Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 12, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Dec 1 2018

Now,... onto the South Korean leader's trip to the G20 Summit in Argentina.

President Moon Jae-in and U.S. President Donald Trump held talks Friday on the sidelines of

the summit.

North Korea dominated most of their discussion.

Shin Se-min has this story.

The leaders of South Korea and the United States in tune on North Korea.

Presidents Moon Jae-in and Donald Trump sat down on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in

Argentina on Friday for a frank discussion with just their translators in attendance.

They vowed to align their policies to ensure the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula

remains on track.

"President Trump, while affirming his commitment to hold a second North Korea-U.S. summit early

next year,... asked that South Korea and the U.S. maintain close cooperation so the summit

will be another historic milestone in the process of denuclearizing North Korea."

President Moon's chief press secretary explained that President Trump reaffirmed his pledge

to hold a second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un,... and noted that Kim's

planned reciprocal visit to Seoul may create new momentum in efforts to denuclearize Pyeongyang

and establish peace in the region.

Although the two did not go into details on when Kim might travel to the South,... it's

viewed that Kim's visit would help the ongoing push for peace.

The Blue House official said the question now is on whether the North Korean leader

sticks to his pledge.

On North Korea sanctions,...

Presidents Moon and Trump agreed that keeping the regime under already imposed sanctions

is necessary until the Korean Peninsula is completely denuclearized.

While the two allies share the goal of complete denuclearization,... their approach on how

to achieve it isn't in lockstep.

Seoul has been pushing to improve ties with Pyeongyang through economic engagement,...

while Washington has been pursuing a dual policy of pressure and dialogue which has

caused friction between the North and the U.S.

"The meeting between Presidents Moon and Trump was a chance to reopen the possibility of

Kim Jong-un visiting Seoul by the years' end-- in the hope that it could give the stalled

denuclearization process another push.

Shin Se-min, Arirang News, Buenos Aires."

For more infomation >> Moon, Trump agree next N. Korea-U.S. summit will create momentum for denuclearization - Duration: 2:18.


Migrant Mother: Soros Funded Group Forced Me To Storm US Border - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Migrant Mother: Soros Funded Group Forced Me To Storm US Border - Duration: 3:51.


The US Has Created Major Humanitarian Crises By Ignoring Climate Change - Duration: 4:29.

If you think the issue of maybe a few thousand or even a few hundred migrants at our southern

border is a major problem, then I've got some really bad news for you.

That migrant caravan that came up from Guatemala and Honduras and trekked thousands of miles

up to our border, a large part of the reason those people had to flee their current countries

was because of climate change.

A new report published in common dreams and you can find a link to it in the description

of this video talks about the fact that because of climate change, refugees from other countries

and a couple million actually from the Central America region are being displaced because

of things like droughts, crop failures, storms and other climate related ills.

And here's the kicker.

While we're all freaking out about the caravan, or at least the Republicans are the United

States for many years, for decades was the biggest polluter on the planet and we knew

climate change existed.

We just had politicians that refuse to believe that or refuse to do anything about it.

So we let the problem get worse.

We let the situation, the circumstances in these other countries closer to the equator,

we let it get this way and then when we suddenly have to deal with the repercussions of that,

we shut down our borders, we turn it off, we deny them asylum for fleeing the conditions

which we, the United States helped to create, not just through climate change, but from

our destabilization efforts in south and Central America.

You know the sanctions we put on these countries.

We're the reason things suck so bad down there and it's not just south and Central America.

It's happening in Africa.

It's happening in Asia.

Pretty soon it's going to be happening in Europe all over the world.

This problem of climate refugees is going to get worse between the years 2008 and 2015.

There were 22 and a half million climate refugees throughout the world.

Twenty two and a half million people displaced because of climate change.

Between '08 and 2015, uh, last year alone we had four and a half million people displaced

in the Americas.

Four and a half million in the Americas.

62,000 people a day on average across the planet are being displaced because of climate

change, and again, we spent years as the United States as the top polluter on the planet.

We knew we needed to change, we knew we needed to do something.

Hell, we know that today, but we're not yet.

We've got a climate change denying president.

We've got a coal running the EPA and we've got Republicans in charge of the Senate who

still tell us that the existence of snow disproves global warming.

Well disprove the people at the border disproved the four and a half million people in the

Americas who were displaced last year because of climate change.

Show me that those aren't real because I guarantee you you're not gonna find a climate denier

among that bunch.

They understand what's happening because they live it here in the United States, a little

bit north of the equator further north and those folks were.

We haven't necessarily seen the horrid consequences of climate change just yet.

Oh, we've seen some bad things.

We've seen a lot of it storms and fires and floods and droughts and crop failures, but

nowhere near to the extremes that the people closer to the border are experiencing, but

it won't be long before those problems make their way to our borders, make their way to

our fields and our farms and our forests.

