Welcome to Your Sunday Shave Of The Day! Hey Eric here with Adventures In Wet Shaving and
welcome back it's good to see you My One Word is #Heart and I put my heart
into everything I do we're helping 10,000 straight razor
shavers so if you're interested in learning how to straight razor shave go
ahead and hit that subscribe button then click on the bell next tooth to be
notified when I upload videos that way you won't miss a thing
now tonight I am using my ZY Grandslam yeah real wood scales metal spacer and
that is full hollow very nice inexpensive razor yep yeah where soap
tonight I am going fine snake bye I need some menthol yeah this is awesome
in it even though it has been Thal in it it doesn't really mess with your eyes
when you're shaving which I like now I have had the puck warming let me pour
that off and put that one as a pre shape yep alright now hopefully you are having
a good weekend and being able to have some downtime
relax enjoy be with family and friends mMmmm that is awesome
I will leave that so and that's just a blown water
yep can't go wrong with that wait that what stuff yep
now for our rush tonight I am using you've seen that water out there I am
using my Omega 10000 98 yep let's go ahead and get that brush load it up yeah
yeah so hopefully you are well and in high spirits yep
the world is treating you good I certainly hope stuff I do and maybe
you're getting the change mm-hmm that would always be good yes it
would now I'm pretty sure that soap is already
there when this we're going to just stop right now clean up around that ball yeah
put most of that on the brush there we go nice and I am getting that a little
menthol kick out of it already which is good yeah
definitely been a little warm here but that's alright there you go with this in
that beautiful yeah good stuff and this is another cool water shade so just
having the brush on my face is cool in the office as well which is good
so I got a question for you build in the comments let me know do you Kalash a or
not I didn't until this summer so you know I would be interested in what you
do that would be cool
I've never thought about Coldwater shaving and you know I know I have some
people and subscribers that didn't cold water shed so I just thought you know
I'm gonna try it out you know I actually do like it which I really was surprised
I didn't think I would but it's nice and you know what I'm going to put a little
more than that I think I think we can do it it's just looking too good knife I
want to just work it a little bit more
right now there we go that's even better that was
and I got silk all over my hands but that's okay it's all good if you're new
around here I didn't shave the day videos every Wednesday and Sunday now
this is past one which is going to primarily be with the grain let's do
there we go yeah that's good yeah and that menthol this nice it feels good
here we go all right let's get this other side
all right now I was talking to a fella today about shaving and it came up that
he actually de shaves but he also was shaving a little bit sideways in cut
himself so especially with the straight razor we only go perpendicular with that
blade you never go like this that's not good that will end in a bad day all
right so that's the tip of the day there you
go you just go perpendicular with the blade and you will have a vision
there we go nice pass one complete right there that's good now let's get that
rinsed off and see how many did nope let's wait a minute
Here I am getting ahead of myself oh well it's okay
we're friends so not a big deal all right there we go
now now we got it you know I'm thinking always thinking yeah you know like that
fella today you know that was that's something you know that you need to
really be careful about you know so you know when I started thinking about that
then I kinda lost my place all right so this is past - now I do street
razor-edged Friday specials on the first and third Friday of every month so stop
on by check it out you could go ahead and click on this card here to see my
best how to shave video you've ever seen all right which we did a while back but
that will take you through all the preliminary steps and I think it'd be
helpful I do now I do get my ideas for these straight razor edge Friday
specials from you so down in the comments leave me a question a comment a
suggestion maybe even an idea for a straight razor
next Friday special and we will make a napkin for you
yeah we there
there you can't go wrong with that right check that out it's a good look in the
lather yes it is right now this is past 2 which is primarily with the grain
let's do this
all right nice that's it I'm using a light touch that is all you need
here we go yeah this soap it's a soap really has a nice slick Ness
to it as well not only does it have good cushion but nice and slow
I like both of those things so for me it's a good shave
nice get that a blade cleaned off
there we go past to complete now we'll stick that cleaned up see how we did
felt good you know I think they're gonna be absolutely where we need to be oh
yeah oh that's nice oh that's good on those cheeks it is very good yeah one
for the half pass now this is just my jaw line my neck and it will be against
the grain yep now if you haven't seen the half past revealed click on this
card here you know you can check that out and it'll give you more detail about
what we're doing oh man in crow yeah and just more soap
and you can possibly use in one shave just the way I like it really is yeah
they're great
oh yeah nice now get my hands clean done
yeah getting dry off yeah get that soap off of there keep them from being too
slick when you're handling straight razor that's me never good to have slick
hands that alright let's do this
nice oh yeah that's good
here we go right almost there
very good no shaved in the books yep that is a
good one yes it is now get that washed off oh wow
very nice yep that's it right there that's a good one
now we are going to put album everywhere
and dry that off just like that that's good and for app shame tonight
that yours and this is the lemon witch hazel
this is eliminate for the face yeah good stuff yes it is
hmm and a wonderful synth really is you just put that everywhere that is always
good now for our aftershave Colonia gang we are going find snakebite there you go
check out that label it's that too funny or why I'm telling you this stuff is
great basically the little tiny bit of water a
lot of menthol yeah alcohol yes it is and that is good stuff that will give
you nice all hit that is good hmm and thus it basically smells awful that's it
there's no understand cuz that's all the senate and we're going to talk to shave
off with Nivea cooling posh a bomb it is summertime and cooling is good yes it is
okay you can click on this card here to see my top two picks for beginners
strippers your shapers and I think you'll like it click over here to see my
latest video click down here on the video especially picked out for you
click over here on me subscribe like comment share this video with your
friends have a great shave in a good day and I will see you next time on
Adventures In Wet Shaving!
