There are many benefits to living in a home built from used shipping containers, and more and more people are starting to realise this and take action.
Much cheaper than conventional building methods of timber-framed buildings, and brick and mortar "storage container homes" buildings, used containers are modular, flexible in design (and can be made to look absolutely beautiful!), durable, eco-friendly, and just an all-round winner when it comes to building your own home.
For more infomation >> Build a*Container Home Review - *Storage Container Homes Designs* - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
Roblox | HƯỚNG DẪN GLITCH ĐIỀU KHIỂN THUYỀN | Build A Boat For Treasure ( Nhớ bật CC) - Duration: 3:44.
Xây Dựng Nhà Chòi - Tuổi Thơ Của Bao Thế Hệ ( Build a house in the forest ) - Duration: 21:09.
Build A Streamlabs Automated Merch Store In Under 60 Seconds - Duration: 2:21.
hey what's going on guys this is Dustin with Streamlabs and today I'm going to
show you how to create your own Streamlabs merch store in under 60 seconds so
let's get started so the first thing you're gonna want to do is either fire
up Streamlabs OBS or go to your browser and navigate to and
then here in your dashboard as you can see under my account just click on merch
store so after clicking on merch store under my account click on add a new
product and here we can get into the details of what we want to make here
will click on upper where choose American Apparel choose our color then
we can click here to add our logo or image and here you can choose from your
gallery or from the top left choose an image from your computer we'll choose
this one and here we can drag around to place and use the tools on the right to
fine tune we'll click Center horizontal and we're all set now we can choose a
name and price for our merch so my first shirt and for alert message
you can choose something custom so whenever someone buys something on your
stream and alert will pop up that someone bought your merch and we'll set
it $25 and in under 60 seconds we can click Save and once you've clicked save
all you need to do is just wait a couple moments before your product shows up in
your merch store and there we go we have our very first product in our merch
store all done in under 60 seconds and if you have a lot of products to make
you can use the upload wizard here on the right hand side now that your store
is up and running you can let your viewers know that they can find the
store on your tip page alternatively you can add some panels by clicking on the
panels tab here and choosing one of these to add to your profile and that's
it now your new merch store alerts and everything are good to go now your
viewers can enjoy all of your new merch be sure to download Streamlabs OBS by
visiting and hop into our discord server at
for live community support check out the links in the description below
How to Build a Meaningful And Successful Career. - Duration: 5:24.
Building a PTA - Duration: 3:38.
Mariah: Our group is going to be working with Glenn Elementary School.
Right now they have a PTA,
but it's pretty small, it's pretty inactive.
And they're attempting to grow it.
So they're using our data to see what would work best.
Some strategies that would work best for the parents.
Tamara: Honestly, we stumbled across the PTA.
We have two kindergarteners.
And we said, hey, it's good to be a part of the PTA,
know what's going on at the school.
And then we started to see some of the barriers at Glenn.
Parent-teacher relationship was very weak.
When the child did have a problem,
that parent would try to talk to a teacher, or if a teacher had
a problem, that teacher would try to talk to the parent.
And there was just miscommunication.
That made it difficult for them to figure out what the child actually needed.
And being a predominantly black school, and brown school,
it just made the self-esteem even lower.
Because then parents felt like "Oh, well, they don't really care about me."
Because then they have to wonder, is it because of the color of my skin?
Is it because I'm Latino? Is it because I'm black?
David: You mess with the lion...
Reporter: Parents and teachers with signs in hand reading,
"Keep our school public."
Crowding outside Glenn Elementary.
This is one of four schools now being considered for the state's new Innovative School District.
Tamara: That really solidified our role in the PTA.
Like, "No, we need to stay on and build a PTA here at Glenn,
because there's really no one here to advocate for these children in a real organic way."
Aaron: They were able to organize a protest when there was a takeover for Glenn School.
That was initiated from charter schools that were trying to take ahold of Glenn
because of low scores and low performance.
The Glenn map is so huge. It reaches all the way from northeast Durham
all the way close to downtown.
And so, some parents have to travel a lot more than others.
Which would actually be impetus for me not to attend PTA meetings.
Nick: We've been doing a little bit of research, and also
thinking of how we can build tools for them.
So that later on, they can have data that they've collected, and they can analyze that data.
Aaron: The system that we created will actually create a bubble map.
And it will categorize them, kind of like a social mapping.
Oh, this parent is great at outreach. This person is great at communicating ideas,
and coming up with new strategies.
And so that social map, from the surveys that we'll do, will actually give the PTA presidents
a category for all of that.
Peyton: We all went to public schools, so working for a public school
has been really fun, and something that we all like doing.
We also all want to be teachers, so we have a lot of common goals.
Tamara: From my experience of talking to Duke students,
it can be insular sometimes, and they forget about the community around them.
So I'm hoping that this will cause them to be more socially aware.
I'm hoping that the relationship will be strengthened that way.
Versus just numbers.
Calculating numbers, percentages and everything.
But actually being able to see the people behind it.
This surprising strategy can help you build a portfolio while you rent - Duration: 2:52.
- Do you have a dream home in mind
but simply can't afford to buy in the area
that you want to buy in?
Well, I'm about to introduce you to a strategy
that you may not have heard before
that'll allow you to invest in the market
and eventually buy that dream home as well.
(dramatic music)
Hi everybody, my name's Josh Masters.
If you've been looking for the perfect home to live in
but have simply found it too unaffordable
in the last couple of years, you're not alone.
And rather than going to the boonies,
or going interstate to find a property that's half the price
you have to ask yourself,
is there a better strategy that we can use
to find the perfect house to live in?
Now, one of the popular strategies
that's been going around of late is that of rentvesting.
That means then you can live in the area
that you want to live in by renting
and taking your money to a more affordable area
where you can invest comfortably
and hope to make gains in that market.
Now there are some great advantages around this
and of course the first one is that
you can choose wherever you want to live as a rental
providing you can pay for the rent.
And you can adjust things accordingly.
So if you're doing quite well in one year
you can live by the beaches
or in a great area but if things scale down
then you can always move according to that budget.
The second thing is that by holding an investment portfolio
and simply using a blindfold strategy,
you can avoid chopping and changing every time
you need to move house because of family considerations.
Maybe the family's growing or you want that extra bedroom.
This means that you don't have to pay
the high entry and exit costs
that come with moving from property to property.
Stamp duty, legal fees and selling agents fees
and finally, one of the great things
that I like to see is that you get great tax deductions
from holding an investment property.
Remember, interest-only repayments,
or interest repayments in general and appreciation
don't come back to you if you're owning the home
that you live in.
It's only applied
if you're looking at an investment portfolio.
So if you're paying a lot of tax,
then this can be a great strategy to use
rather than going for the home.
Now what a lot of people do then
is that they build up enough equity
in the property portfolio, one day to sell it down
and then buy their ideal home
in the area that they do want to live
rather than continue to rent.
So if you have any questions around this strategy
or you'd like to talk to me personally,
please drop me a line.
I'd love to hear from you.
You've been watching me, Josh Masters, On The Ladder.
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