Turning to trade,...South Korea has apparently used up all of its quota for washing machine
parts in the United States, meaning for the rest of this year it'll have to pay a duty
on them of 50 percent.
The U.S. customs service said Korea has shipped 99-point-9 percent of the parts quota of 50-thousand
It'll now be a lot more expensive for Samsung and LG to send parts to their U.S. washing
machine factories.
That safeguard measure was imposed in February along with one for actual washing machines.
For the machines, Korea still has more than half of its quota left over.
For more infomation >> S. Korea has exhausted quota on washing machine parts: U.S. customs - Duration: 0:39.-------------------------------------------
N. Korea, U.S. likely to look for common ground on denuclearization, security guarantee - Duration: 2:05.
A few days ago, North Korea and the U.S. took a step forward in carrying out some of their
Singapore summit agreement -- Pyongyang repatriated 55 cases containing the remains of American
soldiers who died in the Korean War.
Now, it's expected their discussions will come back to deal with the rest of the agreement,
notably the topic of denuclearization,... and how the U.S. will provide a security guarantee
to the regime.
Oh Jung-hee reports.
Now that North Korea has returned more of the remains of American soldiers who died
in the Korean War... attention falls on how Pyongyang and Washington will proceed with
denuclearization talks.
Though Friday's repatriation is not directly relevant to Pyongyang's denuclearization,...
it's widely seen that the move did help both sides build trust... and therefore, could
have a positive effect on their denuclearization dialogue.
Since the June 12th summit in Singapore, North Korea and the U.S. have had difficulty moving
forward on the denuclearization front.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited Pyongyang for the third time... but could
not meet Kim Jong-un... and after his visit, the North claimed Washington was making unilateral
demands about denuclearization and inspections.
Pyongyang began dismantling key facilities at its Sohae Satellite Launching Station -- believed
to have been the regime's key ICBM test site -- but at the same time, pressed Washington
and Seoul to declare a formal end to the Korean War.
From here on, it's expected that North Korea and the U.S. will focus on finding a middle
ground between the U.S. giving the regime a security guarantee through measures like
ending the Korean War... and Pyongyang taking steps to denuclearize.
This week, the foreign ministers of the two Koreas, the U.S., and China will all be attending
the ASEAN Regional Forum in Singapore.
Their meetings, bilateral or otherwise, could help add momentum to the Pyongyang-Washington
denuclearization talks.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
I'm thrilled to announce that in the second quarter of this year the United
States economy grew at the amazing rate of 4.1% if economic growth continues at
this pace the United States economy will double in size more than ten years
faster than it would have under either President Bush or President Obama
welcome to the journal editorial report I'm Paul Gigot that was President Trump
taking a victory lap Friday on news that the US economy grew at a robust rate of
4.1% in the second quarter the fastest pace in almost four years here with a
look at what's behind that acceleration is Kevin Hassett
who's chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers Kevin great to see
you thanks for coming in thanks Paul so 4.1% some people had predicted the
economists particular 4.4 but as you look at the details of the report what
do you like in it well I think that it goes back to a piece I wrote for the
journal a while back that the corporate tax cuts were going to create a capital
spending boom and that capital spending boom was gonna take growth we predicted
last fall this year up to 3.1 percent well if you look at the average over the
first half of the year we've got a capital spending boom and the average
growth is 3.1 percent you know it's not often that economists can nail it that
tightly and it's actually really true that the models are working exactly as
we thought okay but the capital spending in the first quarter was more robust
than it was in the second quarter and here's a big so do you have an
explanation for that sure well one of the things that
happened recall is that for equipment spending you were allowed to expense it
all the way retroactively back to October and so in the fourth quarter of
last year you could deduct a machine at 35 percent so you get a bigger tax
deduction and then at the start of this year then the value of that deduction
went down to 21 percent so we expected to see a spike in the fourth quarter and
then maybe even a negative number in the first quarter and it's in fact what we
got was the spike in the fourth quarter but then continued strong growth and
over the first half of the year so so capital spending by the way is one of
those things that when it pushes growth that it means that the growth
will be sustained because now we've got all these new factories and new machines
here in the US and you know over the next years they're going to produce more
output and so if you have a capital spending boom then you can expect that
to be sustained growth if it were a consumption boom then it might stop
tomorrow well here's another surprise in there this GDP of 4.1% came without any
increase from residential housing yeah we've actually down it's one of it one
of the bad pieces of news in it and and the other thing how do you explain that
though how do you explain that that housing problem it's something we're
studying very carefully and thinking about policy measures to address but I
can say that there are three factors one is that there's an increase in lumber
prices and part of that is driven by some insects and Canadian lumber second
is that home builders are saying that they're having a hard time finding
workers to build the homes and the third is that the hottest real estate markets
have really weird zoning regulations that make it hard to find a vacant
property and build a home sounds to me like one of the things you need to do is
have some guest workers from overseas a little more immigration they would
you'll be willing to support that cuz you know you get more people more
workers you get more GDP more prosperity we want something that brings prosperity
for all Americans and we want to increase GDP on a per capita basis and I
think they're you know basically as the president has emphasizing skilled
immigration is probably the right way to go all right you know as well as I do
the big critique here from our friends on the left is that this is a sugar high
this isn't sustainable this is a one-time hit what's the case for this
being sustainable you made you mention capital investment right but what else
Oh another thing is that you know the president has emphasized opening up
areas for oil exploration and there was a big increase in drilling and mining
activity in the second quarter consistent with that and really the
biggest story going forward to the second half of the year is that a lot of
times if the economy is really booming then inventories will be drawn down
because people are buying more stuff than the producers are making and if you
see an inventory drawdown then that's really positive for the quarters ahead
because the producers will want to build back up their inventories well inventory
subtracted a whole percentage point from GDP growth in the second quarter and we
expect that you'll see that percentage come back in the second half and again
last year in the fall we said that we'd see three point one percent growth this
year the first half is three point one and we're carrying into the second half
this inventory story which could mean that could even go higher okay now the
other big economic policy issue is is trade and I you know we're beginning to
see in earnings calls from CEOs and anecdotal reporting that we get you know
is they're saying look it's creating some uncertainty for me and I'm gonna
hold off investing in that plant or my costs are going up so I have to worry
here about how I manage that how big a headwind is trade policy going forward
well first you know perhaps even somewhat surprisingly to many in the
second quarter trade was a big positive in fact net exports skyrocketed and I
think that that's a sign that maybe one of the effects of the stress that you
mentioned is that people are restoring activity now in anticipation of you know
potential future future uncertainty but make no mistake about it the president
has guaranteed the American people that he would get them better trade deals
he's assured me over and over his objective is to move towards fully
reciprocal deals even zero-zero deals where everybody removes their tariffs of
non-tariff barriers and I would have to say that the people who are hoping for
