I, like many of you who clicked on this video, have very fond memories of Teen Titans.
It was right up there with my favourites back when I was a kid, like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Spongebob.
However, it was also one of those series that I never saw through to completion.
I just managed to catch snippets here and there, as I never bought the DVDs or recorded these bad boys on VHS.
So I figured, considering that the Teen Titans Go! to the movies movie just made its way into theaters
and that it looks like there's a decent chance that the older style of Teen Titans may actually be returning,
it's about time that I talked about this series and it's also time to watch through the whole thing for the first time.
So the basic question here is quite obvious
Is Teen Titans actually any good
or is this one of those cases where my younger self liked something really bad and I just never went back to doublecheck what I was into?
Because I can't trust my younger self.
When I was a kid, I went to see Thomas and the Magic Railroad five times while it was in theaters, so yeah,
I don't know if I'll ever be able to fully trust myself after something like that.
Unfortunately, we will need to start with the bad stuff.
Because season one starts off - well, let's just say subpar for now.
But that's actually a little bit too nice.
It's pretty terrible at the start.
First off, I had always assumed as a kid that I just missed the first episodes of this series,
that I missed the part where the whole gang was introduced and came together.
But that isn't the case. They're all together in the first episode and it actually begins with a fight scene.
While some may have the context of the comics, I'm willing to bet that most kids went into this show blind,
that they didn't know all that much about Robin and that they really didn't know about Beast Boy, Raven, Starfire, or Cyborg.
I was the same and, beyond the experiences I remember with this show as a kid, I still am the same.
I don't know these characters and they definitely needed some introduction.
That's not to say that we needed an origin story for all of them or anything like that,
but some context before they get thrown into a fight would have been a bit nice,
especially considering that this fight is going to result in an argument amongst team members.
This conflict is particularly difficult to get invested in for the first episode of a TV series because, well, we don't know anything about them.
We don't know how close they are already, never mind information about them individually.
So when Cyborg and Robin get into a huge argument over the fact that they messed up and let a criminal escape,
I was left wondering whether they are prone to fighting all the time, or if they usually get along well, or what exactly their relationship is like?
Frankly, I think it was really silly to start off with this type of conflict.
A decent way to get around needing to introduce us individually to each of these characters through origin stories or something like that
would have been to have the conflict of the first episode solely focus on an outside problem,
so we could see the positive versions of their relationships at their best and how they can successfully fight together, too.
First impressions are important, and clumsy and bratty are the first terms that come to mind when I think of Robin and Cyborg after seeing this episode.
The rest of the team?
Well, after the first episode, it's hard to make any judgement call about them at all because we don't see too much of them.
But the problems here aren't just with the concept.
If it was just that--if the directing, action, and dialogue were all good--there wouldn't be anything so bad about this.
But, in this first episode, these things just aren't good. They're really bad.
Especially the way the action is directed. It's all so . . . awkward.
The pacing is entirely off. I'm pretty certain that if you watch the first fight scene from this show over again, you'll see what I mean.
There's no rhythm or weight to the action. The camera angles are all bland and samey.
The animation is just OK at best.
They use these blurry backgrounds that are often used in anime type stuff to define action and get around needing to draw the whole background,
but they just use them all the time and none of the moments they use them then have any real punch to them.
Nothing stands out, at least not in a positive manner, and Teen Titans definitely doesn't put its best foot forward.
However, it does quickly improve.
Although episode two still has a noticeable number of awkward decisions as far as pacing is concerned, the dialogue and characterization are much better.
The concept is better, too.
Where the first episode was almost entirely focused on an internal conflict within the group, and the villain of that episode, Cinderblock,
just served as the catalyst for that separation and the reason that they got back together,
the second episode introduces a more interesting character to fill Cinderblock's roll--Blackfire, Starfire's sister.
And she doesn't just appear in action scenes. She has a significant number of spoken lines and we get a good sense of her personality.
We see how obnoxious she is to Starfire and we see how the other group members enjoy her presence, which upsets Starfire.
So it is kind of another internal spat within the group that's occurring, but it's also consistently brought back to something external causing issues.
This means that we get to see a bit more of the group operating at what I assume is their normal way of acting
Another aspect of the concept behind this episode that makes it stronger than the first is the fact that it's focusing primarily on Starfire,
with a bit more of an emphasis on her relationship with Robin than on her relationship with the other group members; although that's sprinkled in there, too.