The effects of climate change.

They are happening in the United States, but we're about to start experiencing some of

the worst effects of it, the same effects that we've been ignoring around the planet

for years and now that these people are trying to flee those areas go to a place that's actually


We're shutting down our borders, locking out asylum seekers and saying, sorry, I know we

created these massive humanitarian problems.

We just don't care enough to do anything about it.

For more infomation >> The US Has Created Major Humanitarian Crises By Ignoring Climate Change - Duration: 4:29.


Why Does the U.S. Have Birthright Citizenship? | United States v. Wong Kim Ark - Duration: 5:22.

Mr. Beat presents

Supreme Court Briefs

1868, or 1871...or perhaps 1873

Wong Kim Ark is born.

His parents are Wong Si Ping and Wee Lee, both immigrants from China and not United States citizens.

According to the Naturalization Law of 1802, the two could never become citizens because they weren't "white."

Whatever the heck that means.

Due to the Chinese Exclusion Act discriminating against them, the Wongs moved back to China, when Kim Ark was 9.

But a few years later, Kim Ark came right back to California because he wanted to make much more money.

This was not a problem for Kim Ark because, since he was born in San Francisco, he was automatically an American citizen thanks to the Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment.

In 1890, Wong went to China to visit his parents, and he came back home to the United States with no problem.

However, four years later when he went back to China to visit them, he was denied re-entry upon his return.

He was like "dude, I live here." They were like, "nope, not anymore. You're not a citizen."

During the five months when Wong fought for re-entry into the country, U.S. Customs kept him confined on different ships just off the coast of San Francisco.

Fortunately for Wong, he got support from an organization called the Chinese Six Companies to help him fight for his citizenship.

He went to federal district court.

So let's break out that 14th Amendment, shall we?

So there's the Citizenship Clause of it, and what they focused on the most was different interpretations of this phrase here: "subject to the jurisdiction thereof."

Does that cover when a child is born in the U.S. to parents who both are not citizens?

Wong's lawyers argued yes.

The United States had been waiting to test out the Citizenship Clause for awhile, and here was their chance.

Henry Foote, a former Confederate soldier, represented the United States, calling Wong a "accidental citizen," not the term you usually hear today, which is "anchor baby."

On January 3, 1896, the district judge sided with Wong, declaring him a citizen since he was born in the USA.

The U.S. government appealed the decision directly to the Supreme Court because...well...they could, and the Court heard oral arguments on March 5, 1897.

Soooo, COULD the government deny citizenship to people born in the United States in any circumstance?

The Court said "no."

In a 6-2 decision, they ruled in favor of Wong, declaring that any child born in the country to parents of a foreign country is automatically a citizen.

UNLESS...the parents are foreign diplomats, or the person is born on a public ship, or the parents are nationals of a foreign enemy country that is trying to take over the United States.

But yeah, you're born here? You a citizen, buddy!

The Court relied on English common law tradition just as much as they relied on the 14th Amendment for this one.

Leading the dissent was Chief Justice Melville Fuller, joined by justice John Harlan.

They both argued that the history of American citizenship broke with the tradition of English common law after it declared independence in 1776.

In particular, they wondered about the part of the citizenship clause that said "subject to the jurisdiction thereof."

Wouldn't that also mean not subject to any foreign power?

They argued Wong was still under the control of China due to his parents being under their control.

Of all Supreme Court decisions in history, United States v. Wong Kim Ark is the strongest at protecting that Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment, no matter what the situation is with their parents.

Over the years, millions of Americans have owed their citizenship to this case.

So how did the story end for Wong Kim Ark?

Well, back when Wong was fighting for citizenship in the courts, he had started a family back in China.

He had a wife and kids back there.

After the Supreme Court decision, Wong still went back and forth, and for the rest of his life, Wong never got to fully enjoy the benefits of citizenship.

Every time he went home to China and came back he got hounded by Customs, always having to show extra documentation like the signatures of white Americans vouching for him.

Wong's oldest son tried to move to the United States and they wouldn't let him.

However, his youngest three sons were able to move to the United States as citizens, although it was far from easy.

One of those sons later served in World War II.

But Kim Ark? He eventually stopped trying to be an American.

In the 1930s, at the age of 62, he went to China and decided to never come back.

I'll see you for the next Supreme Court case, jury!

President Trump would definitely disagree with this case, but what do YOU think about the Court's decision in this one?

Please let me know in the comments below.

Well the next Supreme Court Briefs episode will feature the most important Supreme Court decision in American history.

Just trying to build up the hype here, let's get that hype train going, eh?

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Why Does the U.S. Have Birthright Citizenship? | United States v. Wong Kim Ark - Duration: 5:22.




