Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 12, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Dec 1 2018

SAD NEWS: George H.W. Bush, 41st President of the US HAS BECOME LEGENDARY at 94

George Herbert Walker Bush, America's 41st president, has died at the age 94. The Second World War hero passed away at 10. 10pm CT on Friday at his home in Houston, Texas, his office confirmed in a statement.

The statement did not specify the cause of death, but Bush had a form of Parkinson's disease and had been hospitalized several times for pneumonia and other infections in recent years.

Days before his death, Bush was reportedly being treated for low blood pressure.

Bush Snr, who presided over the final days of the Cold War and the breakup of the Soviet Union, died less than eight months after his beloved wife of 70 years, Barbara, passed away. His eldest son George W.

Bush, the 43rd president, paid tribute to his father and the head of their political dynasty on behalf of his siblings, saying: 'Jeb, Neil, Marvin, Doro and I are saddened to announce that after 94 remarkable years, our dear Dad has died.'.

Bush was a man of the highest character and the best dad a son or daughter could ask for.

The entire Bush family is deeply grateful for 41's life and love, for the compassion of those who have cared for and prayed for Dad, and for the condolences of our friends and fellow citizens,' the younger Bush added.

Brent Scowcroft, the national security adviser during Bush's presidency, said: 'The world has lost a great leader; this country has lost one of its best; and I have lost one of my dearest friends.

'Through his essential authenticity, disarming wit, and unwavering commitment to faith, family, and country President Bush inspired generations of his fellow Americans to public service - to be, in his words, 'a thousand points of light' illuminating the greatness, hope, and opportunity of America to the world,' the statement said.

'His example lives on, and will continue to stir future Americans to pursue a greater cause. Other former presidents also weighed in with condolences on Bush's death.

Bill Clinton, who defeated Bush in the 1992 election, said in a statement: 'I will be forever grateful for the friendship we formed.

From the moment I met him as a young governor invited to his home in Kennebunkport, I was struck by the kindness he showed to Chelsea, by his innate and genuine decency, and by his devotion to Barbara, his children, and their growing brood.'.

'Few Americans have been—or will ever be—able to match President Bush's record of service to the United States and the joy he took every day from it; from his military service in World War II, to his work in Congress, the United Nations, China, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Vice Presidency and the Presidency, where he worked to move the post Cold War world toward greater unity, peace, and freedom,' Clinton added.

Barack Obama said in a statement: 'America has lost a patriot and humble servant in George Herbert Walker Bush.

'While our hearts are heavy today, they are also filled with gratitude. Our thoughts are with the entire Bush family tonight – and all who were inspired by George and Barbara's example,' he added.

The son of a senator and father of a president, Bush was the man with the golden resume who rose through the political ranks: from congressman to U.N.

ambassador, Republican Party chairman to envoy to China, CIA director to two-term vice president under the hugely popular Ronald Reagan.

The 1991 Gulf War stoked his popularity. But Bush would acknowledge that he had trouble articulating 'the vision thing,' and he was haunted by his decision to break a stern, solemn vow he made to voters: 'Read my lips.

He lost his bid for re-election to Bill Clinton in a campaign in which businessman H. Ross Perot took almost 19 percent of the vote as an independent candidate.

Still, he lived to see his son, George W., twice elected to the presidency - only the second father-and-son chief executives, following John Adams and John Quincy Adams.

After his 1992 defeat, Bush complained that media-created 'myths' gave voters a mistaken impression that he did not identify with the lives of ordinary Americans. He decided he lost because he 'just wasn't a good enough communicator.'.

Once out of office, Bush was content to remain on the sidelines, except for an occasional speech or paid appearance and visits abroad.

He backed Clinton on the North American Free Trade Agreement, which had its genesis during his own presidency. He visited the Middle East, where he was revered for his defense of Kuwait.

And he returned to China, where he was welcomed as 'an old friend' from his days as the U.S.

He later teamed with Clinton to raise tens of millions of dollars for victims of a 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean and Hurricane Katrina, which swamped New Orleans and the Gulf Coast in 2005.

During their wide-ranging travels, the political odd couple grew close. 'Who would have thought that I would be working with Bill Clinton, of all people?' Bush quipped in October 2005.