Robin and Cyborg actually have more subtle personalities and less in-your-face quirks and mannerisms than the other three members,
And Starfire has likely the most extreme and obvious personality of any of the titans.
Plus, it's easy to get attached to her, because her stilted manner of speaking is both humourous and endearing.
Since we didn't get any real time to establish the characters' personalities and relationships,
it's better to spend an episode entirely focused on an extreme character like this towards the start,
than on a less extreme character like Robin or Cyborg.
That way we're immediately invested in her issues because she's easy to understand
and we can slowly come to understand the other characters that surround her.
But what's probably more important is that other things improve, too.
The animation, cinematography, music.
And all of these things keep improving across episodes
and none of these aspects of the show are ever as weak as they were in episode one.
Episode one really is an anomaly, in terms of quality, when it comes to this series, which is a real shame.
Now, episode three is quite similar to the first two, in that it focuses on the titans battling with another group,
not doing so well at first, but then improving and banning together and doing a good job.
While it's not a bad episode by any means, there isn't all that much to say about it
It focuses on pretty similar ideas as the first two episodes, but just tackles them in a more interesting way,
and with a more professional look, than the first episode did.
The only real problem is this little guy, Gizmo.
He's just incredibly annoying, even when I try to take a step back and view this as though I was younger.
And he's the only one of the three villains in this episode that have a personality I can really remember at all,
even after just viewing it, so, yeah, some bad villains in this one.
That's definitely one thing I think the first season could have done to improve quickly:
just cut out some of these extras and focus more on the Robin-Slade dynamic,
which is going to be what many of the later episodes of this season will focus on,
so why not put more emphasis on it here by having them meet earlier instead of showing us these bland people?
I mean, I realize that they return later and thus are at least somewhat important,
but this is one of those cases where a returning character gets introduced earlier into the story,
but with the unfortunate affect of undermining some of the show's overall structure.
Considering how these characters act in this episode, it wasn't a worthy trade-off.
The next episode after this is a big improvement over the other episodes so far in terms of how it looks and how its pacing works.
This one focuses the most on the Beast Boy-Starfire dynamic with extra focus on Beast Boy,
but the problem with this arc is just that . . . it's so cheesy and weak.
See, Beast Boy makes the mistake of accidentally playing a practical joke on Starfire when he meant to play it on Cyborg,
so they get in an argument about that and Starfire acts all upset and Beast Boy is all sorry and, yeah, it's just hard to care.
There's no reason that this argument couldn't have been spurned on by something worse than a prank,
and it actually would have worked well, considering that this show tries to compare and contrast Beast Boy's actions with the villains' of this episode.
The difference between their actions, though, is just way too large to feel like a fair or interesting comparison to draw.
Beast Boy played a stupid prank.
These guys are destroying people's cars, putting them in mortal danger,
and possibly giving the audience a seizure because holy guacamole is there a lot of flashing lights in this episode I think I might die!
Actually, overall, these first four episodes needed higher stakes.
Sure, episode three involved the Titans losing something important to them,
but the only real thing at stake there is their reputation and pride and, at that point, we didn't know anything much about their reputation.
Sure, in episode 5, we'll see that the Titans have fans, but up until then?
Not a word on the subject.
Which is part of a much larger problem that plagues this first season all the way through:
The world is just lifeless. There's never any sense of where the characters are, at least when they exit their tower;
backgrounds are barren and bland; the construction of some areas just doesn't make sense;
I don't know really know where the characters are.
There's an overall lack of proper establishing shots to let us know where these characters are in relation to the rest of the city;
it's rare to see other people doing all that much in this place. I could go on, but I think you get the point.
This certainly makes the show's world-building exceptionally weak, however, it also makes Slade a weaker villain.
I mean, what is this place? What's going on here?
The places where characters primarily reside should show us something about them, should give us some idea of who they are and what they do.
This abstract cluster of madness doesn't do that at all.
Maybe it shows us that he's mysterious, but that seems like a weak way to justify just blandness and a lack of personality.
Later on, there's one case in particular where the show manages to do a fantastic job of using setting to show more about them
or just to confirm some other things about them.
But that moment is a big outlier in season one, although we will be getting to it later.
OK, so, back to episode four.
While the stakes between the titans aren't all that high, they do get a lot higher as far as the villain's plan here is concerned,
where he wants to use Thunder and Lightning's abilities to create this gaint fire monster that's going to burn everyone's homes down.