that outcome must be really really happy about the meeting we had this week with
EU because it's clear that we move the ball way for it in the direction of
freer and fairer trade this week briefly Kevin are we gonna get a NAFTA deal
before the fall here that the this Congress Republican Congress can vote on
you know I'm not a negotiator but I view the things that I'm hearing from the
people that are involved in that especially ambassador Light Heiser is
that they're making tremendous progress my guess is you know that we will see
something by the fall but again I'm not the person who's authorized to come in
on those things but it is absolutely amazing you know the progress that
they're taking the reports that I'm hearing all right Kevin Hassett thanks
for being here thank you all it's great to be back when we come back the United
States and the European Union declare a tariff truce as the two sides continue
to negotiate a larger trade deal so is the protectionist threat over or are
there hurdles ahead
we agree today first of all to work together towards zero tariffs zero
non-tariff barriers and zero subsidies on non auto industrial goods we will
also work to reduce barriers and increase trade and services chemicals
pharmaceuticals medical products as well as soybeans this will open markets for
farmers and workers increase investment and lead to greater prosperity in both
the United States and the European Union that will also make trade fairer and
more reciprocal that was President Trump calling a tariff truce with the European
Union Trump and EU Commission President jean-claude Juncker announcing an
agreement Wednesday under which the US would back away from a threat to impose
25% tariffs on imported cars and rethink duties already placed on imported steel
and aluminum in return the you agreed to make unspecified purchases of US
soybeans and liquefied natural gas all this as the two sides work toward the
larger goal of zero tariffs barriers and subsidies let's bring in Wall Street
Journal assistant editorial page editor James Freeman and colonists Kim's Rasul
and Bill McGurn so James before we get to the trade issue I want to talk about
the GDP reports at 1% I was hoping for better expectations but what what do you
make of the as you examine the details of the report is is this is this
sustainable well first of all it is excellent so if the president wants to
call it huge fantastic beautiful he's entitled to and I think all Americans
should celebrate this is really the economy hitting a higher gear and
whether it's sustainable I think there are some interesting elements in there
and that is very strong business investment which suggests higher
productivity in the future higher growth in the future there's also this elements
within it in terms of final sales that suggests this isn't a one-hit wonder for
left-wing economists out there saying it's a sugar high
I think they're gonna be disappointed again well they were telling us that it
was secular stagnation bill that was Harry summers economist Larry Summers
view that said we can't grow much faster so we have to spend a trillion dollars
spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure right because tax reform
and deregulation that wouldn't do it and yet the policies are tax reform and
deregulation are we seeing the payoff i I think certainly we are look it's a
measure of how expectations have risen that I'm disappointed it's 4.1% you know
if you told me two years ago that I'd be disappointed that remember we were kind
of told by so many people that the new normal was 2% or under 2% I think from
2000 to 2015 the economy grew of 1.7% here which is miserable we have certain
liberal commentators in our paper which we publish the heineken blame me for
that who said I do you can't grow faster than 2% right and here we are and I
think we can grow faster than this you know Trump did predict that 4% yeah i
think i think i think you with the right policies i think they have to go a
little farther but you know Trump predicted this in the campaign was
laughed at saying we're gonna hit 3% 4% and maybe 5% Kim let's move to trade
let's talk about the truce here with the European Union what do you make of this
is this and why do you think Trump moved in this direction because you know
everything we heard internally for from from our sources for a long time was he
was dead set on really whacking German cars what changed well you know Paul
actually since we were talking about GDP he said something very interesting in
his press conference about those GDP numbers he said you know look the
economy's done fabulous but wait till we get these trade deals in place and then
it'll be even better which was notable because it is an
acknowledgement by Trump that trade matters to the economy and that if you
but and that the reverse would matter too so he's being told that these trade
fights that are going on are hurting all the good work Republicans have done in
terms of deregulation in taxes and I think that that was what was driving
this also it matter that Yonkers seemed willing to go to a
place that Trump is now pushing zero tariffs and barriers in the short term
it at least has avoided in a major conflict and those tariffs the longer
term that could be a much harder thing to pull off
so you think him that there was a political part of this and that
Republicans presumably in the Senate and the house were telling the president
looked these tariffs and the retaliation from them are really having an impact in
our districts and you need to ease up on this and kind of reset where you are in
the negotiations at least with the EU and I assume NAFTA behind the scenes may
be going the same direction yeah absolutely because by the way when you
impose tariffs as the president has been doing with China and elsewhere those
effects are felt immediately in these people's districts and States and he's
been getting a lot of pushback from the AG sector from different parts of the
manufacturing sector and even from his own economic King saying look we cannot
keep going down this road all right James what do you make of the the trade
agenda going forward and as you look at the GDP numbers did you see any impact
of trade the trade policies in the numbers yeah you saw a nice contribution
from exports so I think that's a nice reminder for everybody the president
included that this is a part of the growth strategy here it should be but
some of that was probably when people think was let's get out ahead of the of
the tariff science sell the soybeans early we may not get that bounce back in
the second or third quarter yeah I'm sure that was part of it but I would
also say that was probably balanced somewhat by the fear of trade fights
discouraging some investment we mentioned now although the capital
investment was terrific outstanding it wasn't quite as good as the first
quarter and I think some of that was maybe people being a little afraid to
pull the trigger on a new factory not knowing how this trade stuff was going
to be resolved but going forward I it is just really striking the way the tone of
these trade discussions has changed starting with a g7 meeting where the
president at the end says how about zero tariffs now it comes up again he's
obviously got the Germans excited about it
now mr. Yonker let's hope that is the discussion how do we low
instead of raised bill briefly is at the Kudlow effect Larry Kyle I don't know
look it's a big deal that we've stepped back you know in this Trump reminds me
of the old met relief pitcher tug mcgraw he'd come in with one on no outs in the
ninth inning and then he had load up the bases and then hit strike next out but
it was terrifying up until the end and so this is this is a good thing that
he's walked a and also I mean I don't agree with the strategy of protectionist
threats to achieve a free-market goal but he isn't looking for protection as
me is looking for zero tariffs since a lower
we hope so all right still ahead the Trump administration putting those
proposed auto tariffs on hold as the US and EU continue negotiations senator
Lamar Alexander on what that news means for the auto industry in Tennessee and
across the country when we come back
in tariffs remain in place and the investigation on autos will continue is
just we won't impose any auto tariffs as long as the negotiations are progressing
properly that was Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross
this week saying he'd continue his section 232 investigation into the
national security threat posed by importing cars trucks and auto parts but
that auto tariffs against the European Union would be put on hold as talks
between the US and the EU continue this is good news for Tennessee senator Lamar
Alexander who introduced a bipartisan bill this week to delay the proposed 25%
penalty and he joins us now senator welcome so usual you cheered the this
truce this week between the United States and the EU why well zero tariffs
is exactly the right policy that's what we did with the North American Free