In his post-presidency, Bush's popularity rebounded with the growth of his reputation as a fundamentally decent and well-meaning leader who, although he was not a stirring orator or a dreamy visionary, was a steadfast humanitarian.

Elected officials and celebrities of both parties publicly expressed their fondness. After Iraq invaded Kuwait in August 1990, Bush quickly began building an international military coalition that included other Arab states. After liberating Kuwait, he rejected suggestions that the U.S.

carry the offensive to Baghdad, choosing to end the hostilities a mere 100 hours after the start of the ground war.

'That wasn't our objective,' he told The Associated Press in 2011 from his office just a few blocks from his Houston home.

'The good thing about it is there was so much less loss of human life than had been predicted and indeed than we might have feared.'.

But the decisive military defeat did not lead to the regime's downfall, as many in the administration had hoped. 'I miscalculated,' acknowledged Bush. His legacy was dogged for years by doubts about the decision not to remove Saddam Hussein.

The Iraqi leader was eventually ousted in 2003, in the war led by Bush's son that was followed by a long, bloody insurgency.

Bush entered the White House in 1989 with a reputation as a man of indecision and indeterminate views. One newsmagazine suggested he was a 'wimp.'.

But his work-hard, play-hard approach to the presidency won broad public approval. He held more news conferences in most months than Reagan did in most years.

The Iraq crisis of 1990-91 brought out all the skills Bush had honed in a quarter-century of politics and public service.

After winning United Nations support and a green light from a reluctant Congress, Bush unleashed a punishing air war against Iraq and a five-day ground juggernaut that sent Iraqi forces reeling in disarray back to Baghdad.

He basked in the biggest outpouring of patriotism and pride in America's military since World War II, and his approval ratings soared to nearly 90 percent.

The other battles he fought as president, including a war on drugs and a crusade to make American children the best educated in the world, were not so decisively won.

He rode into office pledging to make the United States a 'kinder, gentler' nation and calling on Americans to volunteer their time for good causes - an effort he said would create 'a thousand points of light.

It was Bush's violation of a different pledge, the no-new-taxes promise, that helped sink his bid for a second term.

He abandoned the idea in his second year, cutting a deficit-reduction deal that angered many congressional Republicans and contributed to GOP losses in the 1990 midterm elections.

An avid outdoorsman who took Theodore Roosevelt as a model, Bush sought to safeguard the environment and signed the first improvements to the Clean Air Act in more than a decade.

It was activism with a Republican cast, allowing polluters to buy others' clean-air credits and giving industry flexibility on how to meet tougher goals on smog.

He also signed the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act to ban workplace discrimination against people with disabilities and require improved access to public places and transportation.

Bush failed to rein in the deficit, which had tripled to $3 trillion under Reagan and galloped ahead by as much as $300 billion a year under Bush, who put his finger on it in his inauguration speech: 'We have more will than wallet.

Seven years of economic growth ended in mid-1990, just as the Gulf crisis began to unfold. Bush insisted the recession would be 'short and shallow,' and lawmakers did not even try to pass a jobs bill or other relief measures.

Bush's true interests lay elsewhere, outside the realm of nettlesome domestic politics. 'I love coping with the problems in foreign affairs,' he told a child who asked what he liked best about being president.

He operated at times like a one-man State Department, on the phone at dawn with his peers - Mikhail Gorbachev of the Soviet Union, Francois Mitterrand of France, Germany's Helmut Kohl.

Communism began to crumble on his watch, with the Berlin Wall coming down, the Warsaw Pact disintegrating and the Soviet satellites falling out of orbit.

He seized leadership of the NATO alliance with a bold and ultimately successful proposal for deep troop and tank cuts in Europe. Huge crowds cheered him on a triumphal tour through Poland and Hungary.

Bush's invasion of Panama in December 1989 was a military precursor of the Gulf War: a quick operation with a resoundingly superior American force.

But in Panama, the troops seized dictator Manuel Noriega and brought him back to the United States in chains to stand trial on drug-trafficking charges.

Months after the Gulf War, Washington became engrossed in a different sort of confrontation over one of Bush's nominees to the Supreme Court.