Yeah, it's pretty odd, but it works well enough since it has a sense of permancy to it.
If the titans lose, this will have huge, long-lasting effects not only on themselves, but also on other people around them.
Unfortunately, the primary lesson of this episode--the lesson that a joke isn't necessarily just a joke and that it can hurt people--
rings hollow and typical to my older ears.
But I can appreciate that it might have had an affect on a young child that liked to terrorize their parents by throwing water balloons at them or something.
So, yeah, I won't dig into it for that too much, even though it would have been better to show a more nuanced and interesting version of this lesson.
Now, episode five does something that should have happened in episode one, but, either way, I'm happy that it happened:
we see the titans having fun and actually acting like teenagers.
Just goofing around and throwing a ball, and the best part of it all is that they're using their abilities, too.
So we get to see that they like to use their abilities to have fun.
It's also the first time we see that the titans have any fans, so, overall, this manages to feel like the first peek into their normal lives,
into the moments when there isn't any trouble.
Again, this is good because it's important to establish the baseline of our characters' relationships before throwing it all out of whack.
This episode also features another decent conflict, where Fixit finds Cyborg and wants to make him entirely robotic.
The potential permanency of this conflict is what makes it stand out;
if Cyborg is made completely robot, there is the chance that he will never be able to regain his human parts.
Of course, it's obvious that the show probably isn't going to go that route, but having the possibility open allows for a certain amount of tension.
However, there is one thing in particular that confuses me about this episode:
The whole reason Cyborg gets captured by Fixit is because he's being stubborn and is unwilling to accept that, because of his robot half,
he'll sometimes need to charge up and not be involved in the action.
This establishes Cyborg's robot half as something that he dislikes a lot, as something he may want to get rid of.
But the conflict of the episode is that Fixit wants to make him completely robotic and Cyborg also doesn't want that?
That doesn't really show us much about his character.
I mean, wouldn't it make more sense to start off with Cyborg being upset with his human parts for some reason,
and wishing he could get rid of those, only to encounter someone who can give that to him and realizing what a terrible thing it would be to lose that part of himself?
Or maybe he could encounter someone that is going to remove all his robotic parts, and he realizes that that would take away part of what makes him special.
Either one of those would have worked, but this doesn't.
The show establishes a problem and then follows through with it in a really odd way,
without really developing Cyborg's character in any meaningful manner.
I know, I know. You're probably tired of hearing me complaining about this show that you really enjoyed or maybe that you still really enjoy.
Or maybe you aren't. Either response is fair.
But now it's time to talk about what is easily my favourite episode of season one: Nevermore.
In this episode, Raven essentially becomes the ultimate edgelord, and a lot about herself and the other characters is revealed or accentuated.
First, there's Robin, whose most likable character trait is emphasized here:
If Raven wants to be alone, he's going to let her be alone.
This is similar to how he went to talk with Starfire when she was acting upset in episode two.
If there's nothing bad going on, he's a very conscientious person, and willing to trust his friends and do as they ask
or to pay a lot of attention to how they're feeling.
Starfire, meanwhile, is incredibly nice but in an aggressive way;
she can hardly be held back when she wants to check if Raven is OK.
Beast Boy and Cyborg, meanwhile, are pretty nosy when it comes down to it, and end up in perusing Raven's room.
When I said that there's one moment in particular where the show uses its setting to show us something about its characters, I was talking about this.
Because her room is just perfect for her. Honestly, it looks like a demonic wonderland, and I love it.
But these are really just the surface elements of this episode.
What makes it genuinely great is its exploration of Raven's psyche,
where we see that the inside of her mind is a decimated black space with cracked rocks floating about.
However, when someone wants to walk across them, they form together into a path that the characters can walk along, if they dare to get to know her better.
Here, we see somtehing that is going to be more obviously shown later: Raven wants people to know who she is;
she's even willing to set up a path for them to do so.
But she's also constantly afraid of what will happen if people know her, if people see the other sides of her that she keeps in check.
As such, these creepy birds attack Beast Boy and Cyborg and tell them in weird, childish voices to "turn back."
And as a kid I probably would've pooped my pants.
Then we get to see the various Ravens, all of them differing in colour scheme and personality from the real Raven.