Ever since Donald Trump declared himself a candidate for President, the Deep State has

been gunning for him.

Rogue agents in the CIA and FBI set in motion a conspiracy to destroy Trump.

These shadowy forces thought they had the upper hand, but James Mattis just shut down

the CIA's sick plan to hijack Trump's Presidency.

The Deep State figured they had Trump cornered.

Trump made his alliance with Saudi Arabia the cornerstone of his Middle East policy.

The administration courted the Saudis – and the kingdom's heir apparent, Crown Prince

Mohammed bin Salman – to help bring about a peace deal with Israel and to contain Iran.

That did not sit well with Barack Obama's Deep State.

Obama wanted to make his alliance with the anti-American Iranian government the focal

point of Middle East politics.

He appeased Iran with his disastrous nuclear agreement that allowed them to acquire a nuclear


Trump tore up Obama's Iran deal and Saudi Arabia supported the President's policy.

So sinister forces within the U.S. government retreated to their dark corners of power and

plotted their revenge.

They seized their moment when Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi walked into the Saudi consulate

in Turkey under the impression he was to pick up papers for his impending marriage.

He was killed by 17 Saudi agents.

Khashoggi had been a critic of the Crown Prince and also a one-time member of the Muslim Brotherhood

terrorist organization.

He was also a contributor to the Washington Post.

The Obama Deep State echo chamber sprang into action.

Anonymous leaks filled the papers with accounts of Saudi agents hacking Khashoggi to pieces

with a bone saw.

Deep State agents filled American papers with leaks about how the CIA's assessment of

the situation was that the Crown Prince ordered Khashoggi's killing.

This led to calls for the government to sanction the Crown Prince.

Former Obama CIA Director John Brennan led the public charge.

Brennan was one of the architects of using the fake news Christopher Steele Russia dossier

to frame Trump for colluding with the Russians.

He pounced on this opportunity to undermine Trump's foreign policy.

Brennan tweeted:






But that would be disastrous.

Trump pointed out in an interview with the Washington Post that punishing the Crown Prince

could push Saudi Arabia into the arms of China and Russia.

"We have an ally that's investing billions and billions of dollars in our country.

They could very easily invest $110 billion, $450 billion overall over a period of time,

fairly short period of time.

$110 billion in military.

Russia and China would love to have those orders, and they'll get them if we don't.

They'll have no choice, but they'll get them if we don't.

So I take everything into consideration, and again, he totally denies it, and he denied

it to me on three different occasions, on three different calls, and a lot of other

people deny it, too.

Did he do it?

As I said, maybe he did and maybe he didn't, but in the meantime Saudi Arabia's spending

billions and billions of dollars in the United States, and I want them to spend it here.

I don't want them to spend it in China and Russia," Trump told the Post.

Trump explained in "realpolitik" terms why the Saudi alliance was in America's


Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo then executed the second

prong of Trump's plan to get his foreign policy back on track.

And they shut down the Deep State's leak campaign by telling the truth.

Both reviewed all the intelligence, and both cabinet officials told reporters there was

no smoking gun linking the Crown Prince to Khasoggi's murder.

Mattis told reporters at the Pentagon that Trump's national security team found "no

smoking gun that the crown prince was involved — not the intelligence community or anyone


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo backed up Mattis' statements.

"I do believe I've read every piece of intelligence — unless it's come in the

last few hours, I think I've read it all," the Secretary of State explained.

"There is no direct reporting connecting the crown prince to the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

And that's all I can say in an unclassified setting."

It was obvious what was going on.

The pro-Obama forces in the Deep State wanted revenge for Trump tearing up the Iran nuclear

deal and ending Obama's policy of appeasement.

So they used a coordinated leak campaign to try and kneecap Trump's closest ally in

the region.

But their plot failed.

The Trump administration remained committed to their pro-Israel and anti-Iran Middle East


We will keep you up to date on any new developments in this

ongoing story.



George H.W. Bush, 41st president of the United States, dies at 94 - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> George H.W. Bush, 41st president of the United States, dies at 94 - Duration: 3:23.


Former U.S. president George H.W. Bush has died at age of 94 - Duration: 0:42.

America's 41st President, George H.W. Bush, died at the age of 94 on Friday at his Houston

home, his family announced in a statement.

The cause of his death was not immediately announced, but the former president has been

ill and was often hospitalized during the last several years.

The World War II veteran helped bring an end to the Cold War... and led the U.S. into the

first Gulf War against Iraq.

His son, George W. Bush, the 43rd U.S. President said his father was the best dad a son or

daughter could ask for.

President Trump also expressed his sorrow and respect via a statement.

For more infomation >> Former U.S. president George H.W. Bush has died at age of 94 - Duration: 0:42.


