Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 8, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Aug 29 2017

hey guys it's Kevin Kreider more than just muscle in this video I was asked on

push operations and to do these at home or at a gym without equipment to get a

chest and to lose fat in the chest area I want to clarify this losing fat in the

chest area there's no such thing as just losing fat in a certain area that's

called liposuction and when you lose body fat you'll lose body fat in all

areas now there are some spots that have more fat in it in the area than others

for instance guys are more in here or in their back women could be towards their

tush and the thing is guys you just need to lose overall body fat and actually if

you just start to lose overall body fat you'll start to lose some in your

stomach which will make you look like you're bigger in your chest anyway

especially if you do some of these push-up variations you're not gonna get

super bulky you're not gonna become the Incredible Hulk but these are the

push-up variations you can do we're gonna start off with a just regular

push-up and what you're gonna do is put your hands right here not out like this

this is just gonna hurt your shoulder when you do this so the push-up just

like this hands out shoulder-width apart take a

deep breath in and you're gonna come all the way down be that at the top keep

your head not like this this is gonna hurt your neck straight ahead

just like that like I said 45-degree angle not all the way out and that is

gonna work out your whole chest now the next movement is hands just like this

form a goal post and that's your spacing for the push-up keep your elbows and

nice and tight to your body and what you're gonna do is take a deep breath in

and what this variation does is that it gets your inner part of your chest like

you're doing squeeze presses with the dumbbells and it also gets your triceps

more focused on now the next exercise is going to be a decline pushup mine

push-up is when your feet are on top of bench or a chair and you're just

elevated and coming down at an angle like this

this is gonna work out the upper part of the chest and what you're gonna do is

put your feet up just like this you can choose whatever height you wants stay

and what you want to do here keep it elbows and tight again still touch your

chest to the ground and come right back up not like this just like this

another variation of this if you can't put your feet on top and your push-ups

aren't good enough yet to do that or strong enough what you can do is just

come up in a V position just like this take a deep bend your knees come down

and up and that is very similar to getting the upper part of your chest

now the next one it's an incline push-up an incline push-up is using the same

bench you might want a little bit higher for this but what you're gonna do is go

underhand which will get more of the lower part of the chest just like this

take a deep breath in but you want to try to do this touch your lower part of

the chest to the bench or whatever you're using for the pushup

Oh like I said try to get some stability I wouldn't recommend doing this with

other clients and stuff but this push up variation you want a nice sturdy bench

for alright I hope you found this video useful and you can do this at home and

start today if you did guys please subscribe to my youtube channel I'd love

to hear from you and see if this worked and also to can take the body design

tool it's a free survey you can take and it will guide you to a customized

program from for from me that I designed at home and there's resistance bands or

at a gym depending on whatever body size you are and whatever goals you have so

it'll lead you to those programs they're all online and in my core courses you

can take please subscribe I'll see you guys soon

For more infomation >> Push up variation to build a chest at home - Duration: 5:00.


Let's Build a Ramp so that Juanito can go to School! - Duration: 1:04.

Hi, I am Juanito. I am 17 years old and I live in Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala.

I am a 7th grade student

and one day, I want to become a very important person.

The problem is that when I leave for school, my parents have to carry me and my electric wheelchair up the stairs.

But it's difficult to move because it is very heavy.

And my family is almost never home to help me because they have to work everyday.

and this makes things very challenging for me.

I would love it if you could help support me because my family does not have enough resources to complete this project on their own.

Because of this, any support you can provide would mean a lot. Thank you!

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