Clarence Thomas, a little-known federal appeals court judge, was accused of sexual harassment by a former colleague named Anita Hill. His confirmation hearings exploded into a national spectacle, sparking an intense debate over race, gender and the modern workplace.

Thomas was eventually confirmed. In the closing days of the 1992 campaign, Bush fought the impression that he was distant and disconnected, and he seemed to struggle against the younger, more empathetic Clinton.

During a campaign visit to a grocers' convention, Bush reportedly expressed amazement when shown an electronic checkout scanner. Critics seized on the moment, saying it indicated that the president had become disconnected from voters.

Later at a town-hall style debate, he paused to look at his wristwatch - a seemingly innocent glance that became freighted with deeper meaning because it seemed to reinforce the idea of a bored, impatient incumbent.

In the same debate, Bush became confused by a woman's question about whether the deficit had affected him personally. Clinton, with apparent ease, left his seat, walked to the edge of the stage to address the woman and offered a sympathetic answer.

Bush said the pain of losing in 1992 was eased by the warm reception he received after leaving office.

'I lost in '92 because people still thought the economy was in the tank, that I was out of touch and I didn't understand that,' he said in an AP interview shortly before the dedication of his presidential library in 1997.

'The economy wasn't in the tank, and I wasn't out of touch, but I lost. I couldn't get through this hue and cry for 'change, change, change' and 'The economy is horrible, still in recession.'.

George Herbert Walker Bush was born June 12, 1924, in Milton, Massachusetts, into the New England elite, a world of prep schools, mansions and servants seemingly untouched by the Great Depression.

His father, Prescott Bush, the son of an Ohio steel magnate, made his fortune as an investment banker and later served 10 years as a senator from Connecticut.

Bush enlisted in the Navy on his 18th birthday in 1942, right out of prep school. He returned home to marry his 19-year-old sweetheart, Barbara Pierce, daughter of the publisher of McCall's magazine, in January 1945.

They were the longest-married presidential couple in U.S. history. She died on April 17, 2018.

Lean and athletic at 6-foot-2, Bush became a war hero while still a teenager. One of the youngest pilots in the Navy, he flew 58 missions off the carrier USS San Jacinto.

He had to ditch one plane in the Pacific and was shot down on Sept. 2, 1944, while completing a bombing run against a Japanese radio tower. An American submarine rescued Bush. His two crewmates perished.

He received the Distinguished Flying Cross for bravery. After the war, Bush took just 2½ years to graduate from Yale, then headed west in 1948 to the oil fields of West Texas. Bush and partners helped found Zapata Petroleum Corp.

For more infomation >> SAD NEWS: George H.W. Bush, 41st President of the US HAS BECOME LEGENDARY at 94 - Duration: 19:27.


Tariff tensions shadow US, Canada, Mexico trade pact signing - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Tariff tensions shadow US, Canada, Mexico trade pact signing - Duration: 2:06.


December PV Promo (US only) - Duration: 1:54.

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For more infomation >> December PV Promo (US only) - Duration: 1:54.


Moon, Trump agree next N. Korea-U.S. summit will create momentum for denuclearization - Duration: 2:18.

Now,... onto the South Korean leader's trip to the G20 Summit in Argentina.

President Moon Jae-in and U.S. President Donald Trump held talks Friday on the sidelines of

the summit.

North Korea dominated most of their discussion.

Shin Se-min has this story.

The leaders of South Korea and the United States in tune on North Korea.

Presidents Moon Jae-in and Donald Trump sat down on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in

Argentina on Friday for a frank discussion with just their translators in attendance.

They vowed to align their policies to ensure the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula

remains on track.

"President Trump, while affirming his commitment to hold a second North Korea-U.S. summit early

next year,... asked that South Korea and the U.S. maintain close cooperation so the summit

will be another historic milestone in the process of denuclearizing North Korea."

President Moon's chief press secretary explained that President Trump reaffirmed his pledge

to hold a second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un,... and noted that Kim's

planned reciprocal visit to Seoul may create new momentum in efforts to denuclearize Pyeongyang

and establish peace in the region.

