Hello, this is Donggun of Korean men.
To be frank with you
I can not say that Korean men like this fashion
Instead, let's talk about what kind of fashion we generally like.
I looked it up online again today.
Let's take a look at it and talk about it.
I've found some in advance.
I'll see.
women's fashion that men like.
This is a man bloger
It is said that there were many women who asked about the fashion that Korean men like.
That's why he arranged it.
A tennis skirt
Sounds good.
looks good
You wear clothes like this ...
looks young.
It's like a little girl's outfit.
He also say that
Who doesn't like this?'
This fashion ... I like it.
Open shoulder
Is this the fashion that Korean men like?
I don't know.
I personally don't like it.
What he's talking about
He put up what he liked because he didn't know exactly.
This is a fashion blogger.
But he says he doesn't know exactly.
when Korean men meet
we don't talk about woman fashion.
Imagine if you had a blind date.
Men usually want know what her face looks like.
What is her personality like?
Men talks a lot like this.
we don't care what she's wearing.
Not only Korean men but also all over the world are similar.
Men are not interested in what girl wear.
I'll keep looking.
If you look at this,
There are women who look good in a dress and women who don't.
The man likes a dress? don't like it?
I'm not sure about that.
The important thing is that some people match a dress well.
Men like girl who wear nice match cloth with her
not just one piece
Casual clothes
I agree.
I think every man in Korea will like this.
This is real.
Women wear this much in Korea.
But sometimes they look really pretty.
Sometimes I walk around with friends
I'm a man.
When i am with my friends and a pretty girl walks by,
We say she's really pretty.
As far as I can remember, most of them were comfortable in dressing.
It was not expensive clothes or expensive bags or fancy clothes, but plain clothes.
But Korean men say that such women are pretty.
I like this style.
Writing about fashin men like
I thought There will be a lot of like and dislike
But this is not the one
What is this story about?
Which means every man likes a woman in a gym suit.
What this man has presented as evidence
All the traffic at the mall selling women gym clothes is from male.
To be frank with you
Me too... I've been to a women's mall.
I didn't mean to buy a woman's gym clothes.
I think women's gym clothes are pretty, though.
And in Korean gym, there is a uniform for fitness.
So, when I go to the Korean gym, all men and women wear the same clothes.
But some of them wear their own clothes.
I take my own clothes too
Sometimes there's a woman wearing her clothes.
Such women have pretty physical clothes.
And it suits her figure.
All the men look at it. Really!
This blogger said,
Clean one piece
I'll tell you again.
It's really pretty when someone wears it well!
It's like a goddess.
Casual clothes
I really like casual clothes.
Korean men don't care about women's clothes.
Just casual clothes ... It's enough.
He only posted two.
This person don't know well either
Because men don't talk about women's fashion.
Let me see something else.
Here talk about women's fashion that men hate.
Gladier shoes.
But ... Though I hate it
But I don't care.
If you're beautiful.
Too much exposure clothing
Well ..
I like it.
I think writer don't like it
Jump suit
Do you wear these clothes?
I've never seen a woman dressed like this.
White T-shirt and Jeans
I really like this.
This is a casual dress.
Men really like this.
Korean men like casual clothes because they are not picky.
A dress and cute casual clothes
It's all the same now.
They're all the same.
Men's favorite girl fashion here, too.
He says it's a dress, too.
A white shirt
White shirts?
Who wrote this?
I don't think this is true.
Not this one.
You could dress like this.
Denim pants
This is casual.
A man-to-man
This is casual.
That's what women wear.
This is women's own style
Korean men are not interested in women's fashion.
You can wear what suits you.
He used it, too.
' Of course what I have listed is not absolute.
There's another one.
' Whatever she wears, she's all pretty. '
It's true.
So far, I have briefly talked about the fashion that Korean men like on the Internet.
In conclusion, individual tastes differ.
Generally, dress(one-piece) and casual clothes.