Trade Agreement we implemented nearly zero tariffs over 15 years and and now
that we've got a policy of where we're going zero tariffs it's time to get rid
of the steel and aluminum tariffs which are driving up the costs of cars and
hurting the 136,000 Tennesseans who work in the automotive industry all right but
you heard the secretary Wilbur Ross say this week that he's still going to go
ahead with these 232 investigations which basically are designed to show
what to ask to answer the question do cars that are imported pose a national
security threat now do you think that BMWs or Nissan's
imported in the United States are at all plausibly a national security threat no
they're not of course they're not that and it's wrong for the president to use
that pretext but you know the bread-and-butter part of this is is this
I mean Tennessee has become in many ways of number one auto state we've got 929
auto parts suppliers 50% of the cars we make here are steel 10% are aluminum so
when the price of steel goes up 40% as it has since January think of what that
does to our economy in Tennessee into the jobs
in Tennessee so we're shooting ourselves in the foot with the tariffs and it's
time to do what the president said this week zero tariffs is the right goal and
the sooner the better well are you hearing from the companies
in Tennessee that in fact their costs are going up where their supply chains
are being disrupted because of the steel and aluminum tariffs of course I am and
and you saw this week that Ford in General Motors and General Motors as a
big plant in Tennessee they announced that they had they were each lost 300
million dollars this year they have to tell that to their stockholders and they
attributed most of that to the tariffs so you know you can't you can't be in a
zero tariffs world which is where the president wants to go and raise the
price of steel forty percent and still make cars and trucks in Tennessee that
are competitive to sell in the United States or export around the world which
we do a lot how many of the cars do you know off the top of your head that are
made in Tennessee and you got a Nissan plant there and they get a Volkswagen
plant Chattanooga and a GM plant Springhill doo-doo-doo how many of those
cars are exported outside the United States well I don't know the exact
number but billions of dollars of cars are exported and billions of parts are
exported the real employment in our state is with the 900-plus
auto parts suppliers and the way you make automobiles you a Nissan Rogue will
go back and forth with its parts to Canada to Mexico and then back to Smyrna
Tennessee before it's finally built that's permits it to be built in a
competitive way at a low cost and sold successfully here and then exported
around the world okay your colleague from Tennessee bob Corker has introduced
a bill with a couple of other colleagues to try to take back some of the
president's authority to use to 232 on that national security definition to
impose tariffs he hasn't been able to get a vote on that be with some of your
colleagues in the Senate why not
well getting a vote on anything's hard in the Senate I'm a co-sponsor Senator
corkers bill but I think the the visits we've had with the president Senator
corkers bill my bill all all the activity that we've had in the Senate to
say that tariffs are shooting ourselves in the foot really shooting ourselves in
both feet we have a trade problem but the way you solve a trade problem is not
to shoot yourself in the foot you find some other way to deal with it so now
that the president has said let's go to zero tariffs which is the same thing
Japan and Europe are doing with each other over a long term right exactly the
same thing we did with the north american free trade agreement let's head
in that direction I think we've had our impact and that suspect will get a vote
as time goes on okay now the president also saying trying to renegotiate NAFTA
what's your advice to the President on NAFTA do you are you saying let's close
this renegotiation as soon as possible so we can have a vote this Congress yes
let's get it let's get it done before September NAFTA has been good for
Tennessee I mean we've doubled the amount of cars
and auto jobs we've had in Tennessee and it's been good for the United States in
my opinion the president disagrees with that fact is we're making about as many
cars in the United States today about 12 million as we did when NAFTA was signed
in 1944 the only difference is we've had about three and a half million jobs
shift not overseas but from the Midwest to Tennessee and other states in the
southeast because of right-to-work laws and because it's more competitive so
BREAKING Boom! U S District Attorney Announcement…Will Pursue TREASON Charges Against OBAMA! - Duration: 11:54.
U.S. District Attorney Announcement…Will Pursue TREASON Charges Against OBAMA!
Since he first stepped into office, President Trump made perfectly clear that the law mustn't
be broken by any of us, and that no one is above it.
He said that one of his first orders of business, when he becomes commander in chief, is to
rearrange many of Obama's orders, including the one signed by him in his last days in
office, removing Dana Boente as second in line for Attorney General.
Dana Boente was bereaved of his position by the Obama administration without any reasonable
But now that we have a new commander in chief, he is coming back and will unleash hell to
all liberals who will attempt to sabotage President Trump in any way.
In the meantime, former President Obama is effortless working with the Deep-State in
order to overthrow Trump through all kinds of riots, which Boente thinks to be a form
of "domestic terrorism."
Obama has obviously made his life goal to fight President Trump and to take the power
away from him with a help from his supporters, giving them orders from his home just 2 miles
away from the White House.
A report by Read Conservative News says:
Lou Dobbs explained during his news program that "Barack Obama, who many claim will
be creating a shadow government to frustrate the policy goals of this administration, we're
looking at something that's coming very close to, it seems to me, sedition."
Facebook has greatly reduced the distribution of our stories in our readers' newsfeeds and
is instead promoting mainstream media sources.
When you share to your friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content.
Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with
friends and family.
Thank you.
Political Expert Weighs In On U.S. Debt, Cohen Tapes, Mayor Garcetti - Duration: 5:37.
good morning beautiful people I am packing for a short road trip to Waterton
National Park which is in southern Alberta should take us about three hours
to get there so that'll be fun with two kids in the car so here we go so this is
what we're taking with us just some clothes and stuff
this is Tessa's adorable if not super creepy suitcase that she loves I just
packed some clothes for the girls there this is our stuff I think we're ready we
only going away for two nights and yeah I'm pretty sure I forgot half of the
stuff Tessa hi are you ready to hit the road why not why not the road would be
hurt ah aren't you a sweetheart sometimes is this
the messiest car you have ever seen whatever anyway so we're ready we even
took does Tessa's hiking backpack so she will go on Oli's back probably and
Anais' bed and like all the crisps and bottles of water we could find got my
big Canon camera because we're gonna take lots of photos because I'm hashtag
instafamous so my mum who is super cool because she's watching my youtube videos
requested more of the children oh gosh yeah here we go our first stop is the
Saskatoon farm I wanted to visit that place it looks so pretty
and it should take us just under an hour to get there driving in Calgary it's
gonna be so long but it's on the way so we're gonna hit that first
you know what Oli and I realised the other day that it's all super fun now to
film all these awesome vlogs and say we're very excited to come here and
there and everyone but in winter it's going to be pretty much like this so hi
guys we haven't left the house this week because it was super cold so we haven't
been anywhere we haven't done anything so if it's something you interested in
please subscribe to our channel like comment whatever you want and we'll see
you again next week it's going to be fun alright in three kilometers we should
get to the Saskatoon farm and it looks so pretty here oh my god you can't
see probably but it's beautiful yeah
I could live here or the next one
okay so selling the house then and moving to the south the fam at the farm
this is so adorable I have no idea what it is but it is beautiful and I love it
and I never want to leave alright cute cute cute oh my god we're moving
Oh my god it smells amazing
so this place was made for weddings I believe not their weddings but oh there's a