Although the two did not go into details on when Kim might travel to the South,... it's

viewed that Kim's visit would help the ongoing push for peace.

The Blue House official said the question now is on whether the North Korean leader

sticks to his pledge.

On North Korea sanctions,...

Presidents Moon and Trump agreed that keeping the regime under already imposed sanctions

is necessary until the Korean Peninsula is completely denuclearized.

While the two allies share the goal of complete denuclearization,... their approach on how

to achieve it isn't in lockstep.

Seoul has been pushing to improve ties with Pyeongyang through economic engagement,...

while Washington has been pursuing a dual policy of pressure and dialogue which has

caused friction between the North and the U.S.

"The meeting between Presidents Moon and Trump was a chance to reopen the possibility of

Kim Jong-un visiting Seoul by the years' end-- in the hope that it could give the stalled

denuclearization process another push.

Shin Se-min, Arirang News, Buenos Aires."

For more infomation >> Moon, Trump agree next N. Korea-U.S. summit will create momentum for denuclearization - Duration: 2:18.


US stocks jump ahead of US-China trade talks - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> US stocks jump ahead of US-China trade talks - Duration: 2:10.


George H W Bush, former US president, dies aged 94 - Duration: 2:38.

 George H W Bush , the 41st President of the United States, died on Friday aged 94

 Family spokesman Jim McGrath says Mr Bush died shortly after 10 pm Friday, about eight months after the death of his wife, Barbara Bush

 The nation's 41st president served from 1989 to 1993, and eight years later watched his son George W

became the 43rd president.  The elder Bush saw his popularity swell with the United States' success in the Gulf War in 1991, only to watch it evaporate in a brief but deep recession

The Republican was defeated in his bid for a second term by Democrat Bill Clinton

 Mr Bush had also been a World War II hero, Texas congressman, CIA director and Ronald Reagan's vice president

 Only one other U.S. president, John Adams, had a son who also became president.   His son, former president George W Bush, paid tribute to him as a "man of highest character and the best dad a son or daughter could ask for"

Statement by the 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush, on the passing of his father this evening at the age 94— Jim McGrath (@jgm41) December 1, 2018  More to come


For more infomation >> George H W Bush, former US president, dies aged 94 - Duration: 2:38.


Why US Life Expectancy Is Declining - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Why US Life Expectancy Is Declining - Duration: 3:48.


US Government Sued For $60 Million After Toddler Dies In Migrant Detention Center - Duration: 4:05.

The mother of a one year old child who died a few weeks after leaving ice custody is now

suing the United States for $60,000,000.

Here's the story of what happened.

The mother and the child, one year old.

We're in a detention facility in Dilley, Texas.

This facility happens to be known for having lackluster medical care, unsanitary conditions.

It's basically a disease breeding ground.

The child, while in custody developed a respiratory illness that was not treated.

Nobody at the facility care.

There was not enough medical staff to treat the a young child.

So they leave the detention facilities.

Short time later, the respiratory illness has gone, untreated, left to fester, spread.

Six weeks later, child dies.

Child died from the infection.

The illness that came from that detention facility, because nobody treated it.

Nobody cared.

The woman Yasmin a Juarez is now suing the US government for $60 million.

Uh, she's suing the city of Eloy, Arizona that actually runs the dilly Texas facility

for $40 million.

And I hope she gets every single penny of it.

So here's the thing, and this is actually what the lawyers in this case or arguing,

when you make the policy to detain these people, you do have a responsibility to care for them.

You have to provide them with medical care.

You have to provide them with food.

You have to provide them with sanitary conditions.

Once they come into the United States, they are protected by the United States constitution.

Whether or not they are a US citizen, that's the way it works.

Here in the United States.

They were denied those constitutional protections.

They were denied their basic humanity.

These, uh, this, this woman who is now lost her child, she has a very strong case.

And even if she does win both of these, that money is not going to make her whole again.

And she knows that this isn't about the money.

It's about accountability.

That's what a lot of lawsuits in this country are about.

It's not about the money it is for the victims, but it's to send a message that this kind

of behavior is not okay.

This kind of behavior has to be stopped and this kind of behavior is going to be punished

because we know the federal government's not going to punish them.