First off, the fact that her colour palette can be completely changed
and that she can still be recognizable and look appealing is a testament to how great and simple her design is
Second, this is the best way to show us her character while getting around her personality;
after all, if she were to sit down and tell the other characters, "Sometimes I feel these feelings," it would just be weird;
that's not how she is or how she acts.
So the writers chose to have characters go inside her head and discover her that way.
Which is also more interesting regardless of her personality.
What I mean is that I'd rather have creative character development of this sort even with a character like Beast Boy,
who is likely to say what he's feeling. Because this is showing us, not telling us. We're seeing who she is. We're seeing that she's complex.
My favourite part of this episode is when Beast Boy and Cyborg get trapped in a maze within Raven's mind, and a sad version of Raven appears, and says,
"I can show you the way, but when we reach the end you won't like me anymore."
Basically, getting to know Raven is like a maze, and here we see all of her fear that people will dislike her once they've gone through the trouble of getting to know her
and reached the end of that maze.
This really connected with me and I wasn't expecting that after reactions to the previous episodes that ranged from, "This is OK," to "I'm not a big fan of this at all."
Of course, the episode culminates with Beast Boy and Cyborg helping Raven conquer one of her inner demons--her rage--
and, while the message is simple, I love how it is shown to us:
Sometimes, we need help from those who care for us to combat ourselves. Sometimes, the problems we have are too much for us to handle on our own.
And holy crap this video is longer than I thought it would be.
I didn't think I'd have all that much to say about this cartoon I used to like when I was a kid,
but I guess I was wrong, and I'd rather not rush it, so I'm going to continue this in part two.
If you enjoyed this, remember to like the video and let me know what your own thoughts on these episodes were in the comments below.
I really love interacted with you fine people down there, so it's always awesome to see what you have to say.
On a slightly different note, I also want to thank all the wonderful people on patreon who support me in the creation of videos like this one.
It's really great and generous of them to do that so I always want to show how thankful I am and it's hard to sometimes.
But I am very thankful. Thank you.
Regardless though, I hope you all have the best day you can have today, and I hope that everything's going good. Bye, bye.
For more infomation >> Is Teen Titans 2003 As Great As We Remember? | A Complete Review of OG Teen Titans - Part 1 - Duration: 16:14.-------------------------------------------
[SNS] What is Love? ᴹᴱᴾ || Summer Festival - Duration: 2:53.
Every day, I felt love only in the movies
Or in books or dramas
Mmm, that's how I learned love
Ooh, some day
Will these things happen to me too?
When will that be? Who will it be?
they say it's sweet like candy
they say it feels like flying
What does love feel like?
they say you smile all day
they say the world becomes beautiful
Will this kind of love come to me too?
Just imagining this right now
Just thinking about it makes my heart explode
Mmm, I'm so curious, I'm going crazy
Ooh, some day
Will these things happen to me too?
When will that be? Who will it be?
they say it's sweet like candy
they say it feels like flying
What does love feel like?
they say you smile all day
they say the world becomes beautiful
Will this kind of love come to me too?
I think it'll be really nice
Better than the movies or dramas
Love will come, my predictions are always right
Hurry and come, I'm always ready!
(Where is he?) I'll find him
(Where is he?) I miss him so much
I don't think I can stand it anymore
They say it's sweet like candy
They say it feels like flying
What does love feel like?
They say you smile all day
They say the world becomes beautiful
Will this kind of love come to me too?
Did you see what Ozil, Mustafi and Aubameyang did on the Arsenal bench against PSG? - Duration: 2:09.
The Gunners thrashed PSG 5-1 yesterday in their International Champions Cup meeting in Singapore
Ozil opened the scoring after 13 minutes before Alexandre Lacazette, Rob Holding and Eddie Nketiah added to Arsenal's goal tally in the second half
And three Gunners stars looked to be in high spirits as they sat on the bench watching their team-mates thrash their Ligue 1 counterparts
Ozil, Mustafi and Aubameyang were filmed busting a move in the second half of the game
Mustafi even pulled out his air guitar during the impromptu dance session with his team-mates
While Arsenal looked impressive in what was just their third pre-season fixture, PSG were without a number of key players including Neymar, Kylian Mbappe and Edinson Cavani due to their participation in the World Cup
And when asked whether he thought his side were at a disadvantage, manager Thomas Tuchel couldn't resist taking a swipe at the Gunners
"Yes of course. Are they in Europa League or not. Europa League okay, yeah," Tuchel said
With their victory of PSG behind them, Arsenal now travel to Dublin for their next warm-up game ahead of the new Premier League campaign
Unai Emery's side come up against London rivals Chelsea at the Aviva Stadium on August 1 before travelling to Stockholm for a game against Lazio
Arsenal kick off their Premier League campaign by hosting champions Manchester City at the Emirates on August 12
Jose Mourinho Before He Was A Manager: A Brief History Of - Duration: 4:06.