For more infomation >> Your Sunday Straight Razor Shave Of The Day with Fine SNAKE BITE Classic Shaving Soap - Duration: 25:58.-------------------------------------------
DG2 by Diane Gilman Classic Stretch BootCut Jean Basic - Duration: 8:05.
KARAOKE Classic Love - ToFu - Duration: 4:48.
Veteran's Classic Car Show benefits veterans' art program - Duration: 1:21.
A Taiwanese Take on a McDonalds Classic Fried Chicken Sandwich || Fork Yeah: 886 - Duration: 3:37.
- This pigeon just won't quit. He's coming straight back over.
I'm looking at you. I see you.
Get out of here. Jesus.
What's up guys, it's Chas from Thrillist, and we're here on St. Marks
in the East Village to check out a new Taiwanese restaurant called 886.
They've been getting a ton of coverage recently for the personal
touches they've been adding to classic Taiwanese street food.
I'm gonna head inside and meet up with chef and co-owner Eric Sze
to try out their spicy, massive, fried chicken sandwich, the Notorious T.F.C.
Cue Biggie.
- Our mission for 886 has always been, and still is, to bring about Taiwanese flavors
in a more modern and, not American, but just in a New York style.
The Notorious T.F.C. stands for Taiwanese fried chicken sandwich.
I think that dish is a little bit more personal to me.
'Cause as a kid, that was my dad's favorite thing to get
at all the McDonald's everywhere, and I would get it with him.
So, there's a dash of nostalgia in it.
But, also 'cause it's a killer, it's a bangin' sandwich.
And we don't really see a lot of those here.
Yeah sure, you get the Asian chicken sandwiches, but you don't get
something that is more substantial and bolder in flavor.
- Thing should be cut in half. Look at this.
It is insane. It's just coming out of the bun.
Let's get a bite.
Wow, that bite was just chicken but I can tell you this,
it is some of the most tender meat I've ever had on a fried chicken sandwich.
I mean, I've never seen dark meat on a fried chicken sandwich before and it is killer.
I feel like a snake. I need to like, unhinge my jaw.
Wow. When you get that bite with the slaw and the ketchup
it just all comes together so perfectly.
I mean, that meat is complimented by the spices from the ketchup
and just that refreshing daikon slaw afterwards. It's such a good combo.
You know, the bun is key.
That's how you get that McDonald's nostalgia they were talking about before.
The sesame seeds, you know, that's crucial and it's a great detail.
And it's so much chicken that this bottom bun is kind of starting to lose a little life
but it doesn't matter, this chicken is so juicy.
I still have a ton of work to do on this.
I think I'm gonna phone a friend, get some help for this.
But if you liked what you saw, please watch another Thrillist video
and like, comment, and share below.
Offshore Classic Winners - Duration: 1:32.
Live at the Mexico Beach Offshore Classic - Duration: 1:42.
Greater Rockford Golf Classic Rd 1 - Duration: 1:51.
DG2 by Diane Gilman Classic Stretch BootCut Jean Basic - Duration: 12:13.
Doubles Final of Women's Hospital Classic - Duration: 0:47.
DG2 by Diane Gilman Classic Stretch BootCut Jean Basic - Duration: 12:13.
1972 Chevrolet C10 Cheyenne 454 | Get This Classic Truck Today! - Duration: 0:27.
Hey guys
Paul O'Mara here at Sherwood Dodge
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Just came in
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