A recent analysis of Amelia earhart's last days alive paint a very vivid, dark picture
of what happened to her.
I'm going to tell you everything you need to know, here for you on IO.
Welcome back to inform overload, I'm charlotte dobre.
The disappearance of Amelia earhart is one of the most famous unsolved mysteries of the
20th century.
She was an American aviation pioneer and author, and she was the first woman to fly alone across
the atlantic ocean.
When she was trying to make a circumnavigational flight around the world in 1937 with her navigator
Fred Noonan, she disappeared somewhere over the Pacific Ocean.
Richard Gillepsie is the executive director of the international group for historic aircraft
recovery, and he has pieced together a trail of distress calls made by Amelia Earhart that
were picked up by civilians as well as government agencies across the entire world.
In a 30 page research paper, Gillespie wrote that he believes that Amelia crash landed
on the uninhabited Gardner Island, and sent out distress calls.
Her plane was named the Electra, and it's radio could only communicate within a few
hundred miles.
but the transmitter's signals were skipping off the ionosphere and were being carried
great distances.
The result is, people with shortwave radios were picking up her distress calls.
People in Texas, Kentucky, Wyoming, Florida and even Toronto were picking up the signals
on their radios.
The research paper provides a detailed analysis of all the distress calls that were heard.
A teenage girl from St Petersburg, Florida picked up a faint call where Amelia can be
heard saying 'waters high, water's knee deep, let me out, help us quick.
A housewife from Texas, Mabel Larremore, heard a message from Amelia while she was scanning
her home radio.
The message said, plane down on uncharted island.
Small, uninhabited.
For 12 hours after this call, there was silence.
The reason for the long periods of silence is Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan were only
able to send out calls from the Electra when the tide was low, in order to avoid flooding
the engine.
The times the calls were sent out correspond directly with the times the tide was low,
at night or in the early morning.
The research paper analyzes more than 100 signals that were believed to have been sent
out by Amelia during her final 6 days alive.
Basically, what happened was, Amelia and fred were low on fuel, so they made an emergency
landing on gardner island, 350 miles south of howland island.
It was the only place they could land the plane.
The heartbreaking part about this, is that people were hearing these cries for help,
and they couldn't do anything about it.
Her last transmission was on July 7th, 1937.
She said 'can you read me, can you read me, this is Amelia Earhart, please come in,
we have taken in water, my navigator is badly hurt, we are in need of medical care and must
have help, we cant hold on much longer.
Then, silence, forever.
This new paper also backs up the recent theory by Richard Jantz where a collection of lost
bones discovered on Gardner island, which is now nikumaroro, belonged to Amelia.
Even though it is very difficult to prove what happened to her, she disappeared more
than 80 years ago hopefully this research paper can finally put the mystery of the disappearance
of Amelia earhart to rest.
Alright guys, that's all I have for you on that story, lets lighten the mood with
some comments.
Kenan lokey – love love love you channel.
love love love you.
Kevin Luna – charlotte doesn't even have to try to be savage.
She eats drinks and breathes savagery.
Julio Peinado – Hey IO, I heard that the Yellowstone national park closed because they
discovered a fissure near the geyser.
Hey I didn't know that.
Thanks for the tip Turtle god – you're a turtle.
No you're a turtle, I'm a potato.
This end screen means the video is over, don't worry, theres another great IO video right
over here, or what about this playlist.
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You should also Follow me on instagram at charlaychaplin, otherwise I'll see you in
the next Io video.
For more infomation >> The DARK TRUTH Of What Happened To Amelia Earhart - Duration: 3:36.-------------------------------------------
Colgate And Vaseline To Get Rid Of Dark Spots On Skin - Zinta - Duration: 1:31.
Colgate And Vaseline To Get Rid Of Dark Spots On Skin
Dark Web | Official Trailer | Web-Series | Shaheb | Sampurna | Sayantan | Hoichoi - Duration: 1:22.
I have to know...
what happened to your brother!!!