What Spanish media were saying about Arthur after his remarkable Barca debut v Spurs - Duration: 3:49.
Football News24/7 Barcelona fans are probably very happy with how the summer has gone - and it's not necessarily all about what has happened at the Camp Nou
With Cristiano Ronaldo leaving Real Madrid for Juventus and Los Blancos so far failing to adequately replace him, Barca will hope that their El Clasico rivals have been severely weakened
Not to mention manager Zinedine Zidane resigning and being replaced by Julen Lopetegui
As for Barcelona's own transfer business, they've brought in defender Clement Lenglet, winger Malcom and midfielder Arthur
And it was the latter who everyone was talking about on Saturday night. Barca took on Spurs in the International Champions Cup and triumphed on penalties
But the La Liga side were 2-0 ahead within half an hour. Munir El Haddadi nodded in after just 15 minutes and it was new signing Arthur that doubled their lead with a sensational strike
Rafinha laid the ball back to the Brazilian, who curled the ball delightfully past Paulo Gazzaniga
What a goal. And what a performance. Check out a video of his individual highlights against Spurs: It wasn't just his goal but, during his 45 minutes on the pitch, he was brilliant
In fact, he was so good that the Spanish media were raving about him. Barca ran with the headline: "It seems like he played for Barcelona all his life
" But it didn't stop there. Sport wrote: "The former Gremio player was, from the beginning of the game, the most prominent of the new Barcelona signings
Arthur's wonderful performance explains why Barca fell in love with him." Meanwhile, AS praised Arthur's debut by noting: "The first half was remarkable and Arthur stood out," while Mundo Deportivo said: "Arthur Melo could not have a better debut with Barca
" Sounds like the media in Spain are already loving Arthur after just 45 minutes
Do YOU want to write for GiveMeSport? Get started today by signing-up and submitting an article HERE: https://www
Rosie: What was it like meeting the First Minister? #FMQTNextGeneration - Duration: 0:37.
Day 30: What Is Aweber Double Optin? - Duration: 4:55.
Hi everyone, I just wanted to go live very quickly because I just wanted to share this in the moment
I've just received an email. Let me just explain I'll give you some context around it
Yesterday I opted into my sales funnel, which I recommended everyone do so
subscribe to your own
opt-in box and then
Put yourself through that funnel so that you know that everything is working and everything is coming out at the right time
so I did that yesterday and I did that with my email address support at
Leisure lifestyle com. Now what shocked me is what came back and that was
Please confirm your subscription
so in my inbox I didn't receive the
Welcome email I didn't receive the first video
I actually received an email through that was generated through Aweber to say can you please confirm your email address?
So I went ahead and did that but that is considered a double opt-in as a result of that
what I did was
I've got a document in my members area if you go and have a look because this happened last year as well and I
Assumed that all of the double opt-ins had been turned off. You actually have to contact a weber
Even though your buttons say off
They're still sending out a double opt-in. So there's something going on behind the scenes, which I'm not really sure about
So I sent that message to them. You can just copy and paste what's in that
Document and then just send it to them and I did that last year and I got a response back from a weber to say
All has been turned off
So now I find out and it applies to your lists
So every list that you have so they had turned it off for every list and I'd created no new lists since then
so, I don't know what's happened between then and now
So I was a bit surprised. So as a result, I actually sent the same sort of email again
To Aweber and a response came back yesterday to say that we have turned them all off
so let me get this email up and I'm just going to read some of this out to you because I think it's really
important to do this
So anyway it says here
Let me scroll down sorry to keep you waiting I actually sent them a screenshot of what I was getting back
It says thank you for contacting our customer solutions team, so you just go into Aweber and you just raise a support ticket
It says I have disabled confirmation on those lists for you. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with
So I unsubscribed myself, so I received that email at about three o'clock in the afternoon
By about 6:00 in the afternoon. I
Unsubscribed myself from my list and then I subscribed again just to test it and make sure that it was all working. Okay, and
It wasn't so again. I got another please confirm your email
So I I sent I sent the email to them and it says we can certainly look into this for you
Could I have you verify the email address that you submitted to test?
