Lorenzo Insigne slid home at the back post

 There was nothing Alisson could have done about the strike and it was a huge blow for a Liverpool side that - for all their offensive shortcomings - delivered some impressive defensive displays

Napoli 1-0 Liverpool  Alongside his goalkeeper, Joe Gomez was once again fantastic throughout the game, earning rave reviews and making a brilliant goal-line clearance in the second-half

 Liverpool players will be kicking themselves that they came so close to securing a point at Stadio San Paolo, one of the hardest stadiums to visit in Europe

 That said, Napoli had a brilliant chance to take all three points before Insigne delivered the goods and that came via the prolific Dries Mertens

Alisson's unreal save from Mertens  With the ball flashed in the penalty area. Mertens reacted superbly to produce an improvised volley that ricocheted off the cross-bar and out to safety

 It was a heart-in-mouth moment for Kopites and seemed to be a timely stroke of luck, but replays showed it wasn't just the footballing gods on their side

 Remarkably, the slow-motion footage revealed that Alisson had actually made contact with the strike, helping to divert the volley onto the bar with his fingertips

 As a result, it was an unbelievable save from the Brazilian and fans can see the moment below:  The save wasn't picked up by the commentators or pundits during BT Sports' coverage but a number of fans spotted Alisson's influence on Twitter

 It's impossible to tell whether Alisson's slight touch was the difference between Mertens scoring or not, but it shows his remarkable reflexes from such close-range

 And, had Liverpool been ever so slightly more alert late on, it could have been the margin between Liverpool taking a point or leaving emptied handed

Klopp reflects on defeat  Nevertheless, it was Klopp who footed a lot of the blame, remarking: "I have to accept that a big part of that performance was my fault for sure but I need at least one night to watch it again and see exactly what was the fault, but it was not like it should have looked

 "Then the timing for our defensive movements were not good enough, we didn't close the spaces in the right moment, we didn't react in the right situation and so they could play through our formation

 "Things like this happen but not as often as they did tonight and it costs energy

We had to fight really hard. Then when you have the ball you have to play much calmer

"Do you think Liverpool will top their Champions League group? Have your say in the comments section below

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For more infomation >> Some Liverpool fans are only just noticing what Alisson did during Mertens' Napoli miss - Duration: 5:34.


Why the A380 is a DISAPPOINTMENT - Duration: 2:34.

Hello and welcome to a new episode by Flyboys Aviation!

Today's episode is about the A380.

Although the aircraft is a technological marvel, its commercial success has been very limited


The story that came out last week about Air France cutting half of their A380 fleet was

another blow to the program.

What is the cause for all of this?

Let's find out together!

In the nineties Boeing and Airbus had different philosophies regarding the future of long

haul travel.

Boeing believed that more point-to-point flights would emerge that required smaller twinjet


That's why they started developing the 787 Dreamliner.

Airbus, on the other hand, believed that large hubs such as London Heathrow, LAX and Hong

Kong would become even more dominant.

Flights between these major slot-restricted hubs required high-capacity airliners such

as the A380.

Now, some twenty years later, it is very clear which prediction was correct.

The A380 hasn't sold half as well as Airbus had hoped.

It turns out that the A380 is nothing more than an aircraft for a niche market.

With the exception of Emirates, all airlines that have the A380 operate a limited number

of them on a limited number of routes.

Boeing's prediction of more point-to-point routes did turn out to be true.

Looking at the Chinese aviation market one can see this.

Many Chinese airlines operate the 787 and A350 on point to point routes from different

cities in China to the rest of the world.

In contrast, China Southern is the only Chinese airline that operates the A380.

And even they have a tiny fleet of only 5 aircraft.

The A380 hasn't even been sold in the Americas and Africa.

Furthermore, airlines have difficulties filling up the aircraft year-round.

This is problematic since the aircraft has excellent economics when fully loaded but

is uneconomical if not all seats are filled.

Next to that, many airports around the world are not able to handle the aircraft.

It seems that Emirates is the only airline that has found a way to profitably operate

the aircraft and it is this airline that is keeping the program afloat, albeit barely.

Thanks so much for watching!

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See you around!

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