They have trapped me entirely...
I'm unable to escape now...
I've to fight till the end...
For that I might die too...
He's my friend...
The fight,my brother started...
I must finish it...
'Dark Web' is...
the most dangerous of all...
I can show you but...
will you be able to handle it?
How can you not trace my brother till now???
Some sites even stream live-torture...
I strongly believe...
your brother is into something like that...
Hack the gaming site...
Someone wants to kill them...
Where are you taking us?
How does Dark Souls 2 teach new players? | Part 2: the Things Betwixt - Duration: 17:15.
This is part two in a series where we'll be exploring how the tutorials of dark souls
are designed, and whether not they successfully prepare new players for the remainder of the
Last time we discusses the Undead Asylum and found it to be a successful and overall enjoyable
tutorial, However this week, we'll be discussing Dark Souls 2 and the Things betwixt.
There are a full notable differences between both tutorials.
Namely… in this game it's fully optional.
Technically to finish the tutorial all you have to do is run straight to the firekeeper's
hut, and then straight out to Majula.
You encounter no enemies, no traps, and there's nothing to learn on this path.
It's short and quick, and this is great for veteran players, but the lack of guidance
or structure really hurts new player experience.
To put it in perspective, If the Undead \Asylum was designed this way, the Asylum demon fight
wouldnt exist, so that the player could run immediately to the main lobby, through the
boss room and leave for Firelink shrine before doing anything else.
But it's not necessarily a bad thing that the tutorial area is optional, and there are
some benefits to this, even for new players, but..
I'm getting ahead of myself, because there's a few things to iron out before we begin.
First, since the actual tutorial areas of Things Betwixt are far less linear and structured
than the Undead Asylum, rather than doing a step by step breakdown of the entire area,
we'll instead by picking apart specific aspects and parts of the tutorial, in order
to be more concise.
Since several of the areas are fairly superfluous and don't really have much going on, id
rather focus on other aspects in depth, as there are some really fascinating, and interesting
decisions that the developers made for this area, so I'd rather focus on those areas
in particular rather than areas which are fairly redundant.
There are several side effects of having an optional tutorial.
As we mentioned earlier, it means that the area is far less structured than the Undead
Asylum, or even the Cemetery of Ash.
This makes it much more difficult to ensure the player will take a certain course of action,
or that a specific order of events will occur.
A surprising effect of this is that there is no boss in this area at all.
This makes sense, as making one of the side tunnels lead to an optional boss fight would
feel forced, and be unnecessary, it does mean the area lacks a certain panache though.
While the first and third tutorials slowly build difficulty until the player finally
faces a boss at the end of the area, the second zone just.. ends.
Once players are finished exploring the side tunnels, they just leave for Majula.
It's not necessarily harmful per se, but it does result in this tutorial having a very
different feeling than the other games, resulting in the Things Betwixt feeling a bit flat.
But… enough about that.
Let's start out with a short area overview, and then I'll discuss a few things I think
are the main contributors to this area feeling so lackluster
After the player exits the bonfire room, they come across this long path with several fog
doors on either side.
Behind these doors are tombstones with control tutorials, and several pods of enemies to
practice on, as well as a few hidden items.
There are a few instances where these areas teach concepts such as how to traverse the
environment, or how to use height to get an advantage on an enemy.
However these situations are set up to explicitly show players how to use certain movement options,
or attacks, such as using a plunging attack on this enemy.
The problem with this sort of lesson is that it's explicitly stating a use of an attack
to the player, rather than letting them naturally form their own conclusions from their own
The Asylum demon plunging attack was so effective because it shows just how much more damage
a plunging attack does compared to a normal attack, however basically every weapon deals
enough damage to 1 shot these guys, so the fact that a plunging attack 1 shots them isn't
very impressive, and makes it so that players don't really get to understand the full capabilities
of plunging attacks.
Rather than teaching that height equals combat advantage, the player is taught that plunging
attacks are situationally useful for instant kills against certain enemies.