jail as well that's not gonna go down well at the wedding but it's just
amazing so this was adorable and we'll definitely be coming back it was amazing
I loved every single minute here but it's time to go and please keep your
fingers crossed that the kids sleep in the car please
it's so beautiful here Oli agreed to go out with me
because you remember hashtag instafamous so we went out and took some pictures
I'll share them with you so follow like comment on my Instagram I mean banger
good morning from our Airbnb we did not have a good night
the kids were crazy so the size of this cup is extremely frustrating for me at
the moment I'll show you our Airbnb quickly once with clean up our act and
get ready to go here is our Airbnb we're staying at this place called pincher
Creek which is just outside Waterton Park
and here it is so there is a kitchen bathroom where Tessa is trying to break
in and Oli's taking a shower he had to sleep on this sofa and I slept
right here in the bedroom with the girls well I'm saying slept Anais slept
here and we brought this bed with us and Tessa slept here with me and she was
scared the whole night there was absolutely nothing to be scared of it's
like the quietest place in the world but yeah there were monsters everywhere for
her so she was kicking me all night and I didn't sleep so today is going to
be super fun because I'm feeling very fresh and here we go
out of the house all good and ready very very early in the morning 8:40 but
we are ready because when we were up at like 5:00 so Waterton park
here we come
so we made it to Waterton and it's
exactly what we needed after the night that we've had it's so peaceful and
adorable and I just can't wait to go and get some coffee cuz I need it
we just bought the tickets to go on this boat to cross the border for the u.s. I
was so excited at one o'clock we'll board the boat and we'll go to the
States for like half an hour it's gonna be so cool
separating in Canada and US and we're heading back to Canada we've been on the US soil
for about six seconds but we did what we wanted to do that reminds me it's time for lunch
Anais calls them doggies I just wanted to tell you super quick but I
have been speaking to somebody from travel Alberta which is an amazing
company promoting tourism in Alberta you should check them out I'll link their
website in the description box and they suggested we go and eat at this place
called Wieners that serve super fresh hot dogs and I'm so excited to try so
this is what we got some regular fries a little one for Tessa smoky for Olli and
myself with some special sauce and deli mustard and coleslaw and for that was
$24 Oli decided to take a short drive to
the US border so we're just going towards the states right now so tired
day 2 we're ready to rock and roll okay Anais your seatbelt your seatbelt
and do you need the Sat Nav or you know where you're going
cool we are about to leave our Airbnb just need to stop by the worst place in
this town no the country no the whole world we're going to Tim Hortons
because I think this is the only coffee shop in Pincher Creek that is open
right now and I hate myself for going there because I loathe they coffee with
passion this is like the worst coffee in the world
I don't understand how people can like it I know so I'm thinking about getting
tea because I need some caffeine in me otherwise it's not gonna be a good day
we ended up and not going to Tim Hortons because I hate it that much and I went for
the next best thing anyway I will find a nice coffee shop right here we could
have potentially stayed at the National Park where we're going now and not stay like 45 minute drive away from
it but we wanted to find an air B&B with two kids staying in a hotel is a little bit
stressful because everybody goes to bed at different times and it's best for
everybody if the kids sleep well even though they didn't very sleep well but anyway at
least they wouldn't wake up the whole floor in a hotel
so we just wanted to make sure that we're kind of left to ourselves and it
was a really good choice for us because our Airbnb is about 45 minute drive to
the National Park and it's such a picturesque drive we really enjoy going
there and back so this is the second time with drive there and it looks amazing
it's so beautiful here Oli and I know actually it's just Oli wanted to
recreate this photo so off we go this is the spot am i right castle at the
Back flowers and stuff yeah we stopped here yesterday and I filmed everything but it
was so windy I didn't realize that it was just too loud there was no sound
just the sound of the wind so we're stopping here again today it's so
Oli and I are so tired after this road trip there's a lot of driving and a lot
of not sleeping but this is our last day and we thought okay we're gonna just
chill and I think we are the best place to do that Oli's playing with Tessa
she's the happiest kid in the world right now that view very Scottish
up there you can see the trees are burnt this is what happened last year from the wildfires yesterday when we were on the boat on that cruise they told us that it is actually a
good thing because if the wildfires don't happened old trees are getting
attacked by parasites and that's really bad for the whole forest so from the
nature point of view wildfires are not so bad they're pretty bad for people
though cause they're so dangerous our last meal from this taco bar in Waterton
seriously I am so excited I don't know if that's because we had a really good
night ish or because we just decided to take it easy today
but we had such a good day definitely coming back here may be next summer
maybe even again this summer there's quite a lot to do in Waterton we found
there are lots of places where you can just walk and we really miss walking
that's not something you do in Calgary you just drive everywhere so going for a
lovely walk by the lake was so pleasant and the girls behaved so well there are
so many places where you could go eat and have a drink
in Waterton and they're all kind of different so there's so much choice we
had a really good meal today at taco bar was so nice and I had a churro
delish and then Oli's just having his waffle from Waffleton also pretty good but
it's just how peaceful and wonderful this place is really makes me want to come
back again soon we are so exhausted so I'm gonna sign
out now
I'm anticipating this vlog to be extremely long so thank you if you
stayed all the way till the end don't forget to like comment in the comment box
and we'll see you again next week
The Emperor of the United States - Duration: 13:17.
In the 1870s, several economic crises came about in parts of the United States and many
Americans lost their jobs.
From this, a movement against Chinese immigrant labor arose throughout the American West,
leading to the creation of the Workingmen's Party organization and an anti-Chinese attitude
in places like San Francisco.
On the afternoon in question, a group of Chinese immigrants find themselves surrounded on the
street by a mob of angry out-of-work Americans, and it appears that a riot is on the verge
of breaking out.
But before the first brick can be thrown or shot fired, a vagrant in a tattered, blue
Army officer's uniform steps between the two parties.
He wears a beaver hat decorated with a large peacock feather, and the only weapons in his
possession are a rusted sabre and a cane, which he uses to walk.
The vagrant is Joshua Abraham Norton - The Emperor of the United States - and before
we continue, you must first learn how it was that he came to power.
Norton was born in London, England on February 4, 1818, but his mother and father soon moved
to South Africa as part of a government-backed colonization scheme.
They worked there for many years as merchants, eventually amassing a small fortune.
After his mother died in 1846, and his father in 1848, Norton inherited their wealth and
sailed west to America, arriving in San Francisco in late 1849.
At the age of 29, and with $40,000 in hand, or, the equivalent of 1.1 million dollars
by today's standards, he opened a business selling mining supplies in an effort to capitalize
on the gold rush.
Though eccentric, Norton was a brilliant businessman, and he soon jumped into real estate, buying
up the land which is now known as Cow Hollow.
Within no time at all, he became one of the most well-respected and wealthy businessmen
in San Francisco.
In December of 1852, Norton struck upon a new business venture: at the time, China was
facing a severe famine, and had responded by placing a ban on the export of rice.
This caused the price of grain in San Francisco, and places all across the Americas to skyrocket
by over 800%.
A business contact tipped Norton off to an incoming ship that supposedly contained the
last haul of Peruvian rice that would be sent to America that year.
Norton decided to corner the rice market, and when the ship arrived to the mainland,
he quickly invested $25,000 into the venture and purchased the entire 200,000 pound shipment.