They're not going to punish, punish the detention facility workers.

They're not going to shut down the facility.

They're not going to change the conditions in this facility just like they don't do it.

When a major corporation poisons a town of 10,000 people and they all develop cancer,

the government's not going to step in and do anything to punish them.

It's the trial lawyers that come in, the lawsuits that are filed, those are what spark corporate

change and that is what they're hoping will happen with this facility down there in Texas.

More people are getting sick.

More people have been sick.

Luckily, and I hate to even say this way, but luckily only one person has died because

it could have been many more, but for that one woman who's one year old child is dead.

Nothing's going to make that okay.

Nothing is going to make her feel better and the federal government is 100 percent responsible

for this and they have to be held accountable in some way and until we're able to get Democrats

in charge, democrats who were fighters in charge, we're not going to see anyone from

this administration or from the detention facility held accountable for it, but that's

what needs to happen once this administration gets out of office.

There needs to be investigations, there needs to be prosecutions.

People are dying from their policies, and just because they're not United States citizens

doesn't mean that this administration can't be held responsible and liable for the deaths

that are happening on their watch.

For more infomation >> US Government Sued For $60 Million After Toddler Dies In Migrant Detention Center - Duration: 4:05.


George H.W. Bush, 41st president of the United States, dies at 94 - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> George H.W. Bush, 41st president of the United States, dies at 94 - Duration: 3:23.


US economy is brittle in many ways, Fed needs to be careful: Larry Summers - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> US economy is brittle in many ways, Fed needs to be careful: Larry Summers - Duration: 5:01.


Moon, Trump agree next N. Korea-U.S. summit will create momentum for denuclearization - Duration: 2:16.

Let's start at the G20 Summit in Argentina.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in and U.S. President Donald Trump have held talks on

the sidelines of the summit.

North Korea dominated most of their discussion.

Shin Se-min has our top story.

The leaders of South Korea and the United States in tune on North Korea.

Presidents Moon Jae-in and Donald Trump sat down on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in

Argentina on Friday for a frank discussion with just their translators in attendance.

They vowed to align their policies to ensure the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula

remains on track.

"President Trump, while affirming his commitment to hold a second North Korea-U.S. summit early

next year,... asked that South Korea and the U.S. maintain close cooperation so the summit

will be another historic milestone in the process of denuclearizing North Korea."

President Moon's chief press secretary explained that President Trump reaffirmed his pledge

to hold a second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un,... and noted that Kim's

planned reciprocal visit to Seoul may create new momentum in efforts to denuclearize Pyeongyang

and establish peace in the region.

Although the two did not go into details on when Kim might travel to the South,... it's

viewed that Kim's visit would help the ongoing push for peace.

The Blue House official said the question now is on whether the North Korean leader

sticks to his pledge.

On North Korea sanctions,...

Presidents Moon and Trump agreed that keeping the regime under already imposed sanctions

is necessary until the Korean Peninsula is completely denuclearized.

While the two allies share the goal of complete denuclearization,... their approach on how

to achieve it isn't in lockstep.

Seoul has been pushing to improve ties with Pyeongyang through economic engagement,...

while Washington has been pursuing a dual policy of pressure and dialogue which has

caused friction between the North and the U.S.

"The meeting between Presidents Moon and Trump was a chance to reopen the possibility of

Kim Jong-un visiting Seoul by the years' end-- in the hope that it could give the stalled

denuclearization process another push.

Shin Se-min, Arirang News, Buenos Aires."

For more infomation >> Moon, Trump agree next N. Korea-U.S. summit will create momentum for denuclearization - Duration: 2:16.


Former U.S. president George H.W. Bush has died at age of 94 - Duration: 0:42.

America's 41st President, George H.W. Bush, died at the age of 94 on Friday at his Houston

home, his family announced in a statement.

The cause of his death was not immediately announced, but the former president has been

ill and was often hospitalized during the last several years.

The World War II veteran helped bring an end to the Cold War... and led the U.S. into the

first Gulf War against Iraq.

His son, George W. Bush, the 43rd U.S. President said his father was the best dad a son or

daughter could ask for.

