Hi I'm Corbin from KarateMart
and I'm Ian
also from KarateMart.
today, we're talking about
the Polycarbonate LED Bo Staff
Why are you so dark?
Uh...because we're in a darkened room
we're actually in the warehouse right now.
we've turned the lights off.
But, you know, there's still some emergency lights on
so that we can still see
But it makes the staffs a little bit more dramatic,
Well, we have them in our hands right now.
I don't know if you noticed.
Let's go ahead and turn these babies on
the way these work is
they've got a light that comes out of each end
and you press the button
turn one side on,
but look at me turn the other side on
There it's full brightness.
three AAA batteries in each side
we've gone ahead and included the alkaline ones
in the package.
So that'll last hours and hours
AAA batteries: widely available on the consumer market
so they come in three sizes.
Four foot, five foot, and six foot
and then there's two colors that you can get
you can either get blue or red
Good guy. Bad guy.
Fun fact: the guy in red
wins more often in martial arts bouts.
Oh, does he? Yeah.
well that's not gonna be the case today
Oh, are we gonna fight?
No, I don't think we're fighting.
Oh, good block!
I was gonna hit your gut.
soft target.
You gotta hold it like, like this
These things are polycarbonate. Yeah
which is incredibly strong.
They're very strong
we experimented with some other kind of clear plastic materials.
Acrylic shutters
it shatters like glass.
If you swing this as hard as you can
Against something-- Like steel?
Like steel or the ground or something like that.
All it does: you might dent it a little bit.
I got a steel bo staff.
Oh, you got a steel bo staff right there,
alright so let's hit these things
okay so we're gonna do this
One, two.
One, two.
Ok we're--God, we're terrible at this.
Hold it out straight
and let me just give it a like a whack like this.
This is good. I feel pretty good about this
Has it damaged it at all?
Maybe a couple...Maybe a little--
Dings, right? A scuff here or there.
That's it.
This is too good.
Are you sure customers
can handle something that powerful?
if anybody can handle something this powerful
it's our customers
so basically, what we're saying here
is these guys are pretty tough.
The polycarbonate itself is nearly indestructible
these are really good for costumes and cosplay.
If you wanna go to like some sort of convention
and be a ninja
or jedi ninja
You'll be a FORCE to be reckoned with.
And here's the thing, too, with this room that we're in
these things are actually really bright.
It seems darker than it is
just because the way the camera is
and this room behind us is really big with the lights shut off
As far as, like what's around me here
this is like a comfortable night scene.
These look better in the dark than in broad daylight
noon on a Tuesday with clear skies
probably not that impressive
On a Saturday
with a new moon
under the stars
with the energy sword staff
very impressive
Or Halloween
Or any park.
A dojo with not all the lights turned on.
Oh yeah!
You could do some sort of, like, martial arts tournament
if you dim the lights and put on some kickin' music
Oh my gosh.
We would demonstrate,
but Ian threw out his back.
[Ian] It's been stru ggle.
He hurt his back when he was tossing his gym membership away
[upbeat music].
These are pretty cool.
So this is up on our site, KarateMart.com
There's probably links in the description
You can check it out
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[Corbin] Look at him go.
"Look at him go." I have terrible bo staff technique.
I can tell even in the dark that you've got really bad form.
[music stops]
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