Norton's dreams of having a monopoly on grain soon vanished, however, when, less than
a week later, two more ships containing Peruvian rice arrived, causing the market price to
plummet to even lower than before the famine had hit China.
Incensed, Norton sued the man who had misled him about the shipment, and after a long and
costly court case, the California Supreme Court ruled against him.
The bank foreclosed on his real estate, and, having lost everything, Norton declared bankruptcy.
At this point in our story, Joshua Abraham Norton fades from the pages of history, vanishing
from public life.
It is commonly believed that, at the loss of his fortune, Norton disappeared after experiencing
a complete mental breakdown.
He would not be heard from again until September 17, 1859 when he walked into the offices of
the San Francisco Bulletin, and demanded the editor publish the following proclamation:
"At the peremptory request of a large majority of the citizens of these United States, I,
Joshua Norton, formerly of Algoa Bay, Cape of Good Hope, and now for the past nine years
and ten months of San Francisco, California, declare and proclaim myself Emperor of these
United States..."
The paper, for whatever reason, decided to humor Norton - and they published the statement
in its entirety.
What may have seemed like a one-off moment of madness took a heightened turn as Norton
soon began making public appearances, dressed in a mixture of Union and Confederate military
regalia, a signature feathered-beaver hat, and a ceremonial saber strapped to his side.
The self-declared Emperor began strolling through the streets of San Francisco, inspecting
the conditions of the sidewalks and cable cars, public buildings, and even ensuring
that police officers made regular patrols to keep the city safe.
He often gathered large crowds together on various corners and launched into lengthy
philosophical expositions on a variety of topics including the state of American politics,
and his plans for the future of his empire.
The public, for what it was worth, ate this persona up.
Within a few months, Emperor Norton had become a local celebrity, and he continued to have
his proclamations and Imperial Decrees published by The Bulletin and other local papers to
the delight of the general public.
On October 12, 1859, he made a decree to formally abolish the United States Congress.
In March of 1860, he issued an imperial decree in which he summoned the Army to depose all
newly-elected officials of the congress.
The Army refused the order.
Hoping to resolve the many disputes that had resulted in the Civil War, Norton issued a
mandate in 1862 that ordered the Roman Catholic Church and all Protestant churches to publicly
ordain him as "Emperor".
On August 12, 1869, fed up with political strife, he declared the complete abolition
of the Democratic and Republican parties.
(Sadly, this order, too, was ignored.)
In 1872, he issued an edict that made it a misdemeanor for anyone to refer to the city
of San Francisco as "Frisco" - and violators would be subject to a fine of $25.
While many of these decrees seem bizarre, Norton occasionally gave orders that would
prove quite prophetic.
He issued instructions for the United States to form a League of Nations, which, a few
decades later, actually happened.
He issued a decree that a suspension bridge be built that would connect San Francisco
to Oakland - an idea that actually became reality on November 12, 1936.
But Norton took his emperorship even further than the occasional newspaper clipping and
public appearance: he would actually write letters to world leaders - and some would
even write back.
In time, Emperor Norton had established real, international relationships.
He even met with Emperor Pedro II of Brazil.
King Kamehameha of Hawaii, toward the end of his life, refused to recognize the U.S.
State Department, saying instead that he would deal only with Emperor Norton.
Locally, Norton excelled at public relations.
He was a beloved public figure, and a constant attendant of the city's churches, theatres,
civic gatherings, and commencements.
Shops soon began selling Emperor Norton merchandise (including dolls, cartoons, postcards, and
cigars) which only caused his popularity to increase.
Soon, he was a living tourist attraction.
Though a vagrant, Norton's celebrity allowed him to enjoy several comforts.
He rented a room in a cheap boarding house for half a dollar a night, he had his own
reserved box seats at several theatres, and restaurants would let him eat for free, knowing
it would bring in customers.
The city gave him a free rail pass and allowed him to use public transportation at no cost
- retail stores would give him free clothing, so they could advertise that *they* outfitted
the Emperor, and most upscale establishments let him in at no charge.
He EVEN printed his own currency - which several business in San Francisco honored.
The outside observer might come to the conclusion that Norton had completely lost his mind - but
through it all, he remained quite the businessman.
He would speak with anyone who wished to meet him - and he made a nice collection of royalties
for every piece of Emperor Norton merchandise that local stores sold.
Despite his reputation as a rogue, unelected and unrecognized world leader, Emperor Norton
only had a single run-in with United States Law Enforcement: In 1867, a policeman named
Armand Barbier arrested him for vagrancy, and then, after a few conversations, further
charged him with lunacy.
Local newspapers immediately wrote scathing editorials informing the public of his imprisonment,
and, during his hearing, outraged citizens poured into the courtroom to protest.
Seeing the massive public backlash led the local police chief Patrick Crowley to release
the Emperor and issue a formal apology on behalf of the entire police force - in fact,
he issued an order for all San Francisco officers from that point forward to salute Emperor
Norton if they passed him in the street.
For his part, Norton granted an "Imperial Pardon" to the man who arrested him.
Whether this was the general public enabling a man suffering from insanity, or simply all
an act by a businessman who knew how to turn a profit, is still hotly debated to this day
- but in the two decades Norton reigned, the truth didn't matter.
Even a man with self-appointed power can have that power if all others are willing to give
it to him.
Which leads us back to the streets of San Francisco sometime in the mid 1870s…
Where Joshua Abraham Norton - The Emperor of the United States, stands between an angry
mob and a group of Chinese immigrants.
The out-of-work men of San Francisco pause their attack at the sight of the emperor.
The men fall silent, and, with their full attention, Joshua Abraham Norton bows his
head and begins to recite the Lord's Prayer.
"Our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom And the power
And the glory, forever.
The Emperor continues to quote scripture over, and over, and over... and after a few minutes,
the mob disperses - the incident ends without injury.
Years later, on the rainy evening of January 8, 1880, Emperor Norton collapsed on the corner
of California Street and Dupont Street (now Grant Avenue) in front of Old St. Mary's Church
while on his way to a lecture at the California Academy of Sciences.
A nearby police officer (who just happened to be on patrol) immediately came to his aid
and requested a carriage to take him to the hospital.
Norton died before the carriage could arrive.
It was soon discovered that Norton, in his final years, lived and died in poverty.
He had five dollars in change in his pocket, and in his room at the boarding house was
a single gold coin worth $2.50, a collection of walking sticks, his saber, a few tattered
hats, a single franc, a collection of Emperor Norton imperial bonds, some telegrams, a few
letters, and 98 shares in a defunct gold mine.
Though he had scarcely enough money to his name for a coffin, several area clubs and
businessmen donated money to give him a proper burial.
The Emperor was laid to rest on a Sunday, two days after his death.
30,000 people lined the streets for his funeral.
A day later, a total eclipse occurred over the city.
And just like that, the light went out in San Francisco.
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Can This Tournament Help Fix US Soccer? - Duration: 6:20.
It's no secret the United States has
a long way to go as a football nation.
