Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 12, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Dec 1 2018

What Kind Of Travel Insurance Do I Need

good morning everybody larry porter here and i am back once again and in today's

video we're gonna talk about what the type of travel insurance that you need

so make sure you stay tuned to this video we'll be right back

alright guys welcome back welcome back and now in today's video we want to talk

about travel insurance and the type of travel insurance that you need okay so

when you're booking your vacation on line or having a travel agent to book it

for you however the case may be you want to make sure that you have all-in-one

protection okay there are there are types of travel insurance such as a

penalty waiver where they can waive certain penalties okay for example

you're not able to make your vacation due to certain family issues or certain

illnesses on your behalf and you get a refund of your money okay

now however this certain penalty waiver does not cover the loss of your vacation

due to maybe a hurricane weather conditions on the vacations we have okay

so you want to get all-in-one protection where it'd be covered on both sides

meaning you'll be covered if you counsel or if the vacation gets counselor okay

so it's very important to have the right type of travel insurance that covers all What Kind Of Travel Insurance Do I Need

of it in detail covers everything all the ins and outs and it's very

imperative that you have all in one travel protection now trying to book

this on your own you may not get that option I could be wrong but you may not

get that option trying to go through certain sites and book it yourself

however it's imperative that you go through a travel aid and to make sure

you get all in one travel protection because it sure enough the the worst can

happen the the destination that you're going to may get flooded out or

hurricane may take place or certain weather conditions however the case may

be your vacation may get cancelled okay and you want to make sure that you get

your money back okay so having just partially insurance such as a penalty

waiver it's good but however you need to hold package deal you need all-in-one

protection to make sure everything gets covered on both ends

and you get a refund of your money no matter what happens ok so I hope this

video makes sense hope you find value out this video so just like I said make

sure you have all n1 protection travel insurance ok alright so that's my time

if you like this video hey you know what to do subscribe give us a thumbs up if

you know anybody that's interested in becoming a travel agent you or anybody

please feel free to click the link below or if you need more information on a

vacation quote also click the link below alright everybody Larry Porter signing

golf and be blessed and happy traveling all right look at those links in the

description and I will see you on the next video alright be blessed and happy What Kind Of Travel Insurance Do I Need


For more infomation >> What Kind Of Travel Insurance Do I Need - The Plain Truth You Need - Duration: 3:43.


Dale Hansen: 'I think I need to sit down' after Cowboys' big upset - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Dale Hansen: 'I think I need to sit down' after Cowboys' big upset - Duration: 1:05.


What Foam Pad Do I Need? - Duration: 4:28.

thanks for checking out 3d products I'm Donald Williams we're gonna go ahead and

talk about pads today


You know there's a lot of confusion out there

It's Like, okay I got my compound I got my polish they got my wax I got my machine

now what what pad do I use it's very confusing as you can see here we have

many many different pads there's hundreds of pads on the market

everybody's trying to get their niche everybody's trying to make it something

that is specific to their products are specific to the industry we're gonna

show you how we can replace all this mess which is a few simple pads these

pads are extremely new and dedicated to their industries that they have these

pads are unique to our products and actually will help benefit a lot of the

products that are out there you don't have to just use our product but we

recommend you do if you've noticed in some of the previous editions we've had

our spider pads there's a reason behind it and the quick reason is is it keeps

product down keeps the heat down it does the job that you're looking for and

allowing to remove abrasions and remove scratch marks and swirl marks and spider

marks a lot faster than the regular pads that are out there and not to mention

it's not just a spider pattern but we spend a lot of time looking and shopping

foam we have foam pads in two different types we have them in a spider pad and

we also have them without the spider now there's a reason for this they both have

the holes in it they're both made that they can be done with a dual action

polisher and a high-speed the difference is is we went with a spider for the 6.5

inch pad because at is 6.5 inches on all the machines we've tested it doesn't

leave behind the marring that the size smaller 5.5 inch does for whatever

reason because of the way the movement of the machines it allows for marring so

anytime you're using a smaller backing plate which is for your 5 inch pad we

recommend you use this non spider cutting pad and for anything larger the

spider pad works great and allows for more cutting and a better finish now the

HD dark purple foam does keep its body a lot firmer so that you can

cut a lot better instead of some of these traditional pads that really tend

to soften up a whole lot which also does create more heat we're gonna show you

here my favorite pad which happens to be the

range on this pad is so phenomenal that goes from heavy cutting down to

polishing I think that this will be your guaranteed go-to pad when you're I have

any types of questions or any types of wondering that what type of paint that

I'm correcting what type of paint that I'm fixing as opposed to you know shoot

this is this gonna polish for me is it gonna cut for me if I had to buy one pad

which would it be we're very confident this will be the pad that you'll want to

use right off the get-go now this pad holds in all the product

really well it gets very soft as it works which allows for more surface area

especially on curved and contoured areas the semi-open cell design allows the

product it's staying within its location and its radius so doesn't just spread

out all over the place it keeps the sling and the product under the pad

instead of all over the vehicle and it also because of its special unique foam

allows it to again the range is phenomenal from basically heavy cutting

all the way down to polishing and we want to make sure that we get that

top-notch finish that's what we've done designed this HD black spider foam pads

extremely soft but because of the spider design we'll be able to get product to

fill in there and the abrasive will be able to even accelerate and accentuate

that extra polishing performance without creating hologram we're excited for you

to come and try out all of these different pads the HD high-definition

cutting pad the cutting polishing pad the finishing pad and our AAT spider pad

who invites you to challenge yourself and go ahead and give it a shot against

what you have because we're very confident that once you try these

there's no reason for you to have all of those other pads til next time

Donald Williams we appreciate you checking us out and go ahead and follow

us on Instagram Facebook Twitter that way you can keep up to date with all 3ds

latest and innovative car care products

For more infomation >> What Foam Pad Do I Need? - Duration: 4:28.


「Nightcore」→ I Need Your Love Remix, New Break Fly Mix, By Mrr Thea Ft Mrr Chav Chav & Mrr Dii [TCD] - Duration: 3:40.

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