North Korea has criticized South Korea and the U.S. for participating in a naval drill
last week with Japan.
Held last Tuesday through Thursday, their navies trained in stopping the proliferation
of weapons of mass destruction.
Pyongyang's propaganda website Uriminzokkiri said Monday that the U.S. joining in the drill,
in view of the Singapore declaration, was a provocation.
The website said North Korea is trying to build peace and harmony, and accused Washington
is being contradictory in promising to improve their relationship while at the same time
participating in a drill that targets the North.
For more infomation >> N. Korea criticizes joint military drill by S. Korea, U.S. and Japan - Duration: 0:37.-------------------------------------------
U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers 'Horrified' By Photos Showing Man, Children Fishing On Lock And Dam - Duration: 2:18.
Colorado Springs named most desirable city to live in in the U.S. - Duration: 1:46.
Mueller: US Citizens Face Jail If They Donated To Trump Inauguration - Duration: 14:23.
Mueller: US Citizens Face Jail If They Donated To Trump Inauguration
Special Counsel Robert Mueller has warned that U.S. citizens could face prosecution
if they donated to Trump's inaugural fund.
Dirty cop Mueller has begun investigating a handful of American citizens who donated
to the fund, simply because they have 'foreign connections.' reports: What the hell does this have to do with Trump's so-called
collusion with Russia to hack the DNC's servers?
Since dirty cop Robert Mueller has nothing on President Trump he continues to rove around
unchecked, investigating anyone and anything.
Mueller is now harassing American citizens who legally donated to Trump's inauguration.
ABC reported:
According to a source who has sat with the Mueller team for interviews in recent weeks,
the special counsel is examining donors who have either business or personal connections
in Russia, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.
Several donors with those ties contributed large sums to the non-profit fundraising entity
– gifts that topped out at $1 million dollars, according to public records.
Special counsel investigators have also asked witnesses about specific inauguration donors,
including American businessmen Leonard Blavatnik, and Andrew Intrater, according to sources
familiar with the Mueller sessions.
Neither has been accused of any wrongdoing.
Blavatnik is a billionaire with dual U.S. and British citizenship who has extensive
business ties in Russia.
Blavatnik gave $1 million to the inaugural fund through his company, Access Industries,
according to FEC records.
Companies are prohibited from giving donations to political candidates, however, donations
to inaugural committees are not considered donations to candidates.
Intrater, an American relative and business associate of Russian billionaire Viktor Vekselberg,
runs a U.S. company with deep ties to Vekselberg's Russia-based global conglomerate, Renova Group.
Renova was recently sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury Department.
Intrater serves as the CEO of Columbus Nova, an investment company based in New York.
FEC records show Intrater made a $250,000 donation to the Trump inauguration committee
in early January 2017.
Robert Mueller and Rod Rosenstein are a disgrace to this country.
Both need to be fired and investigated for their years of corruption and involvement
in the Uranium One scandal.
Mueller has a history of charging innocent men for crimes they didn't commit, botching
cases and using raids to intimidate Americans.
Barack Obama's 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 for accepting over $1.8 million in donations
with erroneous contribution dates, Politico previously reported.
We know Obama took in way more than $1.8 million in foreignmysterious donations; this is just
what was 'reported.'
President Barack Obama's 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission
for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a
presidential campaign, POLITICO has learned.
The fine — laid out in detail in FEC documents that have yet to be made public — arose
from an audit of the campaign, which was published in April.
POLITICO obtained a copy of the conciliation agreement detailing the fine, which was sent
to Sean Cairncross, the chief lawyer for the Republican National Committee, one of the
groups that filed complaints about the campaign's FEC reporting from 2008.
The document outlined other violations, such as erroneous contribution dates on some campaign
The Obama campaign was also late returning some contributions that exceeded the legal
So why wasn't there a special counsel witch hunt into Obama?
Mueller investigating Americans who donated to Trump's inauguration is outrageous because
donations to an inaugural fund are not considered campaign donations.
Facebook has greatly reduced the distribution of our stories in our readers' newsfeeds and
is instead promoting mainstream media sources.
When you share to your friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content.
Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your
and family.
Thank you.
US teen studying abroad drowns while swimming in Israel - Duration: 3:49.