If the player hesitates against the Asylum Demon, and doesn't press their advantage,
He'll jump up and knock them down, damaging them heavily.
However if a player doesn't press their advantage against this undead hell just… wait there.
It's a small difference but it completely changes the message.
However one of the things I find most puzzling about this area, is that they use tombstones
to teach players the controls.
I briefly covered how they were taught in Dark souls 1, and I feel they were handled
appropriately there, as they performed the job of teaching players controls, while also
building an association between player messages and advice.
The decision to use these tombstones, rather than the glowing messages is honestly confusing.
These sorts of messages are never really used for the remainder of the game, so teaching
new players that Tombstone = helpful tip is honestly really perplexing.
Sure they perform their primary purpose of teaching players the controls, and in the
end it's not going to ruin the game for a new player, but it just seems like a wasted
opportunity, especially because they already did it correct the first time.
If the developers were really dead set on the tombstone aesthetic, a simple fix would
be to have the glowing messages set directly in front of each tombstone, maintaining aesthetic,
while still building the idea that glowing message equals advice.
It's most likely that the developers assumed that players would either have that pre-existing
association, or that they would develop it on their own quickly.
This is a really big assumption though, and the idea that these associations already exist
is a symptom of a larger problem present in both Dark souls 2 and 3: that players will
already understand all the underlying game concepts.
That people already know that the glowing messages can either trick or help you, so
it's un necessary to develop those connotations early.
The problem with this is that it assumes that the players have at least some modicum of
knowledge about Dark Souls in general.
While Dark souls 1 sold quite well in it's first years, I think it's unhelpful to leave
those players new to the series in the dust.
However this entire argument forgets one very important aspect of the entire tutorial.
It's optional.
There isn't a ton of really great loot in any of the side tunnels, so most experienced
players will end up running directly to Majula, and only dip into one of the tunnels to grab
a specific item, or two.
The people who are dutifully exploring each side tunnel are the ones who are most likely
to really need those lessons about the game world, and to learn how things work.
If the tutorial is gonna be optional, then the optional parts really need to benefit
and teach the few players who will use them, rather than simply teaching them that R1 is
light attack and R2 is heavy attack.
I've really been harping on what this area does wrong though, so why don't we discuss
what it gets right.
First off it's simply a fun area to explore.
Dark souls 1 only had a few fights, and was extremely linear, however the myriad tunnels
make exploring the gnarled twisting roots of the Things Betwixt feel exciting.
There's a lot more combat this time around, and players are immediately challenged with
fighting a mix or ranged and melee enemies.
Fighting through pods of enemies before moving forward to explore more is honestly pretty
enjoyable, and is a great hook for new players.
Each tunnel is hidden behind a fog wall, and this is pretty questionable at first.
It definitely sends conflicting messages to new players, that fog walls are simply spooky
doors, but in reality the use of fog walls here is pretty clever.
First fog walls always give a feeling of tension which makes the act of exploring a lot more
fun, but they also have the side effect of being a very clear visual representation of
where the player has and hasn't been.
Many of the twisting tunnels look similar, and it would be easy for a new player to get
turned around and completely lost.
Since each tunnel is hidden behind a fog wall, if there isn't a fog wall in a tunnel, it
means the player has explored that segment in some way shape or form.
This is really great for letting players have fun in this area, without getting lost or
The presence of the petrified undead in one of the side tunnels who blocks access to a
fog wall also encourages players to later return and explore, and let's players know
that returning to an area with a new item to open up new paths is important in this
Once again the use of a fog wall here is clever.
Up till now Fog walls have hidden a segment of the game which can be explored, and makes
the thought of coming back later much more tantalizing.
Players who thoroughly explored the area will stumble upon this ledge which gives them a
peek at the area stuck behind the statuesque undead.
This really drives home that some areas can later be returned to, in order to be explored
There is no shortcut lesson in this tutorial.
One could argue that the ladder next to dyna and tillo is a shortcut, but in reality it's
mostly used to make reaching them more convenient for players returning later in the game.
