Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 7, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jul 27 2018

Insurance has become such a nightmare of a process to get done.

Did you know that there are seven steps that need to be completed before you actually even

get to application stage?

Having helped thousands of people with insurance applications over time, it's very rare that

we get to the end of the process and everybody feels super excited.

In this video, I'm gonna share with you the seven steps that need to get done as well

as some tips for making sure that things are easier for you, helping you to get this sometimes

nightmarish task off your list and completed in the most pain-free and effective way. Stay tuned.

In an earlier video, I'll include the links to, I spoke about Darius's article about procrastination.

And in that same article, he talked about the motivation that we had to get tasks done

when we decided that we're gonna do it.

This diagram shows that at the start of a task, we're so motivated to be productive

and get that task done, but as the task progresses, we get to a point where our productivity drops

and our motivation to get that task complete falls away, almost altogether.

Unfortunately, the insurance process is a bit of a nightmare and takes a really long


So, all good intentions start off at high productivity levels, high motivation to get

things done, but by the time you've gone through the whole process, your motivation and your

energy required to get that job done has really dropped and tapered off quite dramatically.

There are actually seven steps that need to happen before you even get to a stage where

you can submit an application when you go through the process with an advisor, which

to me, indicates that this time required is so much bigger than what most people think.

The ease of their advertisements on TV for no questions asked, application in minutes,

all those sorts of things, are really quite real when you take this into consideration

of how long things actually take to get done when you go through the channel of seeking

help from an advisor.

So here are the seven steps that I believe need to get done before you even get to the

application stage.

Step number one is that you need to actually connect with the decision to get the insurance

in the first place.

So, we spoke about that internal motivation before.

You need to have a powerful drive and a powerful reason for getting insurances sorted out in

the first place.

That might be buying a house, getting investment property, starting a family; these are the

big triggers that I see as the major reason that people contact me in the first place.

Secondly, you're then tasked with the job of finding the person to work with, so you

need to start doing some research, you need to ask friends and family for referrals, you

need to look into them online.

You also need to educate yourself on what questions to ask so you know what to expect

when you go into that first meeting.

Once you've picked that appropriate person, the third thing you need to do is you need

to meet with that person and then share your personal story, and go through the process

of giving them all the information that they need to help you with your journey to get


From there, you're often asked to gather all the information that you'll need, so that's

statements from your current providers, superannuation statements, driver's licences, signing forms,

all that sort of thing which you're required to do to get the information across to the

person you've asked to help you out, so that they can further assist you with what they

need to do.

From there, all the hard work from you're end has really been done, so the fifth thing

that needs to happen is you need to wait for that person to then go and do the legwork,

to research your current providers, to also come back to you with a gap analysis based

on the information that you've provided them, do the quotes and processing, and all that

sort of thing, and put together that report to go through together with you.

You then sixth, need to sit down with them and go through that together and listen to

how they've justified the numbers and where the pricing comes from and the structure that's

been set up and all that sort of thing, and go through that whole process.

And then finally number seven, you need to actually digest all that information, come

back with alternates, make sure that the scenario and the strategy that's been put forward and

decided upon actually suits you.

So you can see that the seven steps that are required, and we haven't even got to the stage

where we submit an application.

Going back to that original diagram, you can see that, with even the best intentions, at

the start our motivation might of been really high, and we might of connected it 100% with

the fact that we're starting a family and all those sorts of things, but now we've gone

through seven steps, and potentially weeks, of back and forward, and chasing and talking

about it.

It's actually difficult to remember why we started in the first place.

I'm a massive believer in getting the right advice, and I do believe speaking to someone

who does this day in day out's the right move.

The reason I say that is that there's other people that have done this before and perhaps

seen things that you might not of thought about yourself.

For me, I'm super passionate about trying to make those seven steps are smooth and as

pain-free as possible, but unfortunately they need to be followed.

So here's three tips for you that I have to make this process as easy and simple as possible.

The first piece of advice I have is once you've decided that you've got that internal motivation,

is to chunk down the task that you need to get done.

I use an online tool called Asana, for everything in my life, from running the business to personal

tasks, all that sort of thing.

So if you're looking at those sorts of things, Asana, Trello, all those sorts of things are

really, really good for this.

But an old school way of doing it such as a diary or your calendar will work equally

as well.