A 19-year-old University of Kentucky student on a study-abroad program drowned when she and two friends got caught in a strong current while swimming in the Mediterranean Sea in Israel, according to reports
The tragedy comes just months after TeNiya Elmore Jones, who just earned a spot at her school's pre-med program, lost her 22-year-old brother in a double homicide in her hometown of Fort Myers, Florida
Jones was taking a late-night swim with the two other students when she disappeared off a beach at the Tel Aviv suburb of Bat Yam just after midnight Saturday, the Times of Israel reported
The two other swimmers managed to swim back to shore, but Jones went missing. A search-and-rescue effort that included divers was launched, but the young woman's body washed up in Tel Aviv early Monday
Jones, a University of Kansas sophomore, was wrapping up a seven-week exchange program in Amman, Jordan, where she studied Arabic, according to the Lexington Herald Leader
She and her friends – including several students from her school and West Virginia University – decided to take a weekend trip to Israel before returning to the US next week
Jones, who was majoring in biology and Islamic studies, had just earned a spot in her school's pre-med program, her mother Tosha Thomas-Mora told The News-Press of Fort Myers
"She was supposed to start on Aug. 23," Thomas-Mora said before breaking down in tears
Thomas-Mora said she exchanged late-night texts this weekend with her daughter, who told her she was "in for the night" – but eight hours later, an official at the Council on International Educational Exchange called to inform her that Jones was missing
"She's a decent swimmer," Thomas-Mora said before her daughter's body was found
But "the furthest I've known her to go is to stand and wade at the shore of the water and take pictures
" The distraught mom – whose son, Samuel Jones Jr. 22, was shot and killed in a double homicide in Fort Myers in December – said she has received an outpouring of support from her daughter's high school classmates and fellow college students
"It just shows who TeNiya is. She is loved. You were easily attracted to her personality," Thomas-Mora, who has another daughter, 3-year-old Naomi Ruth Mora, told The News-Press
UNITED STATES vs ARAB LEAGUE - Military Power Comparison (2018) - Duration: 3:31.
Why Countries Dumping US Debt Should Worry You - Duration: 5:05.
Good morning and thank you for watching U.S. Money Reserve's Market Insights
Today we're going to continue to talk about some of the things that we talked about
last week and that's going to be US Treasury bonds and an overvalued stock
market last week many of experienced in Watts Facebook continue to fall and
plummet taking one of the largest stock losses in US history this is exactly
what we're talking about is that we have four companies or four corporations that
are currently carrying the majority of the value in the US stock market and
today on CNBC news it has been identified so that since March Russia
has dumped more than 80 percent of the US Treasury bonds they've gone from
about 91 billion down to 14 billion in about two and a half to three months
remember several months ago China was doing the same thing now China has gone
back in and purchased more US Treasury bonds leaving China and Japan being two
of the largest holder of US Treasury bonds in the entire world
the remaining balance of Treasury bonds which is about 21 trillion which is
right at the national debt of the country is sitting at about 21 join the
United States and about 6 trillion accumulative sit outside of the United
States remember last week as we talked about the four things that could be
critical to the US economy and as we've talked for over a year now three key
indicators that the Treasury Department issued in 2013 that they felt that could
be a catalyst to the recession of the United States or lead into a depression
in the United States and I hate using that word but that is the word that they
used is is that Treasury bonds would be one of the key elements and catalyst to
the US economy number two was interest rates and number
three was a decline in the US dollar those three compartments that we've been
talking about have continued to be a topic for the last year-and-a-half in
these videos and as we continue to do these videos each one of those elements
continue to be a piece of the puzzle that continue to be keep coming up and
they're becoming more volatile and they're becoming more fluid inside the
markets we typically don't see countries like tying to go out and dump about 43
trillion or billion in US Treasury bonds we don't see Russia in a period of time
since March till now go out and dump 81% of their entire holdings of US Treasury
bonds now some individuals will say this is a financial move or
a form of asset management in regards to the economy because Treasury notes are
at a high since 2011 or it could because the United States is placing sanctions
against Russia or has placing Seng against Russia as they invaded Crimea it
could be there's a possibility of that but at the end of the day the trade war
the tariffs that are being placed these are fundamental issues that normally
would not be in place if the United States economy was not suffering or in a
position of being extremely fragile at this moment here in a few weeks the most
important and most critical thing that we have to think about is the stock
market will be at a point on the longest run in US history never been done in US
history if we make it I think since our past August 10th think about that for
just a second your money is sitting in an area whether it's a 401k or an IRA or
in the stock market and a run that has never lasted this long in US history
after about August 10th so think about that for just a moment is that once it
reaches past that moment how much more room how much murim is still eligible
for your money to continue to grow without some type of major recession or
a major correction taking place after that moment the upside is extremely
minimal the downside is extremely large and that's what you have to be thinking
about if countries around the world have been moving up maneuvering away from the
US economy since 2014 and we start seeing a massive sell-off in US Treasury