This decision to remove a shortcut lesson is initially pretty questionable, as it was
done so elegantly in Dark souls 1, but it's actually incredibly apt for this b game, as
shortcuts are largely nonexistant, at least compared to Dark Souls 1.
Fast traveling is available as soon as you reach Majula, making the majority of shortcuts
The elevator in the Undead Parish cuts off several minutes from the trip between the
parish and Firelink shrine, but there doesn't need to be a shortcut between majula and Harvest
valley for example, because every bonfire in the game is that shortcut.
This has a lot of effects on how the game feels and plays, and there's a lot to be
said there, but for the purpose of this video, all it means for us is that having a shortcut
present in the tutorial would ultimately be unnecessary, and the lack of one is an overall
good decision.
I guess my point is that less is more in some cases, and in this case removing something
really benefits the tutorial, and fits the game.
Another really well executed lesson is centered around the Cyclops located on a hidden patch
preceding the firekeeper's hut.
The lesson is admittedly well executed, but the message it sends doesn't really fit this
Let me explain.
Players will initially see an item off the side of this wooden bridge, and begin searching
for a way to retrieve it.
They will find a hidden path behind some leaves, and follow the path, which is covered in massive
This makes encountering the Cyclop itself much more intimidating when they reach the
top of the path.
They can take the item from behind him, but attempting to kill him will be quite difficult,
as the player deals very little damage; even if they return after visiting the firekeeper's
hut and have a real weapon.
Each of the Cyclops's attacks will deal a massive amount of damage to the player,
or kill them outright, so all that can be done is to swipe the item, and try to escape
over to the waterfall.
This is a really effective way to convey that certain areas just aren't supposed to be accessed
early, and just because you can go somewhere, doesn't mean you should.
Having a very difficult enemy present immediately in the very first section of the tutorial
and possibly as the first enemy players can face really drives this concept home.
The fact that the path is obscured leaves no doubt in the player's mind that they
aren't supposed to be here yet, even though they can access the area.
This lesson is one that I feel The Undead Asylum could have benefitted from, as the
first dark souls is very open, and many late game bosses can be fought extremely early.
However Dark souls 2 isn't really that kind of game.
It's notoriously linear compared to Dark souls 1, and the only area I can think of
that you can access significantly earlier than you're supposed to is Sinner's rise,
and the fight with the Lost Sinner.
So while this lesson is executed really well, it's kinda pointless, as it's one of the
few times in the game the player is exposed to an enemy who is leagues stronger than they
are at that point.
Now that we've explored most notable parts of the area, let's discuss the focus and purpose
of the Things Betwixt, because ultimately that's how we determine whether or not the
area acts as a successful tutorial.
While the first Dark Souls tutorial focused on teaching game philosophies and world design,
and as we'll cover next time, Dark Souls 3's tutorial focuses on combat, The Things
Betwixt is very obviously focused on controls.
This is a valid decision by the Developers, as that is what tutorials are traditionally
used for.
However the dark souls series is challenging, and that challenge is due to the game design,
not the controls, which I personally find very intuitive, (at least with a controller).
Combat and level navigation on the other hand are far less intuitive, especially for new
In my opinion focusing on these things instead is far more effective for this kind of game,
and makes the new player experience much more enjoyable.
In Dark souls 1 world exploration is one of the more difficult and confusing parts of
the game for new players.
Therefore having a tutorial which teaches some rules about the world and game as a whole
makes sense.
Conversely the main challenge of Dark Souls 3 is definitely combat, especially against
non-boss enemies as they are more difficult compared to the other games.
Therefore it makes sense that dark souls 3's tutorial would center around combat, as we'll
later discuss.
I would argue that one of the most difficult things for new players in Dark Souls 2 is
traversing the environment, as almost every area has a gimmick or difficult hazard to
It's something I think most veteran players overlook, but for new players the poisonous
trenches of Harvest valley, the Lava pools of the Iron Keep, and the Clutching Darkness
of The Gutter can all be very challenging, and frustrating to traverse.