I keep talking that men don't talk about women's fashion.
What if there is no confidence in clothes?
It's okay.
Korean men don't care.
Of course ... Men would be surprised if you wear anything unusual.
For more infomation >> What kind of women's fashion do Korean men like? - Duration: 9:32.-------------------------------------------
MDriven Turnkey | Face - theme - styles - fashion - Duration: 42:28.
hey guys it's Andrea here and today we're gonna be doing a fashion nova haul so
I've never shopped at fashion nova before but I've decided to shop there
just this one time because there was a 30% off sale going on and also most of
their clothes for $12 because of their 12 million subs
for their 12 million followers on Instagram so I thought this would be a
perfect time to go shop there so without further ado let's get this video started
I already opened the back before so I just stapled it back together for you
because I wanted to see if everything I got was correct the first
the first thing I noticed when I opened the bag is it comes with this little return form
the first thing that I got was this really cute was this a really cute
little off-the-shoulder red blue and white shirt I got it in the size small
as you can see it looks pretty tiny mm-hmm it actually fits me really
will well okay so this is how it looks on me and yes I know the little black
strap is up whatever as you can see did actually stretch so it doesn't look so
tiny anymore on me but I really like how this fits on me the only problem that I
have with this shirt is that I have to constantly pull it up but other than
that I really like this shirt the next thing that I got was this shirt which
actually opposite to the other one it looked humungous so I got this shirt and
it tied at the front at the bottom in the front it's like an oversized kind of
shirt and it has pretty cute sleeves as you can tell I kind of have a thing with
stripes right now so this is how this shirt looks on me
and as you can tell if it's just perfect and this is me demonstrating how to tie
a knot in front of a shirt I really like the feel to this shirt
it's really loose so that means you can actually breathe in it online they had
it paired up with a denim jacket so that's what I did here and it looks
super duper cute the next thing that I ordered what this white Madeleine
I think it's what it's called this is what it looks like online and
this is what I received online it looks like it's more of a off-the-shoulder
kind of sweater this just looks like it's a v-neck which is sad because I was
really hoping to have an off-the-shoulder kind of like sweater
for winter but this is how this shirt looks on me as you can tell it is not
off the shoulder it's definitely be necked I do like how this looks on me
although I do wish it was off the shoulder like how it was online because
it'd be much prettier that was the last clothing item that I got actually I did
purchase another clothing item but they returned my money back because after I
purchased it it turned out they didn't have any more in stock and what I wanted
to get with this fall leather brown jacket which I thought was really cute
but sadly I didn't get it so moving on I got this this rude fizz bizz deep cleanse bubble
mask I was really excited to see this online because I've been wanting to try
a bubble mask for so long it comes with five pieces in it I'm excited to try
this out if you guys want to see a review on this let me know because I
think it would be really fun to see these on my face ya know and the last
thing that I got from fashion Nova were these rings as you can tell I love
rings I wear them in most of my videos now well actually not most because this
is my second video so far in the last year that I'm talking to you
but recently I've just been loving ring so yeah this pack comes with nine
rings which is kind of odd I was expecting ten but you know nine is nice I
the package looks like this so this is how the rings look on me
they're pretty big actually for a size 7 so I was disappointed about that but
they're super cute
and that's everything that I got some passion Nova I hope you guys enjoyed
this video because I enjoyed all the items that I got from fashion nova
except for that well leather jacket that I didn't receive but it's okay don't
forget to give this video a thumbs up and if you're new here don't forget to
click that subscribe button to become part of xjustsquadx comment down below
what you want to see for the next video or maybe video ideas if you want to I'm
gonna be doing a back to school supplies haul video except I'm not really going
back to school I'm entering college so a first year college essentials video I'm
probably also gonna do a blog my first day of college it's tough because why
not yep that's all my announcements that I got thanks for watching this video and
I'll see you guys in the next video
Bye! :)
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