I believe with the seven tasks there's three key areas that need to be focused on and three

ways to chunk this down even further.

The first chunk of time that you need to set aside is to look at the first two tasks on

that list.

That's number one, connecting with the internal motivation required to get this done, and

number two, doing the research into the person that you're gonna work with.

Put some time aside to do some research into what you're looking for, so that's gonna be

asking friends for referrals, who they've used in the past, going onto LinkedIn, going

onto their website, Googling things through Finder, doing as much research as you possibly

can, so that when you do eventually meet with people, you've got the right questions to

ask that person in that first meeting.

Once you've done that, the second chunk of time needs to come down to that meeting itself.

And things that you can do to be more prepared for that are having the statements that you

have for your super funds, for your insurance providers, bank statements, all that sort

of thing handy, so that you're ready to go with all that information.

Then you can also put aside some time after the meeting to get all the required follow

up that that person might request from you as well.

Once you've got all that information across, it really is on the other person that you've

met with to come back to you with what they believe you need.

So the third chunk of time that you need to set aside is for reviewing their recommendations

and also asking questions and having that plan further tailored based on the questions

that you've now learned that are more relevant to your personal situation.

Unfortunately as advisors, we have this ridiculously lengthy process that we have to follow, but

without understanding of the time frames that it takes to get done, it's often misunderstood

that it's us taking our time for the sake of it.

For me, chunking this down into smaller bite size pieces, not only keeps you motivated,

but gives us an understanding of where we are on that journey.

My goal is that for anyone that's looking to get insurance, the process should be as

simple as possible and by the time that you have the insurance cover in place, you actually

feel like you've got what you wanted out of it.

You've connected with the internal motivation, you've go the outcome that you desired, and

you can move on and just get on with your life.

We've got a number of ways for making this easier for people and there's some super interesting

technologies that are around for collecting information and all that sort of thing too.

If you wanna put in the comments below, interested, I can flick you a couple of things that we're

using to try and help make this process a lot easier.

I understand that getting insurances sorted out is a bit of a nightmare and not the most

exciting thing that you'll do in a year.

Hopefully, by giving you the seven steps that I think are really important in the lead up

to an application, you'll be able to set aside the appropriate amount of time that you need

to do to chunk this down into achievable goals so that you don't feel that you're again failing

to get this done or you don't understand what steps are involved to get this sorted out.

In addition to this, I hope that the tips that I provided by chunking it down and some

of the strategies that I use to get these goals done for people, really do help you as well.

For more infomation >> WHAT DO I NEED TO DO BEFORE APPLYING FOR INSURANCE??? (2018) - Duration: 8:21.


What do I need to conquer my dreams? Tarot Reading by Alejandro Jodorowsky for Javier - Duration: 14:35.