It would make more sense to me if the game prepared players for these types of challenges
in some way, and what better place to teach them than in the tutorial?
One could argue that the cliffs on the side of some of the more narrow paths teach this,
but that connection feels very weak, as all you need to traverse the cliffs is basic space
You could argue that it doesn't matter that the tutorial only teaches controls, and that
new players will either learn the hard way, or pick things up over the course of the game.
Dark souls is supposed to be hard after all, and so if new people don't get something
then they deserve to have a harder time.
The issue is that this argument misses the point, and is undervaluing how much a proper
tutorial can help improve a new player's experience.
Despite what many think, Dark Souls isn't supposed to be a frustrating or rage inducing
The Dark Souls series is simply designed to be challenging and punishing, while remaining
an overall enjoyable experience.
While many people find this challenge to be frustrating, that frustration is almost always
due to a perceived unfairness in the game.
1 hit kill moves, hidden traps, and environmental hazards all feel unfair to a player who isn't
prepared for them, and this often leads to frustration.
However when a game intentionally prepares players to memorize a boss's movement, check
every corner for traps, and to play cautiously around a hazard, the game becomes much more
enjoyable for new players.
This is why something like the boulder trap from dark souls 1 is so effective.
It punishes players lightly in the first area of the game, preparing them for a later point
when being hit by a boulder will be a bit more painful.
And that's why I find the Dark souls 2 tutorial such a lost opportunity.
They had a whole area in which to teach a player, and ultimately, they teach them very
Ultimately this makes the game a bit more frustrating; Just a bit less enjoyable, and
less fun.
That's my opinion, and I'm curious as to what you think.
Do you think that the Things Betwixt Is a successful tutorial?
Do you disagree with my assertions?
Let me know in the comments!
We're over halfway through this series, and next time we'll be exploring Dark Souls
3's Cemetery of Ash.
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If you do please let me know why, as that's the best way for me to improve.
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I'm loving this series so much, and so I hope you guys will stick around!
Either way, thank you for your continued support..
And I'll see you in the next one.
Natural Home Remedy On How to Get Rid of Dark Circles And Bags Under Your Eyes - Duration: 3:00.
The comic book comic and dark with endless surprises ( part 1 ) - Duration: 2:54.
Dark Trap Serhat Durmus - Yalan (ft. Ecem Telli) Engish Lyrics - Duration: 3:18.
Gözümdeki ateş when the fever in my eye
kalbimi yakınca burned my heart
Sandım ki aşkımız ömür i thought our love would last
ömür boyunca (forever)
Yalan Lie
Yalan Lie
Yalan Lie
Yalan Lie
Yalan Lie
Ayrılık yok artık no more separation
Öyle söylemiştin you said so
Bilsen seni nasıl know how i've loved you
Gözümdeki ateş when the fever in my eye
kalbimi yakınca burned my heart
Sandım ki aşkımız ömür i thought our love would last
ömür boyunca (forever)
LIE... ♫
♫.... ♫ ... ♫
♫.... ♫ ... ♫ ♫ .. LIE .. ♫
► Dark Side || Teaser - Duration: 1:19.
Monster Basement (Full HD Walkthrough) Dark Monster - Duration: 0:35.
*Spooky Music*
*Monster Screaming*
*Monster Screaming and Scary Music*
Dark Souls remastered: part 10~This is why I didn't wanna go on a picnic! (ENG subtitles available) - Duration: 30:29.