So then I responded this morning. I told him it was support at leisure lifestyle comm and
Then he has responded this afternoon
To say this
It's very important. The reason that confirmation
Generated was because that address support at leisure lifestyle comm is a role based email any
role based email address like
Support at help at or admin at will always generate a confirmation message
The reason being is that a role based email generates the highest amount of complaints
Owing to the fact that they're monitored by multiple people and can be scrapped from websites
Confirmation will always generate for such addresses and that would be the same for any account in Aweber
Standard email addresses would be added without confirmation
That's my share
I think that's a really important thing to know and understand is that if you if you subscribe to your own email list and you
put in words like support at admin at you're going to get
Please confirm your email address
Very important to know so that's my share today everyone over and out here and I'll check in tomorrow. Bye everyone
What really makes the phrase 'home sweet home' true for Brits - Duration: 1:06.
</form> Throughout the spring, our sister regional newsbrand titles across the country have teamed up with the Halifax to answer the 64 million dollar question: what is it that makes home so special? You've told us in your thousands, and just like fingerprints, it turns out no two homes are the same! But what was consistent is that we all love where we live, and our homes really are more than just bricks and mortar
We've made a special video, above, to celebrate what you've told us over the last couple of months
One thing's for sure; no matter which part of the country we live in, and whether it's a village, suburb, town or city, there's one thing that unites us, and that is that when we put our key in the front door and kick off our shoes, there is nothing like that feeling of 'home sweet home'
You can see more of our favourite contributions from around Britain in the videos below
Love Island fans baffled after spotting random couple - this is who they were - Daily News - Duration: 2:04.
</form> It's been a busy few months in the Love Island villa, with a LOT of drama, bed hopping and loyalty
And it's not just the main show which has been there to entertain us, as Caroline Flack has been back with her weekly spin-off show Aftersun
This year's it's been packed with exclusive interviews with dumped singletons and the stars' friends and family, as well as behind the scenes clips
But there was one exclusive clip which really baffled people back in June, which showed new girls Rosie and Georgia walking up to the villa ready to make their entrance
But while watching their arrival, eagle-eyed fans spotted something a bit odd outside the famous house - another couple sitting at a table having a drink
The pair, dressed in shorts, were sitting at a white table with a wine glass on it
Fans took to social media to voice their confusion about what was going on. Read More Love Island final Everyone here in the Mirror office was also confused, so we asked the Love Island bosses what was going on
Unfortunately it wasn't a sneaky preview of two newbies and it was actually just two members of the production team
The final of this year's show will be on ITV2 from 9pm this evening.
Grieving husband's powerful anniversary message to wife who was raped and killed - Duration: 2:23.
</form> A heartbroken husband has shared a moving message to his murdered wife on what would have been their 10th wedding anniversary
Tom Meagher posted the tribute to Irish wife Jill, who was raped and killed in Melbourne, Australia, by a serial sex offender
Posting alongside a picture of Jill in her wedding dress, Tom wrote that he "carries the scars" of her death, but defiantly said of her killer: "His pallid shadow can never extinguish her light
" In the message , which he shared on Facebook , Tom wrote: "Ten years ago today, I was lucky enough to marry this incredible human
" And describing his wedding day, he said: "I day-dreamed about what we will be doing in five years, in ten years, in twenty or thirty years - we never made it to five
"Four years later she was brutally and violently taken from this world." Jill was just 29 when she died at the hands of Adrian Bayley, who preyed on her as she walked home after a night out with colleagues
Bayley, who was already on parole for a string of sex offences, was jailed for at least 35 years in June 2013, and between 2014 and 2015 was found guilty of a further three rapes
Tom described his wife as "full of love, compassion, laughter and a force and energy that was literally breathtaking", before branding her killer "the a***hole that took her", who he said "communicates with us through violence, misogyny, hatred and death"
His moving tribute continued: "I carry the scars of Jill's death because that's how I remember to carry her light inside me
"Those scars are what connect me and her, they are what teach me, what give me strength, what allow me to hold the confusing mishmash of emotional chaos together and survive, not without her, but with her loving guidance and formidable strength
" He called out "the every day spectrum of male violence", and wrote: "The polar contrast between Jill and her killer are so clearly bookends of the extremity of good and evil that it sometimes feels like an ancient tragedy played out in real life
" And Tom, directly addressing Jill, wrote: "You were a warrior for love, life and liberation Thank you for consistently and persistently teaching me how to live, how to think, how to embrace love wholly, and to bear witness to the fire you lit in me and so many others in your short time on this earth
"You are loved at every moment of every day."
