New Arsenal signing Sokratis Papastathopoulos has given an insight into the work being done by Unai Emery to improve Arsenal's shaky defence
Keeping goals out has long been the Achilles heel of Arsenal, with the Gunners conceding 76 goals in all competitions during Arsene Wenger's final campaign in charge
In the Premier League alone, they let in 51 - just five less than Swansea City, who were relegated
So if Arsenal are to improve on their sixth placed finish this time around, improving that record at the back has to be the priority - which is one of the reasons why Sokratis was signed this summer from Borussia Dortmund in a £17 million deal
The 30-year-old has spent the past 10 years playing across Europe and has vast amounts of experience, something Arsenal were keen to add to the backline
Switzerland captain Stephan Lichtsteiner has also been brought in to help with that
But Lichtsteiner has yet to meet up with his new teammates, with the 34-year-old due to report for pre-season training next week after his extended summer break
Sokratis, however, has been with the squad since the first day of pre-season under Emery and the centre-back has revealed the type of work that is being put into making Arsenal a tighter unit at the back
"A lot of coaches and a lot of teams now look at only how to play, not how to defend," said the Greece international
"But with the new coach we work also on the situations when we don't have the ball and this is very important
"On the first day, the coach worked on this. With him, all the players we work on tactics, we look a lot at videos, what was wrong, what we have to do better
"I think and hope this year things at the back will be much better.".There were some eyebrows raised when Arsenal moved to bring in Sokratis from Dortmund, given he had just turned 30
But the defender insists he is now approaching his prime and that the experience he has built up playing in Italy and Germany over the years will be beneficial to Emery's new squad
Thirty is the best age for a defender, so for the next three or four years I would like to give everything for the team
I want to win with this team."With Borussia, with Milan, with Genoa, for 10 years now I have been outside Greece and of course I have experience
"I feel very good and I'm working on the pitch and also off the pitch to help all the young guys to be very good with us
"I am here to show I am first a defender and after that comes everything else. When he first left Greece, where he had been with AEK Athens, Sokratis joined Genoa in Serie A before sealing a move to AC Milan, the club of his idol Paolo Maldina
The Italian legend had left by then, but he did still get to play alongside the great Alessandro Nesta and Thiago Silva
"I played with Nesta, that was one big school for me," he said."Also with Thiago Silva, great players to learn from — they were defenders who were defenders first
For more infomation >> Sokratis reveals what Unai Emery has done from the 'first day' to improve Arsenal's defence - Duration: 4:05.-------------------------------------------
What's inside a Bass Backpack? - Duration: 9:02.
What is Unclaimed Property? - Duration: 2:56.
What is Unclaimed Property and what does it have
to do with the Office of the State Treasurer
right here in Wisconsin? Well I'm Cynthia
Kaump, I hope to serve as your next Wisconsin State
Treasurer, and I am here to explain. The state of
Wisconsin holds in perpetuity or forever
somewhere between 370 million and 570 million
dollars of money which belongs to you. This fund
is made up of a number of things, including
insurance policies never paid out, rebate checks,
lost paychecks, and a number of other things. By
law that fund is constantly replenished because
the state of Wisconsin audits businesses all
over the state and the nation which are holding
on to money belonging to you. Now that money is
waiting for you or your rightful heirs to claim
it. Until they come forward, the money can be
invested in a number of things. The interest or
revenue generated from those funds is transferred
to a number of places to offset costs for you the
taxpayer. First money is held back to cover the
operational costs of the Office of the State
Treasurer. So not one dime comes out of your
taxpayer dollars to pay for this Office. Also
money is transferred to the general fund to
offset your taxpayer obligation every year, and
even more revenue is transferred over to a place
called the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands.
That money is invested and the interest or the
revenue generated from those investments by that
board go to 4 trust funds benefiting the public
schools from great pre-K all the way to the
university. The largest of those 4 funds is the
Common School Trust Fund. 35 million dollars was
transferred to that fund the last year I served
as a Director in this Office. Now the Unclaimed
Property Program was transferred over to the
Department of Revenue unconstitutionally in
2014. The current Treasurer boasts returning
20 million dollars in his entire tenure since
taking office in 2015. For a little perspective
while I served in the State Treasurer's Office as
Director of Communications and Outreach and
personally had a hand in returning record
amounts of money to the people of Wisconsin, we
returned 100 million dollars in just two and a
half years, not even a full term for the previous
Treasurer. Our state constitution makes it very
clear. The only person who should be
administering, transferring money in and out, and
investing with the Unclaimed Property Fund is
the Wisconsin State Treasurer. The numbers we
discussed here show that is clearly the best
thing for you. I'm Cynthia Kaump. I do hope
to service as your next Wisconsin State Treasurer. I
want to restore this Office to what you deserve
it to be. Please consider voting for me on August
14th. Kaump for State Treasurer.
Vad är religion? | What is religion? - Duration: 9:55.
What is religion?
Religion is near identical with culture - a philosophy of life based on insights that derive from metaphysics.
And since metaphysics was said to be the first philosophy, and Greek philosophy was a reformulation of religion into a new term,
we can say that religion, philosophy and metaphysics not only are connected, but that in many ways they are merely different terms for what originally was the same thing.
I say "originally" because all these terms or concepts have slided apart from one another and diverted from their origin, and not in a good way.
The more division that happens, the more you can expect the concepts to be taken and understood erroneously.
That everything is connected and founded on repetitions, reflections and equivalents is a fundamental law,
and the true meaning behind the expression "all is one" or "all is in one, and one is in all", etc.
The word "religion" originates in the Latin word religio, the origin of which has been speculated to be "reconnect" or "reconnecting",
which suggests reconnecting to a particular source or origin.