President Trump also expressed his sorrow and respect via a statement.

For more infomation >> Former U.S. president George H.W. Bush has died at age of 94 - Duration: 0:42.


China has decimated the US solar industry: T.J. Rodgers - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> China has decimated the US solar industry: T.J. Rodgers - Duration: 4:35.


US-China trade issues can be handled: Ray Dalio - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> US-China trade issues can be handled: Ray Dalio - Duration: 4:34.


Hemp Is Finally About To Go Fully Legit In The U.S. - News Today - Duration: 5:12.

 Congress is on the verge of officially legalizing industrial hemp, with a measure that would create a legal distinction between the popular crop and other intoxicating strains of marijuana

 In a statement Thursday, leaders of the U.S. Senate and House agricultural committees reported that they'd reached a tentative agreement on the 2018 Farm Bill

Included in that larger piece of legislation are a number of provisions that would allow for the commercial cultivation, research and development of industrial hemp

A vote is expected by the end of the year.  Hemp is a variety of cannabis that contains very low amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the primary psychoactive compound in marijuana

While strains of cannabis with higher THC can get people high, hemp does not. It is typically grown for use in food, fuel, textiles and other applications

Since 1970, however, federal law has classified all cannabis plants as Schedule I substances, alongside drugs like heroin, LSD and a number of deadly synthetic opioids

 Under the new farm bill, hemp would be defined as any part of a marijuana plant with a THC concentration of 0

3 percent or less.  There are a few remaining procedural hurdles that could threaten the legislation, but for the moment, the broader farm bill and its hemp measures look likely to pass, said Eric Steenstra, president of Vote Hemp, an advocacy group

 "The hemp part of the bill has never really been in dispute," said Steenstra. "I feel very optimistic about this

"  Over the past few years, hemp has begun to develop into its own thriving industry

In 2014, Congress passed a farm bill renewal that allowed for pilot programs and research on hemp

Cultivation operations quickly sprouted up across the U.S., and in 2018, more than 3,500 licenses were issued in 23 states, leading to over 77,000 acres of hemp being planted, according to Vote Hemp

In 2015, just 9,650 acres of hemp had been planted in 15 states.  "We've had five years and what we've seen is that there are a lot of people who are wanting to grow this crop," Steenstra said

 That explosive growth has helped convince skeptical lawmakers that the longstanding prohibition on hemp is no longer defensible, Steenstra added

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), once a vocal opponent of hemp legalization, has since become a leading advocate for the initiative

 It's clear that hemp would represent a significant economic opportunity for farmers in Kentucky and across the country

In 2017, the U.S. market for the sale of hemp products was over $800 million and growing at a double-digit pace, as it had been for a number of years, said Steenstra

Although these sorts of goods have been completely legal in the U.S. for years, they've historically had to be imported because of the federal ban on domestic cultivation

 But the farm bill may not offer everyone a chance to get involved in this promising new industry

In its current form, the legislation includes a provision that would explicitly prohibit individuals with prior felony drug charges from working on hemp operations

Drug policy reformers and hemp industry groups have been lobbying to get that statute removed from the final bill, calling it an unfair measure that wrongly links hemp to other illicit drugs

 "McConnell has spent a tremendous amount of time and effort into defining hemp as an agricultural commodity and not a drug," said Grant Smith, deputy director of national affairs at the Drug Policy Alliance

"A ban like this implies that there is some sort of relationship between drugs like marijuana and hemp, when in fact there isn't

"  Hemp may be just another commercial crop in many regards, but it does have certain applications that make it more interesting ― and more controversial ― than corn, wheat or soybeans

 The move to legalize hemp could also have a significant effect on the sale of cannabidiol, or CBD, a non-psychoactive compound in cannabis that has become popular in recent years as a treatment for conditions ranging from seizures to anxiety and pain

CBD is typically derived from hemp, though many of the products sold today come from sources that are technically illegal, at least in the eyes of the federal government

 The farm bill could fully blow open the doors of the CBD market by giving additional legal cover and legitimacy to an industry that advocates say will do more than half a billion dollars in sales this year

 If Congress passes the farm bill and President Donald Trump signs it, the legislation will officially go into effect in January


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