Hi! How are you? This is AuronTyranitar
and we can finally continue with some more Dark Souls
I spent like a month preparing some tests
and I was unable to play then
I couldn't record a thing
and I wanted to get back to this, but now I don't remember much
but while editing a video, I noticed that
maybe we can do one thing here
let's see if... there
I saw an opening here
and I thought that perhaps something could be done
and it looks like it
I don't think there's anything there
there are some chests down there
something else there... and up there
can we drop there?
it's a good question...
looks like it
let's see if this guy wants to go up
oh, more here
anything here?
a nest
you can practise how to be a ball
let's try not to die... I think we can go there, right?
or maybe there's something else around
Undead asylum F2 west key
the undead asylum?
we've been there already
what's this?
wow, what are you doing, dumbass?
oh, that's it
there are some more things there, but it looks like a long drop
and I might get killed, so I dunno about that
and it looks like that here too, so I dunno
great one
good thing there's another one
how do I drop down without killing myself?
oh, great work
good thing we're alive. No one around, right?
for whatever reason he didn't jump
good thing we're alive. Homeward bone, good
morning star and talisman
I'll check it out
and finally... cracked red eye orb
looks like a tongue-twister
83, nice try
and what else were we given? A talisman, maybe?
there it is
14. I guess that's got another use
otherwise it would be kinda stupid
I'm gonna move the micro, I'm talking nowhere
and then the audio is even lower
more stuff
the cemetery
lloyd's talisman
this is for invading other worlds
blocks estus recovery in a limited area
I don't really feel like picking fights, so
well, to get some practice
great parry
I can't see shit, where am I?
drink some, dude
One month, I'm like if I wasn't here
something weird going on
come on, lad
late... there it is
We still gotta practise those things
or we won't get them right later
but I really don't remember much about how to play, I'm all rusty
oh ,btw, I was thining that, since I had 7 humanities
I'm gonna go the bonfires, so in case I lose them
I can't get a backstab right
and I'm gonna kindle them
so that they've been used
finally one
almost fell
hey, how about you target him?
not again
I still can't get them going
hey. Well, the pillage corpse thing, maybe for tomorow, right?
alright alrighty
let's see if I can pillage this one, instead of kick him
titanite shard, awesome
it's interesting
goddammit, I hate summer
honestly, it's so hot
I hope you won't be able to hear the fan I have running
the heat and...
and the fucking light
There's supposed to be an attack while jumping
or something like that
and I want to practise it, cause I never use it. I used it once in the tutorial
and that's it
maybe you gotta run and attack... no
target him, please
at least we're getting some of those. Let's see about that other attack
how could it be?
anybody there?
maybe that dumbass that comes from down there
alright, it's with R2
I'll probably edit this out
dammit, my ass from behind
alright, I won't edit that out
fucking awesome
alley oop with a dead body
my god
what a gift from these lads
let's kindle this bonfire
now it's done, now we can
get 10 estus if needed
and we're gonna do the same with... oh, no, the one close to andre had already been kindled
so we gotta go down here
since we went to the bonfire, cause I'm not going back to the elevator
what happened, bro?
that's nowhere close to what I meant
again, I can't get it right
drink an estus flask
so annoying
what a gift this is
I think that being human increases the drop rate
pretty damn cool
lemme check this out
everything is recording
and I'm sweating like a freaking pig
let's see one thing
cause the first black knight was guarding a ring
nothing behind this one?
look at that asshole
so nothing here, really?
I don't think we can drop there
I'm not gonna try, for sure
so this one was like...
kill the nosy ones
you nosy enough? Die
fuck that wall
smartass alert here
until I get my skills back...
cause, you may have noticed this, but I don't happen to be great at videogames. I like them, but...
I'm not really great at this
great. And then he covers himself
you're a bit annoying
what are you doing? Almost fell over
let's see
no drops?
such bad people
let's see, this way
nobody here, right?
wait, one of this knights is coming
great job
yeah, drink wherever you like
did we break this, see if there's anyting in them?