And so we must distinguish what religion originates from - what it was in its essence - and what it later became in various cultures or in the psyche of the individual person.
In other words, what is of interest here is what the term religion SHOULD refer to, not necessarily what it is considered to be among the masses.
When different individuals and cultures use the same word but mean different things, then it becomes a problem.
Thus it is often necessary to either clearly define words and terms before they are discussed, or invent a new word or term that is less likely to be misinterpreted.
In Timeless Education I try to do a bit of both. In part, I try to analyze, explain and clarify old terms in texts and videos like this one.
And partly, I invent and reformulate old terms into new ones as part of a new teaching.
I could say that the term "timeless education" has the same meaning as the term "religion." But then you would just say, "Oh, so timeless education is just religion."
But no, it's not religion as you understand it because you do not know what I mean by religion.
You do not know what religion really is, or what it was meant to be. Almost nobody does.
Timeless Education also has the same meaning as philosophy, psychoanalysis, science, politics, etc.
And normally people do not get all this in a single package, properly developed. Timeless Education is universal religion free of all nonsense.
I could make it very easy for myself here and just say:
"Religion is not what you think it is. Real religion is the same as Timeless Education."
"So if you want to know what real religion is, go and read up on Timeless Education."
And, obviously, I think you should do that. But I want to talk a bit more about religion and explain some things,
since people often want arguments and support for this kind of assertion.
It is often said that all religions are fundamentally the same, with the same message, and contain the same truths.
But this is an incompetent way of expressing it, a lazy-minded repetition of something people have heard. And as a result, the counter arguments are often stronger.
It is more precise to say that all religions derive from the same source, that they were originally meant to be the same, that they SHOULD be the same,
but that they, through misinterpretations, human partiality and incompetence have over time deviated both from their original form and from each other.
So, no, today's religions are not the same. And because of that, the majority of them can not be called real religions.
They are empty shells and rituals that long ago died and have lost their essence.
And ancient enlightened people knew and accepted that all religions sooner or later must die, to be updated and give way to a new formulation of timeless wisdom that reconnected to the source.
I brought this up in my video on Norse mythology and ragnarok.
That the gods fall during ragnarok is partly a metaphor for the coming death of the old religious system.
That's why antiquity had so many different religions with similar gods and systems.
Same thing with the monotheistic religions. Christianity and Islam were both reformulations of Judaism.
Christianity attempted to clarify that the scriptures should not be taken literally by, among other things, raising the point that "the letter kills but the spirit gives life."
Islam attempted to clarify that all religions were originally valid by saying that all people had their own prophet.
But even these two religions died very early. In their true essence, they only lasted for a 100 years, max.
So the lifespan of a religion is very short.
Just because people still call themselves Muslims or Christians does not mean that the real religion, its essence, has not already died a long time ago.
People are very superficial. They think that a label and some routinized rituals mean something.
People do not sense their own lack of substance, and that's why they can defend empty rituals and literal interpretations,
even though the scriptures often were formulated so that a literal interpretation becomes absurd.
Only by sensing that the religion does not feel right and does not fulfill deeper needs can the individual genuinely begin to seek
and perhaps find the right interpretation or the origin of his religion.
Every prophet and originator of a new religion has experienced disappointment with the former religion.
Real spiritual individuals and religious are SEEKERS, people who question.
But what is this source from which true religion originates?
The source consists, in its essence, of two things.
The first thing is a self-insight that one's own true identity is an inner observing emptiness or observer.
In the East, this is the original goal of meditation, and in Christian tradition it is called "mysticism."
However, "mysticism" is a term that, like religion in general, has different interpretations.
Some Christians believe that "mysticism" is to get in contact with God or Jesus as an external invisible gestalt, or a literal voice that speaks to them, etc.
But these are later misinterpretations and superstitutions that are often transmitted by quacks.
It is very easy for charlatans to exploit the term "mysticism", and through it claim anything.
So I avoid the term "mysticism" because I do not like the word and I don't know how people interpret it.
But this part of the source of religion refers to the inner source of yourself.
What you are when you peel away everything that is temporary and changeable and connects to what remains and is permanent. You as an internal observer.
And it is this observer who is universal man, who is in God's image, not the rest.
The second thing that is the source of religion is a kind of source code or formula that expresses the principles of ultimate reality or highest natural law.
This source code is called various things such as "Logos", "Tetractys", "Religio vera", "The Word", "the cross to take up", "God's name", "Jod-He-Vau-He" (or "JeHoVaH"),
"Yin-Yang", "Ishvara", "Trimurti", "Odin-Vili-Vé", etc.
Out of this formula or source code, all well-known religious concepts are derived, such as non-dualism, the Creator, Karma, Almighty guide, the light of the world,
sacrifice (such as humility and acceptance in front of reality), arithmetics, numerology, astrology, inspired texts, etc.
The purpose of religion is to preserve this source code as sacred and transmit it so that this ultimate guiding principle never dies out.
Because without it, only lies and falsity, conflict and disorder, arise, mainly in the form of dualistic thinking - the "devil."
And for people, even extraordinary people and philosophers, it's virtually impossible to reach the right conclusion in terms of reality on their own since people are too partial.
The second purpose is to heal people and make them more healthy and capable of taking responsibility by giving them proper education in self-knowledge,
especially deeper self-knowledge of the inner observer.
So true religion is unity with the inner witness and hard metaphysics, i.e. philosophical principles, process logic,
and the accompanying meaning of this, such as communicating a worldview born from the answers through storytelling. This is "reconnection to the source."
Everything else is pseudo-religion and pseudo-spirituality.
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