Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 7, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jul 26 2018

linked horizon is coming back! So what's up guys Foxen here ! Even after my

breakdown for the new Attack on Titan season 3 opening it still seems people

are mixed on it! If you're not a fan and even if you were perhaps this so cheer

you up. Linked horizon is coming back to do the ending the ending for season 3

Hopefully that shows up on the second episode. To be fair this is not

officially confirmed just yet the one that's leaking this information is from

younko productions. Younko revealed link horizon coming back and the name of

the song the name is Requiem Der Morgenröte and yes I don't speak

German so I'm sure I butched that! Although the Japanese name is also here

a literal translation too this is akatsuki's resurrection oh let the

Naruto references begin. An official translation to this name may be closed

through to requiem of the dawn. By the way how excited are you to hear linked

Horizon coming back? And I can already hear it now people are gonna say they

just swapped the ending and the opening which may or may not be too far from the

truth. I'm pretty sure X-Japan would have never agreed to do a song if they heard

they were only doing the ending and who knows X Japan may be doing the ending

for the second arc and let's talk about that. Nothing official but I would be

really surprised if linked horizon isn't doing the opening for the second arc the

beast Titan arc. I think their style will definitely fit what's coming. On the

topic of the beast titan arc I'm still getting questions about how long season

3 exactly is going to be. If that opening Aaron scene didn't already give it away

some official information is actually out now which is the blu-ray and DVD

information straight out from the official attack on Titan website you

have this so far they have seven blu-rays confirmed. Botably only the

first four right now have confirmed three episodes each so twelve episodes

or the uprising arc that leaves three blu-rays for the upcoming beast Titan

arc so at the very least attack on Titan season 3 will be 21 episodes however

most likely it'll be 24 in other words the last day blu-ray should have 4

episodes each which is something similar to a day for a taconite in season 1

usually the first few blu-rays contain less episodes but they have all this

bonus content attack on Han in season 3 will cover two arcs the uprising arc and

the beast hide an arc and it should be 24 episodes at the very

least blu-rays confirmed 21 episodes this does mean that a katana season 3

will go up until early 2019 that's assuming they take a week break or do a

recap episode which is very very likely so hopefully that kills any remaining

doubt but anyway let me hear from you guys question of the day are you excited

to find out linked horizon coming back for the ending and would anyone here

place money on them doing the opening for the beast Titan Ark oh so who's

excited to have attack on Titan until 2019

but anyway definitely give it a colossal thumbs up and subscribe if you're new

here I put out five plus anime videos here every week go ahead and check out

my recent breakdown on the new attack on Titan season 3 opening especially if

you're not a fan of it if you're also wondering who exactly this Kenny guy is

definitely check out my full spoiler video on him so definitely subscribe for

more content and I'll see you guys later

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