bonds Treasury bonds by major countries it is a telltale sign of some of the
things we've talked about you also can't go back several months
ago and know that the US economy was running out of money when we met the
debt ceiling crisis but we have in an economy that's supposed to be one of the
most robust that we've seen in years and we have a stock markets at a record high
how can we have a stock market at a record high but on the flip side the US
economy is running out of money think about the things we've talked about in
these videos or go back to some of the videos that we've talked about in the
past we've got tax cuts that were taking place in the beginning of the year we
have the repeal of the dodd-frank act or portions of the dodd-frank being rolled
back and then you start seeing the terrorists being placed on foreign
countries and then you have an accumulation or a combination of
countries selling off US Treasury I think this is more about fear and
asset management of that fear than it is of them just making general maneuvers in
the financial world think about what we talked about as always thank you for
watching us money we reserve market insights as always we've got the new
flyer which is US economy a house of cards this is the new topic and subject
they clear on through your free copy make sure you click on the link or call
the phone number below and that'll get you your copy of this and as always
thank you for watching us money reserves market insights
U.S. to invest $113 mil. in Indo-Pacific region to support digital economy, energy, infrastructure - Duration: 1:53.
The Trump administration has announced its plan to engage with the Indo-Pacific region
in all areas by investing over one hundred million U.S. dollars in the region.
The initiative comes amid a trade spat between the U.S. and China over import tariffs,...
and pundits say such investment could lead to possible power struggle between the two
Kim Hyo-sun reports.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the Trump Administration's plan to invest
over one hundred million U.S. dollars in the Indo-Pacific region.
Speaking at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Forum in Washington on Monday,... Pompeo said the
initiative is part of President Trump's Indo-Pacific strategy of engaging more deeply with the
"So just as the United States made foundational contributions in the past, today I'm announcing
$113 million in new U.S. initiatives to support foundational areas of the future: digital
economy, energy and infrastructure.
These funds represent just a down payment on a new era in U.S. economic commitment to
peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region."
He also stressed that the U.S. will never seek to dominate the region,... considering
that it has also fought for independence just like many of its Asian allies and friends.
Such a remark is believed to be made in reference to Beijing amid heightened tensions in the
South China Sea.
Pundits also say Washington's investment could be aimed at countering China's "Belt and Road
Initiative,"... adding that the power struggle between the world's two superpowers could
intensify in the region,... following their recent trade tensions over import tariffs.
The top U.S. diplomat added that he'll announce America's new security assistance plans for
the region when he visits Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia this week.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.
what could be better than All Might's United States of smash? So what's up guys Foxen
here! Time for a spoiler filled breakdown and
review of that huge moment at the end of the movie. It's still not even out in
Japan yet so you got to find out everything here first. To kick this movie
off if you get this action scene with the flashback from young all might. At
this point all might just happened to be in the u.s. of course you see him with
this best buddy David. Let me just say that seeing young all might was pretty
sweet. All Might in his prime is practically
Superman. Forget about all Might not being able to fly. It doesn't really matter he
jumps back and forth so fast. Even if you tried to bomb him midair All Might
could just punch forward and block everything with shockwaves so you get a
full taste of that. AsAall might is trying to stop some robbers in the
beginning in this movie you do get two new smashes from All Might. One of them
being the Carolina smash and the California smash. Honestly nothing that
impressive but he do get two new smashes out of this movie. As for the second
flashback in this movie you gotta see it an even younger all might when he met
David. At this point all my was the student any rescued David one day when
there was his lab accident on the way out of this lab fire you see all my
clothes get ripped off I'm sure some of you will enjoy that at this point David
toward all might that he'd be in charge of baking him a new suit as for some of
the heroes you get to see in the movie there's two that I recall first off is a
literal Godzilla I think they actually call him Godzilla low in the movie which
is really just Godzilla with this coat and some pens he's quite big too
unfortunately don't expect this guy to do anything he just passes by in the
background and one of the flashbacks you actually do see this cowgirl superhero
in the u.s. I recall this cowgirl superhero growing huge like mountain
girl and then turning into this giant bull or camping as for that Island from
the trailer so get this this is some remote island where a bunch of
scientists are there just inventing a bunch of hero gadgets all might just
happens to take Degel with him as his plus-one
this occurs brings up the question about how everyone else gets on the island for
Bakugan shuttle and both of these were in the top two in that sports tournament
so naturally they got invited to the island oh and Kadesh mom was also there
he just tagged along with vodka goo as for great boy and community both of
these guys had part-time jobs there and then he had Momo choco and the rest of
the girls Momo is there cuz well she's rich and then she invited the others as
for that armband thing that deco got in the trailer so that girl meets up with
melissa soon as they get onto the island after a short training exercise Melissa