When we missed the World Cup in 2010.
The backlash and the outrage was enormous
but so was the call for change.
So much of what we need to fix has to start
at the base of youth development
and so much of what we need to do to improve
can be seen right here.
We're at the inaugural ICC futures
tournament with better days ahead for U.S.
soccer are taking roots.
Eight of the top European academies,
eight MLS academies,
and eight all star teams have convened
in Orlando, Florida.
For a chance to compete
and learn in a truly professional environment.
For any soccer player in the U.S. that aspires
to become a professional ICC Futures
is the opportunity of a lifetime.
It was something we'd been talking about for about
a year and a half to start doing something
on the youth side that would have an impact
and help player development here in the US.
There's 24 teams
and eight groups of three teams.
I wanted to have one team from
each category in each group so we have
a team from Europe.
An MLS team and a All Star Team.
Our players never in their lives
they would think that they would come to something like this.
To play against against a team like that.
It's been a great experience.
We actually got to play against Celtic. That
was a good game kind of a blow
but it's the experience that you want to play against
the best.
But it's not just for the players.
This tournament gives a chance for coaches to learn
from some of the world's best.
Better coaches equals better players
and better environment.
So having an opportunity like this event
to watch some of the best talk some of the coaches
are very important.
These players are very impressionable
and if they're able to see
and sense from some of the best in the world at
this age it gives them targets
and it also allows us to understand where
we are in our process.
It's a good experience knowing how the other team plays
and now we know where we are compared to
Some of the European teams,
we've learned playing against them.
We learn what
they have done right, with the groups and their teams.
want these young players to be
treated like they would if they were professional players
and put them into situations where
they're playing in front of people.
It's being filmed,
their doing interviews they're getting
a feel for what life will be if they
hopefully continue on the path towards
being a professional soccer player.
To make sense of just how big an opportunity
this tournament is for players in the U.S.
we only have to look back a short while.
The academy system in the U.S. is only 10
or 11 years old 2007 right,
that's when it first started?
You imagine a tournament like this 10 20
years ago?
Not in a million years not
and it wasn't even on my radar.
To see something like this
and to see Arsenal here, and to see Chelesea here
and Cletic here.
It's unbelievable.
I'm on my way to watch Illinois Allstars play against
European giant Tottenham Hotspur.
These Illinois players are some of the most talented in the country
and yet many of them can't find a club
or academy that helps them grow in a professional
But now they're about to play against one of the most famous
academies in the world.
And just like that Illinois goes up, just go to show the quality there is
in these All Star teams.
I think the expectation going into the tournament was that the European
teams would dominate especially against the
All Star teams that would struggle a bit.
But it just hasn't been the case.
I think that the difference in quality
isn't as big as we had thought.
Coming into this tournament,
I said okay Arsenal,
Chelsea FC,
these guys are gonna blow these guys away.
It hasn't happened. It hasn't happenend.
Penalty to
Spurs saved by the Illinois
All Star keeper.
After an hour our game still
tied at 1 so we are entering
penalties let's see how the Illinois team can hold up against Spurs.
Illinois falls to Spurs in penalties
but they did take them to the limit.
They showed what they're made of they showed their talent
and it shows what this tournament is about
and how much these players can showcase
themselves on such a big stage.
While ICC Futures is the perfect representation of
what is possible in youth development.
This level of soccer just isn't the norm
yet in this country.
What you think is the big difference
between the European academies
and these American academies
and American teams.
Obviously length of time,
many European academies
have been around for such a long time.
It's a very new concept in the
US and it's going to take a while to catch up.
Many of the coaches I saw in my time
were coaching from an American
football standpoint you are starting
now to see coaches in coach
know from a soccer standpoint which
is a completely different animal altogether.
I think there were some fundamental differences in
terms of possible facilities,
environment in general.
But I do think in those areas that we're making great strides.
Another amazing aspect of this tournament
and possibly the most important is that none of
the teams or players have to pay a dime
to be here.
While so many players are priced out of the game
in this country,
ICC wants to make sure that if you're good enough
you're given an opportunity.
The issue is the cost of
soccer in the US.
Our kids can't afford to be in an academy program because of the cost.
a lot of great talent out there.
We just have to find it
and it's got to be affordable for them.
Some of these academy teams are expensive are to play in
or are maybe not nearby
and so their not able to make that drive
to one of these academies.
We paid for all the travel
and hotels
and food
and Puma provided all the uniforms
and the shoes for all the players on the All-Star
We partnered with Rakuten as well,
and between Rakuten
and Puma they really made this possible.
The idea here
with the All-Star teams is
at the age of 14 there's a lot of kids
now players who are on a pathway
to professional soccer
with the MLS development academies.
But there's also good quality players
in every state who are not playing
at that level and it gives a chance for
those players to be
As You can see ICC Futures is like
nothing we've ever had in this country before.
These players and coaches spent the week in Orlando
competing with some of the most talented U
14 players in the world.
The United States is still growing as a football
nation, but Futures signals a
clear step in the right direction.
In the second part of this two doc series, we're
gonna get into the action
and examine what's happening on the field at
ICC Futures.
Putin: US Making A Huge Mistake For Using Dollar As Political Tool Against Russia - Duration: 4:25.
You have said many times that Russia must reduce its dependence on the US dollar. Russia has recently been selling US treasury bonds, bringing the share in the reserves down to nearly zero.
Is this all you plan to do? Is this a new state policy, or just protection against the potential extension of the sanctions?
Could it be a BRICS country currency, for example the yuan? We know that the Bank of Russia is increasing its share of yuan denominated assets.
If I may, there is one more question I simply have to ask.
Let me answer this question first, and then you can ask your second question.
Russia is not giving up on the dollar, which is a universal reserve currency.
The Euro can also claim this status more or less, but not fully. Therefore, we are well aware of what the dollar represents today.
As for reserve currencies as such, regional ones are already appearing. To a certain extent, the Russian ruble plays this role in the CIS or EAEU countries.
In general, the strength and value of any national currency depends on the strength and value of the economy standing behind it. We must proceed from these fundamental assumptions.
A few words about the dollar again. We must minimise the risks. We are seeing what is happening with the sanctions that are essentially illegal restrictions. We are aware of the risks and are trying to minimise them.
As for the dollar as a reserve currency, we are not alone in talking about this problem, and it is becoming a problem. You are wrong if you think that this is Russia's initiative.
A great number of countries are talking about exactly this – the need to expand the capabilities of global finance and the global economy, and create new reserve currencies.
This will make the global economy and global finance more stable. This is abundantly clear.
As for our American partners and the restrictions that they are introducing, including in those dollar settlements, I believe this is a big strategic mistake on their behalf
because they are thus undermining confidence in the dollar as a reserve currency. This is the bottom line.
Quite recently, just several years ago, it did not occur to anyone that such instruments might be used in political struggle, in political competition.
Everyone proceeded from the premise that politics is politics or as we joke here: "War is war but lunch is still on schedule."
The same should be true here: disputes are disputes, but when it comes to economics, some things are absolutely stable and immutable.