What Was The Purpose of Bitcoin Cash? | Blockchain Central - Duration: 5:46.
Hey everybody and welcome to another episode of BLOCKCHAIN CENTRAL!
Today, let's look into Bitcoin Cash.
Have you ever wondered why there are two kinds of Bitcoin on your exchange?
That's why, today I want to talk about Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.
Bitcoin is almost like a dinosaur of blockchain.
It was the first fully functional distributed ledger network and hit its all-time high in
December 2017, with a valuation of nearly 20 000 USD.
But, as it is the case with new technologies, Bitcoin too has run up against its limits in terms
of scalability and transaction rates.
In the current Bitcoin Network, one block is limited to 1MB in size and is created around
every 10 minutes.
This yields a maximum transaction ratio of 7 transactions per second.
As the network gained more attention, more and more transactions were issued into the network.
With a limit of 7 transactions per second, unvalidated transactions started to pile up.
In May 2017, users reported a waiting time of up to four days before their deal was finally
settled in the network.
If users wanted to speed up their transaction, they had to pay a very high transaction fee,
which makes Bitcoin very unattractive as a payment method.
Imagine you want to buy a cup of coffee which costs you 3 dollars but, either the transaction
fee is 15 dollars, or it's four days before you get your coffee!
For comparison, Visa can handle up to 56,000 transactions per second in peak times.
The scalability issue is well known in the Bitcoin community and discussions aiming to
resolve that issue have been going on since 2013.
Since Bitcoin is an open and globally distributed network, it is used by various groups who
benefit from the blockchain in different ways.
While each of these groups has a vested interest in Bitcoin, none of them have sole decision-making
power over the upgrade process.
Therefore, a discussion evolved into an "ideological battle over the future of bitcoin" from
which, two opinions emerged.
One was centered around the Bitcoin Core developer team which prefers off-chain solutions like
the Lightning Network.
In their opinion, a change in the Bitcoin Block Size, resulting in a hard fork, violates
the "code-is-law" principle which—according to them--is one of the main achievements of
blockchain technology.
One way to avoid a fork is to apply the Segregated Witness technology.
Segregated Witness, SegWit for short, essentially updates the transaction data format, increasing
the amount of transactions which fit into one block.
Furthermore, the implementation of SegWit allows scaling innovations like the Lightning Network.
In a Lightning Network, two parties open a transaction channel, through which various
transactions can be conducted.
At the end, only the final balances of the channel will be settled via the public ledger,
saving time and computational validation power.
But there's of course another possible appraoch.
The second group wanted to simply increase the block size in order to fit more transactions
into one block.
This disagreement between the two parties yielded a hard fork of the Bitcoin Blockchain.
The entire process of a hard fork can also be described as a user-activated hard fork
(UAHF) meaning the new blockchain has the same old tale but, at one point, starts to
use a new consensus rule, creating a new network with its own miners.
And that's exactly what happened in August 2017.
One part of the Bitcoin community announced the fork, creating Bitcoin Cash.
Bitcoin Cash wants to fulfill the original promise of Bitcoin as "Peer-to-Peer Electronic
Cash" by providing low fees and a fast, reliable confirmation network.
All Bitcoin holders until block 478558 also own the same amount of Bitcoin Cash.
Bitcoin Cash itself uses an upgraded block size which, at first, allowed up to 8-MB blocks
and was further increased in May 2018 to 32 MB Blocks.
This increased the possible amount of transactions per second while decreasing transaction fees.
The development team behind Bitcoin Cash also announced that they will adjust and perform
necessary changes to the network twice a year to keep Bitcoin Cash up to date.
Interestngly, Bitcoin Cash solely provides an on-chain scalability solution and does
not support SegWit or Lightning.
However, the upgraded block size is in no way close to the 56.000 transactions, which
Visa can handle in peak times.
Therefore, one can argue, that Bitcoin Cash is faster than the original Bitcoin network,
but still does not entirely solve the scalability issue in the long run.