notices that deck whose power is similar to all mines so she has an idea
Melissa actually made this hero gadget year's bag to potentially help all might
one day that hero gadget is that red van you saw a lot of you may have already
thought about this too when watching the trailer they emphasized when deco gets
it that it could probably handle one for all power at one or percent three times
and then they repeated a couple more times throughout the movie surprising no
one of course is thing breaks by the end to be fair I really don't think it got
abused at all though besides the finale deck over they only used it to smash the
side of a building anyway let me also mention this about mr. popular Deku in
this movie Deku is really popular with the ladies as a start deck who gets
really friendly with Melissa he even gets a personal tour from her for the
island at one point Oh choco and other girls up here and the deck was starts to
get worried about trying to find some explanation about why he's alone with
Melissa oh and later at one point in the movie Melissa falls on top of Deku or
should I say lands on top of Deku to be fair that's after Deku smashed something
next up the story what is going on in this movie if you've seen the trailer
you can pretty much already guess what it is
you got all these scientists and heroes on this island and then they're having
this grand opening event at nighttime all this is happening and the villains
take over so right here you have all my being restrained by some special wires
it's pretty clear that Oh mine could break out of these except he has told
that if he tries anything they'll kill everyone else there so all mine is
pretty much stuck thankfully at this point the students having got into the
actual event yet everyone's really split into two groups before they event you
got the main group that includes Deku or Chaco and the rest of the people and
then you have Baca Cole kitty Shima and Shoto no story from here
goes on with the groups trying to get to the top of the tower
every so often you have some machines or villains to try to stop them on a floor
part of the group gets left behind and the rest continue going up like I said
it might not spoil a review a totally simple story
next up the villain or should I say villains recall that guy from the
trailer well here's the major twist in the movie turns out that the father was
behind the whole takeover you find out that in the past the government had
taken all his research and locked it up somewhere inside the island vault
what was that research it was some way to enhance the users quark
pretty much quark steroids now here is the other twist the reason David was
doing all of this was that he knew that all might as a symbol of peace but
potentially disappeared really soon he wanted to get his invention and research
to potentially help all might however you have Davis assistant that back
stamps Inman turns out that he actually hired real villains to steal the quark
enhancement so that he could make a profit
however as expected the villain back stabs them both he shoots the assistant
and then he tries to escape with David to mass produced his quark technology
this is that shot from the trailer of them trying to escape on the helicopter
thankfully at this point all my shows up at this point you had the full metal
alchemist villain that puts on that enhancement technology he's basically on
hero of steroids at this point in the movie oh wait there's more
recall from the trailer that all-4-one is brought up apparently this full metal
villain got in touch with him before this so-called fake heist
all-4-one was all for causing all my some trouble so he gave this villain a
couple of enhancements this all leads to all my trying to take this guy on solo
eventually all mine runs into some trouble so you have tech who show to
embargo at jumping in this all these up to the best moment in the movie you have
deco I don't mind doing a double Detroit smash yeah you heard that right a
freaking team effort by the one for all team which is just so amazing like I
said before this is on the level or better than the United States a smash
moment for a lot of people this double smash will top it anyway the movie ends
happily ever after you do have this nice moment between David and his daughter
that's a parallel to all mine and Deku as for all their little things worth
noting let me touch on Baku go you actually have hints of Baku go cheering
for all might in his way oh so right here they do develop
kitties my mbaku goes friendship even more he got both of them sleeping in the
same room kitty she might even picks out a suit for his best body at one point
you also have Bakugan show though teaming up to defeat two villains one of
the villains here is pretty much as Hulk type of dude that's purple thanks to
this this is part of the reason that bakugan shot though get a bunch of
screen time as for the girls honestly nothing too memorable yah mo more
reusing that electric cloth from season 1 and then for our choco her biggest
moment is helping both deco and Melissa get to the top of the building with her
quirk since they couldn't take the elevator honestly fricking great boy has
a more memorable moment than to them which is him scaling a wall trust me is
funny in the movie by the way besides the double detroy smash you also do get
a glimpse of Deku shoots down in the movie in the part where he teams up with
all mine you see deco utilizing some of its kicks it's not a lot but it is there
anyway I think that's about everything so let me hear from me now question of
the day really try to picture it do you think that's dealt with the Troy smash
moment will be better for you than the United States of smash and after hearing
the full spoilers do you still want to see this in theaters by the way if you
still have any questions about the movie post them below
anyway definitely dealt with the show of smash that thumbs up and subscribe if
you're new here you can watch 5 new anime videos here every week from right
here academia then includes my reviews on the manga and season 3 be sure to
also not miss my latest juicy video on attack on Titan you know see you guys
أين يقع تمثال الحرية؟ U.S. Naturalization Test (5) 2018 - Duration: 14:56.