It turned out this was not the case: payment systems are being used as a political argument in political disputes and in settling differences; currency is being used, too.
I believe it is absolutely clear that this is damaging the dollar as the world reserve currency and undermining trust in it – this is what it is all about.
If this were not the case, there would not be a desire on the part of not one but dozens of countries to consider other options.
It is hard to say now what these options are, but the yuan is certainly acquiring such qualities.
I believe that if it becomes freely convertible from an economic standpoint, this process will accelerate. But it has already been added to the IMF basket, so this is nothing special, a natural process.
Let me repeat that the importance of a national currency depends on the significance of the economy behind it.
Again, we are not going to make any abrupt movements. We are not going to give up on the dollar in any way.
We will use it to the extent to which the US financial authorities will not prevent the use of the dollar in settlements.
US soldier war remains 'fake' warning after historic North Korea deal - Duration: 2:12.
N. Korean embassy in China posts pictures of S. Korean, U.S. Presidents - Duration: 0:48.
A bulletin board outside the North Korean embassy in China has posted pictures of the
South Korean and U.S. presidents... in what's likely a diplomatic message.
The board used to have pictures of the summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and
Chinese President Xi Jinping ONLY.
But today, the embassy put up pictures of Kim's summit with President Moon Jae-in and
the one with U.S. President Trump... as well as Kim's meeting in May with the Russian foreign
This bulletin board at the Beijing embassy is used for propaganda.
The change comes as the two Koreas mark the 65th anniversary of their armistice agreement.
Observers say North Korea could be emphasizing that it wants to formally end the Korean War
and its isolation as soon as possible.
A House Has Pure in Form And With Modern Articulation United States, Rowland+Broughton Architecture - Duration: 3:46.
A House Has Pure in Form And With Modern Articulation United States, Rowland+Broughton Architecture
IPOB suit against Nigerian government dismissed by US court - Duration: 2:19.
The suit filed by the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) against the federal government and 15 others seeking millions of dollars compensation has been dismissed by a court in the District of Columbia, United States.
Vanguard reports that the group, through its plaintiff, Godson M Nnaka, had sought the payment of 40% of the $550 million Abacha loot.
we gathers that the chief of Army staff, Lieutenant General Tukur Buratai; director general of Department of State Service (DSS), Lawal Daura; former inspector general of police, Solomon Arase; and his successor, Ibrahim Idris, were the respondents in the suit.
Others respondents were governors of Abia and Anambra states, Okezie Ikpeazu and Willie Obiano.
Alleging rights violation, torture and killing of its members who were on peaceful protest at different times and locations between 2016 and 2017, IPOB had filed the case against the defendants in the US court.
The group had alleged that the respondents conspired and agreed to kill their members in order to crush Biafra and terrorise them. The case was, however, dismissed by the trial judge, Dabney Friedrich, for lack of jurisdiction.
Meanwhile, we previously reported that former governor of Abia state and a business mogul, Orji Uzor Kalu, said the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) held a false opinion about him and advised the separatist movement not to forget their lines so soon.
Kalu was responding to the different statements emanating from the publicity secretary of IPOB, Emma Powerful, and lawyer to the IPOB leader, Ifeanyi Ejiofor, on their reactions to an interview he allegedly granted on Sunday, October 1, 2017.
U.S. Cardinal Theodore McCarrick Resigns Amid Sexual Abuse Allegations - Duration: 5:09.
VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis has accepted U.S. prelate Theodore McCarrick's offer to resign from the College of Cardinals following allegations of sexual abuse, including one involving an 11-year-old boy, and ordered him to conduct a "life of prayer and penance" in a home to be designated by the pontiff until a church trial is held, the Vatican said Saturday
Francis acted swiftly after receiving McCarrick's letter of resignation Friday evening, after recent weeks have brought a spate of allegations that the 88-year-old prelate in the course of his distinguished clerical career had sexually abused both boys and adult seminarians
The revelations posed a test of the pontiff's recently declared resolve to battle what he called a "culture of cover-up" of similar abuse in the Catholic's church's hierarchy
McCarrick had been already removed from public ministry since June 20, pending a full investigation into allegations he fondled a teenager over 40 years ago in New York City
A man, who was 11 at the time of the first alleged instance of abuse, says a sexually abusive relationship continued for two more decades
McCarrick has denied the initial allegation. The prelate rose steadily up the U
S. Church's ranks, from auxiliary bishop in New York City, to bishop in Metuchen, New Jersey, to archbishop of Newark, New Jersey, and then to Archbishop of Washington, D
C., the nation's capital, the city where the papal ambassador to the United States is based
While most of the scandals involving pedophile clergy have involved rank-and-file priests, some cases involved bishops, and there are a few involving cardinals, including a current case in Australia of one of Pope Francis' closest advisers, Cardinal George Pell, who now faces a criminal trial in his homeland
In the case of Scottish Cardinal Keith O'Brien, accused by former seminarians in 2013 of sexual misconduct, Francis only accepted his resignation after the Vatican's top abuse prosecutor conducted a full investigation, two years after the first revelations came out
But the Holy See's announcement about McCarrick said that Francis was taking action, by isolating McCarrick and ordering penance even before "accusations made against him are examined in a regular canonical trial
" In addition, Francis, "ordered his suspension from the exercise of any public ministry," indicating he was approving the measure already in effect since last month
A Catholic University canon law expert, Kurt Martens, noted that this was the first time an order of penance and prayer had been issued before a church trial could take place
Since he is over 80, McCarrick was already no longer eligible to vote in a conclave to elect a pope
But being a "prince of the church," as cardinals are sometimes called, is a top honor of the church, and those elevated to that rank are called upon to advise the pope
Bishops have been implicated in the sexual abuse scandals that have stained the Catholic church's reputation worldwide for decades now, but often for their roles in covering up for pedophile priests by shuffling them from parish to parish and keeping the faithful in the dark about the allegations about clergy whose pastoral duties often bring them into contact with minors
Earlier this month, an Australia bishop became the most senior Roman Catholic cleric to be convicted of covering up child sex abuse
Adelaide Archbishop Philip Wilson was sentenced to 12 months in detention by an Australian court in a landmark case welcomed by some abuse survivors as a strong warning to institutions that fail to protect children
Nicole Winfield contributed to this report. Download MORE: United States Christianity Pope Francis Society And Culture Crime And Justice
BHP investors set for windfall from $15b US assets sale - Duration: 3:33.