Apart from the potential advantages of Bitcoin Cash, the entire project came with harsh critique
by the Bitcoin community.
First of all, larger blocks require more computing and memory power and thereby out-price smaller miners.
This brings a potential threat of large mining conglomerates centralizing the decision-making
process for Bitcoin Cash.
Secondly, everyone holding Bitcoin before the split, received and equal amount of Bitcoin Cash tokens.
Therefore, the hard fork raised concerns of being a money-making scheme.
Overall, after initial difficulties, investors seemed to accept Bitcoin Cash.
It is currently the fourth strongest crypto token in terms of market capitalization.
Time will tell whether Bitcoin Cash really persuades the majority of the Bitcoin community
to use it and whether it becomes the new global payment currency.
Now you know the difference between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash and you can decide yourself
which one might have a bigger potential.
That's it for this episode of Blockchain central make sure to hit that like button
if you liked this video and don't forget to subscribe to Blockchain Central to never
miss a beat!
Happy investing!
Emmerdale: Who Is DI Bails? All the details as Ryan Stocks agrees to give DNA test - Duration: 5:09.
Ever since she revealed that DI Bails raped and abused her as a teenager, Emmerdale's Charity Dingle – played by Emma Atkins – has been hellbent on bringing the corrupt cop down
A recent flashback episode depicting her tragic past revealed the extend of her ordeal and also revealed that she had given birth to a baby son, which at the time had been presumed dead by Charity
However, during the character's attempts to track down the child for DNA evidence to use against Bails, Charity discovered that not only did her son survive, but he was also adopted and brought up by the midwife who helped deliver him
Recent scenes saw her come face-to-face with her now grown-up son Ryan Stocks, with Charity later revealing the true extent of Ryan's start in this world
And it looks as though the truth about Bails could about to be proved as Ryan recently agreed to a DNA test to see if he really is Bails' son
Will DI Bails finally be convicted, giving Charity the justice she so desperately craves? Who is DI Bails? Detective Inspector Mark Bails is the police officer who raped and beat Charity when she was 14 years old
The character is played by 51 year old Rocky Marshall, who's had an expansive TV and film career with roles in Holby City, Mr Selfridge and Star Wars: The Force Awakens
He also famously played ladies man Duncan Hart in Family Affairs from 1997-1998
Is he the father of Charity's baby? It is very likely. Charity revealed that Bails started abusing her at the age of 14 and it's thought she became pregnant shortly after
Related Emmerdale teaser: Graham's tragic past is revealed Emmerdale: Lachlan confesses his killings to Rebecca Emmerdale: Rebecca ALIVE and chained up in cabin Emmerdale's Jimmy King is impotent – what is erectile dysfunction and can it be treated? Emmerdale spoilers: Lachlan White's killer secret set to FINALLY be exposed by Gerry Emmerdale shock as Charity Dingle reveals her secret son is dead after exposing DI Bails Emmerdale spoilers: Amelia Spencer's real dad revealed as Dan receives heartbreaking news Emmerdale fans predict Gerry Roberts is ALIVE and in shocking death twist Emmerdale recently revealed that the baby boy grew up to be a man called Ryan Stocks, who has Ataxic Cerebral Palsy
What is his link with Tracy Metcalfe? Charity was recently left stunned when she spotted to officer on the news, where he was discussing the sentencing of handyman Phil Webb - the man who had stalked and blackmailed Tracy Metcalfe
Tracy then revealed that DI Bails was on her case, with her then praising him for helping to get Phil convicted
DI Bails made a surprise return to the village as he joined forces with Tracy to front a campaign to help sex exploitation victims
But following Charity's outburst in which she exposed him for what he really is, Tracey has since cut contact
But will Bails manage to worm his way back into Tracey's good books once again? Has DI Bails been on Emmerdale before? The character was last seen in on the show in 2014, where he ensured that Charity was sent to jail for the fire at Home Farm
Bails at the time had blackmailed Pete Barton with old evidence that could see him sent to prison and threatened him to persuade Charity to admit to the fire even though it was started by her then partner Declan Macey
Bails was hellbent on revenge after a young Charity reported him to the police where he subsequently lost his marriage and miss out on a big promotion at work
With Bails determined to see her pay and with her daughter Debbie seeing Pete at the time, Charity gave in and confessed to the crimes – a move which saw her sent to prison for a year
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