US stocks end lower as tech sector continues to tumble - Duration: 2:02.
Trump's China tariffs are beginning to hit US consumers: Ed Mills - Duration: 6:00.
San Joaquin County farmers hope for help amid US trade wars - Duration: 1:41.
US pastor Andrew Brunson leaves prison in Turkey - Duration: 2:04.
Hello everyone, My name is Ali Han Kaya . Today I will talk about title of a news from
Title is : US pastor Andrew Brunson leaves prison in Turkey
It may look like in order to grasp the news by looking to the title readers need to know
about context however we can have a general idea about the news
with reference to some points provided in title.
First of all redears have to have a cultural background which provides the knowledge of
what us pastor means.
By our cultural background we know that it means protestant priest who is an american
citizen and as it continue as us pastor Andrew Brunson , we know that
andrew brunson is a protestan priest who is an american citizen
this news has been written on the assumption that brunson's conviction in turkey has been
known before.
However there are words in title which are giving clues about the context.
''Leaves prison'' shows that he was in jail and he is being released .and leaves prison
in turkey shows that he was being held as a prisoner in turkey.
Here we can see an euphemism example as the author probably prefered to use verb to leave
rather than to be released in order to avoid an unpleasant
language so only the title gives us the knowledge of
: andrew brunson is a protestan priest who is
an american citizen and he was being held as a prisoner in turkey
moreover and he is being released To sum up as it can be seen only a small title
can tell us the story in reference to the clues that are provided
in the title.
7/22/18 6:52 AM (2406 US-81, Fairmont, NE 68354, USA) - Duration: 3:00.
TSA Tracking Traveling U.S. Citizens - Duration: 0:26.
U.S. to invest $113 mil. in Indo-Pacific region to support digital economy, energy, infrastructure - Duration: 1:54.
The Trump administration has announced its plan to engage with the Indo-Pacific region
in all areas by investing over one hundred million U.S. dollars in the region.
The initiative comes amid a trade spat between the U.S. and China over import tariffs,...
and pundits say such investment could lead to possible power struggle between the two
Kim Hyo-sun reports.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the Trump Administration's plan to invest
over one hundred million U.S. dollars in the Indo-Pacific region.
Speaking at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Forum in Washington on Monday,... Pompeo said the
initiative is part of President Trump's Indo-Pacific strategy of engaging more deeply with the
"So just as the United States made foundational contributions in the past, today I'm announcing
$113 million in new U.S. initiatives to support foundational areas of the future: digital
economy, energy and infrastructure.
These funds represent just a down payment on a new era in U.S. economic commitment to
peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region."
He also stressed that the U.S. will never seek to dominate the region,... considering
that it has also fought for independence just like many of its Asian allies and friends.
Such a remark is believed to be made in reference to Beijing amid heightened tensions in the
South China Sea.
Pundits also say Washington's investment could be aimed at countering China's "Belt and Road
Initiative,"... adding that the power struggle between the world's two superpowers could
intensify in the region,... following their recent trade tensions over import tariffs.
The top U.S. diplomat added that he'll announce America's new security assistance plans for
the region when he visits Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia this week.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.
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