BHP shareholders are set for a windfall after the global miner agreed to sell its onshore US oil and gas assets for $US10
8 billion ($14.6 billion).Shares in the global miner rose on Friday morning following announcement of the agreement to sell the US shale oil holdings to British petroleum giant BP for more than analysts had expected
BHP shares were up 67¢, or 1.9 per cent, to $34.31 in late afternoon trade.A subsidiary of oil major BP will pay $US10
5 billion in cash for BHP's Petrohawk Energy Corporation, while a Merit Energy Company unit will buy BHP Billiton Petroleum (Arkansas) Inc and BHP Billiton Petroleum (Fayetteville) LLC for $US300 million
Chief executive Andrew Mackenzie expects the net proceeds from the deals will be returned to shareholders
"With net debt currently toward the lower end of our target range of $US10 billion to $US15 billion
we expect to return the net proceeds from the transactions to shareholders," he said
"We will confirm how, and when, at the time of completion of the transactions."BHP expects to record a one-off post-tax charge of about $US2
8 billion in its full-year results on account of the deals.Under previous boss Marius Kloppers, BHP invested heavily in the oil industry in the US and had paid $US20
6 billion on two acquisitions in 2011.The price of oil was then at the top of the market, selling for around $US120 a barrel, before plunging to about $US30 a barrel in 2016
Mr Mackenzie conceded losses in 2016 and announced BHP would retreat from their investments in the US
"Oil and gas markets have been significantly weaker than the industry expected," Mr Mackenzie said at the time
Taliban 'in peace talks' with US in Afghanistan - Duration: 1:41.
This week's meeting with Alice Wells, the US's top diplomat for South Asia, was an attempt to jump-start talks on ending Washington's longest military engagement, a senior Taliban official said
US officials neither confirmed nor denied a meeting took place but would mark a significant development in ending the country's protracted war
Ms Wells was in Doha, the Qatar capital, this week. The State Department said only that Ms Wells had been in Doha, had met with the ruling family and "the United States is exploring all avenues to advance a peace process in close consultation with the Afghan Government"
The Taliban have long demanded direct talks with Washington. "The discussion was preliminary, initial and both discussed a future meeting and contacts," said the official on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media
It wasn't clear when the next meeting would be held or with whom, but he was certain one would be held
There are about 15,000 US and NATO troops still in Afghanistan.
Man walks United States perimeter to raise money for homeless vets - Duration: 3:21.
VIDEO: U.S. Soccer Federation wants to talk to Hope Solo - Duration: 1:47.
New theory on what really happened to US student Otto Warmbier in North Korea - Duration: 4:53.
</form> A US student who spent more than a year in a North Korean prison may have attempted to take his own life, it is claimed
Otto Warmbier was finally released by the secretive state in June last year, but died shortly after his return to the United States
The 22-year-old's death sparked huge tensions between the US and the Kim Jong-un regime, amid claims that Otto had been physically tortured
His parents have launched legal action against North Korea, saying their son was brutally beaten while he was incarcerated
But experts have questioned whether this was the case, and a lengthy investigation by writer Doug Clark has ruled that Otto may have attempted suicide
The theory claims the alleged attempt could have caused permanent brain damage which contributed to his death
North Korea has maintained that the US student, who was given a 15 year prison sentence for stealing a propaganda poster, suffered from a brain condition called botulism which is often linked to food poisoning
But medical examinations have found this was not the case. Writing in GQ , Mr Clark said experts he had spoken to had suggested Otto may have suffered from an allergic reaction, or deliberately attempted to end his own life
He wrote: "The likelihood that his brain damage happened immediately after the sentencing, however, raises the possibility that he may have attempted suicide
"Imagine what Otto must have been feeling after hearing that he would spend the next 15 years laboring in what he probably imagined to be a gulag
" Medics in North Korea told US officials that Otto had been admitted to hospital with brain damage a year before his death
In the same article, a negotiator involved in discussions to free Otto claimed that efforts to get in touch with Donald Trump after his election had been thwarted
Mickey Bergman said that in the period between Trump's election and his inauguration, he had attempted to contact the President-elect through allies Rudy Giuliani, Mike Pence and Trump's daughter Ivanka
Bergman said: "I don't think it ever crossed his desk, because I think he would have actually liked it
" Otto's parents have announced their intention to sue North Korea over their son's death in 2017 following his release from captivity there
According to a wrongful death lawsuit, Fred and Cindy Warmbier say their son was "brutally tortured and murdered
" The suit was filed in US District Court at a diplomatically delicate time, weeks ahead of an expected meeting between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump
Kim and South Korean President Moon Jae-in also are set to meet on Friday. "Otto was taken hostage, kept as a prisoner for political purposes, used as a pawn and singled out for exceptionally harsh and brutal treatment by Kim Jong Un," his father Fred said in a statement
He died a few days later, and an Ohio coroner said the cause was lack of oxygen and blood to the brain
North Korea blamed botulism and ingestion of a sleeping pill and dismissed torture claims
The coroner who examined Warmbier said he found no sign of botulism. The suit seeks unspecified damages for personal injury
"North Korea, which is a rogue regime, took Otto hostage for its own wrongful ends and brutally tortured and murdered him," the lawsuit said
A representative of the North Korean mission to the United Nations in New York was not immediately available to comment
Richard Cullen, a family attorney, declined to comment about the suit beyond Fred Warmbier's statement
Otto Warmbier, a student at the University of Virginia, was traveling in North Korea with a tour group, and was arrested at Pyongyang airport as he was about to leave
He was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor for trying to steal an item bearing a propaganda slogan from his hotel, North Korea state media said
The filing says Warmbier falsely confessed to invented charges that he was acting as a spy connected to the Central Intelligence Agency
US report: 'Natalie Wood beaten to a pulp' before death - Duration: 4:21.
One of Hollywood's greatest mysteries has just taken an unexpected and unpleasant twist, with a top-selling US publication making disturbing allegations about actress Natalie Wood's passing
An LA homicide detective has outrageously told the National Enquirer that Wood was "beaten to a pulp" before she was allegedly thrown unconscious off a boat and into the sea to drown
In the 37 years since the West Side Story actor's death, various theories have surrounded the mysterious circumstances in which the star died, including that she simply fell overboard after a boozy night at sea
Accidental drowning remains the most likely explanation in the minds of most mainstream investigators, and despite years of innuendo and baseless gossip, no one has ever been charged
However L.A. County Sherrif's Department Det. Ralph Hernandez tells the Enquirer that Natalie's autopsy report said she had been "the victim of an assault," before drowning on November 29 1981
"As soon as we looked at the autopsy report and photos, the bruises on her body just stood out," he claimed
"We have a lot of evidence that tends to point to a very suspicious death and would certainly indicate the possibility of foul play
"This is the first time that investigators have publicly claimed that the Splendor in the Grass star was beaten
In the past, the state of the star's body was attributed to her apparent accidental fall
Giving some insight in the star's situation before her death, Natalie's sister, Lana Wood has made claims that the star was on the verge of dumping her husband Robert Wagner before her death
"I think Natalie was reall done with the marriage – I really do," she states."There were too many things
The continual fights. The sudden push Natalie wanted towards her career. Her feeling that the kids were old enough and had enough of a basis where she can go off to work
"There is also jealousy involved. It's particularly difficult for a man to have a wife that is doing better
" Robert Wagner has always strongly denied innuendo that he had anything to do with his wife's mysterious death, and no charges have been placed against him
Wagner has yet to comment on the Enquirer's latest round of outrageous allegations
Natalie Wood Wrote a Memoir Before Her Death, Sister Reveals
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