I can hear someone
I dunno
I'm being too daring
yeah, how about you attack?
no drops
so apparently we're supposed to go to the darkroot garden
rectal bleeding
let's go there
I might edit the undead burg part out, not that interesting
especially not the 18th time
can I level up?
such a funny joke
by the way, I've been said that you can upgrade your weapons here and buy stuff too
I don't think these things are interesting now
and we can't upgrade this one cause we don't have dragon scales
repair, let's see
let's repair it, just in case
everything else is fine
buy. Let's see what he has for sale
Crest of Artorias: opens gate in the forest
oh, probably the gate we saw
the weird big door
axe... warpick
caestus, what's that? Looks like a fist
tower kite shield
100% physical
30% magic, 70% fire...
is this good?
it seems good against fire
100% too
this one's got less stability, and fire resistance
a bit heavier
parameter bonus D. I dunno about the other one
show me this. Actually both were just the same, right?
D as well
and lightning defence 50%, I dunno about the other one
it's also lighter
maybe it's worth it. I'm gonna buy it, it's only 1000 souls
and arrows... How many do I have?
130. Gimme some more
I don't wanna run outta them
and that's it
I'm gonna equip that
I think that lighter means it's better for parrys too
maybe that's got nothing to do with it
this place doesn't look too friendly
there are some psycopath trees
trying to grab me or something?
well, go home
purple moss
Darkroot garden. There was something here
but probably not this way
I don't think so
they're trying to get me here
gimme moss, sweetie
I know you want to
this way?
I'm getting trapped in a stone and that ain't good
and I eat it all
this broccoli things
destroyed, come on
so I was speaking with a friend and
he told me to look for a door
he told me that here, in the darkroot garden, you can find the first hidden door
he didn't tell me where it was, I have to find it
but he told me that it was around this place
This doesn't look like it
probably this
he said that I could attack it or roll
and this won't damage the sword. Perfect
thanks, dude
you save some time
can we level up? No, we couldn't before
locked with some mechanism
yeah, probably the crest of artorias will do it
20,000 souls, just like that
I don't like this forest
1, 2, 3 broccolies
blooming purple moss
great soul
purple moss
what's the difference between blooming and normal?
heals poison
and this one toxins as well
he brings you back to your normal state
tell me this is no boss
alright, we're good
what's this?
is it moving?
can we hit it?
no point
oh, look, a healthbar
I couldn't see it
and that's how you cooperate with deforestation
this is another secret path
look at that
what is that?
looked tougher
another tree
I still have the feeling they're gonna destroy me here
we didn't need to cut this one down, apparently
I'm not really sure we're supposed to go this way
what's that
oh, this lads
I had under... but
I don't want you to attack
actually every time I complain, it was my fault
but not this time
yeah, cover yourself a bit
these rays
they show you pretty much everything
cover yourselves a bit, please
another knight soul
I don't like this place it makes me feel... actually yeah, this ambience without music...
hey, what's that?
I'm gonna guess it's gonna come back to life
I can hear stuff
or maybe I'm imagining things
I'd rather face this one
if it's a foe, which it is
wow, what's that?
some kind of weird ring around me
when I get close to him, it's like I'm fucked
he's trapped there
I'm back to normal
we can come close again
oh, great one
wow, 600 souls
so that thing slows you down, cause I could barely move
It's the hangover attack
then you don't even know where you are
let's go up this way
this feels like getting into a boss cave or something, I don't like this one bit
in this game you're in constant tension
cause you never know... Look, it's one of these
let's lure him down there
cause here...
this way I might be able to throw these while I'm far away
is it coming or what?
but why retreat?
I'm here, I wanna fight ya
he doesn't wanna go out of the cave, he gets all melancholic
now he's outside
your move, knight
as soon as he doesn't slow me down...
great wood
I hope I'm not affected
I escaped on purpose
come on buddy
yeah, I'm affected anyway
yeah, like they're any good
they sound just like that titanite demon
let's see what's in here
3600 souls and we can't even level up
wolf ring
I don't know what it is, but let's put it on
cause I don't have more. Increases the balance
where does this lead to
I thought there was nothing there
only the step
and I would've died if I had dropped down
you gotta be all eyes in this game
so it looks like we should go back
let's leave this tree unharmed
well, if you get in the way...
Deaths: 6 Souls lost: 0
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