As a thank to you

for collaborating

in the realization of our film Poesia Sin Fin

I will read the tarot for you

Javier Domenichini

you're 32 years old

and a very intense question


what do I miss

to achieve my dreams

to realize

all what I want

I don't know what from life

how do I get free from fear

and uncertainty


do I have to fight

or do I have to wait

so I'm totally confused

what should I do

what a responsability you give me

my dear Javier

I will do my best to answer to you

you gave me three numbers

the number 1

the magician in spanish

the number 9

the hermit

and the number 20

the judgment

this is what you sent

each card hides something

two cards

I would say of doubts

one card is the answer

the number 1

the magician

has everything

in front of him

a lot of things

he has the strenght

that is a rod to

move the force of something

a material realization


he's looking for a public

he's trying

to do something

he has an endless idea

in his mind

he feels weak in a certain way

since you ask what to do

but under the number 1

there's the number 11 another vision

of yourself

it's the strenght

your strenght

that you don't see

ultimately all your doubts

come from your blindness

that means

you don't see your value

you think you have to conquer them

and there you are

the other doubt you have is the hermit

withdrawing from the world

as the magician that has to act

do I fight do I act

not being sure if you can

not being sure of my own strenght

of my sexual strenght

not in a pornographic meaning

or ejaculations

or about seduction

but in the creative meaning

creativity comes from sex

the artistic activity

the energy to act all of this

and you have a great strenght

but you don't dare to see it

well this is

a man

and your strenght

has to do with your feminine side

it's huge

this is what you don't see


I withdraw from the world

because the hermit withdraws from the world

he has his own light

for himself

his main


is himself

and not to share

he wants to realize in himself withdrawing from the world

well you doubt about this

it's a desire

that you have

the one to withdraw from the world

because of cowardice

to see the card underneath

that is the sun

9 - 19

and the sun is all the opposite

you have a light

to share

I don't know why I'm thinking

about homosexuality

maybe I'm wrong

but here I see

two similar archetypes

brothers lovers whatever you want

or the spirit and the body

a separation

but you have a light to share

a big one

that you retain

and now the third card is the solution

it suggests to create

a collaboration

between a man and a woman

to create a work

and to obey

to the inner self

the inner self

that is inspired

a creation

you see the result you want to get

what you want to achieve

ultimately is the human couple

this is what you want to get

but what happens here in reality

you don't want this couple

because one side of the couple


towards the incarnation

the other part of the couple

goes towards the spiritualization

look, nothing more..

here you have the incarnation in the woman

the spiritualization is the man

and the project here

here you can see it clearly

it's a sphinx

at the basis of the psychoanalysis Freud

studied the greek tragedy

he studied the drama of oedipus

that kills his father

marries his mother

and has children with his mother

the oedipus complex

so you still didn't solve it

I don't criticize you dear javier

I'm trying to lead you

between your impulses and your doubts

because you're already 32

adolescence is over and you have

to face

to face what you really

what you really are

you're dual

an androgynous

you're an androgynous

with masculine strenght

and feminine strenght

you're asking to your strenght

to your loneliness

to your individuality

to your selfishness


in reality

your feminine strenght is totally solar

you're repressing a huge energy

you're repressing a huge energy

well you have to see clearly

that you have a difficulty

in doing the union

and the couple

because you don't know

what is the couple that you want

you can't see it

this is what the numbers you chose says

but let's see what is the advice of the tarot

the tarot advice

one...two, three, four

five, six, seven, eight

nine...22, 21,


let's see what the chance says

the number 8 the justice

the number 9 the world

and the 10..

and the twenty

the 3


your nature

accoding to the tarot

althought it may seem strange to you

maybe you're

a big macho very strong

with ten thousand lovers I don't know

but what is showed here

is that first of all

you have the perfect woman in you

the perfect woman

that cuts

the useless

she cuts the self-concept

with all you have in your mind

with all you force yourself to be

not being it

and you balance yourself

and she says

look at your material reality

give to you what you deserve

deliver yourself to what you are

says this woman

and this other feminine side

that is your soul

your soul

you said...

(I'm looking for this card)

take a good look at this card

this is the card you felt it defines you

he has a stick in his hand

but in reality

the one who has the stick

is not a novice a researcher

it's your soul

it's not your ego who has the stick

your soul has this stick

your feminine soul

and here you have a coin

something active

of exchange

with the others

and here you have the symbol of the reception

to be able to receive

to know how to be possessed by love

to surrender to love

here you have it in your soul

and your soul is complete your soul is beautiful

it's the card of the world

so all the questions about masculinity

and feminity

are outside

what really matters

is the perfection of your soul

it's a happy and creative soul

she's dancing


it's a truth

and here you meet yourself again

with the realization of the empress

of the empress

that is pregnant

she has a project

and she has the capacity to do it

but she doesn't look at herself

she doesn't see herself

thesis antithesis synthesis

that means that

two parts of you

the receptive one

and the active one

don't collaborate

if you collaborate

you will find yourself

you will find your soul

the being that you really are

all the doubts you have

in your question

your fears your nightmares

your indecision

not knowing what to choose

not knowing if to act or not

here you see clearly that

the fear is to accept yourself

you're afraid of knowing

the stunning being that you are

as you are

there's a strong influence of the mother

mother earth

and you resist to it

but I will give you

a very easy psychomagic tip

please it's easy

dress like a woman

go and walk in the street

saying I'm a woman

not trying to be a woman because you're an androgynous

the alchemic androgynous

but develop the part of you

that is enclosed in you

develop the artistic feminity you have

that is so big

and dress like a woman

go in the streets and

ask yourself

where do I want to go

and you will answer yourself

and you will go where you have to go

and you will meet the ones you have to meet

if you understand what I'm saying

you will go where you have to go

and you will meet the ones

you have to meet

the person to create your couple

a sincere one

I wish you a lot of happiness

being yourself

thank you very much

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