USMCA a win for US, Canada and Mexico? - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> USMCA a win for US, Canada and Mexico? - Duration: 3:20.


Moon, Trump agree next N. Korea-U.S. summit will create momentum for denuclearization - Duration: 2:16.

Let's start at the G20 Summit in Argentina.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in and U.S. President Donald Trump have held talks on

the sidelines of the summit.

North Korea dominated most of their discussion.

Shin Se-min has our top story.

The leaders of South Korea and the United States in tune on North Korea.

Presidents Moon Jae-in and Donald Trump sat down on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in

Argentina on Friday for a frank discussion with just their translators in attendance.

They vowed to align their policies to ensure the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula

remains on track.

"President Trump, while affirming his commitment to hold a second North Korea-U.S. summit early

next year,... asked that South Korea and the U.S. maintain close cooperation so the summit

will be another historic milestone in the process of denuclearizing North Korea."

President Moon's chief press secretary explained that President Trump reaffirmed his pledge

to hold a second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un,... and noted that Kim's

planned reciprocal visit to Seoul may create new momentum in efforts to denuclearize Pyeongyang

and establish peace in the region.

Although the two did not go into details on when Kim might travel to the South,... it's

viewed that Kim's visit would help the ongoing push for peace.

The Blue House official said the question now is on whether the North Korean leader

sticks to his pledge.

On North Korea sanctions,...

Presidents Moon and Trump agreed that keeping the regime under already imposed sanctions

is necessary until the Korean Peninsula is completely denuclearized.

While the two allies share the goal of complete denuclearization,... their approach on how

to achieve it isn't in lockstep.

Seoul has been pushing to improve ties with Pyeongyang through economic engagement,...

while Washington has been pursuing a dual policy of pressure and dialogue which has

caused friction between the North and the U.S.

"The meeting between Presidents Moon and Trump was a chance to reopen the possibility of

Kim Jong-un visiting Seoul by the years' end-- in the hope that it could give the stalled

denuclearization process another push.

Shin Se-min, Arirang News, Buenos Aires."

For more infomation >> Moon, Trump agree next N. Korea-U.S. summit will create momentum for denuclearization - Duration: 2:16.


United States presidential election, 1976 | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 26:20.

For more infomation >> United States presidential election, 1976 | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 26:20.


Presidents of the United States on U.S. postage stamps | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 1:57:26.

For more infomation >> Presidents of the United States on U.S. postage stamps | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 1:57:26.


Life expectancy in U.S. drops - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Life expectancy in U.S. drops - Duration: 1:31.


usa today : George H.W. Bush: 41st President Of The United States Dies At Age 94 - Duration: 3:30.

America lost one of its last living presidents on Nov. 30. George H.W. Bush sadly passed away at age 94,  just seven months after losing his beloved wife, Barbara Bush

 George H.W. Bush, the 41st President of the United States, has died  at the age of 94 on Nov

30s urrounded by loved ones. His health had been failing in his old age, and he ultimately passed away from  His death comes shortly after his beloved wife of 73 years, Barbara Bush, passed away at the age of 92

His longtime spokesman revealed that he passed away at 10:10pm CST but did not give a cause of death in the brief statement

 President Bush was admitted to the hospital on April 22 — just one day after burying his beloved wife of 73 years

Bush, according to the family spokesperson, was taken to the intensive care unit at a local Houston hospital after a severe infection spread to his blood, causing sepsis

Though he said he seemed to be improving and on the road to recovery, he sadly took a turn for the worse and ultimately passed away

   Despite his age, Bush was known for being spry and resilient. He even went skydiving in his 80s! He suffered a severe neck injury in July 2015, but managed to heal just fine

In 2017, his health sadly declined, landing him in the hospital on January 14, 2017, after suffering shortness of breath which was later diagnosed as pneumonia

He was hospitalized again on April 18, 2017, when he came down with another "mild case" of the illness

 His contributions to the United States didn't just come from his time as president from 1989 to 1993

 A Republican, Bush also served as vice president to Ronald Reagan, was a congressman, a Director of Central Intelligence, and an ambassador

Before his time in the White House, Bush was a member of the US Navy, fighting in World War II from 1943 to 1945

He loved his country and served it well. Statement by the Office of George H. W

Bush on the passing of the 41st President of the United States of America this evening at 10:10pm CT at the age of 94  — Jim McGrath (@jgm41) December 1, 2018    Bush also remained concerned about his party's well-being, which was much appreciated by Republican politicians and civilians alike

When he made an appearance at the February 25, 2016 GOP debate, he received two standing ovations for his contributions to the party

 The former president is survived by children George W. Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Marvin Bush, and Dorothy Bush, as well as 14 grandchildren and great-grandchildren

Our thoughts are with his loved ones as they mourn.

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